The World of Jinn & Sorcery [Johannesburg, South Africa]

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yeah it could use something to write down okay right okay so first of all i would like to begin by praising allah i would like to begin by asking allah to exalt the mention and grant peace to our messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and i would also like to begin by extending my thanks first of all to all of the volunteers and the organizers that made this event possible after the help of allah and secondly to all of you walla you've been very patient we are running a little bit late we were having some difficulties with the live stream and the equipment and of course we want as many people to benefit from this course as possible so that meant that we wanted to take a little extra time to get the live stream working insha'allah that being said i just like to introduce myself i am your brother abu abdul rahman muhammad tim humble and i have been here in south africa for a few days now we've done a number of different programs on a number of different topics and usually it's the case when i deliver topics and programs a lot of people ask me to speak about the topic that we're going to talk about today and that is the world of the unseen the world of the jinn and the shayateen the world of the magicians and sorcerers and fortune tellers and how a muslim can be protected from that and how a muslim can seek to cure themselves from it by the permission of allah azzawajal or treat themselves from it by the permission of allah for allah to cure them by his permission i'm going to break today down into sections so i don't want to keep you sitting for a very long time what i want to do is maybe we'll talk for half an hour 45 minutes and then insha'allah will take a break and we move on to a different topic the first thing that i would like to talk about before we get into the topic itself is that today is just going to be a summary of my full rookia course my full rookia course i've delivered many many lectures on rookie on the gin on so many different things but as you guys might know if you search for me on youtube it's everywhere right there's a lecture from this place there's a lecture from 10 years ago there's another lecture from five years ago there's a lecture that is like bad quality camera and there's another lecture which is got bad quality audio and there's another lecture that is on someone else's youtube so what i decided to do at the beginning of this year is to consolidate all of the information that i have gathered on the topic of rookia and the topic of the gene and the sheltine and bring it all into one single place and that single place should be somewhere that i can control the content so what i did is i made a course a rookie a course it was originally 11 weeks long it has now been added to and more content is being added regularly actually i've been a little bit late in adding new content but we are trying to add new content all the time the q a is there uh live demonstrations have been recorded those are going to be uploaded soon inshaallah we have interviews we have detailed discussion of books we have really we go into a lot of detail of course i can't do that today today is just going to be a summary of what i think are the most important points on this topic however what i will do for everyone who is in the room with me today who has registered for this program and if you haven't registered you can still register today you can still speak to the organizers and give your details i will give you a free link to access this course so it will be completely free and completely open for you and i will give you a link in sha allah so you can see the course in full because for sure today we are not going to be able to cover everything and it may be that we have to really summarize so i wanted to keep everyone on the same page i don't want to make another video which then is another video that people get confused about and where is the rest of it and all that so what i want to do insha allah for all the people who are in the room with me today here in johannesburg inshallah i'm going to send you a link a coupon so you can access the course insha'allah and all you need to do is be registered that's it nothing else just to have registered your phone number or email or something so that i can send you out a link that you can use inshallah so what we're going to do today is we're going to try to focus on the most important things that we have because there are many theoretical things but i think that most people who came today they didn't come for the dry theory you know that the details and the the kind of theoretical stuff but a lot of people practically want to know you know practically here i am today how can i be protected from these things and if they affect me how can i seek a cure from allah and that is really what i want to answer today i am going to talk about some misconceptions i am going to talk about some bad practices and those practices might be present in your community they're certainly present in mine i'm not just talking about things that happen in south africa but things that happen in the uk and things that happen in other countries that i visited and at the end of the day this is an important part of realizing the right way to do things and the wrong way to do things so isha allahu ta'ala with that being said i would like to begin and at times i'm going to be showing you presentations and things i have access to the the tv screens but i'm not going to show you them all the time just from time to time i'm going to dip into some presentations inshaallah the first thing that i would like to talk about is some of the theory we need to know before we start before we get going there's some terminology we need to understand right because maybe i'm going to talk about the gin and maybe there are people sitting here saying i don't even have a clue what what are the jinn so i want to start with some terminology and some kind of common ground then we take a break and we talk about protection and then insha'allah we can go into a little bit more detail in some of the topics and we can talk about the cure from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and how to seek it i also want to emphasize that i really believe very firmly in empowering people to treat themselves i'm not a great fan of rocca the idea of someone doing rookia for you i'm not against it completely but i think that it brings a lot of evil and a lot of problems and the things that it solves are relatively small so i'm always going to be teaching you from the perspective of empowering yourself and your family by the permission of allah to treat yourself what i'm not going to do is to kind of recommend an individual for you to go to or to kind of start going around people and dealing with their individual issues because wallahi i just don't feel it's sustainable even if we had three really good iraqis here in johannesburg wallahi within one or two days they would be so busy they would not have time to treat all of the people and their issues and concerns so to me it doesn't make sense and it's not sustainable for us to send you to people but what is sustainable insha'allah is to teach people how to treat themselves insha allah and how to treat their family members and yes when things get difficult yes when there are maybe some advanced issues and problems it is possible for us to select certain people who might be able to give you advice and support insha'allah but i don't think that should be the first port of call okay my very first topic i want to talk to you about is i want to set the scene with regard to al the world of the unseen allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in surat al-baqarah at the very beginning of the quran he describes those who are successful we know the ayat many of us recited them many times this is the book in which there is no doubt a guidance for the people of taqwa we spoke about taqwa in the jumma we said it means to strive to obey allah and to keep away from disobeying him and by this to protect yourself from allah's anger his curse is punishment and the hellfire this quran is a guidance of how to achieve at taqwa you're going to need this later on so remember what i said about taqwa because it's going to come later on when we come to talk about protection so we said that allah azzawajal tells us that this quran is a guidance for the muttaqien and what did allah describe this muttaqin with the very first thing those who believe in the unseen the very first thing allah spoke about is iman and the very first aspect of iman that allah spoke about is believing in things that you cannot see now iman in things that you cannot see is a vast topic it encompasses iman in allah because of course you cannot see allah until you die it encompasses iman in the angels because of course you cannot normally see the angels it encompasses iman in the last day because jannah and jahannam are present today but we have we are not able to see them it includes iman in the world of the unseen or the worlds of the unseen which allah is created all of these are meanings of the word the creator the one who owns everything one who sustains everything the one who controls everything allah describes him as self as a rabb but he describes himself as the rub of something and the word al-amin is the plural of adam so we live in an island right we live in a world here the world of people the world of bani adam but there have to be other worlds because allah described himself as so there have to be many other worlds to go along with our world and from these worlds is the world of the angels the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us the heavens are creaking and they deserve to creak there is no space of four fingers or more or less than that except that there is an angel in it who is prostrating to allah do we hear the heavens creaking or see the heavens creaking or do we see the weight of the angels in the heavens we don't see it but we believe it because allah told us about it and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us about it so we believe in that unseen world of the angels we also believe in the unseen world of the jinn and the basic ayah that gives us an insight into this unseen world is the statement of allah sees you along with his tribe from a place that you do not see him how do we know iblees was from the jinn because allah said he was from the jinn and he disobeyed the command of his lord so iblis was not an angel he was from the jinn he disobeyed the command of his lord and he and his tribe meaning him and the jinn like him they can see you from a place that you cannot see them so they have their own world of the unseen allah azzawajal told us a lot about this world in suratul jinn so maybe what would be nice is if we could just maybe go over some of the points from surah tuljin to understand a little bit about what these jinn are and a little bit about what allah has told us about them so if we take suratul jinn and we start just looking at some of the things that allah azzawajal told us about first of all first of all this word jinn anytime the jim and the noon and the noon come in arabic they come with the meaning of something that is not seen i'll give you an example al-jannah doesn't jenna have the same letters in it the word genna is a garden that you can't see inside of it you can't see what is inside because of how much lush vegetation and how many beautiful plants and trees and things are around it you can't see inside of it it's hidden from you so we call it genna and so this word jim and noon unknown like the word janine and the word junoon all of them in arabic they come to mean something that isn't seen allah says let's take this first three ayat the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was told that a group of jinn listened to him he didn't see them now that doesn't mean you can never see them i'm not going to say you can never see them you could see them in some situations and some circumstances and it happened to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in some of the hadith but in general the basic idea is he could not see them he didn't know that they heard him but allah revealed to him that this group of jinn listened to what he said from this we know that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was sent to the jinn and to the men so he is their last prophet like he is our last prophet they heard the quran this means that they have an akal they have an intellect because it's not like the animal and if you read the quran to a horse or you read the quran to a cat it doesn't understand anything but these people they listened the jinn they heard the quran and they understood it and they responded we heard a quran which is amazing it's going to guide us to the right path [Music] we believed in it and that tells us that when it comes to the jinn they have the ability to believe and the ability to disbelieve we call this mashi mashiach right the ability to choose but their mashi i like ours it doesn't go outside of allah's decree right yes allah whoever of you wills to be upright any one of you chooses and says i'm going to be an upright person but you will not be able to do it unless allah wills it for you the lord of the worlds the jinn are the same like that the first thing they took from the quran we're not going to make shirk with allah we're not going to make a partner with allah a wife or a son what does that tell you it tells you that the other beliefs like christianity and other beliefs they had spread among the jinn as well because they are saying we are not we don't believe that allah has a son that means these same beliefs that came into christianity and so on had the foolish among us used to say a great evil transgression against allah so that means that among the jinn there are believers and disbelievers and the disbelievers they used to say evil things about allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for example like that allah has a wife or allah has a son or they used to make partners with him this is important now there were some men from among mankind who sought refuge they sought protection from men among the jinn but they only increased them in sin and transgression and burden we can bring here the ayah from suratul on the day when he will gather them all together or group of jinn you certainly made use of mankind you really you know you interacted with them and you got some things back from them and their protectors from among the jinns said our lord we made use of each other our lord we did things for the men and the men did things for us and we have reached this time you have appointed now he said for you all is the fire for you all is the fire ejuani this is very important this is a principle we are gonna take it and we're gonna implement it and we're going to reject anyone who goes against it we do not interact with the jinn we don't seek their help we don't seek their protection we don't ask them to do favors for us whether they are muslim or non-muslim because allah said that the fire is the abode of the one who interacts with them and each of them does something for someone else a person could come along and say yeah muhammad this refers to the disbelieving jinn as for the believing jinn what is the problem in me interacting with them i'm going to give you two reasons the first one stopping yourself from going to somewhere else and stopping yourself from going to the haram and stopping them today you are talking to your friend from the jinn whose name is abdullah and he's helping you out with some things and tomorrow you might worship him or he might interact with someone who worships him we cut off the means that lead to well if a disobedient one comes to you with news make sure of it check your information which comes to you perhaps you will harm a people out of ignorance and then become regretful over what you have done i ask and how can you have a beginner around something that you cannot see and you cannot know anything about it so this person comes and says my name is muhammad i'm from the jinn i used to be there in the battle of better i and used to know the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam muhammad it's alex i want to ask you something how can i know that you're telling me the truth and the answer without any doubt is there is no way to know except to say that it's unlikely that any of the jinn from the sahaba remain for the simple reason that the prophet saws said that from a hundred years from this day no one on the face of the earth that is alive today will be alive so it's very unlikely that any of them live from the sahaba but in any case it's not our concern it's not our world how can i know who that person is how many will i how many of the imams and the mawlana's and the messiah how many of them they have the muslim jinn that they think help them wallahi they don't know they are muslim or not and then you see them doing all kinds of maharamat you see them sacrificing things and you see them making ta'aweed and you see them writing down strange numbers and they say this came from my friend abdullah from the jinn for is not permissible to interact with them like this nor is it permissible for them to do things for you the ayah in surat al-anam does not specify the disbelievers but as i said the ayah in sure you cannot base your religion upon something that has no factual way of proving it no ayah from allah no hadith no way to see if it's muslim or not and even if he was muslim and even if it was allowed how why are you putting this person to trial tomorrow that person might end up in a different place and islam came to stop the causes that lead a person to a shirk and the causes that lead a person to sin we stop them otherwise why do we have the women sat separate from the men today for what is the benefit of the women sitting separate from the men is it not said that litharia is it not to stop something in the future that could happen is that not the reason why we sit them separately to stop something in the future that could happen that would be haram this principle wallahi you have to take it we do not involve ourselves with the jinn muslim or cafe we don't we don't involve ourselves with him except from one single angle and what is that angle it is telling them to do righteous deeds and forbidding them from doing evil allah azzawajal said us you are the best nation that was ever brought out for the people you command what is good and you forbid what is evil and you believe in allah this is not restricted only to people rather if you come into contact with the jinn and you don't seek it but if you come into contact one day that ajini speaks to you or a genie comes before you then you have the right to tell them to do righteous deeds and to forbid them from doing evil so let's just say there is a jinni that is inside of someone and he starts to speak and he says my name is this and that and i came from this place and i'm inside of this person okay fear allah with what you're doing how are you going to go inside of this person who gave you the right to transgress against this individual fear allah and leave fear allah and leave otherwise the punishment that you receive at my hands is nothing compared to the punishment that you will receive from allah subhanahu ta'ala leave and fear allah this is permissible there is nothing wrong with it and there is no issue at all rather i say to you it's from the best ways to interact with the jinn that when they appear is to command them to do good fear allah accept islam go and meet the jinn who are muslims in righteous muslims go with them and let them teach you your religion and don't harm this person anymore fear allah and leave as for seeing just before you go can you just tell me who was the magician we don't do that before you go can you bring me the magic no allah i remember something happened to me i was performing rookie along with her brother i don't remember who was reading at the time if it was me or the other brother but we were reading together me and my rookie partner his interview is in the course and some of the muslim jinn who appeared to be muslim we don't i mean we we we don't have evidence yet but they appear to be muslim they came they said to the patient assalamu alaikum so in the middle of the rook here the patient looks up and he's like they said can we do anything for you is there something we can do to help you is there something we can do too to help you uh if we can just get to just the camera just to touch it please for me just it just went off they said is there something that we can do to help you just to press them shoot buttons yeah perfect is there something that we can do to help you and i had already given this a little bit of this information to the brother he said well i can't ask you to do anything for me but whatever you want to do from yourself alhamdulillah and that's a very good way and he said look whatever you decide to do is your choice you will get the reward in the sight of allah but i'm not going to ask you i'm not going to say to you please do this or do that for me whatever you do is your reward is with allah and if you don't do anything allah is sufficient for me and they he said i saw them come to me and take the shaytan that was troubling me and drag him to the floor and carry him to the person who was reciting the quran and to force him the quran to be read over him again he said i could see this with my eyes we couldn't see anything except that he just kept moving around and talking we couldn't see anything he said i saw them drag me drag that jin out and hold him on the ground in front of the kaari but he didn't ask them to do anything and he didn't request it he just said whatever you do of good your reward is with allah but i'm not here to ask you something so this is very important based on this they thought as you people think and either people of quraish and the people of that the prophet saw some were sent to that allah will never resurrect you two very important ayat they said this is the jinn who allah is telling us what the jinn said they said we sought to reach the heavens but we found it filled with powerful gods and burning flames so that means that before the time of the prophet sallam in fact it said 20 days after his his prophethood things changed and he before that what happened was what happened before that is that the jinn used to freely ascend to the heavens they used to ascend to the heavens with complete freedom and complete you know complete ability and they would listen to what the angels were saying and they would go to the fortune teller and they would confuse people have you ever wondered how the fortune teller knows things about you i mean apart from the fact that if they trick you to ask you your name or something like that i saw things like that we used to have one fortune teller takes american express and you tap your card at the door so when they used to go in to the fortune teller the fortune teller like the receptionist will say okay fill your details fill the form and you know tap the card so when the person would go to the fortune teller the fortune teller would say hmm i sense that your name is ahmed no you didn't sense my name is you got my name from the receptionist but the point is that some of them they receive information from the jinn before the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam this information flowed freely but what happened is that 20 days he says in his or joseph in his poem on sierra that 20 days after the sending of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the sky is closed for the jinn and the jinn they came to iblees and they said oh iblis something is happening we used to ascend freely to the heavens and we used to hear the news from the angels and now we find the heavens guarded and we find shooting stars being shot at us and iblis sent out his army on the earth to look what happened he said i think something happened on the earth to make this happen something allah made it to happen on the earth and they found the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and they went back to iblis and iblis said yes this is what happened this is why your heavens are closed however even though the heavens are closed still they sneak a little bit of hearing sometimes as is mentioned in the hadith the prophet's license said they stand all on top of each other and then the shooting flame shoots them and sometimes the news reaches the fortune teller and sometimes it doesn't in any case we understood this concept from jin then allah says this is very important they said we jinn do not know what is going to happen on the earth we don't know if allah wants good or allah wants bad for someone we don't know it the jinn do not know the they don't know the unseen nobody knows the unseen except allah subhanahu ta'ala the jinn yes they might have some information we don't have because they move very quickly or because they whisper to each other or because they sneak up and listen oh because they ask your kareem who is with you your shaytan that is with you yes the jinn could get some information that we don't have but they do not know your future so when they say already we have seen in your