Hide and Go Seek - Bishop T.D. Jakes [June 16, 2019]

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I think there's anybody feel like blessing the name of the Lord this morning if the Lord's been good to you you got something to shout about you out open your mouth and giving [Applause] the father's papers said I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord so he been coming to the house of the Lord looking like this he came in with joy and exuberance and Thanksgiving anybody got the joy of the Lord this Lord I want to officially deputize you to be on our greeters committee and I want you to at least get three or four people and hug them and welcome them into the presence of the Lord this morning [Music] I hope you gave the special hug to all the fathers let's clap our hands and honor all the fathers happy Father's Day [Applause] happy Father's Day to every father in the building you may be seated in its presence I'm gonna take the liberty this morning I want all the father's to stand I want you to stand up yeah let's recognize all the fathers hey man hey oh you can do better than that there you go give the man some love after all the men that are watching online a happy Father's Day to you and all of your respective places we thank God for you think of thank you thank you you were rugs [Applause] thank you thank you I'm excited about it glad to be at the house of the Lord with all of my spiritual children and some of my natural children makes me feel real fatherly amen I'm excited about what let me take a moment to I want to just take a moment and think all of you my birthday was last Sunday I rack up with joy all the cards all the text all the tweets all the comments on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram all the gifts I just want to thank all of you I was only a gift till I fell asleep I was sitting at the dining room table God little bit up stuff you have been so delightful to me and I just appreciate you so much give yourselves a round of applause thank you for your kindness toward me I want to tell the fathers that we've got gifts out in the lobby for you for Father's Day we just want to recognize you and honor you and give you just a little gift from the potter's house to you acknowledging you for the job that you're doing as a man of God that you are we appreciate you in the Lord so don't forget so don't get shouting and forget to stop and get your gift out there in the back cause if you do I have to collect your portion a man I told him upstairs I even got some of the Mother's Day gifts hey man it was supposed to been for the women but I'd like that I got me some to get my nails fixed up - amen say man somebody I want to take a moment I'm excited we have had for years and years of national pastors and leadership conference give God a praise for the national fashion we're gonna continue to have that and we're going to have it we have not released a date yet and I want to release it this morning however I also want to make you aware that there's going to be a name change from the National pastor's Leadership Conference to the International Leadership Summit the International Leadership Summit and I'll be honest with you we have seen such a growth in leaders of all types of all kinds elected officials CEOs managers entrepreneurs coming to our Leadership Conference that we just decided to just call it the international leadership summer that I'm excited about that can you save and it is my goal through these meetings I want to say this to you we're not just doing things to be doing them we're not just having things to be habitable but but I would - I went to the Broadway play up in New York to see Hamilton and yeah let me tell you something if you have not been to see it I don't care if you have to sell popcorn balls you need to go see Hamilton it is absolutely amazing incredible I saw it there I saw the importer rico I've been chasing Hamilton around just seeing it over and over again because it is just that impactful but in that process of that movie of that a Broadway play there is a song that they do it's a hip hop song about being in the room where things happen a man and I tell you it just sent me in the orbit because a lot of times things don't happen because we're not in the right room you can have the right dream and the right vision but if you're not in the right room where things happen you can't really bring that dream to fruition some of us can't get the change of mentality that we need because we can't escape the room that we're in anybody ever feel like you were in the wrong room you know you hear people talking on one level and you're thinking on another level you you want to be in the room and so what I'm doing with these things like our Leadership Conference and even our woman our losses coming up and in Atlanta the things that we're doing is to allow the Saints to be in the room with people who are reshaping the world so that you could hear the way they think so then you can get some notes so that you can get some ideas so that you'll be well-rounded in every area of your life some people think all you need is to talk in tongues and lay out on the floor but when you get through laying out on the floor you got to deal with real-life stuff talk to me everybody and so I am using my relationships in and outside of the church arena to bring together some people who are really shaking the world and putting them at the table so that you can hear the discussions and ask questions and grow into any individual and continue to be fruitful all of your life and I'm sort of happy to announce that we're going to be in Charlotte North Carolina amen for our international Leadership Conference this year come on clap so you got plenty of time to get ready for it and to call your cousin up in Charlotte and telling she got company coming over and and be a part of the International Leadership Summit take a look at this screen and you'll know more about it throughout the course of history great men and women have sacrificed the unimaginable to elevate humanity and show us the untapped potential of the human mind and heart these great leaders share many of the same traits the willingness to dream the ability to inspire and the determination to execute on their vision against all odds when the key decisions were being made they were in the room when crucial strategies were being devised they were in the room when laws that had the potential to change the path of history were being written they were in the room they put themselves directly in the rooms where change was happening to make sure they didn't end up stuck on the outside confined to the wrong side of history we stand on the shoulders of these giants poised to fulfill the promise of our potential in every one of us there is a leader waiting for the chance to emerge and change the world for the better since its inception the goal of the International pastors and leadership conference has always been to educate and enlighten the leaders of tomorrow so they may fulfill their potential and make a lasting and possible mark on the world over the years we have helped thousands of people make their dreams a reality and we have no intention of stopping anytime soon but we also recognize we're in a time of rapid change one where if you aren't willing or agile enough to adapt you will be left behind to make an impact you must not only be relevant but you must stay relevant in order to do this we must broaden our scope to ensure we are addressing today's most pressing issues we must extend our reach to leaders from every walk of life we must underscore the huge importance of knowing how to deftly navigate the obstacles of life so the leaders of tomorrow can put themselves in the room where the most important change is happening welcome to that room and welcome to the international leadership summit [Music] every leader in the room make some noise that's good stuff that's gonna stop mark these dates down April 30th to made the Sukkot April 30th through made the second in Charlotte North Carolina and if you go to you can visit this is ILS org this is ILS dot org to register and take advantage of the special pre-sale price of $99 a mare year that's right that's a loo for the entire thing the early bird special you can still get it and the information is on the screen how you can go right there - this is ILS dot org and get the information that take advantage of the early bird specials go ahead and register register by faith amen register by faith I'm not saying that you ought to register and then start coughing in April to get off work I'm not saying nothin like that but just registered by faith believe in God you go get off work be a part of the International Leadership Summit it's coming it's coming it's coming if you're watching online the same thing is true for you you have an opportunity to avail yourself though that this is ILS dot-org right now and you can get that special $99 special for registration for the year a man we're excited about it we're believing God for it as we begin to think and to understand and to recognize who we are as leaders and it's no no accident that we're talking about leadership on Father's Day cuz we need more men that will take the lead and stand up where my brothers have made some noise we need more men who are stand up and take the lead and moving to your rightful places and this this tug of war that seems to be going on in society about women and leadership versus men in leadership let us celebrate the women who have moved in the leadership I celebrate the women that have moved into power I celebrate the women who