This might be the worst news for gamers...

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Bad news for gamers! JayzTwoCentz is still posting

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SaintPau78 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

TL;Dr for those who don't want to watch:
He explains that the new AI boom is making people buy more GPUs, which in turn will lead to less GPUs available, and higher prices on the market.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CactusDoesStuff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh no! anyways..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PVP_playerPro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
speed yeah at the risk of sticking my neck out once again for you guys just to chop it off I'm going to go ahead and talk about some GPU stuff coming up that may be well not so good the EK Quantum surface radiators are available in many sizes and colors offering the flexibility needed for any build with three performance categories including slim performance and extreme the EK Quantum surface radiators can keep even the most demanding components cool and the multi-port options provide the modularity to make tube routing as clean and as simple as possible regardless of your case to see the full list of features follow the sponsored Link in the description below okay so here we've we've got to kind of go back to the beginning of the year to understand um where things are potentially going and the only reason I'm putting this video out there so you guys can have food for thought you guys will need to make your own decisions I'm not giving you buying advice I learned my lesson on that I just I probably couldn't care less on how you spend your money at this point it's your money it's your decision but you got to be able to make your decisions based on information and if you can see where Trends are leading you can kind of make an informed decision maybe before it's too late uh being too late well what I'm referring to here is a potential another GP another GPU shortage now we just came out of the tunnel of the cryptocurrency boom with also the pandemic lowering not lowering but they inability to keep up with Demand with all the people building home offices and work from home and getting from home and all that sort of stuff and now that we're out of the tunnel on that the companies ramped up their production and so now the aibs and Nvidia and AMD they're just sitting on warehouses and warehouses of graphics cards that aren't selling and that's for multiple reasons obviously the economy took a dump people have very important things to pay for before Commodities like gaming or graphics cards or PCS or whatever and I know a lot of people right now are starting to get into a position where they're like hey I'm finally able to consider building a gaming computer after putting the whole concept on hold for two or three years unfortunately now with people starting to build again that's going to eat up some of the available stock with demand we have now entered we've actually been in this this this space now for quite a few years but now we are entering in the real AI boom and AI is the latest Monster that is going to probably gobble up all of your gpus AI is kind of like RGB we all hate it because we just hear about it all the time but you know what it's a way of life now and you just got to learn to live with it unfortunately what we're dealing with now is a massive spread between the official AI deep learning slash facilities these big giant super computer servers put together that do nothing but learn learn learn and they utilize very high-end Hardware that Nvidia has come out with over the years in several Generations ever since Titan Volta back with like the p100 data center type stuff where they have graphics cards that are not really graphics cards at all they don't even have a video output they don't have a fan they're just designed to sit 8 or 12 or 16 or whatever in a rack and do and not the country but a rack like a rack server and do nothing but be trained on AI over and over and over and over again anyway we were talking a bill millions of words and such to be learned it's I don't know much about Ai and how it works by the way in terms of the learning I just know words are one of the things that apparently and then there's tokens there's like 3.3 million words for training data 402 billion tokens et cetera I mean we got like 3.14 to the 10 times 10 to the 23rd flops like I don't know what any of this means okay this is performance numbers for AI all I know is that sounds like a very big number and it's basically pi is AI in a circle whatever I digress 80d but when it comes to AI in any particular industry that's growing or booming everyone wants a piece of the pie um hey Pi three point one point get it pies three so you've had I mean Nvidia has been building these these these rack mounts that are designed for AI deep learning for uh a decade now but what we're starting to see is as desktop graphics cards have gotten faster and faster and although they will not come anywhere near the performance of these of these hundred thousand dollar gpus or 70 000 gpus or whatever they are they still provide the little guy the little guy that's trying to train their own AI to do whatever needs they because here's the thing AI is now looked at as a business tool AI is not just hey whatever smart assistant what's the weather today I mean that's like the very mundane everyday type of use you guys have it on your watches you have it in your phones it's listening to you right now have you ever talked to somebody and suddenly you're getting ads there's your proof that your phone is always listening so that's all AI but these are AI companies that are that are using it as massive Market adjustment tools to manipulate markets and stuff but when it comes to the little guy that's trying to train AI to