They made a Sequel to Life, I hate it

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are you excited to play uh the sequel to life life too i just want to know what it's like to experience living again [Laughter] may the best life win what the hell kind of morbid society is this it's like like like more friendly hunger games like there could only be one victor oh naturally i get the advantage of early opportunities just like real life fantastic middle class white guy mode activate let's go there we go i'm smart did you get a degree that was really quite a degree in that that was faster than real life by a lot you have the most knowledge oh i'm so smart do i want to become a video game designer or a film director you do save on taxes if you become a film director apparently much famously film directors very good at dodging taxes right i'm becoming a creative let's go my lucky number six you're a creative you say oh i'm sorry oh my god what's happening okay what just started the game there we go i present this okay come on you know what are you going to college no no because i'll i'll probably drop out so i'm just going to go to work a pop star or an athlete why does the athlete pay so [ __ ] much in tax smith is earning the same amount and just pays half the amount well he is a film director i am a director 90 of my contacts of like friends and family two options mow the neighbor's lawn or throw a party and you earn something i know which one i'd i mean come on let's be real i'm a hard working woman it's a hundred grand for a parody well you guys are so bad at education we're just taking our time or i can also mow the lawn should i spend all my money to throw a party like a hundred it is the student way it costs the same amount as my college education to throw this party oh my god the opportunity stay single to become smarter or get married knowledge is the knowledge is the way screw happens you haven't married me yet oh no she's worked it out get a new smartphone or steal a hundred k from an opponent don't mind if i do i have no keyboard thanks for your money okay so you've gotta spin a higher number than nine in order give me your money oh life is cruel i don't like basketball this is what i did with my knowledge in comparison to you just basketball oh look at that look at you girl this is the happiest day of my life let's get off my scooter i wish you plentiful basketball tournaments i got more hearts for trolling a parody than you did getting married it says a lot about our society oh my god oh no life moves fast i'm just saying you could become a film director it's a very lucrative opportunity it does seem lucrative and it is like a grandiose way of explaining my job to my parents oh wait but people have always said that i look a bit like linguini so i'm gonna go chef that's my logic for my career wait fate this is a space where fate takes control oh it's taxes oh no you could have a baby a house or taxes oh crippling debt i i don't have a lot of money for a home i can't even afford the apartment yo i'm just gonna go deep into that let's live like let's get like the youtuber style mansion oh yeah can i live with you and we can make it a squad gamer crew let's make the streamer a house guys so much money he's got made so much already keeps getting bonuses oh gee i gave you a bonus 50k yeah i gave you the bonus taxes no i promise oh it's only 30k that's fine i resent the game of life this is better life yeah the one on the left does look like a it's got my curves and everything wait i can learn video edit or slam dunk slam dunk i mean like if this is ending like real life like the slam dunk contest is the only option do you want to contest the slam dunk champion or do you want to go again oh let's [ __ ] go okay you ready to slam and jam yeah i'm trying this i'm i'm really struggling with the spinner he's so bad oh oh he's he's not a good slam james i really have nothing going for me apart from a beautiful family and husband you have nothing invest in your future or family or grow my invest in my future i like how those things are mutually exclusive no you can't do them at the same time everyone knows that you can't do both like you have to make a choice at some point when you get old yeah either get good or you get children oh my god hey rt you want to challenge me to another slam dunk you're going down just as soon as like my cat i can accelerate my vehicle i'm going so slow oh my god space oh come on all right i'm gonna have to come on i'm taking you down [ __ ] that's not good [Applause] oh that wasn't the spin oh that was the spin oh thank god it hasn't spread his feet is a spit that's much better that is much better thank you alex i can become an astronomer brain surgeon brain surgeon uh i'm going to go to the [ __ ] space guys by lucky numbers oh god i resent this oh go on a cruise money can't buy happiness oh wait it can it actually this is worth more than marriage it was yeah risky win or lose big or safe oh we're going safe come on i want a promotion really every space there is a mystery