The World of Jinns | Sh. Ammar Shahin

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enough Soylent of furry lattice I [Music] I'll do a similar initiative James Miller Hoffman with him under low salatu salam ala sulla Varna and he will be here manually with the Vallejo meeting ceremony cocktail I work at smell of many number of alaikum and holy no Cannella holy cow protocol and volume bismillah inshallah today I'm going to divide this lecture and I please if we could lower the the volume down a lot so it my voice is very weak today after the football I'll try my best inshallah we're gonna divide this into three portions and we're gonna go I mean quick through it because of the time I could keep you here till feza so if you're gonna stay with me to fish I am fine mashaallah we won't go that long yeah we're trying to cover everything tonight the first portion which will be very quickly not in a lot of depth or detail is what we know about Jim second it will be about magic and things are related to magic third it will be about the discussion of rupiah and how to protect and prevent and cure yourself if you are afflicted with anything like the evil eye or envy or position of djenne whatever that might be and inshallah hamdullah we are not magicians hamdullah we not any fraud raka we're trying to deal with every matter from the quran and sunnah perspective so if this is the case I have dealt just a quick introduction to clear any doubt inshallah I have dealt with these matters for about 10 years or so since 2005 so it's been Miami huh 13 years I stopped two years ago so that's why two years ago because of the vocal cord problem that I have my loss contact your old I went afflicted with the tumor and hamdullah lost heart Allah cured me from it but it damaged the vocal cords so I can do the preformed performance of the Rokia but I know a lot about it through experience first knowledge Quran and Sunnah through a lot of experience question a station and magicians and other people who are in that business and I have real stuff here that I'm gonna show you in Sharla this verse the structure of this lecture in sha allah allah subhanaw taala said whatever home a turtle shell - no I am ulka Sulaiman they followed what the devil's has recited during the time of Solomon ELISA Lam the Prophet so this is the first part what Deborah miteta Shelton who are the Sheraton this is our first portion of it from the area we're gonna follow the order of day and table who are the shell team and what they did and who they are how they live what they eat what they drink how they marry and so on or the jinn and we'll say the difference between Shelton and genuine second and then allah subhanaw taala said wemmick FR Sulaiman and suleiman it was not soul a man who disbelieved but the devils or the shayateen disbelieved so what is the ruling of learning magic as we see from the ayah the order of it what is the ruling of going to a magician asking them fortune-teller reading the horoscope palm reading all of that will be included tonight in sha la la plana me then allah subhanaw taala said you're early moon and nasa they teach people magic so the first thing trial team second part the rulings third magic and everything that is related to call our may the only men necessarily ünzile al Malaki neva verbal Haru Tama root Waimea aluminum in academia Cola in nomina fitna to fell attack for that aluminum in Hama what they learned from them now you fairy hakuna be he they teach them these magicians things that will cause separation between the man and his wife and this will talk about different types of magic and how they preform it and how affect our life as believers and how to protect from it Carla I'm a humble arena be him in Hadean 11 Allah they will not harm anyone by it except by the permission of Allah and this is the last portion of our talk today which is a rakia and how to protect yourself so from this area we took this conference today first al jinn and what do we know about them so there are a few questions that I will answer briefly some I will give some details because we're gonna need it for our next session insha Allah who robbed you on I mean so verse number 103 some people will ask called whatever automatically Shaitan or animal coucil a man what's what's with Suleyman and chayote there is no relation there is no relation it's a matter of narration and most of the narration is speaking about that there were jinn who used to preform magic at a time of Solomon La Silla and so I'm an ally Salaam warned them not to do so so they ended up hiding this magic in a place where only them who knew about it and when a Suleiman Ali Salim died this Shaitaan or this Jen came out and showed some other Jim where the magic was and then to make it accept it for people he claimed that these are words or language or sentences or numbers that Suleiman would use as form of magic or Tulsa or so on to bring Jen to help him so a lot of things that we see today people refer back to soul I'm an ELISA Lam Soleil my assailant did not use magic allah subhanaw taala said that were Mecca Farah Suleiman Suleiman didn't disbelieve in Allah Allah is the one who made the jinn work for who for Suleiman Ali Salim allah subhanaw taala is the one who is the one who made the gin worked for him so Allah said no Suleiman did not disbelieve that means that the magicians are disbelievers they disbelieve in Allah so this Jen talked this words and claimed that Suleiman is the one who used it to bring Djinn to help so the magicians after Suleiman are a celeb would also use these words as sentences or words from thinking it's from who so like manna I said because that's what the jinn convinced them so that that happened after the death of Solomon alayhi salatu salam now question number one what do we know about Jim first let's settle something together what we know about them is what Allah told us and what the prophets of Salim told us why because they're unseen we believe of their existence we know they exist we know they are there but we cannot speak about them except with evidence from Quran and Sunnah because the one who created them is the one who knows them better Allah and the one who saw them the prophets of Allah is Allah or Allah revealed to him he knows who they are how they think what they are into and so on so first question or first - why are they called Jin and what are they created from why they're called Jim because anything that disappear anything that is hidden is called Jian like gentleman what they're created from they are created from the flameless part of fire allah subhanaw taala said well Hara pal Jan mean maryjean min now so I want everybody to look up here there's no gem so anybody scary family said to scare you guys I don't know why but this is where this part right here is the flameless part where you're able to put your finger in it and you won't be burned or even you put your hand through it this area right here is smokeless flame 'less they are not created from fire the actual fire Alaskan Atalla says and we created the gem from the smokeless flame of fire why do we need that so important because if we understand how they're created we know that they are like air today this part right here it's some smokeless part of fire that is air so it is easy for the Jim to possess to enter a human's body and by the way they're not they they don't do that it's not like they it's easy where they come in and they just enter like we're sitting here today they wouldn't like what we say about them it's not like that we'll explain insha'Allah but this is the proof for some people who denied the position of jinn so we know what their name they're created from what again we said that the smokeless part of fire fully pal Janome marriage in min not number three do Jin have gender yes male and female how do we know that one hadith just one proof I'm gonna go quickly through this because I want to go to session 2 what's the proof that they are created other than Quran there you go I gave you a hint you say it every day at least I don't know how many time you use that twice a day huh what is it bismillah yes no huh what is it does that a lot here you go dua before you enter that bathroom what do you say Allah mania how do we care oh Allah indeed your seek protection from male and female of gym so if they don't have male or female why are you saying hopeful about it so the process LM taught taught us in Surat al-kahf allah subhanaw taala said affect Arizona who had the reactor earlier I mean dunya home lucuma do be said of all Amina Videla are you taking him the Shaitaan and his offspring his offspring so he has what he married so male and female and this Allah is talking about the Shaitaan who's lise alayhi llama to LA and his followers mushy so that's what we know about Iblees la Llana to LA anybody know what his wife name I always give this as a gift anybody know he believes his wife what was her name ELISA huh this kid is very good yes huh Wadley mashallah you attended the wedding that's the only way you would know if you got an invitation letter how do we know any of us here attended their wedding I don't know nobody knows my name give to all the other Michele Lally so brother has an invitation that's the only way no we don't know and we don't care okay we don't know and we don't care type what are the names of of Jim when we say the names of Jim Jen do have names that are not describing the for em like a bliss Shaitaan efreet Kareem these are the names we know the mom babe then they have other names that they use that describe how powerful they are so depend on their level and then they have other names that are like our names so they have Abdullah Abdullah man Ahmed Saleh Mahmoud Khalid John Steve Michael George whatever now Michael George Michael and Jordan not together machine so they do have names like that but the names that I want to focus on today are these names that if you each one of them relates to Jim Jen are we ready said there the unseen for us q please the head off huh quickly let's let's be interacting Jala just Jenna I don't want you to be distracted I know B will be scared in a second huh it bliss is who the father of not all jinns of the shale team what is the difference between Shaitaan and gem shayateen are the followers of Iblees al-al'ama to LA and he is their head and all of them are disbelievers Jim have believers and disbelievers so a belief is from the gym he's not the head he's not the mean or the father of the gym like Adam is the father of the humans know it lease is one of the gym and he was righteous but because he disbelieved in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he was giving the name what a shape on so the word Shaitaan is he we use for anyone who is non-muslim or this believer the word gym you be careful when you use it because Jen represent Muslims and non-muslims allah subhanaw taala said about dodging in sulukule gym when Mindell muslim una a mineral casa tune we have the believers and the disbelievers family-to-family Muslim unifier when I mean a Muslim una and una Minnesotan femen s lemma foul a Kihara Russia that meant was the tuna fish can only Gehenna Muhammad Allah says we differentiate between or they say we are two groups Jen and Muslims and non-muslims okay so these are their names Allah used in the quran Shaitaan to represent Iblees he used regime the one who's expelled out of the mercy of Allah and he also used Korean and this number five we're gonna use him a lot today so remember what is Kareem that's the devil assigned to each individual so each one of you has a Kareem you cannot scape and each one of us