I spent 41 days in the VR sequel to Groundhog Day

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okay let's do this one two three four i popped bacon in the blender more than one way to make a protein shake i'm trying to make breakfast oh kale phil jr i thought that was you well hot dog ned ned ryerson hi you've reached phil connors if you're calling to tell me to go [ __ ] myself press one now please go [ __ ] yourself phil thanks elise what is happening i i have a projectile come on come on it's very hard to line this up [Music] my hand is bleeding terribly [Music] that's all you guys right now it may be in a few years to be as good as i was when i started i gotta go tell sarah never said this but sometimes when i look into your eye no don't come back here what the hell is wrong with you i don't i don't what did i do we're just here for the rest of our lives aren't we there's no escape hey you want something caleb wrong [Music] i get joker there's a lot of tissue on the ground so many tissues are in this box you're [ __ ] ned you're gonna be right out of this town oh no i gotta do it all again go [ __ ] yourself bill okay there's no need to be rude groundhog day is like a 90s movie starring bill murray where he lives the same day of his life over and over they made a sequel last year it's a vr game groundhog day like father like son bill connor's junior so that's us last half filled his home people backing punxsutawney for the unveiling of my dad's stupid statue on the day before groundhog day tomorrow's vlog is going to be epic this man unironically says epic i don't know if we can trust him here's the deal strangler loves me they want to give me my own show first they have to see me do some personal material wrestle with some daddy issues tomorrow morning people who's in okay it's just the first day just nod your head oh my god it's me okay so i can grab stuff still last call recovery is this like a bottle of vodka did we just drink this oh no okay no i shouldn't be hey good morning little guy oh no you know the developers could have been a little more generous why the [ __ ] is this in the game what is this get up get up get up good start uh we have to teleport over there to continue we have a guitar there call this little ditty wonder wall you may not have heard it before how many things are we gonna drink before we leave the first room am i drunk oh no it's actually getting hazy well let's go [ __ ] myself oh i got my phone seriously phil you're in punxsutawney what the hell yeah so what's the big deal i'm doing a vlog here today that could be huge for me we're a streamer and what i'm not well i guess i'm on the fence about that right now oh my god go [ __ ] yourself phil okay there's no need to be rude hey mom how's it going started breakfast i'm a lot taller than you the whole ceremony thing was ned's idea but i'm actually a little excited for it aren't you i'm more excited for my flight out of here now pumpkin i know you and your dad had a rough patch there at the end i'd say it was mostly rough patch i'm shooting the most important vlog of my career at dad's ceremony today i'm a little anxious sorry i'm gonna make you breakfast while we're talking my producer insisted i do personal material for my big interview with streamler they're hip you wouldn't know them anyone who says something's hip is not hitting oh themselves oh i didn't expect there to be consequences out loud with my mouth no [ __ ] i popped bacon in the blender more than one way to make a protein shake i'm trying to make breakfast isn't gonna let me do this oh god oh god oh my gosh there's broken glass everywhere get inside and go to your room right now i hit the broken glass and lead to our problems mom you want a protein shake get some eggs in there too there's so much noise anyone wants some crispy well done bacon [Music] why did the fish die i'm just gonna turn up the volume because she's complying a lot [Music] what just happened i always thought the house could use a drive through window what just happened please tell me this is gonna be in the vlog okay that's that's prime youtube content right there everyone meet my niece you could be a little more [ __ ] care in phil connor's june she's fine just ruining my day she just drove through the wall oh god this guy is like one of the worst youtubers oh look kale phil jr i thought that was you well hot dog ned ned ryerson bing oh should i punch him it's ned ryerson from the film this is going to be just amazing great for who he's an insurance salesman hey i should make you a protein chef junior this is my daughter sarah you remember her don't you come on dad um i don't think we've met yeah i think we've met i've never met phil sarah missed me you wish oh come on i know you watch my vlog i'm blowing up right now guess everyone needs i'm a youtuber you're taking a crap huh dad i gotta run nice to see you rita there's been an accident my granddaughter's in the hospital oh no oh damn she'll be fine don't worry did she have insurance cause if she does you can always use a little more she's still trying to sell [ __ ] insurance this long after the film can we postpone the ceremony until tomorrow i have a flight to catch right after the ceremony it's important i'm leaving whose fault is that i told you not to schedule your flight the same day that nagging reminded me exactly why i wanted to get out of here such a loving son what about jake's barbecue ned i'm sure you can take jake's place at the grill well my wieners sure are tasty dog come on don't start talking about your wiener this is going to be one demonetized highlights video on youtube isn't it a monument to a laugh unfinished well come on i should go get the barbecue oh no the statue is nowhere near done i'm so sorry for this ned today's just not the right day well maybe if my fritters and wieners were tasty enough they'd forget all about talking about your tasty wieners ned someone is calling me but i kind of want a donut bill it's ceremony time you ready to record your vlog i told streamla it'd be uploaded by 5 pm what just happened [ __ ] yourself what was that did i get dropped i'm like drunk it's back to normal what just happened what just happened what i didn't do anything what the hell is wrong with you well i don't i don't really do disaster today was supposed to be about your father now gobbler's knob is on fire my granddaughter is in the hospital and the best thing my son can do is stand there when people need help how do you always manage to make everything all about you i'm a youtuber hilarious you have to be there or just lack empathy why why would i tweet that hashtag sorry not sorry he's not doing too good he's not we're not having a good start to the day a lot has gone wrong after a day like today oh it's the bartender i really need a drink booze give me the bottle can i have another i appear to be struggling like an umbrella oh apparently that's it i think we passed out where are we now how far away are the stars oh they're far so far that some of those stars aren't even up there anymore what you are seeing is starlight from millions of years ago that's the past up there son time it's it's all an illusion trust me kid i know not quite bill murray that's okay i i don't know how to explain this in a way you'll understand or even believe but you're dead in time we got a weird relationship i was stuck in the same day for like 12 years there are stories i want to tell you stories you need to know okay you'll have your own game too before long you'll get to experience what i did gotta get better at turning off the alarm shut the [ __ ] up okay maybe we won't start the day with a lot of alcohol this time because that seems to have been