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what's good everybody it's your main girl mel here if you don't know who i am i'm a hair specialist and i am your curly hair main tour now if you are new here to this channel welcome and if you're new to wearing your hair naturally wavy curly or coily you could very well be struggling with frizz my worst nightmare i mean is this a nightmare or is this just a dream frizz is not a bad thing it's only natural even in the healthiest of hairs unless it's the bad frizz unhealthy frizz that is caused by damage which leads to dryness which then causes frizz and is most likely being improperly treated yeah well we don't always see my hairs like this but now as my hair is untreated and with no product in it you can really see the damage the dryness and what the lack of product can look like now i have got this under control when i do my hair because i understand where my frizz is coming from so in this video i want to help you understand what the difference between healthy frizz and unhealthy frizz is so you can identify the differences and therefore understand how to treat it so you can manage it and get it all under control and with that achieve the look that you are striving for and i'm really excited to share that this video is in partnership with sephora to share with you sephora's haircare finder which is a really easy quiz on their website that helps you find the products that you need for your hair type i myself took the quiz and stay tuned i'm going to share with you guys which products it recommended for my hair and i'll let you know if it really does work we're going to use them right now so we're going to begin this journey to healthier more defined curls by tackling the biggest culprit damage hair damage is a major culprit of frizz now i myself have damaged hair which causes my hair to be dry which creates frizz so here's what you need to know if you're not sure if your hair is dry because it's damaged or it's just dry or you know how to diagnose your hair first let's talk about how it looks frizzy damaged hair will have undefined curl patterns as in it makes it hard to figure out what the curl pattern is for example this curl this little hair right here these pieces are never my friend the hairs around her face tend to be a finer texture which means they're more fragile and already more prone to damage and breakage now the reason my hair is damaged is because i mean i guess the cat's out of the bag i'm not a natural blonde oh my god i know i'm just a fraud and this bleaching that i do to get my hair this color affects my curl pattern so this unhealthy frizz that i'm looking at the undefined waves and curls limp hair that just doesn't it doesn't really bounce back hollow thinning ends that are breaking off and overall dull looking hair is all very good signs that my hair is damaged now i mentioned that i do bleach my hair but that's not the only cause for hair damage you can bet that your hair is damaged to some degree if you color treat your hair again bleach your hair if you have hard water if you are a swimmer and you wet your hair or if you wash your hair every day even if you leave your hair unprotected in the sun or you apply heat to style of course heat damage you name it if you do any of these things you can bet that there is some form of damage to your hair now did you get all that i do have a few more tell all signs for you if your hair is a very high porosity having a high porosity can be natural to your hair your hair can grow out of your scalp high porosity especially if you have curly hair it just is the way that it is but this means that your hair is more prone to structural damage and a flailing cuticle that is just breaking off and becoming weaker and weaker the more we live with our hair so having high porosity hair even if you don't intentionally do anything that's causing damage there is still damage being done even just by the environmental factors of being out in the wild how do we actually repair damage is it possible i have good news yes there are two ways that you can actually repair damage that has been done to the hair now the first one would be a stainless steel treatment yes the only way to truly fix these splitting ends is to cut them off now i personally trim my ends every three months or so on average it really depends the more i color my hair the more i cut it but as i am not coloring it as often as we can tell i don't have to cut my hair as often which is a plus right but in between my color sessions and my haircuts i do use treatments now this is option number two number two option number two doesn't involve a haircut okay let's relax now there are many products out there that work to mask the damage that has already been done it works to protect the hair strand from further damage but one of the only products to actually repair structural damage that has been done to your hair is the one the only bond the builder olaplex this right here i've been using overplex forever and sure enough when i went on sephora.com and i went to sephora's hair care finder i took their little quiz i selected that damage was my hair's concern this was the suggested solution for me now olaplex is the best of the best i have been using it on myself for years i have used it in salon on clients through color treatments at home in between treatments i cannot recommend