future we heard already you're going to die from this already you know you're going to go to jahannam or whatever they whisper to you say to them allah is the one who knows what is going to happen to me not you know among us are righteous people and among us are those who are not righteous we are of many different ways many different religions many different beliefs yes you will find buddhist jinn you will find christian gin you will find atheist gin you will find all kinds of different as they say you find all different types of and we realize that we will never escape allah on the earth and we will never escape allah in flight from this we take allah is the one who controls the world of the jinn don't ever feel scared i know some people they start to feel really scared about it right even maybe now some people didn't come to the lecture because they're scared of what they might hear don't be scared i'm going to tell you why allah azzawajal said in surah this is only shaytan who makes you scared of his friends don't be scared of them but be scared of allah if you are really believers likewise i want to just jump forward to one particular ayah in among us are muslims and among us are the unjust and whoever accepts islam that one has taken the right path as for the unjust they will be firewood for jahannam and that tells us that jannah and jahannam are promised to the jinn jannah for those who believe and obey allah and jahannam for those who disbelieve and disobey allah and you can bring an additional proof for that in the statement of allah that no man or jinny has been intimate with them before this yeah it can be used as an evidence that the jinn will enter jannah and for them are some of the rural aid that our allah is for them and some that he creates for mankind from this inshallah we took a good amount of information about the world of the jinn we certainly didn't take everything but i just wanted to highlight a couple of uh small things and that is uh first of all the the the ways or the air the times when you might be vulnerable to interacting with the gym and the simplest way to know these is look at your ad car you know you read your car every day and you read certain ad card in certain situations so for example when you go into the bathroom we all know the vika that we say right some of the scholars said are the male and female jinn what does that tell you it tells you that the bathroom is a place where the jinn might be found and might reside and you need to ask allah's protection from that at the time of intimacy oh allah keep the shaytan away from us and keep the shaytan away from the children that you give us that also tells you that this must be a time of vulnerability to the shaytan otherwise it mentions keep us safe from shaytan and safe from keep our children safe from shaytan when you enter a place you have never been before like somewhere in the maybe you go out into the countryside or you go to a park and you set foot there what do you say i seek refuge from the with the perfect words of allah from the evil that he created so from this you can see certain situations where you might be vulnerable to the jinn of the shayateen when you enter the house what do you say bismillah yeah and that bismillah when you say it the shaytan is not allowed to stay in your house and when you say bismillah when you eat the shaitan is not allowed to eat with you so these can educate you about certain situations in which a person might be vulnerable but the greatest vulnerability to the shaytan wallahi is those who seek out interaction with them they try to call them the ouija board or they try to call them with perfume and incense or they try to like sacrifice something to bring them this is the worst of situations and the one that people have to avoid the most i think that might be a nice place for us to take a little break uh i did want to also talk about the reality of sihar so maybe we can just do that very very quickly let's just take the reality of of magic just because i wanted before we start our topic i wanted you to have like an idea of um of what we were talking about so i'm just going to give you like a a 10 minute discussion of what magic is the reality of it and what it is and then insha'allah we can you know we can understand where we're going with this also bear in mind the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi shaitaan flows through a person the way that their blood flows and that is one of the proofs that the shaitaan can enter into a person along with the statement of allah azzawajal those who devour will not stand on the day of resurrection except like the one who the shaytan has possessed and caused them to go into insanity that is also a proof that the shaitaan can possess a person and go inside of a person and we talk about that more later on very quickly how are we going to learn magic if we learned about the jinn from suratul jin how can we learn magic let's take ayah number 102 from swords al-baqarah foreign they followed what the shaytan gave out in the time of sulaiman now this is actually ayah is responding to a false allegation that sulaiman controlled the jinn through magic you know how allah told about sulaiman controlling the jinn uh and there were other from them there were those who were they were uh chained up and there was kulla banan the ones who used to build for him and used to die for him so they said that this was caused by magic in shaytan you that sulaiman used magic to control the jinn so allah responds and says it wasn't sulaiman that disbelieved it was the shaytan who was teaching the people magic that is where magic came from not from sulayman and sulaiman confiscated some books of magic in his time and what he did is he buried it under his throne and when sulaiman died the jin and shayateen took the books out and they told the people this is how sulaiman used to control us through magic believed by teaching people magic now that tells us that learning teaching magic learning the practice of magic this is something which is disbelief this is something which is disbelief practicing magic is disbelief there is no white magic there is no good magic there is no magic for the benefit of people there is only disbelief and that which was given to the two angels at babylon and marut there's a long discussion about how wrote admirals were they angels or not there's a long discussion about it but it doesn't concern us what concerns us is that haroot and marut taught the people as a trial they said we are only a trial do not disbelieve don't learn anything from us don't practice magic we are just a test for you they learned from them that which separates between a man and his wife what did we learn about this we learned that magic has real effects it's not a joke it's not like an imagination it's not just any just something you see in front of your eyes it can destroy a person's life it can break a husband and wife it can cause a person to be ruined and it can cause a person to die these are real effects [Music] but none of these effects can happen except with the permission of allah ta'ala and they learn that which harms them and doesn't benefit them that from this we learned that everything about magic is bad everything about magic is evil they learned that which harms them and does not benefit them there is no beneficial magic until today we have some imams and some sheikhs who what they are saying is they say yes i practice magic they say yes i practice magic but i only do it to help a person i only do it to bring good i only do it to correct a problem what we call fetch breaking magic with magic wallahi how can you worship shaytan to bring good allah somebody tell me how do you worship shaytaan to bring good you can't bring good from worshiping shaytan will lie no matter what your intention is like allah says everything they learn about this harms them and nothing from it benefits them and the one who does it will not have anything in the hereafter and how evil is it that they sold themselves they sold their soul for if they only knew so the reality of magic is that magic is an interaction between the magician and the jin the magician performs certain actions in order to gain the jinn's command of the jinn or to gain them to do things for them and then what happens is any there is a sacrifice or there is other acts of shirk and we're going to talk about that later on in sha allah acts of disbelief and evil that are done and then inshallah what happens any uh after that situation or after they have sought nearness to the shaitaan they make an agreement with them to harm a person or to break up a family or to bring someone together or to make someone love someone that they didn't love or they and so on and so on often in this they use certain physical uh properties of a person they might use their clothing they might use their hair they might use their nails and often this contract between them and the jin has a physical form like a physical existence and maybe for example the magic that was done to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam it was done for me it was done by wrapping hair around the comb so it has a physical form and there was hair wrapped around the comb plastered with the seed of a male date the pollen from a male date palm and it was plastered like that and it didn't harm the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and allah informed him where it was and he took it out and he destroyed it by the permission of allah azzawajal but this is important for us to understand that often not always but often it has a physical form something that you can find and hold and you can uh destroy it and we'll talk more about that insha'allah later on this is definitely a good place for us to take a little break for the live stream i don't have a good way of giving you a break but what we'll do is is put a graphic on the screen or something like that insha'allah and what we will do is take let's take until quarter past three let's give everyone a chance to stretch their legs ten past let's say ten past this not make too long ten past three insha'allah 15 minutes stretch your legs gets get some refreshments inshaallah and we'll come back inshallah and talk more allah m we're going to try to put a little presentation on the screen for you for this next segment inshaallah and we're going to talk about protection and staying safe and staying safe from all of the afflictions of the scene and the unseen before we do that insha allah before we do that in sha allah there is one thing that i did want to talk about there are two or three really good questions so the first question is someone said you mentioned about the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that he wasn't harmed by the magic that was done to him but i have read in some of the hadith that he used so can you explain the answer is yes he used to forget things but it was only in the dunya not in his religion so he never forgot anything in his religion he didn't forget the quran he didn't forget prophethood he didn't forget anything relating to him his religion but what he forgot is related to his worldly life this is the same as any other sickness that he went through like fever didn't the prophet saw some go through fever he did right did he not get sick sometimes he did before he died didn't he have a poison that he ingested and he became sick he did so this is exactly the same it was a matter of the dunya not a matter of prophethood the second comment that i thought was really beneficial is a brother came and said look many people have been to the wrong people in the past they've been to the wrong people in the past and how can they make it right and he said isn't it true man whoever makes tawba allah will accept their torba of course it is i'm going to tell you how to make it right from one ayah in suratul furqan this ayah has everything you need to make it right now you correct your iman you come back to allah element you make tawba and you correct your iman and you do righteous deeds to replace that one and you do proper rookie i'm not going to the wrong people and things like that and you tell people the truth and you spread the message to go to the right people and to get the right kind of treatment those people allah will replace the bad things they did with good illaman turn back to allah in toba perfect and complete and work towards increasing your iman and do righteous deeds and allah will replace all of the bad things with good okay let me just change my screen i decided what i'm going to do is mirror it for you so because i won't it will be a little bit difficult to do any other way okay being well inshaallah you should be able to see if we bring it full screen inshallah excellent let's go back to the beginning and let's talk about the concept let's talk about here how do we protect ourselves can you guys see this on the screen i know the people who are watching at home can't see it on the screen so forgive me uh it's a bit too much technology wise for me to root to a tv and back to this live stream and back to it's just getting complicated but uh don't worry inshallah there's very little text on the screen it's it's just something for you to think about a little bit and inshallah we'll give you the pdf for you guys to download and and it's no problem inshallah it's on the course anyway the rookie of course this is from the rookie course the first thing we took is the hadith of abu dhabi he narrated it that the prophet alaihi or he recorded it that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to make in his don't leave me to myself for the blink of an eye don't leave me by myself for the blink of an eye so what is the answer to how we protect ourselves the answer is we don't allah is the one whose protection we seek we don't want to protect ourselves we don't want to be independent we don't want to be self-reliant we want to be completely dependent upon allah and completely reliant upon allah and seeking the protection of allah azzawajal there are different categories of people when it comes to the aspects or concept of protection there are some people who are not making any effort to gain allah's protection they are not making any effort at all so the person doesn't seek allah's protection through prayer they don't seek allah's protection through dikkar they don't think it's they don't make dua they just say if allah wanted to protect me he would protect me and this is not tawakkul rather do you guys know there is a true tawakkul and a false tawakkul the false tawakkul is the one who sits there and said if allah wanted me to be rich he would send down gold from the sky if allah wanted me to get married he would send this future spouse to stand in front of me that's not how it works right if allah wanted to protect me he will protect me allah subhanahu ta'ala can do anything allah can send down gold from the sky and allah can bring your perfect partner in front of you and allah can protect you allah can do everything but is it what allah required from us from tawakkul did allah azzawajal require us to sit back and do that for example in the seerah when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam escaped makkah and he made hijrata medina what did he do where did he head for he headed for the western coast right the coastal path he didn't take the main route to medina why did he not have tawakkul did he not say i'm going to take the main route to medina he had the best tower call of anyone but he also did what he did in order to try his best with what allah had given him and that's true tawakkum he left alibaba talib in his bed he snuck out with abu bakr they had made a plan asmr of the allah used to come to the cave and bring them food and then they went in a different route all of that is tawakkul so don't ever think that tawakkul means just sitting back and doing nothing tawakkul means using what allah has given you while trusting completely in allah that allah will make it effective then there are some people who are not taking any specific actions to gain protection but they rely upon their iman so this is not you know this is still alhamdulillah any i'm a muslim i'm praying and through this allah will protect me and there are some people who are taking a limited set of specific actions like remembering allah before leaving the house but they're missing out other things and there are some people who are doing some very specific things i always do my ad car in the morning but they are missing out very important things like maybe they are not praying on time or they are falling short in other ways there are those who seek protection through things that allah has forbidden those who seek protection from tying a cloth around their car or around or putting a nail in the corner of their house or putting chili on the doorstep and they think that these things protect them and in fact some of them might even be making a partner with allah and there are those who strive for allah's protection in a comprehensive way they put their trust in allah alone they do all the means that allah has revealed both generic and specific and they keep away from everything that nullifies allah's protection after is being given this is who we want to be the last point here let's remind ourselves again what do we want to be the last point we want to be those who strive for allah's protection in a comprehensive way we put our trust in allah alone we do everything that allah has revealed both generic and specific any general things like praying and believing in allah and very specific things like a certain ad car at certain times and we keep away from anything that would break the protection of allah after it has been given the remembrances of the morning and the evening are like a shield the more increases in density the less the owner will be harmed rather a shield can increase in strength until the arrow bounces off and hits the one who fired it if we find it difficult to talk about arrows we could talk about bullets because we're in south africa at the end of the day and we could say that the remembrances of the morning and the evening are like body armor the more body armor you put on then the more and the less likely it is you you'll be harmed rather you could be so much you could be armed so much you could have so much protection and be inside of something which has so much protection that even the bullet bounces off and hits back at the person who who shot it at you this is the example that ibn al-qayim gives when you're doing so many different means of protection different ad car different means and you're taking a comprehensive way of protection it might even be that the person who wants you harm gets a rebound and that harm that they try to do to you comes back against them because you're so well protected by the permission of allah and the steps in seeking allah's protection are things you keep on doing it's not a one-time thing like some people believe it's a one-time thing right like i did my car like a couple years ago and it should be enough for me now no it's a continuous and consistent thing but you must be truthful in what you seek you must be truthful and this is in some of the hadith mention it that if you are truthful to allah allah will be true to you and if you are true to allah allah will be true to you what does that mean if you are true to allah allah will be true to you if you really are sincere about wanting protection and you really ask allah for it and you really do then act in an appropriate way and you keep away from what is haram then allah subhanahu ta'ala will give you that protection but if you're not sincere you say oh allah protect me but then you go and do haram oh allah keep me safe but then you go to the places where the safety is taken away so then this person is not being it's not being true and you have to remember that statement if you are true to allah allah will be true to you you know that hadith where it came from the bedouin the bedouin who or the man maybe not a bedroom but he was a man and he went out with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam gave him some of the spoils of war he's he gave him some of the bat at the end of the battle they collected some things and the sahaba brought it for him he said what is this they said the messenger of allah gave it to you sallallahu alaihi he will send them so he went to the prophet saws and he said oh messenger allah what is this he said this is your share of the battle he said i didn't come for this but i came to be shot in the throat with an arrow here and he pointed he said i didn't come for this money if i wanted money i didn't come to you for money i came to be shot in the throat here and the prophet saws said to him that if he is true to allah allah will be true to him and they found him in the following battle with the arrow in the place where he had pointed because he was true to allah he was sincere i really wanted it that's what i came for i didn't come for money i didn't come for fame but i came to be shot here in the throat that's what i came for and he was true to allah so allah was true to him the same thing can apply to your if you really want protection then seek the means of it if you really want protection then get rid of the things that allah made haram you really want protection get rid of the photos from the house and get rid of the tv and get rid of the music from the house if you really want it if you are true to allah allah will be true allah will be true to you and we seek protection from all types of evil we're not being specific here we're not talking about jin and shelting we're talking about every single thing that can harm you so let's talk about the general means of protection let's talk about the general generic ways that a person can be protected insha'allah the first is your iman in allah walla so many people neglect this and it hurts me to see people neglect this the greatest shield you have and the shield that it is the most important thing you can protect yourself with by allah's permission is the correctness of your iman do i have evidence for that i'm going to bring you in evidence the those who believe and don't mix up their iman with vul the prophet saws said making a partner with allah they don't mix up their iman by making a partner with allah it is they who will be safe they will be safe and they are guided so allah promised safety to the person who keeps their iman pure from making a partner with allah so having your iman pure and true and making sure you protect it and you guard it is the most important means of protection and i wanted to say in this i wanted to give an example of where people go wrong so for example the people who seek a cure from ashikiyat by making a partner with allah so for example they go to the any witch doctors and the different people and they sacrifice the animal for them and they spilled the blood that person removed the title of iman from themselves they removed it the prophet alaihi wasallam said allah curse the one who sacrifices something to other than allah the person took the concept of iman the name of iman they took it away from themselves when they went and they sacrificed the animal or they paid the person to sacrifice the animal to the jinn and they spilled the blood in the name of iblis they took the name of iman away from themselves so the greatest thing you protect yourself with is your iman and your iman my dear brothers and sisters can be strengthened and developed you can study you can learn you can implement more you can get nearer to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to strengthen yourself and to increase your nearness to allah azzawajal to increase your certainty and to be closer to allah azzawajal so don't neglect this means the second is sticking to the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam again i'm going to bring you in evidence let those who oppose his command take a warning perhaps they will be afflicted by a trial or by a severe punishment so when you go against the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you open yourself to al-fitan trials and punishments you lose your safety you lose your protection when you go against the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and my brothers and sisters i want to share something with you the sunnah doesn't belong to anybody i'm not sitting here to say muhammad tim is the sunnah muhammad is not the sunnah and some people think that i came here to say to you that i am the sunnah you know if you follow me your fault the sunnah belongs to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is free for everybody you learn your religion you learn what he did you learn what he didn't do you learn what he advised and you learn what he told you to keep away from and you implement it in your life we're all trying striving for that but some people will lie they stop caring about it to be honest with you i'm being honest danny they stopped caring about it they're like look you know my sheikh is going to tell me my about the sunnah any me well i just follow what i'm being told what is when it said to them follow what allah revealed they say we follow what we found our fathers doing even if their fathers didn't understand anything and were not guided my dear brothers and sisters if the sunnah is something