Living in the End Times [Southampton]

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so our talk today this is now for everyone we did the ameu class for the teenagers we did the amyu class for the younger kids this now is for everyone so there's no reason for anyone to be sitting in the back of the hall you guys can marry araka magazine why am i saying you all sat separately come a bit forward better for you i know everybody wants to sit against the wall i don't know why but no problem we will not complain i'll come a little closer we inshallah we have more of a class our discussion for this which is our penultimate talk today it's our second last talk is the topic of living in the end times how is it like to live in what we would call achirozeman the time when the world is about to end and in this i really want to talk about living through it i don't want to talk about what happens because i've done talks like that the signs of the hour and all that stuff we've talked about it but i want to talk about how you live how do you behave how do you worship allah some of the scholars they call it in the times of trials and tribulations before we talk about that we do have to do a little bit of an introduction to the end of time so the signs of the hour are divided into two the major signs and the minor signs how do we differentiate between the two so the minor signs happen over a long period of time already the minus signs have been happening for 1 40 years and more because the first of the minor signs was the coming of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi so that's now more than 1450 years since the first minor sign came so the time of the minor signs is very long as for the major signs the time that they happen they happen in a very short space of time as for the minus signs the minus signs are normally things which are to a certain extent normal and usual but they are signs for example bullying people competing with building high buildings this in itself is not necessarily any miraculous in nature and if somebody built a building that had three floors then someone built one that had four floors then someone built one that had 50 floors then someone built one that had 160 something floors and they are competing with each other in building tall buildings this in itself is not something that is miraculous or supernatural in nature as for the major signs they are typically supernatural in nature and they are very very unusual and extremely uh extremely rare so for example the dajjal the coming of the dajjal and what the dajjal will do is not something normal right it's not within the normal things that you see for example from the signs of the hour is being bad to your parents being bad to your parents as bad as it is but it's something which is not outside of the realm of normality as for the major signs they are typically outside of the realm of normality the sun rises from the west instead of the east a beast comes out of the earth and speaks to people and brands them so this is something very very very different the major signs all happen one after the other in close proximity when the digital comes immediately after the dajjal comes asa and asa comes at the end of the of the time of the ducha and then immediately when the dajjal has been killed who comes in and then after that come the following signs one after the other and the sun that rises from the west and the beast that comes out of the earth and the smoke and the three chasms that open in the earth and finally the last of the signs is a fire that will start in aden in yemen and it will drive the people to their place of resurrection in asham in syria these signs are not normal but the minor signs are things that we see around us but they are in themselves a sign also the minus signs have no specific ruling just because it's a sign doesn't mean that it's haram necessarily for example it's not haram to live in a tall building or to build a tall building it's a sign so when you see it you realize the closeness of the hour now that being said as a brief introduction if we look at the minor signs wallahi almost you cannot find almost a single one of them that has not yet happened unless it is a sign that the scholars said it will happen during the time of the major science what i mean by that is the minus signs have three situations some of the minor signs happened and finished for example the sending of the prophet muhammad saw i said he was sent then the prophet saws died those things have happened they're not going to happen in the future they've happened already the second category is a sign that has happened but is getting worse for example catherine cuttle a lot of killing people killing each other such that the person who kills the other person doesn't know why they killed them and the person who was killed doesn't know why they were killed this also it happened waya's dead and it's getting worse and it will continue to get worse and worse and worse until the coming of the dajjal or until the end of the world so there are some of these minor signs they happen but they're getting worse every day being bad to your parents people were bad to their parents before but it's getting more and more and more until the prophet says and like he said and that the slave girl will give birth to her mistress and i believe that the stronger opinion about this hadith is it refers to being bad to your parents that a woman will a girl will treat her parents so badly she will treat them like a mistress would treat a slave and we see this among our among our society we do kids say to their parents bring me this do this for me why are you saying to me tell me i can't do this and if they talk to their parents like you would talk to a slave any worse even than a servant any even when you would talk to a servant so they see their parents as servants to them not that they are servants to their parents it's getting worse takara that at the time becoming compressed so you feel like a year goes by and you didn't even do anything any like a day goes by when is the time this will get the worst can anyone tell me we know there's a time when that when takara was a man will become the worst of the worst to the gel because what will happen yeah any day like a year like the time is just all goes like it's wrong one day is like a year one day it's like a month and like the time is all different and all the time the way that you understand