Most Painful Things a Human Can Experience #4

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Just when you thought we couldn't get more  mileage out of human suffering, we're back   with yet another episode proving that existence  is pain. We've covered the most painful cancers,   stings, and medical conditions that  leave people in horrible agony,   and we've got more to add to our list of  most painful things a human can experience.  Warning: our final entry  includes very graphic imagery. Frozen Shoulder Everyone's likely gotten the cold  shoulder at least once in their life,   but frozen shoulder will cause you more than  some low level social pain. Common amongst   people who are recovering from medical conditions  or procedures that restrict arm movement, frozen   shoulder begins slowly, and then quickly ramps  up to full-blown agony which can last for years. Your shoulder and all its associated ligaments,   tendons, and bones are all wrapped up in  a gift-wrapping of connective tissues.   When you don't use your arm for long stretches  of time though, that tissue can begin to thicken,   slowly but steadily reducing the range of motion  of your arm. If unchecked, frozen shoulder will   eventually all but immobilize you, and trying to  move your arm will result in great amounts of pain   as you fight against the tissue that's keeping  your various bits and pieces tightly restrained. Docs aren't sure why frozen shoulder develops  exactly, but it's known to strike those with   diabetes or who have their limbs immobilized  for long periods of time. The bad news about   frozen shoulder is that the treatment is  even more agonizing than the condition,   as the only way to cure it is to routinely  exercise your arm with stretches and exercises   meant to restore mobility. You're literally  having to stretch your overly tightened tissues   into normal mobility, causing severe agony.  The next item on our list is a killer that  can strike almost anyone, at any time. Heart Attack If you've ever been wealthy enough to go  to the emergency room to seek treatment   then you've likely been asked if you're  experiencing any chest pains. That's because   doctors are on the lookout for a heart attack,  one of the most painful things you can experience. Caused by a blockage of blood flow, a heart attack  is the heart literally fighting for its life.   Blockages are most common amongst individuals who  are overweight, and are caused by things such as   fat or cholesterol. As blood flow becomes  restricted, the heart muscles are weakened,   and some of them may even be killed outright.  In that case, you're in very serious trouble. Heart attacks typically begin with extreme  pain in the chest, which can either come   after a buildup of pressure and discomfort, or  strike completely out of nowhere. The good news   is that the pain only lasts a few minutes,  because you'll be dead shortly after without   immediate medical attention. If you ever  experience sudden tightness or discomfort,   let alone full blown pain in your chest,  call an emergency room right away and try   not to have a second heart attack when you  realize how deep in debt you'll soon be.  Our next painful condition is  hereditary, and if you don’t   suffer from it personally there’s a chance you  could be passing the misery on to your kids. Sickle Cell Disease We might as well stay on the theme of your  body turning against you. Sickle cell disease   is a blood disorder that's inherited through  your parent's genes, and results in red blood   cells being grossly deformed. Instead of the nice  round shapes you'd expect red blood cells to be,   sickle cells are so named because the red blood  cells become hard and form into a sickle shape.   This makes it extremely difficult for the  body to get the oxygen it desperately needs,   as the sickle cells are unable  to transport oxygen efficiently. Other than constant exhaustion, the pain comes  when the sickle cells die off en masse and form   blockages in your arteries. Sickle cells are like  James Dean- they live very fast and die extremely   young. This can cause blockages that interrupt  blood flow, leading to some serious internal pain   that narcotics aren't going to do very much  to help you manage. Eventually the blockage   can lead to stroke and death, making sickle  cell a deadly, and painful disorder to have. Sickle cell disease is most common amongst  people with ancestors from sub-saharan Africa,   making it endemic to the black community,  though the cause is poorly understood.  Our next painful experience is something everyone  will experience- if you live long enough. Arthritis Frozen shoulder sounds pretty terrible- and  painful- but what if all of your joints were   being attacked at once? Rheumatoid arthritis is  a disease where the body begins to friendly fire   all over the place and attack the body's joints.  First, the immune system attacks the membrane that   encloses all of the joint's moving parts, causing  it to become inflamed and swollen. Over time,   the immune system eats through this  membrane to attack the cartilage and   bone inside of the actual joint itself. Without  that protective layer of cartilage in the joint,   your bones rub together as you move,  leading to some pretty terrible pains. Regular arthritis sets in with  age, though family history,   exercise, and weight can all have negative  impacts on your odds to get arthritis.   Exercising regularly and keeping your weight in  check can help limit the effects of arthritis,   with extra pounds putting even more pressure  on your joints and more quickly eroding the   cartilage within. Currently there's no cure for  arthritis, and the best medicine can do is help   lessen the pain and improve quality of life. The next most painful thing you can experience   is all too common, and can  strike anyone, at any time. Sciatica The good news about sciatica is that  it typically goes away over time,   the bad news is that it can be so  painful, it's completely debilitating. The sciatica nerve travels along your spine, then  branches out from your lower back to travel down   each leg. It's one of the main nerves in the  human body, which means that when something   goes wrong with it, you can be sure it's  going to let you know with as much pain as   it can produce- which is a lot. Typically  sciatica is caused by damage to the spine,   such as a herniated disk or bone spur, or  by narrowing of the spine. This causes the   sciatic nerve to become compressed, and  if there's one thing nerves don't like,   it's to be messed with- it's kind of their  whole job to let you know when that happens. But what can you do when the thing bothering  your nerve is your own body? Well, not a whole   lot in most cases. Only if the pain is extremely  severe will doctors consider surgery to try and   relieve the pressure on the nerve. For the rest  of you, you'll have weeks of debilitating pain   to look forward to as your body naturally heals.  