Diary of an Exorcist - Protection Against Jinn & Black Magic | Ustaadh Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn

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foreign honey when I was thinking about what to do here today I didn't want to make it just an evening of stories because everybody likes to hear stories about subhanallah we may go away and Allah Iman has been raised slightly but perhaps we won't really have gained any benefits we won't really have gained any benefits we won't really be any more able or more knowledgeable when it comes to rocklea so what I want to do today is go through from beginning to end very very briefly but to give you Brothers insha Allah and sisters as well a better insight into what roccia is how to perform it and then inshallah I'll mention some of my experiences as well so the first thing if somebody was to say to you what is rochia what is Roque and is this word found in the Quran or in the Sunnah of the Prophet Allah the answer is yes is actually found in the Sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in sahih Muslim it's narrated by auf IBN Malik he says that we used to recite Rukia during the times of jahiliyah so during the times of jahiliyah when somebody would be stung by a scorpion or anything like this they would recite but they weren't Muslim and then they came to the prophet Allah and they said o messenger of Allah what do you think about that and then the prophet salaam he said to them recite your rokias to me so tell me what your rookies are and then the prophet Allah he said there is nothing wrong with Rukia that does not involve shirk there is nothing wrong with Rukia that does not involve shik so from this Hadith we have a broad outline of what Rocca is as long as it doesn't involve shirk or you're not innovating in the religion then this is permissible it's also narrated from jabir that the prophet Allah so he said to the people all Rukia is now forbidden this is similar to the way that they forbade visiting the graveyards so at the beginning of Islam when the people were entering into the religion knew the prophet salaam he completely closed the door because people in the times of jahiliyah they would go and ask of the graves so when they were new to Islam the messenger closed the door and jabil is saying he you know he's obeyed rookia the same way because he didn't want to come into the ummah so then one of the companions his family was bitten by a scorpion and then they took her took him to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he said o messenger of Allah we had Rukia that we used to recite for scorpion stings but now you have forbidden they recited it to him I either recited what they were reading to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then he said I do not see anything wrong with it whoever amongst you can help your brother let him do so so the fact is this word Rukia is mentioned in the Sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in other words it is recitation of Quran and authentic asgar seeking a cure from Allah and the Quran my dear brothers and sisters is a healing for all illnesses we have to understand this because Allah says Allah says and we send down of the Quran that which is it's a mercy under shifa and a healing for the Believers and it doesn't increase the wrongdoers except in transgression so the point here is whether you are suffering from a headache whether you are suffering from the common cold whether it be magic gin possession evil eye The Cure is found in the book of Allah the Cure is found in the authentic Asgard of the prophet sallallahu I want to mention now when is Rukia required for Jinn possession how do you know that a person is possessed I want to mention some of the signs now and in actual fact we could do a whole lecture or a series of lecture on each one of these topics how do you know that a person is possessed the first thing and the most obvious thing is when the Quran is recited or when the recitation of Quran is heard so for example on the TV you have people reciting Quran you have the prayers for Makkah you have the Azan playing Etc when somebody is possessed naturally they will hate this they will hate this they will walk out of the room they may become agitated or angry they may begin twitching this is one of the Surefire signs another sign is a hatred for cleanliness a hatred for cleanliness so for example I have people and they ring me and they say this my brother or my sister or my son hasn't showered for two or three months two or three months he hasn't showered and then you say to them why haven't you showered and they literally can't bring themselves to go in and have a wash why is this because the shelteen they like places of Filth they like places of Filth places of dirt this is why when we go into the bathroom we make the Dua and we ask Allah for protection for the from the male and female unclean evil spirits so just a side point we have to make sure that our bodies are a place of cleanliness is part of our Iman as well another time that you may find that Rukia is required for gin possession is when a person becomes angry very very quickly so they have mood swings they go from being extremely happy to being extremely sad and when they get angry they become extremely violent and very very strong very very strong it's not uncommon to have a young child and two or three men need to hold him down because of the strength that they that they gain when they are possessed by the by the Jinn and by the xiaotein I was in Makkah uh recently about three weeks ago and there was a brother and sister who actually came from the UK and the sister was possessed the sister was possessed and we were sitting in Makkah and we went to the hotel room in Makkah to do the rockya and I said look let's do the rockya in in Makkah and subhanallah even in Makkah this sister was extremely strong she threw her husband off she's just she's not a big sister but she just threw her husband and he just went flying she just went flying but but then subhanallah after the Rukia had taken place the husband was able to control her with just one hand just one hand and we actually gave this this gin the name Ace Ventura because it was really quite funny the way it was behaving so for example it used to try and do a runner so whilst we were like coming out of the lift to go to the room she tried to like run down the hotel so subhanallah even in Makkah the shouting they can follow you and yes there is this um a precon preconceived ideas that people think I'm going to go to Makkah I'm going to get better immediately sometimes this is the case sometimes a person is possessed or they're suffering with magic as soon as they enter into the boundaries of the Haram of Makkah they are absolutely fine they are absolutely fine there's nothing wrong but the second they leave subhanallah it comes back again they enter into the boundaries to inter enter into Medina they are absolutely fine as soon as they leave they become possessed again or the magic begins to take effect again another time for Jin possession may be required is when a person begins to love seclusion so the person begins to love seclusion many many times people will ring me and they'll say my sister she just goes for walks at two o'clock in the morning we don't know where she is and then we find her in the graveyard we find that in the graveyard and they don't know where she is she just goes for walks she sits on the trees in the middle of the night and they don't know where she is and then when they end up finding her subhanallah she's in the middle of a graveyard I had a brother from London and may Allah protect us from this because it's very very serious a brother from London he would lose his mind and then he would wake up in the middle of the forest and he would be completely naked but he didn't remember what had happened for the last like three hours and so subhanallah this person proposes a risk to himself and a risk to others as well in this situation is extremely important that we have the rocky had done when is rupiah required for magic subhanallah we could go and we could spend hours and hours and hours discussing the different types of Magic the types of magic which separate a man from his wife this is one of the most common ones or a husband from his family so the wife will do magic on her husband to keep him away from his family she just wants him all to herself or we have the rookia I'm sorry the magic which puts a block on marriage we have the magic which puts a block on somebody studying and they always start something but they're never able to finish it we have the magic which can put somebody out of work so for example in the night time he'll be awake but when it comes to the daylight hours when it's time to work he is overcome with sleep and he physically can't lift himself out of his bed all of these are different types of magic then we have the magic which is simply to try and destroy a person to do to try and kill a person listen I had an amazing case subhanallah an amazing case it was of a sister and this sister she walks into the house she walks into the house and she begins sniffing around literally like a dog literally the way you know like a sniff a dog is sniffing around and she begins sniffing around so we take her inside and I ask the brother what's wrong with her he says that the doctors gave her one week to live or a few days to live her heart efficiency went down to five percent five percent and the doctor said there's no way you're going to live there's no way you're going to live past a week or a couple of weeks this was six months ago after she started having the look here and it turned out that there was a gin and the Jinn was playing with the vowels of her heart preventing the blood from reaching certain parts of her heart and so when the doctors would do their tests it looked like a heart condition and So based on this heart condition what they saw they gave her just a few days to live again we as Muslims we should not put our ultimate trust in the doctors as well because life and death is in the hands of Allah and based on this they gave her a few weeks and this has been now over six months over six months and it turns out that this gin it would sit in the sister's back and then they would interfere with the sister's hearts and this is very very common equani very very common very very common and for those people who are suffering with magic I advise you do not put it off because sometimes you'll be contacted by a person and they are afflicted with magic and you'd say to them get a cure as soon as possible do something as soon as possible and they don't do it what actually begins to happen is the magic jumps from the parents to the children the magic jumps from the parents to the children so many a time I'll have people ringing me and saying I have three children all of them are disabled firstly you remind them to have Sabbath for the sake of Allah and to place their trust in Allah but you dig a little deeper and you ask them questions about themselves it turns out they themselves are afflicted with magic just the other day I think it was yesterday a sister rang me and said overnight three of my children have developed schizophrenia for the first 10 15 years of their life they are absolutely fine overnight all three of them develop schizophrenia honey this is something which medicine cannot explain and this is why we need to come back to the Quran and use the Quran as a healing and as a cure when is Lucia required equani for magic if you're somebody and you suspect that there's a member of your household is Afflicted with magic how can you you know get some signs so for example if the person they're always complaining about dreams or if this is your case you're always having scary dreams and you're dreaming of dogs and animals which are attacking you you see yourself surrounded in pools of blood you see yourself being attacked by predatory animals you see yourself wandering in the wilderness and then you fall down dead or you see a lot of dead bodies in your dreams these are very clear signs and this is a mercy from Allah Allah will never allow a person to be afflicted except that Allah will