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[Music] [Music] all right hold on it'll happen don't worry we have top men on it advanced and secure all objective areas which squad are you in i we're in the boys uh hold on um i'm gonna get you invited right now oh french fried yeah joined french fry foo i played the tea for a few hours earlier did he get off yeah he got off i was watching everyone plays along in the server so far it's fantastic what do you mean when i just tell them their legs are gone they're like oh my gosh it's so dumb but it's so fun [Laughter] i mean you got us the victory last time you got to keep up with it yeah as well i gotta swap back just to watch kit yep ain't getting like that easy talk for me again mike real quick hello okay i just turned you on oh i mean how else am i going to see spam getting a vehicle stuck in hello no that was me should we take an mrap fellas [Music] i'm going on foot [Music] what's up boys [Music] [Music] which is right now dude yo this is our truck dog how the [ __ ] you get in here can i see your [ __ ] tits please you said there was open seats okay in the event of any [ __ ] bullets flying dude just [ __ ] pray all right that's all you can [ __ ] do [ __ ] ain't armored [ __ ] bunch of cuts strategic command online you guys go on the radio bro we're just all the [ __ ] road right don't ask questions just you know when we stop or get pulled over by the [ __ ] 5-0 you get the [ __ ] out you know what i'm saying if your accuracy or as high as your words per minute you might actually kill mike which truck are you in there's like 10 of us there's so many trucks i've been trying i've been truck number six i'm in the radio station circle right now okay i couldn't see anything i'm [ __ ] right we're behind you in one game baby easy get out of here get out start you're so good i'll just make sure i don't pick you up i'm not getting out you don't need you don't you can't [ __ ] walk you don't need a medic here can wheeler jesus good stuff boys good stuff way to be way to be i got a little excited [ __ ] clear homie can i get some goddamn up please you see any contacts yo i'm excited jesus we lost our leadership [Applause] are those helmets accurate behind us on our flank east side not sure [Applause] yo how do i use my bipod boys default default to c okay oh my god not fine we're just holding here wait for the cap we believe in you matt i'm trying to get to you you're way up there i know i don't know if there's any enemies around here yo i'm hearing like enemy enemy vehicle south southeast behind you mike no that's ours that's ours that's our commander do you want this help yeah yeah we could probably roll up i'll give you back if you want anything let's just say [ __ ] it dude we're on we're on our own mission matt [ __ ] the squad [ __ ] the squad lead we're going [ __ ] rogue thanks i'm not a medic mike just know that that's okay let's go yeah he almost took us out on the stairs like the entrance we have a friendlier but yeah [Music] and if that was a lodging i think our vehicles i went through would have saw it right all right nice they out here crossing east side yeah nice you can try to get across uh yeah okay let's do this three-man three-man mission i'm in the compound boys there's nothing in this compound dude there's nothing here oh [Music] traveled we traveled to where they were mortaring whoops oh boy all right should we spawn on the fire should we move should we move off and let them uh defend yeah yeah that's fine you just smile that's bob a party back there what's the plan squad leader what are we doing let's push off to the southwest and we'll try to come up south on the upper orchard bravo with me head forward copy that out dude i've never used the mortar but we have one here they're kind of they're not i don't know they're not that hard but like they're kind of hard when you you're gonna [ __ ] it up for your first time i don't mind actually kill all of us kind of mess it up no you won't mess it up that bad you doing today sean fantastic ready to frag [Applause] yeah yeah just the left left i think i got him are you down [Applause] i'm pretty sure i got him hold on i need to clear it though i'm hearing an mtl bay i think we need you over here i'll get bro i thought that was an enemy dude i freaked out if you're not reviving me i need you guys north west and maybe southwest as well as well now so [ __ ] everywhere yeah watch everywhere basically trying to get careful on this vehicle don't reveal yourself to it [Music] uh are you taking shots at the lodge yeah there you go [Applause] yeah just over this wall just over this wall [Music] [ __ ] jesus christ what is going on are we getting murdered i'm down do we have a medic uh help please did you guys all blow up that's me you got this buddy don't [ __ ] this up you got this i i have literally zero supplies guys you don't have one you don't have one bandage i don't even i don't even have a field dressing i gotta go one two don't worry about it if you can cover it kitty's on the way i can't believe it it's fine just cover just cover the medic shroud do not wait play it again give up stabbies i'm never going to give up never for you yeah i'm never going to give you uh [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we're all back let's go does