The Way to More - Pastor Joel Tudman

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[Music] hmm matthew 25. [Music] [Applause] matthew 25 verse 14 through verse 30. [Music] again it would be like a man going into a journey going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them to when he gave five bags of gold into another two bags into another one bag each according to his ability then he went on his journey the man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more so also the one with two bags of gold gained two more but the man who had received one bag went off dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money after a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them the man who had received five bags of gold broke another five master he said you entrusted me with five bags of gold see i have gained five more his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness the man with two bags of gold also came master he said you entrusted me with two bags of gold see i have gained two more his master replied well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things i will put you in charge of many things come and share your master's happiness when the man who had received one bag of gold came master he said i knew that you are a hard man harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed so i was afraid and it went out and hid your gold in the ground see here is what belongs to you his master replied you wicked lazy servant so you knew that i harvest where i have not sown and gathered where i have not scattered seed well then you should have put my money down deposit with the bankers so that when i returned i would have received it back with interest so take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags for whosoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance whoever does not have even that they have will be taken from them and throw that worthless servant outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth father we thank you for your word we thank you for this moment let the assignment do what it's supposed to do in jesus name amen i'm going to use what topic today the way to more i want to use a topic the way to more we're in the last month of the year the end of december the end of the year and what a year it's been of the keys that i walked away from i walked away with in this year was how to do more with less less expenses less manpower but yet experience more many companies have professed that they have run their non-profits and their for profits to their surprise with less people and got just as much of more done as they did in 2019 now of course this isn't what none of us planned in 2020 but 2020 did reveal to us that less in some areas can be more as we stand on this final sunday morning scattered physically but together digitally we have found more ways to worship than just the conventional method the desire to commune has grown more and now we have become zooming youtubers and app addicts all because of the absence of touch and we have been made more conscious of our appreciation of each other and so to you i would say make sure that you survive the scatter during this digital phase even e-commerce has accelerated more than 30 percent this year the online business has exploded as a result of limited socialization and they're seeing the results of more more is all about increase and many around the world aren't just trying to do more business but they're looking to be more spiritual to be more fit to be more loving to be more caring to be more disciplined and more complete this way to more didn't start in the new testament with this parable but jesus this way the more started way back in the garden with adam and then jesus the second adam being born into that same principle well what would that principle be that principle would be be fruitful and multiply jesus even said in john 14 12 verily verily i tell you whoever believes in me will do the works i have been doing and they will do even greater things that greater things would be more than these that i'm going to be with the father see there's nothing wrong with wanting more and i'm not speaking from a place of greed but from a place of result and a place of reward we should want more for the next generation not tomorrow but right now we should want more for our institutions for our institutional church not next year but right now see more is available for you now if you want it but you got to reprogram your mindset to believe that nothing's wrong with having more matter of fact i want you to just type that on the line to yourself and say i deserve more yeah see in our text today jesus is unveiling a simplistic way to more through a parabolic approach he's teaching a parable well before i can go any further what is the parable the parable is any unusual or striking speech that intends to stimulate our thoughts it's more than just a heavenly story with an earthly meaning in its hebrew and greek origin it's very broad and it can be defined as anything that's an allegory of riddle or contrast or dark saying or an illustration it's not just a story but it is narrating a particular event in past tense its comparison relates to a real life story being told in present time but when we often teach them we reduce them to moralism in history but we should always include its artistic and poetic psychological features parables have an original meaning but they also have possible meanings the original meaning controls the interpretation to keep the interpreter from going too far from the author's original intentions so what we got to search for is that interaction the interaction between the text and the interpreter that is called the truth the truth is what must be received and it is necessary if we're going to have a real understanding to set the interpreter free the parable is just another way for the son to set you free he sets us free by the laying on of hands he sets you free by speaking over your life he sets you free by commanding demons to leave he sets you free by his presence but he uses a simplistic poetic historical story that's another way to set you