Preparing for the Soul's Final Journey [Southampton]

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[Music] so this third topic for today insha'allah is about preparing for the soul's final journey in the hadith he said that the messenger of allah said act like that or he said you should frequently remember the destroyer of pleasures frequently remember what is going to destroy every single pleasurable thing you have in this world and that is death and allah azzawajal describes death with the word worship your lord until certainty comes to you and the meaning of certainty here is death because death is what is certain right every single one of us is going to taste death kul lunaf will melt every single soul is going to taste death in order to prepare for this journey the first thing that we have to do is we have to understand this journey and this journey it begins with the moment of death and that's why the scholars when they talk about kitab iman the chapters related to iman and they talk about iman in the last day iman in the last day it begins with the moment of death and this moment of death is described in the quran allah describes to us the pains of death or the intoxication of death you know allah azza describes it as sakura the word sakura in this word in itself means to be intoxicated right we say someone is they are drunk describes death as secretary the intoxication of death that is what you are trying to avoid and in reality almost everyone on the face of this earth is trying to avoid or delay the moment of death bill haqq the moment of death and this intoxication of death it has come in truth this is what you are trying to avoid so once we have understood that death is something that every single person has to go through and we have understood that we must prepare for it like the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam said to his companions for something like this limitless for this kind of thing you should prepare yourself prepare yourselves for this a day like this and that's why in reality subhanallah we see that many many people one of the worst things that can happen to a person is that they are unaware of death and that's why we talk about sudden death when a person dies without preparation or without thought you know like somebody for example think about the difference between somebody who dies from let's say a long-term cancer versus somebody who dies suddenly in a car crash of course if they are muslim both of them should have been prepared for death but we're just talking about on the general human level now you have someone who dies from a long-term cancer for the last two years the doctor has been saying you only have this many months left to live maybe you only have this long left to live it's spreading in your body maybe you only have this long left to live the person is prepared for death and they're ready for it they already thought about what's going to happen they thought about what they're going to say to their family they thought about their inheritance they thought about leaving this world they thought about the hereafter whether they were muslim or not all of those things went through their head because they were prepared to die and that's why sometimes people come to me and they say to me that muhammad you know i've had a i've got i'm sick the doctor has given me a diagnosis and he told me that i don't have very long left to live and sometimes i say i know you're going to be shocked when i say this but i'm going to say to you that allah has given you a nema he hasn't given to many people allah azzawajal has told you to prepare for death and many many people are not prepared and then i tell them the doctor doesn't know you're going to live for six months six years or six days or six hours because it's not in the hand of the doctor it's in the hands of allah but see the blessing in it the blessing of knowing that your death is coming and so you prepare for it we as muslim should be like that person by default that should be our basic way that we approach our life that we are actually ready for death and i want to ask yourself before we talk about the long hadith and the moment of death and so on i just want to ask yourself a question if you died today if you died today what would happen i don't mean about any anything specific generally what do you think would happen to you what kind of a condition are you in in terms of your practicing of islam and the sins you have what would happen to your family what kind of condition are they in are they ready are you prepared for the moment when you're going to die the moment you die let's say you die tonight what happens next where are you in terms of your good deeds your bad deeds the haram that you are going to leave next week the things you were going to do tomorrow and i was going to memorize the quran next year and what happens if you die tonight what happens what will happen to you you can't answer that question in a definitive way but just think about it think about what would happen to your family have you got a huasia have you prepared an advice and a will for the family as to what will happen to you and what will happen to your property who is have you given responsibility for for the people that you leave behind where do they even start well many of us we are so unprepared we are not prepared neither for the nor for the consequences of death in the dunya meaning nor are we prepared for questioning in the grave and being questioned by allah and answering for what we do and we're also not prepared from a dunya perspective our families are not prepared we have no idea what will happen the moment you die who's gonna do what what's the next step who is gonna