This is the Most Scary SCP

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The SCP foundation is an organization dedicated to protecting humanity from the supernatural, whether it's dark gods, cursed objects, or killer creatures. But today, there's been a containment breach, and the fate of the entire world is at stake. To ensure you’ll survive, you'll have to arm yourselves with knowledge – Thankfully, we’ve got you covered, with the lowdown on ten of the scariest monsters that the foundation has to offer. We’ll start on what you might call the mild end of the spectrum, and end with pure, unfiltered nightmare fuel. Beware, and be ready. It’s time to face your darkest fears. 10. SCP-169: The Leviathan Thallasophobia, or fear of deep water, is one of the most common fears out there, which is why we're starting our countdown with SCP-169. SCP-169 is described as a massive marine arthropod, so large in size that no structure on earth is capable of containing it. It measures between 2000 and 8000 kilometres in length – that’s almost 5000 miles. It’s so large that it was originally thought to be an archipelago of islands. While its exact location is difficult to track, it's believed to be somewhere in the Southern Atlantic, off the coast of South America. This SCP is also unfathomably old, having been around since at least the pre-Cambrian era. It's currently unknown if the creature is capable of reproduction, and little is known about its feeding habits. According to researchers, it's likely that the creature is dormant, which is a terrifying prospect when you consider how much damage a creature of this enormous size could cause if it woke up. Even in its dormant state, it causes small earthquakes and tiny alterations to the Earth's rotation, so we wouldn't want to be around to find out what would happen if it started really swimming around. Worse still, since it's an arthropod, there's a chance that it would be able to breathe on land, though its size might prevent it from ever fully rising up from the depths. If you don't live near the coast, you can count yourself safe from SCP-169. However, this next one could appear anywhere, and what's worse, you could end up just like him if you aren't careful where you hang out. 9. SCP-3663: The Tunnel Monster SCP-3663 was once a boy, between the ages of 8 and 12 who, while playing in some disused sewer tunnels with a friend, made a cardboard monster costume for himself that he was then unable to remove. Over time the costume fully fused with his body, to the point that even his bones, muscles and organs are now constructed entirely of fabric, tape, and other common craft materials. SCP-3663 teleports from place to place seemingly at random, manifesting in any tunnels or tunnel-like structures, and grabbing any nearby people, transporting them with him to the next location. When asked about the motives behind his actions, the SCP responded by saying “The tunnel monster captures people. That's me, I'm the tunnel monster. I capture people and take them into the tunnels where I live. It's what I do, I have to do it.” He then began crying, finally saying “I don't want to play anymore”. While this SCP doesn't cause any harm to his victims outside of a feeling of intense fear upon physical contact, the real horror comes from the fact that the SCP foundation has yet to discover what caused the boy to become fused to his homemade costume or what led to his mental degradation, meaning that this horrible fate could potentially happen again to any unsuspecting child who decides to play in abandoned tunnels. If that isn't existentially terrifying enough for you, just wait, because the worst is yet to come. This next SCP causes changes that are even deadlier and more unbelievable, and it might be in your house right now. 8. SCP-426: I Am A Toaster I am SCP-426, and I am an ordinary toaster. Confused about why I'm talking about this SCP in the first person? Well, any humans attempting to describe this anomaly are unconsciously compelled to only refer to me in the first person. There seems to be no way to avoid doing this, and the more time humans spend around me, the compulsion to refer to me in the first person evolves into a genuine belief that they themselves are also toasters. Though this might sound ridiculous at first, the effect quickly takes a turn for the deadly. I was originally discovered by the foundation when members of the family who first owned me were found dead in their home. The wife had died from electrocution after putting her tongue into an electrical socket, in an attempt to plug herself into the wall, while her mother had swallowed so much bread that her stomach ruptured. According to the foundation, the harmful effects start to manifest after about 2 months of continuously being in my presence, and I am functionally identical to any ordinary toaster that you might find in a store, so if you were thinking of buying a toaster, maybe it'd be wise to avoid it and just use the oven. But if you