The God Code - Bishop T.D. Jakes [December 1, 2019]

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[Music] we asked you to stand for the reading of the Word of God we're going to be at Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 through 48 and I want you to listen very carefully at this word we have an opportunity a rare opportunity to hear Jesus preach there not many times in scriptures where there is a long delivery or dissertation by Jesus himself we see more about what Jesus did than we do what he said we see him responding to criticism we see him speaking to diseases we see him walking across water we see him taking two fish and five loaves of bread and feeding 5,000 we see him turning water into wine but we seldom get to hear him speak in Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 we have come into an intersection in the midst of a Sermon on the Mount that is so profound that I wanted to share certain aspects of it with you this morning and here Jesus said ye have heard that it has been said thou shalt love our neighbour and hate thine enemy but I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that that's not easy but that's what he said now this is what got me that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven you're doing this that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust for if he love them which love you what reward have ye do not even the publicans the same and if he salute your brethren only what do ye more than others do not even the publicans so be he therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect can you say man go back to that verse go back up there to that verse I don't know what's number it is 48 go back to the top will come down till we get it not that one God huh yeah not that one going yeah this this right here that he may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust I want to talk about the God code somebody says the guard code father right now in the name of Jesus I thank you for your word that is coming out and coming forth and being revealed and being shared and being spoken and being uttered and being taught and being understood and being ingested and being digested and being appropriated to the nourishment of our souls and our inner man might be edified by that which every joint supplied I think you because your word gives life I think you that the life is in your word that when you speak your word you give life and dead things wake up I thank you for the declaration of truth and the power of your word and the clarity of thought and the nimbleness of mind that makes it possible for us to do exploits in your name move in the midst of your people great God that you are I believe you for it in Jesus name someone shout a man on your wait till you see touch somebody just say the God code let me set this text in context for you I had the privilege of going to Jerusalem and and going to the Mount of Olives and standing where Jesus stood when he spoke these powerful and profound and prolific writings of which we are going to extrapolate some word today for the edification of the church the Mount of Olives is on a high place overlooking the city of Jerusalem and so he is standing there with his disciples around him and in the backdrop the backdrop behind them the scenery behind them is of the entire city of Jerusalem the temple is right over their shoulders the whole city of Jerusalem is their jruby sent in not just as it was in the days of Jesus Christ with the pools of Bethsaida and all of the up Reutimann's that go along with it the Garden of Gethsemane right below it not just as it was in those days but Jesus sees Jerusalem all the way back to the days of Abraham and Melchizedek Jerusalem is the city of peace it is the place the hub the center of every spiritual move of any magnitude in the world today whether you are Jewish whether you're a Christian or you're Muslim you all trace your roots back to Jay Ruth's in it Jerusalem is a very important city let us not be confused about it if you take all the people of the world and ties on all the people of world of the world you would have the time of the whole people of the world would be the Jewish nation if you take a time that the Jewish nation you would have the priesthood if you took a time to the priesthood you would have the high priests in the same way if you take the globe and take a time of it you would have Israel if you take a path of is he would have jerusalem if you take a tithe on Jerusalem you would have the temple if you took a time of the temple you would have the Holies of Holies so if you take the high priest who is a tithe of the people and you have the Holies of Holies which is a tithe of the planet and you bring them together you have the day of a total everything powerful everything powerful has Jerusalem as its matrix the Psalms have written much much of them are written about Jerusalem the holy city of God set up on a hill that cannot be here powerful City transformative City this is the place where change comes this is the place where Abraham later would struggle and take Isaac up to a mountain in the world mount ins of Moriah to offer up his son Jerusalem the holy city of God it is in that backdrop that Jesus is speaking to his disciples there is no question now these disciples are in fact converts they have been hand-selected by Jesus convert it to this mission of the the understanding of conversion is a new concept of Judaism who does not practice proselytize a shipment of