The 6 Best RPGs To Play After Baldur's Gate 3

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all right so you've played the breaks off of balers Gate 3 and I don't blame you because it's become quickly one of my favorite games of all time you've played multiple playthroughs you've tried to balance multiple relationships at once and you can't seem to get carlac and Shadow hard at the exact same time unless you play as one of them maybe I should do another play through anyway you start to think to yourself you know what I think it's time for me to have a pallet cleanser play something different I don't want to feel any burnout and I've felt the same there's been other games that I've been dipping my toes into as well so I figured I would make a list of six games that I would try after playing balers Gate 3 now I want to preface this by saying that this video isn't in any type of order these are just games that I'm really interested in and I think that they're great follow-up experiences to balers Gate 3 the first game on the list is Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous developed by owlcat games this game is based on the Pathfinder tabletop system and offers a much more hardcore RPG experience in comparison to balers Gate 3 set in a war torn demon infested world called garan players assume the role of customizable Heroes that must rally allies make crucial choices and engage in strategic combat the game's deep narrative moral dilemmas and complex character development system provides a similar sense of agency and consequences that fans of balers Gate 3 are going to appreciate players can choose from variety of different races each with unique racial abilities additionally there is a wide range of character classes unlike anything you have seen things like fighter wizard Rogue Alchemist Inquisitor Shaman witch and more than I can even remember or try to list in this video this Choice significantly impacts your character's abilities skills and your role in the party as your character levels up you gain attributes and skill points that can be spent on various improvements just like balers Gate 3 things such as strength and dexterity or persuasion perception and stealth Feats are special abilities and bonuses that you can also choose for your character as they progress allowing you to specialize in different aspects of combat or non-combat roles your character's moral alignment is incredibly important in Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous and it's something that's determined by the moral choices that you're going to make throughout the entire game these choices can impact the story line your relationships with different characters and even the subclasses and abilities that become available to you you one of the more unique features of character progression in this game is the inclusion of Mythic paths these Grant your character supernatural abilities and a unique storyline these paths such as Angel Lich and Demon significantly enhance your character's power and provide really distinct gameplay experiences now my knowledge with Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous is relatively limited so I can't really go into full Deep dive detail with you just yet because I've just really gotten started with playing the game however I can already tell from the very start of it that this is a game that a lot of balers Gate 3 enjoyers or firsttime crpg players are really going to like just because of the sheer amount of character customization available in this game I'm going to be honest with you that menu is overwhelming the amount of classes subclasses racial abilities gods that I can choose to worship that actually have an impact on my character and its abilities it's wild now something that's really cool about this that I know a lot of balers gate 2 fans really enjoyed about those games is that this game is Real Time with Paw but also has the ability to switch to turn based entirely I think that's a really cool feature being somebody that's still kind of stuck on balers Gate 3 and also Divinity original sin 2 I'm kind of leaning more towards the turn-based part of it but either way I think this is a game that a lot of people that enjoyed balers Gate 3 are really going to resonate with and enjoy quite a lot so even though I don't have a lot of experience with it I'm going to have to suggest this one because I've been having a blast with it so far and I can't wait to make content for the game in the future especially with seeing how many of you big fans of Pathfinder constantly comment on my videos so I'm giving in now I'm going to admit this one's a bit of a layup but if you love balers Gate 3 and buy extension laran Studios you should absolutely be playing their last released game Divinity original sin 2 set in a very rich and immersive world this is Lan's Homebrew lore this is something that they've been working on since while the company ever existed this game offers Lan's own deep and original engaging narrative including intricate character interactions and a highly interactive environment players can create their own characters or choose from a diverse cast of origin characters just like we can in balers Gate 3 each with their own unique personalities backgrounds and quest lines the game is known for complex storytelling moral choices and the freedom it provides in how you can approach just about any Quest or any challenge now what sets Divinity original sin 2 apart from balers Gate 3 is its unique combat system which combines the Strategic turn-based gameplay that we're already used