time is different but now do we not see that time passes by and nothing gets done days passed by used to say wallahi like people used to write between you know asar and maghrib they used to write books now three four years goes by a person can't finish the one you know article they were writing but is it getting worse yes it's getting worse is one of the signs of the hour that the markets will become near and there are many ways to understand that one is that all the markets come together into one place like the big malls and the big you know all the markets in one place but more even more than that is the nearness of international trade for example i can order something from china that arrives within one week i can order something from the states it'll arrive next day or two days later and he's so far away it's like the the aswak became near to me even though they are far away like all the markets became near to me i can order something when i'm sitting in newcastle i can order something from london it will arrive sometimes and if it doesn't arrive the same day then it arrived the next day so it became like that a swag became closer but what do you see it started with you know two day delivery then next day delivery then same day delivery then delivery within care the number of hours or something like that so it's getting also and it's getting also more like that and it's a horrible so it's something that happened but it's getting more and more and more from the signs that we're going to talk about in a moment is the trials and tribulations like have trials and tribulations happen to the muslims before now they have does anyone know what you would call the first trial the first real fitna that happened to the muslims the first real fitna that happened to the muslims okay the death of the prophet saws is the first calamity that happened to the muslims no doubt the great calamity that happened al-musib no doubt is the death of the prophet saws because revelation stopped and the ability to go back and get your religion confirmed for you stopped so there's no doubt but in terms of a fitna where the muslims split and started to fight each other and argue with each other and not see eye to eye and problems started to happen among muslims when was this before the battle of the camel before before the killing of uthman the killing of uthman is really the first major fitnah that the muslims go through yes umar was killed and yes umar was murdered but umar was killed by a non-muslim right somebody who never claimed islam for themself and he was majusi he was a majin and he never claimed islam for himself so um was killed by a non-muslim so it didn't shake the ummah but earth man was killed by a group of people who claimed to be muslim they came and they the rabble yanni they came and they were being driven by the monarchy and they in the end they overcame uthman in his house and it said the one who killed him was a monathak it said and then there's some evidence that the one who killed uthman was but the fact that it was someone who claimed islam and the people involved some of them were muslim they were like rabble any like ignorant people but the point is that now the muslims don't agree what to do next ali is forced to become the khalifah by force and they told him if you don't accept this role we will kill everybody in medina so he's forced to accept it but now that he's accepted it and he's become istakhara and he's become solid in his place he's the khalifah so now there's a problem what do we do with the killers of uthman because in islam by default they should be killed but there's two problems the first one is that the muslim army has not come back so the muslims don't really have the ability to kill or to arrest the people who killed uthman not easily without a big fight and without a lot of bloodshed so that's one problem the other problem is they don't know who it is they don't know who killed him they know a rabble a group of people who all run over his house but they don't know exactly who is responsible for what so ali makes hd hat he makes a decision for himself and the decision that he makes for himself is that at this moment in time right now we are not going to take any action not because we shouldn't he agrees we have to take action but we're going to wait for the muslim army to return and we're going to wait for things to settle and then we're going to take action the relatives of uthman they wanted immediate action among them and others who were from the close relatives of uthman and among them were some of them who from the ashram was sharing and others who wanted to see immediate action so now the sahaba don't agree on the next step and now we start to get into fitness the moon see and they try to stir trouble between people and they try to make people fight and in the end the muslims fight each other what is our position on the muslims fighting each other among the sahaba as the poet he said he said the one who was killed among them was a sahabi and the one who killed among them was a sahabi and both of them allah will have mercy on them as allah said all of them allah promised jannah and that means that they tried their best yeah they were in a difficult situation where they couldn't see and both had evidences and from that is that the scholars of among the sahaba were in half half of them said yeah that's right and another half of them said no the other way is right so now it's a fitna this is the beginning of the fitnam do you think these fitan got worse or better got worse as time went on until now the fitting among the muslims and the killing and and the situation of the muslims is worse than it was at any other time and there are many many many other signs the loss of a mana responsibility many other things that can be considered among the minor signs so now as we have established and i have a video i have videos on these signs already so i don't want to go into too much detail but i wanted to establish that we are now living in a time where most of or many of the minor signs have already happened some of them are getting worse are there some minor signs that have not happened at all yes but among the scholars are those who say that these signs will not necessarily happen before the major ones there is no rule that says minus sign stop and major signs start no way rather some of the minor signs will happen during the time of the major ones so is there