show you clear signs clear signs whether it be in a sleeping state so in your dreams during the daytime a very common thing is you see something or you think that you've seen something but it you sort of look back and it's not there so you see a shadow moving or again I've I've had people and they say blood is all over the doors of our houses so when we wake up all of the doors of the houses are covered in blood covered in blood and again this is all the shayateen what are they trying to do they're trying to make you feel scared they're trying to put fear in your heart the second that you begin to fear the Sheldon your defenses go down your defenses drop and then they can possess you they can enter into your body but Allah says but don't fear them fear me and Allah says that the plot of shaytan is the plot of shaytan is weak so whenever anything like this happens I always say to people if this is happening to you anytime something like this happens make will do and pray to rakas because what the Jinn will begin to understand is when I give him an evil dream when I give him some form of prodding or poking he goes and makes wudu and he prays I'm actually pushing him closer to Allah the further I'm trying to push him away he is actually coming closer to Allah and within a couple of weeks these things will stop within a cup couple of weeks these things will stop other abnormal things is people going to the toilet and this will seem crazy and it may even seem funny but there was a doctor a doctor a medical doctor and he came to me and he said I passed Tools 11 times in a day I go to the toilet and I pass Tools 11 times in a day he said I visited the physician and he said that you should be dead by now how is this possible how is this possible and you also get uh you also get Gin sodomizing men so male gin and the brothers are being unfortunately sodomized by these male gin by these male Shelton and this is a reality this is a reality and this is something that we have to deal with because unfortunately this is very common and very prevalent in our society other things ikwani when dealing with magic when dealing with magic magic comes in different forms so the magic may be ingested in a person's food this is the most common form of magic which people do they will put the magic into your food somebody bought me a book and he said that this was belonged to my grandmother this belonged to my grandmother she's passed away now we were cleaning her things out and we found this book in this book this was a book of magic and it said that if you want to separate a man from his wife what do you do you take some pork and I'm just explaining this to you to show you the filthy nature of magic you take some pork you take some beef you allow the meat to rot you allow the meat you leave it out and you allow it to rot maggots will form and then one set of the maggots will eat the other set what you do is you take the set that survives you put them into a blender and then you do your magic on these and this will become into a powdered form and you sprinkle this onto the people's food you sprinkle this onto the people's food and this is how magic is done other times what will the people do they will take an item of your clothing they will take a part of your hair and this is how the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam had magic done on him he would call him his beard and there was hair on his beard and a Jewish man he came he took it he took the hair he managed to find the calm he tied it into knots he put it into the skull of a hyena and then they buried it in a well and the magic was done on the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so he would wake up and he would think that he had had relations with his wife but in actual fact he hadn't had relations with his wife and this was going on for a period of time so subhanallah we have to understand that even the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam had magic done against him so me and you Irani we shouldn't feel safe we shouldn't feel Invincible just because we pray five times a day we should be very Vigilant so if somebody comes to your house and is walking around Etc be very very vigilant I I'm Gonna Save evil eye to the end because I want to put a bit more emphasis on evil eye because this is something I haven't really spoken about in the videos or anything like this so inshallah we will speak in a bit more emphasis about evil eye and will be a bit more specific with regards to Roque people and I want to fix this misconception people come to you and they rely upon the rocky they rely upon you so they'll say yes I've seen your videos you know and I'm like okay so does that mean the Cure is in my hands and they will come to you and I'll say have you been to Iraqis and they'll say yes I've been to this one and this one and this one and they've been to every Rocky in the country and I say you know what the main problem is is your attitude your main problem is your attitude you are going from person to person thinking that the Cure lies with the individual in actual fact you need to go back to the Creator and rely upon Allah and those people I actually refused to do Rokia on them because I say your attitude is not correct rely on Allah so people come and if somebody is suffering with magic it's very very rare it's very unlikely that you're going to get rid of the magic on the first session so what I actually do is I put the people on a plan so I'll say look you are afflicted with magic and I am not the one who's gonna live in your pocket and recite on you every day you're going to go back home you need to put the plan into practice just like when you go to a doctor he will diagnose you but then he will give you a treatment you have to go away put that treatment into practice you can't keep going back to the doctor because the doctor is not going to keep putting the tablet in your mouth you yourself have to put your treatment into practice so I'm going to mention now I put the people on and inshallah life anybody is suffering you can put them on a similar plan and you can ensure Allah put yourself on a similar plan as well the first thing and the most important thing know your akeda this comes before anything else know your Akida know your Akida know your religion you must seek knowledge about your religion I was doing a sister for ages and ages a lengthy period of time and she wouldn't really react so one session I said sister before we start tell me where is Allah she went crazy she went crazy because this is part of our Akida I said tell me what are the pillars of Iman what are the pillars of Islam what is Iman she was going crazy just because I was asking her and then when I was teaching her and I was telling her the answers the Gin was going insane and the Jinn was saying I make her forget these things she knows them but I make her forget these things from this the first point know your AK leader the second thing is you must be praying five times a day you must be praying five times a day if somebody doesn't pray five times a day I don't make Rocky on them I say don't waste my time you're not willing to put the time and effort into pray five times a day and now you're looking for a cure you're trying to run before you can even crawl pray five times a day and you may find that your illness will get better but having said this having said this there are some people they're not able to pray five times a day they're not able to pray so for example I had one patient she would stand on the on the prayer map and as soon as she would say she would faint should think how do we expect this person now to pray how do we expect this person to pray or to do the look here on themselves this is where you need to contact Iraqi the third thing is making the asgar so especially after Fajr prayer there are those at God which you make at Fajr time you are protected until Maghrib time you make those time you are protected until such a time so it's like 24 hour Round the Clock protection and there are those times where the person has a gym or the person is Afflicted with magic and the Gin is looking a way to enter into their body so what did the Jinn do they will try and like hover around the person and they'll give them problems external gin first if the person is praying and the person knows the Jinn won't be able to enter into them in a lot of cases there have been times where the Jinn has returned and the person was not Afflicted with magic because the Jinn subhanallah and this is documented in books that the Jinn went back to the saheed and says this person is always in a state of waldor is always doing his avgad he's always making thicker I simply can't enter into this person I simply can't enter into this person I can't fulfill my mission because he's always in the remembrance of Allah if you have or you are displaying the signs of magic eat seven ajwa dates every morning seven ajwa dates every morning in sahih bukhari it's recorded that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he said he who eats seven ajwa dates every morning will not be affected by poison or Magic on the day that he eats them he will not be affected by poison or Magic on the day that he eats them so eat the other days the fifth or the sick thing fasting on Mondays and Thursdays this is something we should all be doing anyway it's a Sunnah to fast on Mondays and Thursdays but remember that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he said that the shaytan he flows through the sun through the veins of the son of Adam like blood and the scholars have mentioned that when you're fasting your veins constrict there is not that there's less room for the shaytan to flow through your body so by fasting you're actually weakening your shaytan when you combine the fasting with hijama with cupping when you combine the fasting with cupping this is extremely affected by the permission of Allah the prophet salaam he said in a Hadith which is reported by IBN Abbas recorded by Imam al-bukhari he said healing is in three things drinking honey the incision the cuts of the copper and cauterizing with fire but I forbid my ummah to use quarterizing so the prophet Allah he said healing is in three things drinking honey The Cutting of the copper and cauterization where they where they cauterize you with fire but he says I don't like that for my ummah we are forbidden to have cauterization the point here is what does cupping do it removes blood there have been times where a person is possessed the Gin comes out in the cupping because it was flowing through the blood at that point and the cupping removed that blood and the Gin came out in the blood so the person didn't even need roccia yet the Gin came out in the cupping and the prophet Allah he also said which is in Hadith which is bukhari and Muslim if there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves it is in the cupping The Cutting of the Kappa or a drink of Honey or cauterization with fire but I do not like to be cauterized where do we have cupping the main point that you have cupping is on the top of your head for somebody who is Afflicted with magic for the brothers this is fine we can shave our heads and we can do that for the Sisters unfortunately you have to shave your head as well but I don't mean the whole head you just shave a tiny patch on the top of your head and insha Allah for the sisters it's not visible when the rest of your hair is is over there and it's very very beneficial so sometimes you're doing look here on an individual two weeks three weeks four sessions five sessions you hit a brick wall you say to the person go and have cupping and it really kick-starts the treatment by the permission of Allah the eighth thing that we should do is increase into our increase into uh when she was reporting or she was narrating about the illness of the Prophet salaam when he had magic she says that he would recite Quran and then make Dua and then he would recite and make Dua and he would recite and make to ah the point is she repeats over and over again this proves that the prophet Allah he would make a huge amount of Dua when he was suffering with magic we have to understand Allah says they do not harm anybody except by