Save The Scraps - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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we will begin reading at verse 42 and concluded verse 52 in the Gospel of st. mark chapter number 6 when you have it say Amen and they did all eat and were filled and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments and of the fishes and they did eat of the loaves where about five thousand men and straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida while he sent away the people and when he had sent them away he departed into a mountain and to pray and when even was come the ship was in the midst of the sea and he alone on the land and he saw them toiling and rowing for the wind was contrary unto them and about the fourth watch of the night somebody say the fourth watch in the night he cometh unto them walking upon the sea and would have path and would have passed by them but when they saw him walking upon the sea they supposed it had been a spirit and cried out for they all saw him and were and were troubled and immediately he pumped with them and saith unto them build the cheer in his eye be not afraid hmm and he went up unto them into the ship and the wind ceased and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure and wondered for they considered not the miracle of the lools for their heart was hardly hmm there are two things I want to draw your attention to verse 43 and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments and of the vicious and verse 52 for they considered not the miracle of the loaves for their heart was hardened remain standing I loved the privilege of praying with you this morning I'm going to preach from the subject save the scraps the miracle is not in what you lost the miracle is not in what you have consumed previously your best days are not your yesterday's your miracle is in what you have left if you discard it ignore it don't use it don't value it don't learn from it don't understand it you will lose the battle before you because you did not learn from the battle behind you my thought this morning is save the scraps the leftovers the remnants that which remains is more valuable than that which was lost let's pray father I thank you for this opportunity I think you for the gift of life and health and strength I thank you because you're sovereign and absolute I thank you because you're in a category all by yourself i esteem you extol thee i adore thee our honor thee i bless thy name thou art God in all the earth no one elected you no one can be thrown you no one can impeach you no one can fire you you are the absolute God and besides you there is no other rule in this house today speak in this house today heal in this house today minister in this house today I thank you for what you're about to do in Jesus name someone shout Amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord often I'm asked how do I prepare for a sermon and I tell them that I very seldom study for a sermon I don't study to feed you lest i bypass me I study to feed me and out of feeding my own spirit and deepening my own depth and have more rich and fuller and complete understanding of God's Word then out of the revenue of that resource of intellectualism and spirituality those messages are derived and such as the case today I've actually been voyaging through the Gospel of st. John and as I read John's account some thoughts pumped into my heart to share with you but I'm going to read Mark's account because they are not different it's just that mark gives more detail for those of you who may not be as familiar with this particular story and then I'm not sure that it is a story in and of itself for actually what I really want to draw your attention to is what happens in between the miracles it is not so much the miracle itself I would just want to use the miracle if you please to extrapolate an ideology that causes you to understand more fully and more richly what happens between miracles the miracles are the frame the between is the picture let me begin to deal first with the frame understand that Jesus most of his minister all of his ministry is comprised between the age of 30 and about 33 three years of ministry Matthew Mark Luke and John are written about those three years of ministry Jesus Christ who is neither famous nor significant born with with mediocre surroundings beggarly almost if you please the son of a carpenter does not step into notoriety he is not esteemed he is not noticed he is not initially appreciated or respected he is born to commoners he is born in a segment in a particular realm of the community that is not particularly appreciated the Roman Empire has taken over all of Jerusalem all of Israel the Jews are in a position of subsidiary standards and power and Jesus is born in the family of people that are not considered particularly aristocracy he has no natural leverage that would cause him to reach prominence and yet at the age of thirty he embarks upon the task of ministry that ministry is drawn to and extrapolated out of a divine assignment given him by the father to be about his father's business are you following what I'm saying and so without the benefit of Technology Jesus begins a ministry that starts at the marriage of Cana and we talked about that a few weeks ago and he moves from the marriage of Cana to Nicodemus stopping by slipping by sneaking in by night to ask him some questions because Nicodemus comes from the Sanhedrin court a Pharisee they were religious deeply judicious people who respected the laws of Moses and were absolute in the fulfillment of the Integrity's of that law and Nicodemus was up under pressure to reject Christ but came to Christ by night to say I perceive something about you that is distinctive