all of us should be striving to get we should be striving to implement it in every aspect of our life every time you turn away from the sunnah you put yourself at risk of based on this or a severe punishment because they turned away from the command of the prophet now i want to make something clear because some people might misunderstand me and they might say muhammad tim because they love misquoting me today i'm getting misquoted in a lot of things say muhammad you're telling the people not to follow the and you're telling the people not to follow them and not to follow the rules of fick i'm not saying that i'm saying that your madhab should be a way to reach the kitab and the sunnah it should not be your end goal my end goal should not be the end of my goal and my aspiration should not be that i just want to do what my shift does because your shaykh is not a prophet and your sheikh is not protected from making mistakes not your sheikh and not even the greatest imams of islam were not protected from making mistakes so if you are learning from a teacher with the vision of reaching the kitab and the sunnah then this is excellent if you are taking your faith and your rules with the goal of reaching the quran and the sunnah this is excellent but if it became that your shaykh and your rules they became your goal for this is really in a very dangerous dangerous situation a very dangerous situation narrated now bear in mind the shatter he met the students of abu hanif he met he met uh he met from the students he said all of the scholars had consensus that when the sunnah of the messenger of becomes allah to them it is not permissible for you to leave it for anyone's speech whoever they are he brought that consensus from abihani for him to allah and from malik who he took from sheffield and he was from the companions of ahmedabad and he is saying all of the imams reach consensus when the sunnah becomes clear to you it is haram for you to leave it for anyone else's speech but those great scholars the likes of imam abuhami the purpose of them is to help you to reach the quran and the sun to assist you and to use their knowledge and their wisdom to help you to reach the quran and the sun so i just want it's a mentality it's not about faith it's not about how you pray i'm not talking about where you put your hands or i'm not talking about whether you eat prawns or you don't eat prawns it's nothing like this i'm talking about the mentality of you is my attachment is my heart attached to the quran and the sunnah or is my heart attached to some book that was written 200 years ago make your heart attached to the quran and the sunnah and use those scholars and those books to help you to reach the quran and the sunnah this is what all of the imams were upon and this is what the early generation of muslims were upon and until today this is what the people should be upon so i say this because some people lost the concept like for them you talk about the sunnah it's like dangerous you know i know people who lock sahel bukhari in the cupboard don't open it you might get misguided way hack you're gonna get misguided by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam way hack water you that you believe the prophet saws speech will misguide you how can it be be careful don't don't read what the prophet said don't read a book of tafsir you might actually realize what your religion is about but be careful about this keep your attachment to the quran and the sunnah and use your great scholars imams and so on to reach the quran and sunnah in rookia and jin issues it's even worse people are doing things well not even their sheikh told them to do it we never heard anyone in the history of anything do them we see people doing things from hinduism we see people putting chile on the doorsteps and hammering nails in the walls and we see people drawing all kinds of symbols on things and things that never came from any imam or any sheikh or any method ever why because they're desperate a brother made a very beautiful comment to me earlier he said you know why the people because they were desperate they didn't want to do something wrong but they were just desperate and i totally agree what he said is a hundred percent true the people they didn't want to do something wrong but the problem was that they were desperate so they started to go even to the witch doctors if you forget about going to the shaykh santa they went to the witch doctors here the people who don't believe in any religion that we recognize and they are pagans they believe in paganism and they even went to them because they were desperate so let's go back to the kitab and the sunnah and back to the concept of iman as a major means of protection the third one i'm going to mention is a taqwa i'm going to mention a taqwa with regard to salah we are going to pause at the correct time for us insha allah we're going to join between the madahi here we're going to give the only give both times insha allah but we're going to give a break for you to pray to pray assad inshallah when the time comes a bit nearer ataqua what did we say it was we mentioned it already we said it is to act in obedience to allah upon a light of guidance from allah hoping for allah's reward and to leave disobedience to allah upon a light of guidance from allah fearing allah's punishment what did allah say about taqwa yet and allah will provide from where he could never imagine allahu akbar if you have taqwa allah is going to make you a way out of every problem gin problems magic problems evil eye problems problems in every aspect of your life allah is going to make you a way out we need the camera one more time inshallah allah azzawajal is going to make for you a way out of it but you see the solutions i'm giving have you noticed the difference between the solutions that i'm suggesting and the solutions that you know like some of the people like the the people who uh they are like you know giving out tawis and things like that you notice that my solutions are a bit difficult right it needs a bit of effort you have to pray and you have to turn to allah and you have to believe in allah properly and you have to try to stick to the sunnah and you have to try to obey allah as much as you can that's another problem people want a quick fix say i don't want to follow the sunnah i don't want this for prayers and to ask just write something for me and stick it around my neck and then i can go home that's what people want that's reality well i'm not telling you something that i haven't seen with my own eyes that's what people want just write something for me and get me get it over and done with yeah don't tell me come and pray fajr every day i'm gonna come for a prayer federal every day it's hard it's cold and i have to get up early in the morning just write something for me and tie it around my neck and i'll be done but that's not what allah azzawajal made for us allah subhanahu ta'ala decreed from the greatest causes of protection is a taqwa from the greatest causes of protection is guarding what allah commanded you to god the hadith if you god what allah commanded you to god allah is going to keep you safe we call this al jazeera um that your rewards are from the same category as your the deeds you did if god what allah commanded you to god and allah is going to keep you safe god what allah commanded you to god and allah is going to keep you safe what did allah command you to god god your prayers especially the middle prayer the asa prayer and stand before allah in obedience allah commanded you to guard your chastity those men will have that and those women who protect their chastity this is something that allah told you to god allah told you to guard your tongue and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told you to guard your tongue when he he said in the hadith of and he took hold of his tongue and he said keep this under control if you guard this allah will guard you and the prophet saws said whoever promises or whoever guarantees me what is between his two legs and between his two jaws i guarantee for him paradise and a person looks after the the issue of as we said chastity and keeping away from immorality and the person looks after what they say that person is guaranteed paradise allah will keep you safe god what allah commanded you to god and allah is going to guard you tell by and seek him forgiveness the quote i have here is not a hadith be careful don't quote it's not a hadith but what it is is it is a famous statement of many of the imams of islam no calamity was ever sent down except because of sin and it was never taken away except because of repentance can we bring an ayah to support what these great imam said yes we can for example we can bring the statement of allah is aiding us corruption has appeared on land and at sea because of what the hands of men earned in your own hands earned and the statement of allah is something from the lesser punishment instead of the greater punishment so that they may return to us in repentance and we already mentioned the ayah illam and no calamity was ever sent down except because of sin and it was never taken away except because of repentance now we talked about general things these are all general right they are not specific to any particular means of protection but they are just a general way to be protected inshallah now we want to talk about specific means of protection first of all seeking refuge with allah from if there comes to you an evil suggestion from the shaytan seek refuge with allah you remember the hadith of the man his face became red his face became red and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said about him i know something that if this man said it all of this would go away from him i seek refuge with allah from shaytan the rejected likewise the statement of allah when they feel an impulse from the shaytan they remember allah and they remember that it's from the shaitaan and then they can see clearly seeking refuge with allah for others like your children the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to seek refuge for al hasan arabic grammar because this word kumar it means you too so the easiest way to teach you if you don't speak arabic is just to make it and then you'll cover everybody i seek refuge with allah on your behalf from every shaytan and every beast and every envious eye he used to say that for al hasan and al hussain so you can take your kids for your kids to be protected from what would harm them the remembrance of allah we mentioned the ayah inna taka pani te karu fa idaho indeed those people who have taqwa when they are touched by an impulse from the shaytan they remember what do they remember they remember allah and they remember that this is from the shaytan my brothers and sisters i believe this ayah here is actually the best way of repelling whispering from the shaytan the best way to prevent whispering from the shaytan is this ayah inna first of all if you want us to keep the whispering away be a person of taqwa second of all if you want to keep the whispering away remember allah thirdly if you want to keep the whispering away remember that this is from the shaytan the whispering so let's say somebody has whispering in the issue of and the shaytan is confusing them about their wudu what do we say first of all obey allah that means you don't wash four times because the prophet saws and didn't allow you to wash four times you do it no more than three times for the washing no more than once for them wiping that's it you don't waste the water by turning the tap on full and you're just letting the water spill while you're thinking did i wash my hands or i didn't wash my hands so you don't disobey allah the second thing is you remember allah so before your wudu you say bismillah before you enter the bathroom you say if you feel yourself getting confused and you're outside of the bathroom you can also say and you remember that this wasa is from shaytan so you start thinking oh did i wash my hands of course i washed my hands i'm just it's just shaytan is whispering this to me and if you feel like having someone to watch you this is good also like someone to watch you and say no no you did wash your hands he carry on this is the best way of getting rid of wasus remembering allah in the morning and the evening in and exalt his praises exalt the praises of allah azzawajal in the morning and in the evening exalt the praises of allah in the morning and the evening when it comes to morning and evening at car i personally would recommend the book fortress of the muslim you might have some other books here i'm not sure but i would recommend the book hesnal muslim fortress of the muslim and you just go through the morning and evening actor like that you just go through the morning and uh the morning and the evening at car from muslim you go through the morning and evening at car from muslim if you don't have a copy you can download a copy pdf or you can get it as an app for your phone as well remember him in the morning and the evening what time do you remember allah in the morning the best time is after fajr before sunrise and what time do you remember allah in the evening i personally prefer indel around the time of maghrib but if you do after assad many of the scholars allowed it but i personally prefer it to be indel maghrib or kobe maghrib just before maghrib in the time of the evening whether just before the maghrib time i think this is the best time for you to do it before the time of intisa shalting because the shaitaan spreads out at the time of maghrib in ali shaytan in tisha the shaytan spreads out and snatches people at that time remembering allah before sleep the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us whoever reads ayatul kursi before they go to sleep they will not cease to have a have it from allah and the shaytan will not come near to them so before you go to sleep you read ayatul kursi is that the only thing to read no there are many if you take hessnal muslim there are so many things read surat like that and then you read them into your hands and you wipe over your body you read subhan allah 33 times and alhamdulillah 33 times and allahu akbar 34 times these are all from the things that you do before you go to sleep but just i chose one ayato kursi and yes somebody can say if i if i feel it's difficult to do all of them can i just do one we answered it already from the court of ibn al-qaeda right the more you do the more you'll be protected but inshallah if you do one at least you have some protection insha'allah remembering allah at times of vulnerability we mentioned this already we said when going in the bathroom when leaving the house saying bismillah when you enter the house saying bismillah when you eat before intimacy we mentioned the different situations which might be times of vulnerability reading surat al-baqarah in the house the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said indeed the shaytan flees from a house in which surah al-baqarah is right shaytan runs away from the house in which surah al-baqarah is read what about things which might remove protection number one acting in opposition to what is being said [Music] or you who believe why is it that you say what you don't do how great is the sin in the sight of allah that you say that which you don't do so don't be a person who says ya allah protect me ya allah protect me and then you go out and do a haram job all day you sell haram or you buy haram or you cheat the people and all the time you're cheating the people and buying haram and selling haram ya allah allah protect me the problem is you are asking allah for something with your tongue but your hands are not following and thicker of allah should be with the heart and the tongue and the limbs your heart and your tongue in your limbs your heart should be engaged really thinking about it subhanallah subhanallah subhan allah really your heart is thinking about it and your tongue should be saying it and when you go and live your life during the day you should be giving truth to what you said you should be implementing what you asked allah for and sticking to what you said didn't you say allah there is no god worthy of worship but you i am your slave and i am trying to fulfill your promise and your covenant as much as i can but are you are you really trying to follow that covenant as much as what you can and you're doing as much as you can so you have to give truth to what you say you can't say o allah please forgive me i'm trying to do my best when you're not really trying to do your best so it's important from the worst of the things that removes the protection of allah means immorality like really immoral filthy dirty actions the person keeps away from iron they keep away from major sins and immorality there are many major sins you should know them he said the number is closer to 70 than seven because you know sometimes people say there are seven major sins right the prophet saws and said there are seven destructive sins each ten evos but there are not limited to seven major sins that's from christianity right there there are only seven seven major sins said the number is closer to 70 of the major sins from them is lying and backbiting and spreading rumors and from them is for example interest and from them is zina fornication and from them is of course making a partner with allah azzawajal which is the worst of them speaking about allah without knowledge speaking about allah without knowledge some of the scholars they said it is the biggest of the major sins is speaking about allah without knowledge or spreading something in your religion without knowledge many many of these sins take a book on the major sins and study it go through it and ask yourself am i going into any of these because they completely remove the protection of allah from a person the small sins it's very important that you don't make a habit of them because if you ever make a habit of the small sins they become major it's a principle in islam any time you make a habit of a small sin it becomes a major thing so for example let's say a small sin let's say for example bad language or let's say like for example a small sin any that someone does but they keep on doing it again and again and again and again and again and they don't stop doing it this becomes a major sin in the sight of allah not the sin itself but the habit of doing it all the time putting yourself at risk we already heard the ayahuasa putting yourself at risk by seeking help from the jinn by going to the places where the jin go you know people say like we go into the middle of the you know the caves in the middle of the forests and things like that and we sit for a long time and we light our candles and we ask for the gin to come yeah this is putting yourself at risk i had this case once of some boys they visited a haunted house i mean the house not a haunted i'm not talking about a tourist attraction i mean a real haunted house and the house was sealed by the government and there was a security guard but somehow they managed to get past the security guard or whatever they convinced him or they paid him or maybe he was not they snuck past him whatever happened they got past the security guard and they went to this house which is known to be a haunted house and they said yeah but it's just fun you know we're not going for the jinn we just want to see what's going on and well one of them became possessed from it and came back and he their parents came and they said okay is there a chance for you to do rookia or i don't if they ask me or they ask my i think they asked a friend of mine that would you ask muhammad tim can he do rookia well i was i was very tempted to say i'm sorry but you know you put yourself at risk like how how do you go to a place like that i wouldn't go to a place like that don't put yourself at risk now quick question on rookia we haven't got to rukia yet is rokia a means of protection there might be some overlap like blowing uh cool the colds over yourself before you sleep and things like that but generally when we talk about rookie are we talking about rookia as a treatment not as a protection protection we speak about separately and treatment we speak about we speak about separately inshallah so protection we speak about it separately and treatment we speak about it separately that concludes my discussion on protection it's very summarized there's a lot more to say but it's also very important that you don't seek protection from something in which allah has forbidden and i mentioned that many times but i want to hammer that point home don't seek protection for some in some ways that allah has forbidden don't seek protection in ways that come from other religions don't seek protection for ways that were not done by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his companions because this is not going to bring you protection as we know in the hadith of the hadith the wording of muslim islam whoever does an action that's not in accordance with our sunnah it will be rejected so any protection that you're trying to gain that doesn't come from islam and doesn't come from the authentic sunnah and the action of the early generations ultimately it's not going to protect you it's just going to be a reason for you to feel any distraught and distressed uh about i thought it might be nice on the topic of protection to take some questions uh but i'm seeing that we put paper here for questions because it's easier you know with paper questions the problem with raising the hands and stuff is it can sometimes go off topic easily so what i might do is we might take a little break i think we might be a little early for asar for everyone to pray but we could probably take a little break inshaallah the later time for us or here what time is it not the later time 20 past okay and the earlier time has started right okay then that it's perfect time to take a break so we'll take a break the earlier time for us already started the later time for those who pray at the later time of assa is going to be around about 20 past inshallah so we can take a break until around about half past something like that people can write their questions on the papers inshallah because this will be better for us now bear in mind we haven't talked about rookie yet so don't worry about writing questions on rookie we haven't talking about we've yet so talked about ta'aweed yet so don't worry about writing questions about ta'aweet but if you have questions about what we spoke about the world of the jinn and protection you could write those now the other ones let's leave it a while to see if it comes up in the topic if it comes up alhamdulillah if it doesn't come up then inshaallah i will try my best to answer your questions insha'allah so i'm looking at time now and we have around about say 20 minute break something like that inshallah time for people to pray and also inshallah to allah time for people to write some questions that's what allah made easy for me to mention in this section and allah azzawajal knows best okay [Music] alhamdulillah my dear brothers and sisters uh there are two sort of administrative type of things we have to deal with so the first thing is when will we finish tonight if i'm being honest the entire course it's very likely that we will not be able to finish by maghrib because we are going to miss too many important things so probably we will continue after maghrib however i am willing to move things around a little bit to bring the topic of rookia now as in how to perform rookia we will talk about it now because this is the most important thing everyone is asking like how do i perform rookia how do i know if i'm afflicted how this i think we'll talk about it right now inshallah so that everyone can get maximum benefit and then insha'allah after maghrib if allah wills that we still have some content to cover like the taoist and stuff like that we will cover it uh perhaps after maghrib inshallah i feel like that makes the most sense i feel like we should cover the topic of rookie itself now so that people have a good knowledge of it and insha'allah after that we can talk about other things the first thing i'm going to talk about is i'm going to talk about diagnosis and uh i'm going to say something i think it's controversial i don't see many things that are controversial you know but i i personally think this is controversial i personally believe that people spend way too much time worrying about diagnosis i really do i believe they spend way too much time worrying about diagnosis i honestly feel if you have some symptoms in your life which you do not feel is normal or you feel that there is some thing unusual or you're not sure then i think you should proceed as though there is a problem why not rookia itself is a gentle treatment it's a blessing from allah it's reading the quran it's reading the duas of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so i don't see why we should have a threshold where we say like you need to have it confirmed otherwise you should not start someone came to me and said you know i have some symptoms this is going on in my life i don't feel like it's right okay start rookia inshallah why not why why are we wasting time to find out is it this is it that how many jin what type of sahara is it medical the first principle