the permission of Allah so know that if the person is suffering this is a test it's a trial from Allah but if Allah Wills he will simply say be and their illness will be destroyed or their illness will be removed so make a lot of Allah you and he heals you another thing the ninth thing is give a lot of money in charity or give a lot of Charity seeking a means seeking a way of Wasilla to Allah this is one of the permissible ways of wasila afterwards this is one of the permissible ways you you seek the approach to Allah through Good Deeds so give in charity it may be that one sin that you are committing or that you are regular upon it holds back you're the shifa from Allah so whenever if somebody comes to me and says a year and a half two years have gone by I'm doing Rukia and I'm not being cured I always start off with learn your Akida and then stop indulging in your sins that you are persisting upon and another brother who does look at he was telling me about this and he's a close brother he was telling me and your brothers will know him Muhammad Tim humble he was saying that there was a sister she wasn't getting better why because she was texting men she was texting men the day that she stopped and she made Toba she was cured on that same day so subhanallah one sin may stop the shifa of Allah from coming down so if you are regular or you're persistent in some form of sin then Rectify your affairs with Allah whether that be music or movies or whatever it is Rectify your Affairs and you'll actually find as Allah says you may hate something but it's good for you so subhanallah how many people they are were Afflicted with magic as a result of that they become practicing Muslims they were affected by Jinn possession as a result of that they become practicing Muslims the 10th thing place your trust in Allah and not in his creation place your trust in Allah and not in his creation before I do a rokyo session about 20 minutes I give the person down I give them dawah and one of the key things I say is don't you dare place your trust in me because I can't benefit myself and I certainly can't benefit you and I always always I'm able to tell from the way a person speaks and their attitude when they come in this person yeah he's trusting in me or he's relying upon me and this person no his tawakul is in Allah and by Allah the difference and the effectiveness of the Rukia is clear and reciting the same ayat my intention is the same but subhanallah the person who relies on Allah is so much more effective so much more effective than the person who relies upon me because I can't benefit myself so how how am I going to benefit them goes without saying number 11 there should be no Darwin no amulets none of this in the house you cannot expect the shifa of Allah to come down if you are disobeying Allah he said seek a cure seek a cure for your illnesses but do not seek a cure from the Haram means do not seek a cure in those means which are impermissible so in Seeking a cure this is not permissible I went to a house and on the front door and the back door they had a bunch of amulets and they were tied up you know it looked like there was diamonds in there this is how they were tied up and we undid it and we unraveled it and the doubies was like six foot long six foot long and all it was was calling upon the shaytan calling upon the shaytan and so recently the brother contacted me and he said we got rid of the amulets but now there's blood on all of the doors of the house and we're hearing noises in the house and I said you know why that is don't you because the shade the Jinn or the xiaotein they were giving you trouble you were committing shik by calling upon the shaytan they were happy now that you have got rid of the Sheikh you are placing your trust in Allah now they want to give you trouble again so have patience and they will realize that you are trusting in Allah the 12th thing there should be no pictures or statues on display in your house he came down to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and told him we as in US angels we do not enter our home in which there are pictures on display or there is a dog so don't ever put your pictures on display you know your photo frame your wedding day your children Etc get rid of all of this get rid of all of this it's not permissible the Angels won't enter into your house where the Angels don't enter the Sheldon will enter uh the 13th thing no music or movies there's goals without saying this goes without saying no music or movies do your best nobody is perfect do your best to cut out music and movies from your life it's very very important the 14th thing if you're experiencing movements in your stomach so for example somebody who has said and they have ingested it and it's in their food when you make the Rokia they will begin to fill movements in their stomach one patient their stomach began to blow up it literally began to expand outwards it began to bloat up like it was a sister she and she was not pregnant she wasn't even married and she was fine but during the lookout she began to look like she was pregnant because her stomach was becoming bloated in this instance or for the brothers as well the same thing happens you're not pregnant but it can look like you are it can look like you are literally you will have a big bump literally you will get a big bump in your stomach in this instance you need to take some Senna leaves you need to take Center leaves what this is is a very strong laxative is a very very strong laxative he mentions it in the prophetic medicine in his book on the prophetic medicine he says this is from the Sunnah to take Senna leaves and what this does is insha Allah it will wash the magic out of your stomach it will wash the magic out of your stomach a and our brothers our our brothers they are very very good at like they have this uh type of herbal drink and it makes a person throw up it makes a person vomit and they put a like a load of different uh sort of powders and and um flavors and ingredients in here what the person does literally you take it and it'll make you vomit like 10 or 15 times a sister took it and she hasn't eaten lamb for 15 years she took it and she vomited out lamb she vomited out lamb and there was a frothy substance on the lamb that she vomited out because somebody had fed her lamb like 15 years ago and subhanallah it was still in her stomach it was still in her stomach if honey this is just the evil nature of the sahad that will remain in a person's system it will remain in a person's system so we need to get rid of that and finally we need to drink as much zamzam water as we possibly can get hold of some zamzam and drink as much as you possibly can it's mentioned in sunnan ibnimaja from Abdullah that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said the water of zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for so whatever purpose you drink zamzam for it is for that purpose so if you drink it to fill you up you'll be filled up if you drink it to give you energy and to sustain you you will be sustained by the permission of Allah so make Dua before you drink the zamzam and insha Allah it will bring you benefit with the permission of Allah I want to mention now some incorrect forms of Roque some incorrect forms of Roque the first thing iwani is don't talk to the Jinn too much because what you have to understand is by you talking what are you not doing you're not reciting so they will get you into a lengthy conversation lengthy conversation and they will speak about the Illuminati and they will speak about all sorts of conspiracy theories just to keep you going the longer you talk the shorter you recite so it's enough for you to say why are you here how long have you been here what's your mission leave and that's as much information as you need some Scholars some Scholars there's Allah in Medina he allows trying to give dawa to the Jinn trying to give dawah to the Jinn by Juani don't bother don't bother because they are so stubborn I had a Hindu gin uh two weeks ago a Hindu gin was and it was it came in a sister and I tried to give it dawa do you think that you were just created with no play you know reason and you're not going to be returned to us we have not created Mankind and Jinn except to worship Us in Islam the only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam uh you know in Allah Allah will never forgive the one who commits all of this try and give it and it just wasn't accepting do you want to accept Islam No okay give it more ayat you want to accept Islam No I said okay I tell you what you recite from your Hindu scriptures and see if anything happens to me and then I will recite upon you from the word of Allah and let's see what happens to you so this gin literally sounds like Dr Zucker Nick you know any quotes from the the Hindu Vedas Etc started quoting from the from the Hindu scriptures and I was sat there and I was seeking refuge in Allah and I said look nothing has happened to me now said you're burning me stop Etc so even when you are burning them and you are saying look when I speak to you in clear English nothing happens when I recite the Quran to you suddenly you begin burning this is not a normal recitation this is recitation of Quran and it was not interested so I said look call upon all of your Gods call upon all of your gods and tell them to pull one hair from my beard and see if they're able to do that and this is a way of humiliating it and a way of causing pain to the Gin because literally it was like somebody was poking it and it was it was like jumping and it was screaming I said look call upon them and tell them that I'm challenging them to pull one hair from my bed and they couldn't do it and I said you know what I'm going to do I'm going to collect them all up all of these statues which you carve from wood and stone and I'm going to smash them in front of your face and she began to cry I said look this is what you worship these Idols these you give them you and your forefathers give them names and then you worship them and yet they can't bring you any benefit you know Allah says oh people an example is presented to you that which you worship besides Allah it cannot create a flight even if all of the Gods came together and they wouldn't be able to create something even as simple as a fly weak is the one that is worshiped and weak are the ones who worship it and subhanallah it was not having any of it it was not having any of it so with regards to excess speaking stay away from that so that's one thing stay away from excess conversation with the with the xiaotein because they will mislead you more than you will try and give them dawah the second thing Irani we have those people who engage in gym catching is very big on the internet very big on the internet gin catching so he'll have like a person and the the person is sat here and this is his Jin catcher and so the person who's possessed will be on the other side and he'll say right now and he and he says look this now we ask Allah to bring the Jinn into this person and magically wonderfully subhanallah the Jinn comes from this person into this like person who's like a gate or a portal to the Shelton and he gives them that one within 30 seconds they leave and you think subhanallah subhanallah you have come across a technique which none of the salaf ever came across you have come across a technique which is not written in the books of the scholars of the past and now you are saying that this is from the Quran and from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam be very very careful with Jin catching and it's a lengthy thing but Allah says you know and and he asks the Jinn where are you Etc and it's like he actually listens and he takes the advice of the shelteen but Allah says that if aphasip comes to you know seek clarification on everything that he is saying because you don't know you don't know so that's why stay away from this Jin catching other types of um Innovative or silky um the person like I said he will take something from you he will say call me back or he will ask your name what's your name what's your date of birth okay give me a call in like two or three days time and then he tells you exactly what's wrong