I entered a Cities Skylines Tournament, it went wrong

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spaghetti junction revival i don't think i can do spaghetti junction in the tournament the real takeaway is if i win this tournament by the means i employ it's going to look incredible challenge one is positive population they're going to count us down at some point and then we're going to have to go from there the goal is simple build a city with the highest amount of people possible send in swift a little smooch as well for good luck unpause and play good luck good luck okay here we go the tournament has officially begun all right uh brush size brush strength flatten it it will cause a great flood for a while that will settle oh god please let it settle it's not good okay the initial road connections no it's it's evening out it's evening out okay what i can do to build at the moment is i can turn on road anarchy oh god the crime rate why is this so much crime education more education supplementary education give them every [ __ ] kind of education they could possibly want people love insurance so we just that is an awkward box uh there's already dead people in the city that's unfortunate uh let's build a nice family graveyard there you go and a crematorium okay uh next we need airports because airports will bring a lot of people in uh so we're gonna have two here you know what we're gonna we're gonna have as many as we can there okay and then we're gonna add some other things that just affect happiness across the board we want all of these kind of wonders to just increase tourism as much as we can and make everyone ludicrously happy there's [ __ ] nasa uh that entire road has somehow flooded oh my how did that happen let's just uh fix that real quick and then we make a mountain ridge so they're not immediately killed there we go uh get some more water in okay uh there is a sewage problem that's going to start affecting us soon uh what we can do is i can wall that off in advance [Music] sewage won't reach us now it'll take longer there's two minutes remaining of the child two minutes population is declining somewhat that's fine the wall will keep them safe oh this can't be good okay i i can drain it [Music] there we go problem solved i think we did pretty good uh anything else i can add seven six at a hospital five four three two one hands off keyboards please oh 12 000. i had a tsunami that flooded my whole city and reset my population down to zero oh my god was that just like did the game just decide to offload that on you yeah it also gave me a 9.5 sinkhole luckily nowhere in my city oh my god i had the least grids gritty grids ever because i couldn't draw a straight line in with with the pressure with the hands shaking though oh here's my one the wall oh yeah see maybe maybe i could have done something like that i'm not used to dealing with disasters you see yeah i guess i will watch more of your content in the past because i hear that your specialty oh quill god love you it's just heartbreaking before spiff rt and then quill oh there we go that's the points for this one yay three points it was close i'll take two one point between us all it's true it's very close right now the second round then is the seat of learning education is the password to the future for tomorrow belongs to those that prepare for it today build a campus from scratch within an existing city choose between an art campus trade school or an oxford style uni to provide the best future for the use of your city this is judged on creativity realism and beauty all right you're going to see some landscaping from yours truly it's not going to be quite like the big wall that keeps everything out but it's going to be pretty three two one let's go we get to decide what kind of college we want uh i i'm gonna make it liberal arts i think i think that's got a lot of nice buildings we'll need to make some park space we want to have like a hospital and stuff like that here too uh where are the dormitories these are the dormitory buildings so we just want to have like a bunch of these here there we go that's looking pretty good so far uh but we we need way more okay uh next up is the risky step pop that there a meteor strike okay that's fine we'll use that space eventually we go okay uh what i need to do here a fresh water outlet for just a moe trees are catching on fire uh this will all settle that'll all settle this so don't worry too much there we need a big final piece for this section here look at that i think i've done quite well and i've been able to incorporate a meteor in this design look at that listen i don't think any of the other contestants use meteors and water pumps like we did all right so i think we get bonus points for that this is biffus that is a winding road it's very pretty looking though for his main campus design here's us i really liked mine but i'm i'm gonna ask a pretty silly question was there a specific location we were meant to build the university in i i don't think so oh my god i assume most of us went for that there was like a mountain plot that was kind of free oh no quilted his right hand on the city that's good yeah just trying to draw inspiration from a few