free the purpose of it is to focus on god and his kingdom and his common topic during his time was called the kingdom of god which is where he is right now in this chapter 25. where he is now is hinging on a subject about the readiness and watchfulness of the believer as he's in chapter 24 he's discussing with them that you have to be ready because no one knows when the son of man is going to come and so what he does he begins to tell another parable about these ten virgins five foolish five wives to get them to understand what readiness is all about and so he tells the story and i don't want to go into the depths of it but he tells the story five of them forgot the lamps and had to go get some more oil and then when they when they were gone the the the the the bridegroom came back and they locked the door and they couldn't get in so as a result of that story he was trying to get them to see that you have to be ready because you don't know when he's going to appear and then he hinges that parable with another parable that's why the opening passage says again it will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted him with his wealth what is he doing he's trying to link this kingdom teaching to get them to understand that you've got to do more than just sit there with passivity that you've got to have a watchful spirit and a readiness to develop what i've deposited into you so my question to you today as we close to the end of the year what are you going to do with what you have left what are you going to do with what the king has dropped into your lap on the last sunday of december what are you going to do with it and he gives us a simplistic approach of three individuals that we can take a look at and see how they dealt with what they have left the first thing you got to do and i want you to write this down is realize the kingdom you got to realize the kingdom and be fully aware of its rules and its benefits because this is what he's teaching about if i don't realize the kingdom then i become lost in his approach as to what he's trying to get me to understand well then just what does this phrase mean because throughout scripture you hear jesus in the kingdom of heaven and you hear him say the kingdom of god the kingdom of god is the rule or the reign of god it is the rule of god in the fulfillment of the old testament it is not synonymous with the king of kingdom of israel it isn't political or geographical it is the active rule of god jesus would often say the kingdom of god is at hand the kingdom of god is within you the kingdom of heaven is theirs and he would also say the kingdom of god is like but wherever jesus was is where the kingdom was if you can grasp that then wherever you go i don't care how bad it is you have brought the kingdom with you and when you can get that into your spirit something can rise in you that will keep you from fearing trembling knowing that you have supernatural support that is with you not just god but the entire angelic host is accompanying you as you maneuver through this world this is what jesus used to defeat the enemy with but what i want to deal with and i need you to write down is that the kingdom is now and not yet yeah you got to write it down it's now and it's not yet well what does that mean now you're going to see miracles signs wonders healings and giftings but when you see that not yet you haven't seen the return of jesus you haven't seen the tribulation period you haven't seen the new heavens you haven't seen the new earth and you haven't seen the total reign of jesus but what do we have to do we have to find that balance between the now and the not yet this is what keeps us focused and centered on christ because as we go through this world and things become shaky like 2021 you've got to find the balance in the word of god that will keep you from losing your mind between the now and the not yet i haven't gotten it yet but i still don't have it right now it's not where i want it to be and i'm still not there yet how do you perform when you're in between now and not yet [Applause] i want it but i don't have it i need it but i don't have it i feel it but i'm not there yet it is our duty to learn how to survive but you can't do that if you don't realize the kingdom verse this is why we seek ye first the kingdom yeah see if you seek the things first you still ain't seeking him if you're seeking the things just to get him you're still not seeking him it's called a pseudo seek a fake seek when you're seeking him just to get the stuff but i wish i had somebody that was sitting in front of a computer that's seeking him first because you love him seeking him first because you care about him speaking him first because he's your god you don't need a car you don't need a house you don't need a wife you don't need a husband you just want him wish i had a witness in here somebody shout hallelujah when we grasp the kingdom and the principles then we start to see what god expects from us and that it is not seasonal it's not negotiable negotiable but rather reasonable yeah see trying to understand god's demand of reasonable service without a kingdom mindset it leaves us trapped in repetitious cycles of unprofitability and unpredictability because we don't understand the sacrifice that's involved there is nothing that you're going to get without sacrifice there is nothing that you're going to get that's rough something that's not going to cause something and if you don't understand the kingdom then you would think the way tomorrow is killing you and you would think that the way of provision and the way that god has provided is a way that you should detour but you don't understand that the way tomorrow will teach you how to live in a system that the world say that ain't real but you have to realize the kingdom to grasp that to move forward somebody shout hallelujah well let's meet the characters in the text the character tells us that there are four people you have one servant who's been given five bags of gold or the king james version calls them talents do you have another one that's been given to bags of gold or talents and then you have the third one