I Have A Lot On My Mind - Pastor Joel Tudman

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[Music] my god glory to god come on and praise god i'm excited to be with you tonight we honor the lord we honor our leaders bishop jakes and lady jake's two powerful men and women woman and man of god we thank god for the two of them and i want you to find those hand clapping emojis and put them together for our leaders they're extraordinary i don't even think there's a word to describe them we honor them highly so let's bless god for our leaders and we know we don't want to miss him as he comes to us sunday i got a few verses i want to teach tonight and i'm going to go to genesis chapter 14 verses 11 through 16. and i'm going to read the amplified version those that are watching on facebook i want you to share this message if you i don't know if you can do that on youtube or not but let's swipe over let's share and let's get people on the line and tell them let's go to church tonight together invite somebody right now share share share share genesis 14 11 through 16. then the victors took all the possessions of sodom and gomorrah and all their food supply and provisions and left and they also took captive lot abram's nephew and his possessions and left for he was living in sodom then the survivor who had escaped from the evading forces on the other side of the jordan came and told abraham the hebrew now he was living by the terribent's oaks of memory the amorite brothers of esco and the brother of anar they were allies of abram when abram heard that his nephew lot had been captured armed and let out his trained men born in his house number in 318 and went in pursuit as far north as dan he divided his forces against them by night he and his servants and attacked and defeated them and pursued them as far as hobart which is north of damascus and he brought back all the goods and also brought back his nephew lot and his possessions and also the women and the people in jesus name amen i'm reminded of a few years ago it's probably 2011 2012. it's a church that i still cover in oklahoma city we think we were four years old and we had put together this easter weekend and during that easter weekend we were going to give away 5 000 eggs for the kids in our church and the kids in the community our church was i think three or four years old and so we had these 5 000 eggs and we were going to well i got up in the helicopter to drop them drop them our churches on the east side of oklahoma so we thought it was going to be pretty awesome hey we're going to put this get in this helicopter and i'm going to drop these eggs and all of our kids are going to have a phenomenal time we had about 100 to 150 gold eggs that had uh computers in them or jordans or some type of some type of big gift that members had purchased but a kid had to get the gold egg so we had stayed there that night filling all these eggs got there early that morning and continued to fill the eggs and then we put them on uh in buckets because we wanted to make sure that we could dump the eggs or i could dump the eggs so we were in the church early that morning and i walked outside and my wife says hey you might ought to come out here and take a look i didn't think it was going to be no more than a couple of hundred kids when i walked outside the whole side of town was shut down it was thousands of kids and immediately i panicked because i didn't know what to do there was nothing i could do there was thousands of kids thousands of parents and we only had about a hundred baskets to give away the kids so we were in the place to where kids were fighting for basket was probably the the worst easter ever in the history of church kids are fighting parents are cussing because they don't have enough we don't have enough it was an invasion kids from everywhere we were given free haircuts we didn't have enough barbers to cut everybody's hair it was a terror it was a massive invasion i didn't know what to do i was almost embarrassed i wanted to get on the radio and tell people i apologize we were just trying to serve a few people but it was so many people it ended up being one of the worst easter's ever because of the invasion that's what's happening in this text in this text there was an invasion there's an invasion of a battle of kings and i i even questioned the text because i want to know how would god drop this invasion right in the middle of abraham and lot going separate ways it's almost like two different stories going on at the same time we got an invasion of kings and then we've got a story that's completely separate from this kingly abruption of this war that's taking place and then here we are with two men that are standing together that are getting ready to walk away from each other it doesn't match i'm trying to figure it out how is this happening we've got two guys one that's walked with another and this guy is being told that he's made the worst mistake in his life because he's attached somebody named lot to him and god is telling him i need you to leave leave your kindred leave your family but he brings this kid named lot with him and simultaneously while they're having this conversation when they get to a point where they've gotten so much money and so much cattle now they've got to separate the text says that they both had become so wealthy they become wealthy and now the ground could not sustain the two of them so they're having a conversation and abram teaches us something so clear he teaches us conflict management with people that we love as we go into this story you're going to find out that in this text it's interlaced with family problems it's interlaced with bad decisions moving all through the fabric of this text you're going to see how a man who could not have kids and how a man who was had a father that modeled fatherhood had to have this young man in his life but at the same time while they're doing this conversation there's a war going on completely opposite of what's happening here we're trying to have peace and they're trying to take peace two completely opposite pieces pre-israelite