it enough especially for severely damaged hair and color treated hair and i am very familiar with the og number three now this is a little mini it's cute i'm gonna take this when i travel but not without its new best friend olaplex number zero whoa now the oloplex number zero works in tangent with the number three they are a pair now together they have been proven to reduce breakage by up to 68 percent now that's a good that's a good amount for me and i want you to take one last good look at my hair before i apply this because from here on out we're repairing this hair and solving this frizzy situation and unfortunately damage is not just my problem so we're also going to be talking about dryness and a solution for dryness and then our typical frizz that really just comes from improper product usage so we're going to get to all that in a moment make sure you stay tuned but i want to show you how to properly use these olaplex products so if you are looking to repair any damaged hair that you have you make sure that you are doing it properly to get the most effectiveness out of these so when you are using this product you want to go on somewhat clean hair you don't want your hair to have a lot of build up again this is my naked hair right now i am going to section it so i have control and so i can thoroughly saturate the hair because that's what you're gonna do you're not soaking the hair in the number zero but you do wanna make sure that it is nice and damp when you are applying this to your hair you wanna apply from root to tip especially focusing on your most damaged areas i'm mostly starting where my hair is blonde and because this is so liquidy i am making sure that i cut my hand behind each section to make sure that i'm catching anything and it's not going all over the place but i actually find that it's not as messy as it may look see just like this it's saturated not soaking but saturated i really make sure that i do kind of massage it through my hair almost starting to detangle my hair a little bit as well with it just making sure that it gets into every nook and curly now for my hair i get about four treatments out of the number zero bottle and i use it as often as needed and that's what i recommend you do this is a treatment so it's going to take some time after i've applied this to my hair i'm gonna let this sit on for 10 minutes and then i will be applying number three now you might be asking why do you also need number three number zero is helping to prepare your strands for deeper penetration of the number three it's so you're getting the most out of your number three treatment that we all know and love it's been around forever it's the go-to it's the og now if you don't have a number three already at home i do like that this little kit from sephora does come with a little sample version of the number three i of course have my number three with me at all times also i do find that with using the number zero i don't have to use as much of the number three because my hair is already saturated it's not so dry it doesn't just suck up the number three it's much easier to disperse in my hair and now that both products are in i'm going to let this sit on for another 10 minutes overall at least if you want to leave it in a little longer this stuff actually doesn't hurt to leave in your hair a little bit longer you don't have to worry about protein overload so whenever you're ready you want to shampoo as usual and condition your hair because do not mistaken these for a conditioner they're not going to hydrate the hair they are strengthening the hair they're a pre shampoo treatment so i'm gonna go ahead and wash them out and then we're gonna focus on the dryness the dryness that causes the bad frizz the unhealthy frizz the frizz that just won't fuzz off yes i know we're going to talk about dryness as my hair is very wet but if we analyze how my hair looked before i washed it my hair wasn't just frizzy and dull looking but when you felt my hair it was i would almost compare it a little bit to um a brillo pad and that's the thing dryness is often a feeling it's almost like you know when your face is dry it feels really tight it can be very irritated but from the looks of it it looks dull same thing with your hair from the looks of it it looks dull you're gonna be lacking definition your curl pattern is going to look fuzz as opposed to you know when the hair especially waves curls and coils when they are hydrated they tend to clump together in their little curl families this doesn't really happen if the hair is really dry now additionally to that really rough feeling the hair may even feel crispy and if you were to pull on it and play with it and manipulate it in any way while it is dry this can lead to breakage as well you see hair doesn't only break if it is damaged it can also break if it is dry now it can be dry and damaged or it can just be extremely dehydrated and it's really important to make sure that we are conditioning our hair a leave-in conditioner is a step that a lot of people skip out on but it really holds so much importance in the health of our hair and maintaining the hair's hydration i mean look at me right now right my hair is freshly washed i conditioned it it looks really nice and supple and hydrated but going back to my history and what my hair has been through because it's damaged from color because it is