a mistake what's that magazine again a [ __ ] magazine just crops up it's like you're gonna be demonetized wait you're calling me again didn't you just call me yesterday and tell me to go [ __ ] myself no i'm telling you to go [ __ ] yourself today [ __ ] okay okay we're gonna get a call every day telling us to go [ __ ] ourselves good morning hello there's so much going on i barely started breakfast it's a joke what is this some kind of joke what day is today february 1st again it happens on the same day every year i think i think i'm supposed to stop things from happening because i know that i'm in the loop oh my gosh i can't believe those kids i should have i should have opened this window because i know that it's going to the ball is going to come in so we have to start paying attention as to what's going on couldn't change the channel and we couldn't afford it anyway i gotta stop the cat i'm trying to stop the cat he's gonna kill the goldfish that actually works don't don't drive the car don't drive the car sophie you don't even have your license i'll get some jazz playing so you don't make her a smoothie she drives a car into the living room it's like restart scene to oh god we can do it again we have to try and get it right stop sophie from crashing the minivan that's the current goal is that like vegan i need to shoot the cat he's in the magazine whoa hey mr aggro what's the deal don't you'll tank me later she needs her smoothie do i put this in the blender there it is then smoothie i squared ice oh yes i need a cup i need a cup i'm i'm not making you bacon an egg tavis hey sophie maybe a t-shirt i'll catch it i'll catch enough don't drive the car i can do it i can do it morning good morning there's so much going on barely started breakfast that calls in just a minute your phone's going to ring and it's going to be ned he is going to spend the rest of the morning talking your ears ceremony but you can't let him i need you to hang out i'll fix it all don't worry instead hi ned there we go no no we're making progress ned i'm gonna have to call you back how did you know i told you mom i have lived this day before i'm psychic again i've seen this movie before it's exactly the same my goodness have you heard of bill murray it was real your father's stories i thought they were just fables you mean this is what happened to dad oh my god this was his big secret i need to get to the window mom's keeping me too long your dad used to say he felt like i can't travel my hands are perilous i made the smoothie i made the smoothie what kyle in you need to let me go faster barely started breathing mommy i gotta move okay open the window how is everything going oh hey mr aggro what's the deal you'll thank me later open the dresser or the drawer not the dresser i got it breakfast is served oh my god is this exactly don't worry about that don't crash the car into the living room uncle phil you're the coolest uncle ever make sure to follow my vlog it's called a glass half filled nope hard pass there that's fair i don't blame you now that you're relatively tall you gotta ask what were you so upset about anyway i can't hear you over the bacon hang on bulletproof in concert tonight now it's sold out just a second sweet potato did you say shiny happy bulletproof you know your grandfather used to play piano with teddy smith grandpa knew teddy smith a few weeks ago he sent me um oh what do you call it a vip pass what everything is solved honestly i was like the heck am i gonna do with this and it's good for two people so you can take a friend oh yeah everything's better with a friend too bad none of my friends i don't know who she is it worked gonna vlog and i'm going to la people and this guy is my ride to the airport please don't let a meteor hit him or a feral groundhog even alive before my flight i gotta stop the fireworks i gotta stop the fireworks don't understand it's all gonna go ablaze i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here i gotta warn the people junior could you get up and say something mom everyone's gonna burn you can film your speech whatever you were gonna say about your family to the internet certainly you can say to everyone settle here we're here to celebrate phil connors and to kick things off here's phil jr to say a little something from the heart what's up punxsutawney that's right i'm back in my hometown and taking all of you with me for an extra special episode of glass half filth oh no it's like avatar is my youtube channel and today the dad's sister some of you may know this but in high school ned the head dated phil's sister aunt mary pat a few times until dad told him not to anymore unfortunately she couldn't make it to the garrison restraining order she can no longer be in the same zip code as ned thanks happens out whenever ned sees an opportunity he charges it like a bull inevitable they call him and while sometimes that's a good thing sometimes it's a sacrifice i don't get it my dad once again carving my mom's face in ice sometimes instead of ice of course it wasn't always ice oh dad was so multi-talented and he liked to show off so sometimes he would try to impress our mom by carving her portrait out of our family breakfast her hair was a cascading array of bacon and her face it was a mismatch of sausage links and patties pork and beef alike he used sunny side up eggs for her ovaries really didn't have to include but i could subscribe to my channel guys she's my family and just telling me to get up you offended pretty much everyone in that crowd that was the intent everyone there was a dog there he looked pretty happy i'm such an [ __ ] mom's really disappointed she's walking home alone anywho i'm heading over to the tip-top together mom's no no you're my ride to the airport jake you're supposed to drive me seriously you're leaving now bro i never see you there's a reason i'm on the internet you can literally watch me online for a hundred straight hours i don't want to see your stupid videos i want to hang with you in person oh then you want to watch vlog number 22 hanging with phil in person i'm an empty voice haven't you heard the news there's a blizzard coming the roads to the airport are already shut down what no no way that's not possible i'll take the risk you think i care if it's safe got me on the plane even if it means you possibly dying you got that now either get your fat ass in that minivan and drive me out of here or get the hell out of my way what the hell is wrong with you what do you even hear yourself how you treat other people he's your family him what about me stuck here my life is so hard god i can't believe i ever let a [ __ ] like you break my heart wait what i didn't break your heart or break the chili yeah go on telling yourself that phil what you did back then was unforgivable what what did i do forget it you're not worth it i'm never getting out of here am i this is the most egotistical bad i've ever seen influencers here's phil jr to say a little something from the heart what's up punxsutawney the bottom of the speech it will always fail i had an epiphany i sculpted his erotic life is meaningless like hey high school these are all terrible these are all terrible why my dad had to carve in ice every year the cold makes your hands lose feeling and that heightens the sensation throughout the rest of your body you start to feel tingly so sorry you didn't know existed i'm fulfilled you guys know what i'm saying my dad was doing it just to get off you know how sick that is it's almost as sick as me talking about what my dad did to get off quiet get off the stage he's such an [ __ ] turn it off junior you done i'm not sure if i want to keep going i'm gonna leave the speech