They're making a 'Karen' movie and the trailer is just... no.

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i need to laugh at something i think we all need to laugh at something i have been trying to hold it together over the past three weeks while the world has been trying to fall apart over the past insert the age of the world i don't remember the exact day i saw it created so with that being said i'm ecstatic to be back today with something that is actually comedic though surely because of how bad it is i need you to suffer with me through the trailer for the upcoming film karen now this movie is getting slammed by the internet thankfully see it's supposed to be some sort of commentary about black people in america and the problems that they face due to karen's racist karen's aka women or men if we're being honest who abuse their social position in order to terrorize you know service workers people of color just everyone who isn't them basically and like as a black people in america i don't really see why we need this to be a movie i mean i could just take this camera right here and walk around outside same effect much cheaper but let's go ahead and give the trailer a chance anyway because of course there's absolutely no way this could go wrong so the first scene of this trailer focuses on this insanely attractive young man as he does an ad read for today's sponsor so let's watch that today's video is sponsored by morningbro morningbrew is a free newsletter that updates you seven days a week first thing in the morning an onslaught of information from last night is just vying for my attention but that's where morningbrew comes in instead of endless scrolling across a bunch of apps the newsletter they email you is informative witty all in one place and it takes about five minutes to read i think my favorite thing about morning brew is it actually has good news like steven spielberg's netflix deal or companies doing better than ever after the pandemic all things i found about through the newsletter i learned about anything really that covers business finance or tech news this sounds interesting to you you've got to sign up for it it's completely free and it takes less than 15 seconds to subscribe so click the link in the description to subscribe to warning brewer today don't even try to tell me that that wasn't the smoothest transition into an ad read that you've seen all week i am a professional so the trailer actually starts with the bet logo which oh no now this director coke daniels i'd actually never heard of before but according to my sources aka a 12-second google search it seems that he's also the director of such masterpieces as parking lot pimpin who made the potato salad in which potato is misspelled for some reason and gangsta rap the glockuminery so how could karen be anything short of a higher masterpiece i guess this is a long way from east point baby you just gotta give it a chance [Music] oh my gosh the way they're using the single note piano horror sound effect that's in like literally every horror trailer what is that like an f sharp [Music] [Music] it's an a anyway i will give them some props here because this carrying character does look pretty terrifying try saying karen character out loud three times fast by the way it actually feels like you're in a horror movie like try it unironically i'll sit here and wait did you do it if so congratulations you are officially a fool because that means you've summoned her tell me about your new neighbors they're black that's why keeping it down if you don't comply i'll tell the manager okay this is literally the lightest depiction of racism i've ever seen in the film i don't know how to explain this but they have somehow whitewashed racism itself my neighbors are black they're loud i'm calling the manager like yes all of these are problematic statements for obvious reasons that i don't have to explain but this is a horror flick okay i want quentin tarantino hard r heated gaming moment level racism all right somebody's taking home security serious hi i am karen drexler i'm your neighbor you need to be taking your trash cans off the curb right when the trash is picked up and you need to be off of my driveway and out of my business this is not your property ma'am and you are not the hoa that being said all of the acting in this trailer has been really weird the karen actress seems like she's just larping as a karen which i guess acting is just slurping on a budget but i shouldn't be conscious of that while watching something everyone's lines are delivered like they're trying to remember what the line is before they say it is she nice yeah she's nice wait a minute we have a white entitled neighbor named karen karen wow wait till these filmmakers learn about this um underused but pretty important device that pops up in cinema every now and then i think it's called subtlety so there's that okay enjoy yourself there she is slaving away in the kitchen oh okay well there's there's the racism i asked for i guess thanks i've come across some very suspecting teenagers you please hurry up please it's either very aggressive this acting is like this is youtube acting this is like serving my wife divorce papers at 3am prank free iphone giveaway acting and i'm sorry not to be caring myself but suspecting that is that's that's not how you use that word it's definitely not an adjective i'm almost positively meant to say suspicious because that word makes way more sense in that context i've come across some very suspecting teenagers it makes me wonder if those guys reacted like that because they were offended or just because they were just beyond confused at her grammar so anyway she gets them arrested i left my wallet with my id at home leave us alone we didn't do anything well this movie is clearly unrealistic because let's be honest if i was to shout in a police officer's face um let's just say my next youtube break would be a little bit involuntary and somewhat forever if if you catch my drift how the heck did you end up moving to this neighborhood next thing you know we have criminals you take care of him and i will take care of her so the same woman who's complaining about trash on the curb is now kicking it over bro did you want the neighborhood to be beautified or not like if it bothers you so much how about you roll my trash can back up also does this movie not have cursing in it she said how the heck did you move into this neighborhood you freaking black people would you mind stepping out of the car my office has uncovered some disturbing information on her and her brother oh my gosh so not only do we have a racist named karen in this film but her brother is also a police officer this this entire script seems like it was written by an ai that was fed nothing but captions from instagram posts of black squares posted by non-black people she doesn't like black people we have a search warrant well i'm black i know she doesn't like you either she doesn't like black people look i know that this is just a child saying this but the movie seems to be doing everything but depicting like actual hardcore racism and from my perspective a social commentary that aims to downplay the actual social issue itself in order to make everybody more comfortable