i want you to take from me here is that rookia is beneficial for all kinds of sickness including medical problems including psychological problems including physical illnesses including gin possession including magic including the evil eye if you look at the hadith of rupiah now in my rookie course i went through that hadith we won't have too much time now but i went through all of the hadith of or many of them most of the times the sahaba did rookias rather they didn't do it for things that we would call sicknesses of the unseen you know paranormal sicknesses they did it for snake bites they did it for scorpions things they did it for people who behave had like strange behaviors maybe some kind of like a sort of psychological or psychiatric disorders they did it for things like this did it for the man of the the the tribe the head of the tribe who was stunned by a scorpion in another hadith they did it for a man who they said we have a man who is in restraints and he's shaking around and he's he's moving around and he's like he's not with himself he's not he has some kind of illness and this is something some kind of like psychiatric or psychological problem and still they did rookia the prophet salallahu any for a flu for fever so there is no need for you to stress yourself too much about whether i have jin no sihar or whatever but if you wanted to know what is the best method to know well i hear you're going to hear muhammad tim do something different to some people that you might have heard before some people they have all kinds of ideas read the water with nia and then taste the one water for saharan one water for gin and one water for sickness and then drink the water and see which one tastes funny i'm not into any of this stuff read the ayah of sehar read one ayah of gin possession read one eye of uh of uh iron and see which one the person i'm not into any of this tell the person to close their eyes and imagine and if they see magic and if they see a gin i swear by allah the one there is no god worthy of worship except him that the best method of diagnosis is not any of them at all as according to what i know the best method of diagnosis is to build up the clues all the time treat it like a mystery what's wrong with abdullah it's a mystery right so let's have a look at his history abdullah was a young healthy good looking guy masha'allah and suddenly things start to go wrong for him his health went downhill he started to have all kinds of sicknesses and problems that didn't seem to go away his family relationship broke down he's having issues between him and his wife i'm not saying jin i'm not saying magic i'm just saying listen to the history and start to pick out from your knowledge so i said that abdullah masha'allah is a good looking guy who's a healthy fit guy could be evil eye right could it not because people could be jealous of him i mean he's fit he's healthy he's a young guy he's good looking guy and he could be somebody could have given him the evil eye that could be possible we said the marriage broke down which ayah did we hear about marriage breaking down in the ayat of the ayah of the ayah that talks about magic so it could be we have a possibility for magic here we mentioned that his health went rapidly downhill okay did you try the doctor yeah i did did any of the treatments work well a little bit but it just seems like every time the doctor does a treatment another com comes along okay do you find that unusual or does the doctor say it's kind of normal well the doctor said it's kind of normal okay so that might not be something too strange or he comes and says well the doctor nearly fell off his chair he said i've never seen this before in my life so that could be something again so in each time we are looking at possibilities and we're building up clues now we've taken some history so now we recite and we're watching for clues it could be certain ayat it could be you know the general feeling it could be the reaction there could be no reaction we store that among our clues again we try a different treatment and we watch what happens we give him a long-term rookie a program maybe he's doing rookie every day for two three four five months and we observe how is his situation changing how is his illness responding every time we're building up a bank of clues and information which is getting us closer and then we're making dua to allah to show us what is wrong and to show us what to do and all the time you will get a very accurate diagnosis insha'allah you will get a very very accurate diagnosis but where you will not get an accurate diagnosis is these like little tricks that people do you know read this ayah and if he jumps two feet in the air this is wrong with him and you know let read on this water and if it tastes the wrong taste then you know this is all it could work sometimes i'm not saying it never works it could work sometimes but it's not reliable what is reliable is you take a case history you tell him to keep a diary you really look at what is going on and you try to find parallels in the quran and the sunnah for what is wrong with him and then you try some treatments starting with the basic treatments and moving forwards with treatments as time goes on you start with the basic treatments and then you try to you know adapt the treatment improve the treatment tweak the treatment and every time you're watching what is the results until you see inshallah that you got something and it looks like this okay now i'm pursuing it i'm keeping an open mind but i'm going to follow this because this looks to be what is wrong and then you know the jinn speaks and you you know you find out what is the matter in sha allah so i just feel like treat it like a mystery take a case history keep a diary of what is going on many times people keep a diary and things jump out at you you never saw it before like for example the person says well i feel fine but you saw a diary every time that maghrib comes they start going crazy their sickness gets worse or something at maghrib time okay now i didn't know this until you showed me the diary because in the diary i saw that every day at maghrib this is happening what happens at maghrib in ali shaytan in tisha the shaytan spreads out so this is telling me this could be gin related because the shaytan spreads at maghrib and he's getting sick at maghrib so i'm asking him are you closing your windows and doors with bismillah are you keeping yourself in the home with your ad car are you have you tried some simple rookie for yourself and we're learning like this subhanallah i know it sounds like a little complicated or it sounds a little convoluted or a little long but subhanallah i have tried this method so many times and so many times i found other people doing rookia making mistakes recently i had a brother come to me he said mohammed tim would you do rookie for me i said i've got some time ahead come on we'll do rookie together we did rookia for him and there was no big reaction just a little bit he was a little bit unsettled so i said okay you know let's put you on a self-rookie program for a few days and let's see how you go he said you know muhammad he phoned me he said there's this imam from london he's famous famous and he's very knowledgeable i said okay he said i'm gonna bring him he's gonna do rookie for me i said okay tamam very good great imam famous sheikh he's going to come and do rookie on me he's upon sunnah right he's not going to do nothing crazy he's not going to sacrifice animals in the bathroom or something like that say no he doesn't give ta'awe no okay yeah bring him imam comes and reads on him for like 15 minutes max and he reads like very short you know fatiha and uh with that and he looks at him and says now there's nothing wrong with you yeah nothing wrong with you it's just psychological just uh you know you need to get more sleep at night you need to eat better that's it and he goes so i said may allah have mercy on that i don't feel like he really you know took his time on the case so i said come with me again i'm gonna read on you again it's a second time first time no symptoms nothing he's a little uncomfortable but nothing huge and i read on him again and will i i saw aja if he started to shake like crazy and his temperature just went up and he was telling me about jin and shelting coming to him my point is what did the sheikh do wrong came and read quran allah mubarak he didn't give anything wrong he didn't give any you know shirkiyat or anything like that he came and he read the quran but he didn't take his time he was waiting for the instant answer you know i read on you 15 minutes khalasi i'm gonna see the problem whereas i maybe took it was maybe a week before i knew what was wrong with the brother maybe a week maybe more and that's with experience of many you know hundreds or thousands of cases and it took me more than a week to figure out what's wrong with him but in the end alhamdulillah and it became very clear what was wrong and it became very clear that the sheikh had made a big mistake when he said that there's nothing wrong with him but it's just because people don't take their time common like the prophet saws you are people who rush you just go too quick take your time if you think something is wrong start your treatment take your time consult the people of knowledge continue your treatment what do i do when i don't see any effect from a person i read on you and you are fine no twitching no jumping no temperature no visions just you are like i'm relaxed i'm feeling good i feel fine i say to them okay you still have symptoms yeah this medical problem is still there what do you think i should tell them should i say to them it's medical don't read the quran anymore khalas go home and just take your medicine and that's it that's the wrong approach instead what i will say to them is i didn't see anything this time but it might be that something is going to come later i didn't see anything at the moment so why don't you go home take your medicine do your rookie by yourself at home read your quran do your ad car every single day seek the means of protection and let's see you again in a week's time and see if things are getting any better weeks time comes read on them still i feel great i feel fine okay go back again maybe let's take it a month this time do your rookie for yourself and take your medicines the doctor has given you and put your trust in allah make dua make tawba all of those things keep going let's see how it is a month later you might see them and the jinn is talking like nothing else he's telling you stories about his whole life it happens like that sometimes so don't rush but at the same time don't make yourself busy with something that is not obvious yani like if there's no symptoms okay so i'm going to say go home do care for yourself make dua if things start to change come back again isn't that what your doctor does if you go to the hospital and the doctor doesn't see anything wrong with you he'll say okay go home if anything changes come back and see me isn't that normally what happens in the hospital and he'll say do go home but if anything changes come back and see me i say the same thing go home treat yourself do your do your dua and everything if you see something is changing or it's different or you start to get worried or concerned come back and see me again because this is unseen it's i don't have knowledge of it i can't see like i can't look inside of you and say there is four jin and one of them is from here and one is from from here it's not possible yes people do it but those people are not the right kind of people to to go to either they have gin possession themselves which is causing them to see these things or either they are seeking the help of the jinn which we said is forbidden any or either they are magicians any so not everyone who sees the jinn is a magician but some of them are afflicted in any case there is no benefit to going to someone who sees the jin instead any me i can't see the jin so i don't know i'm just going to give you the best that i know but i'm not going to stop rukia or treatment for you until you don't have any more symptoms at all that's my kind my principle i go with i'm not going to stop rookia for you until your problem has gone maybe it doesn't go it's in the hands of allah but i'm not going to stop asking allah's cure and seeking allah's help and making dua until i see this problem has insha allah gone away for good that being said now what can we say in sha allah about rookia itself now the way i like to think about rupiah is i like to call it seeking allah's cure through the quran it's nothing complicated it's not like a complicated science and sometimes you know i don't see it in this community but i saw it in other places there are some people who like try to hide you know like rookia behind a wall they don't want people to know about it because they make it seem like it's really complicated like they wanted to be like this you know you have to be you have to have finished your islam course and you have to finish your rookie course and you have to have qualifications and ijazat can you read surat al fatiha if you can read surat al fatiha how you can do raqqa inshallah can you read you can do it okay inshallah i'm not saying you're going to be the same as that sheikh i'm not i'm not saying that that sheikh has got more knowledge he's going to have more ability insha allah but i'm saying that you can start reading on yourself as long as you can read you can read on yourself even if you have to read from the most have no problem i had muslims the day couple days after they became muslim they start doing rookie on themselves just reading they listen and then they start and they're reading on themselves allah if you can do that you can do roughly inshallah so rookia is quran i'm asking allah for shifa from reading the quran is we sat down from the quran that which is a cure and a mercy for the believers and it doesn't increase the wrongdoers in anything except loss in my rookie of course i talked about 10 different ways the prophet saws 10 different ways but here today i'm just going to make a summary for you and i'm gonna just give you a few basic ways the first is reciting the quran by itself what i mean is no blowing no wiping no water just reciting the quran by itself so a person sits they make an intention that oh allah i am seeking a cure from this quran from reciting this quran and from reciting some of the duas the prophet saws used to say and i sit and i start what should i read you can read anything from the quran or from allah's names and attributes anything from the duas the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to read it has to be clear there's none of this nothing like that yeah you cannot have that don't go to someone who reads like this it has to be clear from those who mentioned the age man on this and now we are having a group of them mentioned consensus on this issue that you cannot any there is consensus no difference of opinion that rookia it has to be with clear arabic or what is clearly understood with the quran the names and attributes of allah du'a any these kind of things yani and it should be clearly understood and the person should believe that it is allah who brings the cure not the kaari who brings the cure this is roughly the points that they made and they mentioned ijma on this they mentioned there is no difference of opinion in the scholars of this matter in any method that this is how rookia has to be so you can recite anything but i prefer you to start with what the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam started with because what he started with is better so if we look at all of the hadith of rookia we see the prophet saw islam mentioned for surah in the hadith how did you know that it was a rocky surah is a blessing and leaving it as a loss and the magicians cannot do anything against it does that mean the whole surah it means the whole surah but if you want to just select the most important parts of the surah what's the most important part of sultan baqarah by consensus the most important part of surah al-baqarah is maybe to read for example but i personally like to read the whole surah if i can especially in difficult cases where i've really struggled i really try to increase in the reading of surat al-baqarah and my he used to say to me tell them to read surat al-baqarah three times a day i said sheikh allah sheikh it's too much al-baqarah three times a day he said twice a day it's hard for people to read sultan baqarah twice a day every day it's okay once a day so anyways inshallah you try to read it as much as you can because it brings you barakah the shaytan runs away from it and magicians cannot do any single thing against it there is no magic that can stand against surat al-baqarah if you can't read the whole surah break it into pieces read a little bit one day a little bit the next day read it maybe read the first few ayah according to what is easy for you the next thing the prophet saws used to read is the last three surahs of the quran and in one narration surat al-khafir as well so the more away in fact did you know that some of the sahaba they thought that were not from the quran but they were just rookia they were a rookie that was revealed to the prophet said that's not correct of course they are from the quran we know that but in that time it was so connected to rookia that they actually considered it to be a rookie sent down from the sky sent down from allah a rookier from allah and the prophet saws read them when he was as we said uh when the label tried to perform magic upon him the prophet saw and we mentioned that there is a dua for that is was bismillahi mean sheikh that was something very close to that is what is narrated for what jibril read upon the prophet salallahu so these are you choose any of the ayat but i like to focus upon al-fatiha al-baqarah and the last three surahs of the quran and sometimes sort of cafe wrong because it's mentioned in some of the ruayat that he read suratul kaffiron if you do that inshallah someone might ask how many times so i don't like you to give a number to something that prophet saws didn't give a number to but we know that abu saeed read it seven times and we know that in some narrations in a different situation he read three times in the morning and three times in the evening so i see there's no harm in reading seven times and there's no harm in reading three times there's no harm in reading once and there's no harm in reading and reading and reading without any specific number but when someone starts to give you these modal acts fabricated hadith read it 707 times or read it 999 times or 20 000 times a day allah never gave any authority for it so don't give a number to something that allah didn't give a number to nor did the prophet saw some give a number to but you can read whatever you like if you read twenty thousand times masha allah tabatha but don't tell people the sunnah is to do this because you can't make a lie against the prophet saws whoever lies against me deliberately let him take his seat in hell so you can't say that islam is to read it 20 thousand times or ten thousand times or five hundred times but you can just read it as much as you like and see where you end up in sha allah you may then after you finished your words your set amount that you're reading fatiha and ayato kursi and all that stuff you i would then recommend any after you finish those surahs that after that you read from the quran whatever you feel you could read something which is connected to the topic the ayats that talk about which surahs have ayat to talk about magic for example which other surah surat al-araf has surah yunus has also surat has surat shwara if i'm not mistaken also has surat al-falaq so you can read something that has a connection to the topic [Music] if you wish i'm not saying it sunnah because the prophet saws didn't do it but if you wish to do it there is nothing wrong because allah made rookia general the prophet saws show me the words you recite for rookie and he gave permission for whatever did not contain making a partner with allah so you can read it according to the consensus you can read it if you wish because you have a surah which really touches your heart you know every time i read the surah i just feel close to allah and i feel like it's really helping me to understand you can read it too or you have a surah you want to read it because you want to scare the jinn like sort of scary right the beginning of sort of suff it's very scary allah talks about his punishment and allah talks about jahannam but allah talks about destroying the shayateen it's not a sunnah the prophet saws didn't read it but if you want to read it you have a you know a reason for it you say well yeah i want to read it because i want to read it because i want to use it for that purpose yeah i want to make this jinni fear allah so i read something from you know the ayat of adap or you want to give tawa to the jinn and you want them to understand about islam so you read the end of or you read surat al-jin it's not a sunnah i'm just saying as a you know something which will something which will serve a purpose so you want there is a jinni and you wanted them to learn about islam so you read the end of about those jinn who accepted islam and you you're not in calling the jinn to accept islam so this is all from the things you can read but don't stop reading what is sunna al-fatiha al-baqarah and the last three souls of the quran with surat al-kafir okay we need to enable the where's my where's my team gone we need to make it work again let's see yeah very good it came back again alhamdulillah so you the first instance we said you are reading you are not blowing you are not wiping you are just reading and asking allah for a cure you're reading quran and you're reading the dua which is authentically reported from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam now a person may say can i not read my own do i of course you can but i prefer that you try to stick to the sunnah as much as you can so for example make the pain go away cure and you are the cure there is no cure except your cure a cure that leaves no sickness someone asked me where can i find the duas of rookia like for example bismillah where can i find it you know i mentioned fortress of the muslim earlier on historical muslim the same author dr said he has another book called rookie supplications actually originally hasn't muslim was written to be a rookier book but later the people said why don't you separate the vikar in one and the rookie in the other so he made it into two parts so you can find it's called roccia supplications something like that rookies applications by dr said [Applause] it's very good otherwise you can find it in the books of hadith you can find it people summarize it for you people write it down for you make booklets and things but i'm just saying about what i mean like what is easy you know you can have like a little rookier book it's a good book mashallah he did a good job the next stage is that better than just reading is to read and blow and it doesn't matter whether you're reading on yourself or you're reading on someone else so for example you read a new blog so someone reads alhamdulillah [Music] how often do you need to blow you can blow as much or as little as you like you can blow every ayah every page every surah according to what is easy for you there is no specific amount of blowing but this was the most common rookia the prophet saw islam did was the reading and blowing reading and blowing reading and blowing and you can blow with uh like moisture or without so with moisture is more like like you get some some spittle coming out or you can blow air both of them are narrated what you can also do is to target the area of the body where the patient is showing the reaction or where you're feeling the pain if it's you you know maybe your hand is going like this you can blow on that place or you feel the pain in your shoulder could be just a regular injury but why not use rookie no harm blow on that part you can also blow into your hands and use your hands to wipe or use your hands to give some gentle pressure you know if you feel like the hand is going a bit like sometimes people's hands start going a bit like shaky just take your hand gently i don't advise hitting i don't advise electrocution and all the things that you will yes people do that it is true uh i don't advise any of that stuff it's just too dangerous it's too likely you make a mistake and if you make a mistake you're gonna cause serious harm to the person so my advice is don't go more than a gentle massage that's it you can grab hold of something if it's shaking or sometimes the finger is going like this you can get hold of it and blow and read you can read as is easy for you there is no set schedule according but if you do see the gin moving around the body you should actually put pressure on them i mean don't don't give it freedom you know give it some pressure give it some uh you know chase it a little bit like you feel it's in your head put your hand on your head blow on your hand put your hand on your head then you feel it's going into your shoulder put your hand on your shoulder and make it hard don't make it easy for them