They put a 3080Ti in this!?

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you guys remember that little Intel Nook thing I took a look at the 12th gen I was like ah can it play Modern Warfare 2 and you guys were like yeah Modern Warfare 2 will run on a potato it doesn't matter it's a little thing whatever well intel was like fine you want a bigger thing here's a bigger package for you ndxe canvas monitors feature more of what Gamers want the canvas 1440p QHD offers 165 Hertz refresh rate for the perfect balance between performance and resolution while the 1080p full HD canvas delivers 240 hertz for a Competitive Edge both versions feature AMD freesync Premium One millisecond response time and OSD settings via cam allowing for specific settings between games to see the complete list of canvas monitors and monitor mounts from NZXT follow the link in the description below so this is actually an Intel uh Nook Bare Bones kit so you're going to have to add your own Ram your own storage your own graphics and memory but what it will come previously it's like a Pelican case I'll show you guys here in a second oh fast just got faster so if you guys don't know what a Bare Bones is basically it provides a chassis a motherboard a CPU and a power supply that's like pre-configured and wired a perfect example of like another Bare Bones um MSI made some Bare Bones back in the day the H1 is almost kind of like a Bare Bones it just has a built-in cooler for it but this is where you finish outfitting it what do I feel like I just got some sort of like a crepe drop in a game so much power in there it's bulging look at this is bulging out can you see the Bulge on camera non-climactic right there oh okay does it only do it what [Music] it's like a Hallmark card I'm sure everyone watching would love to get a Hallmark card that includes a computer inside of it you know okay there's our power cable oh we got here oh it's a SATA adapter so you can see how these are very small short links of cable because again this is a small form factor PC believe it or not mounting screws and stuff for m.2s and extra chassis screws for mounting like uh regular hard drives and such it's not that big okay so every single side of this chassis with the exception of the very front is ventilation so obviously it's going to need it because of the amount of Hardware that's in here now speaking of hardware it comes with a 13900k the rest of it you have to put in so the one they pre-configured here was kind of showing like a hey best case scenario here's what you can fit in there so ours has a 3080 TI in there 32 gigs of ddr5 4800 megahertz Kingston Fury a one terabyte Kingston Fury Gen 4 nvme SSD I wish it was a bigger one but that's okay just press sample as I sort of tear into this the top has a thumb it has spring-loaded captive screw two USB 3.0 is a USBC Thunderbolt I'm assuming is it's Intel and then your audio cable there we go so here's our panelage and those I believe are magnets right here on the side yeah it's just a 13900k but it's very similar to like a motherboard layout almost you can see you have this sort of a spinning down fire fan that that pulls air in and then it's an exhausted at the top through this heat sink this way we do have plenty of case ventilation these are actually Foxconn fans I've never seen Foxconn branded fans but that's what these are right here and this is awesome because it's going to pull air out of the chassis and considering the fact that we have an axial fan uh cooler in here for the 3080 TI there's gonna be a lot of heat that needs to be dissipated the ram is so dim so as you can see it's sort of an adapted uh kind of a almost like a motherboard laptop motherboard but it has a traditional like I O deal in the back but you can see just how small it is back there Usual Suspects a dual Nick on here Does it show the speeds on the Nick uh 2.5 g and a 10g it's got a 10g Nick built in here it's quite a chunker to be honest so this right here looks like where we can add some storage so here here's a tray that you can pop out and put a two and a half inch Drive probably even two on there if you use oh yeah you can pump them side by side there and there for SATA drives you can see here this is where they've sort of done some cable management and stuck the wires just back behind there remember this will all be empty in your unit simply because of the fact that um it doesn't come with a graphics card here's our power supplier here which appears to be it's oh yeah it is an sfx you can see right here there's a shroud to help Force airflow through the CPU heatsink if I shine my light through there you'll see it does actually flow all the way through there out the back of the case so that's really well thought out this guy right here lines up with the flow through exhaust on the 3080 TI so there is a pretty decent amount of thought put into this so this is just a super tiny motherboard that is just adapted to fit a 1300k which by the way this is not a very massive cooler for a 13 900k I just want to point that out there now that I've had one dead mouse battery later uh went through all of Windows invasive advertising installation malware OS installs uh and finalization it's now up and running I've installed the Nook experience software or the Nyx Studio software whatever they call it the NSS what's really annoying is the startup motor for this particular fan and by the way this this fan right here cools this top heat sink um that's attached to this Vapor chamber and then this Vapor chamber cooler is cooled by the rear fan on the top so this cooler fan and this top fan are tied together now I will do temperature testing without touching any of the stuff and then I will see how we can dial it in but what I this device is not supported the irony all right so it's all installed now um I mean full fairness Intel it does stay in the readme and stuff that this is an early version of the software which is why we had to do some Standalone installs of pieces of the software to make it all work and and whatnot anyway here it is so here's your 4rgb headers that you have control of right now nothing's hooked up to those headers there's no lighting installed with this by default we do have fan control which is awesome we also have our little performance uh doohickey here that will show us like for instance 43c on our discrete gpus what dgpus so that's just sitting here and that's because as you can see there are zero RPM right now and so is the CPU you can