anybody have ammo wait i don't have an ammo bag oh i do i do i do here here yeah drop an ammo bag get it get the field dressings first probably thank you all right [Applause] 255 west thank you all right everybody let's go stabbies you're a man on this cross i think he might be in this field in front of us hey guys let's try to meet up by where command is up there and we can regroup at that compound you can pick the ammo bag back up wait really i didn't know that that's too late now i'm not turning around [Music] where's the point that's an enemy vehicle uh actually there you go [Applause] rotating across the river thank you oh yeah they got borders over it orchard who's up here [Music] you guys get them we break the tires on this thing what do we do all right once we're done let's push uh probably push west now over to that even if you want to go north a little bit just cover us where you can west is but there's more spam i'm pretty sure i got the guy that was taking shots at you he was buying a tree thank you i got one of them like 200 meters um okay so don't spawn got it yep i'll be able to get a sl kit soon just did looks like they're gonna pay 10 the point as well i'm waiting for them to build a spawn point i really struggle to understand who's winning it's really really difficult in this game why don't they have different colors and outfit for bad guys that's kind of the whole point the purpose is like they look they look different yet they're very close right it's kind of the whole point right boys good work us to go um try to delay him here as much as possible mike how you doing uh good i'm actually playing really well this time [ __ ] insanely good for this map are those helmets on the map um south accurate they know we're here on this tab okay sorry like right there on that helmet i'm pretty sure there's a guy up there at the edge of the border oh you got him nice is there any medicine yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna try to [ __ ] eat this over here that hill west 285 there's a guy taking shots at us so be careful 285 yeah he's somewhere up there i can't he's kind of on that hill i'll be able to get you down oh yeah i don't know we're getting shot from over here it sounds like they're out to the south kitty are you still out okay okay we need heels bad we're coming to you okay oh i think ios is down here thank you do you have any field dressings this gl is [ __ ] us dude yeah oh yeah don't go near that gap you might shoot through this yeah i don't know i'm waiting for one more i'm going to shoot him with the jail oh and then push around oh perfect um yeah they're directly west of your position directly kitty are you still up oh [ __ ] you're on the other side looks like enemies on uh uh one is south of me right now along this wall already neutral um you see those helmets are accurate on the map north side i don't know where this is all that guy's super no you're all good um what do you mean i [ __ ] own that guy that guy got destroyed all right [Music] uh yeah f6 north side copy so we're getting fire trying to move to the crawl to the west side i don't know it's gone okay oh it's right here over here i think it's just like straight fire i don't think they're actually shooting at us no they accurate fire yeah i just can't tell where dude like where they get these angles from they're probably firing orchards probably done oh never went oh if you can strike it it'll probably be great because that rocket's based on movement [Music] this is not looking good up on this wall you should see him on the other end on imac there's a guy on that wall get ready to line up and shoot when you guys are ready yeah i'm ready left side of the wall i'm gonna guess they have a fog or something inside that north side [ __ ] i was hoping i could make it my goal was to sprint to the wall before they pop one man they also have that um off are they all over this right now like a [ __ ] maniac hopefully never mind he's speaking he's peeking the door the right side of the door [Applause] got it i don't see him i see him he's down he's down yeah hold on let me pass up quick i know you're what just happened uh i guess he bled out i literally i fixed my bleed outside if you go down oh they squish the rally up north if you're down go to the east tab and did i bled out but i fixed my bleeds so i think that was just like a bug or something oh my god look at how many friendlies they're coming in from this side holy [ __ ] if we can't take the radio station on this push we're doomed i feel like we're distracting this side so much thank you thank you i don't know how i [Applause] died what's the plans [ __ ] it can't i can't i can't [Music] grab my leg you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay no they weren't okay [Applause] he's prone to this building right here drop it i'll drop it in here [Applause] holy [ __ ] dude sorry sorry sorry sorry i was [ __ ] feeling myself jesus [Applause] christ holy [ __ ] what a take on that radio station jesus christ [Applause] holy crap they're mad that we took it from them are we good no we're not good the [ __ ] how did that guy get in there [Music] god and a bunch of them flooded in right after [Music] okay h7 yep yep geez that was [ __ ] up that was [ __ ] awesome sure i thought that was a friendly i was so [Music] confused where are we trying to push if we if we push and then maybe push towards see i'm gonna draw mark if we push to that mark i reckon they have something up there on the north i just took someone out 345 north so there might be more yeah i just took one out right in this in this white smoke is where i kill them so careful okay um i'm gonna get a ocean and french if you go on the south side of the river and follow along uh the rest of us kind of go to the north side or within the river girl give me second wickets smalls really don't like you you're good looks like all the airstrikes are literally on my body right now yeah if you're in there oh my god they're about to get lit the [ __ ] up in there they're about to get lit up what is it what does it do when does it do its thing here it comes this is freaking insane holy crap all right let's use that pressure nice they are running from the right what are we looking for check that out vehicle i hear a vehicle vehicle it's a target oh radio station or a tower oh jesus christ well someone's holding this building down thank you all right let's try to take it were you able to get him ah no no no he's still in there he's like on the roof or something he's on the roof i see him i see him god damn it um this guy's down there's one unless there's one more down i feel like i've been dead this whole game from angles that i just can't i just don't know everyone's insane yeah yeah like i'm getting destroyed this game you get shot at from so far away sometimes you just don't know what's happening are we trying to build up here nah i'm just popping a rally here um i reckon i think we're pretty good on radio i reckon we start moving up to uh orchard oh [ __ ] they're murdering this holy for one man i'm glad i got out of there in time holy [ __ ] is he's running away don't worry about him this is some [ __ ] horse [ __ ] [ __ ] stop watching god damn it i'm getting shot up i'm not sure is got it stabbies are still up i see the guy on the right let's go squad i'm getting up stabbies that might be able to get you maybe sounds good i only died from the fire up in the northeast is a marksman some of these guys have the craziest angles i have no idea where i'm getting shot from i'm like there's trees everywhere i don't know yeah they're insane like pcat is on the enemy team i think so they are pretty great players we're getting ordered we're getting mortared who the [ __ ] is on their mortar team who's on their mortar squad [ __ ] that guy don't do that [ __ ] that guy oh man they're just psychic you know um i let i let the admins know there's a lot of admins on this team like that border's legit every time shroud takes a step three steps behind them yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] respond on the fob oh we can't decor oh out from that eastern fob too that he was scouting looks like the only place damn he disabled that fob holy [ __ ] we're getting out all right um i'm just seeing where spawns are because there's at the moment none um yikes is this an l voice i'm just asking this quad leads looks like they're bringing a lodgie from the a so just all right hydrate good time to hydrate the worst part about stream sniping in this game is fog positions yeah it sucks past bodies just getting showers and mortars it sucks it sucks uh it sucks because whenever i play multiplayer game i ruined the whole experience for everybody else so there's a hundred people that are playing in this game right 100 people are playing in the server and i ruined the experience for probably about you know half of them at least and it's kind of a bummer but i want to play games too you know i don't want to be you know discluded is that a word yeah should chesty should have one up soon on the river now on these i guess i could just have a 10 minute delay what do you guys think about that what if i go live with a 10 minute delay it's not [Music] excluded there's actually a script you can run that hides the map i don't know what happened i mean i like being able to show the map because then you guys could you guys can see what i'm doing which is cool you know i like i like showing the map when i make my movements because you can get a better understanding as like a viewer to understand what's going on i have literally died i don't know anything but that means we just can't play for the rest yeah we're kind of [ __ ] i literally have done nothing but just get blown up dude holy crap no matter where i go it's tough on dude hopefully it's gonna be a little bit better i'm not gonna squadly because [ __ ] that i think food might so i hope i can get you guys a squad again as long as we're on the same team we'll play the game and we'll win absolutely what's the game getting spawn points created a one day delay you might as well be playing building stream and i recorded it as if i was live and then i just played the recording and that would be the stream content from one point funny part is that would actually work 14 tickets see that right now it's either just wait for something to come up or you can run from maine and hope that you can make it in time but most likely going to be i really think i could get away i could get away with i 100 could get away with just playing my game and acting as if it's a live stream but in reality it's pre-recorded