The Worst Helicopter Parenting Moments [Part 2] (r/AskReddit)

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what is the worst case of helicopter parenting you have seen had a mother called me to find out why her son didn't get the job he's 40 and an attorney I was 20 years old and still not allowed out of the house without my mum and I had to hold hands crossing the street I never had a job never learned to cook all because I was in her words going to live with her forever I got to boyfriend even though I'd never been allowed to visit anyone's house ever she asked to see his SS and birth certificate to prove he was the age he said he was I told her I wanted to move out and she freaked called police and told them I was mentally unstable tell them I wasn't ready for the outside world the police believed her and it took me a full year to actually escape I even had relatives parked outside last night to make sure I didn't leave I'm now 23 and slowly adjusting to the world but it's hard I can cook but driving his hard I have no social skills I don't know how to talk to people and she still asks me to come home everyday via text my sister was friends with this girl in middle school whose mom would put her tampons in for her because she was worried she wouldn't do it right tampons not perhaps not that pads would have been normal either meanwhile I was the friend who stood outside the bathroom stall and coached a girl in high school on how to put a tampon in because she couldn't talk to her mom about it this was 23 years ago she's still grateful I had a 16 year old co-worker whose mother sat in on the interview and tried to answer all the questions for him he quit a couple of months later or should I say his mother called the store to quit for him one lady we had over was shocked that my at the time nine year old younger brother could dress himself and brush his teeth claiming that he was so mature and that a daughter age nine couldn't do anything like that my mom immediately realized it was helicopter parenting and had a long talk with her I hope that little girl has learned how to dress herself and do lots of other basics now my sister is a freshman in college and her roommate is an absolute psycho helicopter mom they're both on the cross-country team and very good students my sister said the roommate never drinks or goes out but her mom tracks her through phone GPS and will text her constantly asking why she's at such in such place my sister said one time they were at Walmart getting groceries and her mom called her to ask why she was at Walmart at 9:00 p.m. another time they drove to my other sisters she lives in the same town apartments to pick something up and the girl's mom called and starts yelling and asking why she's been sitting in a parking lot for 20 minutes my sister said she'll constantly have to send pictures of them at the library to her to prove they're actually studying I just don't get that kind of smothering of your kid I mean if you want to check up on what they're doing then fine especially if you're paying the bills but dang the poor girl can't even have a normal college experience and is constantly worried about upsetting her mom it just all seems so unhealthy to me I mean I had friends parents who did that in high school but once they're adults in college you really have to cut the cord my wife being a teacher had to deal with this on a regular basis usually she would have that parent do menial tasks so they would not bother the class one parent became so overbearing demanding to see lesson plans making my wife take class time to re-explain subjects my wife deliberately left a quiz out but this parent took the quiz and slipped her kid the answers knowing the kid was not a good student my wife got the parent to fess up to taking the test and passing the answers this went to the principal and he banned her from the class the parent made multiple complaints even going to a district meeting the school board held up the ban I really hope this story is all true well it's kind of disturbing that a parent would steal a quiz but a school district that also took a stand and didn't put up with Helly mom as a kid my sister had a friend and went over to her house quite a bit to hang out with her the friend lived in a very nice quiet neighborhood after a day of hanging with her friend at her house my sister told me that friend's parents had placed cameras in her room the camera was also equipped with a microphone to not only hear what was going on in her room but also to speak to the child my sister told stories after coming home about the mom calling into the room to sometimes tell them to stop doing an activity or to be a little more quiet this woman was watching their every move and listening to their every conversation I feel bad for the girl honestly to me that's a huge invasion of privacy as well as it is extremely creepy in general if it were me I'd throw every camera installed in the room straight out the window or at the mom whichever the kid is about nine years old so like third grade I've known him since before he started school his mom is an acquaintance of mine and the kid himself has had classes with one of my kids who is the same age she has forced herself into every activity and classroom that he's ever been in she starts off volunteering in the classroom normally most teachers ask for a few hours one or two days a week odd help him our school but little by little she shows up more often whether the teacher asked her to or not some teachers have told her to stop but others just let it happen she basically spends every day all the day with him never gives him any space she hovers over everything he doesn't if it's not perfect she fixes it pretty sure she's done his homework herself several times sometimes the teachers will send home an art project as homework like a pumpkin to decorate in the fall or whatever and his always looks like an adult did it alone she never lets him face any uncomfortable situations or adversity she got actually mad when one day she said to the first-grade teacher son woke up in a sad mood today and the teacher answered I'll keep an eye on him but I think he'll be okay this was infuriating to her to the point where she vented to me about it I had to ask her that was he okay though yeah he was what was she expecting you asked she wanted the teacher to make a big fuss over him and give him special attention she felt that the teacher didn't care because she didn't fall all over herself to coddle him this sounds almost exactly like my own childhood that kid has my sympathy eighteen year old dude gets fired from Jabba's lot attendant for doing something stupid with a car peeling out or speeding mum comes in with him later and complains to manager about him being fired says her son would never do that manager and salesman basically laughed him out of building I worked at a small community library a kid lived in the building across the parking lot from the library he would leave his building walk the 150 feet to the front door of the library come to the desk and use the courtesy phone to call and report to his mum that he got to the library safely I remember the day that he didn't do this she came flying into the library like five minutes later freaking out that her son had been kidnapped and we needed to find him oh my god and walk your dan kid to the library if you also worried about him back when I taught a freshman course during graduate school I had a parent email me on behalf of her