and keep the pressure up it's always good though if you do see the gin you start to see them moving and you start to see what looks like the jin remember what i said in the beginning of the lesson about ordering good and forbidding evil actually tell them say o servant of allah or slave of allah listen to me i am not here to hurt you but i am here to implement what allah told me to implement and i am here to stop oppression from happening and what you're doing is oppression so fear allah and leave accept islam and go towards the muslim jinn who will help you and support you to practice your religion and fear allah and then carry on reading because now you gave them a warning what did we don't punish a person until we send them a messenger so as soon as you see the jinn is there there is a genie there moving around now you actually have to talk to it you actually have to say look fear allah and leave i didn't come here because of you i came because of the oppression you are doing if you don't do oppression and you accept islam and leave i will not harm you in anything so just fear allah accept islam and leave but i don't advise prolonged discussions with the jinn because wallahi it just leads to such a waste of time i'll tell you where the magic is plus by the time i finish surat al-baqarah inshallah you will tell me where the magic is and i won't need to wait around and ask for it so i'm i just i don't wait i'm like if you want to tell me tell me otherwise i'm reading and i just keep reading no no no wait one minute one minute one minute oh i forgot this kind of stuff happens and they just like want to just i want to tell you something i want to tell you i want to tell you something you know about that event that happened last year do you know what was the gin and don't waste my time online i'm gonna read i will leave i will leave but you have to tell tell me how to leave you came in the door and you you came in you leave i will say leave in a way that doesn't hurt the patient some of the scholars said leave through the fingers and but i'm just going to say look leave in a way that doesn't hurt the patient that's it i can't leave are you bismillah start reading quran i'm not going to get entertained this long conversation about no no because you know the reason is i'm scared because the magician is going to do this to me and it's i'm like i'm trapped and just keep on reading don't let them just keep reminding them accept islam fear allah and leave that's it it's like you know the same message again and again fear allah accept islam and leave and i will do nothing to you i want no harm for you if you accept islam and you fear allah you leave this person i'm not have you nothing i'm not here to make any trouble for you so they know and then later on when the rookie goes further then they will leave inshallah i mean every case i had where the jinn left they usually told me beforehand i cannot leave i'm stuck it can't happen and then they left it's just a matter of motivation is there more quran that is read on them then the more likely it is that they will leave in short long time we said from the methods is reading into your palm reading blowing onto the place of pain and you know putting pressure but i want to make it clear there is no good in a cure or a treatment that involves something haram and we know from among the major sins is to touch a woman that you are not her the prophet saws said it's better for you to have an iron nail driven through your head than for you to touch a woman that you are not and it's not halal for you to touch someone says okay but the sister came to me says i have a rookie a problem you can blow on her you can read quran but you don't need to be all touchy feely and i'll be honest with you i said to my sisters in islam if you have iraqi who is not your mahram and that rocky insists upon touching you tell him keep away from me i don't want anything to do even if that person is good and sincere and you know famous and there is no cure in something allah made haram yes some of them are shy they say it's not haram because it's necessity but this doesn't stand up to principles why because da ra means there is no other alternative treatment but we just said the prophet sam sometimes read quran without touching and sometimes he read in blue and sometimes he read and spat and sometimes he uh read and wiped the hand and sometimes he read in someone else's hand or not him but aisha used to read in his hand so why can i not as a rocky say to the sisters mahram husband or brother come here give me your hand give me your hand i'll blow in his hand now put your hand on your sister's head why not so how can we say it's a necessity when there is an alternative i'll say to them come here you come here and you put your hand on her head and i'll blow on your hand someone said muhammad tim do you have evidence yes i have evidence the hadith that i share she used to blow into the hands when the prophet saws were sick she used to blow them with that into his hands and then used his own hands to wipe over his body because his hands had more barakah but that shows you that it's permissible to blow into someone else's hands so i don't need to touch your head some people say put gloves on you don't need to do any of that why are you putting yourself in danger already shaytan is there already there is a problem with shaytan why are you making a help for shaytan i'd never ever do rookia upon a woman alone why what did the prophet saw islam say no man is together alone with a woman and he not no man is alone with a woman except that the shaytan is the third of them i'm trying to get rid of the shayateen i'm not wanting to bring some more of them into the concert into consideration i'm trying to get rid of them not bring them so i'm not going to be alone ideally i want the mahram if the mahram is not available sister samaritan i don't have maharam no problem bring me an older reliable sister don't bring me you know any affluent but don't bring me a you know young girl who's going to sit with you this is just more of a problem yeah you bring me one of the aunties you know who is reliable and staunch and if i step out of line auntie's going to slap me with something and a slipper or something like that and he bring me someone who is going to keep me in line not someone who's going to let me step out of line maybe you know two brothers go together one you know elderly someone from the imams goes and you read on the sister and there's somebody there to not make shaytan any the third one who is with you for very i mean i take it very seriously don't read on a sister by herself unless it's your mahram for her you can read you can blow you can put your hand on a head you can that's that's your choice but it's very important and when the mahram comes i tell him if you leave i leave so don't go running away because you saw shaytan come or jin come and you got scared you ran off okay if you leave i'm with you i'm going behind you so they learn like that and alhamdulillah sometimes it could be it could be like sometimes for example i had a situation where i wasn't very careful about the rookia situation and maybe the sister jumped and took a knife here in south africa maybe she jumped and took a gun while this musee by now now i'm going to take you off i'm not going to i can't just say to your sister i can't touch you please don't stab me like now i have to just take off her but that's a rare situation and when did that happen it happened because the rocky messed up the rocky wasn't prepared he didn't look at the room and say okay let's keep this situation controlled for example if the patient fell over and hit their head on a heavy object i'm going to blame the rocky for it i'm going to say you did not check the room first you know we had cases of people jumping out of balconies people smashing themselves on coffee tables and things like that be careful yanni i mean like make the person comfortable be merciful to the patient one of the worst things we see is we see people for example making life hard for the patient or this is so big well i don't don't think anything can break this and like they're making life hard for them and you make it easy for them allah bless you allah give you a cure make dua for them keep them always properly covered you know it does happen in rookia that you might have increased like someone's aura might become you know for example maybe somebody took the like the lady maybe her hijab she was you know making her hands go and a hijab came off straight away you behave with honor with honor turn around let whoever else is in the room just fix it for her and we will come back if it's a brother you know as maybe subhanallah something from his aura became exposed or whatever cover him up and he keep the person's honor and it's not just about covering the aura covering up the secrets as well sometimes when you do rookie upon people things come out you know like people start telling about you know things they did which was wrong and we tell them don't tell but sometimes just from this situation of the shaitaan and things like that don't say oh i saw this guy and he was jumping up and down and i saw him on the ceiling that's why you can google my name until insha allah the day that i die you will not see a video of me doing rookia on a proper patient ever you will not yes you might see practice videos where i'm doing rookia on a like a brother just to show people how to do it but you will not see a real rookie video because i do not want to expose that person's private life that person has to walk in the street tomorrow has to go to the masjid tomorrow how can i expose like oh i saw you doing this i made a youtube video of you and you were like talking rubbish and moving your hands around and don't expose the person's private affairs that's why even when i talk about cases i don't tell them i never tell you enough details to know what the person said i give you very vague like cases but i don't tell you this man he was this aid from this city and this was his pro because maybe somebody knows him and maybe he feel embarrassed about it so i just make it vague there was a brother this happened you know i keep it generic i don't tell people about the cases that i had in terms of personal details like a doctor at the end of the day you have a patient confidentiality unlike a doctor and i'm sorry for keeping going on about something but it is important like a doctor you have a certain amount of responsibility towards your patient particularly with regard to sticking to the limits of allah we don't expect you know doctors to marry their patients and we don't expect them to be in relationships with their patients and so on this is a code of ethics right the same thing we don't expect from the raki too many brothers doing rookia next thing you know yeah i did rookia and then you know like yeah there's some kind of relationship going on and the nikah is next week it's not befitting even if you didn't do haram even if i say to you out of other il you know looking for the other for your brother and i say you didn't do haram you put doubt on yourself you put doubt into somebody's mind you made people think that maybe you did something haram why are you making that doubt on that sistan on yourself if you want to marry someone marry the person you want to marry agree with the wali make the nikah barakallahu the next thing i'm going to say is don't make it a means for money there is no harm in a person charging for rookia to an extent the prophet saws there is nothing more deserving you take a reward for than the book of allah but i really really really dislike large amounts of money unnecessary charging of money yes maybe there is someone this is what all they do all day and night they don't have a choice and you have to pay the bills at the end of the day but make it something that is easy for the people and make it sincere i prefer nobody charge for rookie personally i don't charge for it and i don't like people who charge for it but if someone said look you know what i would normally bring in my work is this much money and i divide my hours up in the day and i try my best to get as much rookie as i can and i really try to be sincere for the patient and i don't try to just you know charge large amounts of money but i just you know what is necessary then i say inshallah you didn't fall into haram inshallah you didn't fall into haram but i don't prefer it i don't like it i prefer the person has a good job of their own and let them just give some time to doing rookie afisabilia and what we took to doing is now when people try to give money and stuff like that we just say look give it for sadhaka give it sadaka to the poor the needy give it for a dollar project to give it for you know something good inshaallah that the person will get shifa from it insha'allah because the prophet salallahu said dao will murder treat your sick people with charity but we don't tell them give it to me for my own self but you know go and give it to build a well or go build help to build a masjid or go and give it to some poor people who need it but don't and you don't don't give it to the iraqi but if the iraqi is in need and if the iraqi is sensible about what they charge then i don't it's not haram for them to do that i want to give you an alternative to rookia that i described and this alternative is a combination between rookia and prophetic medicine and the reason i'm giving it to you is it's very very easy to do now i'm going to require a bit of imagination from you right here because i actually didn't bring any honey with me but i'm going to just use this it could be honey nearly i'm going to use this as imaginary honey okay what you're gonna need is you're gonna need water i would recommend a decent amount you know maybe a couple liters at least and you're gonna need honey i would recommend you get good honey raw pure honey not this supermarket honey that is just like you know mixed with sugars and stuff like that but you know something reasonable what you can afford what is easy for you to get if you have samsung water it's even better if you don't have samsung water no problem use whatever water you have and if you can get some of the black seeds sometimes we call it habitus we call it habit soda the black seed we call it habitual barakah and some of them call it kalonji they're black cumin seeds so these ones if you can get some of them as well for the preparation and the nice thing about this program is you don't need to do it live and you can prepare separately and you can do the rokia separately does that make sense like you don't need to do it while the patient is there you can but you don't need to i've got my water and i've got some olive oil as well so i got three things i got water olive oil honey sorry four things and black seed four things water olive oil honey black seed same thing with the olive oil try to get some decent quality olive oil try not to get like this you know like one that looks like it's it looks like vegetable oil and stuff like get something that really looks like it came from an olive what you're going to do is you're going to open up your you know open up your water and your olive oil and your honey if you want and you're going to recite the quran exactly as i described in rookie over the water the oil and the honey the honey you don't have to do it if you don't want to but it's okay so you're going to recite over the water and the oil for example rajeem [Music] you blow as much as you want as little as you want again the same sore as i said before you could try doing it over the oil if this was olive oil for example if we pretend it was olive oil bismillahi [Applause] [Music] [Music] me and you blow over the olive oil and you can mix it like you can be like reading like this between the two for example you could read bismillah so again that was my pretend olive oil and you could do the same with the honey if you wanted to as for the black seeds what you're going to do is now use the treatment so now we've got water read on we read fatty how we read al baqarah we read fatiha maybe seven times we read al-baqarah once we read ayatul kurusi maybe seven times we read we read us maybe three times seven times we read it under the water and oil now we're ready to use it how do we use it so what i would recommend is to use the oil when you go to sleep so i can't really do with this stuff but if we had olive oil what you will do is you'll just pour a bit of it onto your hand and then what you're going to do is use it like a moisturizer what's the evidence muhammad tim you need evidence the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the olive oil is from a blessed tree so anoint yourself with it and you rub it into your skin from a blessed tree that is the olive tree rub it into your skin rub it on your face rub it all over your body as much as what you can and go to sleep in the morning probably you're going to want to take a shower it's not critical but more likely than not you're going to want to take a shower so you shower off the the oil and then you take a little bit of the water and you pour it over your head inshallah the water is going anyways into the the clean drain some of the scholars prefer that you shouldn't let the water go in the plug and you should keep it in the like you should throw it in the garden or something up to you i don't mind it going down the plug if the plug is like the clean water it's not like where the toilet goes and stuff then i don't mind it inshallah then during the day maybe three times a day drink a glass of water mixed in with the honey why is it mixed in with the honey the prophet saws he mentioned that the shifa is in three things and one of them he said drinking honey so you put the honey into the water and you stir and stir and stir till the water becomes like honey and then you put some of the black seeds in if you count seven it's good if you don't count seven and you just put a punch in no problem and then you drink the water three times a day for example it doesn't have to be three times if you want to leave something out like you're diabetic and you don't want to have honey you can leave the honey out because it's just prophetic medicine i'm not telling you it's a sunnah like that you know the prophet saws said you have to take the honey in the water no it's a prophetic medicine use it as you can according to what's easy for you if you don't want to use honey just the water and the olive oil would be fine if you get an allergic reaction from olive oil and you want to use something different you can inshallah try and do it for seven days each night you put the olive oil on each day you wash the oil off and you put a bit of water on from the rookier water and you drink it three times a day with the honey and the black seeds inside of it in sha allah you will see a big big difference usually day two day three you feel really rough and you feel like your whole body is just somebody beat you up you know you feel like like all bruised and battered and just rough and often by the fourth fifth day you start to feel much better you say alhamdulillah i'm feeling better than i was feeling before some people don't start to feel better they're like look i'm still feeling bad i would say if you're still feeling bad try another week if it's still bad i would recommend you go for a full rookier program you need at least an hour of rookie every day because probably the problem is a little bit bigger than just for the oil and the water but for a lot of people who are asking me look you know i've got some problems in my life i don't know whether it's a problem or not read on the water read on the oil get yourself the honey and black seeds try it for a week and see first of all if things improve or even see if you had any reaction at all if you started to feel unwell or you started to things started to you know kind of heat up so you can tell a little bit from that in short long time like i said if it doesn't work for you maybe try another week even then if it's not working for you i would go on to a full rookier program and maybe i would do this olive oil and water once a month as a you know just to keep on top of it inshallah some people might ask and it's a genuine question i really accept it well i do is this muhammad tim what you told us is this permissible or is this something which was introduced newly into the religion wallahi we believe it to be permissible for three reasons the first is what i'm telling you to do is prophetic medicine i'm not talking about rookie i mean from a point of view of prophetic medicine rubbing olive oil into your skin is mentioned in the hadith drinking water for sickness is mentioned in the hadith the black seed is a cure for everything except death is mentioned in the hadith so i'm not telling you something which is outside of the hadith the second thing is i'm not telling you that it's a sunnah i'm telling you it's a medicine like a doctor prescribes a medicine and i personally believe that the jamhor of the majority of them allowed rukia on water yes the hadith about rookie on water has a weakness in it it's true the hadith the prophet says in the rookie upon water it has a weakness in it but the majority germa the majority of the scholars they allowed the reading on water so i personally don't see that to be a problem in sha allah and i see it to be a type of permissible a type of permissible rookie so we need this cameron's flicking on again so as i said i believe it to be a permissible form of rookia and a kind of medicine and i think it comes under a tib it doesn't come under the issue of which is something which you can only do the way the prophet saws did it but rather it comes under the topic of medicine and that was the tower or the fatwa of many of our if a person doesn't like it and says i don't agree with you muhammad tim what you said here should not be done then no problem you can stick to the regular rookie and it is just fine inshallah you can do the regular rookie it's absolutely it's absolutely fine what kind of reactions might a person have and how might they deal with them so here we distinguish between self rupiah and between rookie and someone else because self rookia generally you'll find it much easier to manage the reactions the reason why is it's you you can feel what's going on you know when to push when to stop you know what part of the body is causing you the problem maybe you even start to see things that are going on in your you know in your mind so it's a lot easier with self rookia and it's very rare in south rookia that somebody passes out or starts to fit mostly in south rookia it's like you you cut you have a degree of control but when other people do rookie on you it is common that sometimes the patient might have a fit sometimes the patient might the gin might start to speak we spoke about that sometimes the person might lash out a little bit at you in general my basic rules are the first concern is the safety of the patient don't do something to put your patient's safety at risk really i'm serious it's not worth it leave it for another day go and ask your sheikh don't do something to put them at risk if they're having a fit and you need to see a doctor if you don't know how to deal with it and you're not comfortable with it you need to see a doctor then because you can't and you have to treat the patient's life as being sacred and it's something which is some of the hadith mentioned the life of a muslim is more sacred to allah than the kaaba there are hadith with this meaning that for the kaaba to be removed from its foundations is less in the sight of allah than the death of a of a muslim so a person really any the muslims life is genuinely sacred a person really should take serious care for the patient generally they'll be fine as long as you make sure they're comfortable so when they're rolling around they're not hitting their head off the wall they're not picking up something dangerous like a glass and hitting it on their head just keep them in a comfortable place maybe lying on the bed maybe lying on the sofa just in a place which is comfortable and safe if they start to hit themselves just stop them from it you don't need to do anything crazy just you know just stop themselves from hurting themselves see sometimes when you read on someone they'll start hitting their head off the wall like this like hitting their head from the wall so all we do is just put a cushion behind their head and just keep reading on them and then that's fine it just goes after a while we we spoke about what to do if the jin speak okay what about how do we bring this to a conclusion i mean how do we take this issue until its final conclusion again i feel this is something people worry about more than they should and actually it's something which is not as difficult as you think in general just keep on going the most important thing in rookie is continuity consistency being consistent and consistency and continuity that's why the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the most beloved deeds to allah are the regular ones even if they're small don't try reading surat al-baqarah three times a day and then the next day you don't read anything just keep a regular consistent form of rookia keep on putting pressure on the problem keep on treating with