think I’m scary, just wait until you hear what’s next… 7. SCP-072: The Shadow Under The Bed If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night with your feet sticking over the edge of your bed, you'll be rightfully terrified of this next SCP. SCP-072 is a shadowy, translucent creature resembling an elongated human hand with sharpened fingertips. It attaches itself like a parasite to the shadows under beds, and multiple instances of SCP-072 can occur in any beds within a 10-metre vicinity of the original. During the day, SCP-072 is inert, but once a human has laid on the bed, this SCP waits until the person is asleep and entering REM sleep. If the person's foot is hanging over the side of the bed, SCP-072 will begin tapping on the foot until the person awakes. Once awake, they will be frozen in a state of sleep paralysis, helpless to do anything as the entity uses the tips of its fingers to slowly and meticulously slice off small pieces of flesh from their feet. People who have experienced this say they were fully aware of the pain that SCP-072 was causing them, despite the fact that they were unable to move. When an instance of SCP-072 is found in a building, the bed the entity is attached to must be destroyed as soon as possible, as well as all other beds in the radius of infection. Instances of SCP-072 can be easily destroyed and detained, but when the SCP is a fixed location, like our next SCP, that can be a little trickier. And a lot deadlier. 6. SCP-354: The Red Pool According to foundation records, this next SCP was discovered by survivors of a plane crash somewhere in Northern Canada. The SCP has since been closed off and is being constantly monitored by a dedicated team to ensure nobody and nothing gets in or out of the containment area. However, this SCP isn't dangerous in and of itself - it's what comes out of it that you have to worry about. SCP-354 is a pond full of a deep red liquid that resembles, but is not, fresh blood. It has no banks, rather, the liquid congeals around the edges and gradually becomes more solid until it completely blends with the soil around it. If the pond has a bottom, it has yet to be found. Periodically, hostile, monstrous entities will emerge from the pond - past instances have included a giant bat, a bear-sized animal with spines like an echidna, and a humanoid reptilian creature. If that isn't bad enough, many people at the research site built to contain the pond believe that it's sentient, and has been growing in size in response to the foundation's containment efforts. As terrifying as the idea of a sentient lake full of monsters might be, all you have to do to avoid that one is stay out of Northern Canada. This next SCP could be in the same town as you right now, and you wouldn't know until it was too late. 5. SCP-2086: The Living Bus Have you ever found yourself on the wrong bus? It can be a pretty stressful situation. But imagine if the bus you got on was not only going the wrong way, but actually luring you to its lair in order to feed you to its children? That's exactly what happens to the victims of SCP-2086 - a species of giant insect that, in their adult form, are indistinguishable from an ordinary city bus. SCP-2086 nests in junkyards, building nests from old scrap metal for their children, who are much smaller and haven't yet developed their bus-like features. While SCP-2086 can fly using huge wings that fold up to form the 'roof' of the bus, their usual mode of locomotion is rolling along city streets, picking up human passengers. Once the adult SCP-2086 has collected enough victims, it will release a noxious gas into its body cavity, knocking them out, at which point its young will drag the unconscious bodies out and consume them by sucking out their insides through hair-like filaments. If that's not gross enough for you, the drained husks of SCP-2086's victims are then fused to the inside of the creature's body and preserved with naturally occurring chemicals, serving as decoy bus drivers. But even this will still seem like a pleasant commute compared to the victims of our next horrifying monster… 4. SCP-049: The Plague Doctor SCP-049 is a creature that resembles a medieval plague doctor, but instead of healing patients, this creature has been known to cause what could be described as a fate worse than death. SCP-049 is humanoid, and while it looks like someone in a plague doctor costume, tests have concluded that the cloak, hat and mask are all parts of the creature's body. It can communicate in multiple languages, and has stated its main goal to rid the world of 'pestilence'. Nobody is clear on what that means, but the SCP will get extremely agitated and aggressive if it encounters anyone it deems as infected with pestilence. Anyone this creature touches will die immediately, and autopsies have been inconclusive on the cause of death. If, after killing a person, SCP-049 decides that the pestilence hasn't been cured, it will conduct surgery using a variety of strange tools. Once the surgery is complete, the 'patient' will often rise from the dead as a mindless zombie. At this point, SCP-049 will deem them to be cured. 