daughter the young woman had missed half of the class failed two major assignments and had her mommy emailing me trying to allow her to pass when I told her about FERPA she tried to get me in trouble with the department share find you a mother who kept her five-year-old daughter in diapers when they went out of the house because she didn't want her using public restrooms because a girl sitting in her own excrement was much better for her health apparently sounds a lot like a kid than pre-k at the school where my wife teaches this child wears pull-ups and a parent comes to pick her up every day for nap time was moving in freshman to the dorms if you agreed to move the newbies you've got to move in three days early and beat the rush man approaches me as this at coed dorm yes I asked for my daughter to be in the all-female dorm oh I understand sir that's actually right across the breezeway usually it's in building expert X's being renovated so they moved it here that entire wing is only female but she could walk over here and it would be co-ed come oh well yes sir she could walk anywhere she wanted to come oh I'll tell her she's not allowed to walk this way I never found out who his daughter was but I'm sure she followed those rules god forbid there is ever a fire in the other direction or she is freaked I used to teach middle school the teacher next to me have given a sixth grade girl a C on a paper because it didn't meet the proper criteria Mon was livid and came into the school furious about the grade after the teacher and mum went back and forth about the grade the mom blurts I have a college degree and I took writing courses for four years and I wrote this paper are you telling Amy I can't get an A on a sixth grade assignment the teacher stuck to her guns but never answered the question I can see the story told by the mum I suspected my daughter's sixth grade teacher was being unfair about her grades so I decided to do a test I took a simple assignment and wrote it myself no surprise it got a C when I went to talk to the teacher he insisted my assignment didn't meet the criteria I am in private elementary education so this question is right up my alley I had a student one year who was the middle child of three and the mother was the textbook definition of a helicopter but it was more than that she also had a bad case of wanting to be your 10 year olds best friend instead of their parent here is a short list of things she did she would come attempt school events like clays et Cie and try to sit next to her child on the floor crisscross applesauce and all she would deliver her child lunch every single day not send in a packed lunch mind you she would deliver something like fast food especially Sheik Fela and she always had enough for herself as well so she basically tried to come eat lunch with her daughter every day one day I confronted the student about this and made up a bogus rule that her mom had to bring me lunch as well and sure enough the next day I got a sub from Subway she would let the girl stay home for any and all reasons the girl was literally absent 25 days the year before I had her although I tried my best to crush that bad habit and got her down to 14 days absent when I heard her some of the notes doctors excuses the mom sent and were really ridiculous when she was at the school for her younger child for example when she came by for kindergarten parties or whatever she would sneak out and walk the halls and peek through the classroom windows of her other two kids to check on them I would joke with our principal that this woman might secretly be an employee of our security company trying to find flaws in our security procedures we had to come up with all sorts of new rules and procedures for all the parents to follow just to stop this one woman the girl was not a very good student and I am pretty sure more than half of the homework handed in to me was completed by the mother my final interaction with her was when I invited her and her husband in for a conference because I gave the girl of zero for missing an assignment with an unexcused absence and I basically forced the mother to admit that she took the girl shopping that day instead of bringing her to school the dad was completely unaware this was happening and went off on her it didn't solve the problem permanently as she continued to helicopter the following year before leaving the school but it toned it down while I had her at least the sad thing is you encounter parents like this all the time they don't realize the long-term harm they are causing their children or the bad habits they are helping them to develop she would let the girl stay home for any and all reasons the girl was literally absent 25 days a year before I heard he I guess my mother does this too used to think it was awesome because you know I could stay home whenever now it's just bad habits a13 you kid down the street his mum dad and grandma were always with him always he had never been away from them even when they have a nanny to watch him one of them was there the kid was never on his own for anything and the creepiest thing I saw them do we had them to a party in the park and when the 13 yo asked for a hot dog the mum freaked out not because it was a hot dog some parents have dietary restrictions because I served them whole she took the hot dog from his hand and cut it for him in little baby bites like I would do for my one-year-old at a time then handed it back to him like she saved his life let me get this straight he was a normal teen with no mental impediments the dad took him to the bathroom with a gallon of sanitizer and baby wipes and make sure that bi washed his hands these people hold regular jobs one is a one admin at our local hospital in the Grahams was an exec with the state attorney they were from the Bay Area which we have a lot of transplants from but they seem to have taken it to the next level helicopter in weirdness this is how your children end up as failures don't start bitching about how your adolescent kid can't do anything when you've been cutting up his food into little bits his entire life and don't let him do anything alone I was going to move into a dorm with a friend but her mother contacted administration and insisted that she live in the same residence as the dorm minder to make sure she was doing her homework and stayin away from alcohol we were 20 the legal drinking age here is 18 her mother would also show up after seminars to walk her home ten minutes away and would contact professors to negotiate extensions and protests bad grades I found out afterwards that she had a pretty serious history of mental illness so there were legitimate reasons to be concerned for her safety still I couldn't help but think a lot of her problems resulted from being told over and over again that she couldn't be trusted to stand on her own two feet my aunt went to my cousin's first week of University classes my best friend's mother and father moved to the town where his college is located his freshman year some dad didn't want to walk his kid to the bus stop so he bought a drone so that the drone could watch him walk to the bus stop that's real helicopter parenting you have been visited by the rare dream dog ow comment sweet dreams dog oh and you will have good dreams if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people you
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Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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