see the CPU is also at zero RPM so I prefer not to leave that zero RPM let me tell you why this particular fan when it starts up the one on the on the heatsink right here it makes kind of like a like a grindy sound as the motor starts and it's not like a it's just the way the motor is it's not like there's anything impacting it or whatever it's loud that's 100 sound like that's a lot of air though holy crap we I can't make it go down [Applause] okay so if I want to control the uh fans at least for the tough 3080 I would have to install like a MSI afterburner or something so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna get all that software set up I'm gonna get the panels put back on and then we're going to do some temperature testing in cinebench for the CPU specifically and then we will do some like Port Royal looping or something to see how the GPU copes with uh the temp okay so we're gonna start with cinebench R23 3900k we do know the desktop variant uh with you know full cooler 360 i o the whole deal scores a little under 39 000. it's like a 38 600 or so is roughly where they land so I want to see what is our current boost clocks and such uh because I'm curious as to how much they've really had to pull this thing back now if we look at the Nook performance here we are only allowed 150 watts I'd say only remember it is a 253 watt part so if we were to move to Max performance it's hard to see it goes from 150 watt to 160 Watts so we get 10 extra Watts that's it so I'm gonna go back to balance because that's the way it ships out of the box and we'll see how it changes with some of this performance modes and stuff let's just start it up let's see what happens 88 84c 88c 89. well it's actually not bad and the fans 4.3 gigs all core so it is quite a bit down it's about shoot it's about a gigahertz lower than you would get with a desktop build part that's a 35 367. okay so we are leaving about 10 percent on the table of performance but you know what though given the form factor and the size of this PCB and the size of this cooler it's actually not it's better this is better than I expected it to be these single runs are not enough to really saturate coolers so the next thing I'm gonna have to do oh there's 92. 93 95 96. 97 98 2 oh yeah we dropped all the way down 3.85 gigs right there so that score is gonna be much lower 33 0785 yeah so we definitely have a saturation which would be expected now cinebench R23 is a very difficult instruction set to run uh the AVX instruction sets it's it's known to pound CPUs that's why we use it it's above and beyond the typical use case what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and let this run in a loop mode for a few minutes I want to keep an eye on the temperatures the fans are still extremely low like I feel like if this now they're ramping up I feel like if the ramp of the fans came on a little bit more aggressive up front we might not take as much of a performance hit I think most people would err on rather having it be a little bit louder and bring the temps down and keep the performance up then airing on the acoustic side of things but that's a balance I didn't tell us to try and figure out out of the box ironically that is what the mode is called for these fans balanced they have to reduce the clocks to keep everything under control so that last run was a thirty two thousand four sixty five so as you can see we've dropped three thousand points since our first run but we're now running at 75c at 3.72 gigahertz now that's a very slow clock speed from where we could be it's about a gig and a half down 31 600 or so is about where it is landing um ironically that's only a little bit above a 12 900k I'm going to leave the performance mode where it's at and I'm going to go into uh the fan control and I'm now going to put all of the fans on cool yeah see that score right there was a 34844 28 seconds that's all we get before it drops and we that's maxed out and again that's entirely limited by the power supply that's in here so I think cool is an okay setting because we're asking a lot of the CPU and I don't think it's that loud it's not intrusive anyway I better than a laptop would be let's now see what happens if I put it on fixed 100 percent it's so loud thirty five thousand two hundred so it's still a little bit lower than our very first run because things were nice and cool we hadn't put it under load yet things are now heat soaked the pcb's heat soaked the CPUs heat soak the coolers heat soaked our GPU temp has dropped 6C I'd like to point that out again because that fans right on the back of the GPU pulling air through the heatsink which is a really good design we can't do anything about the timer the timer is the problem but what we can do now is go to Max performance which will give us 160 Watts on the CPU power level one to the things it drops before it gets to the end of the test and 4.1 3.8 so if we could complete the entire test without it dropping 34 230 so yeah we're just we're just too heat soaked now I just want to take a little trip to the BIOS lane or bios town and see if we have access to that turbo timing wheel the power supply fan in this thing is very like intrusive though it's got kind of a bearing sound it's this fan you hear that sounds like a cricket it's this top fan I would probably recommend putting better fans in those there we go that's what we want wait why is it not oh what the hell is this crap nope we cannot access that timer uh to lift it for longer that and you know what that makes sense that's because of I'm sure the vrm design on such a small PCB such a small cooler um we have to talk about longevity and safety for the products here we wouldn't want it to turn into another 12 volt high power plug situation so as much as we those settings we always lift and max out on desktops we have significantly better thermal design power delivery design and coolers available to Big chassis that's why you know this is probably going to be like the most powerful small computer available today all right so for GPU testing all the fans are back to balance which is where it was out of the box and MSI afterburner settings are all stock so this is zero RPM mode with the GPU and its own fan logic that it ships with without touching it being an axial fan it relies entirely on the chassis to exhaust the Heat and if those fans don't ramp up until the hot air is heated up the CPU enough to tell it to turn on then everything will get hotter than it needs