3. SCP-087: The Staircase Imagine the deepest, darkest basement you can think of, now imagine it goes on forever. That's essentially the core of what SCP-087 is. This SCP is a staircase located somewhere on a university campus, that is so dark and so deep that even a 75-watt bulb can only illuminate a couple of steps at a time. The staircase has no end, extending far below what both the layout of the building and the geography of the area around it should allow. When walking down the staircase, individuals will at some point begin hearing a child's voice calling up to them from about 200 meters below. No matter how far they descend, however, the child's voice never gets any closer, and no child has ever been seen. What has been seen, however, is a disembodied, white face, with no pupils, mouth, or nostrils that appears behind people who try to descend the staircase. This face known as SCP-087-1 is not the source of the child voices, but in some cases, it has been recorded chasing SCP foundation D-class personnel up and down the staircase. We don't know exactly what happens when the face catches you, but we're pretty sure we don't want to know. Almost no one who runs into SCP-087-1 has returned back to the top of the staircase, and those that did were left in terrible states that might even be worse than death. 2. SCP-1076: The Only Child Humans have a natural drive to care for their young, and that compassion is part of what has allowed us to thrive as a species. What makes SCP-1076 so scary is that it seems to be a creature specifically evolved to exploit that very instinct. SCP-1076 is a race of creatures that resemble dishevelled, homeless human children between the ages of 3 and 6, dressed in rags and covered in dirt. These creatures are mute, and initially only appear to parents who are walking alone. Once the adult spots the child, they will be overcome with a desire to protect it and will immediately take it home. Once SCP-1076 has been taken in, the adult, as well as any spouse or additional caregiver in the household, will become obsessed with them to the point that their own biological children experience severe neglect. Even if child services are called, they will ignore the children as well and focus all their attention on SCP-1076. As time goes on, the adults of the household will begin to neglect their own needs as well, meaning that an SCP-1076 encounter usually ends in the adult who took the creature in dying from exhaustion, dehydration, or starvation. In cases where the adults are separated from SCP-1076 they will become extremely violent in an attempt to get back to their 'baby'. To make things even more disturbing, if two SCP-1076s are ever placed in close proximity to each other, they will viciously attack each other on sight, biting, scratching and beating each other until one or both SCPs are dead. And now, after surviving this carousel of horrors, we have the most terrifying of all… 1. SCP-096: The Shy Guy We'd love to show you a picture of what SCP-096 looks like, but if we did, we'd be essentially sentencing you to death. Even seeing a part of this SCP's face can spell doom. SCP-096 is a hairless, humanoid entity, about 7ft in height, who behaves in an animalistic manner and shows no signs of intelligence or sapience. While usually it's docile in temperament, and content to either sit or pace in its containment cell, if anyone is unlucky to see its face, it will go on the warpath. The SCP becomes agitated, flying into a blind rage until it has tracked down and killed whoever caught a glimpse of it. No amount of distance can save you, either- the effect still works through photo and video, and no matter where you are, SCP-096 has an innate sense of your location. When it's tracking someone down, nothing can stop it. Its top speed hasn't been recorded, and it's able to run through tanks and can even continue moving when its torso has been pulverised with bullet holes. The only thing that can stop SCP-096's rampage once it starts is for it to kill anyone and everyone who's looked at its face. See? We told you it was horrifying… If you're hungry for more creepy creatures, check out “You vs The Rake” and “Russian Sleep Experiment Explained.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,569,565
Rating: 4.8554702 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, secure contain protect, SCP creatures, scariest SCP creatures, top 10, countdown, scary, horror, monsters, scp 096, scp-096, scp 173, scp 049, scp 682, scp-173, scp-049, the infographics show, scp-1076, scp 1076, scp-2086, scp 2086, scp-426, scp 426, scp-3663, scp 3663, scp-169, scp 169, SCP-072, scp 072, SCP-354, scp 354, scp-087, scp 087, the shy guy, plague doctor, The Stairwell, scp explained
Id: 4ghdQfYi588
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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