This Prototype fixes a major issue!

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you guys remember the uh direct eye problems I talked about when I was doing the evj build how some of the contact was poor on the EK water blocks it was like a widespread problem on Reddit well after I made that video I got an email from Singularity computers they were like hey we had the same problem so we came up with our own but this one works on both AMD and Intel this isn't sponsored I just want to look at it we interrupt this video to bring you a special message from iFixit no we interrupt best Interruption with this Interruption that new stuff from Mike that did push it in you got this card but inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with iFixit Whoa Don't drop it can't fix that with die fiction just kidding yes you can wish you could take iFixit with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing a new Murray and the new minnow take them with you anywhere so good I fix it for your loved one or just get them for yourself I I mean I said it's not sponsored they did send it but there was zero in expectation they were just like here you go this is what we came up with but what's truly unique about this is the fact that it is a single block that works with both AMD and Intel with being very different socket types that's kind of an Endeavor but they didn't give me any instructions on how it goes together or anything so we're going to figure this out together I just happen to have a delighted 7950x3d that's the one that I deleted and that I was scared to try and use it in my build because I didn't know if it worked or not so I just ended up going with a lidded one and then here's my 3900k which was going to go in the EVGA build which I ended up not using because of the direct eye block issue it's I think what's shocking me about this block right now is it's so small like it is very small like look at this it's it's such a basic design but you know how big does it need to be because earrings touching the die directly I don't think Inlet or Outlet even matters because you can see it's just a straight cross flow as far as I know this is the first water block that um oh look you can see they've tested this one you see there's there's mounting marks on there if I kind of move this around in the light you can actually see the marks of where it was mounted so I like that they've tested that this is a prototype though it's not out yet um but the square obviously has to be large enough to fully touch the Intel die so it looks like if you put them side by side it does look like it the the part that sticks down on the Block will barely cover fully the Intel but it's also a square instead of a rectangle because you've got the chiplet design for AMD so you've got the i o you've got the i o die and then you've got the two um uh ccds as long you know obviously with the memory controllers and stuff built in so they've got to touch both now when it comes to mounting this down we have AMD am5 standoff kit we've got Intel 1700 standoff kit mounting Fasteners which I assume works for both but here's the thing that concerns me they're just regular ass screws so I don't know how we're supposed to mount this down oh and then we've got a spare gasket which is just the O-ring built into the block so I don't know how we're supposed to mount this down and get even pressure I really really don't that's the problem with direct dye is if you don't have a perfectly linked perfect length screw that has threads that stop so that you can have even tension on it if you tighten up one side too much then it goes crooked and then that side can't tighten down all the way because this stops it from going up so you get this cantilever action so that's why I just want to kind of test it and see so let's start with Intel and my AMD board is at x670e from Asus not sponsored I don't have any other am5 boards I'm just realizing this I don't I had one Tai Chi board with an ASRock board and that's on our test pen so stop yelling at me like I thought you canceled Asus we did fire them as a sponsor they didn't sponsor this I just have it so stop complaining oh yeah the block does Mount directly to the back so we do retain the back Place back plate piece but that's going to make putting it together very cumbersome because I'm gonna have to sandwich the CPU in between the back plate and the block like that and trying to screw it all in without damaging any pins what could go wrong that would be sad if this motherboard I accidentally brought back to life which by the way if you guys are wondering how it came back to life um apparently what happened was the short that we caused with the back plate by dropping it behind the motherboard probably reverse or charge the Caps up in some weird way that freaked them out or even negatively charged them and then when I put my multi-tester onto resistance which adds a little bit which provides a little current to the thing and when I touch the EPS power on the back of the CPU freaked out the ocp in the power supply which is why I was clicking on and on and off but doing that somehow reverse charge those caps back to the positive state they're supposed to be in which then made it work so 2J wrongs made a right you know Lewis rossman's right it's just not fair it's just not fair that I continue to work my way out of these situations that I deserve to be in I mean at least the nice thing about if I don't move it right now all the threads back there are still lined up so the CPU is just chilling in there obviously oh damn the extra component to this which sucks is the thermal paste has to be applied right now too but it should all just line up oh no wait no wait I'm an idiot dude you're dumb the retention stuff should hold that in place and then these should bottom out okay theoretically now these standoffs which do look like they're just sourced regular standoffs should within Theory just hold the height where it needs to be if the standoffs are somehow machined at the end to be exactly exactly right but I don't know and then we've got these unless these little washers here now these washers are just to protect the motherboard there's these little white washers that just has to be to protect the motherboard because there are traces and things around those holes so as long as I get one of these started should not have to then hold it in place I'll do that for all four I'll just snug them up although when I go to tighten the water block obviously it's going to tighten on these so