The Ill Effects of Sin [Keighley]

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foreign I wanted to start with what I think is a very profound quote from he said from the things that a person has to know that your sins and Disobedience to Allah harms you he said it's like the harm of the sin upon the heart is like poison upon the body however the sins are different he said but he said they're not all the same level some of them are worse than the others and he said something profound he said foreign he said is there any evil or any sickness that exists in this world accepted the cause of it is the sins and Disobedience that we do to Allah he said what was it that took Adam out of Jannah what was it that took Iblis and made him cursed what was it that destroyed the people of the Earth in a flood until the water reached over the tops of the mountains what was it that caused the wind to blow and to take away the people of Art what was it that caused the scream that caused the death of the people of tamut what was it that caused the stones to rain down upon the people of loot what was it that caused the clouds of punishment to descend upon the people of schwaipe what was it that drowned firaoun and his people what was it that caused the Earth to swallow up karoon what was it that destroyed all of these generations and what was it that caused the people to be sent against Benny Israel who destroyed their homes and their houses and took away their wealth it was nothing other than sins and Disobedience to Allah and I think this is extremely important because a person needs to realize that we are told about these sins and we are told about this disobedience in the Quran we are told about it why out of the danger that we should fall into what they fell into or that we might fall or follow a path that they set out foreign foreign you will follow the ways of the people who came before you Han span by hand span and armed by arm so this is a topic that's very relevant and I guess a lot of us we hear the stories of Destruction and Punishment in the Quran and we say it's not my concern this is not my concern this is somebody else's concerned these were assaultier in the stories of the old people doesn't concern me Allah Allah This concerns all of us and that's why Allah azzawajal told us about it in the Quran because of the fact that we as Muslims fall into following some of those things and taking on some of those characteristics and beginning on the past that lead to some of those sins and for the people who do that they cannot feel safe that the destruction of Allah will not come to them like it came to the people before them do they feel safe that Allah's plan will not come against them that Allah will not decree for them a destruction like he decreed for the earlier people nobody feels safe of the plan of Allah except for the losing people so I've gathered together some thoughts and some ayat and some Hadith in the very short time that we have for us to reflect about the first is the statement of Allah Allah does not oppress people in anything but it is people who oppress themselves if any punishment comes upon us or any harm comes upon us or any music any Calamity comes upon us wallahi it comes upon us because of what our own hands did as Allah said whatever but if Afflicted you of the Calamity it's because of what your own hands did were out for ankathy and Allah pardons much of what you do Allah pardons much of what you do many things Allah overlooks it many things Allah azzawajal lets it go but you know that every Calamity that exists in your life and every problem that is happening to you in this moment it is happening because of what your own hands earned a person says does that not mean that this is all a punishment no rather this is an opportunity to come back to Allah we're going to make them taste we will make them taste some of the smaller punishments instead of the greater punishments so they might come back to align repentance and Allah azzawajal says do they not see how many people we destroyed before them how many of the generations we destroyed we had established them on the earth in a way we didn't establish you do any of you have homes made out of mountains you don't none of you have homes made out of mountains none of you have the wealth of karun Allah gave them on the earth what he didn't give you and Allah sent down rain upon them from the sky and Allah made the rivers gush floth from underneath them but Allah destroyed them because of their sins Allah destroyed them because of their sins and Allah calls another people another generation to come after them and Allah azzawajal said foreign do they not travel on the earth and see what was the effect or what was the outcome of the people who came before them they were stronger than them and their establishment on the earth and what they were given by Allah was more than what these people were given foreign and Allah destroyed them because of their sins and they had nothing to protect them against Allah when Allah's punishment came there's an amazing story an amazing ether Imam Ahmed narrated it from jubair even when Cyprus was conquered by the Muslims and the people who were fighting against the Muslims were being divided into what into groups any this person will be belonged to this person and these people were being enslaved and they were all being divided up the the prisoners of War that had fought against the Muslims these prisoners of War were crying and they were crying to each other as they were being separated and as they were being captured by the Muslims he said sitting down and he was himself crying I said why are you crying today is a day that Allah has honored Islam we won we won the battle why are you crying they are crying because they lost and they're being captured and they're prisoners of War why are you crying foreign how easy it is for Allah to destroy your people either when they disobey him these people were strong they had power they had sovereignty on the earth and when they disobeyed Allah this is what you see from them today he said there is no one whose lineage will