question each one of us has how many Kareem if anybody has done let me know how many you Kareem from the Angels and Kareem from the Shaitan the man the the Kareem walk all Akari knew who have a melody achieved the pharyngeal malaika a sin afar makalah Carina or a banana at right - who a lacking Kenna field on a limb by - a pond in Surat cough Allah described both Kareem the angel Kareem that orders you to do good then keeps you on the right path and advise you and has a low status at luckyvitamin vania de human Ralphie he saw Luna ho the evening they they are protecting him who are they the angels they are the ones protecting him so these are but the Kareem is very important why because he is the one used in chapter 2 when we come to magic how are they able to get to you through this Kareem right here when you're born a Shaitaan comes or your Kareem comes hits you very strongly in the stomach so you end up crying screaming every child did that yeah anybody didn't do you guys remember I know if you remember yeah we remember ok my sheikh plan was delay the Liberty he was doing something he but he came at then I stole they thought I was dead but when he came he got me then they said ok I shouted so that's the Kareem he lives with you he knows a lot about you he even know what you whisper and think off and then he dies when you die you can't get rid of him this guy right here this generator whether you like gin you don't like them you can't get rid of him cos I'm sure there's nothing I could do for you Cuddy but you could also Salim said to Aisha you you're Kareem your Shaitaan came to you and she thought he went to one of his wives and she followed him in the long story short honey and then he said your Shaitaan whispered - she said I have a Shaitaan he said he every one of us associate what she said even you he said yes but Allah held me and he became Aslam or Aslam o or Islamic meaning that Allah held me to do it that I be protected from him the other narration as lemma means that he became Muslim but the narration of Aslam dar unprotected 4 is more authentic because shayateen don't become Muslim and if the Shaitaan becomes Muslim then he is what he is out he is not gonna help Kalos so there is no point of having a Korean in this case but these ones I want you al jinn is the rigid regular gen that we all know about and I am ur are the resident Jim these are their names each one of us here has 2nd type in his house they are the ones who are resident of your house they are in your house they come for many reasons they come because someone is sick they come because someone has stayed away from the Quran or the Sun are reading Quran or there's there's songs and music in the house they come because they want to check the house and they possibly live in they come because they want to eat and drink and so they are like you they are our mmm ok how would we know them that if I'm gonna give it to you today go home and check if you have our ma at your house you want to know how no handle yeah diet number one if you see shadow or the children see shadow running in the house there are our emmett believe them but don't make Yama your kids too if things gets lost in your house and you know for sure that no one enters the house and if it's not hidden there are our a mere Djinn in the house if you hear voices like for example but but this is the case I don't want the sisters or the brothers to use them a brother will go his wife for example she's hiding her $1000 in her pocket he takes it and she all the jinn took asourian no stop stealing money I'm saying if you have money somewhere or object that disappeared objects that disappear with no reason nobody enters your house and you you better there you're sure and this is repeated then know for sure there are our a mare in in your house easy way to get rid of them as the prophet sallallaahu sallam told surat al-baqara you recited three days they run away then they come back after after what three days the prophecy alum said in the hadith in nara mmm they lived with you in the house and there are other signs inshaallah but that would be a private if you feel there is genuine house talk to me after a raw spirit gym and these ones i want you to be careful of these ones come and they only mess with our children so if you have a kid that cries too much or you have a child that misbehaving in a way that he was not used to it but if your child is already crazy don't complain his that's how he is or if he's jumping off the bed that's normal every child does that but a behavior that you notice a change of behavior when he sleeps he bite on his teeth very hard they scream they cry in the middle of the night not because they have a stomach pain or or something that is hurting him they wake up and they tell you they see in things these are the spirit a lament or the spirit jinn that they live in there Shaitaan that's the hardest one or that's the hot high-level married I freed now what happened why we have these these cases most of the fortune tellers or the magicians what they do if they want to do magic to you to cause you a problem divorce not liking your husband for a husband not to like his wife children to misbehave problems in the family you're losing your job a lot of problems they send you a genie now look at how the process goes he comes to your house he stays with you for a while he goes back to the magician and he says I can't do it he's too good he's protected he reads his of car he does Salah I can't get to him I'm too weak the magician said said on the side one of the laminator he tried to reach one of your eyeliner that lives with you knows you better they can't do it the spirit is not gonna get in shape on can do it married he comes to you finds you very strong married is very strong well you have to be stronger for EM soon hadith I had vicar Salah so yeah family masha'Allah religious hey Jeb whatever married can do it they send you our three they can all do it they can't all harm you because you're very strong they come back to your everybody's asleep now should I wake you guys up there's three ways through through your what Kareem they come to your Kareem that one you can't fight you could make him weak but you can't fight this is when the time of position becomes very hard and very strong on a person that we don't know how to have to even treat the case except that it takes a longer period of time so back to the questions where were we question about smilla okay do you eat and drink yes what do they eat our food the left over like the bones Allah makes it turns into meat for them and they eat it their animals eat the done of our animal so they do eat and drink but do they drink Coke Pepsi are on or not haven't asked a genial if they like Pepsi they might if you drink Pepsi so the Muslim Jim eats what you eat if you slaughter by the name of Allah and you say bismillah you feed your brothers if you don't slaughter by the name of Allah and you don't say bismillah then the disbelievers gym or the disobedient gym well we'll eat with you and they become strong so they do eat and drink but they're not gonna eat your food so if you're missing a sandwich in the refrigerator that's your little child in the middle of the night he sneak them don't blame it on the gym okay or if you have a good food that you smell in the house and your wife said oh what happened to the food you did it so be honest okay but they do even drink like like us where do the jinn live they live in houses few of them but they live in empty house rivers seas bathrooms filthy area mostly the disbeliever gene or the evil Jen lives in the filthy area garbage depth of the ocean and the ones in the depth of the ocean are the ones locked by by the way if I ask can you answer I give you a gift huh so I'm an eraser I'm your first gift photo give it to me Rufio don't be scared it's not magic hey what is their power their power is they could only do what the ISS they could only harm you if what with the permission of Allah they're very weak they don't have power and the power that they have the believers a man is stronger than the power that they have so if you're strong in Amman and al-qaeda they cannot do anything to you they can't they won't harm you they won't affect you they won't cause you problems second type Ken Jim transform right well just say yes but but I usually say no but but I'm just gonna say yes so I don't confuse you they don't transform unless as the owner of the alarms said and Katella and others they said they don't transform unless they use magic spells or certain words to say to turn them into the object that they want to turn to so it's not like they could turn whenever they want so they will appear to you in a form and then they will disappear and then the people know to do it as a result of the Ilan who said that they are they are taught certain words where they speak off they say it turns them into the object that they want to transform to so they do transform as the prophet salaallah alayhi assalam said in d and in the Hadees that the prophet sallallaahu sallam said in the hadith that they transform into a snake hyah - no a car black dogs quote I'm just gonna keep it to there because there's no time to go into the all the details black dogs are general shayateen mostly okay I'm just gonna keep it there they transform into objects that you know like humans other humans figure of humans and the Angels they do the same thing they transform into animals like black cat we said snake leather and other but no no these are the gym there are three types there are three types of gym Nebu so lalala seldom said there are three types of Gin Gin de flies but play our own ok Jen hiya - no Atari snakes and leather gender are yeah Haruna unknown they appear and they disappear like in a share oh so they're able to transform as we said yes if they do their magic spell to transform will the Jen inter paradise or Hellfire the question is yes and there's a lot of proofs of the Quran Jin has religion yes or no yes they have muhib yes there hanafis Jeff is Malik is humbly the tough ones are the humbly they're very hard-headed but they have made their hip they have Shia Sufism they have and the worst of them are Shias believe it or not this is what's proving throughout that's not getting to that dujun know the future no they know they used to at the time of the prophet Salih Saleh more prefer of Sulu Los Alamos Allah they would climb on the top of each other and they would listen to the news from the skies because when allah subhanaw taala commands the angel to do something the Angels told the other angels other angels tell other angels so the angels of the first heaven or the first sky thoughts to each other they say what what's what's the commence today oh this is gonna happen to this person someone is gonna live someone's gonna have an accident somewhere so the jinn used to climb on the top of each other that Selim described and he did his hand like that and he said they climb and then they would listen and then they would run with the news to the magician and tell him now the magician will take it from the gym he will add a hundred light to it so he'll tell you if you travel today this is gonna happen and if you travel it will happen so you start believing in him now you return back to each other okay how about this I want to apply for this job what do you think no don't do that now they add lies to it so they know one thing and they add a hundred a hundred thing but when the prof Selim was sent have happened a real act that now there is shooting stars though that that was shot at them and allah subhanaw taala said when lms narsimha