1,000 Degree Knife vs Coca Cola

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handle that's pretty smart yeah that is not very smart I don't know why he's doing that welcome back now should we intro the video what's her intro to this is the intro I don't want to do an intro life hacks watch Rasta candle oh that was a green syringe we don't even one of those before that I tell you that's how you give someone the flu the green tape - okay I'm just got a low pass you give it old people the flus I got a mock flu shot today look guys no there was about a hundred other old people in there and there was some seats open and you know what I did what i sat on the floor so the old people could sit in the seats Wow I'm a good person everybody tell me how great I am tell me how awesome I am saying the comments go my god Chris you're so good to old people no the comments are so mean to me it makes me makes me feel bad what did I do to you just here living the life I saw it in a comment of one of the previous videos that I was in they were like who's the new guy bring chamfer back and so I commented on it and I'm like nom stand so he just cooked some syringes and he's got cardboard ready to go rubber bands whoo everything you can think of everything you could possibly ever truly want they have what is going on oh it's a trick the whole time you're just like I was the same as you I thought was a coin dispenser yeah not look at this trick ha ha we made money yeah if I would have fooled you to underline yeah what's up with all these machines that's that's what black mirror if that's their description what's up with all these machines oh yeah EDM from 2009 wait how'd it go how did he just get that off so cleanly and what is oh I've used those before yeah I forgot what they called their a belt yes a little belt there are mechanical belts for your wrists all right so he put the belt on the coke can and then put it in his bike just gonna glue stuff to your motors yeah that's a nice bike is that exhaust like a DIY exhaust yeah he's gonna catch all the all the carbon instead he say oh dude I know what happened listen to this listen to this cuz I used to do this with a can you can do with your mouth what are you doing what is it it's gonna make it's gonna sound like it just wait it doesn't it's gonna make it sound more like oh it's that Jake's on his way what happens when you hydraulically press coins who would ever want to know that or need to know that you got blurry once I did see that I thought this is like a PowerPoint presentation oh thank you maybe into one coin bit more Bmore it's a bit more squish it beat the more it's not flat as a pancake though that's what I was expecting oh oh that's pretty cool it's pretty flat it's the hydraulic press Channel shout out to them they're pretty cool give me a chair oh you know what I have a funny story about a vacuum and it involves one of my buddies and not me this time okay one time we told one of my buddies yeah if you uh if you take a vacuum and put it to your neck it looks like you got a hickey and he's just sitting there with a bag doesn't work everyone's gonna have it what you think I'm so cool everybody's gonna think I'd get a girlfriend Wow James your neck is so clean oh wow these pills dude I'm telling you this how we get the anti-vaxxers ha ha no that that's how old people get their medicine dude no joke I was at the doctor today and I was talking to the doctor and she said she had somebody came in and was an anti-vaxxer and was genuinely upset she asked if she wanted a flu shot starting to gain movement how is not vaccinating your children getting internets a terrible place whoa M&Ms dude are we gonna see some peanuts right now dude we are I love peanut M&Ms is the best immanent they are good it's like a pleasant surprise they already ever say something so many times it sounds weird yeah I'm an M&M I think it should not be called just M&Ms you'd like open a pack mule hey check out my M&M yeah there's a lot of in a minute with there's not a lot of Em's in the back of him there's a lot of it hey Brooke can I get a couple of M's is how you should ask for a minute first you wanna be extra just be like hey can I get some in a minute yeah Brooke and I have like at least four hens yeah I got it out I know that transaction goes yeah talks of pain oh that sounds like my ex-wife see what I don't have an ex-wife I just want to make that joke by the time this video comes out hey Katie's gonna just divorce me just so that big wait what oh yeah she's just doing it for the best guys I'm just getting divorced just for the bit I love you Ben truth in comedy that's a book I highly recommend a truth in comedy oh so this is like that game where it's like punch your boss did you ever play that game I feel like I would get fired if I played that game it's a game all about just hitting your boss is his boss Captain America he probably shouldn't be like when you're when your therapist goes what kind of healthy coping mechanisms do you have and I go oh well I make a little box and I have a little voodoo doll with my boss and then I did a bunch of CNP more like see me please what would they even say it for Oh in paste what why why why what here you mixed it up why would you do this glue the glues great it's a prank that's terrible this is the worst thing I've ever seen look those are definitely CNP I'm suin lays chip these darn factory made chips thank you that reminds me of my senior prank oh it does what was your senior prank buddy shaving cream and balloon and water in balloons well you threw it at everyone in the school and we went out like big dogs even though we almost ate [Music] to a high school career oh look at this oh that looks like it would be fun to squeeze dude it was so fun to squeeze Oh big man dude is this a pillow is this why fish looks so big all the time wow that is that's fun beautiful Wow he's just putting his hands in there