ned i know i know my speech offended everyone but nobody will remember it tomorrow mom's really disappointed she's walking home alone i think we messed it up again tip top to get a cappuccino you want to come let's go to the cafe well well well if it ain't old butterfingers the busboy never thought i'd have to lay out i was an amazing bus boy you were late every day you ignored the customers and let's not forget all the plates you dropped i didn't do too well in this job then we called you butterfingers i didn't drop those plates i tossed them in the dumpster so i didn't have to wash them phil you're not helping your case right now one cappuccino does it look like cappuccino jake it's black and steamy and full of macho raw flavor i'm afraid our trusty low miletti espresso machine i can make cappuccino this is bullcrap i can't believe this is happening to me lingo extra pumpkin i know that very well jake i also know phil had his own espresso machine at home alice i want to speak to your manager dude it's just coffee it's just coffee i'm the manager look you want the cappuccino so bad go home and fix your machine yourself he's a karen isn't it meat wagons you're a karen no we're in like the dream sequence again i thought you said this was gonna be fun it's boring it just keeps going round and round well i was trapped in a time paradox a lot of life's gonna feel like going round and round the same track there's a lot that you can learn from repetition like to stop thinking so much about when you're going to get somewhere because you're not you know daily quests warcraft it's never getting employment's a lot like that we all think the story is all about us but there are people all around us having stories too in one day in one town in one loop around the track if you're bored by repetition it means you're not paying attention to the very oh god it's like just good luck in the time paradox this information will help you then can i solve this what the hell saying just calm down never happen let's just relax so we can talk relax no i mean just calm down oh calm down just be cool be cool you want to see cool you want to see cool go [ __ ] yourself phil yeah that's why you don't tell people to come now sophie needs vip pass mom sophie wants to go see shiny happy bulletproof tonight you got a vip pass right oh how did you know i do have it what okay are you serious it's changing come take a look at the espresso machine i can't make it work oh he wants me to take it can i do that in time take a look what i this is different okay this can't be happening to me this is really really really really terrible what's wrong jake what is wrong with you today man happy-go-lucky no cares in the world kind of guy well you haven't been around much have you now please just would someone fix this damn machine phil used to help alice keep the old machine at the cafe working too she might remember a thing or two top cafe alice you know what forget the cappuccino we got to get moving if we want to get to the ceremony early this morning leave without a cappuccino it's gonna be okay she's not gonna drive the car hold your horses pumpkin this family's not going anywhere without a healthy breakfast and i still got all these calls i need to make a breakfast i don't need to worry about the smoothie this time i just need to make some actual bacon and eggs okay take that off the heat for a moment i'm just making breakfast i don't think the eggs are supposed to be this good this family's not going anywhere without a healthy breakfast welcome jack and i still got all these calls to make fine okay so we need to find the manual at the cafe oh no it's not ryerson again skip the speech we're not going to do the speech this time because the speech always upsets somebody never in my notes espresso machine engineer could you get up and say something i'll pick some slides to show up see you later mom's really bummed you wouldn't do a speech okay it just shuts down if you don't do it we're getting there no i need i i need to ask rita i'm sorry ned how to fix an espresso machine hi alice never thought my mom told me that you know how to fix a low mileti barista espresso machine and i was wondering could you teach me well your dad did leave me some notes on maintenance and repairs it's actually pretty simple for anyone with basic knowledge of a million mechanics huh uh-huh uh-huh i don't understand any of this okay diablo i'll help you understand the basics imagine that you are inside the low mileage okay we going inside it what the f you see those coffee beans floating around you you gotta send power to those coffee beans what's going on oh god oh god what is happening i i have a projectile this this just isn't what i expected this is how you work in starbucks rotation is this going to help us fix the coffee machine at home are we gonna have to do another shooting gallery this has been like the most in-depth thing in the entire game so far it's groundhog day just named the coffee this is more of a trip than the lsd why did the donut cause the hallucinate so badly okay so those ones move that's it phil keep the pressure on the sweet spot here we go i am the coffee master we do it i think we did it oh my god is how you make an excellent cappuccino is just like what the [ __ ] just happened we can continue the day from here let's see what else we can learn oh it's you again hello you're just taunting me today aren't you i've been thinking about old would you like a drink can i buy you a drink are you for real why are you so obsessed with me today uh i want to catch up it's been forever sarah i just want to catch up yeah how long you got more than your usual two seconds in town just seems like you're kind of upset about you mind if i vlog this what's wrong sarah you really want to know what's wrong my father literally ruined my life today you remember how i've always dreamed of having my own bookstore i do yeah she's ned ryerson cracking down her heart about you i was this close phil dad promised me the money for the down payment to close the deal tomorrow but this afternoon he bailed just like that poof oh my god that happened to me so i need to talk to ned buy you a drink and commiserate in my experience it takes at least four drinks to forget who you're at let's drink our problems away yes this is she what oh talk to ned about sarah's bookstore that was the police my son's in trouble again uh-oh it's these stupid friends of his they're troublemakers i've got to go do you want me to come no phil i don't want you to come you don't even know john the last thing i need is another you don't want to drink from the pasta you don't want to drink this there's a lot on the menu we're just here for the rest of our lives aren't we there's no escape junior sorry i'm late for movie night mrs kazowski had triplets isn't that amazing forget it dad i made other plans this is gonna help us with the speech i think but the memories what you doing sarah asked me to help her with her homework she's kind of great i mean i've known her since we were kids but this is different i'm making her a mixtape nice move what kind of music does she like um well i think what i like you've never asked her rule number one kid listen that's it you can't just walk in here after not even showing up and start bombing me with your nuggets of wisdom like you know everything but i do son i'm all-knowing i'm a god whoa no you don't have you seen that blizzard outside sarah can wait until tomorrow no she can't ah you don't get it dad she's never invited me over before this is everything and what if something terrible happens to you on the way then it happens to me my life my problem you don't understand dad let me tell you a