prophetic medicine keep on making dua tawba is keep on going insha allah insha allah they will get a point where if there is a jinni inside of the person that jinni will leave as i said you should come command them to do good forbid them from evil tell them not to leave in a way that hurts the patient but they will leave inshallah how will you know they left i don't think there's a test for it like i don't think there's like a a test but generally what will happen is it will build up to a climax there will be like a lot you know screaming and shaking and stuff like that and then the person will just become completely normal like what happened oh i feel really light and good yeah i feel good now does that mean that the jin is gone for good it doesn't mean many times it can come back again or many times it could be there is more of a problem underneath remember some people allah almost they went to a magician then to get it cured they went to another magician then they went and got some kind of amulets and charms and then on top of that they got rookier from someone who was actually a witch doctor and then yeah sometimes people have massaged any calamities upon them but they feel better keep the rookie going for at least you know a week couple of weeks see how they're going if they're completely back to normal alhamdulillah it's gone if they're not completely back to normal then just keep going don't feel desperate alhamdulillah one of them went the next one will go as well inshallah just like that in sha allah is there more to it probably yes there is more to it because this is only a summarized lecture but i'm trying to make it simple for you i'm trying to keep it easy for you to start with and then we build up later into specific situations someone will call and say look this happened i don't have any idea how to deal with it the person started vomiting objects yes it happened then the person started vomiting objects i'm not talking about vomiting they started vomiting objects like ramak like pieces of paper and like little booklets and like amulets and all sorts of stuff start coming out or the person's toenails went completely black or you know these type of things happen yes we can give you specific advice when the time comes but for now let's just keep it super simple and make it easy for people to do do i believe that most of you are going to be doing rookia for jin possession and magic i i hope that allah did not test you with that and i wish that allah gave you a fear but i i would hope you'll be using rookie for every illness any i would hope you'll be using rookie for fever and require for bad throats and you know rookia for any kind of issues you're having or even any kind of like depression and sadness or even any kind of like marital problems and stuff like that why not quranic mercy use it as much as you can does that mean i'm saying don't go to the doctor no i think that allah gave the doctor a certain knowledge and allah azzawajal gave us a certain knowledge through so you're looking for a cure from allah either through one way or through the other or through both together and remember used to prefer the two together because allah has given some cure through the medical route and other cures he has given through uh other routes so at the end of the day you you should be concentrating on that now i just want to spend maybe until maghrib or less than that maybe five minutes or even 10 minutes i want to talk about the characteristics that we would expect to see in the rocky and in the patient and i do have a presentation but i'm not sure i'm going to even have time for it i'm just going to like go really quickly let me just bring up because i have it quicker in arabic so i'm just gonna bring it right up here and i'm going to bring the characteristics of the rocky and the patients 45 and i'm going to bring some of the mahdurat as well maybe some of the things that we would not like to see okay super quick i went into this in detail in my course so i brought evidences for each one and i'm just going to go through it really quickly the first one is that the person's belief is correct no point going to someone who has crazy beliefs and deviant beliefs or somebody who has you know especially shirky at things where they're making partners with allah and all of that type of stuff for sure we want someone who is following the quran the second thing we want the rakhi to be sincere we want the person to want reward from allah we don't want the one who wants money as i said i'm not talking about for living i mean the one who wants to get rich from it and we don't want the one who is seeking fame we want the one who is sincere for allah allah doesn't want any action unless it is sincerely for his face and the prophet saws whoever of you is able to benefit your brother let him do so the third thing we want from our iraqi is we want istikamah we want them to be generally righteous people now we're not saying about to be perfect we're not saying from the awliya of allah azzawajal but we're saying for someone to be righteous and someone to be a good practicing muslim prays five times a day you know somebody who fears allah as for the rocky who comes and is not practicing islam or the iraqi who is doing major sins and stealing from people and cheating people and lying to people we don't want this person to do rookia we don't want them to do it for us the fourth is them to be far away from sins because sins are a reason for every evil as allah says whatever has touched you of a calamity it's because of your own hands tab if you go to someone who is very sinful they're bringing you more calamities because their own hands are causing more calamities what about someone says but i'm sinful okay but self-rookie is different and you're reading on yourself this is a way for you to leave your sins and get near to allah but what i'm not saying is you go out and look for iraqi who is not even mustaqeem is not even practicing islam properly fifthly the person has a strong connection to allah that they really trust allah subhanahu ta'ala and they put their trust on him that they do a lot of vikar that they keep to their duas and atkar that they are asking allah to protect because we don't want somebody who when the first problem comes they're going to run out of the room we want somebody who is asking allah to keep them safe we want the person to be someone who believes firmly that the quran is a cure for every sickness we want the person to be someone who has enough knowledge to not allowed and not allowed in alhamdulillah the course has given you enough to read on yourself with a bit more practice you would learn some of the rulings for reading on other people because the thing is if a person doesn't know what's haram so they come and they give you a ta'aweed or something i've had imams you know imams from masajid they gave ta'aweed i came to the sheikh sheikh i opened your tawith and it contains names of shaytan in it it's got shaytan's names in it he said allah i didn't know so i'm sorry but that person does not have enough to do that job you do not write something you don't know what it means don't give things to people you don't know what it means don't say my sheikh told me or i read it in a book somewhere you have to have enough knowledge to know what's right and wrong also that the person is someone who calls to good and forbids evil for example you know somebody comes in let's say for example a brother comes in to see you and the brother's got some things that are obviously wrong you know islamically in his his appearance his behavior his job are you going to be sincere to that brother and say to him i'm going to do rookie for you but you know habibi you need to change some things your dress you know maybe your appearance your you know the way you carry your clothing maybe your job maybe you know i can see that you are you came in and you had some bad language you have to try to help the person to do good and stop evil you can't just be someone who says okay allah if you're gonna pay me come i'm gonna read on you i'm not going to ask you about anything you have to be sincere towards them you also have to be someone who reads with the book of allah the dua of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and only that we don't want any weird and wonderful forms of rookie we're not trying to catch the gin in a bottle and we're not trying to visualize an army of jinn that we killed with a sword and we're not all of this stuff we just want someone to do rookie with the quran the tenth is that the person conceals the secrets of the sick person the eleventh is that the person really tries to make the sick person feel positive i never ever go and say this i think you're going to die from it you're never going to get out this is i do not know i don't think there is any human being on the earth today that can give rookie if i go and say insha allah it will be fine make dua let's try inshallah we'll be okay you give them some hope there is a hadith it's not authentic but it's useful to mention it's a principle either if you go to a sick person make them feel like they're going to live for a long time this doesn't change allah but it makes the person feel better make them feel good about themselves as for what we want to see from the patients again right belief in allah standing firm upon islam having sincerity being far away from sins having a strong connection to allah believing the quran is and believing that the rakhi is not the one who benefits them but it is allah who benefits them and not rushing to seek a cure allah we see for some people will lie this like you know i've tried to be i've tried rookia for a whole week and he's seven days why am i not cured slow down go slowly don't don't rush everything happens for a reason everything has its time keep on trying don't go to haram because well i tried the halal for three days didn't work so then i went to a magician oh this is not how we want to see people uh behaving we also want to see patience expectation of reward thinking good of allah hasn't been abdibi and as my slave thinks of me as the prophet saws and said that allah said i am as my slave thinks of me how you think of allah allah will treat you as you believe allah to be if you believe that allah is going to give you a cure and be merciful to you and it's a forgiveness and it's a means to raise your reward inshallah you'll find allah will treat you as you had believed and as you had thought of him but if you think badly of allah allah is punishing me allah doesn't love me allah wants me to suffer then this is only going to bring you about the thing that you think and as you think of allah that's what you're going to find that allah treats you in that way the 11th is really having determination rookia really does require sabar azeema it really does require you know iran really you know i'm dedicated to this i'm gonna keep on going even if i have problems even if it's not working even if i'm struggling even if i went to the wrong person i'm gonna pick myself up and keep on going inshaallah and not going and this is the last one not going to anyone unless you trust them utterly and completely and you know them to be a person of the correct belief to be a person of sincerity to be a person of isticama and so on and allah knows them better we're not going to claim anyone is pure in the sight of allah but as we know of them that's what we know as for going to someone well i didn't know about them yeah but any you can't go to someone you don't know about you have to know the person and you have to have a trust in that person's beliefs practices religious nature you know the nearness to allah and so on uh and that is you know we can't be sure about it but you do your best in sha allah too many people just go to people they don't even know who they are sometimes they go even to non-muslims i've had patients who came and said just before you i went to a hindu priest well i don't know i don't know what to say any i don't have a word to say for it like why why why would you do that well i just i got you know why i got desperate and you know someone said they're really good and you cannot go to this sort of people and you cannot go to someone there is a doubt over them even if they are good maybe they're good i'm not saying they're bad but don't go to someone there is a doubt over them you know the person is giving out kinds of strange things and doing strange actions just leave it be you know insha'allah if they want good and they're doing a good thing allah will reward them for it but don't go to someone you have a doubt over that person i think this is a very good place for us to pause and insha allah i have one more section that i want to talk to you about i want to talk to you about atema i want to talk to you about amulets and tawith and inshallah we're going to talk about some of the evidences in the quran of the sunnah and we're going to talk about sort of what people do and what the reality of it is but i i wanted to cover the rookie at first because i wanted everybody to leave knowing how to do rookie for themselves and their family in sha allah last thing some people might say is it dangerous to do rokia well i would be i don't want to lie to you i don't want to say to you there's no danger it's like you know drinking water it's the easiest thing in the world no i mean there might be some difficulty but with the help of allah and by doing it according to the sunnah insha'allah you'll be absolutely fine we do a lot of things that have some risks in them yeah for sure i mean driving down the road has a risk right there are risks in in many things that we do but inshallah if you learn rukia properly it's a managed risk it's a risk that you can cope with you can handle it and you can manage it in short long time so that's what allah azzawajal made easy for me to mention in this section i believe it is about time for maghrib we will pray maghrib together insha'allah give it another 15 minutes or so inshallah and we will resume again with our last part of the program and definitely q a please by now you can start writing your q as down and bringing them to the front maybe you could the system maybe can send some of the kids to put it on the table the brothers can just come up and put it on the table inshallah for the live stream again i'm just going to pause you i'm going to give you a pause and we're going to resume in about 15 minutes insha'allah i just want to show you a few things i'm not like this is quite old i've shown it a few times but i just wanted to show like some of the what i think are the most important uh points so slowly i'm going to talk you through it inshallah there's some slides i'm just going to skip over i wanted to kind of talk briefly about the origins of magic the sheikh talks about it here he talks about babylon he talks about ancient egypt but these i mentioned in my course in a lot of detail so we don't really have that much time for it persia as well but one thing i will mention about magic in persia is something that is called raya it's called the banner of khosrau and the banner of khosrau is a 10 by 10 grid that is a grid that is 10 by 10 with letters and numbers written inside of it in letters and numbers written inside of it that banner was destroyed by the sahabah of the allah in the battle of al-qaeda and it's a very famous banner 10 by 10 what was the purpose of those squares and what was the purpose of what was the purpose of those squares and what was the purpose of writing those letters inside of it this is what they call some of them called khatam asahi they call it the magician seal and the jinn command them certain letters to write and they worship the stars there is a hadith it's an ether from abdullah abbas it has some weakness in it but it's a true fact it says some people they look at the stars and then they write abject yeah they write the le individual broken letters and they write these numbers and symbols i do not believe they have any share in the hereafter and this is what we call rayatu kisrah or we call zarkesh kawayan that's what they call it as well zarkesh kawaya as for magic in the time of islam you're going to see letters you're going to see numbers you're going to see symbols and you're going to see representations of the stars and you're going to see something please take this very important you are going to see the quran kef how you're going to see names of shaytan and you're gonna see letters and symbols and you're gonna see the quran for two reasons number one you're gonna see it you're gonna see it as you're gonna see it as something which is done to disgrace the quran by writing the quran next to the names of the shaitaan but more than that it's done to fool the muslims to make people think this is a ta'aweed with the quran this is our amulet with the quran this is here to help us and to give us protection by allah's permission and when you decode the numbers and the letters allah iblees shaytan all of these names of shaytan are written on it and the person is told ayato kusi i'm going to show you some examples that the sheikh gave here we can't show on the live stream but it doesn't matter so here is an example you this is very common this is one of the some of them they call it uh and you can see that there is a grid of three by three where did this grid come from originally which country did it come from originally it came from persia right it came from raya to kisla but it's a reduced grid each grid has a letter each letter resolves to a number and each number adds up to 15 all the way across up and down and the names that are written here are names of shayateen yes it is true that some of the misguided people they said these are the hidden names of allah if it's the hidden name of allah i have two questions where is this hidden name of allah in the quran and the sunnah [Applause] where is this hidden name of allah in the quran and the sunnah that's my first question my second is who from the early muslims mentioned this hidden name of allah and my third question is why do i keep find it written next to the name of iblis if it's the name of allah why do i find the iblis and then and all these names like badur and all of these things they write and they say it's allah's secret name it's not allah's greatest name they're names of shayateen and they're well known you can i mean in the books of magicians they actually me the magicians tell the truth subhanallah he told you the truth even though he's a very great liar in the books of the magicians they say these are the names of shaytan and you find some of these people telling you this is allah's secret name and nobody knows it except the awliya and all of this stuff well even if even if i give them benefit of the doubt it's allah's secret name nobody knows except the olya i'll give you the benefit of the doubt how can i keep something around my neck i don't understand what it is how can i seek nearness to allah with something i have doubt in my that which you doubt for that which you don't doubt so these names convert from into numbers and symbols so you might see it written like this and you might see it written with two seven six and different things like that i'm going to show you another example you can see these symbols here these symbols each of them represents the name of shape on and each of them represents a star that is worshipped besides allah and his names like some real weird names you cannot pronounce them these names here each of them is a star that was worshipped in ancient persia this one is easy to prove because if someone says this is allah's name i'm going to say i can prove to you in the history museums that the persians used to worship these symbols it's present in their works from the oldest times these are the symbols they used to worship for protection the random star three lines with a squiggle over the top like the hash a backwards comma four lines something that looks a bit like a ha with a tail on it something looks a bit like a wow they're called the seven constellations and they are told that each one of them has each one of them has an angel if you sacrifice to that star the angel will come and help you it's not an angel it's not an angel it's a shaytan it's a shaytan this raw honey yuan they're gonna come from the stars and they're gonna help you but all you have to do is just take the chicken into the bathroom at midnight and slaughter it spread the blood on the walls and then the angels are gonna come and help you is there any how you're listening to me and nobody believes this any all of you say no way this is the angel coming sacrifice a chicken in the bathroom at midnight and spread the blood on the walls and then the angels come quani this just is just worship shaytan it's just worship of the shaytan nothing else is it true that some of our imams might write this and not know what it means yes i agree with you some not everybody who writes it is a saheb sometimes people write it they say oh look i found it in this book don't speak what you don't have knowledge about don't get yourself involved in something you don't have knowledge about writing symbols because somebody told me this is allah and the other one means something else and someone told me that this is you know what you cannot base your religion on this it has to be based upon certain knowledge and give you some more examples inshallah to have a look at let's see some of the things people do [Music] we have a lot of them so i don't want to go through all of them but maybe i can just show you some of them what we'll do is just skip past this perfect presentation and go back down because on some examples we can show okay i want to show you an example right here okay what can you see here you can see some things that are written bismillah agreed even if it's not big don't worry about it we'll we can give you later copies you can say bismillah rahman in then what do you see some random words that we cannot understand written after bismillah then what do you say then sometimes like an extra word is added to the ayah and then sometimes a word is added in between that doesn't come from it and then what you see at the bottom hieroglyphics came like from ancient egypt like hieroglyphic writing it's called uh it's called uh it's called something like a rohani something like that the the word the symbol the symbols that bring you from the spirits spirit writing and then and then some other random stuff that i can't even read what is the bismillah therefore first of all it's there to disgrace the name of allah azzawajal the second thing that it's there for is to fool you into thinking that this is the person doesn't know quran they take it they hang it in their house they keep it around their neck they say this is quran they think it's quran they don't know they think it's quran very very serious look at this one this is very common we see this all the time they call it they call it the ta'aweed or something like that for for jummah now i want to highlight some points on it i've got it in high resolution but there's some random numbers in boxes around the random numbers in boxes subhan allah and look at this look at this tawii the symbol that has been made then on the side you've got some really weird stuff ya rahim ya israel or israel or something like that calling upon the angels and he making dua to the angels instead of allah so it's written yahweh dude and then somewhere else written yeah jibril and then around here it's got some properly random words in it and then in the middle broken letters that don't mean anything and then at the top i don't know if it's just just written again and again and again so you can see how they mix quran and they mix vikar with shaytani words and random phrases so this is also this is actually from the shia which is not surprising we bring this one as well this is another one and you can see [Music] and then around the side is written and then some other random names and the names of shaytan and it's just a mix of everything we'll have a look and we'll bring some more examples for you and if we're talking about something really horrible and i you know i really uh i don't really want to show you but i'll just i'll just bring an example this is also common to find it's really horrible annie they took the name of they took the quran and they smeared it with blood and they smeared it with the worst kind of blood as well allah and they wrote it like that to disgrace the ayat of allah azzawajal and to any to be able to any uh show their hatred for the religion of islam i'll show you some other examples that you might find you might find it wrapped you might find it wrapped in hair like this you might find this wrapped in hair like this you might find it written on things like shoes or trapped in hair like this also you can see here some of these talasim can you see this this this one under with the writing in the middle you've got the same uh the three names of shaytan then around it it says jibril and mikhail and ezra and israel then it says allah muhammad then it says then it says it and then it writes the name of the star and then it says and then the name of another star then it says pass it and then it writes the name of a star then it says and it writes another star these people are just playing with you and they're