i could 100 get away with that because i don't read donos i don't really read chat so it'd be normal you know it'd be chill um food's gonna um [Music] where oh gosh we're losing the objective i'll be right back save your spot if you can let's do it get the play a little bit before our demise this is where we lose foreign [ __ ] that guy's suppressing the enemies wow it was that close [Applause] [Music] i didn't know it was going to be that close at all bro i can't believe it was that close i thought we were getting [ __ ] smoked dude i've never felt so defeated in my life i got obliterated that game i'm pretty sure i fed 8 000 deaths nowhere everywhere i went dude i just i got owned such feels bad yeah it happens in this game though that map is tough dude but this is my jam dude close quarter maps my jam i like close quarters as well yeah yeah this map's fun actually i really like this one i love all close quarterbacks we got food we got sl food let's go baby yeah i don't i don't know who to invite i don't know everybody uh wicked is one yeah i got wicked kitty we got kitty and a ocean is good you could get french fries right again yeah he seems cool what about spam yo i am gonna invite one of my guys from chill gamers here in a minute if we have enough room cool name i'm gonna try monster actually don't worry i'm [ __ ] all right do we have everybody did i miss anybody wait you don't want marksman [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] i'll take that [ __ ] what do you mean i get spammed yeah i guess yep got him he'll get off the bench [ __ ] that yo grizz you better find a new seat though that's my seat right there homie uh ladies approved all right oh the best seat in the house who's that go get the [ __ ] out no no no no no i'm where's my sl okay i can't imagine abandon myself oh god oh [ __ ] that was weird please get off the hood of the vehicle what the i love the i love food dude he's he's the most fun i i like when i play this game he is the best sl for fun i don't know why he's just so he's so serious all the time i'm not very comfortable with that brd i mean they're [ __ ] hydra's at my dog we uh can you let them know what the hell someone say meet me [Music] right now i have 140 but i would say in combat i would say in the most intensive situation i'm at 100. except like in combat [ __ ] borders so the fps of course could be better it really could but whatever at least it's not like [ __ ] 40 you know tom brown where's t bro are you guys ready dog we're getting out 10 seconds up we're about to clap some [ __ ] american cheeks dog you guys ready [Music] that's not good dude to the place [Music] [Laughter] is that guy holding a short barrel g3 yeah i actually wanted to use it it's more of a cqc it's not very good at range though i went marksman um so see that goes all right my goodness almost got ran over did somebody offload supplies yeah 600 yeah 600 work work it's an old song yeah it's very very old eh very very odd like early game so you missed the one time that i actually found a radio man [Music] let's move out bravo charlie with the lunch truck guys if you're not in our squad you need to stick with your squad i think you're in our squad bro dude i can't not open the map i can't i need to know what's going on no bro i'm in a friendly fire if i don't look at the map i promise you press caps yeah we can't afford the fuel i think i think we're just doing like mini habs everywhere so that way we can push on oh that hap's gone that we just placed what oh jesus christ wicked here dude you're already hurt man yeah i'm working on it you know i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go any come a minute phil that's uh oh i'm getting shot okay that's like blatant as [ __ ] it sounds like it's pretty far away those shots no that's from that's from i will i will yeah let me just just say there are a lot of really experienced folks playing on the server right now so it is possible they just found it so it's pretty small map he's holding it right now by the way i don't know where like from a rooftop or something he just cracked at me do we want to go for it or leave it yeah no it's got a plate i was kind of building it as a bait fob anyway so let's move northeast so it worked i don't know if it worked or not i was kind of hoping it would last a little longer that's crazy is that common to find it that quickly if you know what you're doing that i would say that is faster than normal but i haven't played that many rounds on this map like yeah troy you know i played a thousand rounds so it's really easy to evaluate you know what what's weird and what's but there's a not of um people that played the this map on the cte as well so yeah that's true i mean i played quite a bit on the public tests and played some of the owi tests several years ago but just it's just uh it's it's interesting that it was so quick that's all your vehicle is an hour yeah it is holy yo where i don't know sounded like northwest ish but but then i don't see anybody yeah i know maybe on a rooftop yeah on the roof on the roof hit once charlie upset on the roof yeah 33 45 on the roof do we have any gls i'm on it you could try to hit it oh man i got the iron a little higher sounds like a [ __ ] nail gun like what does it go clear that whatever was just shooting maybe