PROTEIN vs MOISTURE What do you need? Understanding the balance w Jayme Jo

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel [Music] today's video is all about protein versus moisture this topic has taken me so so so long to understand but i think i finally wrapped my head around it and it's really transformed my hair and also the way i put together my wash routine and my styling products and i've seen such a big difference in my hair since i actually understood and mastered the concept of protein and moisture and all the things of the sort and i can finally say i'm happy with how my hair's been looking i think you guys could probably tell but over the last five six months my hat my hair wow my hair hasn't necessarily had the elasticity glossiness definition and um volume that i used to have and today i will explain why but now as you can see i definitely have achieved that beautiful glossy hair that i used to have again and i'm so happy about it so let's talk about protein and moisture protein first moisture why we need protein how to tell if you have a protein overload how to tell if you have a moisture overload how to fix all of that let's just understand these main concepts so i'm going to break it down really nice and simple i want to disclaim i actually have learnt a lot from maine's by mel i'm going to leave her original video here so that you can watch it she's a little bit more scientific she's a proper hair stylist hairdresser she knows her stuff so i really highly recommend watching that after you watch this video as well but i'm just going to give you kind of more of a basic simple rundown that everyday people can understand from my experiences and what i've learned so let's get into it guys firstly i'm going to talk about why our hair needs protein and moisture so our hair is actually made up of a protein called keratin i didn't actually know that and now i understand why there's so many like keratin treatments blah blah blah so protein is really important for hair because it helps you strengthen hair if you have brittle hair that easily snaps protein really helps to replenish rejuvenate and restructure hair so that is why protein is so important moisture is really important because it adds shine glossiness it hydrates your hair just really fuels it with hydration which gives you shine and glossiness and everything you want in here so that is why we need protein and moisture that doesn't necessarily explain the type of balance you need when it comes to protein and moisture different hair types and i'm specifically talking more about um density and porosity rather than two three or four hair so hair porosity actually actually plays the biggest role in understanding what your hair needs and if it needs more protein more moisture if you have an overload of protein or if you have an overload of moisture hair porosity really really makes up a big part of this whole topic to quickly give you a rundown on porosity um i have low porosity hair which technically means my hair follicles are a lot tighter and there's not as much gaps in my hair follicles which means product isn't as easily absorbed into my hair when it comes to high porosity hair it means the follicles in the hair are a lot bigger and there's more gaps in them which also means that it sucks up all the amount of moisture it can get and it just kind of sucks everything up so those are the two extremes there is obviously middle porosity hair where it's a really good balance of both um and let's talk about low porosity medium porosity and high porosity hair and what they need in terms of price approach and what they need in terms of protein and moisture i'm going to pop up a mains by mail chart on the screen because this really breaks it down really nice and easily i love charts they work well for my brain structure that's organized all the things okay so let's take a look at this porosity chart so low porosity hair if your hair has low elasticity and i'm mean you can do the strand test so take a little strand of your hair and if it stretches when you pull on it it has good elasticity but if it stretches way too much like mine just stretches and stretches forever and then when you let go it falls really limp and flat and just kind of dies that means i have um poor elasticity essentially it's the bottom one it stretches to infinity and then just kind of falls off and falls really lim this means you might have too much moisture in your hair and you need to balance it out with some protein if your hair's good elasticity stretches and it comes back you have balanced the protein and moisture pretty well your hair likes more moisture and only a little bit of protein and if you have low elasticity meaning that your hair doesn't stretch at all and it kind of just snaps off you really um your hair is really not a fan of protein and you need a lot more moisture that is where i used to sit so i used to sit um in that my hair hated protein and i could hardly use protein every time i used it my hair looked horrible so i kind of weaned off protein for about a year and then after a really long time of not using protein you can imagine my hair just started to stretch and stretch and stretch so much and it had a massive moisture overload so i needed to balance that out by re-introducing specific protein products into my hair routine but we're going to cover that topic a little bit later so let's talk about um medium porosity medium porosity you guys have a pretty you're pretty good um if your hair has no stretch and it snaps it needs moisture if your hair's good elasticity you're doing great you don't need anything poor elasticity ease off the moisture a bit and add a little bit of protein into your hair routine now high porosity is a little bit different if your hair has no stretch at all and brittle and it snaps it needs moisture but you need protein as well for high porosity hair i'm confused but what she means there but that's fine anyway you can read the rest of the chart so high porosity hair if it has poor elasticity it's got way too much moisture and you need to add protein okay so now comes to the question of how the heck do i know if my hair