talking about gym when an LMS Nessa marathon shatner homily at Harrison shaadi then washer Hoover when a an Apollo dome in Hannah pie there is summer the mania steamy and edge Italy who she have a Rosado they say now we know that there is a prophet who are sent because when we listen to the news now there is shooting stars that is sent at us so we know that something happened so they went down they checked earth to make sure what's what's the news and they found that the prophecy Allah Allah Allah Allah revealed to him which was about 15 or 20 or 12 to 15 days after after the revelation can any human season in their original form no Imam Shafi who else from the the order manages to be very specific if Nausicaa rahim allah tala and Imam Shafi Ramallah Thailand Ibrahim e Ramallah they say a person who claims that they see him in their actual form they are considered cat the boon of hosaka Torah do Shahada to whom they are liars disobedience and we reject their what their Shahada their testimony we don't accept it from them seeing the jinn some people I met some magician and they tell me how we see the jinn no there you see them in another object they transform into something else as we say like dogs cats snakes whatever that there might be at a time of rasulullah sallallahu Sandlin the companion who came back to his wife and he saw her outside of the house he said to her why are you outside she said wait till you see what's inside he got jealous he was with the Prophet in the barrel he went inside he found a snake on the top of his belt so he took his sword and he hid the snake they both died the companion and the snake so when they told Rasulullah he said be careful because you have brothers or you have our Mirjam who lives and their resident with you in Medina so if one of you sees a snake in his house you should to have reach with a lesson you should talk to it three times everybody talk to it three times I already explained in many lectures you don't go to the snake and start the conversation don't don't no this is not what the Hadees says you know some people they tell you you want me to go and talk to the snake yeah but don't go close and say sneaky you're nice looking snake can you leave my house you're dead by the time you do that you're dead don't do that you stand far away far away that the snake can get to you and you speak to it three times I looked into it there is no evidence and what to say so there's many narration you could tell him by the oath that Suleiman has taken upon you to leave my house bismillah three times if the snake leaves the house which I thought with my own eyes many times the snake would actually leave the house even ants and little thing you talk to it like that you know some people would think you're crazy it doesn't matter you say bismillah three times if they leave the house alhamdulillah if they don't then you're able to kill it even if it's a gem why because now they are tied in the form that they have transformed to so do that three times speak to it the way I told you say bismillah three and then you get rid of it and that was heaven at the time of rasool ullah sallallahu listen so no one could see the snake under actual form except the Prophet SAW Allah is Allah he saw them in their actual form and he described them to the Companions like even immerse order of the la allah and he said how they look like and the shell team when they made from fire they crossed by Rasulullah and Salah and he took one of them and he took him and he got him closer from his neck and he said till I felt his saliva draw saliva dropping on my hand then I said he shouted out let me go so I let him go what la he if it was not the dua of Suleiman not to give this power to control the gym I would have tied him in this pillar in the Masjid and I made the kids play with him but I let him go okay so Rosalyn did see them soul a memory Selim most likely did see them because he would use them other than Suleiman they would see the Shaitaan in their actual form Allahu Allah but they would see them in there Abu Hurairah saw the shape on you know the hadith right who knows the hadith of Abu Hurairah did he see the shape on yes or no yes no this is not written this is laser okay huh when he was stealing from their zakah but he saw him in a form of a man because if he saw him as a shape on he would know right away so three days or so Allah is telling him he'll come back he'll come back he'll come back in the third night he said yeah bahara you know who years been speaking to you for the best few days he said who he said that's the shape time and the Shaitaan taught him ayatul kursi to protect him oh babe niqab in the hadith narrated Ballymun Bukhari did the same and he caught this man stealing and he figured out that he was he told him I was young am the shaitaan/the married the master of the gym if you don't let me go I will harm you he started laughing and he said Allah you have no power go okay so he knew he was a shape on time can we use where are we smell can we use the help of gym with matters in our lives no don't do that because if you try to do it through any of these means you think that the Djinn are gonna protect you you think that the Djinn are gonna bring benefit to you you think any of these little thing that I'm gonna show you a table in a while you think any of these things will protect you and keep harm and the Djinn are protecting you well llahi they are bringing harm to your family and your house and to your life that you would not imagine such as people who call magicians or call fortune tellers or go to the palm readers and tell them what do you know about me and gives them information the gem ends up in your house doing things to you that I don't want to speak about from experience and things that I have I have seen this was portion one again just for the sake of recording this portion is very brief there is I made it in an hour and a half lecture handled I finish it in 20 minutes so that's good move on to this is the first part sail team so what do they teach people they teach people magic ACEF many of Muslims today carry this magic with them without knowing and they don't know what they're used for and they cause harm to them because of these evil magicians or those people who say they are righteous or religious huh I know or religious these people are harming you they're not bringing you benefit the one who brings you benefit on heart is Allah Subhanahu what the hell I said magic what is magic what do we know about magic the Quran aford magic people of Musa al-salaam they used magic Fusaro are yunnan s there are types of magic where you see it in your life that are illusion like those people who who play with the card they they do they do little tricks and there's magic that they use gin and shale team to help them like these examples that we gonna give insha'Allah so what is magic sacred linguistically means whatever is caused by hitting force okay and is imagined as other than itself or something that appears in a form other than its real one this is what they do things that you see with your eyes that are not true you see them you look at them but they appear in other than the reality of it like if I bring this book okay and everybody is looking at it if I do some tricks to hide the book or make it disappear sometime they'll be carrying the book in their hand or they hide it somewhere where you don't see it you thought that the book disappeared this is what you thought what you saw with your eyes and you thought that the book disappeared so they are fooling you they are tricking you or whatever is caused by a heading up force which is mainly Jen or left like nuts that they make or things that they cause to speak about or to blow in water or air or so on so this is what literal meaning self is an act which brings one closer to the Shaitaan let me tell you brothers right now any person who does magic cannot reform magic unless he sacrifices for the Shaitaan they have to sacrifice for the Shaitaan they have to do something for the Shaitaan to gain some benefit from the shaitaan by the way no one no one on earth regardless of how table magician he is uses the Shelton origin it's the other way around the jinn are in the shayateen are using him to do things that they command him to do and then they bring him some favors so they are using him and they make him disbelieve in Allah in order for them to this benefit he has to disbelieve in Allah soprano soprano hotel by even magic may also be defined as the appearance of control object machine according to ignore food Amara Him Allah he said 2nd magic is a set of nuts like these ones right here these nuts right here Allah asked us to make stir from Puglia develop Bill Phillips min share women hunna woman surely last opinion of women sherry and naphtha that women who blow or magicians who blow in nuts and low-cut are the nuts they take it they make these nuts they say certain words they blow in it and then magic is preformed like we're gonna show inshallah or certain words that they use ok either written or carried out in such a way to set the effect of the body of the subject his heart his mind without even coming into contact with him or her they have to have a trace something from you to preform this magic so they bring that whatever they are able to and they preform it they don't have to meet you magicians never have to meet you they don't have to come to your house it's just someone performing that magic brings something to them so therefore I'm gonna tell you right now if anyone claims and listen to this very careful if anyone claims that a magician could do magic on a picture of yours without having a trace meaning something from you like hair clothes nails or so on they are lying and they don't know how magic is performed or else right now all face book will be magic how many of us here has pictures on facebook I don't want to see the sisters dead brothers son because I'm if they raise their hand I'm gonna have a problem with the sister having their fix we have pictures on facebook so if a musician could just take it and preform magic on it then it will be an easy easier flexion they don't do that they have to have a trace and we're gonna explain inshallah what what a trace mean by what are the rulings of learning magic our kids today they go on to these websites they learn these words why because they watch Disney most of Disney movies involves magic yes Cinderella what other I only know Cinderella that's what I watched but other movies okay most of Disney can we learn magic can we at least bring it to benefit the Muslims maybe can we learn magic what's the ruling number one forbidden Haram this is the consensus of the scholars allah subhanaw taala says while mecca for Suleiman Suleiman did not disbelieve in Allah but the shayateen disbelieved why teaching people magic so they disbelieved because they're teaching what they're teaching magic so it's Haram to learn Haram to preform how long to use and Haram to get close to it now how did a barrera of Dalaran the prophet sallallaahu Salim says be aware protect yourself avoid seven things that will destroy your life they said what is it all of sulu law he said Sal Allah Allah associating anything with Allah and magic second one the rest of the seven magic is one of the seven that you must stay away from don't learn don't read about it and let me tell you as something that I remember a lot of time our kids and our youth and even the adults they learn magic accidentally again how they learn it what how can they alert accidentally they do it no reading too much about it reading too much about it following