with you again this person is seeking the aid from the shall 13 and this is not permissible okay I want to mention something about striking or beating I advise you brothers and sisters to stay away from it to stay away from me because especially with the media attention that's going on people are murdering people and then they're saying oh look there was it was an exorcism ritual and so subhanallah it's very very difficult now and people it's not uncommon now for people to then later on they they do you for assault and these type of things stay away from them there's no need the Quran is enough Allah says if we were to reveal this Quran on a mountain the mountain would turn to dust out of the fear of Allah so we don't need to beat because the Quran is enough so stay away from these things now let's talk about evil eye because I think that this is something which I think there's a lot of misconceptions about and it's not really mentioning a huge amount of detail in the Sunnah or in the Quran but it is mentioned in the Quran it is mentioned in the Quran where is evil I mentioned in the Quran when his 11 Sons were going to Egypt they were going to Egypt in Surah Yusuf in the 67th Ayah of the Quran he said to his sons o my sons do not enter from one gate do not enter Egypt all of you together but rather enter from different Gates and he said and I cannot Avail you against the decree of Allah alone the decision is only for Allah upon him I have relied and upon him let those who have Reliance Place their reliance when you look at the books of tafsir it's mentioned from IBN Abbas Mohammed IBN kab mujahid patada and various others of the mufaserin they State he feared evil eye for his sons because they are 11 of them and they are all brothers and they are upright big strong beautiful men so he didn't want them to enter from one gate because he feared the evil eye for them he feared the evil eye for them but look a point of al-Qaeda he says and I cannot know my sons that I cannot Avail you against the decree of Allah at all so place your tawakul in Allah you find people and they get very shaky you know they say oh I'm always feeling fearing evil I I'm always fearing evil eye somebody's going to give me evil eye don't be excessive don't show off do your God and then pray place your trust in Allah this is teaching his sons All My Sons take your precautions don't enter from one gate but know at the same time if something evil or evil eye is going to befall you I cannot help you against that and he says let the ones who place their trust Place their trust in Allah alone in sahih of course we also have insurance when we are seeking refuge in Allah from the evil of the one who envies when he and from the evil of the envir when he envies what is evil how do we detect evil eye I had somebody ring me yesterday my son he had 14 gcses seven a stars and seven A's Masha Allah now and everybody was amazed now he dropped out of University he has he he he can't think he's very slow how how clever he used to be this is how now how slow his mind has become and everybody was amazed and everybody was praising him everybody was just amazed at this person's intellect and so subhanallah now as clever as he was this is now he's become that should we say not able not mentally able anymore so evil I will usually afflict one thing in particular so for example if a person is an amazing Craftsman and the people give him evil eye when he comes to work he won't be able to work he won't be able to work and when you're reciting on this person he's not reacting to the ayat of he's not reacting to the general ayat of shifa or he's not really reacting to those ayat which are pertaining to a Jinn possession and so subhanallah it's a very difficult one to place your finger upon it's very likely that this person he is suffering from evil eye it's narrated in bukhari and in Muslim on the authority of our mother that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam she says the messenger of Allah used to tell me to recite for protection against the evil eye so even the prophet Island he would seek refuge and he would order his companions to seek refuge in Allah from the evil eye and I want to mention one particular incident now and this is from the Sunnah and it's an authentic Imam Ahmed records the Imam Malik and it's from and he says that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam they were on a journey and they're traveling towards Makkah there this man who narrates this he's narrating this himself he says he was having a Russell so he was standing by some like a river and he was taking a wash obviously he'd taken his top off and this man he had a good body and he had very uh Yani he had like bright skin and he was very muscly so he was some somebody who had an attractive body so he says and he was a handsome white-skinned man with beautiful skin one of the companions he looked at him whilst he will do whilst he was doing the Wilson so this man is washing this companion is washing another companion looks at him and he said I have never seen such a beautiful skin as this not even the skin of a virgin and sahil he immediately fell down to the ground so I want you to imagine this the companion is taking a wash he doesn't know anybody is watching him this man he is watching him and he says subhanallah or he says this amazing skin immediately that companion he drops down like somebody shot him he's dropped down and some of the scholars they mentioned evil eye is like an arrow and it hits his Target and he dropped down immediately so they went to the messenger of Allah and they came and said o messenger of Allah can you do anything for sahil because by Allah he cannot even raise his head this is a man who was muscly and he was fit and he was young and he dropped down and he wasn't even able to raise his head and then the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam look at his words he said do you accuse anybody who do you accuse of doing this to you who are you accusing so it's something which is evil who are you accusing so it's like somebody steal something from you who do you accuse somebody's wronged you who do you accuse so Prophet Allah said who do you accuse they said and they mentioned the name and he looked at him so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he called Amir and he rebuked him strongly he told him off and he said why would one of you kill your brother if you see something that you like then pray for blessings for him say Masha Allah whatever it is ask Allah to bless it for him this closes the door to evil eye dead if you see something that you like and you feel in your heart now something is coming make sure it's Masha Allah make sure it's Allah just invoke Allah's blessings upon that thing make Dua for your brother this will close the door to evil eye then the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he ordered Ahmed he said wash yourself for him so he washed his face his hands his forearms his knees and the sides of his feet and inside his his heart in the vessel then that water was poured over him and the man poured it over his head from behind and he did that then sahil got up and joined the people like there was nothing wrong with him at all he couldn't even raise his head but they found out who was the one who did the evil eye they told him to like do wolves collected the water poured it over his head and the man got up like there was nothing wrong in damage he would have his classes he would have his classes of Hadith and the brother narrates this he was in there he picks on the brother from the crowd and he says narrate to us such and such a Hadith so the brother stands up now in a crowd of hundreds of people the brother stands up and he says it was narrated on the authority of so and so who heard it from so and so and he gives a whole son that he gives a whole chain of narration and then he gives the mutton he gives a text and he finishes and he passes out he passes out the sheriff he ordered the gods he said lock the doors they all did with all and they collected the water and they poured it onto the brother and he got up like there was nothing wrong so subhanallah this is the reality of evil the reality of evil eye and uh he was asked the question can the non-muslims give a person evil eye is it possible for the non-muslims to give us evil eye and he used as dalil to say yes which is a 68th Surah of the Quran the 51st Ayah indeed those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes so when they look at you they give you that look they would almost make you slip with their eyes what to do now if you feel you have been Afflicted with evil eye the first thing if you know the person who has done it to you if you know the person who has done it to you go to that person ask for him to make Moodle and you collect the water he told us it's an order if your brother asks you to give you to give him your world of water you must give it you must give it but the thing is unfortunately in today's day due to our ignorance if somebody asked for our world of war to say you're crazy I'm not giving you my world Awards you're going to do magic on me or something like this so this is uh due to our own ignorance our own lack of knowledge a brother very close to me a brother very close to me he's standing in the Masjid some brothers come in and I'm there and they comment on his beard he goes home his beard is falling out in clumps and lumps he contacts the brothers masha'allah practicing Brothers they were aware of the Hadith they gathered all of their older water and he took it in the bottle and somebody came his wife came from behind and poured it on him while he was in the bath over his head masha'allah the brothers be at regroup and there was nothing wrong with it so the first thing ask if you know the person for wudu so do that the second thing is recite look here upon yourself recite to look here upon yourself so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he would recite things like this Etc he would recite these type of uh of of uh and you should do this as regards to Irani unfortunately some people today they mentioned like take this person's urine take this person's waste there's no uh there's no basis for this in the in the Deen whatsoever there's no basis for this in the Deen whatsoever a handy tip what do you do if you suspect somebody and you've asked them for their water but they haven't given it to you what what can you do some of the scholars mention it sounds crazy but some of the scholars mention and it has worked by the permission of Allah feed them a date feed them a date and when the date Stone comes out from their mouth keep that date stone take some water dip the date stone which has been in their mouth into that water and then do the same thing pour that water over your head for the Sisters some of the scholars have even gone and they've mentioned take a bucket of water so for example there was a sister she became pregnant she gave birth by the permission of Allah everything was fine a lot of women came to visit her somebody gave her evil eye she was unable to feed her child naturally so they feared for her evil eye so what they did was all of the women who were there they took a big bucket they took their shoes and dipped their shoes into the Waterway because on the underside of the shoe or on the underside of your heel it's rubbing there's going to be an element of sweat I.E you need a part of that person you need a part of the sweat be it from their mouth or a saliva from their mouth or from their you know from their sandals dipped it in the bucket and they poured it over the woman and she was able to breastfeed Again by the permission of Allah it's very very real I want to mention something here because there's a lot of young Brothers as well weddings we have massive weddings a thousand two thousand people and we we have extravagant weddings spend a lot of money you are opening yourself to evil eye in a big way your immediate family will say Masha Allah but whilst you're on the stage in your in your flush clothes and your you know you're posing for the camera and all the boys are on the stage everybody does it you know it's reality how many of those people though