You vs SCP Foundation (Corrected) - Can You Defeat and Contain SCP-173, SCP-096, SCP-682

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Wait, they care, I can't believe they care.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ARandomGuyWAShotgun 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Well I mean, it also helps them gain more views for research already partially done.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mockingasp 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 đź—«︎ replies

This is... acceptable

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Xxmemelord69xxxX 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 đź—«︎ replies
Hey, we know what you’re thinking. “How many  times do we have to teach you this lesson,   old man?” But don’t worry. You spoke, we listened,  and now, we’re gonna take another crack at this.  The SCP Foundation harbors some of the most  terrifying creatures and entities humanity has   ever known. From Plague Doctors that can kill with  a touch, to murderous old men who can walk through   walls, to cataclysmic multi-dimensional nightmare  gods. If an average civilian came in contact with   one of the Foundation’s more aggressive entities  they’re probably doomed. So, let’s even the odds:   You’re a member of one of the Foundation’s Mobile  Task Forces – the highly-trained special ops   groups employed by the Foundation to retrieve  or subdue dangerous anomalies. You have almost   unlimited resources, advanced knowledge of  your enemies, and technology not available   to standard militaries. If anyone can  get these beasts under control, it’s you.  And today you have your job cut out for you.  There’s been a deadly containment breach,   and three of the Foundation’s more  well-known abominations are on the loose:   SCP – 173, the deadly living statue. SCP –  096, the mass-murdering Shy Guy. And SCP – 682,   an immortal, highly-intelligent lizard with a  serious attitude problem. Seeing as you’re not   working for Site 13’s Director Emerson or the  Global Occult Coalition, the objective isn’t   to kill these monsters – and, let’s be honest,  you probably couldn’t if you tried. If we can   get this terrible trio back into containment  with minimal casualties, and without getting   killed or eaten in the process, we can call this  a win. Let’s see what these entities are made of,   and how we might be able to get them back  into containment by any means necessary.  First up, SCP – 173. Also known as The Sculpture,  The Killer Statue, and by some, The Peanut,   this is one you’ll want to keep an eye on.  Seriously. If you take your eyes off of this   creature for so much as a second, even to blink,  it’ll zoom at you with incredible speed and snap   your neck like an Olive Garden breadstick.  Despite being one of the more well-known   monsters from the SCP Foundation catalogue, the  creature commands an impressive sense of mystery.   According to tests, the creature’s body is made  entirely of concrete, rebar, and the Krylon-brand   spray paint that gives it its distinctive  markings. It appears to have no nervous   or vascular system – rendering dangerous nerve  agents useless against it, and we still don’t know   what gives this creature its anomalous properties The creature does somehow emit blood and waste   products in spite of this, but you’ll  learn that things often don’t make sense   when you’re dealing with anomalies. The Foundation  has, however, worked out a means for keeping this   creature contained relatively safely. Personnel  are even able to enter the cell to clean,   provided they go in three at a time to maintain  a constant visual on the creature. But in the   event of a containment breach, all bets are  off. When those alarm bells are ringing,   and you’re hearing the gruesome tell-tale  crunches of necks snapping all around you,   it’s easy for panic to set in. This creature has  incredible speed, seemingly unlimited aggression,   and more physical strength than any human being. So, how do you get it back into containment?   Perhaps you can gang up on the beast with  two other members of your Mobile Task Force   and take blink shifts to make sure it doesn’t  get loose and tear you a new one? You could,   but that’s an extremely risky option. You  may be highly disciplined soldiers, but in a   high-pressure situation, everyone makes mistakes.  And making a mistake around SCP – 173 can cost you   and your entire team the integrity of your spines.  So, what’s a completely safe method of maintaining   constant visual contact with The Sculpture while  you’re returning it to its containment cell?  Thankfully, the answer is right under your nose  in Site 19, where The Sculpture has been kept   since 1993. Meet SCP – 131, also known as the Eye  Pods. These are two friendly Safe-class anomalies   that appear to be small, biomechanical creatures  with a single, perpetually unblinking eye at the   centre of their bodies. They’re harmless and  benevolent beings who have natural tendencies   towards helping and protecting humans, and  in this instance, they’re the key to getting   173 back under control. If you recruit the  help of these friendly little creatures,   they’ll keep an eye on SCP – 173, keeping it  frozen in its own body as you lift it up and   haul it into containment. [ANIMATION NOTE: They’ll  need to use a forklift or something similar to   move 173 as it’s made of concrete] And hey presto, that’s one SCP   back under lock and key, and two to go. But don’t get too comfortable because now,   you’re going toe to toe with SCP – 096, aka The  Shy Guy. While this creature is a Euclid cl;ass,   just like 173, when it’s out of containment it’s  an order of magnitude more dangerous than its   concrete predecessor. While this huge, gangly,  white creature may be docile when not in its   rage-state, if someone sees so much as a glimpse  of the creature’s face – even a single pixel of   a photo, though not artistic depictions – this  thing becomes an unstoppable destruction machine.   It’ll turn tanks and military helicopters  into lumps of inert metal. It’ll run through   solid walls like they’re wet tissue paper. Think you can take this creature down with fifty   caliber sniper bullets and anti-tank missiles? We  regret to inform you that it can take that licking   and keep on ticking. Even with the majority of  its body mass destroyed, the creature keeps going,   and its skeletal structure appears to be totally  indestructible. It can travel at frightening   speeds with unlimited stamina, and it has killed  100% of human targets that have seen its face.   Its ferocity is so great that it doesn’t  leave a single trace of any of its victims.  