take care of what aspect there's no plan because most of us live this life thinking that we are not going to die not going to die not today not tomorrow not the next day whereas the muslim who is intelligent is the one who is constantly prepared for death the person who it doesn't mean that i'm gonna die today i might but i'm ready should i die today i have the best preparation that i could do of course i'm gonna meet allah with sins like the mountains i know that but as much tawba as i could have made as much good as i could have taken out of today as much preparation as much prayer as much liquor as much as i could do as much as the far as i could do as whatever i could do i am as ready as i could be and then you ask yourself with regard to family so there's a wasia the family know what to do if something happens this is your first step this is your next step this is what needs to be done for preparing the body this is what needs to be done for the janaza for example the other day i was asked the question if you die in a far-off place would you want your body to be transported near to your family and i immediately said no if i die in a place where there is a mukbara of the muslims there is a cemetery where muslims are buried bury me in the place that nearest makkah to where i die and don't delay the burial waiting for the people to come or waiting for this to happen if you have some people to pray over me just find a muslim cemetery and bury me there and let whoever is there pray over me and whoever comes late they can come and pray the janazah after that but a lot of people never answer this question and that's why when someone dies the family is in a state and they're in a state of confusion and loss like what do we do does he want this does he want that what happens to the money what happens to the house what do we do next where is the money what how do we pay the bills at the end of the month the person didn't prepare dunya not for that which relates to the dunya and not for that which relates to the so preparing for death is something that we should have in our mind and always the question you ask yourself is the question that allah is all you who believe have taqwa of allah and let everybody look what did you put forward for tomorrow what's going to happen to you if you die today and like i said nobody can answer that question with certainty only you can just any look at what you see and try to improve what you see and try to get rid of some of the haram that you see so preparing for death remembering that you're going to die and there's a principle i'm going to mention to you the principle is not a hadith per se like some of the meanings of it are narrated in some of the hadith but it's not a hadith in itself and this is the statement whoever lives doing something will die upon it this is not narrated i like that in the hadith it's not mentioned like that exactly but the meaning of it is found within various hadith that if you live doing something you will die upon it and allah azzawajal writes for you the rewards of what you did when you were healthy so there's no point saying okay today i become sick and that sickness gets worse and worse and worse until i die what will be written for me the worship that i did today what i did today to worship allah will be written for me all the days until i die so if i'm not having a good day worshiping allah today that's bad for me because it means that the things that i'm doing today when i'm healthy when i become sick the next day and then eventually the sickness progresses until death allah azzawajal commands the angels to write the worship that i did as a habit what was my habitual worship my day-to-day worship allah writes that for the person so it's very important right now you have your health you have some time you have for many of us youth in varying degrees some of us are older than others but you have time so use it today because that's what's going to be written for you and that's the meaning of the statement of the prophet saws take benefit of five before five this hadith is a profound hadith take benefit of five things before five things happen and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he mentioned take advantage of your youth before you become old take advantage of the time that you are young before you become old and take advantage of take advantage of your youth before you become old and take advantage of your wealth before you become poor take advantage of your wealth before you become poor take advantage of your health before you become sick take advantage of your health before you become sick take advantage of your free time take advantage of your free time before you become busy and take advantage of your life before you die so if a person takes advantage of their youth before they become old and their health before they become sick and their wealth before they become poor and their free time before they become busy and their life before their death and ultimately the last one is like a description of all the other four so a person who takes care of their youth and their health and their wealth and their free time is the person who took care of their life before they died so a person always needs to take advantage of these things before the time comes when these things are taken away and there are many examples of that in the hadith the statement of the prophet saws rush to do good deeds before trials and tribulations come taken advantage of now before tomorrow comes if we're going to talk about the beginning of the soul's journey the beginning of the souls journey is sakura tulmot the moment of death this moment of death the prophet alaihi wasallam he said he said there is no god