The Game of Life makes me want to die

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my dog's [ __ ] right there you got a great view who wants to be what your hair I got a good few uh I'll be pink I'll be red for Brad say we just going with like the colors that we already are yeah that make sense all right so you choose if you want to get a career or just start in college oh I'll go with college cuz I want the education all right I just want to get out into the world I don't have time for college I'm a youtuber it's like look so when I went to college I just got my English degree okay I went to college twice and dropped out both times all right it's a five that's it five oh very close to a six star oh wait run with some brain that's a tight I needed to carry me to success come on four five ten come back we need to take a job and a career so you press or to shuffle if you wanna shuffle them up and you just take from the top because you didn't go to college Oh sixty that's not bad that's very good I'm a travel agent oh that's a bad time to be a travel agent okay so one two three four five I get to adopt a pet as well and I get to paydays good job Dan you're doing college was the best decision I ever made wait Kevin can you spawn a sheep for me because I got to adopt a pest oh yeah sure let me get you a sheep reach into my version oh my the Sheep sellotape to my care is this - oh no it's broken hey then you don't yeah we're there we go okay all right just keep doing it's infinite Oh God this whole game is broken there's a dice here's a [ __ ] dice alright so do I pick up like a career come on tick tock star 50 I'm getting paid more than the O'Brien this is [ __ ] he's a travel agent this is Jesus son who everyone's the orange SUV could you move your vehicle you're about to be clamped over all right we're the Cowboys yeah we attack we had to borrow money I have to pay five K on top of the day so I'm going to college I got a scholarship I collected 20 grand hell yeah scholarship you're being I'm having spring break in Florida which is the [ __ ] terrible idea we're not scared no virus no I don't know what I'm doing here don't drink and drive life that's rather odd how could you put your sheep in danger but nothing bad happens don't drink and drive we don't know what your life card says yet maybe it said gosh I did drink and drive but now I'm dead four five skip that one hello to your wife gonna Connor go darling wife and did you pass payday get you'd read yes but I went through a marriage Kevin so call it null and void money now job search okay so I went to college I'm very responsible so I get 300 rear three salaries and you can pick whatever you want I'm gonna be a doctor and I'm gonna take 80k I'll treat you I'll take care your your sheeps gonna be real happy I can't wait to settle down and I love ya superstar and get a hundred grand supposed to be a fictional life there now shall adopt a pet Kevin sheep wait can I pay off both my loans now yeah yes you should have gone to college should I go to college agent I think I go straight to get married yeah you just stop there now the sheep on the card it's a bit less risk you know I've kind of figured it out we hold her balance okay okay this is a very weird car happy honeymoon Oh what you're catching this is very inappropriate for my husband's name I'm gonna say Kevin so happy honey Melvin Kevin Kevin the cat where - here we go here we go come on Darla tree tree you visited your in-laws but they like Rams and goats yeah why don't you get married - it's three giant cars who you want to marry one of those Jos left college you got a career and you're married already you know I know one point he knows what he wants goes for it he's bigger he's buying furniture already he's buying furniture and buy a house he hasn't passed yet miscarriage here for go to Ikea and then rent in an apartment or anything married oh Jesus oh here's all the animal you know quad we need a bigger selection hold on is this is this the guest list for your wedding they're gay no this is the light this is my tinder that goes with the right outfit could be quite handsome stick it like that stick it like that boy he's a bit top-heavy but it's more slanted the cars gonna fall over every time you move that's fine travel across country pay 10k but I am the travel agent yeah you don't pay I just get to travel oh I'm violating the restriction slides let's go how many when you have to stop stop him to buy a house real estate hellotara good lad good lad my frog pond and then a picket fence do we have something to represent a house Kevin that we can sell the tips okay I mean you don't bring your house in you just yeah okay let's go that's a five five two three four five Oh baby girl what animal would you like in the house really well yeah that pig right there that's Mary that's that's my little bundle of joy right there you know she's a bit stupid all right there we go that's my daughter well doesn't matter what I roll cuz I'm going to get married I want to get married to a [ __ ] okay I kind of knew now hang on scale them down no make it a big [ __ ] make it true to life tiny [ __ ] all right his name is Kevin Kevin the canopic your [ __ ] Kevin we got a bunch of animal isn't it I'm gonna miss all my life I'm buying a house now and I got paid a buy a mansion dad I'm just all right wait here price room in tonight we may get a mistake in his life Oh mobile home great Kevin I can stick this one on my car you're fired start a new career Oh I passed payday before that you got paid and Interlake here severance they realized I wasn't I couldn't travel oh no I do I just I just draw one new career I think he had a new salary police officer now Oh paralyzed oh I'll take that wait take that Kevin can I get something to soil take my mobile home to my car and you can't say it's not coming with me because it's a mobile home dark market zooms collect one stock oh wait but you could go here got a trade salary and trade it with Sean because he's been really mean with you oh I'm going to hit it and take that [ __ ] you and your [ __ ] what are you yeah big sheep yes get that extra 50k this is a real life yes Brian yes with a pension Brian okay far ahead enjoy my double pay baby girl baby girl Jesus Christ Brian would you wear some prophylactics or something you're a horse this is versa versus just carrying your family now oh look at that that's what I mean that's not bad lived in a log cabin you don't want to be there it sounds cozy between your voice that you're being serious so I'll trust you oh no I got a I think I have to pay Sean this attend Hollywood movie premiere pay five K so I have to give that because he's the movie star oh yeah you do get up to the premiere your mobile home let's go another baby trade salary with another 100 no you have to do it who do you give the okay to it's blue he doesn't have to do it okay wait he doesn't