high porosity the moisture that's in my hair now will evaporate if i don't do anything to keep it in so i want to fortify that moisture i want to make sure that i am layering moisture over top of my hair which is exactly what a leave-in conditioner will do now if you don't believe me you can go ahead on sephora.com if you were to take the quiz sephora's haircare finder like dryness as your concern as i did you may be suggested to use this leave-in conditioner from moroccan oil this is the all-in-one leave-in conditioner from rock and oil i do really like this leave-in conditioner because it's not just for curly hair any hairs i can use it even very fine hair because if you look at the texture it is a very light milky texture and okay i'm not just going to waste that so we'll just apply that to my hair anytime you're using a leave-in conditioner conditioner in general you want to be focusing on the ends now this product does say hydration on the front of the bottle but it is fortifying as well it does have some proteins in it so on top of the hydration and softness it adds to the hair and it really does keep the hair hydrated like it says 72 hours and my hair stays soft for days when i use this but it's also offering protection from further damage because of those protein ingredients which will help to prevent against any more damage any split ends plus it helps to reduce static and it is thermal protection as well so if you like to heat style as i do i like to diffuse my hair i don't have to worry when i prep my hair start my styling process with a leave-in conditioner like this one so i make sure i give myself a couple sprays on each side my hair is still nice and wet if i bring it out it is dripping and now that i've applied a couple sprays of this my hair already feels softer it's much easier to work through call me crazy but i feel like it looks really shiny and if i take a brush to my hair see this section now see how the curls are coming together this is like one big happy family this happens when the hair is conditioned and hydrated and the next step the last step we're going to get to is arguably the most important they're all so important i'm just going to go ahead and apply some styling products in my hair define my curls and i'll be right back now this last section we're about to tackle is arguably the most important because nearly anyone with textured hair deals with this type of frizz and this isn't necessarily bad frizz but it is frizz that can be avoided and it is often caused by improper product usage so for example frizz from improper product usage can look like this little section right here you can see from the root to the tip is a very stringy scattered type of curl this is what i would consider wet frizz because it's already frizzy while it's wet so if i were to leave this it's going to be frizzy when it dries this is why it's really important to be very thorough in the styling process when you see sections of hair like this it's usually just a sign that the hair needs more water so i'll show you i just wet my hand and i'm going to simply smooth some water over this section and you can already see it starting to clump and form together better but it's still not perfect if you take a look at my root section this will dry pretty fluffy as well and i know a lot of people out there struggle with fluffy roots and frizzy roots and all around my head i don't really worry about it because it gives volume at the roots but especially around my hairline and around my parting ways that i like to define this so that it dries nicely and i don't have as much frizz is either by finger coiling it so watch if i pull this section and then retract it you can see the root of each family of curls i see three curls in this one section i don't know about you but i'm definitely going to split this in three and i'm going to take this mini section right from the root and twirl it around my finger now i've got that perfect little curl and a much more defined root area partially because it's not one huge section now it's important to note that the size of your curl pattern will affect the size of section you take the tighter curls you have the smaller of a section you want to take for a more defined curl if you do have bigger waves you want to take big sections to create those big clumps and water is absolutely key that's definitely one of my best tips that's what i like to do when i notice there is frizz i of course as i always share on this channel i like to style with a brush as well that's how i define everything else now this is a styling brush but even with a detangling brush my curls were forming together after i brushed because they were smooth together and keep in mind this is all to be focused on when the hair is wet and while we're here before i dry my hair and finish it the finishing finishing is so important we're going to get to that but i do want to give you a really up-close view of my hair that way you can see what wet frizz is normal because i think you might be too hard on yourself when it comes to your wet frizz you know this may not be something you want to see in straight styled hair but in waves curls and coils just natural texture having some of those loose strands and that fuzz adds to that natural beauty so stop looking right up here and over analyzing and criticizing your wet frizz let's take a step back dry