SCP-5049 - The Skin Salesman - Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus Depot (SCP Animation)

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Have you ever seen something you weren’t supposed  to? Something that made you feel… off. Something   you regret? Secrets like these are best kept  to yourself, but since you’re still alive,   whatever you saw wasn’t nearly as  bad as what Peter Holland saw one   fateful night in January of 2015. Peter  was an unremarkable man - an office-worker,   slaving away at the daily grind. And like  a lot of people, Peter enjoyed nothing   more than coming home after a long, hard  day, kicking back, and watching some TV. It was this innocent activity that led to  Peter’s horrifying brush with SCP - 5049,   altering the course of his  otherwise average life forever. The event started at around 10:05 PM. Peter  was channel surfing, glued to the couch in   his sparsely-furnished apartment. Commercials,  commercials, commercials - as far as Peter’s tired   eyes could see. He paused for a moment to  watch the end of an ad for a car he could   never hope to afford on his salary, but something  stopped him from changing the channel again.   The next ad had begun, and it was playing a  strange, scratchy jingle that gave Peter an   odd sense of unease. But even stranger  than that was the text on screen:   “Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus  Depot”, in baby-blue bubble lettering. He forced a smile. This had to be some weird  comedy skit, or a viral marketing campaign,   or maybe it was something he drank. But no,  this was a real commercial - and things were   about to get even weirder. The peppy logo faded  to a concerning sight: A tall, humanoid figure   dressed like a used car salesman, but one that  definitely wasn’t human. His skin was dark green,   and covered in patches of thick fur. He had long  fingers with intimidating claws, and a grin full   of needle-like fangs. It looked almost...demonic.  And after a few seconds the demon began to speak. “Hey there folks! It's your man, Demon Dan, coming  at you with all the latest and greatest deals from   Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus Depot! We just  accepted a shipment of brand-new models that   would make even the most discerning customers  weep with excitement. Let's see what we got…” The creature - apparently named Demon  Dan - stepped away from his desk,   revealing two long, furry goat legs that ended  in large, pointed hooves. Peter now assumed he   really was going crazy, but at this point he was  along for the ride. Demon Dan continued his pitch. “Looking to make your way through the  capitalist hell-scape that makes home   look cozy? Come try on one of  the newest businessman models!” Dan gestured behind him to where Peter was  horrified to see a total of fifty-two adult   male human bodies hanging from a wall.  There was something uncanny about them.   They seemed almost hollow, like a highly  realistic costume or a prop from a horror movie.   Peter didn’t have much time to think  about it though as Demon Dan went on. “If you’re looking for the extra  challenge of inequality– the   businesswomen model may be the right fit for you!” The commercial then revealed a wall of human  female bodies strung up in a similar fashion. “Now, maybe you're thinking, "But Dan, business  sounds hard. I just want to have some fun!"   and the fine team here at Demon Dan's Discount  Homunculus Depot have got you covered!” The camera zoomed out to show an area of the  store filled with children’s decorations,   and more of these strange, hollowed-out  human suits in child sizes to match. “And who has more fun than kids? No  one, that's who. For a limited time,   the purchase of any child-sized  unit comes with a complimentary 50%   off coupon for parental units! You  just can't say no to a deal like that.” Before Peter could process the  madness that was unfolding before him,   the camera cut again. The store’s  logo appeared on the screen once more,   along with several cuts to locations  around the store itself. There were   more human bodies. Hundreds of them. Demon  Dan’s sleazy voice rang out over all of it. “Here at Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus  Depot, we know it's not all fun and games.   The bravest among us have a mission  to accomplish. The Seven-Lords are   ever planning their invasion, after all,  so you're looking for function over form.   Well, we've got that in spades down here  in the tactical services department!   You'll be kickin' ass in no time when you're  wearing the latest models at the best prices!” Seven lords? Invasion? What did any of this  mean? Suddenly, the camera was showing him   a new room. Red curtains parted, revealing  more of these person-suits, several bearing   a striking resemblance to real human celebrities.  He managed to make out Gucci Mane, Avril Lavigne,   Paul McCartney, and Britney Spears before Demon  Dan’s appearance once again drew his attention. “I've got a special treat for you;  we are happy to announce the VIP   lookalike department! We all know how  difficult the creation of homunculus is,   it's a fine art that takes years of practice.  So, when a replacement order on VIP's comes in,   every detail needs to be perfect–  unfortunately, that's not always the case.   But for the right price, you too can look  like famous icons from around the globe!” The image of celebrity bodies faded from  view, and Peter was left looking at the   grinning Demon Dan standing behind the front  desk of his impossible store once more. He said… “There ya’ have it folks, come on down  to Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus Depot!   If you're viewing the advertisement, then  you've been selected for entry– please enter   the nearest door for instant deals and upgrade  those old duds for one of our newest models!   What are you waiting for? Come on down!” The logo popped up again, hovering above some bold  text that said, “Please Enter The Nearest Door!” Peter had had enough. He switched off the TV.  