and set apart from other people and I talked to you about that last week when I preached pushed out that that he had to be pushed out of his comfort zone and they had to be pushed many of you know what it is to be pushed out of that realm Jesus continues his ministry and stops by the well and sits down by the well and waits all day at the well for a woman who comes up at an unusual time she does not come down to the well at the normal hour of watering when women came early in the morning she is not one of those women who benefited from being accepted by other women there are some women that women just don't like such was the case with this woman in an attempt to avoid the sociological pressure of being rejected by other women born and raised in a misogynist society that does not appreciate the estate the establishment of women she slips to the well in the afternoon and Jesus is sitting at the will on her to come and he begins to minister to her at the well a conversation ensues that is very similar to that that he has had with Nicodemus it is similar from the perspective and I began to study the two of them is that neither of them really understood what Jesus was talking about Nicodemus misses it when Jesus says to him you must be born again Nicodemus thinking natural in the face of a spiritual Christ tries to put a natural application to a spiritual word and says how can a man when he is old into back into his mother's womb in the same struggle to understand where Jesus is coming from the woman at the well thinks she really has water that Christ needs she understands in her natural mind that her water quenches thirst Jesus begins to make her understand woman if you drink of the water that you have you will thirst began but if you drink of the water that I have you will never thirst again he's trying to do a comparative analysis between that that is natural and that that is spiritual his struggle is is to begin to infiltrate a culture and a society that that thinks so superficially that they cannot grasp the magnitude of what he has come to see because Jesus operates on another level on another plane and another dimensions his thoughts above our thoughts his ways above our ways so beyond us that they cannot comprehend the magnitude of what he is saying he is beginning his ministry he has been baptized in the Jordan River John has more prestige than Jesus John is more notable and more recognized in Jesus but the moment that John baptizes Jesus he begins to decrease that Christ might increase most of his miracles have occurred within a vacuum as it were within a small matrix in a house on the side of the road with one or two people but even though he starts in a very mundane environment he begins to increase to such a magnitude that he has drawn a following now the Bible says 5 how not to mention the women and children have gathered to hear Jesus speak 5000 men suggested there were perhaps at least 15,000 people there they didn't count the women or the children only the men but 5,000 men gathered around the desert place to hear Jesus and he spoke with so much power that the hours had slipped away and the time had slipped away and the people were so hungry they were about to faint but they could not resist hearing Jesus might have pause in the prelude of what I'm saying to you too to say how odd I am by this because Jesus has a mass of crowd of incomprehensible proportion beyond human imagination in a society that really doesn't have a lot of people we have increased in the world today from in the last hundred years from four billion people to about seven billion people in the world and they were growing in leaps and Brownwood in the days of Christ the world was not that strongly inhabited in this particular part was even less to amass five thousand men not to mention women and children is quite a feat consider with me that Jesus never had a business card then he had no website he had no radio ministry he had no television ministry he did not stream over the Internet he did not preach with a microphone and yet 5000 men not to mention women and children have gathered down to hear a man speak without a microphone so engrossed and so overwhelmed by what he said they stayed all day to hear him speak with 5,000 people you if you were in the back you couldn't hardly catch a word but his words were so potent they were so life-giving they were so earth-shaking they were so so transitional thinking that people had gathered and come away from their backgrounds of their religious ideologies and their concepts of their preconceived concepts just to come in hopes of that the wind might carry his voice to the back of the crowd to hear what the Spirit of the Lord was saying to the tear and before they would they would rather faint of under than to miss a word that proceeded out of his mouth for the Bible is quite clear that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so given a choice between the bread and the word they chose the word the young disciples his executive board has gathered around him and says pastor we have a situation oh yeah what's problem he said you're a long-winded pastor the the people are about to faint of hunger and we have no food we should send them away and Jesus says they need not depart using this as a teaching moment he begins to say what do you have miracles always begin with the recognition of what you have if you don't recognize what you have you can never multiply what you have not recognized what do you have you know the story as well as I do that there is a little boy there with two fish and five loaves of bread what was ironic to me as I thought about it is that they didn't even count the women or the children and yet the one who wasn't counted was the one who had the