wheel i just wanted another kid oh no you didn't get one kilo you do get a house back college these ones don't look quite as nice as the other houses we've seen so far today you're moving your family into a college door look i didn't get the college experience let me live my life how i want to it was you skipped college yeah you didn't go to school i was hoping i could have a kid for extra hours i think you might genuinely be infertile i think so do you want to go on a road trip i'm never gonna be a dad but at least i had like a cool road trip and a parody like spiff is just speed running to like dash so much cocaine to reach retirement 250k oh my god pension for more cash or spin bucket list oh let's do a bucket they spin uh we're gonna gain happiness oh no don't you don't get any happier okay happiness is all i have right now snail farm snail fair farm oh [ __ ] come on let's go who needs like return on property investment get some snails take that wealth away from mango you're the stale king now i love my snails more than my family you didn't get those extra kids you wanted but at least you got snails you've got one more shot at having a child if you go wrong this is my last chance okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for the education i'm in fertile giving up from kids my bloodline will end but at least i'll get a new career if you have children do you get to play as your children astronomers no thank you i can't wait to land on tax oh my goodness oh my god you are i hate my life i hate this feels bad oh let's see so let it be known rt is actually insane at wee bowling especially in comparison to me so he has a chance here there is a very real chance strike it's a strike ladies and gentlemen thank you you need to stop giving him money please you can come and see the snails if you want oh thank you thank you do they have names sebastian and jonathan brisby oh i'm just going to the end now i've got nothing to my name oh it's fine welcome to the end i have to keep going for happiness you do yeah it's all i have you know what i can tie with you on happiness oh please it's all i have happiness all i have is that one parody and that road trip that's all you have to remember your life those are the best two days of my life and the rest has been pain and suffering mango play bingo play bingo and you overtake rt no no please do it no i've lost everything total money me oh my god i resent this little attributes oh attributes aren't worth as much as money that's for sure so the happiness is meaningless oh there we go oh it's dead [Music] i'd like to thank the academy and i'd like to thank rt for personally bankrolling my entire game did we get another life we could do one more because that actually was very short i didn't expect it to go so quick i thought i'd be first just like our tea in bed and that's why he had no kids oh no wow that's a bit harsh no just because i like to speed run a few aspects of my day there's no need to call me out on it i like to just be efficient and do the job right we're gonna go for robotics engineer i i'm fine with taxes i like to live life on the edge living dangerously oh we're gonna go more knowledge ladies and gentlemen oh he's just getting smart again so smart oh my god i'm going to be a video blogger guys well done wait a laser tag battle laser no i'm still in it i resent this that's not then oh it's a draw so we don't have to go again i think it's just i think it's just me and man it took away it took away our score it is going to be everyone everyone has to go again it's just me and nothing on the left oh trust me we're going to have to do that [Music] oh you're right i get 80k i'm a winner i only get 40k this game's rigged everyone's doing robotics it seems to be the industry i don't have a job yet i'm just playing laser tag oh wait yeah i mean you're a vlogger that's most of us when we wake up like wait i have a job i just want snails again oh dodge that tax i wanted you to get taxed so bad i'm never going to get taxed costume contest gigantic wow my tv is huge hey it's me again no i don't pose a quick word just skip that you just skip it just get through yeah i don't want to remember okay you may now see the vowels now let's wrap this up quickly guys no vowels yeah just it was a shotgun wedding i now pronounce you dogs it does seem to give as much happiness as an actual child look i'd argue a cat would give you more happiness than a natural child i'm gonna get married too just so i'm not alone even if i'm infertile okay come on spiff let's tie the knot oh i'm so happy there i am did that dress me up as the brighter hang on hang on we've all had the option to learn video editing and like all being content creators have any of us actually chosen that option kiwa has no i used to be in it i know how horrible it is in the real world so why would i want to do it in a video game i want to escape that part of my life oh no taxes there's a chance for the kids you can get it oh oh you got it dog get more cats more pets it's another cat another cat in the car so you can