any minus sign left which we can guarantee will happen before the major signs all that is left are the minor signs that happen immediately before the dajjal like fighting against the europeans or the byzantines like the second conquest of constantinople like uh the famine that will happen for three years before the dajjal comes that is the only ones that you can say definitely this didn't happen otherwise every other thing that you have you are living right at the end of time i don't know how long it is before the jail will come no one has that knowledge that is with allah subhanahu ta'ala but if you compare the signs the prophet saws spoke about you cannot believe except that you are right at the very very end of time and that means now if you don't see the dajjal with your own eyes perhaps your children will see him with theirs or your grandchildren but you cannot believe that there are many left many generations left based upon that hadith you can't see virtually anything that would say to you for example if the famine the famine happens three years before the dajjal right in the first year third of the of the year of the earth's produce is cut in the second year two-thirds and in the third year all of the earth doesn't produce anything is there any single reason why that could not happen next year i don't know or the year after or in five years time or in six years time for you are living at the end of time you are living not at the end of time itself but in the end times in the times which come towards the end of the dunya you're not in the middle of it the prophet saws said me and the hour were sent like these two fingers and the difference between the length of your index finger and your middle finger it's very very close now the earth has been around for a long time so that's your index finger the earth's been around for a long time but now there is not much after the prophet saws we don't know exactly how many years the earth has been around for so we can't say okay the earth was around for you know twenty thousand so there is two thousand so there is two percent but this is to show you that very the closeness of the hour so living in this time how do we survive living in this time the prophet saws said in a hadith in sahih muslim from the is he said islam began as something strange and islam is going to go back to being something strange so tuba and tulba is either paradise or it's a tree in paradise will be for the people who are strangers there is explanation from the prophet saws about this but first of all how did islam start as something strange remember when the prophet saws first came to to tell people about islam was it the case that hundreds of people just entered into islam in crowds no it wasn't when did people enter islam in crowds after the conquest of makkah then the people entered into islam af in big numbers before that one person another person and the people found it strange they said has he made all of the gods into one god this is something very strange we never heard any of our fathers doing things like this worshipping one god so islam was strange even to the people that accepted islam among the community it was strange it was different it was something that the people were not used to and islam will return to be like that i don't say that we reach the worst of this because it's something that's getting worse over time but islam is islam is becoming stranger and stranger to people when you tell people about worshiping allah alone they look at you like this is ajib we never heard our father say this when you tell people they can't make dua to the people in the graves they would say to you all of our fathers used to go to the graves and pray to the dead we don't know anyone who didn't do this islam became strange when you see people pray five times the one the brothers was telling me that someone said to him you're the only muslim i know that prays five times a day now i'm not saying he knows every muslim and of course there are many muslims around the world that pray five times a day but now it became rare and more and more rare implement the sunnah for example the sunnah in the way you dress straight away people look at you like what are you doing what are you wet what are you wearing why why are your clothes above your ankles for the prophet saws used to do that it says we never saw this in our life the sunnah became strange to people and i'm not saying that it reached the peak but it's getting more and more strange fat paradise is for who the people who lived in the very early time of islam when islam was strange and the people who will come at the end of time and practice islam when islam is something strange it was said all messenger of allah manila or messenger of allah this isn't the hadith of it in a narration of allah who are the strangest he said those who make things right when the people have become lost or corrupt those people who bring people back to the quran and the sunnah in the time when people lost it and in another narration they correct what the people corrupted from my sunna they take what the people lost from the sunnah what the people have forgotten from the sunnah and what the people have done of biddah because al-fasad of sunnah is right like corrupting the sunnah means bringing innovations they correct these innovations they make the sunnah dominant again they bring the sunnah out to the people again and he said he said they are a few righteous people among many evil people and i can't say to you that we reach that time exactly but there is no doubt wallahi there is no doubt that we are living in a time where very few muslims comparative to the whole muslims in the world very few are committed to practicing islam and out of those who practice their religion very few practice it upon the sun i believe statistically that's true if you look at all the muslims in the world and you take the basic principles of islam let's just talk about for example the the five times daily prayer for example the hijab uh or fasting in ramadan you know like the the things that islam is known for many many muslims around the world today are not practicing islam is a minority in the world today right islam is not the majority of people in the world today islam is the minority from the people who are muslim the people who are practicing i'm not talking about different groups or sects i'm just talking about people who pray five times a day the women