I need to make sure these are tight enough to the back plate otherwise when I go to take them off they're just be like on motherboard or cases if you don't have the standoff tight enough and you have a tighter friction fit between the motherboard screw and the standoff versus the standoff and the case you just take the standoff off with it when you go to take it off if this works and I'm not doing temperature testing with it today I want to do that separately I just wanted to kind of see how it all works today if this ends up working really well without even the hold down thing which to be fair now the only point we have pushing down on look at so look at the die size versus the substrate size and if you look at the substrate you can see the pins go all the way almost to the outside so the issue with the third 12th gen and 13th gen is with the temperature Cycles this substrate was starting to curl and as it curls those those pins it basically just like spring pins or Pogo pins on the socket they won't make good contact anymore there's nothing holding down the edges whereas the um the full hold down plate that like Devourer came up with which is what EK was using does hold the whole thing down so I'm a little concerned right now that this might have been an oversight on Singularity computers part now this is again like I said just a prototype but these are kind of things that you have to consider obviously before you get out in the wild and then you realize oops and because this is a direct die CPU I have to get full coverage on the die otherwise we'll have die-hot spots and then we'll have dying dyes so I'm using my ifixes or not wow my lightest fixed it screwdriver that I made at LTX because apparently we lost the bit from our ifixa kit chilling out here which is the right size Allen key way to go guys and by guys I mean all of us because who knows who it was anyway these holes are elongated too I want to point that out and I think the elongated holes are obviously so that it lines up with both the AMD and the Intel um I was supposed to point out too there are there is down fire RGB lighting so the RGB shines down and obviously through the acrylic too I just wanted to point that out there's no switches or anything on here oh wait there's a switch right here so we have UV or RGB so it's got UV LEDs in there and RGB which is an accessible toggle switch right there on the side so that's kind of neat oh I can feel it like pulling against each other so I really don't know how Farms I don't know if I'm supposed to go into these bottom out or what the deal is so we're gonna find out together I guess and if we hear it we know we went too far so the reason why I put thermal paste and everything on there even though I'm not gonna fire it up right now is I'm testing spread realistically I would have to do this I think with like a inch pounds wrench and make sure they're the same on all four corners that's the only way I'd be able to determine that it's flat this could absolutely be crooked right now for all I know I appreciate the size of it it's not huge I'm not a fan of the Aesthetics to be honest I'm not a fan of clear acrylic like this um this reminds me of like some old danger Den stuff that used to exist where danger Den had bare copper underneath so you'd have the bright copper showing through it just really feels danger then like so that's mounted down it was simple enough this would be very difficult to do if it were still in a case I feel like a bigger maybe more aesthetic thing would be kind of neat but anyway with that said let's now take it apart take it off and see what the dye spread looked like it was pretty obvious when I took apart the EK one that it was crooked on one side because what we're looking for here is where the paste spread out to the point where it's so thin you can see through it to the metal and if there's any parts that are thick and globby is where it did not get full pressure to spread it out so even loosening it up right now if it kind of comes off like a saucer you know that's not enough pressure to spread the the pace like we're talking so I just want to point that out if you're just going but Jay when you take it off you could be moving the paste around yeah it's going to move to some degree but not spread there we go wow okay that clearly spread that's better than the EK was that's for danger you could guarantee that that was gonna cool fine so the EK had a whole bunch of like on one half just like just I don't know maybe we could show the old footage here but it was all like on one side it was super spread out like you see and on the other side it was thick which told us it wasn't getting great thermal paste spray but that that is very uniform it's very uniform and we see it spread out one side more and that's because when I was tightening it down clearly it did this like kind of a roll function that's why it's spread out to one side we don't care that we rolled it down we care that it ended up flat at the end and if anything rolling it down it says straight down would probably look like it helped the spread a little bit that is excellent spread it's a little bit of line towards the top of the block like in that little square I don't know because if you look at the elongated holes it can move this way technically not this way so I'm a little concerned about how close the edge of the die is to that lip it's actually on closer inspection the die itself is not centered on the substrate so what we think now is the block has the maximum amount of Tolerance built into it to be compatible with both CPUs uh and it seems like the Intel one's the one that barely fit within that parameter so not a not a singularity thing I don't know if they could have made that slightly bigger or if they have calculated exactly where it can end and not interfere with AMD socket because the AMD socket is smaller that whole system is smaller than the Intel initially Intel appears to have passed until I do a follow-up with actual temperature testing I kind of wish I had two of them because I'd love to have them set up independently one Intel one AMD so let me clean this up let me put my Intel socket back together and let's see how it goes for the AMD stuff nzxt's build is a quick and easy way to get a new gaming computer build a gaming PC on your budget using the built-in configurator and see exactly how your favorite games will perform don't want to spec it yourself then choose from bld's pre-configured player PC systems designed to fit your needs and budget to see the