Just try not to sneeze if you develop sciatica,   as we have it on good authority that a  sudden, violent sneeze will quickly send   you into Hellraiser-level depths of agony. Our next condition can also strike anyone,   at any time, but unlike sciatica,  it can be absolutely deadly. Appendicitis Mother nature wants to remind you that she hates  you, and that's why she's put a ticking time   bomb in your body. The appendix, an organ who's  purpose is still unclear and some doctors suspect   is an evolutionary left-over, is home to lots and  lots of bacteria. Most of that bacteria we know   are there to aid in digestion, and a new theory  states that the appendix is meant to be a home   of sort for these bacteria. A place where they  can hang their hat after a tough 12 hour shift   in your colon, helping digest and process your  food. Sure, an appendix may not be an impressive   place to live, but don't judge these bacteria too  quickly- their job is pretty crappy after all. Problems occur when bacteria  multiply out of control,   leading to a blockage and an infection.  The appendix quickly becomes inflamed,   and swells up as it fills with pus.  If you don't get treatment right away,   the appendix will burst, spreading the infection  throughout your body and potentially killing you. Treatments are highly effective, as in most cases  doctors simply have to remove the appendix before   it bursts. If you begin to have pain that starts  at your navel and then moves around the abdominal   area, you should definitely see a doctor right  away. On par with a kidney stone, appendicitis is   completely debilitating, and can feel like a horse  kicking you repeatedly and non-stop on the side.   Famously, a Soviet surgeon on a trip to Antarctica  had to perform a self-appendectomy to save his own   life, using only mirrors so he could see what  he was doing and absolutely zero pain killers. Appendicitis is easily resolved if caught  early, though if the appendix does burst   treatment will include removal of the appendix  and power washing of your intestines so you   don't end up dying to the secondary infection-  which we imagine is also rather unpleasant.  Our next most painful thing you can  experience is as savage as it is deadly-   warning, very graphic imagery ahead. Chimpanzee Attack We've covered plenty of ways your body can  betray you in this episode, but we thought   we'd end with one of the most painful things you  can experience that doesn't come from within. Chimps- they're adorable. They're like small  humans, and who doesn't love to see a chimp   dressed up in a business suit with a fake  cigar, pretending to be a real person? Well,   turns out the chimps don't always love  to play make-believe, and sometimes we   forget that chimps are wild animals who are  several times stronger than the average human. Chimpanzee attacks are brutal, and it's  our official stance on the Infographics   show that chimps- along with jellyfish- are  the biggest a-holes in the animal kingdom.   Hear us out. While much stronger than  a human, a chimpanzee could easily kill   a person- but evolution has given them  an entirely different battle strategy.   Instead of killing, in the wild chimpanzees often  try to disfigure and dismember rivals, and because   evolution is all about reproduction, one of  the first targets chimps go for is the groin. In 2005, a couple was visiting their pet  chimpanzee they had to house at the Animal   Haven Ranch in Caliente, California, after the  chimp bit off part of a woman's finger- already   a red flag if we've ever seen one. While at the  sanctuary, four other chimps escaped their cages,   and two male chimps charged at the  couple. The woman lost her thumb,   but her husband bravely managed to hold the  chimps’ attention so she could find safety,   though paid for it dearly. He ended up having  his genitals mutilated, had a foot torn off,   had severe damage to his face resulting in the  loss of one eye, most of one cheek, and part of   his nose, as well as having part of his buttocks  bitten and ripped off by the attacking chimps. In 2009, a woman was attacked by  her friend's pet chimp. The chimp   tore off both of her hands and completely  mauled her face (use second image down at,   credit to associated press). The chimp  attacked responding police officers,   cornering one cop in his car as he opened  fire point blank, killing the crazed animal. It's not just domestic chimps attacking people  however. In Uganda, chimpanzees suffering from   habitat loss due to farming have begun fighting  back- in completely horrendous ways. In 2014 a   chimpanzee snatched a toddler from its mother,  broke off its arm, and mauled the child so badly   he died on the way to a hospital. As chimps are  finding it more and more difficult to find food   in the wild, they've resorted to raiding farms  and villages, with disastrous consequences   for the Ugandans who live there. Much like in the  wild, the chimps seem to be attacking infants,   with infanticide being an evolutionary survival  technique ingrained into chimps. If you deny   your rivals their children after all, then  there'll be no future competition for resources. Having our most sensitive body  parts ripped apart by pure ape fury   sounds like one of the worst things  a human can experience to us. Now go check out Most Painful Things A Human Can  Experience- or click this other video instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 493,667
Rating: 4.9260335 out of 5
Keywords: pain, painful, most painful, most painful things a human can experience, heart attack, sickle cell disease, arthritis, sciatica, appendicitis, medical emergencies, medical emergency, infographics, the infographics show, worst, countdown, list
Id: id_gs1-bUxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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