protect them from Allah and for this reason The Messengers whoever's deed slow them down their lineage will not speed them up you see how Abu dhari was crying because he realized that if we disobey Allah how these people disobeyed Allah Allah will make us prisoners like he made them prisoners and Allah will destroy us like he destroyed them he said look at these people they had honor they had might they had power they had their Kingdom and Allah destroyed them in the blink of an eye because they disobeyed him he said from the effects of sins and transgression is that they cause all kinds of crop corruption on the Earth they cause the water and the air and they cause the farms and the fruits and the houses to be destroyed subhanallah the things that calamities the sicknesses the corruption on the earth this is from and then he quoted the Ayah to feel better corruption appeared on Earth and at Sea because of what the hands of men have earned so they may taste some of what they have done so they may return to Allah he said the meaning here of al-facade he said this is what Allah azzawajal causes to happen on the Earth from loss and from the evils and from the pains that people suffer Allah brings it onto the Earth because of the sins of the people every time they commit a sin Allah sends down for them a punishment for it as some of the early Generations said as much as you people introduce a sin Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sends down from his authority a punishment the facade that is mentioned in the Ayah is the sins of the people and what happens as a result of the sins that they do and Allah azzawajal said to make them taste some of what they have done so that they might return to Allah we're now going to talk about with that introduction out of the way some of the effects of disobeying Allah azzawajal the first is the heart being sealed the messenger of Allah he said if a person commits a sin a black dot is placed on a person's heart if this person makes repentance Toba and this person leaves off this sin and they ask Allah foreign their heart will be cleansed and if they keep on sinning Allah will keep on placing those dots on their heart until the heart is completely covered and sealed foreign rather they will be their hearts will be sealed because of what they used to earn what is the outcome of that they will be prevented from looking at Allah when Allah said there are the people that will be prevented from looking at Allah the peoples whose Hearts were sealed with those dots because of the sins that they used to do from the ill effects of sin is that just how we learned that everything in the heavens and the Earth seeks forgiveness for the scholar even the fish in the sea mujahid said with regard to his tafsir of the statement of Allah he said Adam he said the animals cursed the sinners from bani Adam when there are droughts and there is no rain that falls they say this is from the sins of these people may Allah curse them so how the person who teaches people good and the scholar of Islam everything in the heavens and the Earth asks forgiveness for them everything in their heavens and the Earth curses the people who because of their sin their ill effects of their sin like the droughts and the lack of rain which is caused upon the animals and they curse because of it rather they feel relief when these people die nahadis narrated Muslim from that he said to the messenger of Allah a funeral or a body passed by him many he said foreign he said someone who is getting relief and someone who relief is being got from them they said o messenger of Allah who is the one getting relief and who is the one that is being relieved from he said the believing servant yesterday he's getting relaxed he's getting he's relaxing after the hardship of the Dunya and he didn't say necessarily alcata he said the wicked servant and the person who does all kinds of sins up he said the Servants of Allah and the people in the different cities and the countries and the trees and the animals get respite and feel relief when this person dies because of the wickedness of that person used to do on the Earth from the ill effects of sin is that it stops you from Good Deeds like Allah azzawajal said if they really wanted to go out and fight they would have prepared for it well I can carry Allah but Allah hated that they should go made them stay in that place foreign and Allah said you will remain now in this place you are going to remain with the people who stay at home your place is going to be with the women and the and the children because you didn't prepare you didn't go out so Allah prevented them from getting this reward in any future battle that took place they were not able to go out Allah made them stay and made them locked into that place because they didn't Embrace or they disobeyed Allah and they didn't go out and carry that good deed that they were commanded to do so Allah prevented them from that good deed forever sins caused the heart to die since they cause the heart today he said his famous lines of poetry right I found that is the sins that cause the heart to die what happens when a person continuously and regularly and it becomes this a demanding and they become addicted to this sin and they become frequent in it it causes them it causes them disgrace to be disgraced by Allah and then he said but leaving their sins it brings light to the heart life to the heart and it's better for your own soul that you disobeyed it's better for your own soul that you learn to disobey your soul in that which it wants from the Haram foreign however small you see a sin to be that sin becomes greater the smaller you see a sin to be the greater it becomes in the sight of Allah and the greater you see a sin to be the smaller it becomes in the sight of Allah and you see a sin to be so small that it's nothing it the smaller you see it the more important it is in the sight of Allah and the more work the bigger you see the sin you see the sin to be terrible and something horrendous even though it might be small in terms of the sins in general it becomes small in the sight