worthy of worship except allah indeed death has its stupa like they say it's intoxication the pains of death as for the believer what are these pains they are mukesh they're the things that make your sins go away and you have those sins left in the moment before you die and allah azzawajal makes those sins go away from you by secretary moat the pains of death and the pains of sickness that precede death and allah azzawajal for some people like the prophets and the prophet muhammad it was a way to raise their level and the prophet saw some his sins were forgiven in any case but allah azzawajal raised his level by this sickness that he felt this secretary moat allah azzawajal continued to raise his status in the sight of allah by it so you gain good deeds and you lose sins there are some people who don't feel it like the one who is shaheed the one who is martyred for the sake of allah doesn't feel secretly moat they don't feel the pangs of death for those who are shaheed in a way that the sharia tells them to be not any these days anybody who dies any shaheed and this guy who dies doing harami shahid and the guy who dies killing people is shaheed and everybody is shahid but it's very important the shahada which is accepted by allah is the shahada in accordance with the sunnah if your action is not in accordance with the sunnah it's not going to be accepted [Music] and there are two types of shaheed of course right there is shahidul the one who dies in the battlefield and there is the one who dies in another circumstance but the prophet saisam said for example mankoti laddu na malihi whoever is killed defending his wealth is a shaheed so this one is different from that one but the one who dies on the battlefield they don't feel to remote they're pangs of death any in general and allah isn't knows best after that comes the hadith of we went out with the messenger of allah for the janazah of a man from the ansar who went for his funeral a man from the ansar the people of medina died and we went out for his jinnah he said fentanyl had we came to the grave and the person had not been placed into the lack of the body hadn't been put into the grave he said for jealous rasulullah and in the hand of the prophet sam was a stick he was scratching the earth with it he raised his head he said ask allah's refuge or seek allah's refuge from the punishment of the grave he said it twice or he said it three times and then he said what happens to the believing soul and what happens to the disbelieving soul so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he told us about the believing soul in the moment of death he told the companions in this hadith about the believing soul and that believing so what happens to it at the moment of death and when it's about to leave this world angels come and these angels they have faces that are bright like the sun when the person believing soul is about to leave this world and to face the akhirah angels come from the heavens and they have white faces like their faces are bright like the sun and with them they have a shroud from the shrouds of paradise catherine they have a shroud from the shroud of paradise and they have perfume from the perfume of paradise or fragrance from the fragrance of paradise and those angels they sit as far as the eye can see then the angel of death comes then the angel of death comes until he sits at the head of the person and he says o soul which is good and all good soul and content soul come out come out come out to forgiveness from allah and his pleasure and the soul comes out like a drop falls from the lip of a water vessel so how you would have like a water like say for example a glass of water how a drop flows down the side of the glass you know when you drank and there's a little drop and it just goes slides down the slide of the glass that's how the soul comes out and those angels they take it fire hodor they take it the angels take it and those angels they don't leave it in the hand of the angel of death perfect i'm even for the blink of an eye they don't leave that soul in the hands of the angel of death for even the blink of an eye they put it into that catherine into that shroud and they put it with this fragrance and this is the statement of allah our messengers cause or cause it to die or responsible for its death and they do not they do not fall short in what they've been given as a job and there comes from it a smell like the smell of the most beautiful mosque on the face of the earth and so they begin to ascend and they do not go by any group of angels except the angels say who is this person with this beautiful soul they say they say he is so and so the son of so-and-so by the best names that he's known by in this dunya until they finish and they reach the lowest heavens and they reach the first heaven so they've taken this soul all the way up into the heavens and they reach the lowest heaven they ask for it to be opened for the soul and it's open for them and they go by every single heaven from one to the next then allah azzawajal commands when they reach the last heaven write the name of my soul in in i'm going to tell you something scary about it and about sid jin you know what allah said about both of those two things in the quran right what's the thing allah said about both of them after he mentioned what did allah say about both of them kitabun it is a decree that has already been written your book your d it's already been it has been written for you subhanallah without the help of allah azzawajal you will not be able to be from that person who is that believing soul unless allah subhanahu ta'ala helps you and unless allah has mercy on you so seek that help from allah and work hard for it those