people this this idea of conversion is a new thing they had to be willing to give away give up what they were tired to in order to be attached to what Jesus was offering they many of them have walked away from their livelihood their background their traditions their understanding of God had to be released in order to open up a new dimension of who God is that's a hard thing to get people to do is to give up their understanding of God it stops us from having real revelation because we have such a loyalty to how we understand him never questioning the fact that sometimes our understanding is tainted by our teachers and predecessors were limited in their ability to convey truth to us and so sometimes we are loyal to something that is wrong consequently we find Jesus in the situation of transitioning these disciples from conversion to discipleship I think that's where the church is missing today we get people converted but we don't decipher them it's one thing to come up here and give your life to Jesus Christ and it's another thing to be disciple to the point that your commitment shows up in your character so what we end up is that with a big roomful of church people but not really disciples because in order to be a disciple you would have to have discipline and so because we have converted people and not disciples we have to pray as leaders that they might come to church because they're not disciplined enough to come if it rains you're not disciplined enough to get up out of the bed early they're not disciplined enough to go if everybody in the house there they go they don't have discipline because they are not really disciples they're just all converts they've been converted a long time but they've never been disciplined and here Jesus is teaching the principles of discipleship and he's teaching his disciples and the Holy Spirit has allowed us to the word to eavesdrop on the teaching of Jesus as he is teaching his disciples and correcting their theology into a deeper understanding of who God is he says heretofore you have heard okay that you should do good to them that do good to you and not necessarily to those that despitefully use you but I say unto you do good to them that despitefully usually he has raised the bar he has raised the criteria he has raised the standard he said what does it mean for you to do good to people that are doing good to you the even the publicans do that even even the heathens do that anybody's nice to people that are nice to them he said but then the higher standard placed on you in order to be like your father you have to learn how to do good to them that despitefully use you now I want to enter in the interest of full transparency I do not like this scripture if I could erase it out of the Bible I would take it out of the bottle because I do not like to do good to them that despitefully usually I like to get you back [Applause] and it wouldn't be right for me not to confess that in the middle of this message I would rather preach about something else because my natural inclination is if you hit me but here Jesus is teaching us a different response to the same stimuli in the process there are several things that he is teaching not only is he working on the character of his disciples he is also raising the bar on what is expected to them of them now that they have been converted to following him he raised the bar oh man thirdly he is teaching them subtly though not mention here spiritual warfare because the best way to fight somebody who's fighting you is to do good yo y'all y'all can't handle it see see you still love your old weapons that's why you can't find your new weapons your new weapons are so strong they're not carnal but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds and if you will stop acting like your mama there and learn to do good to them that despitefully use you later the Bible will tell you when you do good your he bit of hot coals are you hearing what I'm saying to you so jesus said to them and then he said something and this is what really got me he said for then are you your father's children and several things about that really stuck out to me then are you your father's children not when you know it but when you do it when you obey the word not when you hear the word he says then are you your father's children put that text up there again that same text that I took you back to before then are you your father's children that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven now the other thing that got me about this text is he is describing the father to the children who have never seen him this this is this is very powerful because Jesus is bearing witness to what the father is life now that is interesting all by itself but when it is your father that they're talking about imagine that you'd never met your father and you run into a relative that had and you got a chance to stop at Starbucks and have a cup of coffee with them and they were telling you what your father [Music] was like that's the power of this text Jesus is telling the children what their father is like can you imagine the intensity in which you would listen if somebody was telling you what your father was like that this this propensity that Jesus has to tell the children what the father is like is why Jesus came in the first place no man has seen the father at any time save the Sun it is the Sun that reveals the father Emmanuel God with us Jesus came to express the father to us because we have not seen the father only through