to from balers Gate 3 with an elemental physics system players can manipulate the environment and use a variety of skills and spells to be able to gain the upper hand in battle as an example you're able to freeze the ground then light it on fire to create Steam and then shoot an electric bolt to Electrify that steam this gives you a lot of really unique gameplay options that really isn't available even in balers Gate 3 the game also encourages Cooperative multiplayer like balers gate but it also has a game master mode which allows your friends not only to join your party but also to collaborate and build your own adventure with its deep role playing elements the rich World building and the engaging gameplay Divinity original sin 2 offers a really unique experience that's likely to be incredibly enjoyable for those that love balers Gate 3 Divinity original sin 2 is the reason why I bought balers Gate 3 in Early Access the minute it became available I already knew what laran was capable of and I couldn't wait to see what they were working on next and well I wasn't disappointed and neither will you be because though I've seen it thrown around as more of a flame than anything else a lot of people have called balers Gate 3 original sin 3 but to be honest with you I think that that's fine because at the end of the day Divinity original sin 2 was an absolutely fantastic game we just got more of it but we got it in fyon we got it with the Wizards of the Coast IP a really cool and unique storyline from the perspective of larryan Studios obviously they are completely different experiences in a lot of different ways the narrative is completely different because Divinity is actually laren's home brew lore this is something that they've been working on for a really long time and I'm going to be honest with you it's really cool so I highly suggest that people go play this I highly suggest that if you play play it for the first time I actually wouldn't make a character I would I probably play as Losa or maybe F I don't know go play it now the next game on the list is Dragon's Dogma and while balers Gate 3 and Dragon's Dogma offer very distinct gameplay experiences I'm suggesting this game because I'm currently playing it and I've been absolutely floored with my first playthrough yes I've been sleeping under a mountain it is what it is this game is my new obsession you're going to see a ton of videos on it so just Buckle in and just watch and enjoy in Dragon's Dogma you play the role of the Arisen accompanied by AI controlled companions called pawns the combat is fast-paced and dynamic allowing for a wide range of Mastery and strategy or you could just summon a tornado that would kill everything in its wake the combination of melee ranged and magical combat options along with the ability to climb and interact with these massive monsters creates a really enjoyable and immersive gameplay experience the action-oriented game game play can be a refreshing change of pace for those that have really enjoyed the more strategic combat the turn-based combat of balers Gate 3 and it can serve as a bit of a pallet cleanser Dragon's Dogma offers an open world fantasy setting that's rich and mysterious and it has a really interesting and unique narrative you can explore these really impressively vast and diverse areas for a world that was created 11 years ago this game is filled with a variety of quests tough boss fights and different kinds of secrets to un cover the game encourages exploration and experimentation much like balers Gate 3 allowing players to be able to discover the lore and the mysteries of the world at their own pace Additionally the pawn system I mentioned earlier really adds an interesting layer of depth to the game as players hire and also customize their own Pawn these characters actually start to learn your own Tendencies and the world these AI companions learn from their experiences in the game and then adapt to your style providing both a strategic depth to the game that I really wasn't expecting and an element of social interaction I started playing Dragon's Dogma because I saw the trailers for Dragon Dogma 2 I'm not going to act like I found this of my own valtion no I was blown away by the trailers the game looked incredible and then I looked at the darker risen trailers and the darker risen gameplay and was like dude what wait a minute how have I not played this game and then I also went back and looked at all the games that came out in 2011 and 2012 and was like oh there was actually a lot of reasons why I didn't play this game so that makes a lot of sense but I've really been enjoying this game it is definitely a blend of Dark Souls and Monster Hunter it's almost as Elden ring if Elden ring didn't exist yet it's a lot of fun the world is really cool to interact with there's a lot of really funny and interesting moments The Voice acting's relatively campy but it's also enjoyable and what's wild about this game is that technically it's not even really complete the game's budget was cut like way early and really Capcom didn't have a whole lot of faith in the release and what ended up being released was still incredible which is wild to me this game has tons and tons of hours of gameplay that you can be able to syn yourself into and the community around the game is very much alive which is also crazy but they've been really cool to be able to interact with they've been hopping in some of my streams and giving me different tips and things like that and it's just been really fun to play I love this game and I honestly cannot wait to talk