people who strive for us we will guide them to our ways so he this person their name is written in illegin some of the scholars said elian is a place some of them said it's a place where the book is some of them said it's the name of the book but in any case the soul is written in and then allah azzawajal says or it is said are [Music] from this earth we created them and to it we will return them and from it we will bring them out one more time the person goes back to the earth and the soul goes into the body and then he sees for innahu yes he hears the sound of the footsteps of the sandals of his people as they walk away from the grief you imagine this they've buried them they've shrunk they've washed the body they've wrapped it they've put the body in the grave they've covered the soil they've said what they're going to say and now they walk away and maybe the last people to walk away are the relatives right the last people to walk away the closest relatives of the dead person and finally that's it we washed him we shrouded him we buried him we made dua for him allah forgive him and make him firm and then we walked away and when the when the soul is returned to the body the last thing that this dead person hears is the sound of the sandals of the people walking away from his grief and then what happens then there comes to him two angels which are extremely terrifying and they shake him and force him to sit they say to him who is your lord now imagine the only thing you hear is you just heard the footsteps of your relatives leave you and now you're in this space and suddenly two fearsome angels come and force you to sit and the first thing they ask you is book who is your lord so this believing soul what does he say fayaku my lord is allah then they say to him what is your religion islam he says my religion is islam and they say to him who was this man sent among you why do the narrations mention it like this they don't say who is your prophet so the person doesn't say oh prophet yeah prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi who is this man who is this man is it that they don't know who their messenger is so then they reject him who is this man that was sent among you he says this is the messenger of allah they say to him what did you do with your life he says he says i read the book of allah i believed in it and i held it to be true and it said that they rep in some of the narrations it's mentioned that they repeat again who is your lord and what is your religion and who is your prophet and then the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam linked this to the statement of allah allah makes firm those who believe with a firm word in this life and in the next so once again he says my lord is allah and my religion is islam and my prophet is muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam until a voice cries out from the heavens and sadaqa abdi my slave told the truth make his bed a bed from jannah and make his clothing the clothing of janna and open to him a door to janna any a door that allows the the fragrance and the the environment of jenna to come into his grave so then he can smell the fragrance of it the gentle any wind of it the the breeze blows upon him and the fragrance of jannah then his grave is made as wide as his eye can see so from it doesn't become like this small space it becomes so wide that as far as his eye can see he can only see the space that he's resting in and in his grave then there comes to him a man has with a really handsome face hasano with nice clothing with a nice fragrance and it said to him take glad tidings of that which makes you happy take glad tidings of allah's pleasure and a paradise that there is everlasting pleasure in it this is the day that you are promised so he says who are you he says may allah give you good who are you your face is like a face of someone who's bringing good news to me he says i'm the righteous deeds that you did he said for [Music] he says i know you that you were fast to obey allah and you were slow to disobey allah then a door is open to him from jannah and a door from the fire and it said to him this is your place in the fire if you disobeyed allah but allah has replaced that place for you with a better place and he shows him he sees his place in the hell fire that is the place that allah had put for you in jahannam but allah has replaced it with a better place and when he sees his place in jannah he says my lord make the hour come quickly my lord make the hour come quickly as for the disbelieving slave when he's about to leave this world and about to face the achira there come down angels who are reliable severe and harsh their faces are dark they have with them they have with them a sackcloth from hellfire they sit around him as far as the eye can see then there comes the angel of death and the angel of death sits at his head and says or evil filthy soul anger and then the soul it tries to split through the body it tries to escape through every part of the body and the angel rips it out like a skewer is ripped through wet wool imagine if you had a sharp skewer with many like sharp pieces on it and you had it wrapped around a piece of wet wool and you rip the skewer out all the wool rips the whole body inside the veins the nerves it said that what happens is that the the veins and the nerves break apart and the scream is heard by every angel between the heavens and the earth and as for the angels in the heavens the doors of the heavens are closed and the person doesn't find a single door by which to reach the heavens and every time they pass by an angel the angels say who is this evil soul it is so and souls the son of so-and-so and they call him by the