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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another hair video in today's video i'm actually very excited to be bringing to you guys this video i'm gonna be doing a transitionings kind of like beginner's guide basically everything you need to know if you decided to go natural you decided to embrace your naturally curly hair you're probably thinking okay what do i do how do i start i need someone to tell me i need answers i know there's a lot of information out there in the natural curly world so it can be a bit overwhelming there's also endless amount of products that you can try out and that's a lot of money so i wanted to bring to you guys things that have helped me in the last almost five years in a week or so i'm gonna make five years natural so i wanted to share with you guys things that i've learned along my journey and tips and tricks that can possibly help you make your transitioning journey much much easier now if you decided to finally embrace your curls you decided to finally stop fighting it stop straightening your hair stop bleaching it stop adding harsh chemicals to your hair congratulations welcome to the club we love you we're very excited to have you crossing all around this side finally embracing your curls and we are all here to help i'm just the voice but there's so many people here that follow me or on youtube or instagram that are full of knowledge and also have a different hair texture so have different stories to kind of tell and always always always give great advice i wrote down six tips that i think would be very helpful for you if you are finally starting to transition and you really don't know where to start you don't know what to do so i wrote down a six tip that i'm gonna be sharing with you guys before sharing with you guys these tips my first disclaimer i said i had to say is do not compare your curls to me do not compare your curls to anyone you see on instagram facebook tick tock twitter anywhere you are you and believe it or not although our curls can look very similar we have different porosity your hair may be high porosity my hair is low porosity so don't compare your hair because if your hair doesn't look the way my hair looks or if your hair doesn't look the way someone else is on youtube looks you're going to be led to this appointment and you're going to feel like i hate my hair my hair doesn't do this why can't it look like that and you're already bringing in like that negative energy to your hair and you don't need that okay your hair is beautiful your hair is unique to you god carefully orchestrated the way he wanted your hair to look like and it may not look like mine and that's okay that is the beauty of having curly hair is that no matter the texture no matter how tight your hair is no matter how long or how much shrinkage it has it's beautiful as long as it's healthy another disclaimer is that i'm only talking from my experience if your hair is way looser than mine or if your hair is way tighter than mine some of these tips and tricks might not be able to help you so take it as you will and try things out the way you feel like might fit for your hair and make it fun this is a journey that you probably are experiencing in your early 20s or you're probably experiencing in your 50s like make it fun embrace your hair you're on the road to healthy beautiful hair so embrace it and don't be afraid to try different things but again my number one disclaimer is do not compare your hair with anyone else's your hair is beautiful we just gotta get you on track and that's what i'm gonna do here today all right so you've decided now that you don't want to straighten your hair you're sick and tired of it maybe your hair's thinning maybe your hair is falling out maybe it's a medical reason the doctor were like girl all right you need to stop straightening your hair i don't know whatever the case may be you are here and you clicked on this video because you've decided to go natural which i'm so proud of you for making this decision number one hello we've all heard this before the first things first if you are deciding to go natural don't use heat that's just the number one rule do not use heat on your hair if you are serious about embracing your naturally curly hair don't use heat because if you use heat on your hair you flat iron your hair you blow dry your hair you're reverting your curls back to being dead and like limp and that's not what you want you want them to have balance you want them to have volume you want them to be healthy and adding heat is just gonna take away from that so don't add heat put the flat iron away put the blow dryer away you don't need it like you literally don't need it so put it away also if you are transitioning and you're serious about transitioning i also would even take it a step further and i would suggest for you not to add any type of chemicals to your hair don't dye your hair don't bleach it just give your hair a break you've done it enough it's okay you're not going to die let it just be in recovery mode and then once your hair is already healthy you want to add some highlight you want to change the color cool your hair can actually take it because it's healthier but right now your hair is in a fragile state so adding chemical and more heat