will be looking at you and they are feeling jealous of you they are feeling jealous of you and they don't make Dua for you they don't invoke Allah's blessings upon you upon your marriage as well they are struggling to get married you got married the person is jealous the same thing be very very careful so the first thing don't be overly extravagant and don't show off stick to the Sunnah keep it simple as mubaraka insha Allah the second thing seek refuge in Allah I seek refuge in Allah from every evil eye for Hassan and Hussein the grandchildren of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he would place his hands on on their heads and then he would seek refuge for them in the perfect words of Allah from every shaytan from every animal that stings and every evil eye so seek refuge for your children as well morning and evening so seek refuge in Allah do not be of those people who openly display your uh display your wealth or be extremely extravagant and the third thing if you yourself see your brother and he is doing well he is successful invoke Allah's blessings make Dua for that person close the door to evil eye close the door to evil eye because it's very very dangerous and it's very very deadly and it ruins people's lives so and this is something blameworthy and only and people say I had a question once is it permissible to give evil eye to the non-muslims you know like you look at them and you're trying to give them evil eye this is not possible evil eye doesn't necessarily just happen with a look evil I can also happen you hear some good news you become jealous it's as a result of envy and hatred in the heart it's a disease of the heart in and of itself this is something blameworthy so you know we have different types of knowledge some knowledge you can seek and is and it's it's good other types of knowledge seeking that knowledge in and of itself is blameworthy so seeking knowledge of magic for argument's sake in and of itself from beginning to end is blameworthy the same thing with evil eye it's a disease of the heart somebody has hatred and envy and Malice towards you this is a disease of the heart so the answer is it's absolutely not permissible to try and give somebody evil eye because this is a disease of the heart so I ask Allah to protect us from Jinn and magic and evil eye ask Allah to make us of those people who use the Quran as a shifa for all of our illnesses and finally I want to encourage you Brothers to do look here I want to encourage you Brothers to do local I don't just mean Yani just started parokya clinic and you don't have any uh any any experience or you haven't sat down with somebody and spoken to them and asked them questions Etc but for your own families for your relatives everybody here now as long as you have the correct Akida you can recite Quran you have the ability to at least make rookie upon yourself and more than that for your family members for your children as well because for one person you might receive 20 phone calls in a day 20 phone calls in a day and subhanallah is too much for one person to deal with from all over the country so we need more brothers who are getting out there to do the rockya now with a view to this if there are some brothers and indeed some sisters who are interested and the brothers allow it and they will they will facilitate it then I don't mind coming down and doing like a full day workshop with some brothers and sisters but the single condition is if you come to that Workshop then you need to get out and Aid the community who are suffering so I don't want anybody to come to that workshop and then they just keep that knowledge to themselves rather if you come to that Workshop we will talk in detail about magic how it's done how to fight against it in detail about the symptoms and the different types of magic we'll talk about in detail about Jinn and their reality and the way they are how to combat it Etc and we'll talk about in detail about protecting the house and stuff going to more detail in sha Allah if there are brothers and sisters who are interested then let's go ahead and do that but the condition is you need to then go out and help people so if somebody Rings me from Halifax Huddersfield leads I'll Point them in your direction so if there are people who want to do that insha Allah then contact the brothers and we can take it from there because um so I'm just wondering how that compares to some of the other examples of the Gen cultures that you were referring to today if they're not if they're not they're not indulging in Sugar would they not be able to use as a as a means to justify what they're doing okay um do you want me to repeat the question for the Sisters okay the brother's basically asking um we mentioned in the Hadith which is in sahih Muslim that some people came to the prophet salaam and they mentioned their Rock yards to him and he said look as long as it doesn't involve shik then we you know I will allow this the the first thing and the most important thing to recognize is that the Arabs at the time of jahiliyah they believed in Allah they recognize Allah as their Lord but they Associated partners with Allah at the same time so Allah mentioned in the Quran if you ask them who created the heavens and the Earth who sends down the the rain who gives life and death they will say Allah so the point here when they came to the prophet they mentioned their their rupiah to him he allowed that which was calling upon Allah alone seeking the aid of Allah alone as for those which involve calling upon alert Etc he forbade that for them he did not allow that for them that's the first thing so they in in essence they were actually calling upon Allah but they weren't calling upon Allah with any set Dua mentioned in the Sunnah at this stage but later on we have enough from the Sunnah of the Prophet saw Allah enough recitation enough ayat that should be sufficient for us that's the first thing the second thing with regards to Gin catching it's extremely important that we first look at the reality of the Sheltie so if somebody is if a Genus possessed a person that Jin by definition is not going to be a righteous chin it's not going to be a Muslim Jinn which you can trust upon the Hadith the Muslims a man came to him the first night Abu hurairah caught him and the man said ah look I have a family I need to feed them Etc I said okay let you go second night the man comes back catches him I'm going to take you to the messenger of Allah no I have a family Etc it lets him go the third night I'm going to take you to the prophet the man says look I will teach you something which if you recite it then Allah will assign for you a God if you recite it at night time Allah will assign for you a God to protect protect you till the morning he teaches him who visited you these last three days explains the whole situation he says that was a shaytan and he spoke the truth but he is a liar he spoke the truth on this occasion but he is a liar the point is from this we have the default setting if you like of the Shelton they are liars so who is when this shaytan comes to you or sorry not pointing at the brother but when the when the when the Jinn is there and you are speaking and saying you know who is the sahir and you know you leave and then bring the other Jinn with that sahid and we're going to destroy him who has authenticated that that Jinn is telling you the truth because Allah says if a first step comes to you somebody who you can see and he brings you some knowledge see clarification how we see how can we see clarification on something we can't even see something we don't even know is reality how many times have I been to somebody and the Jinn says there's 20 of us in this in this person's body you say look I'm not interested give it a rest and you continue with the recitation and you say in the end you say you're one because yeah I was trying to mislead you so the fact is they are liars they are liars and when you are you know you're asking them too many questions and you're telling them bring the sahib it's the same Jin and you're you're the one being played for a fool and the thing is what is from the Quran and from the Sunnah insha Allah and there's none of this practice this and I've actually done a whole video like 40 minutes refuting this and it's enough for us that it wasn't practice by the the salaf and we can't you know make any uh players we can't make any analogical deduction so for example uh when it comes to you might say how where do you get blowing in the water and giving the person the water to drink we have various narrations which would say the prophet Allah or others from the salaf blew into the person's mouth if that's a sister I can't get close to and open your mouth is to blow into her mouth so I blow into either her husband's mouth and tell her husband to blow into her mouth or blow into the water and say drink this or blow into zamzam water make Dua and give it to her and we have clear proofs for that like the Hadith that we mentioned Etc so we try and stick within a within a framework because the second that you start going too much and you become too free you're going to start bringing in things and now eurokia is going to be beating and and questioning and dawa and there's no Quran left anymore so you're going to deviate and shaytan well the deviation will start small but slowly slowly slowly you'll begin to deviate more and more so it's better that we remain fixed recitation of Quran and maybe a little bit of dawa if it doesn't work then we should stop that and Allah knows best but it's it's something inshallah which is is not from the Sunnah to do we know that other religions also perform um so for example like the Vatican where they're using should to perform this how is it possible I mean you know you hear they're using holy water to burn the spirit every time apart from the Quran how can very good question how does non-muslim or the or the exorcisms of the of the non-muslims work because the Gin sometimes they do leave how does this work and when we have to break it down let's break it right down to the to the Core the aim of the shaytan is to take as many of us with him to jahannam as possible this is his aim oh Allah because you have allowed me to go astray I will sit on your straight path and I will come to to them from in front of them from behind them from their right and from their left and I will mislead all of them except for the ones whom you have mercy on o Allah and you will find that most of them are not grateful to you so the point is the mission of shaytan to take as many people to jahannam with him as possible shaytan knows when a person commits Allah will never forgive that person Allah will never forgive that person it's the same thing when you go and you say how is it that when a person says how is it why is it and it may begin to Boggle the mind I want to give you the example I always use the example of a dog because they come so many times to the in the in the in the person's dream as a dog so let's call them and let's use example of a dog when a dog is barking if you throw meat to that dog it will stop barking it will stop barking you fed its hunger but the second you take the meat away it's going to start barking and start barking harder because it knows if I bark this person gives me what I want so the Gin is a shaytan he's an agent of shaytan he wants to take as many people to to jahannam as possible when you commit he would leave he'll say another one bites the dust another one is done that's another one for us and when he leaves now the person who is possessed he will be more committed to the cause of because he'll say you know what the Bible has to be the Huck because he used the Bible and the Gin left and the Gin left and now he's a more committed Christian than he ever was before and as a result of that he goes further into his and as a result of that the mission of the shaytan is even more accomplished and this is why when a person indulges in amulets and Darwin and calling upon the the Saints and the old ear and and all the other people and he commits the Sheikh he will be fine but the second this person comes to dohid his problems will begin that's why because the dog knows if I start