The WORST Plant-Based Milks...And What To Buy Instead

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This video is so scary! Bobby scares you into thinking plant based milks are "bad" and "highly inflammatory"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EstablishedLeaf9279 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2023 🗫︎ replies
what's the best plant-based milk on the market well i actually made a video years ago breaking it down but a lot's changed since then and more importantly a lot hasn't changed so i thought it was time to update that video and show you when it comes to oat milk almond milk non-dairy milk in general what to look for what to avoid and why a lot of these products that people love have hidden ingredients i would never put in my body let's start with perhaps the most popular non-dairy milk on the market it's oatley oat based milk and this is not bobby approved and the reason is very clear when you look at the ingredients it's oats and low uric acid rapeseed oil my friends rapeseed oil is another word for canola oil so why are they putting canola oil in here or why do other milks put sunflower oil in here because oats have very little fat and they don't want to put too many oats in here or too many almonds it gets expensive so they put oils the problem with rapeseed oil aka canola oil is that it's almost always gmo this doesn't have non-gmo anywhere maybe it does on their website but it's always a highly processed highly inflammatory oil it's to be avoided now i will give them credit the oats they're using are glyphosate free which is really important for oats glyphosate is the active ingredient in roundup so this would be a no but if you still want to drink oatly this is the one you get i never ever recommend low-fat milk but the fat in this case is the rapeseed oil and this is going to be without it so this is technically bobby approved you're much better off with this than that but all these non-dairy milks are going to be loaded with gums oils and emulsifiers if you want the best ones on the market they're more expensive but here we go malk oat milk not only glyphosate free which is super important no gums no oils no emulsifiers at all three trees right here this is oat and seed no gums no oils no emulsifiers and for shelf stable elmhurst milked oats these guys are on the glyphosate free website too see no gums no oils emulsifiers when you don't have those emulsifiers you have to put more oats you have to put more almonds and the texture of this kind of milk i just mentioned is so much better than the ones that have the oils gums and emulsifiers those are kind of goopy these are rich and creamy now in my opinion the best oat milk is not in stores yet it's only online on their website and thrive market it's called kiki milk i love the company so much i love the founder so much i actually invested in the company in the beginning of this year it's organic glyphosate free oat based with sprouted pumpkin seeds and coconut milk and aquaman the chocolate and the regular are unbelievably nutrient dense clean as a whistle i believe they're coming out with bigger 32 ounce containers go on kiki milk website use promo code flav cd get 20 off your purchase but look for those in oat milk the other ones have a lot of oils and gums and emulsifiers you want to avoid let's talk about almond milk for a second public enemy number one for all of these non-dairy milks is if you ever see boom natural flavor just avoid it and this one has one too many emulsifiers for me so sunflower lecithin gel in guam and locust being gone so the natural flavors and three different kinds of emulsifiers and gums too much always get unsweetened too and sometimes it's hard to tell this is original but original means that you're getting seven grams i've added cane sugar for one cup seven grams is just shy of two teaspoons of cane sugar and in here also at least there's no natural flavors but that's way way too much sugar what i use for my smoothies because i go through a ton of those is actually this one right here this is the whole foods organic one it's actually a very good deal and yes it does have gums but it's minimal i only see locust bean gum there and where's the other one gel and gum there's no sunflower lecithin there's no sunflower oil and i'm not going to use something like kiki milk or oat milk from elmhurst or malk to make my daily smoothies for me and rose and desi because it gets really expensive really quick so for a economical version this is great for going through smoothies thrive market makes a great one and then if you want the top shelf ones once again milk makes a no emulsifier no oil version three trees same thing this is vanilla bean but instead of natural flavors they use real vanilla beans now you really do want to limit the amount of gums oils emulsifiers not because it's goopy but because of that many of them can be disruptive to your gut especially for the little ones which is why i like something like this because it's minimal and then if i'm gonna drink it or use it for cereal i'll use uh kiki milk or one of the premium ones i know thrive market brand almond milk also has no or one emulsifier two the key is to limit it because excess ones can really add up and they're not gut friendly at all let's talk about some other milks that i see people scanning with the bobby approved app and it kind of scares me to be honest this is called not milk i think it's getting quite popular and it's definitely not milk but the first ingredients are water and then sunflower oil there's sugar in here to the tune of two grams per serving which is not terrible but it's still half a teaspoon per serving and there's also natural flavors in here why is sunflower oil the second ingredient that's processed inflammatory free radical laden sunflower oil this is not something you want to put in your body but remember when you're at the grocery store use the bobby approved app it's my free app we have over 500 000 downloads you can scan any food item household item personal care product skin care lotions potions goos it tells you if it's bobby approved meaning does it have best in class ingredients if it's not bobby approved it highlights the crappy one and will give you a better suggestion grab my app it's free people are loving it so that's not something i would pick up uh this it's called wonder milk and it makes me wonder why people are buying it because it's oat based but they're also putting gmo soy protein isolate they're putting sugar and they're putting natural flavors one cup has almost a teaspoon of sugar but you got to ask yourself why are they putting sunflower oil and soy protein well soy protein will jack up the protein count sunflower oil emulsifies it because there's not much fat in here soy protein even if it's non-gmo which it is it has non-gmo you see it often in the grocery store it's the cheapest most inflammatory version of protein you can get obviously hemp protein p protein would be better that's expensive soy protein is as cheap as they get i wonder why they made this but you should pass on wonder milk here's something that a lot of people enjoy it's pea milk now this is something that i would not drink for many reasons but if you read the ingredients high up there is cane sugar and sunflower oil they put the synthetic vitamins in there and there's natural flavors and gums and emulsifiers the problem is one carton has a whopping 15 grams of added sugar per carton my friends 15 grams of sugar is just shy of four teaspoons but why are they putting the sunflower oil in there because peas have no fat they have to emulsify it and make it into a beverage but they're using processed inflammatory sunflower oil but my main issue with pea milk and rice milk two milks i would never drink because of heavy metals peas can be high in arsenic rice milk can be high in arsenic too i'm not saying those brands have it per se i would just avoid that and in my opinion i would avoid soy milk too soy in general is just inflammatory it's high in omega-6s and it's estrogen producing those are three milks i would just avoid all right that is it my friends for the plant-based milk review just in general read the ingredients if you see natural flavors put it away if you see added sugars put it back and try to limit the amount of gums and emulsifiers but if you see oil like rapeseed oil sunflower oil run forest run you don't want these processed inflammatory oils in your body and you don't want excessive gums and emulsifiers in your body too and unfortunately a lot of these brands have it so that is it from the grocery store i leave you like i always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 627,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: non-dairy milk, plant-based milk, best non-dairy milk, best plant milk, best oat milk, best almond milk, oat milk, almond milk, oatly, malk, is oat milk good, is almond milk good, what almond milk is best, what oat milk is best, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: lblOc6zjYP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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