structure and now we have a secular war going on now let me go over to the secular war at this particular time you've got nine kings i want to show you them on the screen you've got nine kings that have been ruling you've got four on the top side king afrail and then you have king aryak now i'm not the best at names all right so don't y'all start laughing at me all right king ketta and then you've got king title all right these are four kings and king kettle more or murr he is like the top king he's the big dog and these other three have come with him and created this alliance all right then you have these five on the bottom bearer bersha shanab and she member and zore you've got these five on the bottom and they happen to be what would be called vasel kings or vasel kingdoms their kingdoms are smaller and they're supposed to serve the ones that are up top but what happens here is the ones that are on bottom and if you see you will see sodom and gomorrah those two have rallied these other three together and as they rally these three together they have decided that they wanted to be rebellious okay so they rebelled against the four so now you have the battle of the nine kings and i'm trying to figure out why would god drop the battle of the nine kings on us and then on the other side you got two men one that's seeking your glory trying to find where he's going and then you gotta battle at the same time so as i begin to look at it and i begin to study it i begin to examine as they sit there and they're trying to figure out what's next this tells me that we have to invest outside of our faith and you need to hear that because most of us are only trapped within the circle of church and we don't investigate outside of our faith we don't study what's going on in the world we don't look at what's happening in our communities until it's almost too late here's a man that's given a choice and he says you and i cannot stay together so in order for us to survive we have to separate and in order for us to separate you first got to understand this that separation is not necessarily us uh disassociating with each other we're just going to disconnect for a season and so as we disconnect it's important for you to understand that when you decide you want to leave a thing or you want to start over in a thing that you investigate what's going on outside of church what's going on outside of your word now i'm not telling you that the bible's not important and i'm not telling you that prayer is not important but what i'm telling you is that when lot chooses the plane of jordan he has no clue that it's under attack he has no clue that his choice is connected to a major consequence because all he sees is that it's green and that it's watery and it looks like god's garden and so he cannot see it because he's all wrapped up in what it looks like it is amazing how you can miss a potential threat because of how it's dressed isn't it amazing how you can fall for something that will cause you to lose everything because of how it looks and you don't do your due diligence to invest outside of prayer to invest outside of worship to invest outside of sunday school to invest outside of your prayer to invest outside of your praise and worship you're so caught up in here that you don't investigate what's going on out there you have to investigate outside of your faith and because he doesn't the text tells us that he moves to the outside skirts of of of sodom and the whole time he's moving there it's under attack the bible says that the four kings made war with the five kings the four kings made war with the five kings so this alliance that comes together you see a confederacy of five then you see a confederacy of four the confederacy of four comes up against the confederacy of five but we don't see this happening in the text all we know is that they made war when they made war it was strategic it was strategy it was them sitting down talking about tactics why am i talking about this because while you dancing the enemy is dealing with somebody with tactics while you're shouting the enemy is dealing with somebody about tactics and strategies while you're in here running around and while you're in your house just leaping up and down the enemy is trying to put together strategy because if he can just keep you busy dancing and you're not investigating come on i know somebody's mad at me right now you say no i'm just going to pray i'm just going to and i want you to pray and i want you to shout but you've got to investigate what's going on in the world around you it is critical type it on the line i must investigate what is going on around me it is so critical that we do that so here he is they are at the point of making war he's just made peace and he's moving because of how it looks but he has not investigated and so when he moves to this place he feels wonderful but the whole time the leaders are operating in rebellion the bible calls rebellion as witchcraft isn't it amazing that we can be with people who rebel against authority and feel like that is the perfect match why would you want to connect yourself with someone who loves to rebuttal authority but he doesn't know that because he is caught up with how he looks let me go further he's caught up with what it looks like well what does that mean pastor for him you gotta look at lot's situation lot's father died in another city called iran so when he died actually he died in her and his and his grandfather named tara took them and begin to move out of er and to move into haran so if you look at terran who takes lot abraham sarah and his brother and he moves them as he moves them you have to see what abraham sees and you have to see what lot sees abraham is being is being taught how to be a father abraham is watching his dad raise his son's son and so now lot is no longer sitting in the seat of a nephew lot is sitting in the seat as a son but then abraham is sitting here as a son watching his father treat his nephew like an equal so as he looks at him and as they grow through time there was a different type of affection that comes