can go and get the bacon and fry it up in the pan and do all that kind of stuff but that doesn't mean you replace us let's not get that twisted amen you can stand beside us but don't don't let this feminism Drive you to the point that you replace us there's still something that men bring to the table that's it a class all by themselves come on talk to me somebody come on talk to me somebody amen amen and I believe there's still enough women in the room who appreciate a strong man that you're your you're not looking for the little weak mama's boy who won't stand up and take the thority you're looking for a man who can handle his own and get things done so that when we say I got your back you know that your back is covered because you got a good come on talk to me a man a man and you cannot be the man that you need to be and you cannot be the woman that you need to be and you cannot be the leader or even the person that you need to be without God in your life he makes a difference he makes a difference he makes a difference he makes a difference I don't care whether you're leading in the church I'm leading in the world or leading an ice-cream cone stand you need God in your life to give you the strength to stand up against the wiles of the devil you're fighting the wiles of the devil talk to me somebody glory to God the greater is he that is in you then he that said the world can I get a witness in here glory to God I want him in my everything I want to remember my everything I want him in my decisions I want him in my choices I want him to get in my friendships in my relationship I want him in my finances I want him in my 401k amen and all the other alphabets I want God and everything I want him to take my stuff and like the two fish and five loaves of bread and multiply the world might be having a recession but I'm not having one I refuse to participate I'm going to the next level is anybody going with me is anybody going with is anybody going with you you might have a recession I'm going to have a progression going further and further and higher and higher in the Lord I still believe that this is your year y'all ain't talking about to me I still believe that this is your year I believe it's your year now I know a lot of stuff happened people get sick cars break down people die that's life life is going to be life I don't care what year it is but in the midst of all hell breaking loose I still declare this is your year and no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper don't let the devil talk you out of your dream I said don't let the devil talk to you out of your dream who am I talking to this morning [Applause] say hey will somebody tell him I swear God's gonna bless you yeah I swear God's gonna bless you I swear a God's gonna bless you you don't know it but you're quoting scriptures when you say that God said that himself he said I swear I'm gonna bless you I swear I'm gonna bless you I swear I'm gonna bless you I swear I swear I'm not a man that I should laugh God said I swear I'm gonna bless you oh I feel a praise in this place right now go with a job o clap your hands all ye people thousands God with the voice of fire people shouted the God with the voice of God handy people God with the voice of triumph the voice of crime before the prize [Applause] over to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God the Lord spoke to me the other day and he said I've set before you an open door and gods brought some new doors and some new opportunities into my life and I know they're there and I see that they're there but I've been kind of procrastinating about it because sometimes our opportunity so be that you make excuses anybody know what I'm talking about I got me a real good Wofford now of the day saying stop making excuses and walk on in that door I don't know whether you need that or not but stop making excuses and walking in that door if you want it God's got it [ __ ] their head somebody [Applause] I have seen the Lord say some things this year and I've seen some people walk into my office and say some things to me that if I told you you would almost think I was crazy when they said it to me and almost from now I almost thought they were crazy amen cigar to give you a blessing that's hard for you to believe come on somebody he'll open up a door wear it leave your mouth hanging open saying Lord how can these things be how can these things be that's what Mary said how can these things be singers I know not a man glory to God and then she said nevertheless be it unto me according to thy word I need some nevertheless people in here I'm talking about promotions that you weren't trained for jobs she weren't supposed to get houses she weren't supposed to be able to buy I've talked about God opening up some doors for some people that are ready to walk by faith talk to me somebody I'm ready to go in and take back what the enemy stole from me shout yeah somebody I said I'm ready to go back and take back what the enemy stole from me shout hallelujah let me hurry up and reach out field it's offering time in the sanctuary I'm gonna move this service along something wrong so that we can get into the Word of God it is in my offering and in my tithe that my faith becomes tangible until I actually give my faith is just talkable when i activate my giving my faith becomes tangible come on somebody our tangible evidence that I believe God that I expect God to show that I'm in business with God I'm in business with God you know that I'm in business we got sitting with me God is my partner if you mess with me you gotta mess with my partner when I bring the tithe I am saying to the devil I am in business with God God said I will do business with you if you'll just remember me with 10% of everything I bless you with God said I will be in business with you and I will cost your feets not to cash their fruit before their time I'll cost your lease not to wither I'll cost you to prosper glory to God because you're in business with God I said you're in business with God and then you've got to be careful to remember to acknowledge him in all your ways because sometimes you'll get happy and get beside yourself and think that you did it but you didn't get there by yourself God brought you there and then some people think that their job did it but suppose the job goes down there are some people in this room the job went down but they kept on eating every day because God supplied all of their needs according to his riches and glory if your job what's your only source should have been cut off but thanks be on God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord I want to pray over your seat today you're watching online I want to believe God with you as you prepare to soul into the kingdom of God you're gonna need a faith to break that yolk that Yoga is not gonna break without faith it's not gonna break because you've killed it's not gonna break because you've got a degree there are people sleeping up under bridge got a degree there are people locked up in prison got a degree it's going to break because you're in business with God you need to set your affections on things that are above talk to me somebody glory to God I expect something to happen in this place glory to God giving you a moment to get ready get your tithes and give your offerings and acknowledge the Lord with your substance this is warship 2 it's not just about singing and dancing that's the mistake Israel made don't sit with your lips you draw nigh unto me but your heart is far from me in other words God said you talk a good game but when it really comes to put up and shut up all of a sudden you're missing in action lord have mercy if the church had a dollar for every dance if we had a dollar for every hallelujah and every thank you Jesus the church for the next three generations would be paid for and thank you Jesus is run like running water glory to God but let me tell you what you do with your money is an indication of what you do with your heart you find money for what you love and somebody tells you they love you and they don't ever give you nothing don't you believe it if somebody tells you they love you and they don't ever give you anything don't you believe it love will always give itself away even a little child will come home and give us maman a picture of drawing you might not know what it is but this hit look what I made you mama coz love is about giving talk to me somebody love is about giving God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life love is about giving young people hear me love is about giving love is about giving it's not about blinking it's not about likes it's not about more followers love is about giving talk to me somebody love is about giving love is about giving God so loved that he gained he so loved that he gave when you so love you go give glory to God glory to God sisters don't don't go for his wallet [Applause] go for his heart if you go for his heart all right I told the secret I'm sorry I'm sorry brothers if you get that heart that wallet is gonna come right with it there's zombies twins they're tired together amen the people who love drugs always find money for drugs people like liquor always find money for liquor people like strip clubs they'd go to the strip club I got no job stealing the strip club talk about I'm gonna make it rain you're gonna make it rain Amy's gonna do it ain't my bra people support what they love how many people here to hear love Jesus already gotta get your tithes and your offerings to stand up on your feet now I want to pray over the things that you believe in God to do in your life I want to