little secret kid it's not all about you right because everything's about you god you're such a hypocrite i hate you hey is there much i can do like in this park video games you know i could never get into wasting my time playing the same game over and over and over again this is a bit matter let me see if i can write with a singer concentrating every ounce of brain power we deserve this [Music] i tried what the hell yeah i know [ __ ] myself i know i know go [ __ ] myself is that really all you called to say i got more for you honey blow it out your ass oh i'll send your rings though i'll be too sweety make a cappuccino it's not working phil oh god oh no okay uh reds need to go to red blues need to go to blue oh god there okay there we go don't you think that's a lot i'm in coffee we fixed them wait are you crying no no no i'm not crying hey is something going on it's okay you can talk to me you have been mr happy-go-lucky literally every day of your life today you've let a stupid cappuccino gets you all bent out of shape why it's not the cappuccino it's it's it's everything i've got a teenager who barely talks to me the twins are freaking me out my wife's hanging on by not doing too good well what would dad have said to you now that's good man i don't know probably i would have said just deal with it tomorrow about you jake that sounds right what else something like all over punxsutawney people are hungry and tired and striving for meaning and you're worried about your sweet little caffeine fix let it go son get out there today help someone else god you sound just like him which means he's not gone we'll always have dad's advice to guide us this family's not going anywhere without a healthy breakfast and i still got all these calls to make don't worry the conners brothers will take care of that we're gonna make breakfast fun dude like cooking with dad used to be the turn on the cook top i can pick up the egg that's not a good sign man that egg is burned i have never actually said these words dude but i am not gonna eat that i i cried i tried are you ever gonna patch this i love it when your voice gets filled with blind rage calling to say how much you miss me yeah go [ __ ] yourself phil went a bit better that time wait make breakfast we make progress each time we're gonna get this made we're gonna get this family out of this house alive i can cook breakfast this is my hardest challenge yet and we'll even wow great i'm not sure that's a good idea who's the tip-top cat special mom always gets delivered wait you mean mom even happier probably oh and then we could have gotten a gobbler's knob early to get those good spots for the show he wants an order from the cafe okay here take their card thank you okay wait so if we restart that now we know that she wants an order from the cafe so we do it again fix everything and leave we know exactly what we're doing i need that button fix everything and ryerson we have to make amends with sarah we have to go talk to john at some point too why do you hate bookstores nat i gotta ask why do you hate bookstores um i'm sorry we gotta try to fix the bookstores your daughter is counting on you to invest in her bookstore dream why are you giving up on her dad is that true you're pulling out what the hell confronted him no i haven't made a decision yet pumpkin i'm just a bit bamboozled right now with the ceremony and everything this really isn't a good time can we talk later at the cafe we've got to see him actually i was wondering if i could talk to your son i'm sorry what well you two stay right here and catch up we've got a ceremony to attend why the hell would you want to talk to john it's been too long i've totally missed his growing up it's oh it's killing me i don't believe a single word you just said he sprayed graffiti on my car i'm gonna ring his nick yeah okay that i buy crap now he's gone phil i gotta run he's over there let me go talk to him for you maybe he needs more of a father figure kind of thing i have no idea what it is you think you're doing but sure do you want to call him ever floats your boat just don't try to smoke a cigar with him or teach him to grill a steak i'm not going to teach him anything do you think i have something worth teaching wow that's actually really good punks huh like uh punxsutawney with the punk rock twist pretty cool tag dude it's punk x not punks oh right of course although maybe add a dash in there after punk because it's a little muddy right now this isn't gonna go well what the hell do you want and what you're planning on doing tonight it's not gonna end great in fact your scrawny ass is going to jail what oh [ __ ] you don't know what i'm planning you don't know anything about me dude who likes to bother your mom i dated her in high school oh yeah i did eat your mom [ __ ] i don't think that's healthy just saying we've been to the same place kid huh you came out of it oh jesus what the [ __ ] dude get the hell out of here man i can't believe i just wasted five minutes of my life we tried come on [Music] but trust me dude i've been there i used to be just like you what the hell do you have to be angry at uh you're actually not i'm stuck in this freaking town you and everyone else no you misunderstand i mean literally oh phil you ruined it you dude get lost i wish i could but it seems like i got to fill the void left in you by the absence of a positive fatherly role model if i want to for your mom's broken heart it's not too much there get the hell out of here man punk that's right can i tell you like fortnight battle royale don't tell me to play tell me what the hell you're planning tonight seriously picasso it's gonna go real bad for you and worse for me so please just stop messing around and talk to me i don't know you i don't like you and i'm definitely not telling you anything about my life you know what kid i don't like you either no phil get the hell out of here man honestly you're a cockblock dude what okay we'll move on for now i don't think we can help the kid just yet but if we keep going on we might be able to learn something more you come on over here and say hi to your uncle dad hey ned how's it going why am i so small tell me about ned ryerson that's so nice you know man's an open book why do you hate bookstores all right you wouldn't talk about it in front of your daughter but now you have to your daughter's counting on you to invest in her bookstore ned why are you giving up on her it's a flat offense it's not real i've spent my entire adult life considering risk and investing wisely i did it you know this is sarah's dream if you don't help her out she'll be crushed come on she's smart she won't mess this up junior you're as unrealistic as my daughter sometimes this bookstore of hers is is a whimsical it's a it's a proof of an idea it's well it's no ryerson shuffle ned you're a real [ __ ] what's a ryerson shirt a ryerson shirt something you would invest in sorry i shouldn't have said that i really should get back to work junior these tax returns won't fill out themselves toodle-loo taking your tax returns so ned wanted to ask you what's a ryerson shuffle who told you about that um you didn't do it a long time ago you were wasted i mean it was well it was something very important to me and my daughter i mean i dated sarah for so long so she certainly must trust me implicitly after all of those years right oh are we pretending i'm the bullseye oh this is fun i'm sorry junior i know you have well i suspect you have the best of intentions in asking oh no unless sarah told you yourself i don't feel right talking about private family matters you understand i need to get sarah to tell me yourself tell me about the ryerson shuffle whatever