a book that teaches magic playing games that has magic warnings or spells you end up learning magic without knowing and if that's gin or the shayateen appeared to you in any form sometime there is no return some people they learn magic through a religious meme like they go to a teacher who they think he is a shape a scholar a professor and then they start they add to Quran to hadith certain things that they teach them and this is magic be very careful because it will destroy your action and it's part of this belief the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam said end another hadith he said whoever he said whoever ties a nut says no no no a nut should be anot sorry and blows on it he has practiced magic and whoever practiced magic he has committed chilli and whoever hangs up something like on the wall then he will be entrusted to it these things these things right here we gonna show you the tool awesome you hang it on your chest in your pocket at you in your house things that are tied into leather and they tell you don't ever open it you know I'm just gonna give it to you right now where's the okay let's just let's keep this for now you see this right here everybody you see this right here a person bought this okay to do what to keep him protected how much it cost huh they were there at the lecture 1500 but he was able to drop the price and initiate okay so he got it for $800 fine no problem you open it up it has Quran it's Koran all the recitation of Quran this will keep anybody wants to buy this now this will bring more risk to your family anybody want more risk more provision anybody wants children why are you guys all scared smell anybody wants this this is what they thought so you take it it is Koran but these evil creatures these magicians they will not write the Koran because if they do so it will protect and they know surah al-baqarah for example protect so what do they do and don't ask me how do we know that they take the ayah they add certain words in the middle or numbers which represents something so it is Quran if you read it it is verses of Quran is hard to read but then they have names of generating around yeah man that's Allah they are him that's Allah yeah jibreel does the angel jibreel yeah Mikael and then they have yes as a hoobie about the Hobie and Abajo bein and so on and this weird enough know his name and and so on these are names of magicians names of Jen they add it into it that brings laud they give it to a sister to bring a husband there you get a free trust when you get a jinn husband if you keep this and she tells me how I married this guy he's very evil yeah because you got him through this so these things are being sold and the prophecy Elam says you put your trust in this allah subhanaw taala will leave you to it you will not have the protection of allah subhanaw taala no more you will not have the help of allah subhanaw taala no more an imam and half of the Hodja rahim allah allah said learning magic is Kofu this belief in allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala even academic said learning magic and teaching magic is haram and this is a consensus of the scholars we do not know for difference of opinion on this matter among they the scholar off of religion that was mentioned in the movie of ethnic Adama rahim allah tala rahmatan wasabi now can we go to a magician can we visit them for the purpose of asking them not trusting them let me give you the harm of that two things if you go and ask them and you trust them one case if you go ask them but you don't believe in what they say one case what is the case first hadith of the prophet sallallaahu sallam he said whoever visits a magician a fortune-teller someone who plays with magic palm reading is included those people who read the stars horoscope they explain it they have numbers letters any of that you go and visit them you ask them and you believe in what they say you have denied the revelation that was sent to Muhammad meaning you have disbelieved in the Quran but chef I only go there to to check them out I visit the eye I saw magicians but I didn't go to visit them I didn't go to even ask them I went because I was writing the book about magic and I wanted to get information on how they perform certain action and how do they do it not to ask them for a matter for myself or others bow if what if we just go what if we read the horoscope how many of us he reads the horoscope be honest what's the horse coherent hamdulillah and I introduced it to the community lot of this time whoever goes to a magician and doesn't believe him look at the water so solemn said Allah will not accept his Salah for forty days and he still have to perform solo so you pray for forty days knowing that your Salah is what not accepted it does not mean you can doesn't mean that you don't do so bad no you prefers a lot but your Salah is not accepted for for 40 days so any of that at 10 g m-- astrology horoscope palm reading are all this is the palm reading they have these names of Mars and and and other place this one they say if you're Linus should have mind if you wanna get married I'll share my story the man anybody wants to get married if your line this is the line of marriage and relation this is the line that you'll be rich or you be poor masha'allah a brother told me all I see this line everything I'm still poor it says it says you'll be rich yeah they'll tell you one day I wait to what that day comes risk comes from where Allah law said what is system a your provision is above heaven if Allah made it on earth we would be fighting over it lost Hannah Tallis dawn who decrease it with a with a mount that is set for you and you will not get more than what Allah has decreed for you these people who read astrology they go into the they have certain way to read it I just want to go over quickly I don't want anybody to to learn how to do it but the palm part they open it up and they tell you this line right here is telling toward the left this is the relationship so if it's connected right here you will marry someone from your family and if it's disconnected you'll marry someone that you disliked before and then you'll be connected together and then people tell me well I married the one I love and we were having problems and it's connected these are all made up these are things that they teach it's form of magic and they share team fools them and tricks them and subhanAllah they actually write books about it it's like you have to follow it and then they tell you oh not anybody could read this you have to go through a stage of learning to be able to do it you tell him brother and sister this hand right here is my hand leave it alone all of this brothers and sisters this is shirk shirk means to associate a partner with Allah you believe that someone could harm your benefit your brings you goodness other than allah subhana so Panama Thailand so that is magic this is briefly what magic is all about now Rasul Allah SAS Allen told us to protect ourselves how rakia reciting some verses from the Quran some Hadi some Dora of the prophet sallallaahu Salim and if we do that we'll be protected but I want to warn you from the fraud Rokia or those people who does raffia wrong therefore you would know who is doing it right you get it so I'm gonna tell you next next I'm gonna tell you this guy right here no nobody knows he is not clear in the picture what's wrong here are made with this picture give us the fiction perspective thank you first problem I call this slide how to spark a fraud rocky how do you how do you false someone who's see you using big words what I told you a fraud is someone who looks real religious wearing the stuff that I wear a stop wearing that because of him having said Hine his hand growing his beard Marshall on his beard could be long recites Quran prays in front of you but they are fake I have met only in Egypt only I'm not gonna mention other countries which were which I have met a lot of them only Egypt thousands why good business they fool people your you give yeah let me give you a trick how the jihad was surprised when he saw this I opened up this magic spell here or this is the Teresa you know what Teresa is right a protection keeps you protect and the brothers what share don't do that you can harm me and my family all of that and I said easy man so it was wrapped in like inside a box inside a box whatever any was a-shake he told me not to open it and that I said how much did you pay for it he said $450 I'm like mashallah this a good magician prices are high that means he did a good job okay we got to the end oh I told him I told you it was too easy it was some kind of a protection thing which is haram to have and he said what's in it I said if he's good magician they write certain words and stuff in in that okay and he said well I you know he told me he spent a lot of time on it so I open it up and I said $400 $400 $400 through this is $400 their magician did not even take time to do it yeah I mean this guy I feel bad for him for two things he did man he that he's doing magic he's a magician so he's a fraud you know if he did something okay at least he did some work you know it charge you for the ink for the blood for whatever he did but this guy he's just send it to him in mail from one country to the US and he paid DHL Express Mail to receive it right away and I'm like and he said maybe you know those hidden ink I'm like there is no hitting ink there is nothing okay you lick it with your tongue or whatever get a dog to lick it there's nothing in there the guy's convinced that this is something so brothers and sisters especially sisters I'm gonna warn you to ever not to ever go to those people that I'm gonna mention to you today and this is a lot of my beloved alarm officially Allah is my witness now I have I have said it be careful number one if you ever go to someone even if he is a shape even if it was me or sheikh ahmed may Allah protect us I'm not going to talk about your credentials so just if you go and you love them and you respect it even if he is the Imam of how y'all know Harry forget it okay if he does any of the things that I'm gonna mention to you now slap him on the face and leave no no now that don't do that leave quietly but don't ever return because if he know that you are exposing him he'll harm you be careful even if he's religious I'm telling you even the Imam of Harlem doesn't matter any of these signs that you see in someone who's do be very Foreman rocky are not magic now talk about Rocky all right now those people who prefer magic I'm going to show you how they do it one first thing they asked the patient about his name or her name and mother's name if anybody asks for your mother's name they are magicians period if they ask you what's your name or you have brothers and sisters yeah what's their name and then they get - what's your mother's name checkmark you're like thank you I'll see you next time seriously why for two reasons Jim don't believe that humans are children of Mary's because all marriage to the gym meaning our marriage to the gym is a form of when L do B laughs fornication and zimmer that's how they view us number two they bring your name and your mother's name and they match them how do they match them this is what they do they take your name they look at it the person's name is Madeleine I'm afraid that we can someone and that's his real name and his mother's neutral I'm giving it to the magician I know what messenia at best anybody our best here handle as my favorite name AB best okay and his mother's name is abasa no no there is no such thing as impossible and his mother's name