miracle isn't it amazing that God uses people that other people don't count they were so busy counting who they thought was significant that they didn't count the very one that God had moved into a position to release a blessing that was of such paramount importance that he says go back and see what you have is not in anything you counted God will always do something that was not counted to produce the miracle you know you you know the story how the little boy brings his lunch no doubt something his mother had packed for him to fish and five loaves of bread and and Jesus takes the two fish and five loaves of bread commanding the disciples to have the crowd sit down into groups of 50 groups of fifty this took some time for hungry people five thousand men not to mention women and children an estimate maybe fifteen thousand people have to be coordinated into groups of 50 organized implemented and placed in the seats and told to sit down and they're already about to faint but the best miracles in your life take time cannot be driven by hunger or need or necessity sometimes you've got to get yourself structured and in order so that you are ready to receive the magnitude of what God has for you just because you have a driving need does not mean that you can disperse with the order and the time and the structure that is necessary to hold the weight of what God is going to do some people are so busy trying to get what God has that they don't provide the structure that is necessary to sustain what they have been given or you don't hear what I'm saying but the preponderance of time is spent preparing them for what God is about to do and when they were all seated and in place and had all been counted went from not counted to counted then the miracle begins to occur and he took it and he blessed it I like to talk about that because he's blessing something that is not enough until you can be thankful for something that is not enough then what you have cannot be multiplied into what is more than enough but when you can take it and say Lord I know this is not the job I want it I know this is not the house I wanted I know this is not the marriage I expected I know this child is not living up to my expectation but I still lift it up and I thank you for it you'll never get the multiplication as long as you're ungrateful but when you become thankful for what he has done rather than waiting on what he is going to do you know the story and he took him and he blessed him and when he took it and he blessed it we know it was two fish and five loaves of bread we have a correct inventory we are certain that he had two fish and five loaves of bread when he blessed it as he broke it that's where we lose count you understand then that the blessing is in the breaking that that refuses to be broken refuses to be blessed it is the breaking of life that produces the blessing of life now I know a lot of you don't understand that because you yourselves have not been broken but I have noticed in my life that the most blessed people I have ever met in my life have gone through something that broke them look at the neighbors say have you ever been broken the the blessing the blessing is in the breaking and the more he broke it the more it multiplied and we can't keep count of it because every time he broke it it multiplied in his hands every time I can I take a moment and thank God for every breaking in my life and every every little time he snapped me and broke me and twist me and taught me I thought he was killing me he wasn't killing me he was blessing me every time he me every time you left me every time they forsook me every time they betray me every time they alienated me they thought they were cursing me but they were wrong God was blessing me and so and so it goes look at your neighbors say have you ever been broken have you ever have you ever been broken home broken heart broken dreams broken imaginations broken hopes broken the greatest blessings come in the hardest breakings of your life he fed the multitude through the breaking process until all of them had been served this is the method whereby he uses Jesus does not feed them directly he breaks it gives it to the disciples and then the disciples feed the people you have to learn how to eat God's blessing even if he brings it at somebody else's hand imagine sitting there with your own father thought about I'm not gonna say nobody but Jesus in Jesus I'm brilliant I'm not eating this kind of meat alone you would have starved to death he could have stopped saying he knew what they had he knew where it was he knew how many it was he could have stopped breaking it at the point the five thousand were fed but the real power of the text is not in what they ate the real power of the text isn't what they had left he purposely designed it so that there would be leftovers now a real good chef I'm not talking about grandma a real good chef can get a count of the guests and prepare the food in proportion to the people God never misses if he wanted to be precise he could have been precise he chose for them to have overflow don't let people tell you that God just wants to give you enough his name el shaddai leaves more than enough why would a God whose name means more than enough stop and enough why would David save my cup runneth over unless you got a blind waitress the waitress can see when the cup is full and stops pouring in proportion to the size of the cup but God says when I pour you out a blessing I am not limited to your capacity to receive what I have I intend for you to have overflow so that your children and your children's children and your children's children I cooked up a banana pudding out of the day I didn't want to do it but I'm under duress and coercion I had to pull my