to so that's why if they had added in you know at least in the software to be able to say use GPU temp which it clearly is reading because it's in the nook software right there dgpu temperature it really needs to give us a thermal sensor to be able to say hey bottom fan let's use dgpu all right I'm I'm impressed so far it's at 64c for a second there I was like what's wrong with the clock speed but that's I've been looking at 3 000 now for so long 1800 megahertz just he's broken okay I'm gonna max out now power limit and stuff it's at 80 fan speed on those GPU fans and it's not bad it's a 65c in this Jazzy it makes sense it's just one big vented box so we need to go to the Nook software now and we need to take the bottom fan and I'm gonna put it on fixed they're 60 turning up that fan will have an effect over time remember I'm pulling it down under load which takes a lot longer but if we have that fan on from the beginning it wouldn't have gotten this High probably would end up sitting somewhere around 61 Maybe 62. maybe even 60. but anyway this thing is kind of nuts to be honest so the Nook 13 extreme that's the family of Nook there's a very specific model number and I'll put this model number down below uh again it's a Bare Bones it comes with a CPU comes with the motherboard comes with the the power supply and then it comes with the cooler design everything else storage memory so dim ddr5 by the way and GPU are yours to figure out I'm not I'm fairly confident the two Foxconn fans are in there come with it because it's part of the cooling solution I would highly recommend replacing those fans with better fans fortunately because it's not a special connector of any sort you can change those fans with any other four pin pwm fans that you want which I would highly recommend not just because of the the bearing noise but just quality of fan you can put RGB fans there if you want and they'll show up you got those RGB headers already showed you on the bottom of the PCB you got four of them that you have custom control over it's just I didn't take the whole part apart so I'm not sure how easy it would be to actually replace those fans but and their their installation guide comes with very detailed teardown instructions and build instructions to guide you through the process I'm shocked at how well the GPU is actually performing in here even though I sped up that fan it only came down one degree it's been a while since I pulled it down and I showed you I sped it up to 65 on the fan speed and it came down one degree on the GPU that tells me that the overall cooling capacity of this chassis with all the ventilation is enough for the GP view which is typically not the case for small form factors and because of the fact that it's got this kind of a top bottom compartment all that air is Flowing right through the front and then that rear exhaust fan is grabbing the air and pulling it out if you put your hand on the back side there's a lot of heat coming out of that which means if you set it on the right side of your setup that hot air is going to blow towards you so you need to keep that in mind fortunately because it's a very it's just there's no right or left to this system it's like ambidextrous you can put it on the left side of your system and blow it away from you or blow it at your sister or somebody you don't like or your co-worker and just be like here you know have some heat but yeah it's it's the GPU is not throttling itself it's at the 1800 megahertz which is where out of the box it'll boost up too and that makes this one of the smallest most powerful computers today that you can possibly buy now it is scalable the Nook 13 extreme does come with either 3900k a 13 700k or 13 600k which is really the only part that's going to be scalable in this because of the fact that it's the only SKU that is included with it that has any sort of performance to it power supply should be the same for all of them because of the fact that it has to be able to support up to a 3080 TI graphics card as you can see 30 90s and 40 90s are not going to fit in this one don't use a 4090 even though it has that plug it is a 300 watt plug the 4090 will not even boot if you were to somehow try and like shoehorn one in there with a Dremel or vertical Mount and cut a top or something it won't work that tells me that that's forward compatibility potentially for mid-range graphics cards coming out later on in this release cycle that will have a lower wattage demand 300 watt should be more than enough for like a theoretically at 40 60 or something like that but it's there it's nice that it has both standard 8-pin PCI Express six plus twos as well as the 12 volt high power adapter with one sense pin enabled for 300 watts so there you go guys I'll put the link to this down below I don't know what the price of this is it wasn't included in the information that I received but I can tell you right now it's probably pretty pricey because of the fact that this is very bespoke everything is specific to it but we're hoping because Intel's manufacturing this with the motherboard daughter board PCB adapter thing on the bottom all hopefully happening in-house uh with potentially I guess a Foxconn helping with a motherboard or something that that could keep costs down I don't know it's a beast I'll tell you that and that's just because of the fact that it's got a 3080 TI in there obviously there's some drawbacks to it it is a desktop part that does not give you desktop performance because of the fact that it's limited by the thermal and power delivery design of a very very small motherboard and power supply but that's some of the trade-offs you go you get when you go like this anyway sign off down below if this it's hard to even call this a Nook this is a mini tower it's not even a Nook as far as I'm concerned but does this interest you does it now because it has a big discrete graphics card option available to it is this this is something that maybe would pique your interest or is it just still too much compromise in a form factor like this sign off Down Below guys and as always we'll see you in the next one and it's still at 64c good job little buddy
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 365,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc, intel nuc, nuc 13, nuc 13 extreme, small form factor, small gaming pc, 3080ti, nvidia, 13900k, nuc with 13900k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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