Seeing as it was discovered butt naked in  sub-zero temperatures, and appears just as   effective in combat deep underwater as it does  on land, there’s really no battleground where you   have the advantage. If the reason this monster  breached containment is that you saw its face,   well other than praying you might be out of  luck. But if the creature breached containment   because some other poor sucker saw its face, then  you’re at least in there with a fighting chance of   getting the creature back into containment. First, you should never attempt to stop the   creature while it’s still in hot pursuit of  whoever saw its face. You simply will not stop   it in that state, as nothing really has. You must  approach the creature while it’s in its docile,   post-kill state, and take extreme caution  to avoid seeing its face in the process.   The Foundation has explored methods of augmenting  vision in order to block out the face in the past,   such as Dr. Dan’s SCRAMBLE technology, but  this has often resulted in grim and deadly   failure that left good task force members dead. Your objective will be to quite literally bag   the creature... by pulling a bag over its head.  The creature will not attempt to remove the bag,   at least for a while, as it displays no real  intelligence outside of its single-minded pursuit   of prey. Once it’s bagged, the monster can be  easily captured and taken back to containment,   where it will endlessly pace around its cell under  constant audio-only surveillance from Foundation   personnel. But here’s the question: How do you  get so close to the thing without looking at it?  Thankfully you have valuable knowledge  gleaned from a certain classic party game:   Pin the tail on the donkey. The creature  will only go into attack mode if its face   is seen or if you attack it first, so  after locating the creature, your best   course of action is to blindfold yourself and  approach with the bag. It’s a daunting task,   but if you can establish enough physical  contact to estimate the position of the head,   then bag it, you’ve just saved a lot of  lives, and have ultimate bragging rights   that you beat a classic party game on hard mode. SCP – 096 is now safely on the way back to the   Foundation, where Dr. Dan can continue his  tireless research into its neutralization.   Two down, one to go. And boy have  we saved the hardest for last.  Meet SCP – 682, also known as the  Hard-To-Kill-Reptile. And believe us when we   say this thing has earned that name. This creature  has faced off against SCP – 173 multiple times,   and survived every encounter. It also engaged in a  brutal, 27-hour battle with SCP – 096 in the past,   and not only survived, but reduced the Shy Guy  to a gibbering, incoherent mess. Unlike its two   predecessors, 682 is not a mindless monster but  is actually an extremely intelligent predator   capable of advanced forethought and even setting  deadly traps – such as creating a helium shell   around its body to protect from attack, and  shattering this shell into deadly shards to   shred Foundation personnel when they approached. There’s even some merit to the theory that   SCP – 682 is one of the seven children of  the legendary and terrifying Scarlet King,   thought by the Foundation to be the greatest  living threat to the Multiverse. SCP – 682 may   not be the deadliest SCPs out there, considering  that there are some who are more than capable of   triggering the apocalypse, but it’s rightly one  of the most feared. The monster’s reputation comes   from three main factors: Durability, adaptability,  and malice, and you’ll need to understand all   three if you want any hope of getting the  Hard-To-Kill-Reptile back into containment.  Durability: The Foundation have tried every  conceivable method of killing this thing,   from total incineration to high-powered acid  to cross-testing with other deadly anomalies,   and the only time 682 has ever been successfully  killed is in the alternate universe contained   within SCP – 2935. However, no battle is  worth risking the involvement of SCP – 2935,   as it could result in the spontaneous destruction  of all life in our dimension. Next, adaptability:   682 has shown that it’s capable of learning,  adapting to, and weaponizing anything used against   it. Even the calming, joy-inducing effects of SCP  – 999 were transformed into a crippling laughter   blast that allowed 682 to break containment. And finally, Malice. 682 despises all life of   any kind, and has the stated intention of killing  anything and everything it can. While it may be   intelligent, there is no reasoning with the  creature. It wants you and your team dead,   and will do anything to make that happen.  Seeing as there’s no hope of killing this thing,   how can you potentially incapacitate  it and get it back into its acid-filled   containment chamber before it recovers? For this, we need to turn back to the classic   adage: There’s safety in numbers. According to  SCP – 682’s official documentation, “In case of   containment breach, SCP-682 is to be tracked and  re-captured by all available Mobile Task Forces,   and no teams with fewer than seven members  are cleared to engage it.” In other words,   your best bet is calling in all the heavily armed  reinforcements that you can, and taking on the   creature with a mix of advanced military tactics  and conventional arms fire. While the classic   monster movie temptation of busting out the  nukes and napalm may be alluring, the risk of the   creature adapting to these attacks and introducing  them into its own arsenal is too great.  There are some SCPs who have been known to have a  pacifying effect on SCP – 682, and may therefore   be useful in your recapture mission. Perhaps  the best example is SCP – 053, a small child   who causes murderous tendencies in those who  spend more than ten minutes in her presence.   While bringing her along definitely puts a time  limit on the mission, 053 has an unparalleled   ability to make 682 become docile without giving  it any new powers in the process. She may be   able to prevent 682 from causing further damage  while your team mobilises around the creature.  With her help, it may be possible for you  and your small army of Mobile Task Force   members to get SCP – 682 tagged, bagged,  and hauled back to base for containment.  So, there you have it – the tried and true  methods for getting these deadly creatures   and entities back under Foundation control. If you  want to find out more about the SCP Foundation and   the entities they spend day and night protecting  you from, why not subscribe to our new channel,   SCP Explained – Story and Animation? And check out  our other video, “SCP – 3008 – Trapped In Ikea.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,150,329
Rating: 4.9211311 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, scp 173, scp-173, scp-096, scp 096, scp 682, scp-682, scp containment breach, vs, versus, you vs, you vs the scp foundation, SCP, SCPs, Scp-173, the infographics show, SCP foundation, survive, horror, scary, scp animation, scp exploration, animation, animated, story, scp story, animations, anom, anomaly, scp explained, therubber, the rubber, explained, scp tales
Id: W3BzU3H3WrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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