you're up to it's just you're going to know well phil what's the ryerson shuffle oh my god i haven't heard that name in ages there we go it's just a silly dance my dad and i made up wait it's what you want a drink it's a dance seriously just throw that at me sorry i'm assuming it's sexy shut up it meant after my mother left we used to dance to cheer each other up you know dad is so risk-averse always seeing potential catastrophe everywhere through the ryerson shuffle he'd like to death damn risks oh you can just go to restart day okay technology yeah we have an app for that i take your orders you're doing it hi alex hey can i have this for fixing the timeline connor's house on cherry street thanks there we go that's one down junior did you order breakfast i did leave now listen i have to go i'll see you at the ceremony there we go we just ordered breakfast and that solved all family disputes i mean that's how it works in the real world you know i need to finish this statue for mom how do i do this i don't know what i'm doing i might be here a while am i doing it right come on come on it's very hard to line this up i imagine i'm under time constraints too we gotta go faster i ruined it no i took too much off i think i'm supposed to do this no just get [ __ ] dad get [ __ ] i fixed it let me just quickly restart this one gotta do it layer by layer oh [ __ ] yourself neddy this is going to be just amazing sorry ned need to go to the alley i need to go do something we have to stop jake i know your friends suck well i know that the hoodlums you've chosen to hang out with are not good influences on you seriously you have no idea why you hang out with them you know the drugs fake id no no girlfriend he gets arrested drugs you hang out with whoever can score the good stuff you know the puff puff the suit snoot whatever you're scared today what are you a narc i don't need those [ __ ] to get high really then why are you even hanging out with them look i hang out with them because they're like a totally og crew okay there we go off the hook burners oh wow okay yeah i can dig that i don't know what burners are i'm not as hip as this kid like you know anything about graffiti hey you're looking at a local legend mister am i gonna be able to make graffiti what was your tag my name was kill phil kill phil k-i-l-f-i-l who's phil me and my dad and the groundhog but not me i didn't want people to kill me your dad then no well not really no the groundhog yeah i don't know that's pretty confusing we're getting there in retrospect you're right it's not super clear all right kill phil did i do it you think you can impress me let's see what you can do and maybe we'll talk i just ah try not to paint outside the area i'm doing my best you are no david show come on you can't criticize art put a little bit of my soul into this thing yourself nobody wants to sappy [ __ ] i'll try it again i can do it i can win his love by vandalizing i'm gonna get arrested instead try not to paint outside the area i still did it doing the best i can it's really tricky to be too precise with it jesus no he's not impressed practicing like that and maybe in a few years you'll be as good as i was when i started this is the toughest one yeah you doing just sit back and learn this is a different one i'm a gangster now guys i'm i'm really good at this you can tell that i was like a hoodlum in my use too you know i was a young rock scallion not bad i don't know what's supposed to do especially for an old man like you keep practicing come back here a little [ __ ] let's do the ryzen shot you know what ned you're a great dad no why would you go and say something like that because sarah told me something really touching and a little embarrassing but mostly touching she told me about the ryerson shuffle i just wish someone would do a ryerson shuffle with me you know do you think maybe oh no i mean you're breaking my heart here kiddo but now here with all these people watching come on you would do it i don't know i mean go over there i guess for phil connors sure put a15 on the jukebox they do it this is dancing here we go why don't you try that again junior this time good you're making me uncomfortable that's all you guys right now sit down [Music] suicide that was i gotta get going junior there was no advance notice if i don't dance well enough sarah's bookstore is closed i don't know why they're dancing i'll be damned if that's not the greatest thing i thank you sir me and sarah had a whole bunch of names for our little cha-cha-cha the rusty ryerson the ashamed accountant the grinding groundhog christ got it in the bookshop i haven't taken a risk like that since well since the day i'm sorry it's just all those years ago it was so hard i didn't know how to raise sarah alone let's do some more dancing i'm sorry i know you love your daughter but if you don't invest in her bookstore today it's going to break her heart you are right we did it mention the conflict i gotta go with my heart i gotta do it i gotta go tell sarah that i never said this but sometimes when i look into your eye no don't come back here look i know i haven't really been on the radar lately but i want to make it up to you how about that drink get in there what i'll be right there i gotta do graffiti next by doing that with john we can make amends with sarah when john gets something in here i just have to do gobblers knob and do the speech have a good night we're almost there we're so close listen i have to go i'll see you at this right now do i have to do the statue in that again there's americans oh my god i didn't notice i think that right okay i think it actually looks really good i did it we're almost there we've almost got everything done but it's at moments like this more than any other time that you need to remember the ryerson shuffle oh my god seriously our dance i haven't thought about the old ryerson show for years oh look at them go dad phil is right there you go well said we can do this bookstore together no risk no joy all right let me rest we we fix the relationship just like that round of applause round of applause nice thing you did thank you i gotta still stop the kid we go to the alley once we get all this sword we go to the ceremony we give the speech i think we fixed the day we've almost fixed the timeline you clearly got talent kid but you're a whiny punk next to my mad burner skills oh trash talk oh this last one doesn't seem too hard sweet soy oh no i'd rather do the ryerson shuffle again than this oh my gosh that [ __ ] is dope you got some serious skills [ __ ] you honestly you have real talent i'm impressed how did you do it i wanted to be as good as those [ __ ] who tag under the bridge so i just didn't give up you know that whole just not giving up idea that wasn't a part of my vocab at your age dude i'm kind of impressed thanks that means something coming from an artist like you so i'm an artist don't you guys are gonna go throw some burners up somewhere potentially illegal that might send you all to jail shiny happy bulletproof is playing tonight and they're totally sold out don't do it kid the guys me supposedly they got a way to sneak in look i got bad news you're going to get caught and it's going to suck but guess what i know someone who has a vip pass you're kidding you know my niece sophie connors sophie yeah sure she's in my science class but she never go out with me what dude you two are like in the same class she she's vegan well she's vegan maybe ask her about it that's the secret that's all you gotta know i like falafel there's like an age difference of like seven years between these two characters cool whatever man [ __ ] off [ __ ] you too little kid how about that drink