YOU vs SCP-096 (The Shy Guy)

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SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy" (+2641) by Dr Dan

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Paranoid-Android 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Just shoot it! Be sure to keep a good eye on it so you can aim properly"

-The Infographics Show, probably

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/justAHeardOfLlamas 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Try not to be too hard on the infographics, they just didn’t understand, they wanted to become fans and posted a video that wasn’t accurate

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/The-fact-core 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Keep in mind I’m NOT mentioning 106.


👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Astronaut32 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I feel like every time I look at the Infographics Show, they just seem like that one dad who wants to be a part of everything to look "hip" and up-to-date with no actual knowledge.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OCTUStudio 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

oh nono no no no no no no no no no no nono

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MiningSquirrel1 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

They got some nerve posting another SCP vid

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pygfan300 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
So, you had a job interview with the SCP foundation, nailed it, signed the requisite non-disclosure agreement, and you got yourself the job! Congrats! Now, you’re an operative in charge of some of the strangest, scariest, and most dangerous discoveries out there, and it’s time to Secure, Contain, and Protect. So, what is your assignment here at the good old SCP Foundation? You must have drawn the short straw, because you have to keep an eye on one of the deadliest creatures in the organisation’s custody: SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy. As your terrible luck would have it, on your first day looking after it, SCP-096 has escaped from custody, and you are now in very real danger of a direct encounter! It is now up to you to face off against this formidable foe and try to make it out in one piece. But don’t despair just yet! We’re here with all of the advice you need to survive your first day on the job and best SCP-096, as lethal as it may be. So, strap in and get ready for the fight of your life. Before we talk about how a fight against this anomalous creature might go for you, it’s important to know your enemy as well as you can. So, let’s get to know SCP-096. It may be nicknamed the “Shy Guy” but trust us when we say that it is nowhere near as demure as it sounds. In fact, 096 may be one of the most frightening finds in the history of the organization, and it is not to be underestimated. An emaciated-looking humanoid creature, Shy Guy stands about 2.38 meters tall. It is pale and hairless, with unnaturally long arms that span a length of 1.5 meters each. Perfect for strangling, beating, and dismembering foes from a distance. If that wasn’t terrifying enough, its jaw can open four times wider than the average human. You read that correctly, this thing can open its jaw four times wider than a human jaw. Its eyes have no pigmentation, and may or may not be able to see. Whether it has a sense of sight or not, SCP-096 can tell when it is being observed. Normally, when left alone, it spends its time pacing and largely keeping to itself. However, once its face has been seen, whether in person, via a video feed, or in a photograph, SCP-096 stops being quite so docile. This is where the dangerous part comes in. Once its face has been spotted, SCP-096 flies into hysterics, screaming, babbling, and covering its face in apparent despair. Don’t feel too guilty for upsetting it, however, because that’s time you should be using to run. The next thing the creature will do – once it’s gotten its weeping out of its system – is begin heading right for you. SCP-096 runs at a documented speed of at least thirty-five kilometers per hour, so good luck trying to outrun it once it’s set its sights on you. Once it reaches you, it will kill you. Details of the method of killing have been redacted from official SCP reports, but whatever it does it leaves no trace of its victim behind, so you are very possibly going to get really familiar with that freakishly large mouth. When SCP-096 was initially captured, it was found outdoors in extreme cold without a scrap of clothing on it. The creature was just calmly sitting there, without giving off so much as a shiver in response to the temperature. Multiple members of the team assigned to retrieve it happened to see its face, and that was when the mission took a turn for the worse. The entity began to scream and cry, sounding more like a person than an animal, to a reportedly uncanny degree. The team fired on the entity, but the bullets didn’t so much as phase it. It picked up one member of the team and ripped off his leg. The team fired an anti-tank round at the entity and, again, it didn’t so much as slow down or take any noticeable structural damage. Finally, the entity was stopped when a bag was placed over its head. Once its head was covered with a bag, it ceased all aggression and sat down, no longer intent on attacking anyone. The entity only calmed when everyone who had seen its face was destroyed, after which it sat back down. A soldier who had not yet seen the creature’s face placed a bag over its head seemingly preventing any future deadly outbursts. So now, let’s get back to your predicament. You are working at the SCP Foundation, going about your merry business, when suddenly you find yourself about to be face to face with an escaped SCP-096. Face being the operative word. The first tip for surviving an encounter with SCP-096 is to avoid looking at its face, of course, but when that option is out the window, what can you do to escape with your life? Is it possible to defeat a creature that wasn’t even slowed down by an anti-tank weapon and a team of armed operatives? Maybe! It may be tempting to try and take a flamethrower to the gangly creep or just turn tail and run away from it, but as we know by now, neither of those solutions are likely to be viable. However, there is hope, and maybe your first day at your new job does not have to be your last. There are a few possible solutions that would allow you to come out victorious in a conflict with SCP-096 – and they have less to do with pure firepower, and more to do with utilizing the most powerful weapon in the human arsenal: Your mind. Option one, cover the entity’s face. As previously mentioned, the entity’s aggressive behavior was curtailed when a bag was placed over its head during its capture. Covering SCP-096’s face seems to render it passive, even helpless. However, this is a risky option, as it would require you to get close enough to the entity to put a covering over its face, and it is likely that getting that close would result in you accidentally seeing said face. Once that happens, it may be too late to get the bag over its head before the entity flies