is just nothing more than a mockery at this point a complicit mockery because now people can just point to this movie and say see racism is not a real problem it's dumb and i'm just like here we go again i want to sell the house you can't tell me huh we are living next door to a racist i mean y'all couldn't tell from the first interaction or look i'm not blaming the couple in the situation obviously but still she said it like she was so surprised i say this with absolutely no sarcasm almost every single thing that has been depicted in this movie has happened to my family every single time we've moved into a new neighborhood like this is not news now did the neighbors have confederate flag soap dispensers i mean let's not be silly of course they did i literally live in texas south texas you went in her house you wouldn't want your wife to know our little secret right ew wait did they why though cause oof i was not standing police procedure back there what do we have here we got a hammer everything looks like nails you people are very angry this trailer is just a compilation of ridiculously over-the-top racist statements that everyone already knows is racist intercut with footage of police brutality and black people crying so like what i'm trying to say here is add a little bit of horror music on top of that and you've just got something that's super gross for no reason bad things happen to people that don't comply [Music] so um that was the trailer now before i go ahead and get into everyone else's opinions on it go ahead and let me know what you think about it because i am quite curious one thing that a lot of people were pointing out was that the film kind of looks like it wants the money and clout from being a jordan peel knockoff but it doesn't want to do any of the work that jordan peele does to actually comment on issues like for example get out which is a movie i watched that's a very similar thing it highlights absurdly racist people terrorizing the black characters but that's just one way of interpreting the movie like you could also just choose to look at it as a straightforward straight faced horror film or you know a very direct and blunt commentary on these issues itself but beyond the message get out is just an entertaining and well-made film that's fun to watch i mean it's not fun to watch it's it's horrifying but you know what i mean you can't just put on a jordan peel mask and think the same thing is going to happen with your movie like this tweet right here says everyone's been doing their best jordan peel impression and i absolutely hate it see the magic of get out was that it wasn't so on the nose like this it generated discussion and depending on who you asked generated very different experiences for different folks another thing that people were pointing out was that outside of the world of the film itself things start getting a little bit weirder when you look at the fact that the lead actress playing karen might actually be a karen last year in the now deleted post which i found multiple screenshots of as well as multiple transcriptions and articles that karen actress taryn manning holy crap her name rhymes with karen she goes on and on about how we should stop being mean to donald trump and that we should look up q anon because the black lives matter protest are funded by soros to make white people look bad so yeah i mean at least she deleted it people were pointing out the racism of implying that the protests were not happening for an actual legitimate reason and she responds in the worst possible way and i'm sure a lot of you already see this coming she posted a photo of her as a child with two black friends and the caption far from a racist i literally can't make this up taryn manning is just she is the character that she's portraying in this movie in real life and that makes me feel really weird like i don't want to watch a movie where someone's being super racist and there's there's a chance that they mean every single thing they say but at the same time i do find myself willing to believe that she's not really like this because her acting in this movie is just so terrible i don't feel like she believes a single word she's saying can you please hurry up please it's either very aggressive it's all a mess besides the actual concerns about the film's portrayal of issues or the statements of the lead actress playing karen there was just a lot of people pointing out how hilarious this is in general jordan peele paved the way and you all added potholes to it i definitely thought this carrot movie was an snl skit but then it went on for so long and it's a real movie question mark exclamation point i just finally saw the trailer for that karen horror movie i can't stop laughing it's unbelievably cringe it's like someone took every woke stereotype and fearmongering about race relations and put it into a blender without nuance or subtlety no surprise it's from b-e-t i really did think that this was all just supposed to be some sort of satire at first but no this was made in earnest and then greenlit and then completed and is now being distributed so let that sink in i guess just kidding there's nowhere for it to sync because we're already in the second place apparently anyway that's that um before you go though i actually need you to do something for me this is actually the first time i'm sharing this on this channel but i have been working on this for the past half a year so i have a secret project that i'm going to be doing in 2022 they're not youtube videos but i will still be uploading them all to youtube for free so that y'all can still watch them for free but it's going on a different channel it's going on this channel right here yes i know it looks exactly like the one you're on but it's in all caps don't don't ask questions i've gotten 88 000 subscribers on that channel so far and that was just with zero uploads and me only mentioning it in my community tab so i need a whole lot more than 88 000. i have plans of world domination and fortunately for you you're all part of them so um yeah go subscribe if you're really fast you might actually be able to be one of the first 100 000 subscribers of that channel which be a little bit crazy but either way move quickly because one day we will have millions and remember don't ask questions just subscribe by the way i did i did want to point out that coke daniel's other film who made the potato salad only has one review on imdb and it reads as follows this is definitely one of the worst movies i have ever seen okay they spelled potato with an e and that bugged me from the off but even ignoring that the performances script and direction are so below par i would not have been surprised if this had been a drama school production however if the actors and director were to submit this they would fail and have to resubmit the examination it is to be hoped they don't try this again so um basically when karen comes out you know we're gonna watch it in the video right good okay bye [Music] you
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,197,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace, taryn manning
Id: nJImhtRMkdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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