that's been giving one bag of gold or a talent just to give you some context five talents is a substantial amount of money it would employ 100 day labors for about a year this is the kind of wealth that this owner laid in the hands of the servant that within itself is a miracle that the owner would look at a slave and say let me put this in your hands but see some of y'all forgot some of you forgot how to be a servant and you forgot how to appreciate what god put in your hands and oftentimes we act like it was us that made it happen but it was god that chose you and selected you and he said let me lay something on you just lay your hands on yourself and say god lay it on me lay it on me before the year is over lay it on me before the year is over laid on me if you got enough faith say god before the day is over lay it on man he says he says he lays it on i wish i had a witness right there my god i felt that thing in the holy ghost somebody shout hallelujah in your house [Music] the master is the fourth person in the text so you got the master and you got these three servants and the master sees something in three servants and decide that i'm going to lay something on him what does he do write it down he gives them an invitation to responsibility yeah his investment in his servants treated their status with distinction what am i trying to tell you that you may not be what you want to be but god's sending an invitation because he wants to check your responsibility first will you be what i called you to be when i place you where you want to be got no help in here right now they get an invitation to responsibility understand this understand this they get the invitation to responsibility they don't get an invitation to do what they want to do they get an invitation to be responsible for what god is giving them they get an invitation of responsibility so what is he doing he's watching the activity of his servants he saw something in them at the level that they were on and many of us don't want to be what we got to be until we get to where we're trying to go not understanding that those that are above us are watching how we are acting at the level that we are on how do you act in your apartment how do you act with your course account how do you act making 725 how do you act working for somebody else but you want a better car you want a better house and you want to have your own company but you don't work right for those that are trying to implore you i'm watching your actions somebody said hallelujah we cannot take this lightly because they are not on the same socio-economic status so for this man to see something in them requires an intentionality for him to watch them as they work as servants my question how are you serving when we watch you do you only want to serve bishop with grace or do you serve the janitors with grace are you only serving those that are that are uppity or those that are that are way more valuable than you are or are you serving everybody with the same kind of grace this is an invitation to responsibility and i'm only going to give it to those who will extend grace evenly pastor why are you teaching this on the last sunday because i want to know what are you going to do with what you got left what are you going to do look what you got left what are you going to do with it see how you handle another's is a preview of how you're going to handle yours if you can't be trusted with what belongs to someone else who will give you something that will be your own and i want to challenge those of you that are sitting in here right now what do i want to challenge you with i want to challenge you to stand out where you are if you're at burger king stand out if you're at walmart stand out if you're at a shoe store stand out wherever you are right now it does not matter stand out because somebody is watching you intentionally they've already made the move in their mind but they got to make sure that what you do in reality matches what they see emotionally spiritually and psychologically before they hand the invitation of responsibility glory to god see how you handle the lower level is very important because some of us we don't manage like real managers until it's at a level that we think we're supposed to be managerial but you gotta manage if you just managing chickens you gotta manage if you just managing how you babysit your little sister little brother you've got to manage because at this level more is not the goal managing is if i manage well i will get the invitation to responsibility and if i manage well more will become automatic but we get challenged because we're trying to make more and god said you don't have to make it i'm giving you an invitation but you need to manage on the level that you're on in your house lay your hands on your chest and say i'm standing out i'm standing out wish i had a witness in here i'm standing out i'm gonna stand out when i get to work tomorrow i'm gonna stand out in the classroom i'm gonna stand out when i'm a mechanic i'm gonna stand out if i'm flipping pancakes whatever you gotta do stand out what you gonna do with what you got left are you gonna cry about it are you gonna complain about it or are you gonna stand out because somebody is watching how you are handling what you have well at this lower level the management of yourself your competency level your diligence on your assignment they need more attention so the demand for more behind the invitation to higher responsibility doesn't put you in flight because you got to understand we get excited when we get called up we get happy when we get called up we want to post about it when we get called up but if you don't understand the kingdom the pressure will kill you on the way up because there is a level of expectation that comes with the invitation of responsibility so if you don't realize the kingdom you will be blindsided by the pressure of being elevated i don't want you to lose your power because the pressure crushed you because you wasn't kingdom minded while you were managing what are you gonna do with what you have left lord have mercy the second thing we got to look at is the reverence for