I mean it's just water and yeah but there's so many chemicals and we threw it at everyone in the school that's really blue water it is that's like really bug this guy doesn't care about his watch I would like at least put my watch up a little bit oh man that makes me it makes me uncomfortable yeah wet watch out there yeah like just imagine him now having to deal with the watch oh my legs are tied [Music] yummy coca-cola become main company polluting our entire ocean of that that's pretty yeah that is not very smart I don't know why he's doing that alright what's gonna happen oh he's regretting the decision to do that cuz coke is getting everywhere look at if he's like oh gosh why did I do it and he just came back on my energy I say okay energy I know this is a a wonderful trick if you like Red Bull okay so what you're gonna do is you get to a little mini train put some revel in it freeze it obviously you're gonna bend this because it looks cool and then take it out so you put Red Bull Red Bull in your cup and your coca-cola Cup don't know if there's coke in there yet I'm trying to have that seen no ads coke that is token Red Bull someone says go away that tastes good someone's like I have to stay up for the next four days what am I gonna do coke and Red Bull coke and Red Bull also Red Bull doesn't look that appetizing when it's not in the cans and it's kind of like dirty water yeah Orbeez fish and water do you hate your fish yes I do oh it's an Orbeez frog look it's a frog oh and look it's a better fish oh I love puffer fish oh he's just having a good time doesn't even know the cameras are rolling this is is this supposed to be a life hack oh you are he's gonna get begging in the Frog oh this loves to watch this look like eggs that's how same and reproduce oh not the puffer fish I love puffer fish oh God oh that's that's the terrifying that is terrifying Oh guys this is why you shouldn't put plastic in the ocean somehow this is correlated this is what happens to fish when you put plastic in the ocean no I'm not reacting to the same war by the way because it got kinda bored all right I am team spine just because I see an underdog oh never mind the sponges sponges they got stop gambling I know I look I go for the week I don't know why I just go for the week honestly losing I don't know oh my gosh yeah this is this is insult to injury right now I'm ready for spongebob poor poor spongebob this is SpongeBob's cousin yellow Bob oh no blue Bob wow that is like sponge Gary what's Gary okay do you comb your hair are you the guy that comes to his hair every morning I don't comb it I brush it I brush it okay what's the difference so comb is like it like separates the hair where's brush and I like blends together right like this yeah like this this is what this is what has become of that really gonna make a butterfly night I used to please see us good uh-huh and the butterfly knife was one of them that she yet personally I didn't like the butterfly knife but I had one did it look like this no it did not I did not look like a comb a butterfly knives are banned in most countries I did not know that dude the UK is gonna get really mad about this they're making it easier boy company you get a license for that home let me see that noise please what I write out right on will see you you watch football use my youngest man who use rub use my younger man I'm gonna start talking and ad-libs if I keep on eating migos chips yeah all right this next hack it's gonna be an ad libbed hack all right so you got to get your popsicle stick stick and you can't blew it up there after you do that you're gonna glue some more together someone help oh please recycle me please oh wow it makes hitting the switch a lot don't make fun of rappers it's not that easy I love the word calligraphy because it's such a / complicated word for you gonna just set fancy writing nice penmanship oh they're making IKEA oh that's a good shadow effect oh wow is that calligraphy or is that just a nice painting whoa that looks three-dimensional they got the shadows on everything looking good oh wow dude that pops off the page what is that acrylic pastel those noise it the the best thing is when you used to blow people's mind with the box you know somebody drop box and then draw another box connect the lines and then it was shift oh this guy's really good at what he does I would love for him to create me a sign hey this guy if you want to make a sign I'd love that send it to my video box yeah can you make me a sign that looks like that that just says can I stay at your place dying on the inside who got oh I like it I like it so far for my mini lawn in my mini house if this works we could give this and ants could cut our grass for us and they could be like serfs and we could be like the Lords of the land this year a bug's life sequel script you've been working on only this this is this is pretty cool you taking that young screw and screw your nut you played a blade on it look at this I'm actually really excited look at it it's a little weed whacker Wow it's whacking weeds also you can give your friend a haircut Oh know if you should do that Eckstein still I made this it's my prototype I'll just go to great what are you doing find out one day one day one day we'll learn hey then that's a cool dude now wait what how Oh you shave it down and then you paint it black no way he did that one part right Wow it's basically painting who does that Wow oh you got me oh wow oh look at all these used matchsticks no says I Wow that's something I would definitely what a jerk I know that's something you would do I would definitely waste an hour of my time to prank someone for two seconds [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 1,514,113
Rating: 4.9178619 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: NS9coJnPsaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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