writing the names of shaytan and next to it they're writing the name of allah and then around that is written something else and around that you can see what and then bismillah irrahim written without the letters being connected and all of this kind of stuff wallahi really honestly anyone who sees any kind of ta'aweed anything like that that is written anything like this my sincere advice is you dispose of it right away we're not gonna i'm not here to talk about the person who wrote it any either the person doesn't know what they're doing or either the person is a magician but it's not my i'm not here to talk about them i'm here to talk about you and your families wearing these things around your neck you're opening up all names of shaytan inside i opened one up it said ya iblis he said my sheikh my mulvy gave it to me said i would give this to you he said my shaykh in damasci gave it to me i said it says he said no no he says this is against the priests well i i don't know is this jahl or this is her i don't know or he's just yani so just so like lacking knowledge one time something very funny happened to me i i used to have an agreement because my dear brothers and sisters i'm sure you've heard people say that the sahaba used to wear tawis most people heard they said right they heard abdullah and ahmed al-ass used to give it to his children and aisha allowed it and blah blah blah us this is not in my view authentic but even if it was authentic even if it was authentic abdullah ibn ahmad ibn al-ass used to write the quran on a board and hang it on his children's neck for them to read and for them to learn quran like a white board to read quran from but anyway let's just say it's a taoist no problem it's a taoist it's written pure pure quran i don't believe it was a tawid i think he was teaching his children to read quran but anyway it was pure pure quran it was not symbols it was not letters it was not all of these weird names that people wrote it was clear words of the quran so i used to have by the way abdullah bin masrud he said it is haram to have a ta'aweed from the quran or from anything else that's the opinion of abdullah bin masrud but no problem i respect the difference of opinion between people no problem i said to them give me your talweed i'll open it up if it is quran wallahi i give it back to you i believe it's haram but fair enough you your sheikh told you it's okay if it is quran i'll give it back to you i think i opened nearly a thousand and i think i gave back less than seven so that tells you how many of the imams are writing quran i'm not talking about any quran like i'm talking about all these real weird names and letters and symbols says this quran he said it's quran but only the awliya can read it what shall we say from that it's like those people when you talk to them about islam they say but how do i know i exist how do you know you and me are not in the imagination of a giant who is sleeping yeah you cannot argue with that person you just have to say that allah strange things and worshiping the persian stars that's the language of the awliya allah they're not the people who worship the shaytan and the stars they're not the only anyway i used to say i gave it back to you something funny happened to me i said i'm going to give it back to you if it's quran i'm going to respect your sheikh and your life and everything i'm going to give it back to you so one time one brother said you know you said this here's my tawheed so i opened up the tawis and it's quran i mean it's printed quran like i'm not even talking about it's not even handwritten it's like printed copy of the quran like that and printed from press print i said oh it's printed quran so you know according to our agreement you can have it back he says printed quran i said allah has printed quran he said the guy cheated me why he was expecting the guy to write the names of shaytan and in reality he knew what his sheikh was doing and he knew what he wanted his sheikh to do he knew he was going to write the names of shaytan and when he printed quran he's like this guy cheated me took so much money for printed quran huani if we're talking about printed quran why does someone not just print the quran press print i don't believe i believe it's haram abdullah ibn mas said it is haram from the quran and from other than the quran that's what i believe but i'm not going to force my belief upon you but i don't understand daddy this pressing print go to those people those people who write the tawith say to him sheikh you know what it is i realize there's no point in you so what i'm gonna do is print the quran and fold it up and put it around my neck shaykh is that okay wallahi look what he will say he will say it will never work you don't have the secrets you don't know the secret sauce you don't know how to write the quran with the special ways of us i memorized i memorized the poetry of how to write the quran like i memorize i can write the mushaf like perfectly well this is never going to work for you you don't know the secret sauce you're not a welly you're not a secret wally you don't know the secrets of the awliya you don't know how to write it you're saying to me that if i write and all of these things it's going to work but if i just print the quran you don't believe it's going to work i don't like these people i don't even need to speak they are a hajj against themselves they are a hajj against themselves and sometimes i go to them and i say look you know imam you are imam of masjid you mashallah you did your head you did your course you are a person of knowledge why are you writing this i get one of two answers either he says to me wallahi i swear by allah they said this to me he said to me you're right it is the names of shaytan but we have to do this because this is permissible to break magic with magic do me a favor and advertise that on your website say i am a magician who breaks magic with magic because the ulama said it's permissible tell the people don't tell its quran don't lie against allah don't say to the people it's quran allah don't lie against allah say to the people i'm a magician and i'm writing the names of shaytan because my ulama said it's permissible and then let people choose if they want to go to you they don't want to go to you the other one says i don't even know what i wrote salah i found it in some of the books and i just yani we just wrote what we saw i never really had any of them actually come to me and say muhammad this is quran and you just don't know what the quran is the quran is not really hidden right the quran is something that is known since the time of the prophet sallam we have copies of the muslim we have poetry how to write the quran we have people who have memorized with senate i'm sorry the quran is not something hidden i don't know who believes that there is a secret quran of the awliya or something this is not like i never knew this from anybody this is just another excuse for taking money from the people robbing the people cheating the people and performing magic with another name here you can see the seven stars written on a piece of wood and that's one of the things sometimes they're tied up in these hijab these leather pouches and sometimes metal pouches sometimes even on key rings and sometimes people believe it protects them from the evil eye sometimes you find them buried in the ground you find them buried in the ground uh and sometimes you find them uh with animal parts like bones of animals and things like that sometimes you can see these pieces of paper they give you them to put into the water and drink personally well i don't never trust anybody wallahi to put something in the water and then you're going to drink it if some really if somebody came to you like that and just give you an open bottle of water and say this water i put something special in it will you drink it well most of you will say i will not drink it i'm sorry i have my own bottle of water i i have my own bottle of water read your own quran on the water no problem get get one of your imams curry you know to read on the water get one of the little kids i love the little kids in the quran class in the tahfid class say to him while you're learning surah baqarah habibi just read on this water for me no problem but going to these imams and stuff and getting these bits of paper you don't know what's written on it and then you open it up and it's full of the same the same things here is an example of one that was given and you can maybe see that this paper was given to burn i think and written on it is the person's name side and written on it is the names of shaytan written on top of that is uh some quran and then some random words that you can't really read i quite some of it i can't read some of it is quran sometimes they scribble it and they say it's quran but honestly is that respect for the must have to scribble the quran like would you take it if somebody gave you in your quran class to read the quran that was just scribbles you would say it's not respectful to the muslim right you have to write the muslim with a nice calligraphy and nice clear writing so again i don't accept the excuse that this is quran and i just scribbled he says so this is from the end of surah yasin uh and then it's written the names of shaytan and then it's written the person's name sad sometimes they give you incense to burn or paper to burn my advice don't burn incest don't burn incense to keep the shaytan away or to bring the shaytan incense anything like that don't burn it to bring the shape on or to keep the shaytan away make the buchur to make your house smell nice make the buchur as a perfume but don't bring the buchor with a connection to shaytan because this is like the magicians do women whoever resembles a people is one of them sometimes they're very long sometimes they're wrapped up in things allah we have sometimes they're put in the water like this you can see the bottle of water and inside of it there is some papers for you to drink and again the papers written as all kinds of scribbles and all kinds of strange names and things like that sometimes it's not it's not saheb it's not a taraweed it's just a belief you see this black cloth tied around the car the black cloth tied around the car is not it's not magic the black cloth tied around the car is just it's a card like somebody believes it protects their car and that's something which is you know it's not acceptable and you just to flick that one again yeah it's good so people do things to protect evil eye have you seen this uh hand of uh let me see if i can find the hand of fatima sometimes people give it on clothing on abbayats sometimes even on padlocks this is modern-day sehar they don't women shattering the evil of the people who blow on the knots they don't blow on the knot they blow on the padlocks and it's modern day say hell right sometimes written on eggs you can see they even wrote something about allah and then they wrote some names of shaytan on the egg as well sometimes on rings i want to find you example of the some of the things that people believe this is tied to the arm of a bird but i want to find you sometimes they use these uh any sometimes things they use in fortune telling they use like the magicians use these different kind of candles for different reasons things like that it's part of how magic takes place i've given an explanation of all of it i just wanted to find something i wanted to find from the etiquette that people have the strange beliefs people have i mean inshallah you've seen it anyway you've seen like what they call the honda father by like the hand with has like few fingers and it has an eye in the middle and they believe it protects you from the evil eye so all of this is minus it's all types of shirk and it's all types of things which take you far far away from allah subhanahu wa you know the magician i want to just show you something briefly um just to show you how the magician actually performs this magic you can see there's a circle here with the star signs in it pisces and i don't know what you call them in arabic it's written here pisces and sagittarius and scorpio and these different star signs and what they do is they take your name and your mother's name because allah commanded us to be called by our father's name so they take your name and your mother's name and what they do is they calculate it into a star sign they don't use star sign by birth they don't say like you're born in june so you're gemini no they don't they don't do that they do it by your name and your mother's name they calculate it into a number so they add your name and mother's name with the abject alphabet and they convert your name and mother's name into a number then they continuously divide it by 12 until they reach a number between 1 and 12 and they assign it to a star sign so they say for example you are in our view al-aqra you are scorpio and then each of them has an element connected with it like fire water air and earth and that's what they do with the taoist so for example they take if they say for example that you are uh that you are gemini for example if they say that you are gemini or let's say they say you are scorpio if they say your scorpio they say that you are a water person and your name and mother's name became scorpio that means you're a water person so what they will do is they will put the magic in the water like in the river in the sea in the city of the toilet and somewhere like that or they declare you to be an air person so they tie it to a tree or they uh put it on a balloon and fly into the sky or on the leg of a bird or they declare you're an earth person so they bury it in a grave or they bury it uh in the sand or in the earth somewhere or they declare that you're a fire person so they burn it and they make the buchor with it and they make it into the into the air people can also be given it to eat and stuff like that as well it's also possible here's the ones i was talking about the hands and things like that the beliefs that they have this hand protects you and things like that so the point is i've gone into a lot of detail in other episodes so i don't kind of want to go into too much detail but just i want you to really consider really consider what i said about the taoist by which you aim to complete a purpose that's why it's called tamima from the word tem an amulet like a piece of paper that you write something to con complete a purpose yeah this is for my health this is to protect me man allah whoever hangs has committed shirk the prophet saw islam sent some of the sahabah ali nabi ta'alev and others to cut the tawid from the necks of the camels and the camels that had the the tamima on it to cut to tamim i'm oh i'm not any i'm telling you honestly there are some people who allowed it from the quran i'm not going to deny that there were some people who allowed it from the quran but what i see is that it's a very ah it's just making people fall into because people these days don't know what the quran is they think it's quran and it's got all kinds of names of shaytan in it so please be so so careful get rid of your taoise get rid of the tamima get rid of the bracelet that you keep for luck or for protection get rid of the thing that you hang in your car the i hand of fatima or the i that protects your car get rid of all of it some of it is some of it is not some of it is there to destroy your beliefs in allah and to make you make a partner with him but please please please don't keep any of this stuff as for how to destroy it that's our last topic before we go to q a very very simple i'm going to give you a super simple guide on how to destroy the ta'aweed i actually haven't have it on my website but i'm going to give you a very very simple guide to how to destroy anything like this so the very first thing is don't be scared be brave put your trust in allah keep reciting quran while you're doing it what i want you to do is i want you to make sure you don't lose anything so collect it on a tray collect it on a tray so that you don't lose you know you don't you don't lose stuff like for example you have something which is toxic and you drop it on the floor no you want to keep it all together what you want to do is open it up and break it apart cut the leather break the metal apart with the pliers wear gloves if you can wear something for your eyes as well keep safe open it all up take it all out if you find any knots you're going to cut the knots why are you going to cut the knots well i mean sherry 30 for the cut the people who tie the knots and they blow do you know what they blow over the nuts the same names that were written there you find them we could they've been caught and he caught on camera and they are like they get caught and they get arrested and you find that they are going they name the same names and they blow over the knot the same things that are written in those ta'aweed they say the same things they blow over the knots cut the knots open read the quran read al-falaq over it cut the nuts open usually with a little razor blade or a craft knife is good everything is now broken now you have two decisions to make if it was given to burn don't burn it don't burn it if it was given to drink don't put it in water is that okay if it was given to burn don't burn it if it was given for you to drink or bathe with don't put it in water don't put it in water otherwise what you can do is one of two things if it's just a generic thing to wear you can just burn it outside away from where the people go i mean don't burn it in your living room burn it somewhere you know not somewhere where the children play and you know things like that just away from people read surat al-falaq salt and that's just burn it if it's something that you don't want to burn because it was given to you not to burn then i would suggest the best thing you can do is to read rookier water make your rookie water and put it in the rockier water and then just throw it in the clean earth and bury it or throw it in a river or in the sea and just just get rid of it like break it apart get rid of it and break it down i also don't like to to put in water the soluble ink you know sometimes written in that soluble kind of like yellowy pinky ink i think burn it but generally speaking you got the rookie of water you've got the burning but the key thing is make sure you fully break it apart make sure you read over it and make sure that you uh get rid of it outside of your house and outside of where the people go find some corner of the ground where nobody goes and just stick it inside or something but don't put it where people go because when the prophet saws spoke about the taoi that was done for him the the sehar that was done for him or the tema or whatever it was called it's not a tema it's like a it's like a magical contract that was done against him uh the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he didn't want the people to come to harm because of it he said it was harmful to the people so he he didn't and some of the narrations say he took it out of the well and some of them said that he didn't take it out of the well but the most important thing is that he didn't want it to be a fitting for the people so don't make it around people and keep it in your house i remember one time my brother gave me one and i just walked into the house and just walking into the house with it all my kids woke up simultaneously screaming not one any three of them woke up or maybe i don't know two of them yet they both walk up suddenly like screaming like they were not together in the same place and i re i i realized subhanallah i've got this with me i carried it inside the house so it does they are they are harmful like they are they've got sheltini names and stuff like that there are some other situations but we mentioned them in the course in much more detail like how to break it down and what to do if you find certain things we mentioned it already so with regard to the course before we go to q a as we said today was just a very very brief brief summary of what is already in the rocky course if you are in the room with me today i can't really do it for the live stream it's not an easy way to do it but if you're in the room with me today and you have registered or you want to register your number with the organizers we will send you a free link to be able to access the full rook your course and insha'allah you can access it you can go through more details you can see the videos and everything you shall allow to add so it'll be more beneficial for you insha allah today was a little bit of a summary and i think alhamdulillah we covered some very very important topics in sha allah and i'm pleased about that of course for sure anyone who speaks everyone who speaks sometimes gets things right and sometimes gets things wrong whatever i said that was correct that is a grace from allah and his blessings and whatever i said that was incorrect then that is my own fault and allah and his messenger are free from that we are going to take some questions i just want to remind everyone before you do disappear today that we do have a program in this hall tomorrow it's completely free you can come you're more than welcome it would be good if you could register it would be better if you didn't register and you come anywhere it's still okay shot along to ada we're going to be taking two topics tomorrow if i'm not mistaken uh i believe we're going to be talking about problems that the youth face is that that correct and that's that the first one and what time is that one 11 o'clock and then after that we're going to be talking about the saved sect and uh i've been getting in some trouble for this topic of the saved sect as some of you may know i uh seem to have caused a little bit of a storm and maybe it's a storm in a teacup about it but insha'allah you know how your brother muhammad tim is i'm not you know here to cause trouble just to insha allah to talk about ayat and hadith to talk about what the early imams of islam said about what we believe and how to strengthen our iman and about how to be safe in a time where there is a lot of itilaf because i believe we're going through that time today not just in in belief in many things there's so many differences of opinion people are going through i don't know which is right and i'm not you know like i'm not here to promote myself i'm not here to tell you to follow me but only just to share with you ayat and hadith from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and some of the quotes of the early imams about what it means to be safe in your belief and to keep your belief safe in a time where people are losing theirs and in a time where people are differing over many things with that being said inshallah it will be live streamed on my youtube channel tomorrow insha allah and i'm going to take some of these questions inshaallah as best i can forgive me if the answers might be brief i do also have a proper q a system on the rookia course so there is a proper form and just recently i answered like just recently i answered like an extra i don't know like 80 something or whatever i don't know how many it was 50 or 80 questions i answered them uh on the rookie of course and it's getting updated it's just it's taking me a little bit of time because i'm traveling and stuff it's a bit hard to upload but i've got them done so we're doing quite a lot of stuff yeah no problem inshallah okay whatever we don't answer today we can answer in the rookie of course inshallah but i'm going to quick fire i'm going to go oh allah you said there's quite a lot there's quite a lot is it permissible to derive numbers from the ayat of the quran no it isn't that's from the similar things to what the magicians do i'm not saying the person who does it is always a magician but mentorship have you come in for a minute if you resemble a people you're one of them can you be protected from jinn by bathing with quranic water oil and essence i don't like the essence i don't mind the quranic water and i don't mind the oil but you do it yourself you don't take it from somebody you don't know but i don't like this burning of bohor for the gin kennedy talk to a person they can but what did the prophet sam say about the shaytan he told you the truth but he's a great liar so you can't trust what they say can senna leaves cleanse the body yes sena leaves are a good way of their they're a um laxative so they make you go to the toilet i mean there's nothing any amazing about it that they're a laxative they make you go to the toilet and sometimes people combine it with a mild hemetic that makes you throw up which is not nice at all like you get to throw up and have really bad stomach in the bathroom all day but in some cases for some people it can it can provide a means of cleansing but i would be very careful about using it like i mean would you go and take a bunch of laxatives and just knock them back you know like be a little careful about it like think carefully about when you use it and how you use it but it is it is it's kind of prophetic medicine can ajini randomly possess a person yes it is possible but usually there should be a reason for it right the person is not protected not doing their car or the person is the person is doing something to put themselves at risk for example they went out between