barking he'll go back to that I'll get fed again so that's why I always say to people look if you want a quick fix go and get a Darwin's but know that it's going to be a quick fix the second you come back and you start relying on Allah that that weed is not going to benefit you rather it's going to become even even worse even worse so that's why there's no quick fix you do it properly first time and the Cure is from Allah alone and Allah knows best okay let's just ask a question uh brother after I have cupping a few with a few sisters I have after effects for example whisperings of shaytan seeing things and hearing things and feeling fear in myself and I start thinking and I'm thinking about stopping the hijama why is that whenever a person is going and doing something on the right path the Sheldon will always come to them so for example I always say to the people look you've rang me now now your problems are going to stop why because you're they're shaked on that's with you or the saheed he knows now this person is contacting uh somebody who does a lot care so now the problems they will begin and be prepared and I always say to the people look this is you're at the foot of a very very steep mountain now but know that you take Little Steps don't look at it as one big mountain take these little steps so sister it may be that you are having problems with uh the the gin and seeing things while in an awake state this is very much a sign of uh you may be seeing spiders Shadows hearing things things may be misplaced around your house Etc this is normally a sign of it may be just Jin living in your house or giving you issues normally it's a sign of but you'll even find those brothers who seek to Aid people so people who bring people to Iraqi so there is Iraqi and there's like for example in Makkah in Makkah there's Iraqi and he's just outside of the Haram there's a brother from the UK from Middlesbrough not far from here he takes people he lives in Makkah now he takes people to visit Iraqi the Jinn they give problems to the brother because he is bringing other people to the straight path so the point here is the second that you go onto the straight path the Shelton they will give you issues but like I mentioned be very patient you know and know that in Allah Allah is with the patient and know that after hardship comes East be patient inshallah I advise you to continue with the hijama don't give it up your your problems are not with the hijama you know the cupping is not causing you to hear things or see things it's the shouting that are reacting to trying to put you off the cupping so rather increase or continue with the coupling start with the fasting and the lokia ETC and insha Allah like I mentioned the closer you come to Allah the more your Iman increases the less your problems will become and ask Allah to ease your suffering okay the brother asked a question about any particular surahs or any ayats that we can recite from the Quran firstly we have those what I call like the universal uh ayat so that's for example the opening is these are the universal ayats these are the universal ayat and we know that they were revealed after the prophet sallallahu alaihi was afflicted with magic and this was something that he would seek refuge in Allah with so these are the universal ayat as for the ayat of sehar as for the ayat of Sarah these ayat you have the 102nd Ayah Ayah of Sultan um then you have various other ayats various other places in the Quran where Allah mentions and The Magicians foreign if you give your email address to the brother and maybe the brothers if they want this I have like just an email that I'll send you out most of the ayats are attached as in a PDF format inshallah you can print them out and they'll be available for you to recite there's other ayat Allah mentions uh the the shifa as I mentioned there's other ayat Allah says you know yeah that has come to you from Allah that which is a healing for what is in the breasts of mankind and arachna for the Believers as well so there's those ayat which are talking about the the shifa within the Quran then there are those ayat talking about the weightiness of the Quran the weightiness of the message of inshallah give your email address and I'll forward it on to inshallah or I'll forward it to the brother and he can forward to as many of you Brothers okay let's just ask a good question how do you deal with evil eye if you don't know who has done the evil eye upon you the first thing like we mentioned is the the Rukia do the do the you have books like uh Fortress of a Muslim Fortress of a Muslim just a small book inshallah if you buy that book there's a lot of adgar in there there's another book from daras salaam um and in that book again it's called roccia or or remembrances of rockya it's like a burgundy color cover and it's in Dar es Salaam inshallah if you buy that again there's plenty there's loads of of uh of authentic as God of the Prophet that's the first thing the second thing is to put your trust in Allah know that nothing will harm you nor benefit you except with the decree of Allah the third thing is to make Rukia upon yourself so the first thing is as God second thing is tawakul the third thing make Rukia upon yourself now what you can do and some of the brothers have recommended this um is if you recite over water recite over water spittle into the water drink the water and also take it in your hand and wash your face with that water as well wash your face with that water as well and you if you do this a couple of times in a day Insha'Allah you will find that there will be an improvement there will be an improvement we have other things like rokyabath and things like this but I tend to stay away from that because again I try and stick within a fairly strict framework and rock your bath but some people have found that beneficial with the permission of Allah they take the water that they have recited on and they fill up the bath with normal water and then they pour that rockya water in the water that they have recited on and then they put in their Lotus load tree leaves and they put in there some some scents and they put in this and spirit vinegar I think it's called and there's also some some uh some powders that you can buy and they literally put that in there and they just lie in it you just lie in it so you're just lying in this cocktail of loads of different things I kind of tend to stay away from that because I can't see the the analogical deduction which had days have you bought this from or which ayat from the Quran have you got this from I can't find that so I try and stay away from that but inshallah if you find that that may be beneficial then then you can also do that and obviously there is a lot of Dua as well now the the legenda in Makkah the the standing committee of Scholars they were asked sometimes uh araki he asks the the person I'm going to recite and you're going to see the one who did evil eye you're going to see that person in front of you and they said this is not permissible this is not permissible because the gin or the xiaotein they may appear to that person and you may actually break up two families so for example it may be that the the shouting there will appear in the form of that person's mother or that person's father now the person is not going to speak to his mom or dad now the person is going to become suspicious of his mom or dad and what you've actually done is you've separated two families so this is even worse than that one person suffering you've actually split up two families stick with stick with the Algarve stick with tawakul and stick with making Allah and inshallah you'll find that gradually graduate you will improve and also things like obviously we mentioned drinking zamzam water and make Dua before you drink water and Allah Knows Best any questions No it should be the question is can the Nokia be recited in English the answer is no it should be recited in Arabic it should be recited in Arabic and somebody who is doing the recitation he should recite with clear tajuit um linked with this linked with this let's say link to this which is recorded Rukia which is recorded on a CD or a video or a link on YouTube is this as effective as um you know live the answer is no the answer is no because if somebody has just recorded you know you have sheikhsudaisin is reciting these ayat and they've just picked out those ayat Prophet Allah we told us that every action is according to its intention days was leading in Makkah he had no intention of making upon you he had no intention of sitting in front of you Abdullah in Huddersfield or Halifax he had no intention of doing this so the Rukia is according to its intention you should sit in front of that person and the same thing when reciting mentioned that shaytan he flees from the house is recited as well is it permissible to just play Surah al-baqarah is it permissible to place and does this fulfill the the you know the requirement of in the house and they said no because quite clearly it's mentioned the one who recites in his house so it's always better to recite sometimes if a person is unable to recite and they live like four hours away I will send them a link of rockya I will say listen to this let me know how you feel so it's a way of just like a pre-diagnosis and just getting an idea if the person listens to the rocket and begins shaking and screaming and having a fit you know this person is definitely Afflicted but some people they listen to look here there's nothing wrong with them but when you do the rupiah on them live they have a reaction and this is all from the decree of Allah but the answer is definitely it should be in it should be recited in Arabic and if possible insha Allah with characters read as well if possible okay this is the um says assalam should be I've been suffering from what I believe and have been told is possession for the past eight years the symptoms I have are vibrations in my body weak mind feel like I've I have um a heavy mind every morning and throughout the day along with many other symptoms such as anger and hearing and and here sorry and feel like I'm being stabbed in the night and hearing things it prevents me from sleeping by pulling my hair and twisting my ankles when I perform when I perform Rukia and recite my voice stops coming out although I still am trying to recite please could you uh perform any look as I've tried all the things you have previously mentioned myself um I'm not going to recite now over the mic um because if like five people start having a reaction then it's going to be mushkila so inshallah I won't do anything now um but maybe the brothers can give the system my details Insha'Allah um or maybe inshallah if we organize this Rocky Workshop then then from from here can can recite because I live like three hours away but inshallah um I what can I recommend or what can I say to you the first thing is suburb I know that after hardship comes ease know that you can leave Allah Allah will never ever burden a person with more than they are able to bear no that in Allah that know that Allah is with those who are patient know that Allah says know that Allah says for the ones who are patient there is a reward without any hissab there is no there is no limit to the reward that they will receive that's the first thing have patience the second thing is that you should rely upon Allah alone [Music] he was riding on a camel behind the prophet sallallahu and the prophet Islam said oh young boy should I teach you something and the prophet saws he said if you ask ask only of Allah and know that if all of the people and the gym were together together and to try and benefit you they wouldn't be able to benefit you except with what Allah has already decreed for you and know that if all of the people the Jinn and the ins they gathered together to try and harm you they wouldn't be able to harm you except with what Allah has already written for you so the fact is this is a test from Allah and previously if you weren't somebody who was practicing or previously if you weren't somebody who was making all of this Dua and making all of this istafar and making all of this and all of this recitation for each letter you're reciting you're