How Gallium Transforms Aluminium

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all right you ready para no we didn't get doughnuts you can't start a life hack video without Donuts but we're gonna do it anyway look at that little burnt chicken nugget right there this next act will include Chandler's dog whoa we got some pretty awesome music right here - what do you think about this oh my goodness they're like wire and stuff look so is that the Simpsons - Gus that's the Simpsons Tic Tac where do you even get this in this day and age dudette why roads - you want to say something this is so much awesomer than any of the other people do this guy's like doing actual science and stuff yeah there's no way I could do that not is this is this I was honestly supposed to be feasible for random people in their house this music hype nope it is height what look at that body by neck cool look it even tells you that it's cool all right - thank you for coming to our life hack it's been an honor I think we're gonna do the rest with that you okay buddy can you not bite me all right you all right oh you got your coke can yeah it's hard to get into right that's a hefty glass you know what I hate about coke what then there's coke in it gotta get that out real quick yeah just just dab it drain it all right so now you have all right empty coke cam they're sanding it dude they're saying that pretty good X oh yeah yeah okay now are they gonna do that is yeah yeah the artery or silver this stuff looks dangerous and they're just sucking it up with a syringe like it's nothing oh my good wow that is actually pretty beautiful family that is just beautiful it's like a mirror it is a mirror into the soul whoa how is that safe to touch I don't know dude it just it just ate up the can Wow - is licking my hand oh dude that's actually pretty crazy this is the story of a bag isn't it was Torinos his party's size sledge hammer came in and knocked the math now his life's upside down crunchy chips are better than soggy ones so make sure you hit him with a sledgehammer in the else world that's how we react now we got to address this one thing there are our shirts have to now stay on because apparently YouTube doesn't like it anymore I guess we're just too hot that YouTube couldn't handle it don't nope nope okay look it's the Condor go lock machete it's back 22 inch blade 32 inch overall oh look it's a rolling pin is that gonna be a new reoccurring character I hope not why not cuz characters are boring oh I know what he's gonna do he's gonna make a blade sharpener out of a rolling pin that's pretty smart that is very smart but it's better to sharpen blades with iron because iron really only sharpens iron that's just actually really dulling it what it why would I sharpen the hammer hammers are meant for hammer and not sharpened kill them life hack people and I have a sip of my sweats since we're not in the current middle of a hack those are some skinny coats oh you're like tall and skinny like you're brittle thanks man this music it's put me in the mood look at these fingers alright what's gonna happen here oh it's gonna shoot up one of those what's that currency that is not real money no way what is it oh yes this is the type of stuff we need this is amazing these guys know what they're doing how just how that is you this is amazing that's gonna be an imodium magnet this is amazing I still don't know what currency that is it's gotta be Russian or something all these life hacks animals are always brushing and look at the look is Russia's right yeah dude that is cool that is a how I pack that I've thoroughly enjoyed you know it's terrible Chandler zero calorie power it yeah most power aid actually yeah it just wants to be Gatorade so bad but it can't so you can know what you gotta do with your competition you gotta watch it dude he goes he misses the first time because of course oh that was a good happy shot the dogs still licking my leg is it nice I mean it's okay I'm not not bothered by it oh now if it was you he would be extremely know that beep no well that's how you crushed Powerade yeah yeah yeah this is a club they hope for us unite come forth yeah now let's see what they cook whoa hold on [Music] Wow Wow how did I do that that's crazy oh there's water everywhere now oh that's um Mac I did it what's sure just for us Oh Mike he played us yeah yeah oh oh oh oh who lives in a pineapple under the sea I'm a sledgehammer I was to expect him for hit it right through my that's good timing that was terrible yeah that was a bad hit oh that was good one spongebob better having this service oh can you ensure a pineapple yeah sure okay oh man oh no Gary was still in there Gary ooh my tea is so hot oh I can't I can't touch it what do we do why is that called a flute flutes are meant for blowing and playing nice oh my gosh is that our sick of my tennis ball I don't even remember designers Bob that was all now we in half that's all I tried to cut it yeah yeah yeah yeah cut my tennis ball we're gonna put it on the flute blue bow bow bow bow I'm gonna use the tennis ball which way I can oh look at those matches man there's 30 update 32 of them he ain't got none of them are you really gonna do this you're not gonna talk you gotta say it it's just say something oh I get it see said something oh that's a pretty sweet fidget spinner I wish I had my partner here to comment on it but he's throwing a temper tantrum right now this is what happens with Chandler if he doesn't eat or he's upset he doesn't talk and then he throws a temper tantrum you gonna say anything you gonna say anything look at that that doesn't make you wanna look ok that was pretty cool yeah dude this is a good hat right Pat's it's so good that it made Chandler stop being a baby no I'm still mad you're still a baby yeah oh this is the kind of club banger that you're like you found the girl you love yeah I'm feeling it what's he doing my neck and the camera looks crazy we're not paying it's in to do the half even though we're supposed to be music distracts me because I have the attention span of a pea I like music and music likes me let's go climb a tree Hey look a launcher you start since antique tech look it's watermelone remember that from like four years ago it's hard to get inside your watermelon with your knife if you don't know how to use this card this just angers me oh man hey I do that is I want to see oh he said I want to see this whole thing black with flecks it yeah it looks like a jolly rancher but a black one it just looks like a bowling ball I've never seen watermelon on fire wonder what's gonna happen it's gonna look beautiful inside watch it's charred oh my it looks like a lava rock oh come on you can take that we taped it together takes it back together what is wrong with ya here we go ooh played out out out out out out out you know why I hate play-doh I love play-doh but I also hate it because they say fun to play with not to eat but then they also make play-doh into like ice cream and hamburgers how am I supposed to eat it if it looks like that back in the end of it oh look he's making dice - - - - hmm is that what you're doing now well I guess not I was just asking oh they're freezing it so that way it's all hard like my heart - that looks like a bro dice yeah [Music] ah all right next act can we just talk about his Hawaiian shirt did we just talk about these matches you trying to match oh my gosh yes I'll wear that shirt tomorrow let's check this one oh yeah that's yeah exactly yeah anyways there's Tremblant a sparkler I've never thought to do this but it actually looks kind of cool maybe I put matches in a sparkler together yeah it matches the light the sparkler bing-bam-boom bing bang boom indeed Chandler oh and now there does that gasps uh whoa what was that it's so it could whack you late oh they're making a fuse bro I told you that I forgot you the juice is here there's oils oh you know you let it dry who you let it bake in the oven for 36 seconds yes on for 250 degrees cool give that yeah that was really cool until you tried it this fuse is working up there it is definitely was the fuse not the lighter pointed directly at the matches good job dude fire on camera looks so beautiful when Christmas comes do you watch the Yule Log channel because look at this fire by him letters don't want to do that it's just gonna say we didn't feel like it a bit thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed - maybe we'll bring him back a couple episodes [Music] we're gonna end the episode before - ruins my shoulder blade again thanks I have a great time
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 3,552,626
Rating: 4.8833241 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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