of Allah he said don't look at how small a sin is but look at the greatness of the one that you disobey the messenger of Allah said all of my ummah will enter Jannah except the ones who refuse we said o messenger of Allah who would refuse Jannah who will refuse Jannah he said whoever and the one who disobeys me has refused and this can tell us that one of the great effects if not the greatest of the effects of the sins is that it stops you from Jannah or that it can delay your entry to Jannah and there might be some sins that might stop a person from gender forever Allah doesn't forgive you make a partner with him but he forgives whatever is less than that for whoever he Wills more than that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he said was Sagar Allah disgrace and lowliness has been put against the person who disobeys my command disgrace where in this world and in the next it can even stop a person from being given Risk by Allah and that's why the messenger he sent foreign he said a person could be stopped from risk because of a sin that they did the Hadith narrated a person could be stopped from their risk because of ascended and some of the early Generations they said uh darling he said he said I disobey Allah he said foreign he said I disobey Allah and I see the outcome of this in my riding beast and in my wife that person can even see the effects of the sins they commit in their own family like people say oh my son doesn't listen to me my daughter goes out she doesn't tell we'll do what I tell her to do my car is always breaking down I never seem to be successful in my business someone must have given me I'm people say that but before you look at someone giving you aim maybe this came because of your sins maybe it came because you disobeyed Allah and now you are seeing the effects of your sins in your family you're seeing the effects of your sins in your business you're seeing the effects of your sins in your children and that doesn't mean that this isn't a chance for Toba and coming back to Allah the whole point of this is for you to see it and realize why did this great Imam say I disobey Allah and I know that I did it I know I disobeyed Allah because of my children the way they behave my wife the way she is with me we argue and I know this is because I disobeyed Allah look at the he knows now this is why I'm going through this he has the fear to understand this is why it's happening to me so now I'm gonna come back to Allah I'm gonna repent I'm gonna change my life so and I can see when I've disobeyed Allah because I see the effects of it on my children in my family and so on and it's narrated from some of the early Generations that they said foreign he said Good Deeds they have a brightness on your face and they have a light that comes in your heart and they cause your risk to increase and they give you strength in your body and they make the people love you what did he say Good Deeds are a light on your face any they cause brightness on your face and they cause a light in your heart and they cause your risk your Provisions to increase and they cause you to be strong in your body and they cause people to love you as for sins they have a Blackness a Darkness on the face and a darkness that happens in the grave and a darkness that happens in your heart and they cause sickness in your body and they cause your risk to decrease and they cause what did he says and they cause people to dislike you and people to hate you not only that but sins cause a person to lose their shyness and modesty the messenger of Allah said in the Hadith of root is from that which people have learned from the speech of previous Prophets is that if you do not have shame you will do whatever you want and from this we can understand by reverse understanding that the person who commits sins like that and they start to behave however they want they will lose their modesty and their shyness and they might lose it completely or they decrease it because what is Modesty and shyness is that which prevents you from disobeying Allah and maintains your good reputation before the people some of the scholars defined it like that it maintains your status and a good status in the sight of Allah and it stops you from disobeying Allah and it maintains a good reputation in the eyes of the people and in the people respect it causes a person to respect you and people to love you because of modesty and shyness and when a person loses that because of sins it causes hatred in the eyes of the people and it causes Allah's punishment we ask Allah to keep us safe from that rather the end result of disobeying Allah is as Allah said foreign who earns sin and whose evil Deeds surround them it is they who are the people of the fire and they will be in it forever this Ayah primarily came down about shirk that's what it came down about making a partner with Allah but here I want to point out because someone might say look you know what you're saying about the fire and Allah's punishment but we understand that the believer who dies as a Muslim will not be in the Hellfire forever there are two answers to this the first answer is none of us wants to see the fire for even a moment let alone talk about being the fire forever or a long time the other thing is that where do you think that shirk comes from the statement of Allah let those who go against the command of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam take a warning they will be afflicted by a fitness others from the scholars of tafsir they said here that the fitna is shirk so where did the Shirk come from it came from disobeying the messenger we know the shaytan he goes in steps right so he begins with or even if we look at it the other way he begins with shirk if you cannot commit shirk then he will take you to Buddha Innovations if you don't commit Innovations then he will take you to the other the major sins and if you don't commit those major sins then he will make you full of the minor sins that come against the person and Destroy them and if you don't do that then he will busy you with and father with things that are not as