can you fit in a car there's only one way to find out there is a boot so there's a lot more room than it looks it sounds like a really bad youtube video oh can i buy a house oh bowling jewel sell a vintage spoon this is my mother is that even a card she used it to create the finest cup of tea for the queen that's so oddly specific like just one spoon can't race carrot race look i need the love i need the addition why do you think i'm a twitch streamer it's true this is why we do it family come on i can't wait to watch you just bypass all of this let me have a kid please come on please there's so there's so many oh no no no oh no i could still get some instead of children i could still get the k oh i want a house well no i i get the opportunity to buy a house the difference between winning and losing money buying one i just want a kid this is so sad please i got one this is it finally oh my goodness he's managed it he did it i got a child the bloodline continues he accidentally clicked it's actually adopted we just swing the baby around i'm gonna have having a family main stream now okay was having a kid too this is not good content for my youtube anymore if you're all doing it what do you mean do you do you have no idea how much money you can make by having kids and starting youtube channels oh my god oh he's our child opening lego boxes that's the main reason for uh for us to like have children you know is it's a business investment if we think about it i'm going to start renting artie's child from him so that i can use it in videos oh just the kids attacks right off it's all part of the long term they could be that's a great idea it could not be that's an amazing idea you could tax rate off a child if it was part of youtube get married no thanks second chance i think you're gonna do a jigsaw instead i'm gonna do what i like to call the lewis brindley maneuver okay i'm going i'm gonna continue life i need more tax deductibles thanks for the 50k [ __ ] that was me buying your child off of you and then also robbing you at the same time wait i get one more chance promotion oh i can get a new job or get a raise get it i'm gonna try get a new job these are oh i regret this oh no hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel oh good good game designer get married second chance it's not too late you are more shot at this man let's do it pick me pick me oh why do you want everyone to get married to you i just want everyone to love me so that i can also steal their children for videos oh yeah you should probably tell my wife that i have a child i'm gonna finish already this is perfect smith's retired oh 250k and you know what i'm feeling he's made the most money again instead of going on a bucket list i'm just going to keep spinning for money baby check out my pigeons oh it's just a hundred enjoy poverty ladies and gentlemen so you get more attempts at selling it now because uh you're not selling it at the end of the game oh we got us oh look at that am i gonna return i actually have a somewhat meaningful life this time i got married i had a kid i'm homeless in my life i did more cocaine than like ever before is just living in her wedding dress oh from chef to brain surgeon i i went from content creator to brain surgeon here is my story hey guys welcome to my vlog today we're cutting open this person's brain oh my god wait it's a retirement i actually have a chance to try and get more money than spiff yeah you've only got to get sixty thousand six hundred thousand more than me over the span of about four turns yeah so bucket list it is come on let's live a more meaningful life no you spend your first year of retirement in front of the massive tv that you own i just watched countdown for a year no taxes just before the end it turns out you did just remove that person's brain and not replace it with anything no i think you made a net loss by becoming a brain surgeon youtube i believe in me live your best life don't even live your best taxes live your best taxed life i guess kiva gets one spin to see whether she makes another 100k she could come on i'm moving forward okay well hey yes money well done this the spiff just win again because he has so much money just so is it even close oh here comes the money i'm so already so far ahead and look at my knowledge so much knowledge oh my god addy's the smartest man here no smartest man in the room gg oh you know sometimes it hurts to be this lucky at life i mean at least my life wasn't as bad this time [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,425,974
Rating: 4.9720902 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, game of life, game of life 2, game of life funny, game of life funny moments, funny board games, funny online games, the spiffing brit, mango, kiwo, rtgame kiwo, rtgame spiffing brit, game of life 2 gameplay, game of life 2 funny moments, funny multiplayer games, funny games with friends, game of life 2 board game
Id: Xr4dM8Ldmcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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