full lineup and specs of the NZXT BLD player series pre-built PCS follow the sponsored Link in the description below so you can see the socket for AMD here now that they're LGA which is land grid array it's much more Square than Intel currently is and they're as I already showed their die layout is also Square rather than one rectangle so they've separated out the chiplets and the i o controller was Intel it's all on one die so that's the major difference here all right so you have to remove the completely useless AMD spring retention system for coolers which is honestly the worst design ever but you know you have to hand it to a company that has kept con annuity for decades at this point you know but whatever these clearly are not needed in our instance and we will be retaining the back plate because we have to remove the main socket too it's going to be just like the Intel where after we take this off and then we take off the torques that are surrounding the socket it's pretty much the same as the Intel so you can see the bracket is sticking up through right there it's being held on though by these four that are surrounding the socket so now we're basically just like the Intel like it's very very similar I guess there's only so many ways you could do LGA right but it's even the same exact bit that you need for the Intel one what I like about the in the AMD one though is it comes up in one piece whereas the Intel one you saw was two halves this one just comes up as one giant piece so there we go we are now in danger zone things are exposed not sexually in a weird way or anything like that there's no washers or anything for this one because as you can see there's pretty much just fits within the hole and then it only barely touches the kind of insulated surround that makes sense actually very easy which is appreciated because I I want this kind of stuff to be approachable for people who've maybe never attempted to even put a water block on let alone a direct thigh block but this is really why not use mechanisms that are already in place yeah they get pretty tight I think when they're towards the bag that one's loose boy they get tight they bottom out that's for sure I can feel it it seems like they bought him out a little more defined that's buttoned up on the AMD standoffs so my only concern is it just looks so tiny like we're cutting this whole like bigger is better bigger is more powerful average is cool too I feel like it just looks a binky in there you think and then you have the these Stills chilling right there so I feel like maybe a cover would be neat to like come with it but that's this is a prototype maybe they're working on that stuff maybe they're like hey Jay AJ aesthetic second functionality first otherwise we'll have another like velocity direct eye block problem on our hands so let's do this let's now take it off and see how well it's spread like I never I didn't hear if there may be but I didn't hear about any feedback regarding the EK direct eye block for the am5 issues I don't know I never used one it seems like it's just an Intel specific one regarding the the tolerances on there where something was wrong with the plate in fact EK actually told me when I talked to him at LTX like yeah there's there's some revision stuff that's been handled or being handled but I don't I don't remember what the details were it's not impossible for this to happen in manufacturing honestly it just happens [Music] AMD again damn how am I gonna do this now without of getting affected I feel like every AMD CPU doesn't matter it's going to stick to your cooler you guys remember all the am4 and Below let's just pull it right out so you need to try and just pop it straight off maybe not over the socket oh it's fine no so I think we had pretty good spread I just saw it kind of goop down onto the uh across it right now but you can see we got pretty good coverage like this there's a little bit of a thick spot there are some thick spots on there so that was Titan fully down but I I'm looking at the die and I care more about what's on the die than what's on the Block it does look like it spread pretty good but it looks like we have a corner right here maybe where it didn't spread out fully and I did I did tighten down the screws as far as they would go like I could tell that I was turning the standoff tighter in the back plate so this I don't know how if this is just from when I picked it up that just that looks like it maybe didn't spread all the way to the edge right there again I can't hold this against uh Singularity because it is a prototype but I I wanted to show what they're working on this is one that will be interesting to temperature test because I do feel like there's some issues on the uh those are the ccds the big one is the iodie memory and all that sort of stuff so obviously the ccds are having direct contact problems then we're gonna we're gonna see that in performance but anyway that's all for today um I'm glad to see that someone one of the things that Phil said off camera is I love the fact that there's a company or a person or entity that exists that can identify a problem but has the technical knowledge and the tooling and the manufacturing capability to address the problem on their own so it's just this is how products are born and I I love it so anyway I wanted to check out the Prototype when it's in final revision is when I think it's appropriate to do temperature testing I don't think it's fair to do temperature testing when something's in a prototype State um because obviously in Prototype they have not worked out all the bugs yet or it would be considered final revision which this doesn't say is that's prototype so all right guys thanks for watching uh give Singularity computers some love they didn't sponsor this video I just wanted to do this you guys can go to Singularity computers they're down in Australia arguably one of the best sis on the planet when it comes to custom water cooled and custom builds so anyway Daniel love what you do thanks for sending this and everyone else go and check them out thanks for watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 244,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: direct die, cpu block, best cpu block, direct die block, best block for direct die, direct die for amd, direct die for intel, intel cpu, intel cpu block, amd cpu block, delid, how to delid a cpu, how to cool a delid cpu
Id: LF0xjXuIKVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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