wear proper hijab you know the people fast ramadan and all that the most basic things i don't know if you can say a minority i'm not sure but it's not everybody and it's like there was a time remember if you you came into the middle of the you know even the abbasid caliphate you could not find from the east of the place to the west somebody that doesn't pray five times a day now look at jummah jumma either masjid is out onto the street and yet when you come at federer once of two three so forth then among those people who pray five times a day how many of them are staunch in sticking to the sunnah of the prophet saw islam and how many of them fell into bid innovations and bad practices i believe the people practicing a sunnah are a minority inside of a minority inside of a minority then akaliya inside of an akaliya inside of anakalia the muslims are already a minority within them the people who are practicing properly and doing the main points of islam are also relatively small and within them the people who are practicing the sunnah are also a minority and when you go to a city how often you go to a city and you find any the main three four massaging in the city are all practicing according to sun it's not that common so it's not about any percentages i don't know to say 50 40 60 but no doubt it's getting more and more strange and more and more limited in the people who are practicing islam according to the sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam what the companions understood then among them there's an even stranger group and they are the people who are not just practicing but trying to correct what the people have done wrong and trying to bring people back to the sunnah and they are the ones who the prophet sam called al-ghuraba the people who eleven us the fasadinas the people who make things right when the people have corrupted them the people who make things right when the people have corrupted them so this is the first point that i wanted to make about living at the end of time be from the be from the strangest don't worry that people find it strange that you come to the masjid for fajr and people find it strange that you don't work in this haram job and people find it strange that you don't mix freely between men and women and people find it strange that the sister wants to wear niqab and people find it strange don't worry about how many people find what you do to be strange in this time we live in if people look at you as strange this is a sign that you're upon the truth not always because you have to bring that in terms of the quran and sunnah but generally speaking if you're practicing islam and people find you practicing islam to be strange paradise is for the people who are strange that's the first thing also is strive to be from the people who bring the sunnah back to life many times you'll find sunan people will look at you like you are a different religion for example praying to raka'at before maghrib the prophet saw islam said s whoever wants to do it rarely you will see people pray to raqqa's before any between the adam and the economy how many people you see after they prayed qiyama lail when they come to the masjid they lie in the south and they close their eyes between the adhan of fajr and there are so many things from the sunnah people forgot bring the sunnah back to life learn the sunnah practice it and teach it to people and bring it back to life the people who make right what the people corrupted from my sunnah what does it require to make right what the people corrected from the for the people corrupted from the sunnah it requires knowledge it requires in reality four things it requires first of all knowledge that you know the sunnah of the prophet saws so you know what to tell people to do and not to do the second is that you yourself practice that sunnah in your life the third thing is you tell people about it you see someone not practicing the sunnah in something did you know the prophet saws used to do this so we can do it as well practice the sunnah tell people about it and be patient because you are you are very very rare among the people if you do this so people will see you to be a bit strange that you're telling people to practice the sunnah and you're bringing these sunnah back to life and you're telling the people to follow it people will see you to be strange they'll say you're not the majority you are not the majority learn your religion practice it teach people the sunnah and be patient because when you do this you will be strange to people so help people to understand it in a good way that's another point and sometimes people they speak or they behave in a way that is strange so the people don't understand them explain to people the way they can understand and help people to really understand what the sunnah is this is the sunnah did you know the prophet saws used to do this really i didn't know help people to understand it and it also means you must be careful not to speak without knowledge because if you speak without knowledge there is no doubt that speaking without knowledge is something which makes the situation at the end of times worse there is a hadith the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he told us does not snatch away knowledge allah does not snatch away knowledge allah doesn't snatch away knowledge and just like that any you wake up one day and there's no more knowledge what i can the people took ignorant people as their leaders so instead of getting their religious leadership from the ulama they took their religious leadership from some person on youtube how many times have we seen this until today wallahi if you want a sign of living in the end of times wallahi this is taking knowledge from people who don't deserve to give it out taking knowledge from people who don't deserve to give it out now we're not talking about the students of knowledge because here like they said whoever narrates from someone senior is senior but the point here is that people are taking knowledge from people on youtube this person never doesn't have even practice islam like some of these i don't know what you call them personalities on youtube who are giving out islamic knowledge some of them will lie they are they don't even practice the most basic thing of islam you look at the person you think this is like some i don't know what this thing is on on the on this youtube channel they don't even practice islam not