is that my son with your niece looks like they're on a date does it go well would remind yourself look i just want to make amendments maybe have someone what's up world time steak i'll bite but i'm bailing if this gets weird now we're at old jogo who needs old joe i'm the best bartender in pittsburgh that's not saying a lot come on i'll make the drink i'm gonna have to make these drinks back there what are you a bar cop what do i stash you're the big shot bartender okay and then we need a glass who would ever mix that just the luck of it makes me want to see of course i need to check the menu checking the menu what do you want here drink goes in glass i'm starting over look this was fun but i'm gonna get going really yeah there's a lime is kind of a dead don't make this weird maybe we can meet up tomorrow yeah i made it i made it i thought you were saying i made it take my dream hey you want some tequila bro my hand is bleeding terribly is this chardonnay no no no oh you can take it out that makes it much easier i love it we did all that i'm impressed phil you want some pineapple juice all the introverts and bookworms of punxsutawney and their new refuge ah men so funny that's what i was gonna toast too really how weird i can't believe i'm standing here with you phil celebrating oh come on we are celebrating your future bookstore with an amazing drink yeah we are thanks you don't know how many times i made plans over the years for what i was going to say to you all the ways i was finally going to tell you to your face what an [ __ ] you were go on i can take it i've at it i can take it let's get it out in the open it's not worth it we don't get a do-over life only happens i get many do-overs i said i thought too but here i am you should just have called jim we got in that big fight and you stormed out so i left to pittsburgh you emptied our apartment in the middle of the night and that was that i never heard from you again not a call not a breakup text i don't have a drinking problem i didn't even know if you were alive or dead that was the day i got fired let me just top up the glass during the fight it was a fight a bad one but we were gonna get married phil and that's all it took wait we talked about oh did you say no [Music] i gotta do it all again oh no i can't believe i just ruined that scene i'm drinking two bottles of gin i just vomited all over oh my god there we go i got my drink i spill our drink i think i did but we were gonna get married phil and that's all it took wait we talked about marriage you asked me if i wanted to that night did you say no i said i didn't think you were ready clearly that triggered something it got real phil and you ran away just like you've run from everything that would make it check it off on the list yeah i guess i sorted no it didn't i'm sorry hang on let me get a chair i want you to know that i'm sorry i'm sorry for not calling after the fight forever ago i'm sorry i walked out i'm sorry i made you worry i'm sorry i broke our hearts i don't deserve your forgiveness having an emotional moment build my bookstore and have love babies with his own rock star i didn't have the hair for it yeah if only you'd learn to play that guitar i feel very short all of a sudden if i remember right a guy playing guitar was once your kryptonite my self-respect kryptonite i think it still is oh needless to say i am a bit rusty okay let's do this one two three oh my god i wanna get that sounding [Music] right [Music] in the sky come on [Music] over and over again so don't tell me i'm dreaming when you're with me [Music] don't tell me [Music] you've always been meant for me i'm gonna tell you one more time sure as the day begins i'm gonna make you mine [Music] over and over again [Music] nice sounds like you've been practicing yeah thank you very much maybe a little your dad believed you would be a rock star what no he didn't he hated my guitar playing he told me i was terrible you were terrible but you had charisma maybe he was trying to inspire you to be better dayton county fair summer 99 biggest crowd i ever played and dad didn't even show wait summer of 99 yes and we partied like it was you were there no i wasn't phil your dad wasn't there because he was with me in the cafe crying my eyes out over you oh oh no you blew me off when there wasn't room in the van told me to get a taxi i was done with you then your dad came in he was getting food to go telling everybody how he was headed to his son's show i tried to hide but he saw me he ordered milkshakes and sat down he said a star like you would have a million more shows and i shouldn't sweat missing this one your dad loved you phil remember him how you want but i know he was the best it wasn't easy being the son of the best compared to most dads mine is a weirdo my sons is a loser you won the dad lottery phil it's not easy being a parent you have no idea well i'll find out soon enough if i can ever get out of here what do you mean wait never mind sorry i haven't told anybody this i haven't even really processed it myself but my girlfriend elise back in pittsburgh well she's maybe kind of pregnant wait oh god wow it's really early but you know we may be i didn't know i didn't think about moving in together and and then streamler called and you know they're everything i thought i wanted so instead of piling boxes into a two-bedroom i'm stuck here halfway to hollywood and far away from all the terrifying life crap what's she like this elise she's we have lovely conversations every morning she's funny she's talented she sells these little hand-knit iphone cozies on etsy and she's the first woman to see through my [ __ ] since you but we're kind of in that fun phase of dating where she calls me every morning and tells me to go [ __ ] myself can i give you some unsolicited advice phil yes sure let me have it i think there's a reason you're here talking to me tonight and it's not whatever you had in your head i think you needed your best friend back so someone can tell you this if you can't learn from your mistakes if you keep doing the same stupid thing over and over you really are in a time loop pal right and heavy dad phil dads don't have to be perfect they just have to be there i don't know what you need to do and it's not here with me i think we did it and unlocked something else i thought you and sarah were happy junior why the sudden rush to leave anything i can say to talk you out of it yeah you can stay out of it you're making a mistake you think there's someone better out there somewhere better but everyone and anywhere is perfect if you just stay quiet long enough to listen to their soul sing oh that's so much weird you even listen to yourself you're like a walking forward it's not fallen landon you think you're so evolved so magically perfect at everything you're wrong there i'm not perfect at everything i'm certainly not perfect at being a dad being a dad is hard i've just had lots of time to practice all the small stuff lots and lots of free time see you're always saying crap like that what does that even mean there are so many things i want to tell you but you're not ready to believe me no matter what i say no matter how i explain it you'll still think it's a metaphor or i'm insane because my stories are not possible when will i be ready maybe when maybe when you're a dad [Music] i never listened to him wow sarah wasn't i didn't break things getting too real with elise and i just bolted jesus something's wrong with me seriously phil you're in punxsutawney there's a new option what the hell listen elise i'm sorry did i call the wrong number i'm sorry i left i'm sorry i didn't tell you elise my whole life i have run for my family from my life and