These SCP’s Could End The World

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The agents looked around themselves nervously.  Everything was so familiar yet so foreign. The   grass was dead, there wasn’t a single sound to be  heard, and not even a fly buzzing around in the   air. All signs of life had disappeared. They  dreaded to think about what they’d find when   they examined this world further, but they knew  they were here for answers. They continued on. As they walked around, it didn’t take long to  notice the corpses everywhere. Lying on the dead,   yellow grass. Sprawled across park benches. Yet  none of the bodies were rotting — it was as if   they’d died just a few minutes ago. Nervously,  they walked into a nearby house. There,   the corpses of an entire family were  sat on chairs around their dinner table   with plates in front of them, like they’d  died unexpectedly in the middle of a meal. It was the end of the world. But why and how? SCPs come in all shapes and sizes and mean  different things for the world. Some want to kill,   others want to be left in peace, others can  coexist with the human race. But there are a   few SCP that could blow all the other SCP out  of the water by ending the world completely. Whether a ZK scenario that changes nature and  natural order, a CK scenario that fundamentally   alters reality as we know it, or an XK scenario  that destroys the universe and humanity,   there are some serious threats out there. And  there’s little anyone can do to stop them.  Everyone fears the big and scary  creatures from the SCP world,   but some of the most threatening SCPs look  innocent enough at first. SCP 498 is literally   an alarm clock. But there’s a catch. This alarm  clock is capable of killing humans and perhaps   even destroying the planet. Here’s how it works. Every 11 minutes, the alarm clock goes off at   a sound of 30 decibels — that’s the sound  level of a quiet rural area. It’s so quiet   most people could probably sleep through it.  But every ten seconds, the sound increases   by four decibels. That might not sound like  much, but if the alarm is allowed to continue,   there’s no limit to the devastation it could have.  A sound of 150 decibels can burst the eardrums of   humans, and a sound of 200 decibels is enough  to kill a person. Meanwhile, a sound as loud as   1,100 decibels could destroy the world, because it  would create so much energy that it could create   a black hole larger than the universe. With an  increase of 4 decibels every 10 seconds, it would   only take a few minutes to reach that point. The foundation has attempted to destroy   498 to bring its danger to the world to an end,  but so far, its attempts haven’t been successful.   Instead, the only remaining solution is to ensure  the snooze button is hit every 11 minutes until   the end of time. It doesn’t leave much room for  error, and things haven’t always gone to plan.  The foundation used to rely on a mechanical arm to  automatically hit the snooze button — but one day,   the arm malfunctioned. Foundation personnel  needed to step in and hit the button themselves   until a new mechanical arm could be made. It sounds simple, but it wasn’t. Unfortunately,   there are some not-so-nice side effects  of being around 498, such as increased   alertness. One of the agents charged with  guarding 498 became angry and aggressive   and started arguing with the other agent in the  room, who was trying to reset the alarm clock.  As they argued, 498 still hadn’t been reset and  was beginning to make more noise. Whenever the   sane agent tried to move and reset the device,  the rogue agent would hit him to keep him away.  After two minutes passed, the noise level  became so high that the personnel were in pain   and the camera filming the whole thing began  to vibrate from the acoustic stress. Still, the   rogue foundation member didn’t want to let anyone  near the alarm clock to put this all to an end.  Eventually, another officer came in and managed to  shoot the rogue agent and activate the emergency   switch to alert the foundation. But at this point,  his eardrums had ruptured and he was about to   collapse. He failed to turn off the alarm. A while later, a containment team arrived   to find the original good agent lying beside 498  with blood pouring out of his ears, in a robotic   state. He was lying barely conscious on the  floor but repeatedly pressing the reset button.   At some point, he’d managed to turn off 498 before  it could do further damage and destroy the world.  Both the officer and the agent survived  the incident, but much stricter procedures   were put into place for the future. After  all, the world could have ended that day.  So far, the SCP foundation has successfully  protected the universe by locking away 498 in   secure containment and implementing the strictest  procedures. It’s currently in a soundproof bunker   that can cancel 95% of sound waves. But if for  any reason the alarm clock couldn’t be reset   or the foundation staff went rogue  again, it would destroy the universe.  Most SCPs can be contained or guarded to minimize  their impact, like 498. But a few are so large   that even the foundation can’t do much to  hold them back. SCP 3000 is a prime example.  The foundation first discovered 3000 after  strange reports from fishermen around the   Indian Ocean. One day, a submarine went down  to investigate with personnel on board — and   they couldn’t believe what they found. Deep underwater, they found an enormous,   eel-like creature. It must have been hundreds  of kilometers long, and its head alone was   unbelievably large — but the scariest part of all  was its eyes, illuminating the darkness. There was   also a strange gray liquid surrounding 3000. The closer the submarine got to 3000, the   stranger they began to feel. The doctor onboard  started sweating, exhibiting anxious behaviors,   and whimpering. Nobody could make much sense out  of what the man was saying, but he repeatedly   talked about seeing darkness and nothingness. As the submarine reached the eel, the doctor   became totally insane, smashing his head against  the submarine window until the glass smashed.   The mission had to quickly return back up  to the surface, but the doctor died. Nobody   was sure what had happened, but they suspected  3000 has an impact on the cognition of humans.  On a later mission, three divers went down  to find out more about 3000. Tragically,   3000 swallowed two of the divers and emitted more  of the gray liquid. Fortunately, one of the divers   managed to send a sample of the strange liquid up  to the surface before also dying. It turned out   the stuff was powerful anesthesia called Y909 that  causes confusion, panic, and memory alteration.  The SCP foundation have used Y909 ever  since to help with other missions,   but it’s not the kind of substance that  you want to get into the wrong hands.  