getting 10 Good Deeds imagine if this is your cause of entry into Jannah because you recited all of this in the end it was worth it in the end it was worth it and it may be that Allah is trying you in this life [Music] to raise your rank on your mokayama and it may be that Allah is trying you in this life to forgive you of your sins on your Mercury Allah that's the first or the second thing the third thing seek knowledge seek knowledge of your Akita seek knowledge of seek knowledge of Sheikh seek knowledge of Sunnah because it may be that there is a weakness in your Akida as a result of that you are not being cured by Allah the next thing I advise you to do is to continue with your look here I don't know what you are reciting make sure insha Allah that you're reciting the ayat of what you are mentioning here it seems like you are suffering with with magic and obviously there's clearly external Jinn at the very least external gender the least and maybe even internal gin present here but another thing that you should do make sure your home is a place of Purity and a place of cleanliness in your home so it smells nice make sick ill in your home seek knowledge in your home so that the angels of of rahma and mercy they descend in your home make stay away from you know those things which are Haram and make a lot of Dua and inshallah if you contact me then we can have a private conversation and I will ask you some other questions but uh increase and do not give up hope because only those who disbelieve they are the ones who give up hope never ever ever give hope in the mercy of Allah Allah has power over all things and if he just gives the command you will be cured so continue seeking that cure from Allah protect yourself and your family okay question that the brother is Masha Allah is asking is when you um you engage in lokia then you may be opening yourself up to the Sheldon there may be backlashes Etc firstly by the grace of Allah I think that this is something which is a fear which is overplayed too much people think about this too much when you look at a businessman what he does it affects his life when you look at a doctor what it does it affects his life anything that you do and you put your attention to it will have a certain effect on your life so for example I might wake up some days and I've got like scratches on my face but you think you know what to carry on carry on because the more you do the more determined I'm going to become The more I've got I'm going to do and the more I'm going to come closer to Allah that's the first thing so you are going to get an element you know you you occasionally hit banging or something might get misplaced here and there it's like a child if you give the child attention it's gonna carry on ignore it and continue ignore it and continue and they'll stop eventually they'll realize you know what we're wasting our time here move along move along so that's the first thing don't pay too much attention to this because then you will begin to fear it's natural to have a certain element of fear you know if a lion walked into the room we're going to get scared this is a natural element of fear this is not shook but when you begin to fear something that is unseen and it begins to take over your mind now you are leaving yourself open now your tawheed is beginning to get weak so rely only on Allah the second thing that you need to do you or your wife once every three days somebody needs to recite in the house once every three days somebody needs to sit down you can take it as a rotor and you know what this evening an hour and a half two hours I'm reciting but imagine the Baraka in your house from the recitations told us don't make your houses like the graves besides in your house I.E in other words the house where the Quran is not recited is like a graveyard it's like a dead place the difference between those who make zika of Allah and those who don't is like the difference between the living and the dead so the point here is it's going to be beneficial to you anyway it's going to bring you closer to Allah anyway other occupational hazards that we might say the fitna of women is one of the biggest fitting the fitna of wealth is one of the biggest fitted when I was uh there's a Sheikh in in Pakistan who who I took some knowledge from of this subject and his name is Iqbal salafi uh an interesting name but he said he said look he said my son if Allah protects you from two things in this field you've done well if Allah protects you from the fitna of women and from the fitna of wealth you've done well in this field if you want women you will have plenty of women if you want wealth you will have plenty of wealth so this is another one of those occupational hazards make sure that you're married and you know you're okay and you're stable in your marriage insha Allah okay another thing it's not really too much but you have to also think about the authorities as well like I had uh I know I'm pretty like certain that she was a newspaper reporter when you know when the um the girl was killed recently and and they it was all over the news just after that I had a phone call and she was like I'm a non-muslim I want you to make look here on me and she was asking me loads of questions do you charge do you beat do you do this do you do that and there was nothing wrong with her there was nothing wrong with her but she was just now fishing fishing so you have to make sure that you you are aware of this as well because we have to be aware of our external environment as well another thing all those things which I mentioned about keeping the house a place of Purity a vicar of Allah Etc that's fine if you have children then just make uh make protection at God for your children when they're able to they make the as God for themselves before that like the prophet Islam will do for Hassan and Hussein then that's enough after that actually there's nothing else to fear there's absolutely nothing else to fear you pray five times a day you make your morning and evening as God you put your trust in Allah you know your name there is nothing to fear with the permission of Allah and anything that happens for you ultimately is good is good so just place your trust in Allah when they see that initially when you start they'll try when you start they'll come into you in your dreams and they'll but only for a few days actually only for a few days when they realize that you know what he's not he's not getting scared or he's not going to stop they leave you alone alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah I haven't had any problems now for ages upon ages and at the beginning it starts but after that and you always find that this is with the with the with the brothers who do Rocky at the beginning they'll start the beginning they'll try but when they realize that there's no point they leave you alone they leave you alone and then they try and focus on those around you so make sure that your family is protected your wife Etc as for the Sisters a very important Point leading on from this when the sisters are not praying either on their they're not praying they're not able to pray you are very very open you're very open to to Jin possession or uh to to Sheldon giving you trouble so I advise the sisters even though you're not praying wake up at Fajr time make your asgari time even though you're not praying make your Asgard it's very very important it's just important to keep that protection and Allah Knows Best okay the sister asks a question some people charge a lot of money for roccia is this allowed in Islam is charging for rookia allowed first and foremost the answer is yes the answer is yes what's the delayed for this what's the delete for this there's a Hadith and it's narrated by or it's on the authority of Allah he said the thing which is most deserving for you to be paid or you to receive payment is for the book of Allah the second thing some companions they were traveling they were traveling and they came across a people and they asked the people uh to to give them some food and to be hospitable to them the people refused so they never looked after the companions the the chief of that tribe the chief of that tribe he was stung by a scorpion he was stung by a scorpion so they came to the Companions and said if you have any Rukia recited upon him the companion he narrates so simple subhanallah he says I went to this person three times morning afternoon and evening I recited Surat Al Fatiha three times I gathered my spit and I spat into where the where the Scorpion had bitten this person and he was cured by the permission of Allah before they did the treatment though they demanded payments so the people that gave them I think it was 30 sheep or 60 sheep 30 sheep or 60 sheep they gave him some sheep as a payment they said we're not going to take anything until we go and we clear this with the messenger of Allah they went to the prophet saws and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he told them that you have recited or you have done something good give me a portion of the Sheep he also took a portion of their payment now somebody comes today and he charges you 80 90 100 pounds for one hour this is not reasonable this is not reasonable and the scholars have mentioned is it permissible to make Rokia a business so somebody nothing he doesn't do anything except for Nokia doesn't have a day job doesn't have anything he gets his income from Rokia the scholars have mentioned this is not permissible this is not permissible why this is not from the way of the salaf if somebody needs Rukia then his brother helps him out as for making rockya a way of your your income nobody did this it's not mentioned in the Hadith the companions it was a one-off thing they made The Rook care they received their payment and they they took it but now do we have companions like you know what do you do I'm a Rocky and I do this for my living no we don't have this we don't have this so and you hear Allah and you hear stories of brothers going and they recite for half an hour and they charge 60 pounds a hundred pounds subhanallah subhanallah it's EXT and this puts people off it puts people off because at the same time you can go to be Saab and give him 50 pounds he'll give you a Darwin he'll give you an amulet you'll put it on straight away you're better straight away your better Soul it's Upon Us brothers who are able to help our communities in the brothers and the sisters that we should help them now if somebody comes and they say you know I want to give you a gift that's fine I want to give you a gift that's fine you can accept the gift there's no problem as for establishing rookia clinics as for is that you know like a full-time Rocky traveling up and down the UK making hundreds of thousands of pounds this is not from the way of the salaf this is not mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah and actually unfortunately what the people are really doing they are praying and they are taking advantage of people's weaknesses they have spotted a gap in the market and now they are taking advantage of that Gap in the market and there's equally there's people charging 250 300 pounds for one hour 250 300 pounds for one hour and you imagine if you need two or three or four or ten sessions subhanallah it's big big problems so I advise my brothers and sisters stay away from the Fitness of women in this field and also do not charge do it for the sake of Allah have your day job and then assign two or three hours in a week that you want to give for the sake of Allah seeking his face seeking his reward and only from Allah that you do for the sake of Allah and if somebody gives you a gift and they give you like 2034 whatever they give that's fine but as long as you don't ask for it and there's this new phenomenon now somebody asks do you charge and you say no no I don't charge but if you want to give me a gift you know Yani is okay subhanallah in a roundabout way you've said you know that person is going to give you money now in a roundabout way it's like you know well if you don't give me a gift then you're cheap you know so in a roundabout way you're asking for money so we need to fit Allah and do it only for the sake of Allah but at