worst names that he's known in this world until he comes to the sama dunya the lowest heaven and it's faist after it said can he enter to go to the highest heaven to have his name recorded it's not open for him then the messenger saw assalam recited the ayahuasa those people the door of the heavens will never be open for them and they will never enter jannah until the camel goes through the eye of a needle and then allah is saying write his name in siddhi in the lowest part of the earth in the lowest part of the earth then allah azzawajal said return my servant to the earth and once again uh it's from the earth that i created them and it's to the earth that i return them and it's from the earth i will bring them forth one more time so do the angels carry the soul down to the body they don't they cast down the soul from the highest place okay from the top from the lowest heaven and in the highest place remember the lowest heaven is covered by stars and in the place of the stars they throw the soul down to the earth they just throw it and they let it fall until the soul smashes into the body and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam it's as though they were thrown from the heavens so the birds snatch them or the wind carries them to a far off place then the soul is put back into the body and the person hears the footsteps of their relatives walk away from the grave then the two angels come who are severe in their nature and they shake him and they make him sit up and they say to him who is your lord tayakolo this word is a word that you say when you know something but you can't bring it out it's like what you say when you know the answer to something but the answer doesn't come like you know it you you know it's it's it's there but you just you can't bring yourself to say it i don't know he says i don't know now the question is did he not know that allah was his lord of course he did and he almost every single individual on this earth certainly the majority of the kuffar they know that allah subhanahu ta'ala is their lord the issue is they don't worship him or they don't enter into his religion but they know that that allah is my lord but now in this moment where he's desperate to bring the answer allah doesn't let him say the answer he can't bring it it's like i know i i know the answer to this question but i i don't know he can't say it until he says i don't know because his doubts and his lack of conviction now they come out before it didn't come out maybe before if you asked you know if there's a life after death and you get questioned who is your lord what will you say allah who created the heavens and the earth they say allah but in the grave in that moment he can't answer it and that's why he says ha like i i've i know he's stuttering he's trying to say it but he can't say it and that's why some of the narrations mention he's not guided to be able to say allah's name well after that it's when he's asked about the prophet saws he's not able to be able to say the prophet's name so i said so again he's asked [Music] what do you say about this man that was sent to you he can't say his name he can't say the name of the prophet saws it is said to him muhammad he says this is powerful he says i heard the people saying something and i said it there's many possibilities the munafiq heard the people saying so he said but many people in their false religion they're just following what they heard somebody else say that's why allah blamed them for the taqlid that is the taqlid in the issues of ethical following people blindly in the matters of belief if it said to them follow what allah revealed they say i follow what my father used to do even though their fathers didn't understand anything and were not guided so when they blindly followed their fathers and they blindly followed what other people said he admits in the grave i heard people say something and i just said what people said many people like this even in islam when you ask them why are you a muslim what does islam mean to you i heard people say la ilaha and the person doesn't understand so this is very important this is from the many evidences that you must understand your religion for yourself especially the beliefs in allah the beliefs in iman the imam you must understand it for yourself you must not be someone who says i heard my dad say to me i'm a muslim so i'm a muslim or i heard people say the prophet muhammad sawism is true but i don't even know who he was because in the grave it will come out then a caller calls from the heavens and ketaba abdi in some narrations that my slave has lied for africa so prepare for him a bed of fire and open for him a door from the fire so the heat and the poison of the fire comes out and his grave his grave is made so constricted that his ribs crush against each other his ribs go into each other then a man comes with an evil face an ugly face khabib ugly clothes he has a horrible smell and he says take the tidings of what is going to make you make you sad or make you feel terrible this is the day you are promised he says you may allah give you evil what have you brought who are you your face is a face that looks like you've come with evil he says i am your evil deeds i knew that you are slow to obey allah and quick to disobey allah then this person he is struck he struck a striking that every that makes the earth shudder and everything on the heavens and the earth hears it except the human being and he struck so hard that he screams a scream that everything hears it except a human being why because the prophet saws if it were not for the fact that you would not bury your dead i would have made dua for allah to make you hear something of the punishment of