relationships the second thing we got to look at is the reverence for relationships so many people seize invitation of high responsibility but they forget about the relational currency yeah they're all good what you calling them up and then when you call them up they forget how they got there wow yeah and i i pray that that that that's not you in 2021 when god gives this supernatural call up or this supernatural invitation for you to have more responsibility that you don't abandon the relational currency that you understand that somebody else opened the door for you somebody else saw something in you somebody else gave you an invitation and you don't turn around and act like you don't know them or owe them because you're somewhere where you've always wanted to be what are you going to do what are you going to do what are you going to do we got to reverence the relationships now here's the issue you are chosen now because of how you were trusted then don't forget that don't forget that you were chosen no matter what level you own i don't care if you pastor the largest church in the world or have the biggest company in the world don't you forget that you were chosen no matter what level you're on somebody gave you an invitation to responsibility and what's interesting to me is this is that he included them and then he left he gave them the invitation and then he disappeared but there was a difference between leaving and being left alone he left him but he didn't leave them alone and many of us are so emotionally distraught that we look at somebody leaving us abandoning and he did not abandon them for he left portions of himself with them the scripture said that he left his wealth with them he did not leave them he did not leave them alone he left him with an assignment what are you going to do with what you have left and if you don't get your emotions under control you will look at what you have left as if god abandoned you and it's you don't have anything but what god gave you was the key to your future what are you going to do with what you have left you have what god thought you needed to get the job done but what are you gonna do with it will you be like the one with the five will you be like the one with the two or will you be like the one that had one what are you going to do the next thing you got to write down right now is protect the trust protect the trust how do i do that i protected by responding with what got me here well what got him there the scripture says that he gave them their assignment based off their ability but we also know that they got it because they were a servant so ability and service is what got them the invitation ability and service when god puts you in this place and sends you this invitation don't leave your ability because you feel like you've been abandoned so you choose not to bring all of you because portions of you are questioning should i be here portions of you it said i'm i i'm good enough for it but i'm not good enough for it i'm good enough for it but i'm not good enough for it i can lay back today they're not going to miss me somebody is always watching how you perform somebody is always watching how you serve and the way you protect the trust is by always bringing your ability and your service in season and how the season what am i saying to you none of us liked what went on in 2020 but we should have got some encouragements from our bishop preached in an empty house every week like it was thousands of people had the camera spanning across the room like thousands of people were giving god glory there was no difference between when the house was empty and when the house was full because he brought his ability and his service to the invitation does not matter what it looks like god called you because he knows you have what it takes to get it done no matter what the season is oh i feel real good in here right now let's define it ability is power do and service is doing work for someone so you're really not a true servant if you aren't serving someone else yeah yeah yeah this pulls you away from you being someone who only wants to serve yourself yeah we need your ability and your servitude to towards other people as we go into 2021 the one thing you can do better is serve somebody yeah yeah not talking about you not talking about you not talking about you i'm talking about you serving somebody else somebody outside of your bloodline somebody outside of your family somebody out some somebody outside of people that you like outside of your circle serve somebody you don't even like [Applause] protect the trust see everything that they started with was what they were trusted with make sure you digest that everything that they started with is what they were trusted with if god's telling you to start your focus can't be on what you don't have your focus has to be maximized on what god gave you because what he gave you is what he trusted you with take what he gave you multiply it flip it divide it do whatever you got to do to make that thing great because it's a season where you're going to have to stand out because there's more being called upon you with less what are you going to do with what you have less we don't know why he trusted them but we do know that trust is earned so there had to be something that he saw in them at a lower level what does god see in you at the level that you're on does he only see your complaining does he only see your dissatisfaction does he only see what you don't like did he only see what you murmur about or does he see you standing out even when it doesn't look right does he see you standing up even though you don't feel good this shift into the new year i don't know what's coming but what i do know is you better stand up regardless what is coming whatever comes in 2021 your job is to realize the kingdom and reference every relationship that god has given you and walk into it with power walk into it with authority understanding that no weapon formed against you shall prosper all of these servants had different capacities but what was interesting to me none of their capacities were capped one had five one had two and one had one the