apron out of storage and and fix the banana pudding I told them but Madame puddings have nothing to do with Thanksgiving I said that's the summer dessert with ribs and baked beans and potato salad they said well it must be summer because we want you to fix and and and and I learned something or the children know something that I learned years ago it's good on the first day but if you wanted to really be right it's all about those leftovers on that second day when all of those seasonings have become so intertwined that you can't tell what's what what one from the other where the you can't the wafers have gotten together with the bananas and mixed all up so Jesus says here's my dilemma is here's my whole case this morning Jesus says to them when the whole event is over and everybody's about to leave Jesus speaks to the disciples and says gather up the scraps and the Bible is careful to give us inventory of how much they had left twelve baskets full left now that's overcooking when you got twelve baskets full left you didn't count right twelve baskets full were left and they loaded them on the boat to leave now here's my dilemma why did he have them gather the scraps and I would like to think in my mind that maybe he thought they would get hungry again but my problem with that is if they were scraps fish bones half-eaten pieces crust off the bread it doesn't seem very appetizing that gathered leftovers stored in baskets could be preserved for a future meal in the presence of a God who created something out of nothing why do we need to make these kinds of provisions for the next meal when we didn't provide the first meal I'm trying to just just help me I'm trying to understand the logic of saving the scraps they loaded this scraps on the boat twelve baskets full it had been a long day for Jesus perhaps one of the most important days of his ministerial career because every other miracle no matter how mighty or magnanimous it may have been this particular miracle has distinction because this was the first time he had impacted that many people at once 5000 people had a piece of the miracle in their body 5,000 people now hit the streets talking about what happened this is not like blind Bartimaeus this is this is not like the woman with this your blood this is not like Lazarus this is not like the man and the tomb of gadarenes where one person left screaming come see a man 5000 men not to mention the women and children have now hit the streets talking about let me tell you what happened at church today he knew that once he impacted these five thousand men plus women and children that that the news would spread rapidly and with the blessing comes the burden of being blessed everybody wants the more you know give me more fish and give me more bread everybody wants the light but they can't take the heat when you get more of one thing you get more than a fly at the end of a long day Jesus now goes to the mountain to pray I imagine he's saying we're your father I've done it now I have set it off fifteen thousand witnesses have been dispatched into every village every town in every city with the personal testimony with the miracle in their belly proof positive that I am God in the flesh there's no turning back he goes in the mountain to pray after putting the 12 baskets full on the boat and telling the disciples to cross to the other side he goes on the mountain to get ready for the burden of being blessed he spent more time preparing himself for the burden of being blessed than he did for the blessing itself he did that just by breaking the fish and the bread but when he saw the consequences that when you send out something when it comes back to you the pressure of the wave coming back is so strong he said I better be ready to withstand the onslaught of all that will come out of being blessed are you prepared for the consequences of the blessing he goes to the mountain apart to pray and since the disciples across on the boat and and and I'm through with the frame let's go to the picture it is he has prayed so long that the Sun has gone down the temperature has cooled the Owls have begin to COO the birds have nests for the evening he has prayed so long that the temperatures have dropped and the wind has began to blow he has prayed so long that the weather has began to change and inclement weather has broken out in such dimensions that by the fourth watch of the night the disciples are tossed to and fro on the boat Jesus is on the mountain the disciples are halfway across the lake of generic which is the sea Galilee and Jesus is on the mountain and knows that his disciples are in trouble I wanted to help stop for a minute and praise him not for his I'm the presence which means he's everywhere not for his omnipotence which means he's all-powerful but I want to praise him for something we seldom thank you for His omniscience sense where we get science I'm not all-knowing God that he knows what we can't tell him it wasn't like he was within earshot and there they screamed and he heard them know he's up on the mountain they're out in the middle of the sea and yet he knows I want to tell you this Sunday morning that God knows he knows where you are he knows what's going on around you he knows a storm that's breaking out in your life he knows how you were dealing with the storm he knows when you've had enough he knows when you're in trouble he knows when you need a break he knows when you need strength he knows when you need fortitude he already knows I know you think you need to get down on your knees and explain the situation and give him some orders about what he ought to do about your situation but he is not your Butler and he is not your maid he will not take orders from you he already knows now very ins a crisis here