the grief everyone hears it except the human being and the jinn then a door from the fire is open and a bed of fire is made for him and what does he say in this and i to be honest with you i believe this is one of the most profound parts of the hadith this he's just been beaten at least some of the narrations mentioned twice or more he's been beaten with a and he's been beaten with a beating that made the whole everything in the heavens and the earth heard his scream except the human beings in the jinn and he's being burned with fire and he's lying on a bed of fire with clothing from fire his ribs are crushed against themselves the poison of jahannam is coming into his mouth and his nose the door of jahannam he can see jahannam from his grave what does he ask allah for he asks allah oh allah let me stay here that's the most profound thing he begs allah to let him stay there rabbi my lord allow me to stay here don't make the day of judgment come because he knows what is coming is worse and worse and worse could you imagine someone in that state in that pain in that suffering and he's making dua yeah allah let me stay in my place i don't leave i want to stay here i i want to be here that's something to think about it's a profound wallahi very very profound that a person in that situation in that level of torture and punishment is begging allah to let them stay because they know that every single thing that's coming to them after that is worse and worse and worse what is mentioned here is the katherine in some of the narrations it's mentioned and either the wicked person but in reality what happens to the disobedient muslim i believe that the stronger opinion here is that the disobedient muslim is not mentioned in either of these two rather the disobedient muslim is left like that so that you remain in fear and you don't know because neither have you and i done the deeds to be like that righteous muslim and we hope that we don't end our life like that cather but we don't know where we sit in between those two things and it's narrated the prophet saws and passed by two people who were muslim and he said innahuma you advi these two people are being punished but they're not being punished for something people think is a major sin as for one of them he didn't used to keep himself clean when he went to the toilet he didn't used to stop the urine from splashing upon his clothes and as for the other one he used to spread rumors between the people and make people dislike each other by saying he said and she said that it's worth us to just take a moment to look at the reasons for the punishment of the grave or some of the reasons for the punishment of the grave and the reasons for being saved from the punishment of the grave as we mentioned one of them that is mentioned in the hadith is that the person doesn't keep themselves clean when going to the toilet i'm sure i don't know how this masjid is but i'm really always shocked about our masjid in newcastle when i go in gateshead that the bathrooms are in a terrible state there's a brother in our masjid in gaitin allah blessing and we ask allah subhanahu ta'ala to give him the blessings of the grave because of what he does for keeping the masjid clean subhanallah he cleans that bathroom how many times a day and still you go inside of it you see it is covered in najasat and you say to the people this is the muslims who use the bathroom they don't know how to use the bathroom properly i don't know what they do i don't know how it's even possible to make such a mess in the bathroom and this bathroom is cleaned and again the brother will go clean it again you go in an hour later if it's busy you go in an hour later it's dirty again people don't keep themselves clean and they don't pay attention to keeping themselves clean the second thing is spreading anemia spreading what stories and rumors about people sometimes people do it innocently but they're just always concerned with what other people are doing they're always thinking about what other people are doing oh you know that brother i saw you know i heard about that brother and just going back and forward back and forth until people and until people uh start to dislike each other or hate each other because of what has been spread between the people from those reasons to be punished in the grave is a person who doesn't pray with who prays without wado who prays with that wooden and this happens to people people are embarrassed they break the water in the prayer they don't go and make quota again i just finished my prayer and then i'll go the person was punished in the grief from this is that a person passed by an oppressed individual and didn't help them and they saw someone being oppressed and they were able to do something and they didn't help them telling a lie that reaches the horizons how many people do this telling a lie that reaches the horizons now if you lie on social media won't lie that lie reaches it reaches every country every place the one who reads the quran or who read the quran and then sleeps on it in the night and doesn't act upon it in the day and he neither does he pray with it at night nor does he act upon it in the day the one who devours riba it's also mentioned the one who left giving the zakah the one who devours haram the one who devours river the one who eats from the wealth of the orphan there are so many that are mentioned the one who harms the muslims all i mean there are literally i have lists of any i can see list any of of and you can mention 70 reasons that i mentioned within the hadith for the person or the people who are punished in the grief in general how do you summarize it every single sin a person does has a potential to be a reason to be