believe God with you I want to stand in covenant with you I want to pray with you and agree with you that you will have the courage to walk into every opportunity that God is about to release in your life the courage the courage it takes courage to be blessed it takes courage to be blessed I want you to have the courage to be blessed glory to God I want to pray the spirit of prosperity of you the spirit of prosperity prosperity has a spirit with it millionaires and billionaires go bankrupt and then open up another business and they're back on top again and I'm up because they have a spirit of prosperity you say how did they go bankrupt and then open up a blue chain and store they have a spirit of prosperity are you ready to receive a spirit of prosperity the Bible said I wish above all things that you prosper and being good health as your soul does prosper father God in the name of Jesus I joined my faith with the faith of this congregation and all of those that are viewing online but the spirit of prosperity would fall upon us I mean that kind of spirit that is more than money that kind of spirit that includes good help that kind of spirit that includes good judgment that kind of spirit that includes good energy what good is it to have an opportunity and not have the energy to walk in and take the opportunity whatever the hindrance has been that has held us back from receiving everything that you have for it I rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus and as we wave our times before you as we give all over the world as we saw across the country as we show from other country we stand in alignment because faith knows no distance it knows no boundaries it carries nothing about state lines or country lines or sea shores faith will go anywhere in a fast release the faith of God and let it flow in this place I receive it now in Jesus name shout a man you may be seated glory to God our professional ministry technicians are in place of neural and cue they're ready to serve you in the spirit of excellence you ready to give to God shout Alleluia serve the people of God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] simple song come on [Music] so good real good each and every day Oh we're gonna put those hands together pilot [Music] sound real good [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm with Leslie Lord at all times [Music] he's good so good [Music] yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] mr. right there [Music] I will bless you I will [Applause] I will [Music] for hee [Applause] I will bless the Lord at all times where he's good grab your Bibles and jump up on your feet as we go to the book of Genesis chapter number 3 verses 8 through 11 we're gonna play a little hide and go seek this morning you ready for it we're in the book of Genesis chapter number 3 verse 8 to 11 when you haven't say man you're still looking say wait on me alright y'all ready today forgive me for jumping right into the middle of this text into the middle of this story but I wanted to extrapolate those passages of scripture that are most relevant to my assignment today and I want you to pray for me because I am on assignment this morning [Music] I got a word from the Lord today and a mandate and a responsibility to deliver this word to the people of God I'm excited about it I'm praying about it and I wanted to do everything that God told me it was going to do amen we just go play a little hide and don't see Genesis chapter three verse eight and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord amongst the trees amongst the trees of the garden and the Lord God called on Adam and said unto Him where art thou and he said I heard that voice in the garden I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself he said who told you that you would make it has our eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou sittest not to eat I heard that voice in the garden I was scared I was naked am I I hid myself what a thing to hide [Music] I hid myself my subject is hide-and-go-seek [Applause] father have your way in this place saturate this place with your anointing in your presence move in such a supernatural way that lives of hearts have changed at the same time that broken places are mended in crooked places or Main Street I think you're in advance for what you're going to do have your way in the midst of your people today in the name of Jesus we pray somebody shouted say Amen you may be seated in the presence of God now because half of my church's Millennials I have to explain my subject big because you grew up playing with toys that had batteries plugged up or were automated electronic had a boy but before there were apps and before there were Apple telephones and before there was all of these gadgets that you grew up playing with we played a game called hide and go seek now if all the rich people here I'm gonna have to explain it to you because hide-and-go-seek is a game you play when you don't have no money [Applause] you don't have no money you don't have no toys and your cousins came over and you and your mom and put you out of the house because the house was hot and told you to go outside and play and gave you nothing to play with so you had to make up games like hi Josie cuz she told you don't come back in this house the house was hot you had one fan the old folks had it she didn't want you going in and out the screen door shut the screen door don't be lettin them flies in the house once you get outside stay outside but when he when the street lights come on him y'all don't know nothin about that and so there was a game we would play call hide-and-go-seek and I grew up in West Virginia where we had big trees you would go and somebody would stand over by the tree and put their face up against the tree and start counting one two and they'd count and while they counted everybody would run and hide and when they got to a certain number they would turn around and start seeking that which was hidden you might hide up on the rock you might hide up under a bush you might hide in the basement or behind a rock somewhere a closed door anywhere you could get covering because you didn't want to be discovered you wanted to hide yourself in our text today there's almost as if God is playing hide-and-go-seek with Adam when the Bible talks about that they they saw that they were naked they hid themselves they hid themselves they saw that they were naked they hid themselves but when God got ready to talk he didn't talk today [Applause] he talked to the men he talked to the man he he said he said Adam where where are you you must understand that the voice of the Lord walked through the cool of the garden God broke his Sabbath day rest it was broken by the weekend sins of mankind the voice of the father struck terror in the Sun it struck terror in the Sun and made him go into hiding and when he went into hiding he hid himself from God without that happening there's a there's a there's an ache in the heart of a man a voice of leadership a voice of discipline a voice of authority is important in the life of even a young man somebody whose voice gets a different response that voice of authority that voice of power makes a difference generally it's the voice of the father not always but generally it's the voice of a father and all of a sudden you have this feeling inside of yourself like you've been busted it has to be somebody in whom you have high regard it has to be somebody that you really respect without that they're in your life there's something missing inside of your life without that there there's an eight for some compass or guide through which approval doesn't come easy but it's yet attainable it doesn't come easy but it's attainable one of the things we do with young men we mess them up when we clap too fast you need to make me work for it you need to make me strive for it you need to you need to make me extend myself because when I extend myself I discover myself and my in my house Mama's applaud came easy oh my little baby look at my little bear look at my little man there to play all of your boo boo but daddy didn't clap so fast he didn't clap so easy he didn't he didn't move so quickly you had you had to work for it that's very important in the development of who we are as men it's very important in fact Adam said I need there's four things that he said he said I heard thy voice now it's clear that Adam knows God's voice the Bible said my sheep know my voice o stranger they will not follow he said I heard thy voice I know I know it was you I heard thy voice I was afraid not reverence in fact the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and so he says I was afraid I was afraid I was afraid because I was naked exposing oneself doesn't come easy to most men [Music] it's Father's Day exposing oneself doesn't come easy to most men I'm not talking about physical exposure I'm talking about emotional exposure I'm talking about vulnerabilities I'm talking about who we really are that doesn't come easily because we are afraid and anytime we are afraid we number four we had ourselves so I heard that boy so number two I was afraid number three I was naked number four I hid myself hiding who we are we've done or even what we think is common amongst men and when you start talking about hiding yourself you're tying into the substratum of what I want to talk to you about today because it was the hidden reality of the man that caused God to walk through the cool of the garden God started walking and when man started hiding he's after you he's searching for you he's looking for you it all started it didn't start with