the hair and finish it to prevent more frizz from happening i will be right back all right i'm back and i'm ready to finish this look finish any frizz before it starts to fuzz and oh my almost finished this video we are near the end this is a really really important step this is where we finish the style it's where you add the finishing touches and this is where you prevent frizz from happening and lock any frizz that may be in its place now if we don't do this and for example we step out into humidity our hair may go crazy or on the other hand your hair may be really nice and hydrated now but if you step out into a very dry climate and you have for example a high porosity hair like me or hair that is prone to dryness all of that moisture that you have in your hair look look how supple these curls are this moisture can evaporate out of the hair if we do not finish it and seal it in those fuzzed out ends that can all be avoided and reduced with this final step the quiz recommended that i use this oil from caristas i'm trying to sound french [Music] there's no accent this stuff this look at this gold bottle i feel like it's super fancy and it definitely is this is a luxury oil i actually use it on special occasions when i am going out it's not an overpowering fragrance at all it's very luxurious i don't know how else to describe it but i just i feel fancy when i use this you can see it is a nice thick serum and i typically won't use more than two pumps because i find it is very rich and notice i am applying it to my mids and ends where my hair is blondest where it is the most damaged where it is the most dry to seal in all of that moisture but it also helps to lubricate and protect your strands to prevent breakage as well as adding shine and of course not to mention it does help to smooth frizz the serum acts almost almost like a glue to just seal everything together if there is anything that you should take from this video there were a lot of tips in this video but if there's anything you should take in this video it is to step back do not be so hard on yourself for the little things that no one really sees but you but all in all in terms of the bigger issues like damage dryness and you know that improper product usage the lack of not finishing your hair all those tips i do want to i just hold on let me fluff before before i continue much better so i hope this video helped you identify your frizz understand why it is the way that it is and gave you some tips on how to solve it i definitely encourage that you do check out the hair quiz on sephora it's really so easy it takes 30 seconds and it really helps you narrow down what product you should be using for your hair i myself am very happy with the products that the quiz recommended that i try also if you head to the description box you will see links to the products i have been using i'll provide the link for the hair quiz so you can check it out right through there and i'd love to know what the quiz recommends for you so if you take it comment below what is your hair concern and what product did the quiz recommend for you or if you have any questions you can also leave those in the comments below while you're at it request any videos you may be looking forward to and then if you just go to the corner hit the little thumbs up button you might as well subscribe at this point if you're not already and that way i will see you in the next video this has been humane girl mel and i am out peace healthier frizzier free frizzier free you don't want to know what time it is frizz freer it's 207 am less frizz curls you know what i mean why am i like this so the intro is supposed to begin with my hair nice does my hair look nice hey hey get close get close get close if you look real close there's still frizz no no no no you want to know why because my hair is curly [Music] no no no it's because it's curly and that's that i need to go it's 2 12 a.m and i haven't eaten hey [Music] let's get it started oh no i'm gonna run out of space let's get started i have two and a half minutes to get this let's get it forget it bring it back now y'all this is real this is me hi i'm exactly how i'm supposed to be here i am frizzy curl on me no no no no no no no lip gloss let's let's not do that let's not hold on to the hair i can't stop singing now if you're some someone just you i love you so much and i'm so happy to have you in my life why did this just get really deep unless it's the bad frizz the unhealthy frizz it's too much i can show you the world why am i like this i have 14 seconds 13 12 11. oh any last words final words before this card dies i love you so much thank you for tuning in today like comment and subscribe to me i love you please
Channel: Manes by Mell
Views: 313,297
Rating: 4.9700541 out of 5
Keywords: 3 REASONS WHY YOUR HAIR IS FRIZZY + SOLUTIONS, manes by mell, manes by mell guido, frizzy curly hair, Frizzy hair, 3 EASY WAYS TO GET RID OF FRIZZY HAIR, solution for frizzy hair, solution for frizzy dry hair, solutions for dry frizzy hair, how to get rid of frizzy hair, frizzy hair hacks, damaged curly hair, how to identify your hairs needs, How to get rid of frizz, frizzy curly hair routines, dry curly hair routines, dry curly hair, curly hair, damaged hair, Hair hacks
Id: iC0egKKrOas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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