do something for their business graphics cards at a desktop level is where they start and this is very similar to cryptocurrency mining you had those Farms that were just full and full of full of hundreds if not thousands of gpus all combining their power to just mine cryptocurrency and make money well there's also the little guys that were buying up 10 or 20 at a time now what happens when you start having a high demand for something that's new in the industry that can potentially be seen as a a new like the boom whenever booms happen remember boom and the net boom and all that sort of stuff I guess that's the same thing they change the world and the way markets react and AI is doing that right now but what's creating is a just influx of people trying to get in on it and it's getting to the point where even though many of these articles that were talking about the potential fear of shortages regarding gpus we are in a shortage now hold up I know right now you're going the hell Jay I can go to Newegg and buy any graphics card I want I'm not talking about those graphics cards I am talking about the cards that are specifically built and designed for AI as those cards become less available if available at all what's going to happen is people are going to start buying up whatever they can because having something be not efficient at generating whatever AI model or working on whatever model it is having something that's slow is better than nothing at all so that is where you're going to have companies ranging from all sizes tiny little garage you know operations to Giant warehouses in China full of thousands of servers doing this we're gonna potentially start seeing your graphics cards GPU or your desktop gpus become more scarce and more scarce and right now in fact I was looking at a PC part picker like pricing Trends things have come down quite a bit since launch of 40 series not as far as I think I thought that they would but as 30 series disappeared and we know they're slowly disappearing you can still get some but they're they're slowly disappearing 40 series demand is going to go up because of the fact that you can't buy anything else even though there's tons of people saying screw it I'm not buying 40 series 40 series has been climbing the charts on Steam survey we're talking like 40 60 tis and 4070s and cards that were absolute jokes are working their way up because people are buying what's available but what you're going to notice now is not just these these giant AI companies and small AI companies buying whatever's available we have to look at this from a manufacturing side to predict the potential shortage let's say you're in video you you're the number one AI company in the world and you can't deny that whether you're a hater of Nvidia or not Nvidia is the number one AI company in the world building uh these systems that are designed for nothing but deep learning if you're able to sell a single graphics card for up to seventy thousand dollars which is what's happening as we make this video and that's being built off of the same silicon that your gaming graphics card is being built off of which as a company that is for profit and has investors to answer to do you think that they're gonna do do you think they're gonna set aside a big amount for these desktop gaming cards that they might be making a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars on or these other cards that they're gonna make sixty seventy thousand dollars on a piece now there's another piece of the puzzle that you have to consider although Nvidia is the largest AI company in the world and arguably the largest GPU manufacturer in the world they are not a manufacturer at all they are designer they are they have to put in orders with tsmc just like any other company and tsmc is also going to only give a certain amount of manufacturing allocation to the brands that they work with so Nvidia is a customer as well so if you now have a limited amount of because if you're Nvidia you would probably want the entire TSM tsmc facility doing nothing but your orders and Taiwan semi-manufacture semiconductor manufacturing company which is the number one manufacturer in the world for silicon has a lot of orders that it has to deal with they've even opened I think the right on the cusp of opening in brand new manufacturing facilities to try and keep up with demand but this comes into multiple things happening at the same time AI growing from all sizes of operation from the guy in his garage do you know how many people I've had emailed me saying hey I've come up with this really cool AI thing I'd love you to show it I'm ever I'm obviously never going to show that sort of stuff because I can't tell you whether or not it's nefarious or good or bad designed to mine you or whatever I have no idea so I'm not going to go distribute that crap but all the way up to these manufacturers that are buying up thousands and thousands of gpus in fact even a picture on Twitter that went out uh it's made its way around is a guy that's got 60 XFX 7900 XTX gpus all brand new in the box and that's just the start these are just people that are trying to get their operations up and running so they're creating these AI Farms with whatever's available so as you get people buying the inventory that's currently available as you get Nvidia being limited on how much they can manufacture and then obviously having to make the choice on where they're going to spend that manufacturing allocation I can guarantee you they will continue making gaming cards but it will not be at where demand could potentially be we're seeing people building computers again we're seeing people start to be able to recover slowly from the financial situations that we're in right now around the world regarding the highest rates of inflation we've ever seen but that coupled with now we're back to school that's all that usually buys up a bunch of laptops and stuff and