this it started with the tree and I'm calling the tree hidden love because God has placed Adam and then pull Eve out of Adam into this utopia this this beautiful utopia and environment surrounded with flowers and fruits and vegetables and trees and bushes and plants and streams and waterfalls and creeks and oceans and the sound of crashing water against dashing against solid rocks he has set them in an atmosphere in an environment that is so beautiful and so picturesque and so opulent to the eye that that they could stay there for absolute ever he has given them everything they don't have to work they don't have to labor a mist comes up out of the ground water sir they don't have to do anything everything is self-sustaining but God is wise enough to know that anytime you give us everything you're gonna have problems with us invent that better that in order to really train us and discipline us we we become men by what we don't do a man that'll do anything is not a man there are to be some things that you absolutely will not do they may not be the same things as a person next to you but every man in this room ought to have some boundaries around his life that says I have struggles our human I'm frail I'm weak but this I will not do and that I will not do there needs to be some boundaries somewhere that that's that's part of what being a man is all about so God gave him a tree and said you can have anything except this tree right here don't touch this tree but don't touch this tree is discipline and discipline is necessary for you to be a disciple you cannot be a disciple because you clap you can only be a disciple when you have discipline and the tree was in the garden to provide discipline because discipline for a man is love anytime you get away with anything do anything anytime anywhere go anywhere come back when you get ready to leave whenever you please you don't have to come home you go anywhere because as a child not to feel loved as long as it is as much as they fuss about as much as and complain about it as much as they get in your face about it there's something about being disciplined that says I matter you're concerned about me when you turn me loose and say I don't care when you come back I don't care what you eat I don't care where you sleep I don't care where you go you do whatever you want to do behind all of that freedom is the feeling of being unloved unrestrained lack of discipline lascivious behavior causes men especially as children not to feel loved not to feel safe not to have a sense of belonging so whether you recognize it or not the tree is really hidden love it's tough love it's dangerous to have a life with no rules the rules are the place where you learn temperance the rules are the place where you learn respect the rules are the place where you learn boundaries and if you have no rules you have no boundaries and if you don't have them as a boy you're out not to have them as a man talk to me somebody the tree is the pruning place for the man it is a pruning place for the man where you cut off flesh and curiosity and just because you're curious doesn't mean you have to do it you will notice that even though the woman was a partaker of the fruit the forbidden fruit the woman ate from the tree but humanity did not fall when women ate I [Music] know you want to be the same about everything but in the Bible I'm talking about the Word of God I'm not talking about the times that we're living in right now the Word of God said when the woman ate nothing fell it was when the man ate it was when the man ate from the tree when the man had no boundaries when he had no discipline when he had no order all of humanity fell when the man ate from the tree oh I want it I want to help you just give you a little time with this this bought it go to Romans 5:12 if you will and because I want to prove that Romans 5:12 and take a quick look at that Romans 5:12 Romans 5:12 wherefore as by one man sin by one man by one man sin entered into the world not by woman but by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned that's why when I get to heaven I'm gonna slap Adam just one good slap just one good slap we had it good Adam blew everything there would have been no alarm clocks there would have been no unions there would have been no sweat of your brow that have been no working there with no payroll there have been no FICA taxes to pay they're a bit low nothing to argue about Adam messed up everything for everybody one man one man failing to be proven failing to be disciplined by the tree brought us all down I know this whenever I sit with my children and and and we sit around the table if we sit around the table long enough they they tell what I call daddy stories and they got a lot of them and they start whipping out one after another talk about stuff I did and they make me sound like an ogre daddy didn't take my stuff and daddy said listen daddy didn't do this daddy wouldn't let me go here daddy wouldn't got me from here and daddy said so and so and so and so and Danny got to me and daddy got on there daddy got a and the funny thing about it is they were talking about it as if I wasn't over but they're happy [Applause] they're not talking about it like they're in therapy if they need recovery they're not talking about it sure where I hit him in the head with it I stop my talking about and kind of crazy kind of stuff like that they're talking about it from the perspective of having boundaries and they see me enjoy it then what really got weird I thought it was just you all it was just my natural kids but even amongst my spiritual sons when they get together they start swapping these stories about me getting in their face about something getting in their face about their sermon pitching their sermon apart I told one preacher I told him you're too smart to preach that Doug I told him you're Olympic swimmer swimming in shallow water I picked the sermon apart I said then stop preaching about sparkplug said at metaphors and letting the metaphor be bigger than the message and I picked his message apart he said I picked it apart so bad that he said he had to put the phone on milk because he was crying and he didn't want me to hear it say you don't want me to marry you he was crying he was crying over the phone as I beat the sermon apart and told him how sorry it was until you can do better than this you're smarter than this you've got more in you than that it's not acceptable why did you go off on that rabbit trail I didn't have anything to do with the message you got lost in the middle of it get yourself together bring yourself here cord nature Peck organized your theology pull yourself up I'm talking about the way you deal with me even my daughter my daughter Sarah sent me something she wrote one to have and I was busy and I was working and I can be abrupt I'm not mean it makes me sound mean even when I tell it G but I told her she sent me some I said I was in California when I read and I really kind of quit and I said Sarah I said I don't even know what you're talking about it this is it doesn't make any sense it's discombobulated it's disorganized it's out of water I said I don't get it I don't get you need to rewrite this fast-forward she ended up writing a book when she wrote the book I told her I called her and I got her voicemail and I said Sarah I read the book I was gonna read the book because I'm your father and that's what we do when my girls were cooking I eat everything they cook whether they were good or not it's the one I'm still breathing the mama would needed Serena would not eat that you don't you can you know you didn't need that stuff I hate everything I hate everything cooked half cook sort of cooked I hate everything they did so I was reading the book because she was my daughter I said but when I started reading it I couldn't put it down I said the rhythm in which she wrote the articulation of your speech the way in which it flowed was so eloquent that I couldn't stop reading it and she called me by his she said daddy she said I want to keep this message forever she said I want to keep it forever she said it touched me so deeply and then she told me something that taught me she said what major compliment have validity is the criticism that preceded it she said I couldn't trust what you said to be good if I didn't know that you have the courage to tell me when I'm bad and so y'all don't hear what I'm saying to you so it's a it's important that you understand that discipline in the life of a child gives them the feeling of being loved and being safe of being secure and being able to trust you everything I do is not good you'll never get better with people always applauding you who needs a coach that just complements you tends to how good you are how wonderful you are and boys sit around they get to talking one by one they start telling story what I'm sitting up looking at me now I ain't gonna point him out in the crowd but he said I embarrassed him on national TV and told him what he did was stupid it was stupid he was so mad at me he got a picture of him looking at me later like he was gonna jump on me he said look at the way I'm looking at you like I'm gonna jump on you I said look at the way I'm looking back at you like I I wish and the brother who was mad enough to jump on me and beat me up has now joined this church follows me around everywhere I go because discipline for a man means she love me he had the sense to understand the reason I was in your face was because I didn't want you dead I didn't want to bury you and I was afraid for you and I challenge the way you did stuff because I care about you