punished in the grief every sin that a person does has a potential to be a reason why people are punished in the grief and then there are specific reasons uh i think i mentioned them at times before and we mentioned a lot of them mentioned a long list of them and those people and i wanted to mention this one particularly from all the ones i wanted to mention i wanted to mention this issue of rumors and telling lies that reach the horizon and also harming other people's honor any harming other people's reputation whether it's false rumors about them whether it is exposing their sins whatever it is but a person who takes away from the honor of people and who harms people's honor the people who took from the war booty and so on and so forth there are many many many examples which i mentioned within the hadith of the messenger what about the reasons to be saved from the punishment of the grave what about the reasons to be saved from the punishment of the grave so again what we would say is we would say that every single we would say that every single good deed that you do could be a reason to be saved from the punishment of the grave every good deed you do could be considered to be a means to be saved just like every sin could be a potential so every good deed that you do could be a reason to be saved but there are some things that are mentioned specifically there are some things that are mentioned specifically the first is making dua to allah to save you from the punishment of the grief the general dua the prophet saws since he was told about the punishment of the grave he never stopped asking allah to be saved from it he never stopped asking allah subhanahu ta'ala in his salah before the end of the tashahood allah from the reasons to be saved is to recite suratul mulk before you go to sleep and some of the narration surat al-mukh and also sort of sajdah before you go to sleep the prophet saws said about suratul mulk it is the one that prevents and it is the one that saves it saves a person from the punishment of the grave by reciting it there are some things that a person can't control and it doesn't come in their hands to save them from the punishment of the grave that the one who dies from a disease of the stomach the one who dies who dies on the day of jummah or the night before jumma any thursday night or a friday the person who dies for the sake of allah the martyr for the sake of allah and there are some that is not any it might be it might be something a person does but it's not really possible for a person to it might not be possible for a person to get that opportunity like the person who guards the borders of the muslim lands prophet saw islam said every kullun every person their deeds are sealed except the one who guards the borderlands the borders of the muslim lands person's deeds are increased until yamakiyama and he will be saved from the fitnah of the grave these are some of the mentions or some of the things that uh are mentioned with regard to being saved from the punishment of the grief my point in all of this is we only just spoke about the punishment of the grave and we only spoke about it a little bit but what my point in all of this was one thing all of these points have things you can do now to prepare that was my point in all of this that's why i chose the hadith instead of another hadith or instead of talking about gen now they all of these things have things you can prepare right now you can prepare you said in this so then allah azzawajal will make you firm in answering those questions in the grave but you have to live and allah is not just something you say la ilaha something you live a person what did i say in the beginning that a person who lives upon something dies upon it you live all the time upon saying upon asking allah for safety upon seeking refuge with allah from the punishment of the grave and reciting suratul and you're doing what you're doing whatever you can that person in sha allah is preparing for the souls final journey as for the person who doesn't do it that person has not prepared and also the person thinks about preparing in terms of the dunya as we said like the wasa having a written their instructions for what they do what the people do after or their advice for what people do when they die and a person prepares their last will and testament about especially if they have property they own or they have money like a a significant amount of money they earn how should that be divided and what should it be done what should be done with it a person remembers frequently the destroyer of desires and they remember frequently their status in terms of where they are at at this moment in time in terms of good deeds and bad deeds they remember the soul's final journey and because of that they take points of action i'm not going to do this i'm not going to do this i'm not going to do this i'm going to try and do this and do this and do this and buy this in shot a person can prepare for that journey uh there's a lot to talk about in this topic i've got a couple of videos on it which are more detailed and a bit more organized we have a video something i think it's called something like if i die tonight or if you die tonight something like that and there's also a number of videos on the hereafter and the souls journey and the topic of death so those have more detail than this one but this is just again a summary and a reminder we have a 10 minute break okay
Channel: Muhammad Tim Humble
Views: 26,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: poKhNuwsqko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 36sec (3816 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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