this is all silicon allocation as well we're talking about how many ways those Wafers can be cut um and then these AI companies starting up and then Nvidia potentially giving off a sliver of the manufacturing to gaming and then the rest to the very expensive stuff we could potentially see a much longer shortage than what we just experienced because AI is not as volatile as cryptocurrency because cryptocurrency demand goes up with the price and down with the price but guess what AI is just a trajectory it's not a it's a money making tool it's not something people are creating a thing to sell to make money I mean they are technically but we've just begun the AI Revolution if you will and so we are going to see if a potential shortage happens here we're going to see this one last a long time and trust me channels like mine get a little worried when that sort of stuff happens because as the viewer gets jaded people become less interested in PC and that is my Enthusiast I'm an Enthusiast of PC I want everyone to have a PC and share it and game and and use it for work and school and I think personal computers are I can't explain why it's my passion and this is on here because I'm actually gonna be working on this again I forgot to mention at the beginning of the video but I digress we're turning it into an expanse build not a Star Wars build you know actual real space stuff anyway moving on yeah this is not going to be one that we just hope for a crash or a move to Asic where they can get off CPU there there might end up becoming desktop slash Asics that people will be able to buy in the future that would be better AI but there's an article here that I that I was reading um it's basically and I'll put a link down below hopefully I don't DDOS their site I have no idea what their bandwidth is like on their site but it's from eventual venture capitalist um website that talks about Ai and stuff The Parting words are what's interesting here however none of this means that we don't expect an increase in demand for compute capacity and they're talking about the fact that AI isn't becoming more demanding it's just you have to scale up to have more machines learning that's how you that's how you grow the faster AI learning is more machines doing it uh they say that the uh even though if model and training set growth slows the growth of the AI industry an increase in the number of AI developers will fuel a demand for more and faster gpus in a large fraction of GPU capacity is used for testing by developers during the development phase of a model so what they're saying is you can have the big farming machines doing the learning but then you have the testing phases and stuff happening on these smaller less powerful machines which is what they're using gpus for but they said in bold there's no sign that the GPU shortage we have today will Abate in the near future now we're talking at that high-end design for AI type of gpus so the too long didn't read we are entering a new era of GPU demand and it's starting at a very expensive very specific use case that is going to trickle down as that resource dries up which it sounds like is already happening here I don't know why Nvidia hasn't become their own manufacturer like Intel to be honest I bet you that's something they're working towards because Nvidia is a customer of tsmc limited allocation to you means limited availability for your customers which has a trickle-down effect and guess what when it comes to GPU like hierarchy we as gamers are at the bottom so this is where I ask you if you've been holding off going I'll wait because 40 series is very overpriced which it is its performance per dollar is exactly the same as 30 series it just slid the bracket out a few notches are you going to wait or are you going to maybe consider buying something soon and this is scary to even say because I'm not giving you buying advice I'm not telling you I if we look at Trends this this article came out in April today the pricing is actually down from where 40 series first launched but how long will it stay there before it goes up or will it go down even more this is where you have to take the risk and try and decide and you have to you have to weigh that yourself I think the smart thing to do is just sign up for those price tracker sites I don't know like PC part picker has notifications and stuff and I'm using PC part picker right now to see what some of these Trends are and as soon as you see it starting to spike up that might be the time to say okay I'm gonna pull the trigger or I'm not but the risk is it could come back down again but if we look at the trend that hasn't really been the case for 40 series so far it has slowly trended downward and it's kind of flat right now where it's at I'm very just just just jaded to all of this at this point because I'm I just I want everything to go back to normal the way it was so I guess now what we need is some sort of a real Asic other than a GPU to be able to do this AI deep learning stuff but I don't I think that's exactly what gpus have become I don't think gpus at this point are truly graphics cards anymore as much as they're just high powered High teraflop compute devices that are used for many different things now all right guys sound off down below do you think another apocalypse is coming with graphics cards are you gonna wait did you already buy are you just gonna buy a PS5 which is manufactured by tsmc oh yeah um and we are talking billions and billions anyway we are talking
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 609,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu shortages, new gpu shortages, ai causing gpu shortage, are gpus going to go up in price again, gpus going up in price again, nvidia, nvidia ai, amd, radeon, intel, cpu, gpu, expensive gpu, new gpu shortage
Id: gQyWm6Aosy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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