is just going to prolong the process up to when your hair is going to be healthy so no heat next you've decided all right i'm not going to use any heat now what what do i do not going to walk around looking all crazy like what do i do now so now you have a decision to make are you going to transition which means you're going to grow up your hair and as your hair grows out you're going to start cutting the ends or are you going to big chop are you just going to chop it all off and just start fresh and get rid of all the damage all at once for me personally i was so scared to big chop i've never been chopped i mean it kind of like i never big chop like low like a buzz cut i've never done that but for me i kind of big chopped but it wasn't really again it wasn't really considered i don't know you tell me my hair was up to like my waist like a little up to under like my boob area and i cut it up to here so for me i literally almost had a heart attack i shared this story before about my sister she used to cut my hair and i asked her one day i was like hey can you like cut the tail off you know i don't like the tail i want my hair to be nice and even and she cut the tail but i didn't realize i had so much tail so my hair went from being under my boob to literally right here so for me it was just like i mean it's already short i mean let's just see what happens so from there i was like okay whatever my hair is already short i'm not going to straighten it let's just see what happens so for me i decided to transition which either route that you take it's okay these little stringy hairs are literally bothering me i'm sorry you guys these stringy hair are bothering me sorry i keep seeing them and they're like bothering me okay much better so yeah so for me i decided to transition my hair was already short at least for me that's the shortest i've ever had it so for me it kind of felt like a big chop so i was like all right we're gonna just we're just gonna do this and i was like let's just see what my hair does so let's just recap really quickly tip number one don't use any heat and then you're gonna decide once you stop using heat you're gonna decide am i gonna transition or am i gonna big chop now if you big chop girl you're good i mean from here on out your curls are probably already showing they're probably already nice and coily you know you probably got some waves going on from this point on all you have to do is figure out what products your hair like tie your hair into sections and you're good like once you big chop like you're good just it's just a matter of fact of creating a routine for your hair and just sticking to it and choosing not to go backwards so that you don't have to big chop again so for you girl you're good now let's talk about those who are choosing to transition so you got your first haircut your hair automatically has more bounce to it it's looking alive and you're just like oh i got my curls like okay but you still have those areas that obviously need some help so tip number two is deep conditioning if you're not new to my channel and you've been following me for a very long time you know i am a firm firm firm believer in deep conditioning it makes the biggest difference and that is one of the things that i never stopped doing from the moment i started transitioning just because every single wash day and every single time i styled my hair i got more bounce i got more definition so i knew it was doing something to my hair so i was like okay i'm not gonna stop doing this i'm gonna keep doing this so i wanted to show you guys two of my favorite deep conditioners just to kind of set you guys up in the path and give you guys a suggestion because i know it can be overwhelming by the way i'm gonna be making a part two video from this and i'm gonna be talking about the products that i would recommend for beginners in every single category so shampoo conditioner co-wash just to give you guys an option of what i like again what works for me may not work for you but i'm only talking based on my experience so stay tuned for that but for this portion i did want to mention two of my favorite deep conditioners that i love and have been using for quite some time now the first one i actually used today this is the we dab curl emergent triple treat deep conditioner this deep conditioner is so moisturizing it leaves my hair feeling super soft so if you struggle with frizzy hair your hair super dry and brittle after your hair cut remember that's number one give yourself a little haircut trim your ends whatever you want to do but you got to get rid of the dead ends in order for your hair to start growing nice and healthy so i would suggest this deep conditioner it's a little bit on the higher end side but i promise you is worth it especially if you sit under some heat oh my god amazing or if you add an oil i like to add olive oil to this one oh my god i'll have like extra shine my curls will be super fluffy and soft and i immediately notice a difference when i use the deep conditioner another one that i wanted to bring over it's a little bit more affordable it's from the brand called naughty and it's the to the rescue intense treatment deep conditioner this one is also really really good i used it i haven't stopped using it ever since i picked it up earlier this year or ending