unrestrained action is not good are you hearing what I'm saying are you hearing what I'm saying [Applause] dr. Campbell of a well-known clinical psychologist did an article in The Huffington Post and she lists about 8 things 8 traits of children who have been disciplined and I'm gonna give you those 8 things really quick that shows you what discipline in the life of a child does number one it gives them self-control and maturity emotional maturity is the ability to delay gratification emotional maturity is the ability to delay gratification it teaches you how to wait that you don't get everything when you want it it gives you a strategy and a structure this means that the parenting has taught them to keep commitments even when they are no longer a new or exciting discipline children can commit to doing what is right even when they don't feel like it number two is empathy it gives them empathy discipline children are able to put themselves in the shoes of someone else emotional experience which allows them to develop understanding and genuine care this enables them to help someone from a place of purity rather than helping someone to meet their own agenda oh wait on me I'm gonna step on your toe before it's over the reason we got all of these these are these people running around here players playing on all these systems is that they had no discipline [Applause] number three it gives them the desire to feel good discipline children have been parented to know they are good and because of this they are driven through their own behaviors to maintain this state of internal well-being feeling good is their natural state which they will always reach back for when they when their lives get off track number four and this is so important it teaches them to be responsible children who have been disciplined are motivated from within to help around the house school and in the world at large because they see the value in contributing to the whole rather than just thinking about their own needs when you have discipline you want to contribute you want to be an asset you don't want to be a liability number five children who have been disciplined are more apt to love themselves children or discipline have an internal sense of confidence in other words confidence is derived from within and not just from performance or outside validation you don't have to have a thousand likes to like yourself they have been learned correctly which makes them see themselves as lovable worthy a big love worthy of being honored because they've been disciplined you would think the more you babied them the more they feel loved but the truth is the more you discipline and set boundaries the more they see themselves as lovable and worth being loved number six is accountable it makes him accountable disciplined children she says own up to their mistakes and are more likely to make good choices because they deserve to feel good ownership is not seen as shameful but rather seen as an opportunity to practice having good character responsible children are taught that being wrong life is okay and just a part of the process number seven they respect authority so they're not going to be all up in the police officers face they're not gonna cuss out the school teacher because their first encounter with discipline was at home he gave them structure he gave them order he gave them boundaries they learned stuff I know it's old school I'm dating myself but they learn things like yes sir and no sir and yes ma'am and no ma'am and it may I have another cookie please number eight children who have been disciplined are happy they tend to be more happy people they are pleasant to be around and have an easy time making and sustaining relationships they tend to be liked by all age groups and are the kids other parents which their kids could be all of that comes from discipline all of that comes out of this tree all of that comes out of the Almighty showing us how the father because he is fathering Adam he is fathering Adam and his teaching Adam values that will set the stage for the entire rest of the human experience Father's Day often brings out unique emotions it's kind of a tough day I wish they had it before Mother's Day they haven't after Mother's Day we have to watch Mother's Day [Applause] Father's Day has a unique feeling to it because not all of us had fathers not all of us had present fathers not all of us had good fathers not all of us had Pleasant experiences with fathers and now we're living in a time whether we're the modern contemporary idea is that men are optional just firm donors will do because the thought today is just because you can buy a house you can make a home without us and so when it comes to Father's Day it's a bit of a hard sell it's a hard sell because so many men have messed it up blowing it up shot it up and two women as a recourse have developed survival techniques to make it without you and now they are proud to tell you how much they don't need you and short that you don't stay oh it's quiet what man wants to stay in the house where your constant speeches I could make it without you if you don't want to be here hit the door I got more education I'll make more money I could do good all by myself I don't need you at all and then when they leave you wonder why he left you talked him out of the house and then cried because he was gone Father's Day is a hard sell it brings out all kinds of emotions because because Adam saying I was afraid I was naked I hid myself I want to talk about men that high I hid myself I showed you who you wanted to see oh it's gonna get quiet of you I showed you what I thought you could handle but I hid myself I hid myself is one issue I hate myself I was never really there there's not a man I'm gonna make a bold statement there's not a man in this room that has not hid himself in some way I know you're uncomfortable I'm pulling at your Pig leaves [Applause] but it's gonna be alright there's not a man in this room that doesn't understand what I'm talking about I hid myself I responded to you in a way that you have taught me gets me rewarded but I was not legitimately there because I don't think you could handle me so I hear myself that's one thing I hear myself that didn't get you think about this I hear from myself I don't even talk to me about me I hear from myself so don't get mad cuz I hid myself from you I hid myself from me - I didn't ask myself questions that might get wrong answers I hid from myself I hid behind my job I hid behind my anger I hid behind my rage I hid behind working out I hid behind my intellectual capacity I hid behind how much money I make I hid myself till I hear from myself some men hid by leaving I hid myself by leaving he got hard I quit I walk away I hid myself by leaving and other me and say I didn't leave there's a lot of men in here didn't leave not physically [Applause] truth of the matter is you've been gone for years [Applause] you've been gone from years and don't nobody even know you're gone you hid while stay you buried yourself beneath other things so you were there but you were opposite I heard that voice I was naked I was afraid I hear myself you let me talk about anger for a minute let me tell you what anger is one of the feelings we hide behind anger is how we hide dirt we don't want to burst into tears it is easier to get mad then it is to express heard about what you don't know you think we're a hothead no we're not a hothead we're heard hear but hot seems easier to hide behind than to be naked and say I'm hurt so I can hide by staying or I can hide by leaving but I heard this is just bad stuff yes it's true I hide my weaknesses but I hide my compliments too there's not a man in this room who hadn't thought something wonderful about the woman he loves that he didn't tell her because once you start hiding you can't control what all you had and you built it to protect yourself but it is up in prison your self and so we don't have to go to jail to be in prison so the man you dreamed of is the man you got but he's hidden himself who Lord Jesus acquired this morning long they real quiet this morning one man just turned blue the funny thing about men and I've been counseled I've been working with a lot of men who are going through a lot of things right now one of the most amazing things is that Adam took these fig leaves and he hid his loins he hid the most productive part of himself and I have found the funny things about men is the parts we hide are the parts that would make a difference in the family that we had the most productive part of ourselves and and and had behind what we think is masculinity sometimes we need to cry sometimes we need to struggle sometimes we need to let people know that it's not easy to be us sometimes we don't get the respect that we need or the accolades that we need or the support that we need because we hide that we needed and the woman you married may not have been raised around a man so she doesn't know how to read a man and the man she got she cannot see because he he hid himself if we would stop hiding for a moment in this room you would be shocked at who we are so God says Adam where are you does that mean that God couldn't see him of course not it might mean that God couldn't recognize him and all of the stuff he was hiding behind I don't recognize who you have become I don't recognize who you pretend to be I don't I don't recognize this this person that you're acting like you are I don't recognize you where are you when I left you you were naked when I came back you were used with some strange creature with leaves on walking around playing the role cuz you scared