even any in the small things that you see and this person giving fatah to people we have situations of people wallahi someone calls himself a mufti or sheikh they're on youtube given fatah they have no iste karma they don't even practice the religion at all let alone ignore the religion to teach it to other people you have women and sisters given fatah he doesn't wear hijab she's given fatalwa to people your religion is like this look in the mirror first then teach the people about islam wallahi this is the situation we are in ignorant fools and the people ask them about islamic knowledge you have celebrity people coming culture people who like the person doesn't know how to recite suratul fatiha and the people ask them what do you think about this the person doesn't know how to recite sura how can you ask them knowledge of islam for after then they give the knowledge without knowing how to give it any they don't know that knowledge they give the answer they misguide themselves they misguide others so it's very important when you revive the sunnah you revive it based upon knowledge now we talked about knowledge but action is also very important acting upon it narrated from the prophet saws he said rush to do good deeds before the trials will come like pieces of the dark knight he said rush to do good deeds before trials come like pieces of the dark knight the trials that will come one after the other from the signs of the hour is the fitan that trials will come one after the other after the other they will come in like pieces of the dark knight just after one after the other after the other a person feels like they're in darkness then there is if they can see a light the darkness comes again then as if they can see the darkness come one after the other problems trials and tribulations a person wakes up as a believer and goes to sleep as a disbeliever or goes to sleep as a believer and wakes up as a disbeliever they sell their religion for some small piece of this world the point i wanted here is what should you do when you're coming to this time is it not a time of fit and we're in a time of fitting we said the fitan are getting worse day by day by day alhamdulillah you guys are living in a relatively safe place a place you can come to masjid five times a day you can pray you can practice your religion tomorrow this place may not be safe like it was yesterday rush to do your deeds now because i'm telling you if you look at the countries where civil war broke out you don't see the people coming to the masjid five times a day anymore and if you think you're going to get shot by a sniper when you put your head out of the door like it happened qariba not far away not long ago i've been to countries and seen with my own eyes the bullet marks in the wall where if somebody came out of their house the sniper shot them from on top of a building they couldn't leave their house or if they went to the shop sometimes the snipers and they would even and we saw with our own eyes the the marks and the the consequences they would say the sniper would try to get two or three with one bullet and if he could get a pregnant woman and kill her and her child with the same bullet he would do it if you're in that situation you cannot now go for your classes and do your duros and go to your health class and memorize quran and come nicely to the masjid 5 times a day fitn haraj people are killing each other people are killing each other in this situation you must now take advantage of the chance you have today because tomorrow this place may not be safe anymore next week it may not be safe anymore how many places we see from the non-muslims the country is safe the next day problems fighting riots it doesn't have to be a war it could even be rioting among people right as we've even seen in this country in certain times in the past suddenly the city is inflamed and riots and people trying to beat each other up and people are scared for themselves if you don't take advantage of the blessings you have today you don't know where you will be tomorrow you don't know where your health will be you don't know where you will be in terms of safety and security in the country you live in you don't know where the muslims will find themselves rush to do your good deeds now while you have a chance to do them because the trials will become so bad that a person will wake up in the morning and before the evening came they left islam and a person will go to sleep in the evening and before the morning comes or when the morning comes they left islam it's a very very very serious situation so we must do righteous deeds when we have the chance right now there are people in the world don't have safety and security there are people in the world who are not able to safely go to the masjid or go to their classes or learn there are people who don't have access to the live streams and the online learning and all that stuff that you guys have take advantage of it now before things get worse and if you say look uk is fairly stable you know inshallah it's not going to get that bad what will you do if the jail comes in three years time what do you think they're going to welcome you here well the jews and christians are never going to be happy with you until you follow their religion they're not happy with you here now let alone about how they will be when the dajjal comes for a person should not be you should not feel safe do they feel safe from the plot of allah it's the losing people who feel that allah is never going to make things go bad for me never will allah make the situation change never will i be in a situation where i'm scared for my life or scared for my family who said that you'll never go through that so rush to take advantage of the good opportunities you have now before things become worse from that haditha i wanted to talk to you about is the statement of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and it's along the same lines that will feel worshiping allah at a time where people are killing each other is like making hijra to me or doing good deeds at a time where people are killing each other is like hijra to me and in another wording worshiping allah at a time of fitna at a time of trials and tribulations is like making hijrah to me people are fighting each other people are killing each other people are in a state of fitna any trials and tribulations are happening problems are happening calamities are happening in