the Sun so the Sun reflects to us the reality of the father that we have never met and now he's telling us about a father protects my country he's telling us about the father that he may be the children of your father which is in heaven watch this for he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and he said if rain on the just and the unjust he says when God sends up the Sun he does not spasmodically light up an area depending on whether you are good or evil he lets the Sun come up on the [ __ ] he lets the certain I'm not shot you you'll be okay he lets the Sun come up on the church mother he lets the Sun come up on the pit he lets the Sun come up on the preacher he lets the Sun come up on the politician he lets the Sun come up with the prostitute when God gets ready to bring up the Sun he does not pick who he shines on everybody gets the same Sun the just and the unjust you have to understand this because some of you are angry with God about blessing somebody you don't like but Jesus is teaching you the psychology of God that God is focused on bringing the Sun up indiscriminate to the behavior of the individual he lets the Sun come up on the good and the Eva and both of them walk out and look up and say oh what a beautiful morning the pepper and the preacher the belt dealer and the deacon if they were out yesterday they know it was a beautiful day they passed each other in the traffic and garden let the Sun Shine on both people and they're winning lesson rain he lets it rain on the just and they are just you don't get to not receive rain just because you're just I almost call this message what God didn't promise you because there are so many things that we think we are supposed to have that God did not promise us he did not promise us that if we were his children it would not rain on us he did not promise us that if we were his children we wouldn't get sick he did not promise us that if we were his children we wouldn't have trouble in fact he said they that live godly shall suffer persecution not nobody preaches this kind of stuff because it doesn't get great crowd reaction but it does work out to be true if you'll just hear me somebody told me I can't wait to get out of 2019 so I can get to 2020 I said while 2019 was a bad year I said no it wasn't it was just for year it rains sometimes and it shines sometimes and it rains sometime and it shines sometime and God says you're not gonna have a year that has no problems y'all don't want to hear the truth unlike the movie you can't handle the truth the truth of the matter is 20/20 is gonna bring challenges just like 2019 the sun's gonna come up some days and it's gonna rain some day and it's gonna rain on the just and the unjust you pay your times let us feel gonna rain you study your Bible but it's still gonna rain you're fast but it's still gonna rain because God has determined that the Sun was shining on the good and the evil Lord why would you shine on that hateful man but it's not because he's good baby it's because I'm good I didn't let the Sun Rise onto him as a reaction to him I let the Sun Rise on him to show you my stability this is not about him it is about me so if the Sun comes up it comes up on the good and the evil because this is what the father is like and I got so much out of this I got so much out of this because suddenly I realized that God does not allow his thermostat to leave his control whereas when we react to people we react to them because their action becomes the thermostat that makes you get hot don't sit there a night like you'll know where I'm thought about because there are some people that can come in and sit beside you right now and it would change your whole and anybody who can walk up on you and change your whole attitude has your thermostat but God is good and all the time God is good and all the time God is good and all the time that's what your father is like he doesn't allow the circumstance around him to control his character he is absolute he is sovereign he is whole he is consistent he is complete he is holy he is righteous he is true he is good he is merciful He is God he is sovereign oh shut up about satire whoa when I started talking about him I get happy he's a healer he's a deliverer he's a wave maker he's a bridge over troubled waters I'm talking about God who shall I say set me telly by I am that I am I am the lord thy god I changed not there is no shadow of turning in him he handles everybody the same because he does not allow external people to control who he is so this is not about who's good and who's evil and who's Justin who's unjust this is about your father and whenever he shows up it's gonna be the same guy you know some folks every time you meet them you got to figure out who are you today it's about Tilley y'all up in there and I don't know which one came to work this morning I don't know what to speak to you or leave you alone I don't know whether you brought your quiet self or your light self or your happy self or your joke itself which one are you today God is consistent God is sovereign God is absolute God is unchanging God is the same yesterday today and forever more [Applause] and for the first time I begin to realize that the Sun rising on the good of the evil wasn't about the good and the evil it's about the father that the rain falling on the just and the unjust wasn't about the behavior of the just and unjust it's about the Father and Jesus says that if we learn to be like that then are we our father's children and I thought