interesting thing is that the first two double their investment by working immediately why because working always bursts your your potential it establishes your work ethic it stretches your capacity so when you grow your capacity you won't be antiquated you won't be stuck in a season that's already moved so he he shows us that they've got different capacities but they're not kept but there is one who looks at what he's been given and caps his own capacity two people have already gone before him and set up a systematic strategy that will work they doubled it but then you have the third one that does not pay attention to the two before him could it be that you where you are because you won't pay attention to the people around you could it be that you where you are because you choose to isolate yourself and not be friend other than discover and not partner and not look at what god wants to do through other people could it be that you want to be alone and since you're alone you're stuck to deal with your emotions and compare and paralyze your productivity by somebody else's accomplishments or you like the five the two well the one what's interesting to me is that when you look at this text this man that had the one he did not get the statement that everybody else got well done thy good and faithful servant i'm gonna say it again well done thy good and faithful servant i know you know what that means we've heard it all our lives since sunshine band and sunday school well done thy good and faithful servant but if you go too fast you will miss a statement that will bless your life well done thy good i just want to know can we find some good people that's all i want to know that's all i want to know i just want to know can we find some good friends some good spouses some good bosses some good circles some good people to be around i just want to know in 2021 if i don't get nothing else send me somebody good but you would have to be around some bad circles to appreciate good people so some of y'all can't give god glory because what you're sitting by ain't no good [Music] but it's all right give him a praise on the inside it's okay give him a shout in your core it's okay give him a shout in your pinky because it's okay i believe that there will be a shift that god will move you from mediocrity to people that are good people if you want god to do something good in your life take 10 seconds and give god a praise for good people my god he says well done thy good and faithful servant not faithful boss not faithful business owner not faithful rich man but faithful servant could it be that you hadn't got the blessing over your life that you need because you don't see yourself as a servant yeah well done thy good and faithful servant i know some of us feel good with this well done thy good and faithful man and good and faithful good and faithful can't be a servant without servant [Applause] can't be a servant without servant so if there's anything you're going to do going into 21 serve your way into it serve your way into it i'll say it again serve your way into it serve your way into it he pronounces the blessing over them that says well done thy good and faithful servant but then he tells them you've been faithful of a few i will make you ruler over many the chase for many has robbed you of your commitment to fuel the chase for it all has caused you to look down upon what god called you too and he has watched how you have served those that could not do anything for you yeah see that's real service when you can serve those that can't pay you back when you can serve those that can't afford you when you can serve those that can't do anything for you god's watching how are you serving them and then you want to turn it on when i put you up here you don't never miss rehearsal up here so what happens this becomes your destination all you have is all you're gonna get you're committed to a lower level of responsibility in god's eyes to you it's incredible god is saying there's no difference in my invitation i watch how you serve the prisoners i watch how you feed the homeless i watch how you take care of the widows i watch it so those of you that are going into 2021 would have me me me me me me me me me spirit all you're gonna get is you you you you you you you you you but if you're looking for god to stack something on top of you and to add something on top of your life then you've got to start serving people that can't do anything for you and be faithful to it look at what he says he says because you've been faithful to a few things i will put you in charge yeah i'll put you in charge i'm gonna put you in charge i'm gonna put you in charge i'm gonna make you ruler but here's the peace that we don't even preach about come share yes your masters the king james version says joy see see you getting happy about ruling i'm getting happy about about sharing a joy that i can't control i'm getting happy about sharing a joy that is so supernatural that no woman or man can bring it to me he says come and partake in my joy i just need to talk to two or three people that need some joy in their life tired of what you've been going through difficult issues day after day struggle after struggle and god is saying come come come come i'm giving you an invitation into my joy come come i'm giving you an invitation into my joy this has nothing to do with a relationship on earth this has everything to do with how you and god have been spending time with each other come and partake of my joy this joy that i have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away from it touch yourself and say i'm going into this joy i kind of feel something on that thing right there i feel some turn it all get up in the house so i can hear it lay your hands on yourself and say i'm going into the joy oh you ain't saying it like you got powerline lay your hands on yourself and say i'm going to joy if you know god has something for you and you believe god's getting ready to turn something around get up on your feet and throw your head back and say i'm on my way into your joy the joy of the lord hear my shredder and i don't know about you right now but