important as others so the shaytan in by reverse goes in stages we know the story of the people of Norway and what happened to them the shaytan didn't begin with shirk for them rather he began with them with sins and disobedience they made pictures they made statues until they ended up washing her worshiping them so what do you see you see that the sins and Disobedience that a person does might lead a person in the end to a circle and leaving the religion of Islam because the sins took them step by step until they made a partner with Allah foreign on the day that the horn will be blown and we will raise the criminals on that day it means means Darkness on the face they will be raised like that because of the crimes that they committed in this world rather the person will have nothing but regret for the evil that they did they will have nothing but regret for the sins that they committed they will not find any pleasure in it nor will they enjoy any single moment of it and that's why Allah azzawajal tells us regarding the Sinners on the day of judgment on the day when the oppressive person will bite on their hands how I wish I took away with the messenger yeah woe to me I wish I didn't take that person as a friend he took me away from the remembrance of Allah after it came to me and shaytan always leaves a person and deserts them so now I wanted to just conclude my discussion with a few very basic points I want to talk about osun he mentions the core of sin and the core of Disobedience what does it come from so a person knows what to cook what to keep away from he said he said all of the sins they come back he said the big ones and the small ones they come back to three things the first is he said your heart being attached to other than Allah this is the first cause of all sins he said all sins the cause of the mystery attaching your heart to other than Allah not having your heart attached to Allah he says a being your anger and you're letting your anger get control over you and allowing your shahawat well like that he said and letting your shahawat overcome you and he said these are the three things that we call as says three things attaching your heart to other than Allah allowing your anger to overcome you and being overcome with your desires and he says these are making a partner with Allah that's attaching your heart to other than Allah that's when you let your anger get control of you and you oppress other people immorality when you allow your desires to overcome you and he brought the evidence for this he said the evidence for this is in total for Khan in the statement of Allah he said those people who don't make Dua to anyone besides Allah this is attaching the heart to other than Allah and those people who don't kill a person without right this is oppression and those people who do not commit Xena and this is following their desires in another place he said he said the origins of sins are of three he said the first one is so he's talking about from a different angle now he said the first one is arrogance he said it is what took a bliss to where he ended up the second he said is here he means the blame worthy desire or blameworthy drive to keenness for the Dunya keenness for what Allah made Haram being just chasing after the Dunya he said this is what took Adam out from Jannah and he said and he said this is what caused the one son of Adam to kill the other jealousy and then he said so whoever is kept away from these three they have been kept away from disbelief and the major sins craving the Dunya oppressing other people and the harm that comes to people from jealousy and I want to conclude with the final point in sha Allah just to kind of any bring us to some kind of conclusion how can we do the opposite of these sins what is the opposite of these sins so the opposite of making a partner with Allah is to hit establishing the Oneness of Allah the Oneness of Allah in his lordship in his Worship in his names and in his attributes the opposite of Buddha of innovating in this religion is a Sunnah establishing the Sunnah calling the people to it and bringing the Sunnah to life the opposite of desires is to follow the commands of Allah and to stick to his commands and prohibitions the opposite of being heedless is to remember Allah and all of this requires sincerity and following the Sunnah of the messenger so it was a short amount of time we tried to just gather some points together uh uh what we're going to do now Insha'Allah is we have a question and answer program now this question answer program I have to be honest I'm not sure if the brothers here will benefit from it the reason why is that this program is for the students who enrolled in our Academy they have questions about what they ask if anyone would like to stay and just listen to the answers you are more than welcome and if it's the case that you would prefer to go I think there's no harm because to be honest it's a question and answer session that I should have done from my studio at home but I couldn't do this lecture and do the question and answer student from home so we inshallah decided just to put the cameras and do it from here the students will be asking questions about their coursework and about the studies that they have done so far so insha Allah we will be answering those questions here and if anyone would like to stay and listen they are welcome and if anyone would like to go there is no harm in that at all inshallah I really appreciate that everyone gave their time that everyone listened so well and we ask Allah to teach us what benefits us to benefit what he us with what he teaches us to increase Us in knowledge to give us the ability to act upon it we ask Allah Allah we ask Allah to purify our souls we ask Allah to give our souls their purity and we ask Allah to purify our souls for Allah is the only one that can purify them and Allah is the one we entrust to do that no problem
Channel: Muhammad Tim Humble
Views: 35,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mXY_LimKGpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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