real life universities where like they basically had to buy up a bunch of buildings in the city as they expand so it's like mixed into city blocks it doesn't look that like you you know that you see this university campus and i don't know if it's going to score very well but i'm very happy that i was successful in my vision did you have some trouble with flooding there spiff with those walls just just a little bit of trouble with flooding there at the end um we built a little pond in the middle with some boats but of course flooded a little bit i did also build a waterfall on the left-hand side which was a very risky undertaking but it actually paid off uh there's an actual waterfall right there i came dead last oh i came second again oh my god oh no oh congrats guys i i used a meteor to construct my park but i don't know if they factor that in and i actually like drained all the water so we had a lake and everything oh someone said on mine that your meteor scored you plus points it was not wasted time really okay good there you go well done that's the only plus points i'm gonna get i have to keep doing more meteors the next challenge is going to be a tricky one though uh the next one is baikon mayhem though they said it four wheels move the body but two wheels move to seoul take a congested city and build the best bike network you can to reduce the city's traffic this is the first round that introduces uh the population punishment if your population dips by five percent your points are halfed i don't know how to actually add a bike network in this game i'm going to be honest with you i have no idea how do you build bike networks oh damn it i i googled and the first thing i see is how to make a bicycle super highway in your city upload it by biffer yeah we're going back to the casters and the round will start shortly if everyone could be ready okay thank you rt is currently sitting in an exam he didn't take the course for oh god here we go where do i start do i just start by upgrading the existing roads with bicycle lanes oh that okay we're gonna we're gonna change this road a little bit uh just widen that out i don't think i can add other roads road anarchy they could bike along there oh this this could be a really good way of doing it hang on if i make it so there's like a highway here that runs alongside the road and then we connect it at the ends i think i can do this if we make like the web like encased bit here i think that's perfect and then every now and then so that you can get to the other side of the road uh we make it so that it cuts across okay uh those are two lane bike roads are they those are one lane oh god that's gonna destroy oh no am i going to have to upgrade all these ones too oh my god all my work is undone oh guys i don't think we're doing too well here some of these are a little steep but that's one's okay vertical you're ready for the bike and highway you gotta get a running start on this one those two districts are done it's just a shame there's like four other bits of the city i haven't got to touch yet this is how i feel right now but no one's on the mountain anyway that's probably a good really good way of doing it too if i can connect like across the highway make it so that you can just cycle it oh that's my meteor that's my meteor it's okay i gotta have a heart attack there it's fine that's just me vetting it shouldn't affect the city this bicycle stand props i feel i don't think you're supposed to brush these ones down oh the meteors there was consequences i've been trying to fix the bikes as much as i can i mean i think it's alleviated traffic there's a lot of people using it but that has to be good i don't know if that's the case in other parts of the city not even using it here okay let's just make it look funny for the preview use my bikes you can really appreciate the roadways oh no did that flood one of the roads no how did this even okay i gotta reinstate the motorway 30 seconds remaining okay i should do it i should do it the road's safe now hands off please and please change scenes while we gather your scores oh no i think i think we might be in trouble for this one the man who managed to flop parts of the city they're so disappointed i would start singing something but i'm sure it's um it's definitely dmcad in this case but uh rt game at 829 so yeah that is currently that last place for now but we're going to have to save spiffing and biffer to find out who's going to be the actual winner of the challenge i surprised you not 1738 so currently holding up first place first might get penalized to mind you due to the fact he lost part of his population oh no smith just to get first place that will be just too bad biffa who currently stands at 2 000. oh god 29 cyclists oh god damn it i probably shouldn't have floated at the end graphic tragedy how can it be called rush hour when nothing is moving is a mix of skill creativity and your knowledge of the game to optimize the road network of a city at a standstill use of public transport is allowed uh highest traffic flow percent there's a lot of debt in this city already i think the population is just going to naturally drop should there be this many dead people i don't think