that time even even let's talk about like uh calamities in terms of like floods and famines and khalas you saw what happened in the floods and after that flood your masjid is ruined your house is ruined who is now going to their quran and sitting there to learn you don't know what might happen and when it happens you have to rush to worship allah so even in a time of fit and you should try to worship allah subhanahu ta'ala even when things are hard still you worship allah still you make time for your prayers still you make time to read your quran no matter what happens in your life i don't know what you people will see in your life but i fear that you will see many of these signs that allah subhanahu ta'ala tells us about so if you see them don't stop worshiping allah buddha worship allah until that which is certain comes to you from that hadith that i wanted to talk to you about the statement of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the hadith is the first hadith al-imam muslim brings in kitab the trial the the the book of the trials and tribulations that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said [Music] arabic there is an evil that is very close he said there is a hole that is opened for ya george and matt jude to come out like this and he made the sign of ten on his finger and he made a small hole with his finger like a small hole with his finger ya rasool allah the narrator says the narrator is uh zainab binti jash brother will we be destroyed while there are righteous people among us he said yes if evil becomes widespread so if evil becomes widespread among us we could even be destroyed even though we are we are trying to be righteous however a person might ask what about the person and there is a hadith and the hadith it talks about a hadith of um with regard to the destruction of a people who are destroyed when they go along with an army and there's an army that goes to destroy or there's an army that goes to try to destroy or to try to attack makkah and when they go with this army that goes to try to destroy the kaaba or to try to attack a person within the kaaba allah will cause the earth to open up and swallow this army she said ya rasulallah what about the people who were dragged along with the army when they didn't mean to go any for example the people didn't want to go with the army but they were forced like enslaved they were chained like prisoners and the earth swallows them up what about the people who come for trade there are people who come to to buy and sell are they all going to be are they all going to be swallowed up the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said he said all of them will be swallowed up but each one of them will be resurrected on the day of judgment according to their intentions the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said do you see what i can see from the hadith of us the messenger of allah he said i see the trials happening among your houses like the drops of rain everywhere the rain falls there is going to be a trial that is going to fall between you like that a person needs to understand living in this time as we said taking advantage of the time before it comes when the time comes continuing to worship allah azzawajal even during the difficult times come to know allah in times of difficulty and allah will come to know you at times of ease times of difficulty and allah will come to know you at times of ease and we mentioned the value of reviving the sunnah and reviving islam in the time when the people have strayed from it but i wanted to take something from all of this and maybe this is one of the last points i will make before we stop i wanted to take that one of the ways that we can improve our situation is by reducing the evil that we see in our society like allah azzawajal says you're the best people that have ever been brought out for the people you command what is good and you forbid what is evil and you believe in allah so telling people to do what is good and stopping people from doing what is evil correcting yourself correcting your family correcting the people around you so that it is not a situation where the evil increases to an extent where it becomes predominant and then in that time everybody can be destroyed so if everyone is going to be destroyed what must you be you must have two things about you you yourself must not have fallen into that sin that caused the people to be destroyed and you must be making your efforts to correct as many people as you can commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil and if you do that in sha allah even if you are destroyed with them you will not be raised with them one of the fit and i just wanted to highlight i highlighted it yesterday but i wanted to make a special a special point on it is the trial of following the way of the people who came before you the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said let's you are certainly going to follow the ways of the people before you you will certainly follow the ways of the people before you letter by hanspen an arm length by arm length until if one of them entered hatha you would follow them they said oh messenger of allah do you mean the jews and the christians khalifa shibra and shibu randhira and hand by hand and arm by arm and this is one of the things that we have to stop happening to us if we want to be safe from the fit and at the end of times because in reality who are those who follow the dead in reality primarily they are why because as for the jews they rejected isa and muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and they're waiting for their messiah to come and as for the christians they rejected muhammad sallam and they're waiting for the coming the return of isa but when the dajjal comes what is he going to tell people i am that messiah and he's going to tell people that he is that messiah that he is that person who came he is that prophet the jews are waiting for and he is that prophet that the christians are waiting for and then he will tell them that he is your lord but you will not see your lord until you die so in reality those people who already are following the jews and the christians when this fitna comes will only increase in following them until they follow al-masih and the prophet saws said woman whoever resembles a people is one of them so we must have our distinct muslim identity i did a talk on that yesterday i briefly