needs more protein or more moisture let's give some signs of what your hair may look like if you have a protein overload this is also from means by male so if you have a protein overload your hair could be stiff crunchy brittle dull stringy frizzy and really break quite easily if you have a protein overload you could have fluffy limp hair that's super weighed down doesn't have any hold um it's frizzy and it's extra soft that's what my hair was it was just it had no hold which means i could hardly get any volume um my hair was flat and soggy everything was way down i just my curls weren't even forming because my hair was too soft my hair wouldn't even last one day where i used to be able to wash my hair like well i'll leave my hair for like three days after i wash it and it would look perfect so that is some little signs of if you have a protein or moisture overload now if you have realized that oh that makes sense my hair is limp and fuzzy and flat and all the products i use have no protein in them you need to switch things up and that was where i was so um same goes for someone with high porosity hair and they're using way too much protein and they've got a protein over you know you know you get me we're going to talk about some routines that could fit well for each type of porosity hair to make sure you're keeping that moisture and that balance and also let's talk about how to reverse the imbalance so let's talk specifically about my experience first because that's what i know most about so as i said i had a moisture overload and it didn't really make sense because i shied away from using protein in my products because i knew it didn't work well for me um but the issue was instead of just cutting it out in a small way i cut it i sliced it all together so what i needed to do to reverse that imbalance was actually do a protein treatment mask this is the one i used i really like this mask i used it in the shower for two wash days in a row and immediately my hair was banged it was back to normal back to the way it should be but i can't be doing that protein mask every time i wash my hair because then my hair will be have a protein overload and low porosity hair really doesn't like having a protein overload basically by doing that by using that mask twice i just reversed the effects of the moisture overload and balance things out to come to an even playing field but from here on out this is what i am going to do i'm going to focus on using a clarifying shampoo a conditioner that doesn't necessarily have protein in it so more of a moisturizing conditioner for my styling cream this product i'm going to make sure has protein in it um i like the bondi boost one or the shea moisture one they both have protein in it and i feel like that using protein in my leave-in cream and just that one product in particular will be enough protein for my hair to suffice and it will keep the balance and then i'll use a hydrating mousse or gel that sort of thing so that's what i'm going to do moving forward and i think that's a really good option for people with low porosity hair so make sure one of the products you're using in your wash day has protein in them but i wouldn't do more than one or two because you might just throw things out of whack a little bit when it comes to high porosity hair i would personally use a restructuring repairing shampoo and conditioner both of those and then say a leaving cream that doesn't necessarily have protein and then a styling mousse or gel that does have protein so you want to have a little bit more protein in your routine to make sure your hair is getting the protein it needs to fill in those gaps because you've got a lot of gaps in your hair cuticles also if you want to reverse the effects of a protein overload get in the shower wash your hair and do a really hydrating mask that doesn't have any protein in it i would do that say twice and this will definitely help reverse those effects using so i'm going to do a quick recap our hair needs protein and moisture because our hair is made up of protein and we need moisture to make sure it's shiny and glossy and hydrated and all the things above um low porosity medium porosity and high porosity hair need different amounts of protein and moisture if your hair is soft and fluffy you probably have a moisture overload if your hair is brittle and breaks you probably have a protein overload it's time to balance that out understand your porosity do the string test so take a little piece of your hair check the elasticity if it breaks straight away you probably have a protein overload if it stretches and stretches and stretches forever you probably have a moisture overload start to understand your um hair routine and implement the right things for your hair personally i'm going to show you kind of like a before i noticed my curl pattern was just shocking as well i had a protein overload before and this was my hair when i firstly washed it yesterday after using a protein mask for the second time and it just looks so good so i hope this video has helped you guys i know i'm not the best person to break it down um scientifically but i hope you kind of got the general gist if you're looking for some more information there's great articles online if you just look it up but also just highly suggest watching means by mel's video today i'm really just showing you breaking it down and telling you my experience in having low porosity hair and using too much moisture my hair just wasn't looking good but now that i know that i have a good routine to balance everything out my hair's looking a lot better and i think the next video i'll do is um my protein and moisture balancing routine so more of a demonstration but today was just to sit down sorry feels the information overload but so many people wanted to know so yeah hope you enjoyed today's videos i hope you enjoyed today's video guys i love you bye
Channel: Jayme Jo
Views: 312,425
Rating: 4.9594355 out of 5
Keywords: curls, moisture, protein, balence, overload, Jayme Jo, hair routine, porosity
Id: 61fjQhVxBVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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