maghrib the children are playing between maghrib and aisha the prophet saws and said keep your children home or keep your children inside between maghrib so those kind of things did suleiman have a ring or a staff to control the jinn well i as i know of it this is all from the israeli it's not from the narrations of islam it's from the jews and christians which in reality any i see the thing that people have today any people wearing a ring this is the ring of suleiman i control the jinn well i want i want to mention so i'm going to bring you the ayah reference i'm not even going to mention to you i'm going to bring you the ayah reference because it's so important solar site said my lord forgive me and give me a kingdom nobody is allowed after me that's why the prophet said himself he said if it was not for this to have sulaiman i would have tied a shaytan against the pillar of the message for the children too and he play with him in the morning and the children to fight with him in the morning this dua stopped the prophet sallam our messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam from tying the jinn in the masjid so how about the person who wears a ring and says this is the ring of sulaiman nobody after suleiman is allowed to control the chin is it important to know the difference between magic gin and evil eye it's not important to know it right at the beginning as you progress it can help because for the evil eye you could take the wooden water the hustle water you could make you could give someone a treatment from that even for magic you could focus more upon surah al-baqarah because the prophet saws the magicians can't do anything against it but in the first instance it's not as important as people think i want to answer that one what happens if you were given a tawed over 30 years ago but don't know how you got rid of it just make dua to allah because the prophet saws he said as for me allah has cured me from this this uh to see how that was done so if you had saharan you didn't know where it was from or where it's gone just continue with rakia make dua to allah as sergeant i already answered that it's not always necessary to find it that's what i meant can the sins of someone else within your home invite evil into your home yes i believe it can absolutely so it absolutely can absolutely but here you're not blameworthy in the sense that you're not going to get sin for it because you're trying to reduce that evil but you are sometimes suffer the consequences so let me give you an example can a child suffer because of the sins of his parent didn't allah say yes nobody will carry the burden of another man but at the same time a burden sin is one thing but consequences yes consequences are proven in the quran what about the people the two young the two orphan boys their father was a righteous man the consequences of the righteousness or wickedness of your parents yes you can have consequences but you can't have sin you can't be sinful for what your dad did but you can have consequences and you suffer because of it or you have some difficulties because of it and allah will reward you for your patience in it how to deal with it the rules of commanding good forbidding evil and with gentle preaching and gentle advice to people and encouraging them and trying to remove the evil and reduce it again it's a bit of a long topic we did cover it slightly more detail yesterday i'm going to come to that later this little bit long some people claim to see the jinn can they see them or are they afflicted i don't believe anyone can see the jinn unless they are afflicted or have been afflicted in the past that's my conclusion because allah says you can't see them but the people who do see them in my experience are people who have been afflicted or who are afflicted what effect do the luna days have on a person well i i heard some of the scholars say regarding the statement of allah from the evil of the darkness when it spreads some of them said that the darkness when it spreads is the time of maghrib and some of them said the darkness when it spreads is the time when there is no moon and is the time when there is no moon so in any case there are times of the month where the magicians gather and do things they worship the sun they worship the moon but ultimately for us insha'allah our only concern with the 13th 14th and 15th is to fast that's our that's our what concerns us reading ayat on a piece of paper written with saffron and putting it in water and drinking it some of the scholars allowed it some of the early generations allowed it and others didn't but i prefer not to for the reason that i feel that it says i feel like it can lead people to a big haram because people are writing ayat but some they don't know what they're writing and sometimes they are writing things which are very evil and they don't know so i discourage people from writing and drinking the water but some of the early generations allowed it is it possible we could come to you for more for rookie session allah please forgive me of allah i would i would wish that i could do rookie for everybody who wanted it the problem that i have is we have a very very intensive program that is literally i just go home and sleep and get up and come to do the program it's like that and the other thing is that i have a lot of people who asked me before and i just feel it would be so unfair to them that they've been waiting for six months seven months a year and then i'm giving it to somebody who asked me yesterday but i would honestly just advise you inshallah ta'ala to just follow the instructions that i gave and i would do my best to support you through questions and answers inshaallah and if allah gives me an opportunity to do for it to ruq could you please warn against the evil eye symbol being used as source of protection we we uh we did that i believe with regard to jewry i did show it on the presentation inshallah um if you suddenly begin to have strange questions about the religion like regarding the concept of free will um striving to remain away from sin and remember the abuse of allah how do you differentiate whether these thoughts are due to sin or due to a test and or whether they're from the shapehead so first of all i think the first thing is the cure to doubts which are like being confused about the religion is to get proper islamic knowledge that's the first thing if that proper islamic knowledge is not helping you because you just keep asking the same questions like somebody said okay i have a problem mushkila to shop i have a problem why is there evil in the world so you got the answer and i have to answer on some youtube videos as well in sha allah so we gave the answer about allah does not create evil for evil sake everything has a wisdom in it this is a place of tests and trials and and i give a full detailed answer and you said yeah but i just feel like i don't i don't feel like there's any point okay so i answered again yeah but i was thinking about something and you feel it just keeps on going around and around this is closer to being with us but sometimes you just need a good answer and sometimes not everybody you ask gives you the answer that is it makes sense to you i mean there is one answer but i mean sometimes people put it in a way you can understand and sometimes you might ask one of them gives you an answer it's just like a two-minute answer like don't trouble yourself with it this is from the secrets of qatar you know only allah knows and then you're like but i still i still don't feel right about it so i would say ask get the knowledge learn it understand it keep on asking but if you feel it's just going around and around your head it's quite likely to be from the shaytan and getting rid of sins is helpful anyway in every situation if a child gets ill every few weeks and holiday but it's fine when returned back uh and then or on holiday is fine and when he turns back to school he gets ill yeah i would treat it with rookie i really would as well as medicine i would look at obviously it could be allergy something like that of course i'm i'm not someone who says everything is a rookie problem but i do believe everything can be treated by rookia so i would do some rocky perhaps worrying about the evil eye maybe just seven day program with the oil and the water and then probably what i would do is look at whether there could be any allergies or any any other thing like that and this is a kind of a trick that i always use is that i honestly always always for myself i always if i if it's a possibility to be medical or not medical i treat both like i will go to the doctor to ask about medical options could it be allergy i will also do rookie at the same time so inshallah you're going to get the best of of of everything in short long time someone says when they're going to bed they always feel sick and when they wake up from sleep i would honestly say to do as car properly when you go to sleep morning and evening as well and i would also you know have a look at whether maybe drinking rookier water helps to settle your stomach at night my daughter got a gin problem for a long time she's suffering from bloatiness and not conceiving and again she's feeling sick at night you see how the clues stack up so if your daughter has a gin problem and she feels sick at night and you feel sick at night that says to me that it's quite possible that this issue is a jin issue i'm not guaranteeing it for you but you see how the clues stack up when you said i feel sick at night i'm thinking well maybe you just have that kind of you know metabolism or something or maybe you ate too late but when you tell me yeah my daughter has a gin problem and and she feels sick and i also feel sick that says to me that it's very likely that problem is affecting both of you and allah's best i know it's getting close to isha i'm going to just finish the question we're going to stop foreign why is it after you read quran you feel very tired and weak um yeah i feel that that's from the effects of shaytan it doesn't necessarily mean you're possessed but the shaitan doesn't want you to read quran right so what i do is i stand up and read like when i get it in rookie i'm reading rookie on someone and i just start dozing like that so i just stand right up and i just pace up and down reading quran can you explain about one spouse being afflicted by and the other one trying to be supportive how can they both be protected so all the means of protection we spoke about a good rookie program and helping the spouse to do rookie so self rookie is great but also rookie with the family and he aisha used to read for the prophet saws who was better prophet saws and for sure right but aisha still used to read quran for him look here for him when he got sick so you can read rookie for your spouse as well i gave longer answers to that question in the course i gave some proper long answers about it but here's just a bit quick fire questions how do you use al hindi um or um seeds i'm not sure about what that is i know about habit so that's a question of prophetic medicine and there are a couple of ways i've seen it used one way i'm not an expert on herbal medicine but one way i've seen is for the powder to be put into oil and the oil rookie oil and the rookie oil to be dripped into the nostrils and just brought through so you put some of the powder into the rookie oil and you stir and you drip it in but i will try to ask someone about more information about it and i've tried to include it in the course inshallah kanjin take the form of a deceased family relative yes you could the gin can take the form of people and sometimes the jin can come to you in a way that you think it's somebody but it's not could it be jin possession if you're lazy to do far to ibada and losing interest in general life matters i mean it could be but it doesn't have to be so what's my methodology what i said it could be sin it could be gin possession it could be depression it could be a sickness so what are we going to do treat all of them if it's a sin let's start making tawba if it's jin possession let's go for rookie if it's depression let's go for reciting the quran to relieve our sickness and our depression and if it's medical let's get some medical treatment for it so we're going to take all the asbab that allah gave the halal and we're going to try all of them in sha allah with regard to regular recitation surah baqarah for a female during menstruation will the playing of the recording suffice well i am i don't want to go against what some mashiach might have told you like in my position in this is there's nothing wrong with a woman reciting the quran during her menses but what is prohibited for her is to touch the mushaf to touch the arabic mushaf well i i understand if the sister said my sheikh told me different okay then maybe you can rest you can listen to the recitation but will i i don't see any single delhi not one single evidence to stop her reciting the quran at that time only that she shouldn't recite from the most arabic muslim let her recite from the phone or let her recite from memory but if she can't do that then maybe someone if she has a jin issue someone can recite over her and if she doesn't feel comfortable with that then maybe she can listen to the quran and it's not rookia but you know at least it would be helpful for her could anxiety be a sign of sihara the evil eye it could be but it doesn't have to be so we're going to treat it again multiple ways can evil eye be a cause of a person who is ill to pass away yes for certain it can yes for certain it can there is a weak hadith in which it is said that the reason that the camel will enter the pot and the reason the person will enter the grave is the evil eye that hadith is weak but with a lot of other hadith with similar meanings the meaning is true what i mean by that is there are many many hadith that have similar meanings about the death of people in this ummah from the evil eye the camel entering the pot from the evil eye people going to the grave because of the evil eye generally if you bring them all together i believe the concept of it is is correct our girls are allowed to play with dolls yeah i don't see any problem with a girl having a doll as long as it has crude features it should not have realistic not like the barbie dolls but like crude features like a rag doll you know like it's just made of like some kind of wool or something like that because this helps her with her you know sort of maternal instincts and it gives her it helps her fitrah um so yeah there's i believe that she said she said the prophet isaiah said what are these she said these are my girls and these are my dolls so i shall she played with dolls but they were crude they were they were so crude the prophet saws didn't know what they were when he said what are they she said they are my daughters and they're my girls and then she he said what is this and she said it's a horse with wings and the prophet's license says do horses have wings she said didn't you know suleiman's horse had wings and the prophet said laughed so the point is that i don't see a problem with a little girl to have crude dolls but not realistic with facial features and body features and everything like that but just you know a crude a crude doll inshallah well this is a very very good question and i actually want to answer this question genuinely is homosexuality or could homosexuality be a sign of gin possession now i don't believe that everyone who is homosexual has a gin problem but i do believe that there are some people when they are possessed by jin of the opposite gender that might find this kind of issue happening now i don't want to make it like i don't want to say that the reason people are gay is because of jinn i'm not saying that because a lot of it is lifestyle and a lot of it is like you know falling into sins and all this kind of issues and the people around you but also i believe there are people i've seen people who suddenly this person feels i feel so weird like i'm like i've never felt like that at all and i'm seeing like men and i'm feeling like strange about it like it can be yes it can be from the gin because if that that jinny is a female well i should probably she's attracted to the males yeah as for if the genie is male and it's attracted to me i don't know anything about that allah almost but really it can be i'm not kidding you i've come across cases of people that are patients i've read upon that this was a problem and when they were read upon it went away from them and they said all the bill shaitaan is the most weird thing and it's not me at all likewise you know acting really out of habit like what people might call like uh acting in a very immoral way that is not used it's not you like you're not normally like that like someone says look you know i'm not saying i'm perfect but i'm not normally the guy who stares at women and i'm not normally the guy who looks at haram on the internet and stuff like that it's just a camera again i'm not normally the person who does that and suddenly the person finds themselves doing that uncontrollably yeah i've seen that come from from the jinn and from the shayatin i have so i'm not don't get me wrong i'm not saying these problems of immorality are problems that are caused by the jinn but in some cases yes i have seen this happen from the gym is sleep paralysis a sign of gin possession it can be uh but i i mean if i got sleep paralysis i would definitely be looking at my ad car and i would definitely be putting the oil on before sleep and i would try to do some rakia and see if it improves but i'm not sure there's a clear evidence like guaranteed that it's always from jin possession it might be connected to the rule i've wondered about whether it's connected to the the roar in the time of sleep because we know that the roar separates from the body at the time of sleep to soul and it might be something to do with that as well allah but i've seen jin possession like that so it's worth doing rookie for it okay i've got a paper with so many questions but i'm going to try to just very quickly if you're afflicted by general magic as a possibility to know who did the saharan when don't concern yourself with it don't concern yourself with it don't concern yourself if allah shows you allah shows you don't concern yourself with it well it's going to lead you to accusing your relatives it's going to lead you to um and you know things like that it was my sister did it to me my auntie did to me allah don't concern yourself with this it's not just don't concern yourself with it if allah shows you with a beginner which is clear and no doubt alhamdulillah otherwise leave it [Music] does magic expire and does it continue when a person dies so it it generally doesn't expire per se like it doesn't just go away by itself because shaytan never keeps agreements even if shaytan told you that it expires shaytan never keeps his promise and my promise was was a lie and allah promised you and his promise was true so when a person dies sometimes the sahara just finishes and nobody has but sometimes it does it could be that the magician intended the whole family and i want to ruin everyone in that family and so it goes from one and another person and they they all kind of have something happen to them but it depends on the person sometimes it does die with the person do you have to have an item of a person or sorry does the magician have to have an item of a person to do magic it doesn't have to but it's that it binds the shaytan more strongly and it has a stronger effect when they have something from that person likewise the mother's name they don't have to have the mother's name but it binds the shaitan more strongly and powerfully when they have it can magic from a non-muslim affect a muslim yes absolutely i've seen many examples of it for example look at the example of the prophet saws only caused him some trouble in his worldly life like a sickness but it didn't cause him in his religion or his prophethood anything the people who requested to perform magic on another is this person also outside of the fold of islam or like that's what it appears to be the case yes if the person asked for magic knowing what that involves they didn't go for istikhara or go for nasiha but they went for magic to be performed well i whoever goes to the fortune teller and believes in them they have disbelieved in what was revealed to muhammad sallallahu if you were given an amulet which contains magic unknowingly and then lost it um what happens to the magic the magic remains but you can break it through can the magic manifest itself into physical ailments like miscarriages cancer bodily pains yes absolutely i've seen it many many times like that is magic and evil eye the same thing no let me just give you a one minute uh brief on the evil eye the evil eye is like an arrow that comes or a bullet that comes from the soul of the person who gives it against the one that they have jealousy or amazement for so it's not it's not jin take it like a bullet but the bullet's not coming from the gun the bullets coming from the roar from the soul the nests of the person who gives it against the nests of the person that they're hitting it for and it comes from jealousy al-hasset and it can come from amazement as well someone being like look at that the way to get away from it is to constantly ask allah for barakah to that person and if someone says about you oh masha'allah you know someone said you should mention allah for example someone saw you in a nice car says nice car say allah say to me it's a nice car say allah oh allah bless him in it and proper belief in qatar also removes jealousy and the evil eye as for if you're afflicted you have two options if you know who did it you can ask them for their wooden water and you pour it over yourself if you don't know who did it you can do rookie inshallah and i mentioned this in detail in the course um if a husband accompanies his wife to iraqi can the recitation affect the husband yes it could of course yeah one time i tell you one thing i read on someone and they came and they said like this person is afflicted right this person is afflicted and you need to do rookie on them and they've got very bad symptoms and everything so i started reading on them nothing happened i read again nothing happened again nothing happened one time this someone in the same house was sitting in the room when i read they just started going crazy gin and everything coming out and then i realized this problem was not with that patient it was with the person the other person in the house but the effect of it was tr was coming to that person like as a you know as like an effect like the gin were poking them and troubling them and making them wake up at night and this kind of thing but actually the core of the problem was done upon someone else so yeah it can be must recitation be done every time you use the ingredients uh i wouldn't say must but i i mean i like to top it up you know like i like to keep rookie water going and you know top it up but it's not a must i generally like for example some people say i can't read quran i don't feel confident i say okay find me someone who's akari for you let them just read sort of you know all the things we said and just give you the water if i trust takari is you know good khari and everything it's not going to make any sahara or anything just curry nothing else i don't want a rocky i don't want a shaykh i just want someone to read into the water for me sometimes we ask the little kids to do it but then after that do you want to top it up can do you can do from time to time but don't make it hard allah didn't make uh for this for you in this religion allah didn't make in this religion by the grace of allah we were able to finish this program today we need still to praise allata isha that's for sure i tried to answer as many questions as i could my apologies to the youtube uh live streamers i couldn't see your questions to even answer them but i hope that you benefited from the from the live stream today uh i will put a link for my course in the live stream inshallah in the comments i'm gonna put in the description i'm gonna put a link inshallah and for all the people who registered and came in person today we're going to send you a free link to the course inshaallah so you can get more knowledge about it ask more questions the questions were fantastic we ask allah to teach us what benefits us to benefit us with what he teaches us to us in knowledge to give us the ability to act upon it we ask allah subhanahu ta'ala to cure us from the sicknesses that have afflicted us we ask allah to keep us safe from the jinn and the shayateen to keep us safe from the magic and the evil eye we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to guide us to the best of this world and the next we ask allah subhanahu ta'ala to make the quran the light of our hearts we ask allah subhanallah to make the quran a means for our cure that's what allah made easy for me to mention muhammad you
Channel: Muhammad Tim Humble
Views: 154,573
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Id: aUu30s8eR5g
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Length: 254min 53sec (15293 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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