that if anybody saw you they wouldn't love you anybody got the courage to say man [Applause] that's why we had we had because we think if you saw us maybe you and loved us so we had ourselves and we make stuff up to cover us up we make up stuff we got to do in places we gotta go and things that gotta happen to hide ourselves we get positions and jobs and money and status or muscles or triceps or girlfriends to hide ourselves and she thinks you're with her cuz she's sexy it ain't because she's sexy it's because she covers you she covers your vulnerabilities she covers what you're afraid of about yourself she covers what happened to you she covers the part of you that don't feel so strong and she tells you what you want to hear and see is your fig leaves I heard the voice I was naked I was afraid what are you afraid of Adam you've been making the whole show adam has been naked the whole time he's never had a suit on in his life but he didn't know he was naked who told you you was naked when he found out that you could see him he himself rarely or not [Applause] God is saying ready or not here I come you know why we can't really worship good cuz we have ourselves so it's difficult for many men are really getting lost in worship or we can act like we're in a football game and get the rah rah going but if we get into deep warship with tears and praise and your heart is open and you gotta be naked before him leave us out so we can draw wrong oh no like we're a football game we look for that but if we have to be naked emotionally and vulnerable and exposed oh no that's for the women so our idea of a great praise service is noise I heard that voice I was afraid I hid myself we can live and die and never be known you can grieve over the death of a father you never really met you met who he showed you you met her we showed you you met her we showed you because most of the man in this room don't even feel like anybody even knows who they really are clap if I'm talking about you I hid myself means I lost myself well all of this happens from Adams relationship with the tree partaking of a fruit from a tree makes him aware of stuff about him that he wasn't aware of and he's scared of himself scared I'm not good enough scared I'm not smart enough scared I don't have enough scared I'm getting older scared I can't impress you like I used to scared I'm not the same man you fell in love with scared I'm not valuable to you scared of what I think and scared of what runs through my mind is scared of what happened to me and scared of what I've been through so I hid myself that's why I get high that's why I get drunk it's how I'm looking for you hey Adam I'm looking for neck of you I'm looking for open you I'm looking for feeling you I'm looking for you alive and real and present and vulnerable Adam where are you you hid your vulnerabilities cuz you need to act like nothing gets to you so you hid your vulnerabilities because you thought if anybody saw you they would want you and I'm looking for you your son is looking for you not who you pretend to be he's looking for you so he can figure out who he is he doesn't understand who he is because he's not like this caricature that you painted of yourself your firm is looking for you your God is looking for you is looking for you see a drop with somebody that you used to be she couldn't find you seven eight ten ready or not what the negev you the nervous you the worry you the crying you the confused and broken you the upset you the you that can't sleep at night the you that's walking the floor the using planets with you the using contemplate suicide looking for you don't you know don't you know that I love you not who you pretend to be Adam I don't recognize his church boys game you playing I didn't die for this church boy you play while you were yet sinners Christ commended his love toward us in that he died for us while we were naked he died for the person you are hiding he shed his blood for the guy you're trying to convince him that you're not and you're up at two o'clock in the morning venting who you really are because daylight can't catch you and if God is looking for you and your sons and your daughters are looking for you and your wife is looking for you sometimes even you you're fooling with them but you're looking for you you're fooling with her but you're looking for you messing with him but you're looking for oh they quiet just just like you said they was gonna be he thinks you're looking for him no you looking for you she thinks it's about her no you looking for you you know how you're looking for you cuz your daddy was looking for him to six seven eight nine ten ready or not hi or not suicidal or not gay or not adulterous or not drunk or not here this is a man big it's a man thing one man the father of all men and everything came in to the family through him it's a man thing and it comes up in his boys Cain and Abel [Music] because the father has been on sour grapes the teeth of the children are said on the edge and what you mad at him about you cost it's a bits man thing one man in the sight of God there are only two men in the sight of God I swear to you it's only two men the first man Adam yep and the last man Adam and either you're born in the first one or you're born in the last one but there are only there are only two men and both of them got this thing going on with the tree [Applause] the first man Adam died because he ate from their tree the last man Adam lives because he was hard on a tree why do you think Jesus died on a tree when they beat him bad enough he should have died on the whipping post but had he bad on the whipping post he wouldn't have broke the curse that was on the first man Adam because it was not about a whipping post it was always about a tree so Jesus had to die on a tree into your hands you don't have to pitch yourself you don't have to bother yourself you don't have to yourself Adam before you destroy yourself come out come out where wherever you are whatever you're into whatever you did [Applause] Adam if you come out of hiding I can fix it [Applause] Adam Adam you don't have to be this unhappy Adam you don't have to be this miserable you don't have to make your own clothes already see you I've already seen you Adam I love you with an everlasting love you can't fool me with your feet leaves out up cover yourself is dying why are you stitching it and that's why the relationships keep falling apart because they big leaves and big leaves always die when you pull them away from the roots and if I if I could ask God for anything this morning I would ask God to give the men in this room the courage just just the courage just the courage just the courage to come naked I'm kind of crazy but here I come I'm kind of wacko but here I come I'm kind of depressed but here I come I'm kind of scared but here I come I'm getting older I don't know what to do with it I don't know how to handle it I define myself I stuff this change in me and I'm scared to death and I can't talk to anybody but here I come I'm young and I thought I'd be further than I am right now and I can't get a job and I can't get up on my feet but here I come I'm afraid I got too much of my mama hear me I give up too easy I run too fast but here I come I'm coming to you you see the problem with Adam is said God was raising Adam because Adam never had a childhood [Applause] he never got to be a little bullfight he got thrust into a position of authority so fast and he never got to have a childhood and so God is using the story not to raise a little boy he's trying to raise a man who's got a little boy down on the inside I know you didn't get everything you was supposed to get but I still love you and if you come out I'll fix you about you I know you saw too much too soon I know you went through too much too fast I know you were exposed to stuff you should have been exposed to and I know you're a grown man and you never got to be a little boy but I swear I can't promise you came in April but I want you I want you I want you cuz you didn't get all those made steps you didn't get all that stuff and now you're trying to be what you didn't see and you're playing a role that you have no scrip for and you don't know how to really be a father because you've never really had one come on come out wherever you are come out dyslexic come out not reading will come out and didn't do well in school come out come out wherever you are come out with your molested self you can't have enough women to take away the memories of what happened to you [Applause] come out [Music] wherever you are leave him alone Lena no come out come on man [Applause] come on boo Kubo come on man I know what it feels like to be you I know what it feels like to be you you know you sit back with your Brioni suit on Adam I don't care nothing about your food cut out you in the gym every day I see your triceps and your boss I don't care come on come on [Applause] and so for Father's Day I thought we play hide and go seek justice fellas this is guys we know the real deal we know the real deal I'm not preaching it cuz I'm better than you I'm preaching it because I'm one of you yeah I'm one of you [Applause] [Music] give it to me Jesus is calling where are you please call whatever you got on whatever is right what happens wrong [Music] Jesus is : Jesus is : he's cold you see as long as Adam stayed behind the fig leaves he couldn't get what God had for it as long as Adam stayed behind that workload he couldn't get what God had for him as long as Adam hid behind his money or his riches or his muscle or his penis [Applause] ain't you tired I want every man this child