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hey this is an unfamiliar face hey it's Bailey it's me my voice is destroyed so he's gonna have to do all the talk I'm super excited let's do some life hacks what do you say I say let's do some life I gotta love that original taste from coca-cola stranger things am i right I know that was like a giant coca-cola add basically the whole show is it was just cold Cola add I think I know what they're gonna do here I used to do this but I used to pour coca-cola in ice cube trays and then put it in your coke so it doesn't water it down yeah you do that thing with coffee or a smoothie you did that with coffee yeah so that your coffee doesn't get watered down I've never seen anybody make coffee ice cubes you're missing out I guess I don't drink iced iced coffee yeah it's gonna be wintertime that popsicle maker you know it'd be really good you take some mangoes strawberries and some Kiwis blend them into a pulp put it right in there yes well I see miss looks different oh he's making a chocolate coca-cola pop music's giving me anxiety always now he's it's Rice Krispies coca-cola and choc misses mmm no no those are peanuts that's a taste sensation if you ask me you ever put peanuts inside of Pepsi and drink the Pepsi no I'm allergic to peanuts Wow your life size basically takes away most foods that I can possibly eat Wow dude your life suck this is all right keeping the keeping the coke theme pretty sure this is actually just stranger things that is yeah they're watching coke my penguin I'm gonna say spoilers what's going on I'm trying to figure okay all right oh he's making a like a hammer oh the old coca-cola mallet mmm you do this quite frequently yay I'm a frequenter huh Wow wrenches oh yeah they use a lot of syringes why is that glue black the it's black tar that makes me uncomfortable did oh that's dangerous it's not we have we have a clearance oh no I don't know I don't like it that just ah that makes me think about going through the doctor and getting a shot this is also in stranger things yeah it is actually the same thing this this episode is just watched ratings spoiler here we go here we go what is that oh it's a why are the mirror said rise up lights in a British accent I know it's your doing here it sounds like razor blades yes rise up lights rise up lights okay I always got oh wait is that a power cable connect it to a rise up light what is there gonna stick a solder like yeah what's it got like a lemon probably they're definitely gonna do something with power are they're gonna power the light that's a we rise applies by the way was it have like that pink stuff some off-brand Phillip use well I should I knew it potato okay you get your kinetic energy and mess it up with your potential energy is bored and it turns into energy for your rise up lights there's no way this potato powers that big light unless that's just like a like really weak like oh okay I'm just as shocked as you are I can tell by your face do you think that's that's we tried to power a car with lemons we've even tried potatoes and we had one little LED like one LED and it barely let it spooky I rate that fake out of fake yeah I dare to stare at his shirt the entire time we're so used to his shirt and since you've only ever watched two episodes oh man a bus he's here and he only watches two episodes some of you guys koala forum or some of you guys qualify more to be on this than him alright so anyway he's got some phosphate I think that's what's on matchsticks much things why do you know thoughts you ever seen Breaking Bad yes okay did Breaking Bad that's the show me and my wife we were we were just friends at the time we don't want it over we used to go over to each other's house to watch Breaking Bad and then we were like we should date I love that oh okay but director actually went to school in my district in Virginia Wow I wish I knew him I watched a scene breaker read all the way through four times dude he's gonna oh that's a bad idea I rewrite the concepts there I mean you could just strike the match on the box but that would be too easy right I stared at the alien the entire time let's share that um what do you think about a thumb whereas people I love them dude actually no joke the pin pineapple apple pin song is probably one of my favorite songs and pineapple up a lava pin it was a but that was a whole Bop it was an entire black eye combined Bop and banger never just came Bach it was a it was a also a good artist yes what's happening here oh he's making a lot of a lamp dude this is next-level it's small and it's easy to digest oh it's a lava lamp pin how is this gonna work oh dude who would ever think to do this I like that that is dope that's actually real nice I don't know what the liquid the unidentified liquid that was in there first that is a vegetable oil the flimsiness of the pin is really oh it was actually it was cool it's because they have different viscosities yes when you set them science the density of one rises to the top this is the science podcast scientific you grow set pens as a white eraser but that won't leave