yours yeah yeah sounds like a nail gun it's it's like a it's like a p5 g3 yeah i i don't use that anymore because of that it's so [ __ ] yeah it doesn't it doesn't look good um all right move what's the plan the top is super flat so just be careful oh that guy's hella dead all right you know what kitty all right guys we are capturing object okay copy is that image are you sure where the [ __ ] was that from here where do you know where do you know where you got shot from one down no idea maybe it's gotta be moving ground level that looks cool i approve the transport that was behind us i guess we're doing good as soon as our team captures this next objective we're going to attack whatever how did that guy get there holy [ __ ] that must have been the guy that back capped us do we have control of that yet well he just got up behind us and he just tried to spray that was [ __ ] sick kitty that was so big we do have control of the moss which should help dude it's a sewer system yeah dude me and this guy bro me and this guy were in there for so long it was hilarious there was like 20 tickets left that we were just it was really cool i like to blow things up this map is really cool actually yeah really dope before we get too close can i get a rifle to give me some ammo you remember when we were over here yeah dude so much fun though it was a lot of fun put a lot of rally down inside this courtyard i get more freedom with what you can do in these maps like this dang who's that all lit up those like super open maps can be so tough i i i was sunbathing on a barrier and i got a shot double touches alright guys there's a ginormous open field here just close your eyes while you're crossing it'll be fine it doesn't seem that big i always get killed when you say it's fine too i mean on the map how do we get through here enemy infantry i'm going to get on top of this roof holy [ __ ] our camera it's really similar here guys so just be careful go go yet another one if they have enough field if we tear it down is [Music] oh [Music] rifles hey that's what their camo looks like it's very similar to ours okay no there's like there's like 60 of us here what the frick these are bro i thought it was safe i was wrong all right guys attack flag from the south dude how do you make the oh trauma can you play hardcore parkour there was one guy left alive in that building and he [ __ ] murdered like six of us ah [ __ ] okay let's go i'll do it when i'm dead okay is that increased all right stevie's i'll come help do you guys hear that i've pulled cpr on it yeah i don't think i think no that no that is that is yeah you can see it on the road on my position as well all right [Music] [Music] i might be able to get you i'm gonna try to get you okay oh hold on i see this guy hold on i see the mg one check one second um is got it [Music] get off the hill [Music] trying to get a sight line here yo why is there on the freaking map yeah give me give me one second i'll uh yeah come come here i think if we go southeast you can get one up it does look like a girl across the woods where oh okay it's like it's like uh the terrorist version of the uav so it's very oh but it's really small why are you standing on the fence boy i think this should work [Applause] yeah there's some guys right in front of me up copy i don't see [ __ ] where's that mg i understand is there a chance to put on a rally anytime uh give me one minute southwest i see it i believe i didn't see it earlier oh jesus christ these tanks bro i'm pretty sure there's there's enemies on warehouse like actually on it there's nobody on that point i just turned them before shooting the compound so hey what's up guys uh i'm expecting that yep i just said warehouse [Music] wait did you kill me yeah what the [ __ ] i was so confused where i died from you you shot it and the name didn't pop up i got you camos are similar it's my bad yeah they they are that's true anyway yeah we're losing warehouse there's there's enemies on it they're on like the uh west side i think i killed dude inside the perimeter at warehouse yeah there wasn't many that took it it was just a couple of them so i think i think this is not a good place to be right now okay i got three down inside we're retaking it the [ __ ] is that thing what is that holy [ __ ] uh radio's coming down nice job i have not seen anybody yeah i have been i don't think i've shot anyone yet actually i've killed i killed one mg okay but that's it that's all i've done marks was tough on this map i don't really have a good spot to set up yeah be careful too because if you do go close quarters and you scope in if there's a ledge your bullet will probably hit the ledge yeah so just be careful with like keep that in mind thank you you're welcome all right folks got the timberwolf firing yeah i heard earlier [Applause] south south south down a little bit understood holy [ __ ] the timberwolf is still up he got picked up he's in like the broken building south of that mound where you died foo directly on my body if you could mark it directly on my body there's two yeah roger that experiment is that the same guy yeah [ __ ] dude this warehouse is a [ __ ] show right now you want us to spawn back at the warehouse uh if you're down great question go ahead and spawn on the rally and let's go to ascari slumps let's let's