I want every man this sick and tired of being sick and tired this is what I got you for Father's Day this is your father station [Applause] this is your father thank you [Applause] this is your father's thank you [Music] I got you the truth I got you the truth for Father's Day I got you the truth for Father's Day I got you the truth for Father's Day and I don't care what you did and I don't care who you did it with and I don't care what you are and I don't care if you positive or negative or scared to get tested I'm calling you out [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold it just one second I'm gonna go back to it in just a minute the only thing I asking you the only thing I ask you easy either stay there with your clothes on or come to this altar naked and open and vulnerable and real and real just real just real can we just be real can we just eat real for a minute can we just be real for a minute can you forsake the facade for a minute can you forsake the facade for a minute you don't have an anger problem you have a heart problem you have a broken problem you have a stand problem you have the worry problem you have a lonely problem don't nobody knows you don't nobody know you cut you all a dime see you [Applause] everything's anything in here that's tired of it all and you want to see help this morning ready or not here I come [Music] ready or not press in tight cuz it's a bunch of y'all press in tight because see the devil's been telling you that you're the only one and the devil is a liar the devil is a liar he tells all of us he tells me to you'd only want you're not alone it's all of us it's every last one of us is every breathing thinking one of us one night I ran over into the room where my wife was and I said I want to tell you something while I can talk and it was something wonderful and there was something beautiful and I was sitting over there in my gentleman's quarters wondering why I don't say it cuz even when it's good I don't say and I got a window or grace where I could talk and I thought don't say nothing just let me come talk because we're naked don't come easy Oh YouTube mission yeah me too that's why I can describe you so good very few women could preach this message you have to be the man you have to be you have to be one of us to understand us the thing you must understand is that Adam didn't get to grow up he got all his stuff thrust on him he never got to grow up and he's hiding the fact then he'd hoped that what he do and he's trying to be a leader and he doesn't know what he's doing this is your day this is a night this is your death this is why God watching you so you could have this one this is what you couldn't find nowhere else Brizzy you may go 10 years before you're in another service like this and if you let the devil talk to you out of coming to this altar then you deserve what you're feeling still to you if there's another man in this room that needs this touch from God come right now come right now he loves you he loves you you've doubted it and wondered it but he loves you he loves you he cares about you he cares about you the real you know real you too complicated you that complicated you that confuse you the broken you the best of you the parson don't go together that don't make no sense that you wonder why not this and that and the other hand [Music] he wants you to open up your heart and open up your spirit and come alive again and feel again and wake up again and behold and be well and you are running out of time you are running out of time you gotta get this right you gotta get this right you gotta get this right you're running out of time if you don't get this time you're not gonna get it if you don't get this time you're not gonna get it if you don't get this time you're not gonna get it [Applause] [Music] you running out of time you runnin out of town you wanna don't you see don't you see this don't you see don't you see don't you see you're killing yourself working yourself to death hide yourself running from yourself I heard that bliss I knew there was a call of my life I heard that voice but I didn't come cuz I was naked if I come you don't know what I'll mess you don't get when you get me I'm an idiot and I was afraid because I didn't want to mess it up I hid myself and I'm running out of life running out and I don't even know how to begin to open up my heart cuz I've been hiding them under these feet me so long that I don't even know how to get in touch with myself but I'm standing here at this altar to say I want to I want to I want to I want to try to get this out I want to open up I want to be free I want to be hold I want to be better I want to be better I want to be happy I want to be whole I want to have that confidence I wouldn't have all that stuff that I should have got then I didn't get I wanted if I can still get it God said I'll give it to you I restore what the taker worms and the locusts and the parlor worms ate up God said I'll give it back to you I'll show you how to be responsible I'll show you how to be responsible I'll show you how to be resourceful I'll show you I'll show you how to be accountable I'll show you how to be happy I'll show you how to be relational I'll show you how to open up I'll show you how to open up you learn this [ __ ] up you learn to say nothing that's a learn behavior it's a learned behavior if you can learn it you cannot learn it open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth to God open your mouth for God's sake open your mouth before you blow your brains out open your mouth before you shoot yourself in the head open your mouth before you give up a life it's open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth man open your mouth open your heart up to God open your heart up to God the hidden part the hidden man of the heart the part that hides it runs the part that nobody sees the part that's empty and lonely and tired and thirsty the part that's been beat down and cussed out and frosted and complained that to the point that they had talked you in the silence open your mouth lip your hands and open your mouth and show the devil you got a voice show the devil you gotta boys show the W gotta balls so the devil you got aboard show that never you gotta book I still got a voice this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and delivered him out of her all his troubles this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and delivered him out all his trouble [Music] hallelujah I'm coming out of these jiggly's hallelujah drop it out of these grave clothes hallelujah [Music] I lay my hands on me as a father water son I lay my hands on where you wake I leave my hands all your depression I leave my hands on your pain I lay my hands on your damage masculine spirit receive a touch just a touch just a touch from God that's what we wanted to touch from God and if you call let me him he'll call over you and if you show yourself to him he'll show himself to you he'll show himself to you if you show yourself to him he'll show himself to you he'll do it he'll do it he knows about your sins and he knows about your secrets and he knows about your struggles and he still loves you and he still wants you and it's time for you to open up your heart and allow the Lord to come in [Applause] [Music] i prophesy to you this day that you will never be the same again then you will never be the same again that you will never be the same again that you will never be the same again i prophesy to you that you will not die and be a secret and nobody know who you are you will not live and die and be a secret and nobody loved who you really are I promise I to you that you will not live your life and nobody ever touched who you really are Oh somebody ought to give God some glory in this place [Applause] somebody ought to give God some glory in this place [Applause] [Music] some of us are exhausted because we're torn between our wives and our mamas and they are pulling us apart and both of them think they own me and some of us are torn apart because we are so angry and our fathers even though we do the same thing we are angry at him about dawn let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out no no no no no no no no no no no no no you don't know no no no you not gonna get that close to deliver and sit back get out you won't get out today you won't get out today you won't get out today you won't get out today yeah let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out you're destined to repeating because you can't forgive it and you can't forgive him and yet you're acted like it ah let it go let it go this has got to go this has got to go you can't live like this can I go on like this you cannot play this game you cannot do this to your life God has a plan for you he has a life for you you've got to be healed so you can do what he created you so that you can be really created you to be and the Lord told me to tell you you are worth something you are worshipped every man who ever felt worthless in this room receive this word you are worth something you are valuable you do matter you do matter you do have purpose you do make a difference you do make a difference you do make a difference you do make a difference you do make a difference lift your hands to the Lord I rebuke every spirit of worthlessness that has plagued you things that people said about you things that people yelled at you things that people crushed you with that made you think he was a dog and then she was nothing and you lost respect for yourself let it out let it out let it out let it out let it out let it off let it out if they're wrong they're