because the problem is over here and the power is over there and there is such distance between the problem and the power that unless we can reconcile the two there will be no miracle between the power and the problem are some some restrictions one of them was darkness one of them was danger the third one was distance it was so dark at 3 o'clock in the morning the distance was so great the danger from the storm was so perilous either one of the three should have stepped stopped the power from getting to the problem but when God gets ready to get to you I don't care how dark tonight I don't care how distant the location I don't care how dangerous the circumstance when he gets ready to come to you he doesn't need to hire a boat to join you in the process and move at the same speed that you're moving at to resolve the conflict he has the advantage of being able to walk on top of what is threatening to take you under I'm talking about your God my God the water walking god I'm talking about Jesus who walks on the stuff you're about to drown in in the third watch of the night in the darkness through the distance in the midst of the danger here comes Jesus walking over the stuff they're drowning in and he comes walking across the waters I would have thought that he was coming to them but he wasn't did you notice that he did not come to them he came near them but he did not come to them they're over here and he made as if he would pass by after all they didn't recognize him as being God anyway in the storm God looks like a ghost they feared for their lives and said that's a ghost coming but it was God sometimes the things that you were apprehensive about coming to get you is God coming in another form he doesn't always look like you think he ought to look he was sure in the circumstance that you said Lord if that happens to me is gonna take me under but never be afraid of him he comes in many forms and the problems with the disciples is whenever Jesus showed up in another form they didn't recognize it and that's the problem with religion because religion teaches you a limited point of reference for God and if he doesn't look like you think he ought to look and if he doesn't dress like you think you are a dress and if he doesn't speak like you think the art of speak you will reject him and run from what you think of the ghost not knowing that it is your answer just three people say is not a ghost it's not it's not a ghost it's not a ghost and they he came near them but he didn't come to them because her God will never break into your calamity if he's not invited into it blind bartimaeus would have never gotten healed if he didn't scream the ten lepers would have never been cleansed if they didn't ask the woman with the issue of blood would have never been healed if she wasn't really to crawl over and touch the hem of His garment Jesus coming near them without coming to them indicates our responsibility in the restorative process to become engaged you can't just be a recipient of the blessing you have to do something to make it happen I don't know who I'm preaching to this morning but God is saying I have come as close and I am going to come I have done as much and I'm going to do now the rest of it is on you if you don't invite me into your situation you will never see me snatch you out of a situation that you enjoy being in and before we criticize the disciples for thinking he was a ghost understand that this is Jen a surrett the see of generic it is understandable that they would think you were the ghost this is the same see when they cast the demons out of legion and the demons requested that they go into the pigs and the pigs requested that they go into the sea this is the same see that drowned the pigs that were possessed with the Devils and out there in the dark they started thinking about all those pigs dying in that water and when they saw something coming they said oh my god it's a ghost see with you already been to hell and back anything coming at you friends are all here it comes again once you have had so many bad experiences anything that moves near you you saw apprehension you already have a predisposed idea as to what's going to happen next if you've been abused and abused and a bill when I raise my hand you jerk I could be trying to hand you a piece of rap you you jerk but God said don't be afraid of me fear not I didn't I didn't come to hurt you I didn't come to destroy you I didn't come to repeat what was already done in your life I didn't come to terrorize you in fact I was preying on the mountain when I saw the winds gathering and the Lightning flashing and the Thunder rolling I was already coming to get you out of the situation God doesn't wait till you get in trouble to come when he sees trouble coming while trouble is coming this way he's coming down this way y'all don't hear what I'm saying I was a head of witness I was a head somebody who had had God snatched you out of trouble just in the nick of time who had been through hell head back and just when you thought you were going down for the last time I wish I had a witness look at somebody say he did it for me he did it for me I was scared but he did it for me I was safe --less but he did it for me I was nervous but he did it for me I was worried but he did it for me I was frustrated but he did it for me I was empty but he did it for me I was lonely but he did it for me I was praying but he did it and the book says the book says that when he said fear not be of good cheer it is I the book says they didn't recognize his face they didn't recognize his walk they didn't recognize his demeanor they didn't recognize his gait they didn't recognize his acts but they recognized his voice he said my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not