pink streaks when it gets old you know how you recharge your eraser you just rub it on the carpet the school's carpet like gets all the like smudges off your eraser really great yeah dude it's like school carpet was perfect that's really when they made it dude back in God they wouldn't give us a racers on our pencils they were like oh it's fine if you make mistakes because they were like what pens are for everybody makes mistakes but there were pencils without erasers so you know what I did to cheat the system I'd spit on my finger and rub it on the paper to rub away my writing and then let it dry and take the rest of the quiz and then go back to it and write on her fake that I was like level hacker what is this guy's it's making noise you can't tell but it's making noise thank you brought to you by ASMR better bass I've never seen anybody use a can opener on a can of soda now you have that sound like yet afraid is it you guys wanna yeah sure do you guys bring the can opener dude there's a lid for it a smash that's right oh he's making a drum bit let's let it swing it what's happening here it says DIY or horn so I'm guessing it Jake Allen this is what teaching he always keeps this right on him at all times this is gonna be a good noise oh I thought it was done no psych never sight in the chat housing air desks are gonna make noise oh you if the balloon vibrations that let's have a science lesson [Music] hmm I love that puppy I didn't hear any noise I'm a big proponent to their this silent airhorn did it really not have any noise Lilly doesn't worry I can imagine the noise in my mind it's breathtaking dude I love eating boiled eggs just as a snack ruff honestly me too and you can also make like 12 at a time so you're set for at least the day you take it you put it in a bowl and you just chop it up with your fort real good pour some salt and pepper on it dude I like Tabasco I've put some Tabasco on it or sriracha no way I'll put that on everything yeah that's Texas Pete but yeah I see where you're going no no that's a song sriracha I put that on everything oh the commercial is I put that stuff on everything that's Frank's redhot huh you're right we're getting our hot sauces next there's a lot of hot sauces out there but I know all of you have you ever I forgot I was gonna say I'm gonna ask about the hot sauce they use on hot ones yeah I love that show did I have that hot sauce I keep it in my truck somebody says they like hot sauce I'm like you've never had hot sauce you have to like top the dab yes isn't really good dude it hurts let me know my face hurt let's do that dude we didn't react to that hack at all but yeah that's the great thing about this channel is sometimes it's just there for background noise this is up for thumbtacks it's on a campaign it's the Russian version though I don't call it the Russian version because apparently it's like Slovakian or something okay and they got quite mad I'm sorry about that did you watch that doctor that's not really document it isn't really good that another one you're talking about it's not a documentary but it's like a docu-series if you will I did not know the entire world could have like ended because of that yeah it's not talked about it no one else it looks useful I mean that would be pretty cool in your truck looks a little hazardous ah sharp edges Oh buddy it rips it off for you yeah that's what you need I would keep this in my cup holder so that way if they or need to blow my nose just you're perfect Oh or your car it has a very interesting bathroom ah what is this same something right using a dehumidifier wait no what that printer in the background you never know when you need some important documents printed that's right that should help do you know why my voice is so vorce no da from the trash you said I'd said I from the trash but I didn't ever screaming while playing Minecraft last night that's worth it it was going wild breath that looks like a slingshot it does look like you know who has a slingshot Luke from or Lucas from stranger things well well well that's weird because Lucas from Smash Brothers has a slingshot I'm pretty sure sweet we didn't even review this terrible phone stand it worked though it worked the Hawaii is still up well Bailey how did you think about our life heck yeah no big fan watch all the episodes that's like you should yeah oh wait so you go on a date and watch all of Twilight so you can be caught up on Twilight but you don't watch all of our life eggs to be on the life that's a date idea honestly date ideal life pack go on watch all the life hacks every in a row Bailey plug yourself uh my name is Bailey Stanfield um what do i plug whatever you want I check out my youtube channel just my name Bailey Stanfield check it out there you go everybody thanks for watching and if you want to see more Bailey's say Bailey Bailey
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 3,036,094
Rating: 4.8959436 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019
Id: ub7Kig19Gxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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