there should i'm just gonna ask them their response is death will sort itself out once you fix the traffic that's right around this three two one away you go remember to on pause here we go all right here's how we fix it delete the main bridge we don't need it the star will carry us forward welcome to city plan this this intersection bit is a mess delete it i mean i'm already relieving a lot of the traffic along this road look at that i've moved it now the problem is the star seems to have acquired most of the traffic okay turn that off it's a free-for-all see they just zoom it's working okay uh public transport i think we have boats this time space is already occupied it can't do go over bridges is what i'm learning here oh but if we turn on road anarchy they can still find now we fix the bridge there we go we can make it worse hang on let me just there we go doesn't affect traffic flow so it's not my problem 67 it's dropped oh no there's bottlenecks so let's just snip a road thing i'll make it so that's the new way it's accessible dramatic play here i'm gonna need to race the land though [Music] [ __ ] oh no i can make it work we made spaghetti mountain don't why do they keep going under the water all right uh i can still fix it stop the flood we fixed it three two one hands off keyboards i think i got it i got 83 percent traffic flow oh my god everybody set all of the speed limits to 10 kilometers an hour went slowly but it was going it was going it was going places junctions fast enough hey i like your cities yeah my city has to have a little bit of fire i i just made the most inefficient subways but you know it did you use land there did you build a gigantic land bridge out to the industries i did yes and then i flooded everything and regretted it afterwards they're not showing mine he goes up i thought he sure goes to the start and then how many points he's being investigated currently because of his uh thanks yeah well chat's pretty up in arms about oh it's being investigated he has done it again it is a bit of a mess i don't think you like the intersection in the middle hang on a second is that is that road anarchy that's here within the open sea casual seven-way intersection if we allowed it to run for a few minutes to see if it balanced out and took everything into account it stayed at hundred percent i won one that's why they were invested so that was a legit investigation because they think i cheated oh no i thought they were being sarcastic this is esports oh spaghetti junction pulled through i suppose the next round is the parks one the next round is parks this one i can do so remember the layout meteor lake mountain zone all over here flat park land hospital it's kind of like the walkway intersection there we need like kind of like a hilly kind of forest area over here then as well i think let's go remember to unpause please this is my chance to shine your future residents that's fine immediately it's fine we just work with the meteors okay and now we amaze them right yup let that in okay we have a lot of this now i'm taking this one so seriously because this is the one i've practiced for and i reckon i can do it right look at that we already have like such a good little network i need to get the meteorite stone in i can't place it on this can i i can cable cars that's a great idea maybe i can get it so this runs true fixed cable car system okay this this area seems quite city central so this is good for like a plaza a restroom chess set and like some gazebos just to escape it let me go let me go on a gazebo spree here sorry how much time was that it was 30 but it is now 20. that's not good okay uh we have to just go all in with trees here five four three two one hands off keyboards please there we go we'll get your scores together and we will find out who is going there's a tree in the middle of the road don't question that bit oh no he brought back the fire pit master comes out of every now and then to check up on what's happening on the outside but uh yeah that actually reminds me a lot at least with the way that is all overall kind of set up of the uh josh over katowice they did a really good one oh jesus they all did really good in terms of recreation because of course racing is a form of recreation as well he made a race this one was the one that was struck by meteors yes it was he started off by throwing down four of them and then decided to work in design of the back of that one the lake as you see on the top of your screen was of course uh made by one of those meteors and the rest has been decorated nicely a beautiful racetrack on the edge of he went all in for the racetrack a recreation as best as possible of the red bull ring and oh my god details that's quite cool scores ready let's see who goes by 33 cool at 29. at 27. it's so close and neck and neck but we have our grand finalists it's biffo i am honestly amazed that like with the road round i legitimately got first on that so you technically got close to being first on that i actually actually was 100 traffic club over the traffic flow challenge everyone beats biffer whatever poor biffer that guy needs to rebrand you know designated traffic flow guy not talking to you anymore goodbye