of Mary Povich you didn't know I will preach about Mari this one I thought about Mari puppies because it seems like to me there's a question a fatherhood so I thought Mari if there's a question as to whether these are legitimately his kids what do you do - tested so mine says in order to be absolutely sure you can't trust what they say you got to do a DNA test because DNA doesn't lie so I started studying DNA and they said DNA is a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms I want to get this just right as the main constituent of chromosomes it is the carrier of genetic information so you don't have to have the whole body if you have the toothbrush and it's got a little saliva on it whatever is on the toothbrush is in the fingernail is in the hair follicle is in the skin cells of my leg because it is my DNA code you can steal my driver's license but you can't steal my DNA code you can take my car but you can't take my code it is my DNA code every living organism has a DNA code through which people have been exonerated on death row been held in prison for 30 years and let go because they had the DNA code once they proved that it was not their DNA you had to let them go are you hearing what I'm saying to you so what I'm calling the guard code is divine DNA and Jesus says you have your father's code when you are consistent like your father praised me in the sunshine praise me in the rain praise me in your pleasure praise me in your pain praise me when things are going right praise me when all hell is breaking loose you don't have the God code if you only praise him when you got a pay hike and a raise or a boyfriend and a check or a car and a house you have the guard code when you get praise it with no job no husband no groceries no shoes though he slay me yet shall I trust him I want him doing the DNA tested here who's got the code this level of consistency I want to get into this can I get into this this this level of consistency has something to do with you knowing who you are people who do not know who they are depend on other people and depending on where you catch them that's who they are but some of us in Jersey is it just here's what it is now wait a minute wait a minute this is this is this goes deeper I want to go deeper with this because I was teaching some preachers and say you don't let the crowd control the sermon away with that away with that away with that the Word of God are to come from within you not control by you you could sit there right now and be as evil as you choose to be roll your eyes or while I'm preaching text your girlfriend on the fifth row behind you call me all kind of names and all while you Texas I'll be preaching all over top of your head because I refuse to allow your facial expression to control the glory of God that's coming out of me [Applause] touching baby's hair I don't need you for this I got this yeah yeah I don't need you to make me feel good about myself I feel good about myself I don't need you to give me confidence in me I got confidence in me I don't need you to tell me who I am I know who oh I feel something about to break loose in here I feel something about to break loose in here somebody's about to move a thermometer away from their enemies and put crime and control within your reach you have the power within yourself not to allow other people of the circumstances of the seasons of the times in your life to change who you are not to allow age to change who you are not to allow your bottom line to change who you are you got the guard code when you can take a lickin and keep on tickin you got the guard code when you can go through hell and still talk about heaven you got the guard code when you can praise it in the mists of worry and strife and confusion you've got the God [Applause] and Jesus says if you react to people on the basis of how they react to you you are no better than the publicans you know better than the hypocrites you know better than ordinary people you have no reward you you are not really your father's child when you are your father you will react like your father pushed in a corner shove to the wall you will react like if I you might try to react like you would like to react but before you can really give them the full intensity of what you would like to say something on the inside will grab you by the reins and pull you back and say it's not even worth it I wish I had a witness in here I need somebody who's a real disciple I don't need a church member I need somebody who's got real disciple and you know how you can't go but everybody god snatches you back tell somebody tell them I got the guard code I would have cut you out but I got the guard code I would have drove my car right into your living room but I got the guard code I wanna win - your job like a terrorist and blew the whole place up but I got the god code that's why you ought to let me go to church you wouldn't like me if I didn't take have somebody say I got the god cool [Applause] he's all in my DNA he's all in my spirit he's all in my thoughts he's all in my walk he's all in my talk I got the God to somebody I got the guard cool [Applause] [Applause] I remember when I was getting ready to marry my wife I told the late sister Deborah wheeler I said I'm thinking about marrying her I said but she's so nice [Applause] and poised and and and I'm afraid I've been pastoring two years whenever I said then women to kill her and sister Willacy she says she's tougher than you think and I watched my wife in 38 years in 