30 Days of Castor Oil on My Thin Hair

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hi guys I'm Tina tomato in this video I'll be trying out castor oil for hair growth for 30 days so there's a lot of stories out there about how castor oil promotes hair growth people like to use it on their hair their eyebrows and eyelashes to make them grow out faster or longer and thicker and there's also claims about how castor oil is really good for acne and also reduces wrinkles so it's definitely very tempting to look at it as a panacea from nature and at the same time it's also very inexpensive so in this video I want to try it out for myself and also document it in a systematic way to show you guys what exactly happens when someone uses castor oil on their hair and scalp regularly so first off I'm going to talk about my hair situation I think for Asian hair my hair is definitely considered fine but overall my hair is pretty healthy there's no split ends and overall integrity of my hair is good but the problem that I have with my hair is that my scalp tends to be very dry and oily if that makes sense so I think what happens is because the scalp is dry it tries to over compensate by producing a lot of oil so usually on the second day my hair would be oily already and it's also very flat the hair that you're seeing right now is first day hair I just watched it last night and already you can see there's not much volume to it so I do wish my hair is more voluminous and fuller and more lifted at the roots and also I hope to see it on my baby hairs around my hairline will become fuller and thicker and my last wish is I'm trying to provoke these bangs right now right now they're around my cheekbones oh and also in this video I'll be using an 800 times magnifier to see what exactly is going on in the scalp and hair the castor oil that I'm using is the jamaican black castor oil the dark color comes from roasting the castor seed and it's also a blend of castor oil and coconut oil which gives it a sweet scent the consistency of the oil is definitely on the thicker side but it's still fluid enough to be applied on the hair I got this one from Shoppers Drug Mart and it was around 20 dollars I'll link this one as well as a few other alternatives in the description down below to apply the castor oil I just pumped out a generous amount along the crown of the head concentrating in the areas near my hairline then using my fingers i roughly distributed the oil to cover my scalp and lightly massaging it toward the end of the video I'll also show another technique that I learned from a Japanese TV show that is supposed to be more effective in reawakening the blood flow in the scalp after that I use a wooden comb to distribute the oil more evenly on the scalp and also along the hair shaft [Music] so the castor oil is very very thick and it's almost like sticky and then you can also apply it like to your lashes because it's supposed to stimulate your eyelash goals as well and you can also apply to your brows and when it comes to a bedtime and just cover my pillow with a clean towel and this was enough to prevent any transferring of the oil to my pettings and in the entire month of doing this I have not observed any mess okay guys now it's the morning after I apply the castor oil and as you can see my hair is thoroughly soaked in oil it's not as sticky as yesterday but it's definitely very very oily and now I'm just going to wash it out and the shampoo I'm using is just by henna childer this one foams up really well and I feel like this one is just going to be easier for me to get an oil out of my hair because castor oil is kind of hard to rinse out hey guys I just finished washing my hair and this is immediately after washing it and I feel so fresh right now I just used a Head & Shoulders shampoo I used to around two to three dino-sized amount and I only shampooed once and everything was washed out very quickly so that was pretty easy I'll show you some close-ups this is the hair it's pretty pretty clean right now yeah I'm feeling so good with this hair right now oh my god I shouldn't wash my hair more often and now I'm just going to check out what the clean scalp looks like with this magnifier alright so this is what clean scalp looks like and we can use this as a reference point okay look at all that baby here because my scalp definitely feels pretty clean right now so in this footage you can see that there's a lot of shine or oiliness in both the hair and the scalp and I don't think that's necessarily the oil since I just washed a hair the shine is probably due to the extremely bright light that is emitted from the magnifier here we're looking at the area near my hairline and the hair here is very fine pretty sparse and there's a lot of new growth in this area and each follicle only has one strand of hair but as we move further back the hair became a lot darker thicker and also denser each follicle has at least two to three strands of hair occasionally I would also see some residual sebum at the root of the hair or on the scalp oh what's that so I got this magnifier from Amazon just for fun and it was pretty inexpensive and if you're interested in this I'll link it down below for you hey guys this is my second day hair after alpine castor oil it looks a little bit greasy because I just did like a 45 minute like pretty intense workout so that's why it looks flatter and grease here than it needs to be so yeah after using it for the first time in a long time I think my hair just feels cleaner for a longer period of time so like this morning my hair felt very fresh and oiling at all the hair doesn't look or feel as oily as the first time around so yeah tonight I'm going to apply the castor oil again and then I'm just going to keep doing it every other day for four weeks hey guys it's been a week since I last up there that you guys on the castor oil experiment so I have been applying castor oil to my hair pretty consistently every other day and right now I'm about to apply it for the fourth time so yeah that looks pretty oily right now because I just came back from a pretty