when he said be of good cheer it is hot I can't see in but that's Jesus we walk not by sight but by faith I can't see him but I know he is there and so my text says that Jesus gets on the boat and then the wind ceased wait a minute then the wind cease this storm is not a storm at all this storm is a teaching opportunity contrived in a controlled environment he didn't rebuke the winds and the waves when he got on the boats the winds of the way step back they were only sent to create an environment for the disciples to have a discovery I don't know who I'm preaching to today but the trouble that has come in your life did not come to break you it came to introduce you to your God in a new and a fresh way it was never a storm sister it was never a storm it was the test it was the test now I'm older than most of y'all and I'm gonna take myself when I tell this but we used to have what was called an open book test it meant that the questions were in the book and the answers were in the back it was designed to teach you to research so that when you could not do your own mental capacities remember the answer you would dig to the back of the book and get the answers for the test suddenly I recognized this storm is just the test and the fish scraps better on the boat that I couldn't understand why they were there in the first place saying as you couldn't eat them as they were scraps now I understand that the scraps were the answer to the test oh you're insane because when he got on the boat he was not disappointed that they had a store he was not disappointed that they were afraid he was disappointed that they did not consider he was disappointed that they did not consider two loaves the lesson for the test before them was in the answer from the test behind them God never intended for you to go through something and get nothing out of it he intended that every time you go through a test for you to come out of it with something else on your boat that you never had before so that when you run into your next test you will say if God did that then he's a laborer being able to do this too now you gotta help me preach now tell three people say have you got anything is your boat if you got anything have you learned anything about God have you been through anything did he bring you out of anything did he make a way out of no way did he deliver you in a storm did he bring you out of a test his problem with them is in their deductive reasoning it's not that they didn't obey they obey Him they put the scraps on the boat but they did not think correctly about how they had been through what they had been through if they would have recognized that even though the bread passed through your hands it was never you that bless you in the first place the scraps were to remind them that you didn't get here by yourself that God brought you through every single solitary I noticed some in my own life when I go through tough tests now I have a tendency not to use where I am now to fight the test before me I notice when you really challenge me and you really come for me I tell you wait a minute devil this is the same boy that preach the gospel with his lights off and I'm the same guy that preached the gospel when I didn't have no car when I had to thumb up the road and climb on the top of cold horse to get to Bible class I was teaching the Word of God when we had no place to stay had nowhere to go and nothing to do and if God blessed me when I didn't have a seven foot if god bless me when I didn't have but two dollars if God bless me when I was in trouble he is I never tell the enemy icefield for the president I've been on the cover of Time magazine I've gone around the world I don't use none of that stuff up there I've reached back into my history I feel black preacher y'all better come get me your power is not in when you own your power and then where you been for jesus said i am the same yesterday today and forever ball if I'm watching so I want to tell my future about my past I don't know what 2012 the brain but I do want to desert no I'm not on this boat by myself and him God brought me to 2009 and 2010 and 2011 I don't want to mess up of the service but when I take of the goodness of Jesus touch seven people then tell him I still got the scraps I still I still got my scrubs I got my scraps mess with me slap somebody say he'll do it again he'll do it again whatever you need whatever you see I want to give some advice if you happen to get into a fight with somebody pick somebody with no experience there is the reason they call fighting scrapping if you juggle somebody who's been doing us they got some scraps and they can scrap right with you that's why God wouldn't give you the blessing until you have some scraps so that if you ever had to fight you can reach back and get some scraps and say come what will as I close today his his problem is not that they didn't have it is that they didn't consider it in the time of this present danger they forgot the historical impact of how they got to be who you were in the first place he said my problem with you is that you didn't consider the scraps you you you know a whole lot about now but you forgot about then there is no way you would have made it to this present danger if I hadn't have done what I did yesterday you wouldn't be blessed to have the problems that you have right now and you should have known that this problem was no trouble for me because the only reason I had you bring the scraps I didn't bring them for you to eat them had you bring them so that you would remember where I brought you from and where I am able to take you to so my advice to you it's whatever you go through when you get out of it don't leave until you save the scraps when you were pregnant and sleeping