of last year i like thicker deep conditioners i just feel like it works better for my hair and my hair just sucks in all of the moisture so these two i would recommend you don't need to get both of them but try one out your hair will thank you another tip is also adding heat to your hair and adding an essential oil or just an oil you can do coconut oil olive oil almond oil jojoba oil any oil of your choice add it to your deep conditioner if you feel like your hair is still dry after a deep conditioning session next time around just throw in an oil sit under some heat for 10 to 20 minutes and i'm pretty sure that will solve the problem i wanted to just rewind before deep conditioning tip number three is to co-wash often and shampoo less now hello i'm dominican and in my house every week we would just shampoo our hair that's just how it was right it was just a shampoo two or three times even i asked my mom i'm like mom why did you have to shampoo my hair two to three times like and that's just how she learned that's what she learned that's how she grew up so you don't need to shampoo your hair two to three times just a tip you don't need to i promise you if you're using a good shampoo one wash should be enough you don't want to over dry your hair so i typically shampoo my hair up to uh twice a month ish so every other week and in between that time i'm co-washing so if you're new to the natural hair world co-washing is basically just a cleansing conditioner so it's not going to be as harsh and stripping as a shampoo but it is going to clean your hair i wanted to mention one of my favorite favorite co-washes that i've been loving for 2020 and this is the curl smith curl quenching conditioning co-wash i find myself literally reaching for this pretty much every time that i have to co-wash my hair it's just so good it's so soft and moisturizing my scalp feels really nice and cleansed after and my hair feels really really nice and soft this is a two in one it cleans my hair without leaving it feeling like hey but then it also leaves my hair really nice and soft and i can also detangle with it it's just like a one product that does it all and i love it so i would suggest to co-wash your hair another question that i often get is how often do you wash your hair so i typically co-wash twice a week typically give or take on the week sometimes if i'm having a bomb wash and go i can like rock my curls for the entire week other times my hair might need a little refresh or i put too much product or it's just looking a little crazy and needs a deep conditioner i would co-wash co-washing is your best friend as a curly girl and it's going to help maintain the moisture in your hair which is what you need because you don't want to have frizzy hair oftentimes people don't want to transition and people don't want to deal with their natural hair because it's so frizzy girl deep condition and use a co-wash that is going to obviously help reduce the frizz and you're not going to hate your hair anymore all right so we learn how to coat wash we learn how to deep condition what's next tip number four is styling your curls okay so we're dealing with multiple texture here remember we are transitioning we just trimmed our hair we have the bounce but we still have those areas that are frizzy we still have those stringy pieces at least for me even when i cut my hair my ends would be curly and then i would have straight pieces in my hair like what is going on here but that's the damage that the flat iron does and the blow dryer does so we just have to deal with it right so what i do for styling number one technique if you watch my videos you know i always always always section my hair this is like the number one reason why i feel like so many curly girls or people that are transitioning hate their hair because they're like oh my god my hair is a frizz ball my hair looks horrible nothing works girl did you section your hair while you were styling it and i'm not talking about two sections i'm talking about three or four section on both sides watch one of my older videos i will link it in the description box below i demonstrate all the time how to section your hair so that every strand can evenly be coated with product which is what you want if you want your wash and go to look nice and if you want your curls to last so once you learn how to section your hair section by section every strand is saturated in product you should not have frizz now if you're sectioning and you still have frizz you're probably not using enough water so always make sure that you're set you're styling your hair why your hair is soaking wet it's another big big big big tip always style your hair soaking wet and in sections typically if you do that i mean you shouldn't have any frizz unless you're using products that your hair doesn't like or another alternative is if you are a protective style kind of gal you can go ahead and do that have fun do twist outs do braid outs do box sprays do hairstyles i dabble and dabbled into so many hairstyles except for like box braids and stuff but i did a bunch of hairstyles on my instagram and that's kind of how i made my transitioning fun you're dealing with multiple texture here so you have to figure out what is one way that you can tame it and make it look uniform but cute you want to be confident