is Madeleine Sakina no okay okay so we stain with our bath so we're just gonna bus okay where we're going with our bass that allows the said stop plus sorrowful sister up bass are best now they take the scene for this quickly this is what they do they take the scene from your name they match it with the scene so there is a match they take the scene they look into a number what is the number they have their ways they have a chart where each number represents or forgive me each letter represents a number and they match these numbers together and they look at both of you and they say well our best that the son of a basa is is a form of creation yes created from what they have four types they divided us into four types we are either created from we are creation of fire category of fire number 2 category of sand or model or soil we have third water fourth air so they look at your numbers and they match that number with the number 15 which is the Box they draw and when you add it I don't want to do it because the kids are gonna learn okay or else I would have shown you but then the number 15 anyway at the end they say Oh a bath is a water creation or a soil creation or a fire creation or what else who said air creation because of his mother's matching with other numbers so they take that because you could have more than one father you could only have one mother see that's how they look at it right a person will either be like those four damn magicians and disbelievers they could have more than one father not more than one father like this good no but a woman does Zenor inaudible and so on when they take that they turn it into the magic that we talked about and then according to what category you're in they know how to perform the magic so first if they ask about your name your mother's name if they read rakia what is the rakia rakia is wordings we use as specific warnings to say or read from Quran or Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim or from the door that the Prophet taught us so this person does read Rukia even Quran even if they read Quran but in words or language that is not clear or understood when they say bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim and hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen you understand here you go if they say al hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen Malachy what is that if they start or they tell a rakia in a language other than like for example if you speak or do and the person is performing a rakia in order you would know that this is a door that makes sense not some weird words and the magicians sometimes they are fooled by the jinn by telling them what we teach you is works that will make you very righteous like they will tell him write this down bismillah so they would write bismillah they come to the word Allah and change the hell or they tell them say ya allah ya muhammad ya gibreel yeah Micahel yeah that's a hobby they told him what I know me gibreel I know Rasulullah I know Allah and we're not supposed to say mhmm media debris but what is this last thing so don't worry this is the name of an angel who's giving certain powers so the person who is performing the rukia thinks that he is dealing with angels and they fooled so many by doing that so if you feel or you hear someone brief form and rukia on you in a language that is other than what you understand or what you know then this is a fake Rafi as for things that are impossible or hard to get like what he'll tell you bring me a goat all black but a white mark on his forehead or a roaster there is brownish with dark spot on its wing or something like that you know some things that are very hard or is just a pigeon that has this description or so on if they start asking you for things like that don't think you're giving and they call it so the cut the magician they call these things of the cut we like sacrifice you're doing sacrifice for Allah you're not doing sacrifice for Allah you're doing sacrifice for the Shaitaan will here to be left after that ask for clothes or some trace this is the worst part I'll tell you a story about this because we came to the stories they asked the person has say somebody wants to do magic they tell him can you bring me a trace something that touched his body and the best for magician is your private part here or the armpit if they can get that they tell him get me a hair or any piece of hair from any part of his body if they can get that nails they can get that clothes like underwear something that touched him directly and has his sweat they can't get that clothes that he were and he did not wash it anyway they cannot get that they tell them bring you have to bring from from him anything and then they take that which they did to the prophet sallallaahu listen so if any of these people who does rock here tells you bring your husband is underwear or t-shirt and I will make him love you believe me your husband is gonna hate you for the rest of your life okay or so this person this sister what she did the magician told her he says bring me something from your husband and I will make that connection between both of you even stronger so she went on she got his tank top okay which he had changed he didn't wash she took it to the magician and he did it but the magician was not an expert so when he did the magic he made the husband hate his wife not love her so her husband told me when I when we were reading every time were together forgive me for that I see her as a monkey I said that's good she's jumping around no he said no a monkey I'm like like she danced for you know monkey see monkey an animal every time I get closer to him and I see that in my dreams many many times so we did the Rokia on the person brief erm da rocha on the person the person starts screaming very loud they start shouting stomach pain stomach pain stomach pain so I didn't know what was going on and then he said something there's a key in my body is something going on like itchy and it was as soon as we read it turns red I didn't know what was going on with this guy so we we did the raffia full rupiah for rupiah tell the Djinn spoke and when the jinn spoke then we knew that the trace was given by his wife and then she had met later of course hamdullah was not a solve the problem they got back together they were almost close to divorce so I told the sister this joke after we read through pianola cured them and she told us about the magic and I found the magic he was in something like that I opened it up it was the cut of the tank top in it was some here some words and callosum and wording on it so I told the sister I said subhanAllah look sister there's a sister who went to a sheikh once and she told him I want my husband to love me listen to this story it is a joke he said you want him to love you she said he said don't worry about it get me a monkey's here no real monkeys here so she said ok she went to the zoo how she's gonna get her monkeys here monkey jumps all over so first day she couldn't get it she get closer the monkey hits her jumps away any of that second day she noticed the monkey what he likes what he dislikes he eats banana be nuts and so on not so she's okay third day she brought some bananas she got it offered to the monkey got close the monkey stole the banana ran away she's like what's going on fourth day she got some music playing in the background with the monkey he starts jumping closer to it but the monkey still fourth day after a week she went to the Sheikh okay and she said she said she said hamdullah I got it can you make my husband love me so how did you get it so though I did everything I dress for the monkey I song for the monkey I played music in the background I looked what he liked what he disliked the chef said tequila or life you do that half of that to your husband he would love you more than the monkey loved you just do that you want your husband to love you okay when he comes home he should smell something nice not cutting onions and then you meet him with the knife and you're like why are you late the kids did this and this and she's like what he doesn't like me come on the Prophet told us if you return from a travel don't enter your house before you tell your wife and don't enter late night so you won't see a wife in a form that you wouldn't like so you should let her know I'm coming home not just out of the sudden you're knocking she was doing her hair and who is still fluffy and you know how the sisters wake up sometimes and brothers with efforts to okay you wake up the first thing you're gonna say is what how do you believe me so tells you yeah well you did that to yourself so there are means to it like the same thing the prophecies are even our best used to dress nicely you know perfume his beard you know comedies here go to the barber shop every week so they told him why you're doing that he said I would like to look nice for my wife like I would love my wife to look nice for me it's both relation okay that's how we connect families in shahrullah so they ask you for a trace or anything from and and this is that the part that they did to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the magic they did to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa Elia Sabine was alone and I'm gonna show you which magic they did in sha Allah reads on women without Muharram or touch them directly I have that as a big problem that have faced if I tell you the stories that I know about this first he goes into a room with her by themselves only him and the women who's their third now there are so solemn said if a man and women are by themselves their third partner is so don't tell me even if you're gonna read all four and they asked al-hasan can we teach women Koran privately he said you teach in Quran and the Shaitaan is listening Shaitaan is your third so if he said if he asked you to read this sister said she went with her husband the Sheikh said he put his hand on her forehead which is not allowed I know the rack touch if I touch oh sure Hama gets scared when I do that but if I touch it a Hama there is there is some connection in the rakia that it effects the jinn more and we know that through experience for women you should not do so and if somebody who reads : as I told you before remember slide one even if he has a beard even if he has a zipper in his hand and he's doing all that scar he carries a book in it even if he tells you I'm the Imam of time the Madi it doesn't matter he touched women without a veil meaning veil means what someone else like her husband so the husband puts the hand on her forehead and he put your hand on the husband not on her some sisters told me or lies and I don't like to say that but when either below what Allah he this person he told them the husband the only way to get this magic away from her and to be cured because she was afflicted with magic I have to rub over her chest area and her body ten times and worldwide the husband said I thought because he's a sheikh maybe they have to do that and then the women went through depression after that these people who read by the name of Allah with subasta even if he's reading Quran here we go clear for and clear a hadith of the Prophet Allah he tells you I read to you privately without any person with you touch the woman anywhere some people they touch women and their and their shoulder and their chest and their leg and they tell you I'm touching the gym this is fooling around this is a sexual assault they should be reported to the police call us are we clear on that be very careful of that because if that happened you're doing Haram and he's doing Haram claims that