Nobody likes the idea of a ginormous creature that  makes them go insane and will possibly eat them,   but it gets worse. Although the foundation  are still uncertain of many of the details   regarding 3000, some theorize that  the creature could actually be asleep,   explaining why it never moves from its position  in the Indian Ocean. But if 3000 were to wake up   one day and harness its true potential,  the world would really be in trouble.   A 300-kilometer eel unleashing its  wrath on communities around the globe   and emitting Y909 everywhere. That would  definitely be an end of the world scenario.  Others think 3000, also known as  Anantashesha, could be a god. Maybe   judgment day will arrive sometime soon... Ready to hear something even weirder? Enter   in SCP-3805, which may one day lead to an  XK scenario that destroys the universe.   3805 is a huge, embryonic entity lying  deep below the earth — in fact, what we   used to believe were the natural geological  layers of the earth seem to be 3805 itself. The outer crust of the earth is actually the shell  of 3805, and the outer core below is a series of   tunnels made of a gelatin-like substance. The  inner core is the embryo. It points to the   conclusion that the earth seems to be some kind  of egg, bearing a creature beneath the surface. 3805 bears an embryo and seems to be in a state  of gestation. It all begs a simple question:   what will happen when it fully develops?  Nobody knows, but it’s unlikely to be good news Whatever 3805 is, the foundation knows  it’s sturdy and not easily destroyed.   All kinds of drilling, excavation, or  digging activities don’t impact it.   However, in some places, interfering with  or provoking 3805 seems to make it spawn. In past expeditions or experiments when personnel  have drilled into 3805, it causes dark purple   dust clouds filled with stars to form. As soon  as the external stimulation that created the   spawning stops, these dust clouds also stop, so  they may be some kind of defensive mechanism. Currently, there are two spawns of 3805 above  the ground that nobody has managed to disperse.   They formed their own passageways  and offer entry into 3805. A few brave personnel have attempted to take  expeditions to seal the tunnels to 3805,   and others have accidentally stumbled across it in  oil drilling or similar operations. They reported   seeing dark liquid, tentacles, and the joints of  a creature. While some escaped alive, others were   less lucky. It seems that 3805 absorbed them. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to collect much   information about 3805 because of  its location. The high temperatures   that deep into the core of the earth make it  difficult to actually get anywhere near it.  But ultimately, it seems like humanity is at the  mercy of this insentient, sprawling being below   the ground. It’s just a waiting game until one  day, 3805 hatches or breaks out of the ground   and takes the world for itself. Perhaps it will  absorb everything and everyone on the surface.   Worryingly, oil drilling operations  appear to have awakened the beast already,   and the spawn now on the surface of the  earth puts human life in grave danger.  Also lying below the ground is SCP-2935.  And this SCP is even crazier than 3805,   because it’s not just threatening to hatch out  and destroy the world — it promises to alter   time and reality too, causing a CK event. From the outside, 2935 just looks like a   regular cave. But instead of leaving to  some damp, dark grotto, it contains the   passageway to an alternate reality. 2935 leads to an exact replica of the   world we know, except for one key difference.  There’s no life there. It’s not just human life   that’s absent but also animals, plants, and  sentient entities like machines and computers.  After noticing strange radio signals coming from  the cave in Indiana, the SCP foundation sent a   drone down the cave to investigate. They could  never have predicted what they’d find. There were   corpses lying all over the ground, of animals  and humans alike. It seemed that they had died   spontaneously and instantly, because the corpses  were dotted around, as if the people had been   going about their daily activities when they died. Mysteriously, there was a message being broadcast   from the SCP foundation in the alternative  reality saying that there had been a containment   breach and communication breakdown,  urging everyone to stay in their home.  The foundation sent teams to find out more and  collect samples. They arrived to find the area   almost exactly the same as the world on the other  side of the cave, but with all life gone. Even the   most dangerous SCPs from the foundation had died. The samples they took revealed some surprising   facts. Each organism had suffered 100% cell  death, explaining why the corpses weren’t   rotting. Judging by the date on a newspaper  found there, this had happened on 20 April 2016,   or a few days before the team arrived. But what — or who — had killed everyone?  On a later mission, even stranger things started  happening. One of the personnel, agent Keller,   was exploring a Foundation site in the alternate  reality, when he sent out an ominous message to   the rest of the team. He told them to seal  the cave in and detonated the building where   he was — killing himself and the rest of his  men. Incidentally, Keller’s corpse from the   alternate dimension was the only one decomposing. This is where things get complicated. It turned   out that Keller had found an encrypted message  written by alternate-dimension Keller, who had   set out on a mission to a different alternate  dimension after detecting strange radio signals   from the cave. But when this alternate-dimension  Keller returned, he found every living thing in   his own dimension dead. He then killed himself.  The Keller from this dimension opted to kill   himself when he found out, worrying that if he  returned to his own dimension it would result   in the death of every living creature there,  too. The Foundation promptly sealed the cave.  Although there’s lots of uncertainty over how the  people in the alternate world died, the foundation   suspects some creature is using radio signals  to lure foundation members down caves. If it   succeeds, it could spell death and destruction in  an infinite number of realities and dimensions.
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,634,629
Rating: 4.8916788 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, secure contain protect, scp-498, scp-3000, scp-3805, scp-2935, horror, scary stories, scary, spooky, creepypasta, the infographics show, scps, end of the world, end the world, monster, monsters, anomaly, anomalies, scp creatures, most deadly scp, most deadly scps
Id: D39_nQX3RXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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