i can send a little more joy if you know you need joy come on and say joy over here i need you right now joy over here i need you in my home joy over here needs you in my house joy over here have i got a witness say yes come in to my joy but you can't do this zoom without the relationship and i think that's our problem we want everything but we don't want the relationship because the relationship requires us to unload what we cannot take with us on this invitation as we shift into this year you're gonna have to respect time write it down you got to respect time i told you that the kingdom is now and not yet so you got to do your best not to allow delay to disrupt your determination that when things delay you can't stop pursuing because you don't see it see your readiness is one thing your watchfulness is one thing but your determination is another can you still respect time knowing that it hasn't happened yet and things have been delayed in my life do you quit and now you move from a trust me to a treat me spirit and a lot of us don't have what we want because of how we feel about how we've been treated and we miss the lesson that trust can teach us because of treatment god's trying to teach you through trust but treatment is on your mind they treated me wrong they treated me different they treated me in a way that i don't appreciate it treatment how can you treat me like this how can you treat me so bad and still expect me to serve you how can you treat me like this god said did you not see what i went through did you not see how they treated me but yet i'm still telling you to trust me there was a lesson of trust in the treatment that you can learn how to still stick with god and still invest what god told you to invest even though you may feel like you've been treated wrong see the one his problem was he felt like he should have five he felt like he should have had two and since he only got one his ability and his servitude he got amnesia because when you feel like you're treated bad you'll lose your confidence in what you've been doing great and now treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment treatment how you treat me how you treat me how you treat me becomes your constant confession treat me versus trust me treat me versus trust me treat me versus trust me and god said i need you to trust me i need you to trust me i need you to trust me and you constantly coming back to i don't like the way you treat me i don't like the way you treat me i don't like the way you treated me i don't like the way you treat me and god said i need you to trust me i need you to trust me i need you to trust me and you said i don't like the way you treat me i don't like the way you treat me you gave them five and you gave him two and you gave me one and god is saying i gave you what you had the ability to control i would be a terrible god to give you more than you can handle but you kept your own capacity because you buried it instead of investing it could it be that because of how you've been treated you buried it when you bury it you're not managing it burial symbolizes death burial says it's over burial says it's done burial says there's no future so when you bury it there's no need of a manager in the underworld it already has one trust me i can't because how you treat me trust me i can't because of how you treat me trust me i care about how you treated me i lost a loved one in 2020. the virus hit my house trust me i can't because of how you treated me my kids are having a difficult time because of school and 2020. trust me i can't because of how you treated me trust me you're gonna have to move because where you are it's not a good place for you and you love being here trust me i can't because of how you treat me how could you ask me to do something like this and yet ask me to trust you my god you miss the lesson when you become baptized in treatment because what happens the scripture says that he was afraid and when you get afraid another spirit is talking god did not give us the spirit of fear but he gave us power love and a sound man that is not you talking that is a weaker you that is talking because of [Music] we treatment go into this year with a treatment mindset we've got to go in it respecting time what do you mean respecting time because he was gone for so long he decided that he would just bury it he had no intentions of investing it because fear took over and when fear took over the confidence that it took to make it happen dissipated and i came in here today to resurrect what you buried because you're going to need that next year you can afford to be afraid to launch your company you can afford to be afraid to step up to the next level you can afford to not do it because you're fearing it you've got to go back to the hole that you dropped it in and dig it out i wish i had a witness in here that would just get busy digging out what you buried because this is a season for you to take what god gave you and make it happen [Applause] see time is a revealer see time revealed who was good and who was wicked yeah time revealed who was faithful and who was unfaithful part of our problems is that we don't let time run its course and we become god of our time and we look at characteristics call it too quick let time run its course time revealed what happened to him when you respect time time will show you who you married and if you respect it even the courtship will show you who you're dating time will show you what's going on in your life time will tell you what you should do but you've got to respect time and try not to be god you've got to respect time this is what happened here the master replied well done that good and faithful servant come on into my joy and he makes them rulers and then you have this one joker that decides to bury it and time proves him to be unfaithful and to be wicked now that those two terms right there church people don't like because what he constituted as wicked was you not bringing your all to the table what he constituted as wicked was you just showing up was you not bringing everything and showing up and do everything that god told you to do what he called