the same time you know if if the brother is traveling and he wants his travel expenses Etc that's fine and if he does look here occasionally and he's had to take time off work or whatever and he asks for a payment there's nothing wrong with this insha Allah but if it becomes like a full-time job and there's clinics Etc then this I advise the people to stay away from this and Allah Knows Best are you the questions on the floor these guidelines for Innovation for example I mean I've seen a couple of different people everyone has their different sounds and I've seen somewhere you might laugh with like spices and stuff being used in water and that sort of thing where does is there a line between what's allowed and what's innovation of the opinion that if you take water and you recite on it and you blow in it you're an innovator or you've innovated this is this is a bit up because he said there's nothing in in the text to say that you can do this but then other brothers and other or other uh they have replied and said no look we make clearas from from that Hadith and so as long as you can have a clear text or something to go by but the general The Wider framework is the Hadith as long as the rokya doesn't involve shikh it's permissible as long as it doesn't involve shik it's permissible but look if you're gonna do Jin catching and now you're seeking the aid of the of the xiaotin and it may potentially lead to Haram that which leads to Haram is Haram in and of itself so to close the door we shouldn't go down that route as for what you mentioned about spices and things like this subhanallah they are different types of gin and you learn this there are different types of gin some you will you'll take some water and you'll spray in their face and it'll be like acid they will go crazy because they can't take the water some you'll take the water and you'll recite in it and you'll it might even be zamzamor till you Splash it in the face and they'll laugh at you in the face and say wash it why you do that for you know so there's different levels of gin different types of gin some can take that type of thing others they can't take that type of thing so what the brothers do from experience this is what they say now you see this is where the boundaries are beginning to to to to to to to to merge I'm doing this from experience or I'm doing this based on a text but the wider framework is whatever you do as long as it doesn't potentially lead to shirk as long as it doesn't contain you this is okay Insha'Allah but like you mentioned different Rockies have their own different ways and you know some of them will take a towel and wrap a towel and beat you with it until you're black and blue but subhanallah that's their way of doing it but that's for the patient or the family of the patient to clear with the rocky beforehand listen what do you recite listen how do you do your okay are you going to touch my wife are you going to try and hit her are you this is for the person to clear before the local even starts because sometimes In the Heat of the Moment you may hit or something like this and all that happens in the Heat of the Moment so it's better to get the with the individual Rocky get it laid out before the Nokia session actually begins and say listen how do you do your own care how do you do your look here because let's not forget okay it's from the dean at the end of the day you have the every single right to say to me listen you blow on the water why do you do it every single right you have because you don't want to do something as a prophet so some said treat your ill but don't treat them with Haram you don't want to fall into that which is harder so you have every right to clarify with the rocky before he begins how do you do your okay as for what I mentioned about Innovations and things like this there's generally it's quite a flexible thing but subhanallah you know some brothers they don't even recite so they'll just put like earphones on and they'll put the in now I would say this is not this is not Rukia because subhanallah you know is to be recited by an individual either upon themselves or upon another person and if they're that you're just sat there and the person's there I could have given you that I could have sent you that link why do I have to bring you to me charge you 30 40 pounds sit you in the session and just to ask you a few questions I could have done that over the phone so it's it's a very broad subject but generally and like I mentioned so I try and keep it quite rigid as long as I can trace it back to uh something from from a text then I think I'm okay but other brothers will say no as long as it doesn't ultimately whatever you're comfortable with but I would say stick with the Quran the Quran is enough and Scholars mentioned about touching the head of the woman I need to mention this um they mentioned about touching the head of the woman is it permissible some would say if I if I put my hand on the forehead and then I recite it has more of an effect other Scholars say are you saying that your touch is more effective than the recitation of Quran and of course nobody will say yes nobody would ever say yes yes my touch makes the Quran more effective but then they will counter and say no it's a way of intimidating the Jinn so for example if I ever do a session and there's four or five brothers around I will introduce each brother by their name so here's Abdullah and he hates you he wants to kill you he's Abdullah he hates who he wants to kill you imagine you sit in a room and five men come and sit around you and they'll want to kill you you're going to feel intimidated you know you're gonna feel intimidated so this sometimes it's about mind games and a bit of psychological games and things like this and sometimes they do try and play with you as well and they try and lie to you and so you try and catch them out um it's good fun alhamdulillah um and you also get rewarded for it so that's why I advise the brothers insha Allah to you know to try and get involved in it because you know inshallah it's a good way to uh you're aiding your Muslim brother uh the prophet saws told us that whoever alleviates a difficulty from a Muslim in the Dunya Allah will alleviate for him a difficulty of his Prophet told us that Allah continues to help her slave as long as he helps his brother on top of that you've got other things this is from the highest levels of jihad fees because you're not fighting against a tyrant ruler you're rather you're fighting against shaytan and his enemies directly there's a lot of Virtues Of doing it so I advise those brothers who are able to inshallah shaytan is going to come to you and say but what about this what about this what about this he doesn't want you to start put your trust in Allah and just get straight into it inshallah but keep make sure you stick to what you are comfortable with don't do something which is beyond your ability because you may find you you are in deep Waters and you're not able to swim um it's the same sister alaikum salaam my daughter has never suffered from seizures before she went out one night and came back and was feeling scared and had a seizure she has been given medication from the doctors it does help stop the seizures but because she feels scared could it be something other than a medical condition I'm guessing sister from the way you said assalam and from your uh handwriting you're the same sister so like I mentioned sometimes we have a situation where a sister or a brother is suffering and it goes and it actually begins to start taking its effect on the children so this may be what's happening here that your your daughter's illness as is as a result of uh the the sehad which is done on you in which case you need to do the look here upon yourself and then we can do the rocket on your daughter as well the second thing as for her being scared this is a very common thing what you find is it's easier for the Sheldon to enter into a person's body when they are extreme of emotion so they when a person is extremely stressed it seems that Allah Knows Best in Pakistan he mentions this he says that it seems that this is one of the cases when the person is extremely stressed that the Sheldon they will enter or when a person is extremely sad or depressed then it seems that or scared the xiaotein they seem to have like you know it opens up a door it just becomes a little bit easier for them so you always find that when a person is walking past a graveyard and they and you say okay how did you feel and they will literally say I felt extremely scared I began to shiver I felt really really worried and then I just felt something enter into my body so this fear it may be linked with that but we don't know where your daughter went what she was doing where where you know she may have been outside uh etc etc we don't know any of the details but if the if the medication it does help to ease the seizures continue with the medication at the same time make Rukia it's okay to continue with conventional medicines and at the same time make the lochia there's nothing wrong with that and I actually advise the brothers and sisters with that insha Allah seek your normal means go to the doctor Etc but at the same time make Roka upon yourself as well and this will be beneficial for you inshallah um the sister asks a question if araki gave you a dawese an amulet for Nazar which is to be worn at all times is this permissible that person is not Rocky if a person who gives a Darwin he's not Rocky how would you know if the Arabic words and letters are true or if they say to place the paper in water and to drink it for two weeks is this a correct way of protecting yourself I mentioned in the in the beginning the Doctor Who was spending a huge amount of time in the toilet and he was unfortunately being raped by the xiaotein somebody did the same thing to him drink this put this sorry put this in water and drink this so this is one of the ways that the Sheldon can enter into your body when you drink that uh when you drink that drink as for wearing of talismans and amulets this is not permissible in this religion and we have to be very careful again it's it's maybe another subject in and of itself but subhanallah and we don't have any texts from the Quran or from the Sunnah rather we have texts which prohibit it and they prohibit it in a general sense and in a specific sense then it's enough for us what was enough for the Companions and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and it was enough for them to recite the Quran it was enough for them to rely on Allah they didn't need to write the Quran and then tie it around their neck or hang it up off their review mirror in their car believing it was going to protect them Allah says will they not make the double of the Quran will they not recite and reflect and ponder over the Quran this is how the Quran is supposed to be used it's not for decorating our walls it's not for our background music while we drive it's not for hanging around the necks of our children Etc even though even though I think it's Abdullah he allowed it but this was his own ichtihad he allowed it for children and he allowed the only one when there were verses of the Quran however this was his own HD heart and we have clear texts from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam prohibiting it so we have to stay away from it recite the Quran mention those things do those things which I mentioned about combating evil eye and inshallah place your trust in Allah and that is enough for you as it has been enough for those people who have come before us and all those people who have come before us certainly they are better than us and Allah
Channel: Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn Official
Views: 14,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islamic reminder, islam reminder, quran and science, abu ibraheem husnayn, husnayn, abu ibraheem hussnayn, abu ibraheem hussnayn racist, abu ibraheem racist, abu ibraheem hussnayn exposed, salafi reminder, islam motivation
Id: Nt3DVqiGkvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 45sec (6645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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