have to do it what he wants to anyway apparently though you could trade with me Brian for being such an honest chap like it wouldn't be big difference to you anyway it would be nice I like Kevin's like you know trade with Shawn cuz he's really mean to you but also trade with me cuz I'm really nice [ __ ] villain himself he's a villain but he's the villain all along all that for a watch all that for twins Oh twins awesome oh we're gonna need some more animals or do their names bad and ah that's close enough alright come on and the [ __ ] slow is moving oh I can roll again okay okay house alright guys if you wanna invest in your tick-tock career you too could own a house like this fun and games until you buy a pile of shite of a house boy house flow to pay 40k of not insured I actually am insured so I don't pay your boring cuz they're responsible I'm forced you don't drink and drive even know this it's college buys a house gets insurance it's all coming up down right now wait did he actually you actually tried it with Kevin oh my god I thought you were you know you say nice but this just sounds like [ __ ] loan-sharking yeah this is a pyramid scheme real money as well I have another baby [ __ ] it I don't know the baby but I don't have a baby or your Kerrigan stolons gamer life baby the stress of having all these dances like killed you early wait were you done yeah I'm just trying to stand my peace on the stage for this [ __ ] Katamari Damacy car over here I'm trading salary there you go there you go now he's gonna say your den the village some reason I Kevin how's it going wait I'd like your income please wait a whole run this was a gift and it's not my fault they have it's very it's a very generous game Kevin you know you shouldn't have you're spoiling me but are you prepared it's all you the villain you're very rabid heavy gotta remember what pieces are that's the problem Kevin is too many people [ __ ] [ __ ] my wife Homer is extremely fertile so are you at home do you just want to be the green car and we'll look knowledge that the blue care is your family it's Walker you're gonna repaint your car and we acknowledge that's your family there thank you no no Kevin Kevin baby boy oh I haven't only got to have one kid so far a second you've only got the cat available so you had a cat okay doing pretty good yeah oh no I also like to get that Kevin can we talk yeah we know we know you would take talk we know you would I'm gonna take it back oh one two three oh you can affect an even more because of his villainous ways I just Benjy myself wait no Sean you must be confused no Kevin backdoor on African safari so have to pay den no no you changed Korea it's you knew that like you just have to rub it in it's not all about you oh I gotta pay dad oh wait a minute no I just like you Dan has about she's over there I work hard for my life experience this is your a daily vlogger always the spinor fixed way does it work again oh my god it is now I don't have to keep looking for the dice all the time yes so much better no no very treasure or no effect that you have your turn in town $80,000 just as much affect you one two three midlife crisis oh no you have to put your salary back - OH salary - do I get to choose one it's a midlife crisis you think you got any say in it III callin it and then I take my salary yeah yep yeah yep okay is it gonna be let me flip this look at it bite me in the ass I'm going to be the artist watch it you think that's the worst one you know what he's got a lot of [ __ ] money already he's fine he'll be flying over so does Kevin do you want to call a truce and maybe I stop steal your [ __ ] look at how many life carrots he has I know he's more lifeguards than money I'm collecting everyone's that's a big problem because they worked a loss they can get you like 200k no no there are fulfill the prophecy I would say consider the amount of money Sean has at this point I would also like to say that Dan is pulling the trigger immediately because he has the most life carrots I do have a lot of life stealing a life card from me to a halt you know what that one's a good one I can feel it I'm only one up now just to clarify because you were stealing from me so I'm one up on you just to clarify things do take this one from Sean did I think he's edging victory right now I am an yourself Kevin I always trust ya 1 2 3 9 payday oh my god oh he's near the end Oh No 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'm so sorry oh sorry 20 yeah count it all out there I want to make sure you're not shaft with a shot of you wait I missed 2 paydays no I just wonders in couch every trade salary cards for any player oh [ __ ] yo me me me I get in some I got I gotta take what I can at the end I mean I'm getting 70 grand still so yeah I'll take that 100k it's fair play Dan you have two chances to do it and you did no I can't we count mone okay I would just retire you talk you would okay let me buy your name you in tuck you tell you see you lowlife carriage from someone now Dan does have the big salary now I do it but I mean you got your pension collect twenty twenty K times spin so you roll again and you get that much Oh 740 K boys it's good to be a winner just [ __ ] stupid right you're like the most profitable stock I think the most profitable job you're the highest salary most of the game yeah but did you notice I was hiding my life cards under my cash this whole time me too Brian wait what you so many I know I don't know if it's even cheating because we had life turns out he pretended you had less yeah how do I let you guys go true my cash honestly my life codes weren't that good in the end it's just someone's got like some 250 s and [ __ ] 100k 200k 250 I think I just won I'm I'm I'm afraid you're far off buddy I am currently sitting at 2.4 million III finished with a 2 million and 35,000 oh so close life cards would have turned all of that around I've got annoying life cards right 950 thousand cash two hundred thousand oh there's like the winning streak fifty thousand no go on for more hundred thousand guard hundred thousand you need half a million draw on the carrot circle draw zero well crime never pays guys it was a good game Sean and no one else get in this black carrot let's go let's go we're select there go super black [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,102,505
Rating: 4.9704518 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rt gaming, the irish lads, rtgames, tabletop simulator, game of life, game of life funny, game of life funny moments, irish lads, CallMeKevin, Jacksepticeye, Terroriser, Tabletop simulator funny, Tabletop simulator games, Tabletop simulator board games, Tabletop simulator funny moments, funny moments, funny gameplay, rtgame board games, funny board games, rtgame
Id: O99ukbWX9sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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