they know the future or the unknown like if he tells your wallet was stolen oh I know who stole it and he tells you the person didn't know that there's something wrong with this person if the gym doesn't tell him about magic then there's something wrong nobody knows the future but allah subhanaw taala gives you a tama tao easy to use to burn to wear an instruct that is not to be opened he gives you any of this okay and he tells you don't open it this will protect you this is 1,500 anybody wants to buy 1500 one lakh 1,500 it is no but this this guy did some work it's wrong it's magic it has names and letters and it's it is real magic with they claim that it brings risk on children and he didn't have children so 1500 if any of this youth tells you take this keep it in your pocket in your pillow under your footstep enter your doorstep under your wife is pillow to make her love you or maybe you know boil it in water and give it to your husband to drink I'll tell you cases like they did that or maybe dissolve it in water and you and your husband drink or dissolve it in water and spray it in front of your husband when he cross and by the time he crosses over he would his love would increase for you any of that then know that this person is a fraud is that clear type next ask the patient to be isolated or stay in a dark room for a period of time there is no such treatment as that if they do that they're just trying to bring you Jim because Jen everything that is dark dark night dark loathe I know all sisters are wearing black today but don't worry no no they that's what they like dark objects tomorrow tell us the patient what's their name okay the city they came from where they live or anything about their problem without you speaking to him you go em he tells you oh brother so-and-so I know where you came from I know who you are I know why you're here and I'm gonna tell you this is the problem you came for right and you're like martial law this is great he knows a lot of lost pannacotta gave him vision no this is Jim talking to him each one of us has what we going back to slide one each one of us has Kareem we say this Kareem knows everything about you so what did the magician do he asked his gym to run to your gym gets all the your summary report in seconds because they moved the what is it ours will crease - from Yemen to Palestine he said faster than a blink of an eye so they move transfer so you're Kareem tells him he saw so he came for this he lost his wallet he lost his car something happen - no so as soon as you come in he approached you this way to give you some trust in him to think he is religious person know that this person is a magician he is a fraud so this is what they give you brothers and sisters all of these things you're supposed to burn and I'm gonna show you how to do it look anybody has any of these things no no not car keys man magic magic added to it like a tar Ouisa things to tau YZ or these here you go anybody has any of these okay this just came to me a few days ago there you go this is the real one there you go this one is done on the on this side right here this is this one right here this came to me and if I interpret to you I know at numbers and letters here mean and look how they write it they extend the letter so they have ya allah ya de ya know a bad call whatever that is okay and then they add a square they put letters you see this right here you see this square right here as soon as you see something like that with the square or a triangle of nain of letters or numbers know for sure it's magic yeah some of them don't know how to do it I know they don't mean anything and if I have time at the end if I have time I will show you in Charlotte one thing that I had from a magician who told the person to write surah 2 taluk they have time so I'm ok yes can I go on yeah ty he said write surah to taluk with certain numbers so the brother told oh he's just telling me to write surrogate Allah and dissolve it in water and he will not divorce his wife but let me tell you what was directed do you want me to show you that should I show you let's can we go to how do we go to the last slide Marth can you move on to last slide please so anybody has any of these at the house brothers and sisters if you have them I know some people have Tao is that I'm sorry to say especially brothers here we go this is dunya no I need it's ok I go down to the numbers to the numbers ok open it up yes ok look at this number okay any of these tau is that I am gonna take right now ok these are the numbers this is actually they use this is what the scholars used for - we'd know - we - we if you read in Quran and you wonder objet how was hope the kalam on these are letters of alphabet yes anybody from Morocco yeah in Morocco they still till today they don't teach alphabet as elevator they used to teach it because of karate watch object how was right these are letters of alphabets like Alec data so they take each letter they give it a number okay they give it a number so can you guys remember the numbers here can somebody take a picture of it and keep it with you I want to do I want to do something with you go anybody because I'm gonna ask you go ahead take a picture of this and look up here you got it okay look up here he told this person to read surah total of this is what it says surah 2 Tala to protect from divorce took tap you write it you write surah total up in two papers and in a you have a pot of water you dissolve it in this pot or 1050 360 what is that nobody will understand that right we don't understand he's saying take the paper type top can you give me a few few minutes they're saying huh time they're saying take your time and the people are worried that you guys how many of you wants to go home a lot but nobody wants to go home so anybody who wants to leave they could leave can we ask them with message eyes that really people don't ok let's go let's go and show a lot quickly quickly ok 60 is what brother what is 60 scene 3 okay so it's 6350 1063 50 1060 okay three Jim okay what we say fifty what noon and then ten the word is young just filthy papers so you bring the Koran and you put it into water what water 5060 ten three you think what is that have to do it anything he's telling you to put the Koran in what filth you are okay Jung water that is impure now and then what do you do after that you take that Quran in that water and then you wash the surah from the Quran by 53 165 53 16550 noon three Jim one Aleph and then sixty and then five measures impurity so you take the water that is impure you put the Quran in it and then you take this Quran and dissolve it by what impurity what is impurity blood way ahead of Allah and things like that did you see what they do so if anybody sees things like that even if it has a large name in it these people are just mixing Arab so you would not notice so they could have a large name in it and Quran recitation verses but and yet they add up these numbers which we are not familiar with or these letters and they turn into what she'll cover when I will a horrible Allah mean this is what they do so what should we do with that if we have done we take these waters we take the water we burn it if it doesn't have any before or anything that our sands or soil we burn it and then we take the ashes we bring water we read Koran the raffia on the water and then we take the the paper we could take the paper and just dissolve it into that pure water with Quran or the ashes after we burn it and you put it into that water till it dissolves completely and then you bury it in the ground allah subhanaw taala inshallah we'll protect you from any of any of the the harm type because of due to the time i am just going to jump - I'm gonna jump to the rock here if McCullough's I could stop but give me about 15 minutes like this minute so now this is magic okay time so the Prophet Allah Salim says whoever carries a taneema or a Tulsa commit shirk and be careful because of that Rasool Allah Salim says whoever carries something like that take care of because it will only increase your weakness it will not bring you any benefit how do the magician bring same magic or how do the magician prepare magic I can't I can't tell you in that short period of time so these are the ways each way of course has its own lecture but I it's very time is running out I'm just gonna tell you a playlist of Leah to show you or or maybe just maybe these two how do they bring Jim look what they do brothers and you'll be surprised subhanAllah first the jinn orders them to be isolated for 40 days this is why I'm warning you from those people because look what they do to get to that level they tell them to be isolated for 40 days in a place where they don't use water at all for 40 days they take the Quran while rare to be left they cut the Quran into two pieces from the marrow so lot of gas and they put each side in their feet like a sandal and they walk in impurity for 40 days and then imagine what else they do they will rather be like urinate on it they felt on it this is that softly disbelieve and when they do that after 40 days the jinn will appear to them and the more the magician disbelieve in Allah the more that the jinn will be helping him so they end up I know a magician in Yemen oh sorry somewhere somewhere this magician said he used to when he makes magic he would preform Taraka and people would see him doing salah he says when I start Salah all I say is Allahu Akbar the jinn will appear to me on a chair in a form of a man and I would pray for him rock or sujood so people who think that I'm praying for Allah but I wouldn't be making stood on his feet and he would be stepping on with his other foot on my head and you know the other says done the other foot and so on for him to do one thing for me that's every time so the rule is the more the magician brings this swearing or disbelief backward they take that for em bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim they write it like this me Mia ha ha Alif LAAM backward they write the Quran and they add numbers in the mirror and then they bring filthy blood of administration or other blood and they pour it on it on the Koran that is written like that and then they say certain words till the gem comes to them and talk to them certain stars I mean I fish escape over these are all ways that I wish I had time to explain to you how they do it but this is the one Allah Rafa people who read palm reading Jan reading coffee grin you guys know that especially all of their familiar with that they this is what the magician that she brings a cup of coffee that you drink the jinn will appear in that and the general toher do this do that don't do that the signs and the marks and then she will tell you this is what happened or almond L our lives are a chef almond L yummy sometimes they'll bring a kid and they'll do magic I wanted to use the kid today he was willing to but he sorry ma'am we couldn't do it the type of magic that there are out there separation love false appearance of object crazy laziness hearing voices sickness or illness and bleeding this is only for women and then impairing marriage to stop marriage separation between men and wife between men and no and his wife family members friends workmates partners fam and so on what did they do they tell them bring me a trace they bring the trace to the person he makes his nuts he preformed these nuts he blow with certain words they separate between the husband and the wife so the brother ends up seeing his wife in other forms or the wife dislikes her husband you know sometime if he's outside of the house mashallah she's running watching