took it offline just i want to make some small edits just to make sure that my points were as i wanted to say but i will put it back up insha'allah in the next couple of days this talk on muslim identity is very important because in this time of fitan if we don't stick to our islamic identity and we allow ourselves to become assimilated with the jews and the christians at the end of the day every fitness that they fall into we will only go behind them and fall into it with them why because the prophet saws said shibura and shibura and be there hand by hand and on by arm you will follow these people what does he mean about hijab the uh the like the lizard's hole the lizard's hole is a place that doesn't have a way out it's a trap right you go in there and it's completely like very very narrow very small space and there's no way out from it you see the person go there and get stuck they can't escape then you go behind them and you get stuck then the next person comes behind and they get stuck that's the meaning of you you see them enter elizabeth's hall and you follow them this is not my personal opinion this is what the prophet saws said they said oh messenger of allah do you mean the jews and the christians who else do i mean that's why he said who else do i mean we must be careful not to follow them we must be careful not to resemble them so that when the fit and come we don't end up following them into the fitnah following them into their trials and tribulations and these fit in for them what do they come from they come from a vulmu al-jahan really they come from people who know the truth but follow their desires and people who don't know their religion at all and because the typical nature of the yahood and the nasara al-kitab is that either they know what they should be doing but they don't do it or they don't even know the difference between what's right and wrong for this is what caused them to go into fitting and good to go astray and this is what will cause us to go astray if we don't stop this habit of following them that's a good place for me to stop it's time for the adhan inshallah after the other we take a couple of small questions from the audience inshallah just briefly and we leave the video on for that and then in sir which is going to be on the topic of an invitation from allah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay inshallah so let's see if we have some questions from uh the brothers and sisters who are here just we take like maximum maximum five to ten minutes and then insha'allah we will break for salat al-assar and our final talk of the day which is going to be on the topic of an invitation from allah do we have questions from the brothers sisters you have heart as you like whatever you think is best uh what's your take on internet ships can you take any beneficial knowledge from them internet shares well i look the fact that someone teaches online i don't see any harm with it many of our kibar they teach online my problem is someone who teaches without knowledge whether they are on the internet or not on the internet the internet is a was a means for teaching it doesn't matter whether they are on the internet or not on the internet but do they teach with knowledge and do they practice the knowledge they teach you know you see someone like you i can't even describe i mean you guys know the kind of people that i'm speaking about but you see someone who is in every single meaning of the word the person is a facet they have not one single hand on practicing any part of islam that you can see and they're given for tower for this is the problem whether they're on the internet or off the internet um so with regard to the spread of ribba the spread of ribba is one of the signs of the hour the prophet saws made it from the signs one of the signs of the hour is in tishar that riba will be everywhere as regards the ruling of riba allah azzawajal he said uh those who devour riba will not stand on the day of resurrection like except like the ones who are beaten by the shaitaan and possessed into insanity that is because they say trading and riba is the same that's the first important point they say there's no escape any river and trading is the same and we we have to do river river we have to do it but allah has made trading halal so for example allah is made renting a house and allah has made riba in a house haram there are some people who come and say oh you know i can't rent renting and renting it that's because they say innama innam albay um they say this renting and riba it's you know renting i pay more money but allah made renting halal and allah made buying halal and allah made buying it by halal and allah made borrowing interest free from someone halal but allah made riba so whoever got the message from allah and then they stop their affairs with allah and whoever goes back to riba after they got that message they are the people of the fire and they'll be in it forever the first thing is we understood that allah made it the second thing is that we understood that riba is not something that can be allowed for ahaja there are two types of haram in islam there is something which is haram that can be allowed for a need you know when people really need it when people really need it and there are things that cannot be halal except for a necessity so for example the issue of men and women being together in the same space haram right sarah but is it haram in of itself or it's haram because of what it leads to it's haram because of what it leads to so for example in the market where you cannot easily have a separate shop for a man and another shop for a woman they can use the same shop but they keep us apart as much as they can and separate riba is not like that riba is something that is haram feed that he in itself so it can only be allowed for a necessity and a necessity is something that would cause you to lose your life or similar to it but what people are doing is they're allowing riba for a need they say look i need riba you know i need a house of my own but need is not the same as necessity then we come to the issues of the islamic banks and in reality i'm not going to speak about every islamic bank i'm not qualified to sit here and say i've studied every islamic bank but a lot of islamic finance very sadly it is built upon hail it's built upon loopholes it's built upon manipulating the sharia and it's not islamically compliant it just doesn't