about it more and that's going to be coming very very soon now transitioning from FY run to the futuristic dystopia of cyberpunk 2077 can be an exhilarating change of pace for those that are seeking a different kind of RPG experience cyberpunk 2077 offers this sprawling open world environment set in the dark and gritty night City damn that sounded good the game offers a the game offers a complex narrative that's filled with this really introspective and weighted stories incredible voice acting and Next Level performance capture much like balers Gate 3 and to be honest with you in a cinematic sense these games are very much alike if you really enjoyed the character interactions that you had in balers Gate 3 you're likely going to really love cyberpunk 2077 cyberpunk offers a wide array of character customization options that was really expanded upon in the 2.0 update and the introduction of the game's Liberty expansion you've likely enjoyed developing a character and seeing the impact of your choices shape your builds in balers Gate 3 and cyberpunk 2077 is set to deliver on more of that skill proficiencies actually level with use like Elder Scrolls games multiple skill trees are based off of your core stats and a completely different progression system is unlocked through the DLC cyberpunk 20177 today delivers on what was promised 3 years ago it has this incredibly interesting perspective story that I think is really worth experiencing these captivating visuals memorable characters an absolute Banger of a soundtrack and a true character building RPG experience that the game was always lacking now I plan on doing a video about this in the future but one of the things that I really like about cyberpunk 2077 and I think is something really unique to the game is that I feel like I'm actually playing the character that I imagined the character that I set out to make plays how I want it to actually play and I think that's something that's really cool and a really valuable experience and I'm really happy that I waited to play cyberpunk because I wasn't a part of the team of people that were really not happy with how the game released because well I saw the videos and just completely didn't play the game and I'm really happy that I did because now I get to enjoy the game without having any weird biases or any bad experiences from the past the game has been an absolute joy to play I don't think Joy is necessarily the best word to use because some some of these stories that this game tells just man uh they'll have you sitting in the shower thinking about some things for a while that's for sure but regardless this story is incredible and it's really rare that a game can actually make you think really make you think think about yourself and the choices that you make and the world that you live in and the things that you might be able to do to be able to improve your own life well I do believe the game can be rather fatalistic I think there's a lot of opportunity for personal growth by playing the story and learning from the characters not only is the gameplay incredible but the story is amazing beyond that this is honestly probably the most beautiful game that you can play to date period if you on a PC now this one's probably going to give you a little bit of whiplash but I'm going to need you to hold on with me because I really want to suggest last Epoch Diablo clones and loot driven action RPGs are games that really got me hooked into RPGs in the first place and I feel like that might be true for a lot of other Gamers that are out there I mean we love the loot developed by 11th Hour games in Indie Studio which we love supporting Indie Studios on this channel last Epoch is an action RPG that combines all of the best elements of the arpg genre with a time traveling narrative and arguably the best crafting system in all of arpg last Epoch emphasizes on character build customization with an extensive class system that allows players to create unique builds by choosing various Mastery combinations and the ability to master specific skills by specking into and modifying their specific skill trees if you like skill trees this is a game that has skill trees for your skill trees you can explore different eras and timelines altering the past and the future as you progress throughout the game this Dynamic element adds a layer of complexity to the game storytelling and the gameplay allowing last Epoch to use a variety of different types of enemies and allies to put in your path last Epoch is still in Early Access and it still has quite a few bugs to shake out and some different improvements to make however as a fan of Early Access and providing meaningful feedback to developers I highly suggest that you give this game a try cast aside the wo of Diablo 4's lack of endgame or path of exile's over complexity and try an RPG that blends The Best of Both Worlds into a game that's both highly accessible and Rich with content I have played a lot of last Epoch and to be honest with you I am very much at my core an arpg Andy a lot of my first videos that I made were on Diablo 4 sadly enough I learned my lesson on that one you damn AAA bastards but regardless things like Grim Dawn or Diablo I Path of Exile This Is My Jam Last Epoch is absolutely my jam if you like these kind of games this is exactly the game for you because one it's only 30 bucks and two it does a really good job at refining a lot of the different systems that we see done kind of good but not great in a lot of other games not only is this game incredibly accessible it's not difficult to make builds