it's been a pleasure playing with you i'm never thinking oh guys it's been fantastic our final challenge is going to be played on the natural disasters dlc it's going to be an interesting one i have to say might be the one to struggle here because i mean you know you are the god when it comes to natural disasters causing natural disasters but you know naturally when you can cause something well you can probably also tidy up quite well to hide the evidence that's the thing i'm also used to like disaster repair and salvage in cities that have been devastated because like that's that's literally half of what i do a good murderer knows how to hide a dead body that's all i mean it's true yes i have a lot of experiences there the best way to probably counter it would be to engulf the entire city in like a sponge and just raise all of the land to max heights that way the meteors will strike the top of the land and it will keep some of the stuff safe at the bottom i 100 agree i also think that is the way to beat this challenge and i think they've given us the abilities to do it now biff is actually starting to think about this because he's got this brush he's like yeah he's worked it out he's no come on make it bigger bigger yeah there we go there you go there we go don't be shy oh yeah look he's drowned half the city oh my god he has yeah look at that yeah okay he he made the barrier too close to the city it's all onto the bunkers now he's raising more land but that's what's going to display the waters yeah it's just going to push the water up over the top oh he needs to make it so there's like a ditch in the middle of the wall that actually acts as a drain for the water oh and here comes the great big tornado oh that is an unfortunate spot oh this is this is good though this is good punish him get to the new bunker five points awarded for each category surviving population population happiness active disaster areas and the preparedness i don't think either of them will focus on population happiness because you don't really need to at this level of the game i don't think it seems like such a random thing to do and like and even judge in case of a disaster it's like quickly put down a dog park as the meteors rain on from you might have lost your grandmother to a meteor but it's okay a new dog park has just opened up yeah oh an earthquake striker now oh yeah we took out a university campus oh my god that's a real bad spot for it oh think of the students uh their accommodation can't get any worse let's be honest oh what's going on here quills oh no quill no no don't worry no what have you done what's going on here a meteor was about to hit the city category 10. elixir play country roads oh jesus oh it it i did it hit high park oh high park is just on fire no there it is right in the center oh my god that's a lot of dead population that's a lot oh that's minus four thousand that might have evened uh okay biff is at 77 okay so this is still oh my hit the residential area that's huge oh oh no oh that's a lot of dead people and more dead people equals more affordable property hat prices finally it's about time oh my god wait quill's losing a thousand a a tick he is oh my god he's losing so much what just happened oh my god that's the flight i don't think he's managing any of the um i don't think he's managing the problems and instead he's just building more pop quill quill look behind you there you go you can his city bounced back oh my god is that 6k population growth it is what the hell quill he restored the power he's he's only behind by about 500 pop now oh my god it's neck and neck wait is that it are we done that's it that's it gg is that it i just love this music in the background just does not fit yeah yeah look at these corpses 20 000 people are dead 80 000 people used to live here this is what it takes to save the city is it worth it is it worth living in a city like this like do you still want to live here it's like now the sun's been blotted out you get daylight for about two hours a day let's find out if you want i won hey [Music] oh is that the trophy that's the trophy yeah ah that would have looked lovely in my office it's a shame on that again oh the trip yes that would look wonderful on my display cabinet yeah oh that's a terrible shame that's that's a real nice looking trophy okay you know what i'll go into town i'll go to all those trophy shops and i will i'll buy you one of those a cheap little trophy that says runner up in the city skylines metropolis challenge that's i i very much appreciate that thank you smith
Channel: RTGame
Views: 597,322
Rating: 4.9841924 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RT Game, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, cities skylines, cities skylines funny, city skylines, cities skylines esport, rtgame cities skylines, cities skylines funny gameplay, cities skylines funny city, city skylines funny, city skylines funny gameplay, cities skylines tournament, spiffing brit, quill18, biffa, cities skylines disasters, cities skylines dlc, cities skylines roads, cities skylines meteors
Id: nhW18OAu5v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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