into a rage and tears you limb from limb like a helpless crustacean at your local crab shack. You could always try to close your eyes and approach the entity with the bag, in the world’s most dangerous game of “pin the tail on the donkey”, but we don’t recommend it. Option two is high risk, but with a potentially high reward. While SCP-096 does not respond to assaults with deadly weapons, there is one thing that it is afraid of, and that has done significant damage to it in the past. This is yet another highly dangerous entity, SCP-682. One of the most powerful, deadly, and aggressive anomalies the Foundation has ever been able to contain. This entity is not to be trifled with, but, if you can get it into the room with SCP-096 and get yourself as far away from the both of them as possible, it may just solve your problem. The two creatures were previously introduced to each other in an attempt to terminate SCP-096, and, while 096 survived the encounter, it emerged from the attempt severely wounded and upset. Future exposure to SCP-682 caused 096 to erupt into hysterics, screaming and clawing at its own face. If you need to get SCP-096’s attention away from you, and perhaps succeed in terminating it, it is definitely worth a shot. So, what is SCP-682? Simply put, it is a highly dangerous and difficult to destroy reptilian creature. It exhibits a high level of intelligence, unlike SCP-096, which does not appear to be especially intelligent or aware of its surroundings beyond its fits of rage that follow its face being seen. This entity hates all life forms, and is incredibly strong, fast, and exhibits lightning-quick reflexes. Its size fluctuates dramatically and quickly depending on what it has ingested . It is capable of speech, and has given several interviews where it admits its hatred for life and its willingness to kill. It is regarded as extremely dangerous, and is seemingly impossible to permanently kill. We say “permanently” because the creature has been temporarily killed in the past, but was able to resurrect itself afterwards. It recovered from bullets, acid, fire, and attacks from other SCPs. It has successfully escaped six times, and attempted escape unsuccessfully seventeen additional times. So, is it worth it to attempt to employ SCP-682 as a weapon against 096? That is debatable, but the answer is likely no. At the very least, it is a dangerous last resort that would possibly cost you your life even if it is able to terminate 096. For starters, SCP-682 would have to be released from its containment, a room full of acid that consistently erodes away its skin, so that it can attack 096 in the first place. As previously mentioned, 682 is highly intelligent, and is unlikely to be able to be tricked or manipulated into acting on your behalf unknowingly. If it goes after SCP-096 and attacks the humanoid monstrosity, it will do so only because it wants to. Because this creature hates all living things, and you just happen to be living, it is just as likely that it will attack and kill you before it goes after SCP-096. However, if by some miracle you are able to get SCP-682 and SCP-096 into the same room without getting killed in the process, then you may just have freed yourself from this dangerous trap. Once 682 sees 096, it will attempt to kill it, as it has in previous encounters. Meanwhile, 096 will be thrown into a state of distress at the sight of 682, distracting the Shy Guy from your presence and allowing you to escape and find a superior who can amend the situation and return both creatures to their containment. This would require a great deal of planning, however, and no small amount of good luck. Since you’ve found yourself in this situation in the first place, luck does not appear to be on your side. This brings us to your third and final option, and the one that is the most likely to prove effective against SCP-096, allowing you to terminate the creature and emerge victorious. As you already know, SCP-096 cannot bear for anyone to see its face, and will viciously attack anyone that does so. Much like in the myth of Perseus and Medusa, it all comes down to reflections. In the story of Medusa, the hero Perseus was able to avoid being turned into stone by looking at Medusa’s reflection in his shield, rather than looking at her directly. Since SCP-096 attacks anyone who sees its face, not just directly but via indirect methods like video and photographs, it is unlikely that looking at its reflection would save you. However, we aren’t just trying to save you, we are trying to defeat SCP-096. The solution is as simple as it is effective. Take a reflective surface, ideally a mirror or a piece of reflective metal if you can find one in the facility, and approach SCP-096 with it. Keep your eyes averted from its face, looking down at the rest of its body or even just at its feet on the floor. Just make sure that you can see which way it is facing. Then, present the creature with the mirror, showing it its own reflection. If what we know about the entity holds true, it will fly into its trademark uncontrollable violent rage, and begin to attack the creature that has seen its face. In this scenario, that creature is itself. It will begin to tear itself into pieces, ripping and clawing until there is nothing left of itself, or until it cannot move anymore. Because SCP-096 seems to be stronger than any weapons we have, the only weapon that makes sense to kill it with is itself. Once it has stopped its self-destructive assault and has been neutralized, you will be able to escape with your life and the knowledge that this deadly threat has been eliminated once and for all Congratulations! Not only did you live through your first day at the SCP Foundation, but you succeeded where countless other scientists have failed, and managed to terminate one of the organization’s deadliest finds! Okay, okay, it won’t be THAT easy. If showing the thing its reflection was the simplest way to totally kill it, the Foundation would have done it already. But according to some accounts, being presented with reflective surfaces has caused the creature to frantically claw at its own face in a state of extreme distress. What could be a better distraction to tag and bag this insecure monster and cart it back to its cell? Either way, your work here is done. Run yourself a hot bath, pour yourself a drink, and celebrate a job well done. Now, let’s see what kind of trouble you can run into tomorrow. Be sure to check out the rest of the “You Vs.” playlist to see how you’d fare against the biggest and baddest of pop culture! If it’s more monsters you’re after, check out “You vs The Rake - Could You Survive and Defeat This Creepypasta Horror Monster.”
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Views: 1,207,596
Rating: 4.8784227 out of 5
Keywords: scp, SCP 096, scp-096, scp-682, scp 682, scp foundation, scp explained, scp vs, scp versus, vs, versus, scp 96, the infographics show, you vs, you versus, monster school, scp wiki, therubber, the rubber, secure contain protect, scp containment breach, the shy guy, scp 049, scp animation, scp 096 sounds, scp 096 movie, scp 096 minecraft, scp 106, scp 173
Id: dfgNGwGDUqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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