intense workout but this morning when I woke up my hair and actually felt really fresh and that almost never happens for my second day here so overall I definitely feel like since starting to use castor oil my scalp doesn't produce as much oil throughout the day anymore so I am ready to apply castor oil to my hair again this is second day hair honestly I don't think it's that oily like it's definitely like there's oils for sure but for a second day hair is not that bad and I know that at least for my skin time and for my hair type this castor oil does not break me out I find this like feel really good like this feels very relaxing because like putting oil in your hair it's a very nourishing experience a wooden comb is definitely recommended for this I don't know how do you guys apply castor oil because I'm assuming some people watching this video would already be very into this so I'm curious to know how others apply castor oil but this is working pretty well for me yeah the site is very but because it's oily the hair is not going to like move around here and watch when I speed okay so I'm ready to go to bed now yes today is Monday and it's the first day of week 4 this is the technique from the Japanese show so basically you're doing like you're doing like this but you're reinforcing it with your second hand so that way you can apply a more pressure on the skill because if you just apply it like this there's not as much pressure but if you kind of overlay it with your second hand then you can apply double the pressure on each spot so I was thinking maybe we can take a look at the hairline so anything like I've noticed these little hairs and I'm pretty sure they're like recent growth this is not really what I was targeting I was mainly aiming for this area to grow in more hey guys today is February 19th and this is going to be my last augmentation of my castor oil experiment I just want my hair like two hours ago and I apply castor oil on my hair last night and so this is a hair that I have after applying castor oil on it every other day for the past 30 days the changes I've observed in my hair is number one it has grown longer I think it's grown for maybe one inch so not like a dramatic difference I think usually people's hair grow by an inch so that's not really anything out of the ordinary and then for my bangs I think it used to be like add the cheek bone and then now it's basically a little bit well actually it's me cheak already now in terms of the volume of my hair I think I already have to compare this footage to the before footage in order to form an opinion so looking at this you're probably thinking wow there's no difference at all in the thickness of the hair but I think my hair in the after looks healthier and it just looks more lively in bouncier and you can kind of tell that from the way that the hair falls and it seems like there's a healthier shine to it as well both of these footage were taken a few hours after I wash my hair and I didn't have any products nor have I done any styling to it so I think my hair does feel stronger and especially my scalp feels healthier I think in the past before I apply castor oil on my scalp was always kind of itchy and now after applying castor oil like my hair just feels very fresh almost like I used one of those detoxifying shampoos that you're only supposed to use once a week what's different about it is that my hair my scalp doesn't feel stripped of oil it just feels very balanced and I don't get itchy scalp anymore my scalp is not irritated I think that's the biggest benefit of castor oil which is what it does for your scalp it really like nourishes it it just makes your scalp feel very balanced in this close-up you can see that there seems to be more baby hairs along my hairline and the baby hairs also look stronger and longer the rest of my hair also looks more lifted at the root whereas before my hair was more limp and flat against the scalp in the extreme close-ups there seems to be more growth below the hairline but when it comes to the actual hairline I couldn't tell much of a difference as I was looking at the ends I think my hair overall does feel more moisturized because in the winter time my hair will just always produce a lot of static and that's very annoying but now it doesn't seem to do that very much changes are very subtle but I think there is like a health benefit like a functional benefits to using castor oil which has healthier scalp and now moving forward I think I'm still going to continue to use castor oil in my hair regularly at least maybe two times a week but maybe not every other day but yeah I think twice a week has definitely doable I'm excited like maybe 30 days is not enough to see a huge difference but if I can continue to do it for I don't know three months or six months maybe there will be a more significant difference so yeah that's something I'm interested in exploring alright thank you guys so much for watching this video if you're interested in my hair journey then feel free to subscribe to my channel and follow along I will love it if you can share your experience with castor oil in a comment section below before I go I also want to give a shout out to my friend Kyra button who has a valuable YouTube channel on small space living her channel is one that I wish I had if I were more focused I know you guys love my interior content so if you can't get enough of it from this channel then head over to her channel and get your fix of interior design in a small space living see you next week
Channel: Tina Tomato
Views: 1,933,041
Rating: 4.8950887 out of 5
Keywords: castor oil for hair growth, castor oil for hair, castor oil for hair growth woman, 30 days of castor oil for hair growth, 30 days of castor oil, castor oil, hair growth, castor oil on hairline, jamaican black castor oil, jamaican black castor oil hairline, scalp under a microscope, thin hair, thin hair woman, castor oil benefits, castor oil hair growth, how to use castor oil, 蓖麻油, 蓖麻油生发
Id: 9jBDz-sYoCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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