38 years it never yelled to me in 38 years if in 38 years has disagreed with me often but in 38 years has never called me out of my name not once in 38 years not once in 38 years not once in 38 years has never disrespected me even when she was mad at me in 38 years I have rarely heard her use broken English in complete sentences split verbs or adjectives in 38 years this girl from our pokey whoo-hoo never Holland at anybody and whipped our children with a piece of paper [Applause] I watched her with her stomach open open wide open left on close pull herself over to the side of the bed put her feet on the floor and started walking when she I said are you hurting she said yeah but I gotta do what I gotta do I watched her walk up the island down mile up the hall and back down the hall and they was trying to feed her something and she's normally no eating nothing when she lose her appetite she said I don't want it but I gotta do what I gotta do and I watched her fight that thing just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it fighters fighting hair down no no make up or just fight just fighting like somebody in the street fighting on the corner fighting for their life see what when you got the guard code and the wrong thing attacks you you get stripped I was ahead of witness I wish I had a witness I wish I had a witness she decided fine laughs when she got strong enough to come to church she came to church time I said to her said you going to church so so you could show your face to the sang she said no she said I'm going to church the guess of word she drug herself in the service y'all didn't know it but she was open in drug herself into the service sat over there in the corner soaked up the Word of God drug herself back to the house and praise God in the house and rejoiced in the house and glorified God and all of while she was praising God that his seizure was closer and closer and closer and closer wait a minute wait a minute it was supposed to close anyway but the wool nurses said they'd never seen anybody close that fast in their life when you belong to God and you do stuff the way God said God will hasten to deliver you somebody that needs to break through [Applause] walk over them three people say it's not gonna change me it's not gonna change me I don't care what happens it's not gonna change me good or evil right or wrong up and down in or out sick oh well it's not gonna change me I'm still gonna stand here I'm still gonna praise God I'm still gonna lift him up I'm still gonna shower the God he died on the devil is trying to take your joy right now but tell him it's not gonna change [Applause] [Applause] let me hear it I'm almost finished anybody getting something out of this see what I'm trying to I want to make sure you get this well I'm trying to say it's when when I used to quote the scripture years ago about the godless and rain on the just and unjust I quoted it but but I didn't really get it I thought it was about the gesture than just but it's really about God when I found out it was about God and that his DNA code is in me it doesn't matter what kind of day I'm having it doesn't matter what the weather he is outside it doesn't matter whether people are saying Hosanna or crucified it doesn't matter whether people are talking lice about you're talking nasty cuz none of them had my thermostat my climate control comes from down inside of me who God is in me and Who I am in him I don't trust you enough to let you have my thermostat I don't know that you would come through for me if I gave you my thermostat so if I'm gonna have the right Carmen I have to keep the switch on the inside and not the outside because that is the god factor because God is good and all the time God is good and all the time what are you all the time no no no no no no I'm looking for the God code what are you what do you know about you that's consistent what do we get when we get you I'm not trying to make you feel bad I'm just asking what what is what is solid in you are you a protector are you a provider are you creative are you thoughtful what about you has matured to the point of having the God code because that will determine how your story ends then it's what maturity is maturity is consistency I go to work when I feel like it and go to work when I don't feel like it I preach what I want to preach I preach when I don't want to teach I get on the plane when I want to get on the plane I get on the plane when I got to get on the plane I've got to do what I got to do if I gotta walk you gotta walk it hurts but I got to do it if I got to eat I gotta eat it don't want it but I got to do it what part of you has moved beyond your mood because that is the only part of you that is the god factor the if in order to have your father's gold you must be consistent always abounding in the work of the Lord that's what the scripture said always not sometimes always about what do we get from you always the part of you that is consistent it's a part of you that has been converted transformed by the engrafted word of God now you heard all the word but the word you do is the word that stuck the Bible says cannot can I teach this morning the Bible says they grafted Word of God is able to save your soul what does engrafted mean it leaves the word that stuck the word that knit to you the word that became one with you the one that connected with your tissue the word that became a part of your life that's the only word you can use under attack you can't use what I said under