on the pews of the church waiting for the next service to come and when we were painting the walls of the church on ladders and raggedy clothes and when we were eating Bologna weeks at a time when we were gathering apples to feed the kids because we didn't have food I had no idea that he was gathering the scraps the center to West I I know I wouldn't have stood through the perils of the times we face today if it were not for those smelly messy little scraps I have every person who endeavors to make a difference don't think your strength is in the accolades that people confer to you at the end once they have discovered you your real strength I mean your guts your tenacity your staying power your discipline is in the things God did for you when nobody was looking are there any scraps in the house when I look back and think about the many dangers toils and snares we have come through as a people as a church as a community but most importantly as individuals every person in here ought to have at least a basket full of something on your boat that you draw from when you are afraid to say no no he wouldn't have done that if this was going to kill me if he wanted to take me out he could have done it back then he said my problem with you boys is I'm getting ready to make leaders out of you and I wanted you to consider the scraps I'm concerned because you don't think correctly about where you are yes it passed through your hands yes you were talented but there are talented people in prison there are talented people sleeping in shelters there are people with charisma that cannot eat it was me that blessed you it was me that counted you when people didn't it was me that fed you when they couldn't it was me that taught you that little stuff in your bag was valuable when everybody else thought it was just a little too fish five loaves of bread and lunch I saw the potential in you to be a smorgasbord person even though you had a lunch bag talent and my concern with you is not your survival it's your mentality you should have seen me in the scraps you should have seen Christ Jesus the Lord in the scraps I'm concerned about how you think because I gave you enough signs in your life to prove the authenticity of Who I am in you how dare you doubt me now how dare you test me now how dare you question me now I am the God of your scraps I am the God of your secrets I have the card of your storms I am the God of your hunger I am the God of your childhood cry I am NOT the god of your smorgasbord I am the God of your lunch bag I brought you through and now you question whether that's me and you wonder whether I'm real and you call me a ghost I am NOT a ghost God I have your bread I am the water I am the life I am your strength I am your peace and I am your deliverance I am your joy and I am your future I am your husband and I am your wife I am your waymaker and I am your bridge you know where I brought you from you know what I did for you you don't have sustain you he said boys I'm upset with you because of how you think how could you think I'm a ghost and option how could you think that you did it by yourself I left you scraps as a memorial that I'm the God that started you and I'm the God that will finish you I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last and I am the God watch this not just of your miracles but I am the God between your miracles while you're waiting on the next one to come do you understand in between your mountains I'm not just a God on the mountain in your Valley and the God why are you trying to get over this hurdle I'm still God oh I gotta quit I feel like preaching I got to stop I feel the glory of the Lord in this place I feel the anointing of God in this place somebody knows what I'm talking about trust me don't doubt me I'm in the scraps how many scraps I didn't have you pack them so you could eat them I had to pack them so you could remember I was there all the time I didn't just show up when things got good I was there when all hell was breaking loose in your life now people see you in your big old suits now they see you with your fine husband and your cute little kids whatever it is you're proud of but I left view them scraps as a reminder of what you and I went through to get you where you are and while they're praising you don't you forget to praise me don't you forget don't you forget don't you forget don't you forget don't you forget don't you forget I left you just enough scraps for you to consider for you to remember take nobody else even see it but I left it so that you there is nobody else nobody else you can't count on nobody else don't you ever call me a ghost again cuz I am your bread I have little bread god help me preach lord have mercy help me breathe I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost to this place I don't know whether you can feel it maybe you ain't got no scraps but baby I've been to too much you ain't gonna get me to call him a ghost he is my shield he's my buckler mmm well that glory you feel in the room right now that's not me then ain't no ghost that's Jesus your peace your joy your life your deliverance make no difference cuz your power is in your scraps and I've got a feeling that everything everything you hear me trust do you hear me I said everything is gonna be alright everything I got a close cuz I'm about to get out there somewhere I won't be able to get back but if there's a worshipper in the house you ought to find a way to thank God for your scraps for your stuff that nobody even knows that you remember that God did for you he all have to prove nothing else he don't have to do nothin else he if he never does another thing you are a conservative scraps that's what he gave me to give you this morning that's what you will take back