while transitioning you want to make it fun so do some hairstyles protective hair stylings and all that stuff another tip that's kind of like tieing into the styling portion is finger coiling oh my goodness if i could tell you guys i used to finger coil my hair so much because i had a lot of stringy pieces and that's the only way i was able to blend in my curls so i literally would just finger coil the sections that were either straight and stringy or i would finger coil the sections that were just frizzy that didn't want to take a curl so those the two sections that i would finger curl and then that typically would solve the problem now let's say all right girl i'm finger curling my hair and my hair still looks a hot mess like my hair just doesn't want to take a finger coil hahaha i'm glad you're thinking that so another tip that you can do is if your hair is not taking finger coils and it still looks stringy is two steps ready take out your notebook and pencil and write this down so you're gonna finger coil your hair you're gonna wet plop and you're gonna diffuse your hair i know i know it sounds like a lot but i promise you it's worth it so i'm going to be linking down the wet popping video in case you guys have no idea what that is but it's basically once your hair is fully styled you flip your hair over you plop it onto a t-shirt you let all your hair sit on the top of your head for about 10 to 20 minutes so that your curls can set and then you jump right into diffusing that's just going to help lock in the curls that you've created and it's going to blend in all well like it's going to blend nicely i'm telling you those three things finger coiling wet flopping and diffusing you're gonna have a lot of definition you're gonna have volume and those stringy pieces if you don't want a big chop you can probably blend them and they look really nice so try that out and let me know in the comments down below if it works the web hopping by the way was tip number five i'm sorry i didn't mention that a web popping is a must i still wet plop i love wet plopping it gives me volume it gives me definition and my crochets look extra juicy and popping so why not do it i love wet plopping all right so i'm deep conditioning i'm not using heat i'm styling my hair in sections i'm using good products products that have no sulfates no paraben no silicone i would suggest when you start off you know stay away from silicones let your hair get nice and healthy i use silicones because my hair is okay with it it's at a state where it's okay to use silicones but in the beginning if you really want to speed up that transitioning don't use silicone try to stay away from it once you got all those things together your hair style the biggest concern is okay my hair looks good for day one but they too i feel like i gotta wet my hair all over again and it looks a mess like it's not as cute as it was on day one like what's going on what am i doing wrong girl i got you i got you so what you need to do is preserve your curls i mean listen what works for me again it may not work for you but there are some people that are so flawless and so awesome and their hair just loves them that they can go to sleep in a satin pillowcase and their hair will wake up flawless that's not the case for me at least i gotta go to sleep looking like a whole lunch lady and it's not cute what i pretty much do is i do a pineapple up here and a pineapple is simply gathering this part of your hair like this into a ponytail and then i do the same thing to the bottom of my hair and then i take a satin bonnet i got this from walmart super affordable it's under two dollars and then i just cut my hair and i sleep like that my curls will stay in place for the next couple of days there's no frizz they come out exactly the way i put them which is why i love this technique other people can just get away with just sleeping with a pineapple if your hair is long enough that works for some people it doesn't work for me but you need to preserve your curls when you're sleeping so that you don't have to hate your hair in the morning and like re-wet it and start all over again because that can get really frustrating and annoying and if you've gotta wanna work in the morning anybody got time for that so try to find out a technique that works again this works for me i've been doing this for the longest time two pineapples i can preserve the volume up here and i won't elongate my curls from the bottom and in the morning you'll look really nice and voluminous and pretty much untouched these are my tips i know this was a lengthy video thank you so much for sticking by i hope this was helpful if i forgot to mention something leave it in the comment sections down below your comment can definitely probably help someone else who's transitioning let's chat in the comments thank you so much for watching this video congratulations again for choosing to accept and love and embrace your natural hair you are beautiful your curls are beautiful and they will thank you down the line thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Franchelli Rodriguez
Views: 86,489
Rating: 4.9530792 out of 5
Keywords: #chelliscurls, #naturalhair, #curlyhair
Id: 7fdCTUNkzkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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