i don't want to run anymore okay well i'm glad you at least know you [ __ ] up yeah i [ __ ] up you really [ __ ] up do you even want to be a dad phil uh yeah i do i think i do i don't think i was ready before i'm ready elise we're ready trust me i have had a long time to think about things you literally just left last night i'm sorry no phil i don't want you apologizing to me over the phone you want me to have this baby with you you need to come home tomorrow believe me i'm gonna try my hardest just let me know when you're coming phil i'll be here there we go that's wrapped up with elise elise is pregnant listen mom there's uh something we need to talk about if this is about those uh magazines i found in your drawer i'm sorry i think no i'm sorry i found them too no my girlfriend is pregnant what you haven't met her her name's elise she's you like her oh my goodness that's wonderful guys junior's gonna be a father new development for the show tell everyone got a few phone calls you want to make let's tell the whole neighborhood no bro just thanks i wish dad was here to see congratulations from ned he would tell you exactly what you needed to hear yeah what would he say he'd tell you that your life is not all about you anymore once you become a parent you can't help but put your kids needs above your own you have to let go of that selfish we're not ready yet we're gonna be late come good people no breakfast what about me all i wanted to do was see shiny happy bulletproof shiny happy bulletproof isn't that teddy smith's band there we go he sent me a vip palette all coming together do you know who you should invite john ryerson or should i say punk x i can't believe you're starting your own family dad would be so proud you know the sculpture they're putting up in gobbler's knob he didn't actually get to finish it it was going to be of the whole family your father was making it for our anniversary you just begun working on it when he i'm sorry he couldn't finish it mom okay new information leave now let's finish the statue it all started with a zen smoothie this is it i know this is what you wanted for mom there you go thanks dad that you're done junior since when can you do something like this since today i guess i have a little more this oh man of me than i thought do you mean oh my gosh i'm sorry i just dad used to tell stories but i never believed him i know mom i know i've talked about it many times i mean on many today's just like you and dad did you've grown so much since yesterday you're ready phillip oh she was if you can give the speech now this day so many you can indict begin the ceremony could i borrow you after the ceremony there's something i'd like to show you now come on someone's got to get up there and make a speech to say a little something from the heart so this is me and my focus oh it's all coming together but you know it can't be easy being a dad or a mom right mom trying to connect to a kid who's pulling away kicking and screaming trying to form his own identity looking back on that summer now i realized dad wasn't trying to show me up he was trying to spend time with me the truth is he was right about me all those years i wasn't ready to take on that zombie army i wasn't ready to know his secrets i wasn't ready to grow up hey mom thanks for believing that maybe finally i'm ready oh my god it's a pretty moving speech it's come a long way okay okay it wasn't that special guys okay there's jake and my dad and the aprons you know because we had dinner every night as a loving family blah blah blah all right i gotta admit i used to think i knew my brother big lug who's just insanely content with his life every single day until today the one day i get stuck at home is the day jake decided to be an angry miserable son of a [ __ ] it sucked more for me than for him i promise you but i realize now he was always so happy before because he had something i didn't a guide a mentor he actually listened to our dad in their nightly cooking sessions it's a bit late i know but i wish i'd spent more time listening to you dad and jake i will make the best cappuccino for you every day if it helps keep that smile on your face it's so sweet guy just loves his family now another one down lola did you get the video what did you say oh i didn't call lola before the speech i think it's okay let me do my producer magic and get this baby out to stream by asap and phil get your ass to the airport before you miss your flight i don't think there is a way out lola oh no that was beautiful junior mom is here now too now i want to show you something as soon as i saw that sculpture i knew what you were going through it's hidden behind the posters oh there is something there oh i forgot how beautiful it was this was the alley where old man collins died on groundhog day he took his last breath in your father's arms oh jesus when you say it like that it sounds like dad strangled him your father could do so many things but no matter how many times he tried again and again how many skills he learned he couldn't save old man collins he told me he painted this mural as a way to remind himself of what he learned that day use graffiti einstein is that star supposed to be heaven or something heaven nothingness whatever you want i think for phil it was a reminder not to take any of this for granted what do you mean phil told me once he had learned to adjust to hopelessness he had to let go just embrace it 802 what's that every night by cold bricks glow i watched the shadow rising from this old man in the snow at 802 we let it go did you just freestyle that it's a haiku your father wrote about that night with old man collins of course it is guy seems pretty happy to be dead your father always thought that death was not a tragedy it was more like being released you sure dad didn't murder him when dad died it happened suddenly and he knew what was happening but then he smiled at me and he said it's okay i'm ready and then he took a last breath and he let it go but mom what if i never get out of it i've helped people today i've made amends i've made lives better if every day starts all over again what does any of it matter oh it matters junior you know i remember what must have been phil's last day in the loop he gave the most beautiful speech at gobbler's knob that morning and that night everyone in town was coming to thank him for something he'd done for them he even carved me an ice sculpture just to see me smile he made it the perfect day and i think he must have realized he had to live every day as if it would be the day that mattered until eventually it was but believe me when he finally got to tomorrow from that first morning he woke up with me he lived every second of his life with joy and gratitude reason this is my favorite film [Music] a very good message come in you're doing great junior just glue the tail on the kite and it'll be done you sure it's not too windy out here dad no it's perfect there's a strong southward gusts coming off lake erie giving a sustained winds of probably around seven miles per hour but but dad what if i can't hold on and it gets blown away well then it gets blown away just like everything kid that kite your mom and me every comic book you collect and at some point or another you got to let it all go why that's just the way it works but what happens if i don't want to let it go life doesn't really care what you want everything comes to an end just like that carousel ride at the mall you didn't want to get off of last week the one that made me throw up for the record i told you not to eat pizza right before you got on your little [ __ ] that's your own fault pizza life is a lot like that carousel you'll go round and round