meet the standards the prophet says i'm set and again i'm not talking about every bank or every country there could be some great countries some great banks but i'm talking about the general trend in islamic finance is what is here making loopholes you know changing the the words of things taking the word riba and call it call it profit we charge you 2.5 annual rib rate annual profit rate it doesn't matter what you change the name to it's ribbon so i would advise people at this moment in time that you don't go anywhere near a conventional mortgage in anything and that if you go for an islamic mortgage you check it and double check and triple check every single condition that you don't end up going for something where they just change the word ribba and call it hijab rent but rent has a nature rent has a has a condition for it and it has na it has rules for it never mind the rules we charge you 7.5 percent annual rent rate yeah to be honest with you am i renting or am i paying rebate you tell me i'm not interested in the name you can take sadaqa and call it uriba if you want the reality is what i'm interested in is it rent or is it riba make it clear to me which one is it rent or reba don't say to me it's rent because i call it rent and don't say to me that a bottle of wine is grape juice because it's made out of grapes is it rent or is it riba you make it clear to me with the conditions of renting in islam is it rental is it river don't give me this it's rent because i call it rent there's a very serious issue i do believe that there could be and should be and inshallah are financial institutions all over the world who are doing this properly but i also am very scared by the general trend that it's okay to just change the name cross out the word riba write rent and everyone will be happy it's halal for you just be careful of that and be careful of other things that are haram like selling what you don't own like having two contracts combined into one contract and other things that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam made haram so my advice insha allah is that if you have to rent your whole life and you never own a house inshallah it's not going to hurt you inshallah rather do what you need to do if you have to buy a house try to lend the money from brothers sisters people practicing let them lend you some money you pay some back save buy a small house then build upon it maybe sell it for a little bit more and buy a little bit bigger one but don't have this thing that i have to have a mortgage because it's a darura it's not a because there is an alternative uh do we have any one from the sisters last one give me the last one a shot from the sisters and i will try not to answer too long who would you recommend for women to seek knowledge from as the masjid are prejudiced it's very true we really do suffer from a lack of female scholars now i don't say they are not there for for two reasons we suffer number one is we don't have a culture of producing female scholars that's the first problem we have which we used to have in the past from the time of and onwards we had a culture of women who learnt their religion to the highest standard that it can be learned female scholars of hadith scholars of fick we had it the first problem is we left that the second problem is that by nature a woman will be less visible than a man is that not the nature of islam by default you do not expect the woman to have this you know youtube channel and she sat there in front of everyone's mind like it is different so first of all the women are the the women who have a culture of scholarship in islam are fewer than they were in the past and the second problem is they will not be obvious you're not going to find them in front of everyone sitting in front of the men teaching aisha when the men used to come to her they used to ask first hijab from behind a partition so they would go to the door they would knock they would look away they would say our mother aisha what do you say about this hadith what do you say about this issue in fick and she would give them the fatah and she would give them the hadith so the first thing is to find those women is going to be harder for you because you're going to have to look for them they're not going to be in front of you on the stage and the second thing is that the number of them is smaller than it was so we need to encourage our women our daughters our sisters we need to encourage them to have that dedication and i believe one of the best means for this wallahi is online learning because it's difficult for a woman to travel without a mahram she can't and even if she has a maharam it's hard for her to get at the feet of the male scholars right how she has to be behind the partition and how will she get access yes she has female scholars she finds that's true but it's not easy for her but online really does provide a very very good opportunity for her to study from very senior people in sha allah from our major mashiach they have online courses he has courses and some of them the courses are dedicated for sisters in dubai we have jamaica they have a sister section they always bring him scholars who teach so there's opportunities there small opportunity perhaps look at amau and madras maria which we have we accept both male and female students and we have a really detailed inshallah very strong students of knowledge program uh which is going on in sha allah so perhaps that could be a stepping stone does that mean i think that you should just take from there not and no you take from there and then use it as a stepping stone to access scholars and then you know the sister her husband takes her and she gets to see some of them or she manages to speak to them by phone there's ways but start at least the online provides you a good way of starting insha'allah and making a start and ultimately if we revive this culture the sunnah of knowledge among our sisters and learning islam properly then the situation would improve a lot in sha allah and allah is our generous best so we're going to stop it there we've got our last lecture coming up in 20 minutes ish sort of inshallah
Channel: Muhammad Tim Humble
Views: 20,444
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Id: IYeV05fNuNA
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Length: 73min 21sec (4401 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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