What a horror show, he thought. They should   warn you before they put short horror films on  TV like that. He had no idea they could just   slip them in among regular commercials. Surely  Demon Dan and his store couldn’t be real, right? But as his eyes drifted to the door in his  room, he didn’t feel quite so certain. Well,   there was only one way to find out. Peter got  up, went over to the door, took a deep breath,   and walked through it. Peter Holland was never seen  again. Not as himself, anyway. The SCP Foundation has long been aware of this  sinister transmission - known as SCP - 5049-2 -   and luckily has found ways to prevent it from  claiming more victims. The Foundation Television   Analysis Department as well as WebCrawler 40Y40  - which is the software the Foundation uses to   root out anomalous activity online - are always  vigilant for signs of Demon Dan’s commercial   running. Just observing Demon Dan, who is himself  classified as SCP - 5049 - A, and his ads puts   you in immediate danger, as it can transform  any nearby doors into SCP - 5049-1’s. Those   are interdimensional portals that remain active  for around fifteen minutes after viewing the ad. So then what specifically is SCP - 5049? It’s  the entire pocket dimension known as Demon   Dan’s Discount Homunculus Depot. A Keter-Class  spatial anomaly constantly on the lookout for   new human victims, which it transforms  into fleshy suits for its demonic clients   which let them blend in around humans.  Prior to its discovery by the Foundation,   it’s likely that Demon Dan and his associates  claimed hundreds if not thousands of lives.   But sadly, even discovering this anomaly  came at a gruesome cost to the Foundation. On February 16th, 2020, the ad played on  Safe Storage Warehouse-13's break room   television. At the time of the broadcast,  four Foundation personnel were present,   including Security Agent William Berken. Worrying  that this was a potential security threat,   Agent Berken investigated the door to a  nearby closet. The second he opened it,   he was transported to the storefront of  Demon Dan’s Discount Homunculus Depot.   He saw Demon Dan himself standing at the counter,  while four smaller, reptilian imps fought over   a small flesh-suit. Demon Dan scolded them,  before turning his attention to Agent Berken. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. You aren't  supposed to be here, little man,   how naughty. I'm gonna have to have a word  with marketing– once I'm through with you.” Agent Berken, fearing for his safety, drew  his weapon and shot Demon Dan three times.   The creature dematerialized, before  appearing right next to Agent Berken,   and disarming him with a swift chop.  The unfortunate security agent was then   grabbed by the considerably larger Demon Dan, and  thrown over Dan’s shoulder. We know all of this   because Agent Berken’s standard-issue Foundation  body-camera recorded the whole terrifying ordeal,   even as Demon Dan dragged the helpless Berken  back into the twisted workshop behind the store. There, Berken saw what would soon be his own fate  right before his eyes - Dan’s minions converted   human bodies into fleshy suits for their Demon  Clientele, and this unfortunate security officer   was next. Dan gave him over to a pair of large,  sheep-like demons, and told them to “drain, skin,   and declaw him.” Berken’s video feed  finally cut as the demons pulled out   their rusty tools and began to work on him. Of course, the SCP Foundation wouldn’t take   an attack on one of their operatives - inside  one of their facilities, no less - lying down.   The unfortunate death of William Berken  allowed the Foundation to refine their   methods of intercepting the broadcast of  Demon Dan’s commercials. They even formed   a new Mobile Task Force - Mobile Strike Force  Kappa-11, or the Baphomet Bashers - specifically   to deal with Demon Dan and his cronies. They did more than just prevent him from   taking new humans, though. When the Baphomet  Bashers teamed up with an A-Class Clairvoyant   Entity to improve their efficiency in predicting  future broadcasts, they were able to launch sting   operations, and arrest 21 different demonic  customers for interrogation. This impressive   strike back finally gave the Foundation  some meaningful leverage over Demon Dan,   and through the use of their Clairvoyant Entity,  they were able to call a temporary truce and   arrange a meeting with Demon Dan himself. Captain Steiner, an agent of the Foundation   External Negotiation Department, was the one to  interrogate Demon Dan. They sat across from each   other at a table and Demon Dan was clearly tense,  frustrated with the way the Foundation had been   messing with his business. All of their sting  operations were frightening off his customers.   In return for letting him continue his  work, the Foundation wanted Dan to turn   over all the information on his bosses and  customers, allowing the Foundation to track   their movements. When Dan was evasive about  whether he’d comply, they tried threatening him. Dan laughed them off. “Go ahead–  take your best shot, little man!   There's a dozen more just like  me, you won't stop anything.” Finally, he was pressured into giving a yes  or no answer as to whether he’d willingly   collaborate with the Foundation and act as  an informant against his kind. When Demon   Dan hinted that he may be willing to comply,  he began to make a horrifying gurgling noise,   and gripped his head in pain. He began speaking  in Latin in a voice that wasn’t his own,   as though the seven demon lords he served  were speaking through him. They said… “You are a fool, Jailor. To think a pathetic  morsel such as this could aid you against us.   I have allowed you to toil  in your own delusions for far   too long. You may have taken advantage  of Asmodeus all those years ago,   but you stop nothing. You hinder nothing! You  jail and barter to no avail. Your time is coming.” And then, Demon Dan’s head exploded - which  obviously prevented him from giving any   incriminating information on those he worked for.  Whoever the demon lords are, they’re certainly   the secretive type. You may think this is the  end of Demon Dan’s Discount Homunculus Depot,   and of SCP - 5049, but soon another ad  ran. It advertised the same products and   services out of the same store. The  only difference was that, this time,   a different entity was starring in it. Now go check out “SCP - 2662 - Cthulhu”   and “SCP - 4000 - Taboo” for more strange  entities from the files of the SCP Foundation!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 752,619
Rating: 4.9426551 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-5049, scp 5049, scp5049, scp demon, scp demon dan, demon dan, Homunculus Depot, skin suit, skin suits, skin salesman, scp salesman, scp store, pocket dimension, scp demons
Id: Bd2bJ_BlKEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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