wicked was you trying to get credit for what you didn't do what he called wicked is you not getting a return on the gift that he downloaded in you he didn't just want it back he could have kept it he wanted you to do something with it my question to you is what have you done with what he gave you are you wicked and shouting are you wicked and preaching are you wicked and playing the arguing are you wicked and usherin i'm just preachin bible you want credit you want to be a ruler were you not faithful if there's anything we're going to do to get more we got to be faithful and we got to be good and we got to respect time my last piece that i'm done with play softly for me is respect the resource respect the resource so you can't control what you start with but you can control what you do with it you got to quit looking at what you don't have and what somebody else has you can't control it we all don't start the same maybe it's unfair maybe it's not we all don't come from the same pedigree we all don't get to go to the same college we all get to go to the same type of schools can't control it you can't control what you've been given but you can control what you give to what's been given to you if god gives you something give everything back to what he gave you because he doesn't just want it back he wants it better because it proves that you're profitable and if you can make it work on the level that you're on i know you can make it work at the level that i'm calling you to but you got to respect the resource and i want to talk to some of you who feel like you don't have enough yes you're at the end of the year yes and you're looking at what you got left and you're saying i don't have enough i want this and i want that but i don't have enough i want you to shift your focus from what you don't have and what i want you to know is what you have is what he trusted you with so protect that trust and take it and stand out with it whatever it is this year god can bless you with the one he can take that one and turn it into many he could take that one and turn you into a millionaire he can take that one and make your dreams come true i want you to bow your heads right there where you are because i believe god's getting ready to do something with the one but we gotta go get it cause we buried it [Music] we gotta go grab it and i don't want you to be embarrassed about it [Music] because it's gonna look embarrassing to go to a place that you told people that you didn't put something in that you had invested somewhere else and people are going to question i can't believe you did that we don't have time for pride going into the next year i want you to go to it i don't want you to dig out that idea that you threw in the trash i want you to dig it out the one you put in the book and put it up in in the bookcase and say that's over what i'm not doing it anymore go grab it it's the one that god wants to do something with because i believe that the way tomorrow is for you to maximize what he gave you hey it's about i'm going to pray for you i want more i need more i want more i need more [Music] i want more i need more i want more i need more i need more i want more [Music] hey i need more [Music] father i thank you for this moment and as we come to you we're on our way to more [Music] and some of us are going to have to go to that hidden place where we dug it and threw it away god give them strength and courage to go to a place where they fail and dig it out because the weight of more is right through that hole and then those of us that have been faithful servants we're believing right now that as we go into 21 we don't know what it holds but we have kingdom principles that we can apply in any season and father we give you glory for more in season and out of season we give you glory through the broke days through the filthy rich day we give your glory because more is on the way i praise you right now more peace more joy more everything that you need in your life that you begin to experience the more of god the more of the anointing come out here [Applause] [Music] [Music] i want more i need more i want more i need more if you're not saved and you're watching us online right now 1-800 bishop too one of our ministry leaders will lead you to christ right now this will be an incredible sunday for you to give your life to christ on the last sunday of the year the last month of the year you want more in your life it starts with having the god of more in your life this is an opportunity for you to make him lord and savior call that number now if you need prayer and you said i don't want to go another sunday another day without going into the new year without prayer call 1-800 bishop too right now somebody is ready to pray for you as we speak if you're not connected to our ministry it's easy they'll do that too [Music] this is the time for more the last thing before we leave all of us are going to show today a consecration scene today we had a few glitches in our system earlier when we were doing the offering and we want to give everyone the opportunity to sow into the kingdom we're not going to leave this sunday without giving god an offer i asked everybody for 150 earlier today and i want you to get the closest thing you got to it and i want you to meet us and show it right now [Music] yeah that's probably more than what some of you would sow but this is a more sunday this is the way the more we're gonna sow today [Music] i need more i want more i need more i want more well father we thank you for today we thank you for this experience this encounter we thank you for being with us protect us and keep us as we leave this place be with us in jesus name amen we'll see you over at the post service i need more you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 139,745
Rating: 4.9061389 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, sundayservice, tdjakes, joeltudman, joel tudman, the way to more, thewaytomore, pastor joel tudman
Id: 3zDHgL1agGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 23sec (3983 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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