attack y'all don't want the truth you can't use what you heard somebody else say under a time the only part of the word that you can use is a word that stuck to you got it drafted in you became a part of your DNA that is the word that becomes your word your conviction you're afraid your tenacity that stuff is just echo as parakeet it's repeating its is hearsay information it's inadmissible in court because it is not yours I am throwing word out right now I'm doing word out right now and different things are sticking with different people whatever sticks with you that is able to save do you get that the word that sticks with you that stays with you that gives you an aha moment that's the only word you can use you cannot use things that are not yours the engrafted word of god is able to save your soul that's why I don't understand people who will go to church anywhere it doesn't matter about the pews some peeps I go to church you go for the wrong reason it doesn't matter about the size it can be a tiny Church it could be a big church it could be a storefront Church it doesn't matter about that he can be black folks it could be white folks it can be brown folks it can be folks who ain't sure what they are cuz it mixed up with everything you don't make no difference cuz that's not what I came to church for I like you but I didn't come to church for you I think you guys why I didn't come to church for you I might come smile I didn't come to church feel I could do this if you can come it will interrupt my flow because my flow is not built on you this is about God and until it becomes about God you won't get the results you should get acting like a Christian talking like a Christian walking like a Christian saying Christian stuff putting Christian stuff on your Instagram don't make you a Christian when you go through the fire when you go through the flood when you go through hell when you stand in there crying saying though he slay me yet shall I trusted are there any real believers in the world so Jesus is teaching and he's on the Mount of Olives and he's trying to get the children to understand what their fathers like and then he says let's go to Matthew 7:24 29 and I'll close with this this is good Matthew 7:24 29 see the reason this is good is because we got a generation now who has been raised on popular preaching and popular preaching needs crowd reaction so it always has a happy ending every week they find a different way to tell you everything's gonna be alright and we get addicted to come into church so they can tell us and you gotta find a new way to say it but if you take all your sermons and put them in a bag most of these everything's gonna be alright so what do we do when things are not alright we don't know how to handle it when things are not right we feel like God failed us when things are not right because the people who represented the father made him sound like Santa Claus then he just want to give me stuff he don't bless you and he gonna bless you he gonna bless you somebody's stuff gotta go bless of max [Applause] parents are proud of that children y'all don't hit what I'm saying to you it's go range sometime you're gonna do trouble sometime you look fine days you don't want to get out of the bath you don't get bad news sometimes you'll get bad news so bad you can't answer your phone I hate it when people takes me and say call me back it's important I hate it if it's important say what it is cuz I would think of a pound and different things that could be wrong I didn't kill all my kin folks and everything oh yes lizard did it I'm Freddie dead this just just tell me it's not gonna be a good day every day doesn't mean that God isn't there God did not promise you life without rain God did not promise your pleasure without pain God did not promise you happy days every day why do you think you need faith if everything's going wonderful why do we need faith you need faith with your sisters dead you need faith when your mama dies in your arms you mean faith when your dad is killed in a car wreck you need faith when your son didn't get to live out his life you need faith God did not promise you get your life would always be like Christmas it frames on the just and the unjust which begs the question in all honesty if it can't be what is coming anyway he's not gonna stop the rain and it's raining on me and it's raining on her and it's raining on him and it's raining on them and I'm the child of God well what difference does it mean let's get high [Applause] [Music] you know spaghetti think I gotta let it go [Applause] so so put Matthew 7:24 29 see if I can bring some clarity to thee come on back come on back y'all stayed over there too long y'all stayed over there too long I didn't completely love you you Baxley a dead queen this is the same message and Jesus is coming to the end of it he says therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon [Music] touch somebody's I'm still here tell your neighbor say neighbor you would be shocked if you knew what all I survived [Applause] oh he said if you hear my word and do it you shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock and know about of what rain came no matter how the wind blew no matter how the lightning flash no matter how the Thunder rode it fell not for it was built on a rock the difference come on living let me I'm getting ahead of myself I get excited I'll get fired I will get fired up I feel something pushing me in the back there's no need other Holy Ghost is in this room