all wrong they're all wrong you are you are precious you're created in the likeness in the images you don't have to be perfect I'll let it out let it out free [Music] today you get free today you get free today you don't have to be perfect to be precious you don't have to be perfect to be precious you don't have to be perfect to be precious everybody's flawed and everybody's got issues that does not mean that you are worthless you have value and you won't let nobody love you because you don't love yourself you don't love yourself [Music] okay brothers here we are at the altar before our Father and most of us are fathers but we're before our Father and we get to be kids again and we get to be little boys here and we get to climb up on Daddy's lap and tell it where it hurts and we get to tell him what's wrong and where we're broken okay don't you miss his opportunity cuz a grown man don't get this opportunity often to climb up in his daddy's lap we'll say it hurts right here and I'm cookies right here and I messed up I messed up and I keep messing up okay I can't believe you love me [Music] you love me I'm not saving love what you did I want to separate what you did from who you are you are not what you did you don't have to rewrite the Bible and change the truth to fit your situation he may not love what you did but he loves who you are [Applause] [Music] we need this space you and me I want to do a session I kid I want to do a session with you where's just me and you I want to talk to you I want to talk to you I want to talk to you talk to you I had a message I've been holding for months and I can't give it around the woman I want to give it to you I need to talk to you I'm tired are you killing yourself some do it the fast way and some do it the slow way but we kill in our cities that's why the women outlive us we end up sitting in a chair over in a corner with a piece of sweet potato pie dying right in front of him while they talking in the kitchen mama loves you and she don't even know her baby's died but today it starts I'm gonna show you one thing and then I'm gonna close I'm gonna show you one thing how many people are glad you came to church today let me say something to the women I know you are mad at him I know you were mad at your baby's daddy because he cheated on you I know he cheated on you with your friend your girlfriend your sister your mama your cousin and you are convinced he is a dog but being a bad husband doesn't mean that he's going to be a bad father and using your children to get even with him is not the way to go because if you do that to your children they're gonna end up up here like this broken and wounded and hurting [Applause] I'm not talking about exposing your children to child molesters and crazy people and stuff like that I'm talking about letting your need for revenge make you use your kids as a switch to beat him up with because the switch gets beaten too I'm talking about nagging your man out of your life he escaped a nagging mama to marry a nagging wife [Applause] and now he's decided I will never be happy [Music] and you win the argument but just because required don't mean you are we will shut up to keep the peace but you didn't win let it out this is this is what we're here for God promised me if I preached his word I told my wife I did maybe pray for me because I got something really heavy to beat and I'm scared I won't get it right and I says really poor I got to get it right I got it right Oh Oh the Lord the Lord told me that some man's life depended on me getting this message right this one and I thought I said pray for me cuz I gotta get it right it's not easy to get us to come out of our fig leaves well that's you say I got it right did I Lisa I'd be a woman now loose and I did it for years and years and years and years and I think I really help women and I did what God gave me to do for women I was called a woman but I'm not a woman I'm a man and the kind of ministry that I'm doing right now most women wouldn't even think to do or know to do they don't know we're miserable [Music] [Applause] they don't know that some of us have not been happy for years they don't know now that we can't take not one more complaint [Music] they're some of your dying because you don't feel appreciated it might not have been enough but it was the best day it was the best I had it was the best with what I had the world with and for that we say thank you to every last one of you i'ma show you this the band said behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity there should not be divisions amongst us not by age not by generation not by money not by race not my language this should not be division the Bible says behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren for brethren for brethren to dwell together in unity it says it is like the oil it is like the oil that fell upon the head of Aaron and on to his beers and down to a scourge which means that when we get together God will anoint us it means that the oil will flow down and when men get into alignment the oil will come to you all you got to do is get in place because when they anointed Aaron's head everything that was an alignment got the oil and you need to get in alignment with leadership because when the oil flows it's gonna get to you the anointing that's flowing right now is flowing from the head to the beard to the skirts is an alignment it says it is like the dude that fell upon Mount Harlan and I am told at the bottom of Mount Hermon that the flowers grow while because of the moisture content at the bottom of Mount Hermon that the flowers grow Wow and I think you're gonna bud again and blossom again you're gonna blossom again you're gonna blossom again and here's my killer point the last verse is for their God commanded a blessing where is their God said whenever you guys get together I will come man to bless I will command the blessing I will come and the blessing I will come and the blessed I will come and a blessing not ask for it not hopeful it not pray forward God said I will come and a blessing I will command a blessing I will command a but whenever you get together we came to this altar and we came broken and repentant and tearful and we cried and we fell out and we collapsed and we screamed and nobody died the earth didn't stop rotating the Sun is still shining we kept we can we can we can cry and the world won't stop it's gonna be ok it's gonna be ok to open up before you explode for fair god commands a blessing i want you to take one brother by both hands one brother by both hands and the reason i want you to take one brother bible faith is so you can focus on him and i want you to look him right in his eye and it's gonna be a little uncomfortable but i want you to look him right in his eyes and the reason i want you to look him right and i in spite of his discomfort it's cuz nobody sees him [Applause] nobody sees him nobody sees who he wants to be who he's trying to be what he wanted to do nobody sees it nobody sees it [Music] come up here Michael come up here and get this brother he don't have nobody I can't have that this brother right here he got to have somebody it's really in the right to strengthen shirt right here you got a hand somebody coming here nobody sees him nobody sees him and he's got people that love him they don't always see him and I want you to command a blessing on his life I want you to speak a word over him I want you to speak a word over his dysfunction I want you to speak a word over his disease and I want every woman who loves the man to stand up and point your hand this way every woman who loves the son a daddy or brother or uncle a husband a lover I need your intercessory system I need your intercessory we're breaking generational curses I need mama and Big Mama grandma my auntie I need wives and daughters and little girls to point your hand at least me I'm coming to get suicide I'm coming to this addiction I'm coming against death please help me just for a minute just help me just happening [Music] help me help me help me help me there's some healing going on here there's some healing going on here there's some real healing going on here behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] thank you thank you God commands a blessing God commands a blessing God commands of listen God commands a blessing God commands of listen God commands a blessing God commands a blessing God commands a blessing God commands a blessing God commands a blessing God commands a blessing for fare God commands [Applause] yes God commands a blessing God commands a blessing God command the blessing God commands a blessing [Music] [Applause] I love I love you man and thank you I love you man I love them I love you man I love you brother I love you man I love you I swear boo I swear I love I love I love you I love you man I love you I love I love you I love you so real I hope somebody takes you out and buys you the biggest steak I hope the dango steak is so big that you got to take a doggy bag home I hope somebody buys you a hamburger so big you can't get your mouth around it happy Father's Day [Applause] happy Father's Day happy Father's Day let the man wrong [Applause] churches over that's it [Applause]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 598,841
Rating: 4.7700205 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, Hide and Go Seek, Father's Day, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation
Id: 6WvxjSyaabI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 4sec (8524 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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