press the attack yeah i'm waiting on the rally it's kind of nice having a challenge against you know like it's still pretty hectic but it's a cool challenge it's definitely fun that's for sure i mean every game which is what you want okay so they're pushing here okay so i need to meet up because i'm the only one that died i think so they're not gonna spawn they're just gonna make their way southeast and i'm just gonna head east they're gonna go down through here i wonder if i should go up on the mosque right now uh did we go up there the other night i mean go up there no problem at all [Music] you'll have great sight lines especially the eastern yeah sounds good i'm on the way to i've got all right marshall let me know if you see anything yeah probably gonna die before i say anything what we're gonna do um we're gonna promote you to fire team lead briefly just so you can mark targets okay i got it man it's foggy holy [ __ ] i'm not gonna see anything all right guys we're gonna call in artillery on that objective so run in there at full speed no response means yeah what's the visibility like over there charlie can you guys see anything terrible i can't see anything up here okay if that's the case then maybe just uh pack up shop and move east maybe try that tower otherwise movies i'm pretty far away but i'm still rotating oh that is the one you're on yeah there's no visibility up here i went higher just to check nothing i mean if anything we can see if there's anything in that uh lodging and wait wait wait chad come back we gotta wait for the arty strike we got we have vehicle i could shoot it should i shoot it yeah well i just killed the timberwolves or whatever the heck that gun is called what is this gun called timberwolves overwolf all right sami since approved um oh it's so good it's empty i was seeing if it was full copy so um i'm told that a command is calling it an enemy creeping strike to hit the have on slums on the east side as soon as that lands we're gonna move in 14 timberwolf got it artillery is coming in shortly there's enemies who are north west artillery is impacting so the building right now is quite strong shroud we'll have you set up here got it that shit's getting bombed that's the one thing we got in this game is the explosions in the artillery they're pushing with the uh bomb and i'm going to try my best to hold on there in this position right here try to see if i can take any of them out for the have yeah they have went down for the artillery but we don't know where the radio is let's assume it's over there target front i got one down that friendly see what other snipers hold up they're coming up to us on our northeast yeah i see one they're in this building right here i'm gonna try to mark it uh that right there the dagger are you behind me stabbies uh yeah i got one it just got so quiet holy [ __ ] they're still on that corner 100 on the roof shroud enemy in the loop here right here on the building we traded get up here [Music] it yeah they are all over oh my god bro 16 on rally you could probably pick up one of those that monster just to use it as you know are those are those healthy no i guess i'm gonna pick up the rally i might be able to get you still down there yeah i'm just like sitting here might be able to get you hold on there's enemies everywhere it's just me and you here that's right behind enemy lines spam's here now friendly friendly yeah yeah there's a there's a lot cara east as well i took one out earlier so it might be multiple yeah i see him yeah there's a lot he has field dressings we might be able to get we might be able to get you maybe this is going to be really risky though [ __ ] any smokes yeah there's so many so many looking don't don't risk it let's back up let's back up i just got shot yeah east all right how are we doing back up is anybody still alive up there no i just went down i just made two pings two helmets placed a rally here again copy that i'm gonna put a rally down here so we're out of the way it seems like our other squad on both vehicles where do you want us to go squad lead to your south i'm going to update the rally and then we're going to drive to you get it wait all right it's just where i want you to go uh move northeast and dismount i'm dead copy i hear an enemy uh leopard trying to come back for you guys they were close we just got shot at yeah they're on they're on those helmets right now that's where that's where we died from earlier are you down cat yeah i am dude that two-story uh just to the south of the red helmet on the map that's where i got killed from choppy the middle one there's ammo yeah he was on the eastern one probably get rid of the west one i'll tank through here as well that's a big stream yeah we've got some other really great squads that are doing some good work defending alternating defending and attacking with us they're doing well how much ammo did your jeep have um like 200 i think like 71. okay oh are those helmets clear oh [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 42,015
Rating: 4.7373133 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, squad, among us, dayz, tarkov
Id: gU8CojMKYc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 32sec (6392 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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