when you start talking about surviving I get happy cuz I know as some survivors in this world you know he'd look like what she'd been through you've been through some stuff that shouldn't kill you and you are still here the same thing that happened that never happened to me the only difference is I need a hundred survivors to show the recipes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] look back over your life and look at how many storms you survived look at how many rage and survived look at how much lightning you survive and make some noise in this house this is the truth give me my scripture again I want you to see this and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and doeth them not they just came to church but they don't do nothing they just here cuz you accused they here cuz there was a town and they came to church and don't want to be here they went me hurry up and shut up everyone that hears these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand come on and the rain descended and the same flood came and the same wind blew and it beat upon the house and it and great was the fall of it if you have the guard code it does not mean that you won't go through things but it does me when it's over you'll still be standing I need a witness I need a rider Holy Ghost witness the only difference the only difference in the story is the same rain sledge it's the same wind it's the same storm it hit both houses both men had to build their house God didn't build a house for them can I get into that for a minute away with this notion that God's gonna build your house God is not gonna be your house God is not gonna be your career God is not gonna be your finance God is not gonna build anything you don't build oh this is truth-telling Sunday this is truth-telling something you've been praying for God to build stuff you got to build I'm praying the Lord improve my relationship you got to start speaking first ain't no need in praying to God reprove a relationship and you're not speaking you've got to build your old house the wise man had to build it the fool had to build it nothing they both build their house have you ever met anybody who built their own house it's a it's a whole different thing when you build your own house is there's a whole different level of pride you know where everything is you know where every pipe is you know where every join this you know where the wiring is you know where the plumbing here and you walk around the house with your chest stuck out because you say I build this house even after you die your children react differently my father built this house I'm not selling this house daddy built this house both men built the house both men faced the storm both men face the wind both men felt the shaking the only difference between the fool and the wise the hearer and the doer is that when the storm was over the house was still standing [Applause] so let's put the joint away I'm sorry I changed my mind I would rather be a survival I would rather withstand the storm I would rather come to my old age with wisdom and memories and history and legacy and integrity and know something about life and know something about people I will go and go ahead let the wind blow let the lightning flash let the Thunder roll I'll be ok I'll be ok cuz I didn't build my house on you I love you but I didn't stand to your feet I'm closing with this when the church says stuff like bill your house on the rock everybody shouts but nobody knows what it means Jesus says the rock is not in just hearing it's in doing if we separate the words you heard from the words you do do you have enough rock to build a house Wow I'm not saying you don't I'm just asking the challenge for me is to hold myself to a level of excellence to say I gotta be a doer of the word of God I gotta let the Sun Shine on the person I know it was lying on me I got a smile say good morning how are you today even though I know you're setting me up with the balls trying to get my position I cannot allow you to change my character I'm sorry I can't let you do it because when my storms come I'll crumble if I lose Who I am trying to get you if I lose oh my god if I lose Who I am trying to get you when my storm comes our fall the god code is proven by how you handle the storm it is not avoiding the storm you heard me did you you heard me you heard me it's not avoiding the storm I know I'm his child not because he stopped my storms I know I'm his child because the storm didn't stop me [Applause] join hands with somebody you know I passed it a lot of different kind of churches I pass these little bitty churches where I had to play for the choir I pastored churches didn't have a drum set and my foot what's the drum and I tell you something about big churches you can hide in a big church you can come late and leave early and nobody knows you and as long as you don't take nothing out front and you can still work at the strip club and get inspiration from the good mission that's the truth you can put handles on your Instagram like sexy mama big breasts Betty no no no no I don't I don't know why you laughing cuz it's in here I'm not just saying stuff to be fun all of that City here all of that is it in a big church you can be anybody and you can hide in a big church and you can hear the word and go by talking about it was a good sermon oh it was a good sermon but it only matters when you changed by the words you heard now I'll be honest change ain't easy it don't happen overnight and sometimes