but it has a really high skill ceiling where you definitely can get in the weeds like you can with a game like Path of Exile I really like this game the only thing that I would probably say is if I was making a full recommendation to give my stamp of approval is I really do want to see what they do with the full release of the game specifically because I wasn't necessarily sold on The Narrative and it wasn't that it was a bad story I think the story when they were telling it was actually really good my only problem is somebody that just really loves RPG stories is that they just weren't telling it in a very I don't know holistic way there was some voice acting and then some not and then when they would hit you with dialogue it'd be like these long blocks of dialogue and it's just it's too much when you're trying to play an action based game in the first place I don't know but I still suggest the game regardless because I think it's really cool to be able to support some of these Indie Studios they've done a great job with the game they're going to continue to work on the game it's obviously it's obvious that these guys love the genre they love this game they love what they're working on and I am in full support of that now for the last game on the list Casta crown of the Magister this is an indie turnbas crpg that's developed by tactical Adventures set in a high fantasy world inspired by Dungeons and Dragons Casta offers an engaging experience that like balers Gate 3 features a faithful adap a of D and D's fifth edition rule set which with its current expansion Palace of ice raises that level cap up to level 16 I'm suggesting this title because it's the closest experience outside of divinity original sin 2 that you can get to balers Gate 3 however this game offers skills used in more traditional ways there's nothing like spider climbing and standing on a wall putting out torches and ruining your enemy's ability to see anything unless they're vampires don't do that if they're vamp Empires the game places a strong emphasis on tactical combat planning and exploration what's unique to Casta over balers Gate 3 is that you use an Overworld map to explore unlike balers Gate 3 Casta has separated map areas that you can't physically travel between and while many players may say this is a hindrance I believe it just adds a different kind of flavor as your characters travel the road between explorable areas they can craft items take rests find Random Encounters and experience unique dialog Casta uses really intricate level design to encourage players to think a little bit more strategically utilizing the environment like putting out torches or positioning yourself to gain a better advantage in battle while Casta doesn't have the same Beauty voice acting or cinematic Wonder of balers Gate 3 I find the story character development and its adherence to the D and Rule set solasta just makes a really good or fantastic choice honestly as a follow-up experience to balers Gate 3 the best part is you can play it Solo or Co-op I'm going to be honest with you Casta is not a pretty game that's not necessarily a knock against the game because I think with Indie Games we don't really expect high level of fidelity we expect something different a different flavor a different passion we expect them to be a little bit more daring with a lot of the different mechanics or things that they include in the game and salasa does a really good job of doing that I really enjoy this game it is an absolute blast to play and while the voice acting is really campy and the character models are basically clay animation in my opinion they look like Gumby did I date Myself by saying that I probably just dated Myself by saying that I shouldn't have said that I was hoping to try to keep that a secret but anyway the game is a lot of fun I highly suggest it to anybody it's a really cheap game too which is also really nice they have many expansions a lot of different Adventures for you to go on tons of unique skills and different builds and things that you can use the game is Just an absolute blast I've had a lot of fun playing it by myself and I've had a ton of fun playing it with my friends I actually plan to Play It Again relatively soon after I have well gotten through the rest of the games on this list and probably about four or five more that are sitting in my steam Library anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the list this is my first time doing like a list Style video I have other lists that I could also do that I have like put in a little basket on the side of like things to just break up the flow of different cont content that I make if you guys enjoyed this let me know in the comments below if there's a game that you feel that I missed and you're just you're so angry that I didn't bring it up also you can leave that in the comments below because I know you will anyway it's okay I read them all most of them at least anyway stay cool stay righteous stay safe and I will see you in the list of games that I brought up today hope you guys have a great day and a great week peace
Channel: Legendary Drops
Views: 96,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, Baldur's Gate 3 expansion, Baldur's Gate 3 Mods, mods, expansion, bg3 mods, bg3 expansion, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 mods, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 secrets, bg3 tips, bg3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3 news
Id: KwwQ5HDrmaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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