in your car in your house on the bus with your scraps and say lord I thank you thank you for my scraps thank you for the scraps thank you for the scraps there's no right way and wrong way to worship no certain way you raise your hands the clap of Dance forget all that stupid stuff and find any kind of way any kind of way to let God know thank you lord thank you lord you've been good to me Oh your partner from the long way you practice but see Glassman and you gave me to change the world I had been taken I have been broken I have been blessed and I have been given to the world God doesn't give people to the world who haven't been broken they're too arrogant they're too high too all the broken people that are watching all the internet that will see this on TV that are in this room the only thing I'm challenging you to do is to check how you think he said my problem with you is that you did not consider the scraps if you had considered the scraps you would have known I was not a ghost you would have known I was real you would have known you were safe you would have known that I will take care of what you fight right now because I took care of what you fought back then save the scraps baby clap your hands praise the Lord my brothers and sisters in the final moments of this service it's a mental thing and the cadenas didn't think right well-trained well-educated very articulate didn't think right when Jesus said be born again he thought how can I go back into my mother's womb when he told the woman in the will about the water she thought her water was better than he she didn't think right when he put the fish on the boat and the man got in a storm got intimidated they called him a ghost because they weren't thinking right it's not what you go through is how you perceive what you go through he says my problem is that you are not considering it correctly I have been there all the time in this room right now there's somebody who needs to rethink to your life your faith your spirituality your future your fears your answer isn't your scraps and what you have left and what you've been through the God you seek it's a God who brought you to a point where you could seek it was there you cannot get here and not recognize him he will not break into your boat you have to invite him in he's not gonna make you believe you have to invite him in he is near to you but he will not get in the boat until you ask him to you have to participate in the faith process it is his seed his word is his seed your faith is the egg that ovulates the seed that produces the conception of regeneration the word without the seed does not produce the child the seed with without the egg does not produce the child but when the seed of the word and the egg of the faith come together conception occurs and life begins you have heard the word of God this morning you have heard the word of God I cannot make you have the egg but I made sure you got the seed there is only one thing that Jesus asks you to do to be saved one simple thing he said believe on me and you shall be saved it is not intellectual because then they're literate could not compete it is not based on wealth because then the poor could not participate it's not based on being beautiful because then the unattractive would not be there that's one thing he has it one thing believe this is not a ghost this is your appeal they are we backslider I appeal to every backslider every person who's drifted away every person whose faith has eroded or collapse or disintegrated or a wearied or rusted a weathered I appeal to every sinner every person who's not made a commitment to Christ you're not a sinner because of what you do in the Bible you're a sinner because of what you believe that the sinner is a categorical state it is not a verb and action all of us have sinned so far it's actions of concern but if you have not turned your life over to him he calls you a sinner to categorize you and says I'm calling you that you might have life you you're trying to fix yourself up so that you can come to me it's not your sins that are keeping you away from me it's your unbelief it's your unbelief if you believe on me as the Scriptures have said thou shalt be saved and we had bowed every eye closed this is the most sacred part of our service if we don't do anything else we gonna do this right we must do this right somewhere on your boat there are some scraps and somewhere in your life there is some wind some darkness some deep fears and scars some turbulence all of us have different storms that terrify us and God have put you on this earth and given you this moment and given you those scraps for you to think a minute consider the loaves he is in the bread that you have left he will show himself through the things you've already been through he said my problem disciples is that you don't think right consider the loaves without a big fanfare nobody is looking but you and God the eyes of the church are closed the heads about if you're in this room and you need Jesus Christ you need to come back to him or rededicate yourself to him or recommit your life to him or give your life to him for the first time if somehow by God's grace something I have said has made you consider your own fish in your own loaves and suddenly you see Jesus in the scraps of your life holding you together bringing you through you ought to come to him you ought to give your life to Him
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 359,682
Rating: 4.8078604 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, Save The Scraps, td jakes throwback
Id: wIKPfhAilno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 26sec (4766 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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