you do several stupid things before you finally become convinced that really was saying I was building on sometimes you got to get your heart broke before you know that the person you was in love with was sand you changed everything about yourself and became whatever they told you to be to get him and it still failed and it was saying but if you keep on coming and you keep on getting this word little about little you you transition from a here to a do it I'll be honest with you I think it takes your whole life to get it right I'll be honest I think it takes your whole life to get it right you have to survive spring and summer and fall and winter you have to survive thinking you smart wouldn't listening anybody everybody told you to leave them alone no no you had to go ahead and build that house and it looked good till the wind came when the storm came they left you I told my wife I said I much but I ain't going nowhere I'm going nowhere here in a wheelchair I ain't going nowhere if he's sitting on a bedpan I ain't going to work if you're throwing up all over the bed I ain't going nowhere if he got diarrhea and you can't stop it I ain't going nowhere if all your hair come out and you don't have no teeth ain't going nowhere I ain't going nowhere I'm still gonna be standing right there I'm gonna be standing right see see that don't sound sexy when you twini I don't sound sexy with you 20 the young people look at all up in there there where is he talking back but when you get through seeing how much in your life is built on sanding people who will leave you in a minute who don't care nothing about you who only want you as long as you got a job you lose the job you lose the house they are gone consistency squeeze that hand you hold it now there are areas in all of our lives that we could be more consistent and I knew when I appreciated this would not be a shouty sermon because sometimes we shout too much sometimes we don't listen enough I want to first pray for people who have built good stuff on bad foundations and you're asking God to bless this mess this sandy mess you built oh and God sends the storm to show you there was nothing and you all grieve it about who left and who you lost it what didn't happen it was nothing in the first place the house was nice but what you built on was sand you gotta ask yourself why am i attracted to sad give me an appetite for something solid why do I go to church but I've remained unchanged and I heard the word but I haven't altered anything naughty not even on my facebook site my facebook is schizophrenic and I make a commitment this Sunday morning that I am going to do this word in some way I can see and measure I'm gonna change it maybe calling somebody I don't talk to it might be doing something nice for somebody that's been nasty it may be changing my handle on Twitter but I am NOT going to hear this much word and do nothing squeeze that hang in now demons are upset because the devil don't mind you here in the world but when you start talking about doing the word he´ll gets nervous because the god code is about to come into your life in another dimension an instrument of change this morning I charged every one of you and myself included to change something to do something to fix something to let what you are hearing affect your life in some real way if your mouth is shut up if you're quiet speak up if you'd normally fuss all the way back home get in the car and shut up I refuse to be exposed to this much word and not be changed squeezed had had the advantage of the Holy Ghost is in this place I dare you in this moment to make a commitment to be consistent to be like your daddy whether it's just on just whether it's good or evil I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do if it's gonna rain is go rain if it's gonna sunshine it's gonna be sunshine whatever whatever whatever whenever whatever whatever whatever my lot thou has taught me to say now Lord we are so far from you our thoughts so far from your thoughts our ways from your ways but today we take a step closer just a step this is just a step closer into the light of your presence into your will into your word and to what you have ordained for us to have today Lord we get just a little bit more your DNA into our behavior our attitude how we interact with people what we will and won't say about each other today Lord with humble hearts we make a commitment to change hallelujah the glory of the Lord is in this place but it will only fall on people who are making real decisions it will only fall on people who are struggling with areas and say I surrender I give up I yield I sell out I opened my heart I opened my mind I can't have a new year if I don't have a new me I will not go into a new year being who I was there are some things I'm gonna leave behind me in 2019 I'm not taking them into 2020 changing the date won't change the circumstance I'm changing my heart right now squeeze her hand I feel yolk springing in this room I feel yolks breaking eyes I feel chains falling I feel curses being broken I feel doors big open right now by the power of the Living God
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 694,783
Rating: 4.8057714 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation, the god code, god code, using god to become better, where to find maturity
Id: BuRXu0Foc0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 18sec (4638 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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