TV she's playoff fun and the kid he enters the house everything changed and she feels there's something wrong how many sisters feel that oh they were like we feel it all the time I'm just not magic he's just not liking your husband to be at the house but if this is change I'm talking about when you're living normal life and suddenly things change like love a person who does love and then it turns against against him this magician when they have to be left what he did to the sister I was reading on her he they thought he was a sheet so they brought him the brother put his hand on his wife I read to the sister the sister literally flew up the butt cam maserin one one foot of the ground off the ground she was just sitting down she just started flying up up up up up up even her you know so I knew there was something wrong because of what he told me she would see him in a certain way she would see dreams of these weird figures she would see a snake dark snake all the time she would see this man coming to her advising teaching even Conrad in the day and then she would turn so I knew there was something wrong I read I read after long reading of course and she did that her head tilted you know those those moves that you see in movies just the head one and the husband just said la la la la bum he let her go and she dropped on the ground after long reading I found that this person he did magic to separate between her and her husband because he wanted to marry her but her mother rejected him so he promised to do something for her he went all the way from the country he was at am I gonna say what country to a country that teaches magic well known country of course there is only for a well-known you guys could figure it out he went to that magic country he thought he learned magic just to do it to this sister well la hija and I saw it with my own eyes they used to tell me I didn't see that part but they stood her father and they said Tommy she was drawn almost naked on the roof of the house calling his name in the middle of the night the ship the magician his name out loud and when she sleeps and if her husband gets closer to her she'll feel like a Shaitaan is literally attacking her we had to do about a month and half of Rokia tell hamdullah we were able to find the the magic and we were able to remove everything and I told her to hold onto the half car and so on so this is the separation of men signs we already talked about it okay make her ego creates many doubts between them not accepting each other succeed excuse making better bigger deal out of little problems change of figures either in dreams or other than that hitting the action that the other person does hitting the place where the other person is that if women see that or men sees that and they see dreams with that most likely they are selected with or possess with with Jim how do they prepare that this is what do they magician ask a person name and mother's name he asks for a trace and then he looks at what type are you and they do it this is what they did to the Prophet and they made him see objects and things that he didn't do how did they do it a women or a servant took here a calm that the process enemies to come his hair with that had here pieces of hair his hair so lalala cinnamon how it's in behead and she gave it to labeed that a banal awesome who was a Jewish magician labeed took or he called this gentleman a voodoo ha the voodoo yes lemme it took something like that like a doll really this is what happened to Rasulullah now he took something like that and he bought all these needles em and he took cross wasallam is here and he tied it wrapped it around the door and because the prophets name and his mother's name matches the water type they buried it in a well of water remember we spoke about the four types you are either what fire so if your fire they bring these papers and they buried they burn it into a pot steel and you feel boiling you would feel it as soon as the magicians start doing it if you are muddy or soil they will bear it in the graves I just found last month magic in the grave six months ago or so or a year ago more than that maybe when we were doing the reading a sister from Yemen we were reading on her as soon as I read they she'll start speaking a man his voice of course a man's voice he was Yemeni too but he was from Thais he gave me a pro he gave me a hard time but I read to him he kept telling me well you know I don't I'm not gonna tell you where is it you're very strong mayor I'm not forget all this foolishness the warrior your inherit I've been with her for about 15 years I love her now I can do what lieth who as soon as I read to her she passed out and when she heard my voice coming into the door she starts screaming from upstairs so I knew there was something wrong when I read the first thing to know when a person passes out Jeremiah also always wanted to know that first the person passes out if the person does not pass out this person might be possessed with Jim but not the jinn speaking to you if she Rahim is speaking to me right now and I hear his voice that I'm familiar with even if he screams that's not Jim not just because you know if they change voice they pass out they change voice so this is a man's voice I told him to prove to the brothers who are with me I said what do they have in my pocket he said he have a wallet how much is it in it he said $100 so I could underdog a brother was with me my friend and I said how much does he have in his upper pocket and he said $100 the brother koukin our except Allah I don't need it I'm not gonna use it the jinn knows about it but you know her eyes opened up she was wearing the cop I forced women to wear in a club especially if I know they're possessed with Jim I'm sure they a possessed because of certainly on the air so you won't look at her because if she looks beautiful or she looks nice you might be afflicted yourself and the Shaitaan will fool you and you look at her face you'd be distracted from the reading and you end up being weak so there is no way you defeat the Shaitaan because you're doing something Haram so anyway her eyes literally came out of the niqab you don't want to see that her eyes opened up came out very strong and then she starts shouting so I knew that colossal so I kept talking talking and reading and whatever I wanted to chef Dean act of courtesy and so on he told me Harless you stop burning me I'll tell you where the magic is I say where he said in Yemen I saw that's far away I'm not gonna go to Europe and to check it out how do I know that you're saying the truth so we sent her brother he was in Yemen he went to the house where he told us it was buried under the house in a grave next to the house we took it out we burned it home do not be mean but the struggle was continuing because she used to look at the so much be careful of that don't have a mirror yeah don't have a mirror in front of your in your bedroom don't have it in the bathroom at nighttime especially our kids don't let them scream inside the bathroom where there is a mirror where they see themselves be very careful this is one of she was not reading Quran as much as stuff like that so he told me I'm leaving today but I'm coming back and then come doula he left and then I didn't follow after that because I had to to travel but this is a case of medicine so they did that to rasulullah sallallahu taala whereas assalam would see objects or things and this is how he cured this is the point that I want to get you the first way to cure the sickness is that the prophets of La Mario Salaam every night in the middle of the night you would wake up and pray 2 rakaat make drama first way to cure yourself before you go to a magician now how do I know there is something wrong with me before I go to somebody to read on me I'm gonna give you these hints anyone here thinks that their children's possessed they are possessed there's Jamie in the house there's something wrong this is what you do if you think you have something a problem recite but but the recitation of the Quran in your ears ok and listen to Surat al-baqarah or to the full rakia if your hands start shaking they are numbed if you feel chest pain the muscles are not moving right you feel like you want to throw up stomach pain you cannot no longer listen to the rakia then you have a problem go see someone if you're able to listen to the rock here once or twice or three times and you don't feel any of that you might feel sleepy you might feel some yawning you might feel you know crying that's fine but if you do feel what I told you then you're not reflected if you feel something from what I told you you might be possessed with magic has that MV evil eye which is a great deal because a lot of kids I read to on them they have evil eye clear clear signs so do it yourself you don't need me or anybody to do it because the problem did it and the best of cure ayatul kursi Al Maha with that he said Rosa Salim said met her with a bit of volume in him min Homer there is no other way that is better than pull out of Rumble fella pull out of meanness but I'm giving you more and other hadith the four-color came for beginning of al-fatiha beginning of surah cool bottom ayatul kursi pull out of rubble holy FK from Colorado fell applause Urbanus pull pull Allahu Ahad day and night you're protected Leila in la la da la sharika lah la thermal coal or Hondo ala kulli shayin Qadir a hundred time a day you are protected the prophet sallallaahu Salam tondee's I'm gonna skip the the signs because I really don't have time I want to get to so how are Tsubasa lalala Selim was cured allah subhanaw taala revealed to him in a dream quran is the cure Quran is the cure the complete treatment the prophecy Salim took a course in Martha he raped and then he wiped over his body and he told Ali go to the world of water bring me the magic they took it out they found this doll and it has this magic on it the hair the calm of the prophet sallallaahu Lucilla tied with about 15 come 11 nuts sorry not 11 months well add AB Collier Karin caught up with a local other woman as how many verses that's how many nuts I don't remember that so each knot he would undo and read one verse each not he will undo and read one verse until it was all removed and the Prophet SAW said I'm going back to normal where he used to see that he would do certain things like this right here that I got from this person do you know where is the other one that I heard I'm going to show you this example and how this person reacted this person brothers and sister I was reading on him okay his mother in his mother-in-law his mother-in-law wanted to separate between him and his wife I don't believe the gym but I'm just saying this story so I read to the brother he start complaining from stomach pain very strong I know there's something wrong but not there is no Jean speaking no nothing but this brother every time I read to him he would hold on to his stomach and he would go down like this and he'll be left it up the ground going to his right in front his left his back and this is another sign to differentiate between someone who has what's the word surah epilepsy sorry yeah epilepsy because of a disorder okay or a sickness and because of Jim those people who are like seizure you know those people reflect if when they are during their seizure attack they only fall to one side right or left or front or back they fall on one side the one who has jim falls on all sides up down ganda so this brother I gave him this water we read on it and I gave him to drink so pan Allah after he finished the water he looked at me his eyes opened up his hands