you'll laugh you'll cry you'll eat pizza and you'll puke and then it ends that's life it's a lot of existentialism for like a four-year-old child well i tried my best i hope one day you'll know that it's [ __ ] powerful right now oh y'all holding up oh no i should call alice order breakfast so i can leave early and finish the statue i miss you dad every loop could be my last every day can be the one that sticks at least i want to have this baby with you i want us to be a family believe me i am trying my hardest to come back home okay well just let me know when you're coming phil i'll be here guys i got news my girlfriend elise is pregnant i'm gonna be a dad we gotta break the cycle somehow this time oh my god we said this before this wasn't enough to break it wonderful news [ __ ] coming for us congratulations bro and now you're so happy you don't even need a cappuccino this morning i gotta leave now gonna be a good day we're gonna hopefully get out of this time loop i tried to make it perfect just like dad did i don't understand it's okay mom now i have to give a speech we've done thanks for coming nice to be here hey again everyone none of you are going to remember this so i'm just going to level with you i've made the speech so many times now i've lost count i wake up every day right here in punxsutawney and it's always the day before groundhog day and there's oh god something different happening and the kicker is the one person who would have understood is the dead guy we're here to celebrate see it turns out my dad and i had a lot more in common than i ever knew and here's the real kicker my girlfriend elise is pregnant oh god he's just telling everyone good one junior no no no thank you but it's that's right i knocked someone out never getting home people never going gathered here all i can imagine is that it's because i got laid still not ready you all didn't to be a dad thank you no i know i know it's a big deal it's a big deal i think i get it now dad the only way he made peace with an eternity of one day was by making it all about you the people of punxsutawney he lived that day over and over until it was damn near perfect this is a crazy person's speech i guess we'll all be doing this again tomorrow but i'll make you a promise i'll try again to make this day as perfect for all of you as i can okay [Music] i'm trapped in this house beautiful mom was crying through the whole thing just i'm sorry i was terribly upset it was just like this is us thanks guys don't worry mom i know what you're thinking and i remember at 802 we let it go we've done this before haven't we just like your dad yeah and again everyone else is just like what the [ __ ] are you talking about did you have a good day mom i did thank you so much for that speech today no problem really touched my heart glad to hear that all right i'll stop coming home in your speech what you said about living this day over again is that actually happening is that a metaphor for day-to-day life but if we really are doing this all over again tomorrow can we do it all exactly the same i mean i think today turned out pretty gosh darn great how are you guys doing um can i help you weirdo i just want a third wheel that's my uncle phil now he's actually pretty cool yeah what she said i'm just happy i'm just believing in your name hey dude this is you you're playing hey guys uh what are you talking about having fun someone posted the video of the speech you made and it's going viral you know people love it you know even streamler reposted it desperately purple's an attempt to stay young what i wasn't desperate but it's got four million views that's how it is that's a viral hit hey that thing you talked about up on stage today about every day being the same you know grandpa phil actually told me about that he did a lot of drugs if each day is exactly the same what happens if you talk to a guy on the street and the next day you don't does the guy just like talk to the air or something it's all about the branch and timelines and dimensions are we all repeating this day over and over again and you're the only one who knows parallel dimensions does that man's whole life and his children and his grandchildren still happen in some other time stream you seriously just blew my mind yeah i actually just seen doctor who don't worry because i got to say sophie you got a lot more going on than i gave you credit for wow that's such a mean thing to say you talking as a couple but that's so mean it's like jesus you think after seeing you today i think you're gonna do just fine phil what are you doing thanks sarah that means a lot but how the hell are you what's going on in sarah ryerson's town i mean look over there john on a date with your niece i haven't seen him look that happy in so long and i'm finally opening my bookstore do you know how long i've dreamed about this since we were kids i love that you never gave up even though everything's digital now and your business bottle is broke in a very interesting way don't be a dick hey wanna help me move some boxes into the store tomorrow i could use it more friendly sure why not um i think i've gotta continue the day i don't know like how the cycle works now every loop could be my last every day what the hell she never calls me this oh [ __ ] this is different phil i think i just felt the baby kick or wait is it too early for that you know what i think it was just last night's tacos oh my god is this real is it really tomorrow elise uh baby it's today yes today is tomorrow dinner i made it i sound crazy i just came home wait the ultrasound was today it was early this morning so you saw it well is it a boy or a girl they can't tell this early besides i'm a father now guys whoever shows up i just want her to have a clean slate you just said her uh yeah i did i hate to break it to you i'm so sorry i can make her laugh you won't believe what's going on right now groundhog day i made it holy crap it's tomorrow i mean today never been so happy it was groundhog day what the hell are you talking about long story great speech yesterday already grumpaholics streamed or called love these guys they love me what do you think internet should we make out oh [ __ ] sell out lauren god you sound like a lot of people i know these lunatics actually gonna miss them spoiler i forced them the way for this picture enough family stuff where's the rants stop just vlogging you know where's the funny gameplay i'm home i'm gonna be a dad though only dad jokes from now on god help us all get out while you still can that's how i filled us back in punxsutawney am i insane a glutton for punishment risking a whiplash inducing time loop scenario may be but worth it for the family to meet the newest member of the connors we had a child i'm a father now would you trust me with your child's life this was the sequel to groundhog day a film made 26 years ago starring bill murray it came out last year i don't know why either but we did it oh my god we're the groundhog [Music] oh no no no no don't take me no one will ever oh god that's ominous [Music] you've always been meant for me
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,229,953
Rating: 4.9684348 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, Groundhog day, Groundhog day vr, like father like son, Groundhog day game, Groundhog day 2, Groundhog day sequel, RTGame vr, vr games, funny vr games, best vr games, groundhog day vr game, Groundhog day vr funny, funny vr moments, vr funny, vr 2020, vr 2019, vr games 2020, vr games 2019
Id: 2yd-T02MuWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 11sec (4451 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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