start moving moving around and he wanted to kind of come in and shook me like that and I was like I kept reading kept reading kept reading his foot got up tilted almost 180 degree and then this brother just did this he vomited just water and after the water I found like bowls like this coming out of course we had a cup or a container pull balls small balls like this dark black about six or seven of them I took them we undo it each one of them is tied with his hair most likely and this is the magic that he drew and who did it for him it was this lady may lost Rantala forgive all over how do you treat yourself here you go very quickly rakia Cobbing fasting daily of car will protect you listen to this Vick learn this decree today this is the most important part I'm only taking five minutes house 9:30 I'll stop I know I'm rushing to Eva's death Vick is one of the greatest to hold on to with all the other of God the Prophet says whoever says bismillah when he leaves his house they work Allahu Allah while a howler while I pour water illa billah angels are talking to each other say or forgive me Shia team are talking to each other saying we cannot get close to this person today he is protected and no one would come close to him is guided what can we do some one whom Allah protects very simple you leave your house put your hand on your forehead or your children forehead when they go to school before they leave read at all courtesy call oh Allah haha put out your appeal for our development Ness and then make water or robbing olive oil it helps with people who are possessed drinking Zamzam water with rakia if no Zamzam water just bring this rakia right here I'm gonna pass her out today don't leave before you take one read in the paper so your breathing your breathing should come out bismillah r-rahman r-rahim the air that comes out of you goes into the water read the full rukia and keep it in the house mix it with a gallon of water every morning your kid drinks from it inshallah he won't be exposed to any of this heart you will not be exposed to any of this harm yourself insha allah ameen by the protection of allah subhanaw taala black seed rustling said is a cure from everything except death it protects you from every harm but death Allah shall honey has a lot of cure so all of that insha Allah if you use allah subhanaw taala will protect you so this is that car that I want you to hold them to inshallah that we take home today surah al-fatihah surah al-baqarah very specially verse 103 ayatul kursi after 18 sort of last 2 ayah of surah al-baqara the four last force ayah surah and then the of god this is what happened our Shaykh have Allah Allah one time he was reading and the Jim spoke to him and the Jim said I would leave under one circumstance that I leave his body and enters he enters your body and the ship says go ahead so the Jim said he it took like few minutes and then he start crying he said what's wrong he said no one could harm me today because of la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah la milk Oh Lord hamdallah kulla shay'in qadir you said it after fresh 100 time you are protected from us for the day very simple dig the process Ellen taught us nothing better than anwar awad that no one could harm you by the protection of allah subhanaw taala you say bismillah a delaila remarks misha until our door FSMA were horse amir al ali allah subhanaw taala will protect you how do we Kelly Matthew like them I mean Shaitaan in one have my own good line in lemma it would go back to the video and pause at it I'm just going through the pictures you could do this Vic will protect you this is if someone is sick it will Shalala bring a cure a cure for him this sister she was possessed with magic somebody did magic for her and she read so much but we could not get to where the magic was the jinn didn't speak we know there are signs of a flexion why we know how do we know there are signs you put your hand and you read not on the system saying of course somebody else but then you read the verses that talks about magic 103 in surah al-baqarah surah tunes while hina allah moosa and and other verses and then you repeat it like 70 times she started doing what she starts shaking numbness she feels heaviness and if he is a brother you put your fingers on this area right here the poles of has nerves here moves very hard not just regular move and this is how you know that the gin is in is possessed with Jim their eyes become white and becomes red but that's not always the case because you have to know how to look into it okay they start uttering in different language or different verse so this sister we did everything but we couldn't tell what la here 15 days she was doing at the car she protected herself she got rid of everything that does harm in the house after 15 days she saw a dream where the magic was buried in a grave close to her house she told her parents they went and we saw it and it was some do real aeroplan mean was removed Jim didn't talk we didn't me to do anything it was her who cured herself by the will of allah subhanaw taala when she followed this footstep inshallah horrible enemy there's a common law siren I know this is very quickly but there is more to say and there is a lot to say I hope I did not any rush the stories and shall know are interested so I'll open up questions solana Hosanna I mean I mean Europe let me tell you why I'm doing this for two reasons because we have to get rid of that these things are causing harm to our houses so these things are bringing harm to our family and our life and our children don't let your children prey play during sunset time I am doing this for two reason number one to convey that knowledge as much as I can from the experience I seen I did this for over 15 years now say 15 years 10 years more than 10 years I have seen cases if you ask me how many cases you have seen with Jim out of a hundred case that I have seen maybe only three or four Muslims today if if you tell them you see you have a headache you might have Jim he goes on our lives of Honolulu I knew that now you have hearing because it is sleep you know those black mark under your eyes you tell the person when was the last time you had some rest he's like oh man few weeks ago that's why you had them not because of evil eye you know we we kind of like to have a hangar we hand all our problems on it where we don't say it's me who's not doing the Salah good its meals not coming to the message its meals not holding on to the Koran it's me who's not reading enough we just like to sell I'm sure it's the Jim my kid does he sleep at night I'm sure it's the Jim my problem with my husband at that at the house I am sure it says Jim I heard the ship say today you know I thought I I tell you this story I told someone if you see animals in your dreams or beasts or snakes in your dreams most likely there are Jim he's like wah wah hey i see them i said masha'Allah how many times he said maybe once or twice I said no that's not Jeff he said three three times I said no that's not yet he said well why four times I'm like that's not Jim how many do you need how many do you need see this is the problem yeah the gin life by the way gin are not going to harm you just because you're walking in the streets gin would only enter your body in four cases anger severe anger cue severe what what's the scares scary like you're scared fear feared third yawning very strongly without putting your hand on your mouth for complete desires you're falling into desires so anything that has oxygen you're breathing it like when you're angry you know some people there know start this is the time that the shaitaan could enter your body by the way we asked all the jinn that we have spoken to and I'm not a magician they told us it's the hardest moment of their time and their life to it to possess someone they don't do it like that because they're rocking in the streets they like this person how about I mess with them they have their life they're busy with work right now they have night shifts we're here at the Masjid so don't be scared this is nothing but if you or you might harm them sisters how many times you turn on hot water in the bathroom or in the kitchen or boiling water where you pour it into into the sink there might be Jim in the sink they harm you because you harm them so how could I protect myself all you have to do is do it this will turn on the water because the shayateen are covered now they're they're protected I have read on a sister forgive me for that okay let's just say a brother because I said to Jenn why did you enter her her body he said yeah chef look at her she was overweight okay and I said just because she's overweight you entered the body of course after long reading he said no she entered the bathroom and she goes to the bathroom every single day like five times she doesn't say that ah so there is no veil rustling say when you say that I there is a veil so this time she entered with hot water and she wanted to pour it into the sink so she dropped in the bathroom and the water fell on the chimney so he said I wanted to take revenge from her and when she dropped not only water she also dropped on me I felt bad for him because I was reading I know I didn't wait the it is a problem all it takes is say what smilla oh so solemn said you say bismillah even inside the bathroom never to say bismillah mm full because our bathrooms are not the bathroom literally though that the toilet area is the bathroom definition but our bathrooms now are isolated so you could remember go back come on man like he taught me all right I'm gonna be late if I exit the bathroom and re-enter only one minute just step out say that or I'll come back in a solemn said the shell team there is a veil they don't see you they don't see that our odd your privates when you enter the bathroom you could protect yourself through many ways don't blame it on anyone but yourself insha'Allah may Allah protect all of you open up for questions but please make it very quickly regarding the topic yes no questions are hamdulillah yes now take the book bring water a pot of water okay or bring it to to the Masjid here give it to for me and I'll take care of it I know where are you from Pakistan Afghanistan India they are known I know there is a book now in Egypt assault for one pound which is about 10 cent he teaches you magic be careful of these things so you could do this thing you take it you burn it and then put it into this water where you recite this raffia on it here can you pass it out to the sisters okay and pass it out to the brother each one gives to the one next to him there you go that's how we do it fast so read this raffia on it and the water pour it in there till it dissolves completely and bare it in the ground then bring it to me give it to chef Pham me or Yusuf and tell them give it to the ship I'll take care of it and shuttle or any other question there's a Kamala here may Allah protect you Allah Allah save you your family your children give you the benefit of work who have said subhana allah muhammad occasionally leyland nestor Percona to array but hamdullah exact mafia [Music]
Channel: Zidni Islamic Institute
Views: 57,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ammar shahin, jinn, black magic, magic, sihr, سحر, الجن, جني, جن, رقية, Ruqya, Zidni, Zidni Institute, Sh ammar, Sheikh Ammar Shahin, Masjid eman, Stockton, Islam, Adhan, Quran, Sunnah, Unseen, World of Jinn, Ruqyah
Id: K74hgxI-6Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 48sec (7008 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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