across to abram because abram is learning fatherhood through his father now i want to park there because i believe that there are some of you that may be like me and maybe like some others that that model didn't quite look like that so you had to become the model on your own or you had to learn the model you made a lot of mistakes trying to figure it out but i want to encourage you that it's okay you can create the new model but this is what is happening to this young man he is watching his dad model fatherhood and of course you know the story abram's wife she can't have children so he's vulnerable to have a child well this helps me understand why abram then would take lot with him when god says leave your kindred and go to a place where i want to send you because at first i was doing like everybody else a lot what don't you understand leave him you don't need to bring him but the model that he saw was based off of his father seeing his son die and the granddaddy took lot and made him his so abram has a model that teaches him how to continue to care regardless of what is happening and his vulnerability exposes him and says you know what come and he takes care of him now his name lot's name means uh to cover or envelop or envelope so the whole time that lot has been living this life he's been covered covered by his grandfather who happens to be his father because that he died and then when abram leave now he's covered by abram even though he's his uncle by blood he's taking care of him and covering him like a father and so abram's not going to leave him behind he keeps him covered well what does that mean what does that have to do with anything because when we see lot choose the plane of jordan over what what abram decides to choose think about it one is already established and one has to be created and for someone that's been covered and for someone that has been cared for and for someone who has lost a loved one at an early age he has a drawing to things that are already settled not necessarily things that need to be made he doesn't have what abram has abram has the faith to step out and it's imputed to him unto righteousness because he believes god so he leaves and he steps out and he obeys god but lot is not necessarily obeying god lord is walking with someone who has him covered so when abram says listen the land is true it's not enough for us i've got too much you've got too much and in order for us to survive we're going to have to disconnect but not disassociate we're going to have to disconnect we're going to have to separate if you go left i'll go right if you go right i go left one has to be chosen for the other one to be activated so when he says left to right right or left it's not necessarily if it's east or west or north or south is you choose a way and i'll go the opposite and so when you look through lots lens lots of lenses i can be covered over there i can be carried over there if i decide to go this way there's nothing i got to build it i've never built anything on my own i've never i don't even know what that looks like i've never been by myself even when my father passed it was you who took care of me so if we're going to have to split let me go this way and he makes a choice that walks him into an attack that he does not know is coming and i am here to tell some of you i've done it i made a choice of how it looked and i walked into a rebellion i walked into an attack that i didn't know was coming because i did not investigate outside of my faith and i'm not talking about investigating you know the belief systems i'm talking about an awareness about what is going on outside of what i do am i aware and because he is not aware watch this the text teaches us that he camps outside the city but later on in the text the bible says that he was in the city he lived in the city now what does that mean we have to be careful that our environment and our nature is somewhat compatible we have to understand that our nature is just as or more important as the environment because if you're not careful if your nature is not disciplined your environment will discipline it for you this is how you can have a man that can go somewhere and has no principles and when he ends up in that environment that environment will turn into his principles he will adapt to a system because he has not placed a system on himself and because his nature had not necessarily had structure outside of his covering he got closer to the city and he got closer to the city and he got closer to the city because the environment drew him in and i'm talking to somebody right now you went to college and you didn't structure your nature i'm talking to somebody right now that moved to a completely different city and you didn't structure your nature and every time you visited somewhere the environment influenced your nature and because you never pruned yourself never made sure that you kept things in line the environment begin to draw you in we have to be careful that our nature becomes disciplined because if it is not your surroundings your friends your environment will train you to be who you would never suppose to be and you will wake up three days later four days later two months later and realized you are not who you were when your parents dropped you off at college you're not who you were when you moved across state somewhere along the line you lost yourself because you didn't put structure to your nature it happens all the time there must be structure to your nature so here we are we've got this thing going where he's being drawn in to the city as long as he was on the outside of the city he stood a chance to being able to being able to escape when the attack actually hit but because his nature was not disciplined and he got drawn into the environment he got sucked into the attack how many of you right now i'm trying not to holler i've been drawn into the attack all because you just wanted to go one time all because you just wanted to go over all because you just wanted to spend the night all because you just wanted to stay a little bit later all because you thought it was just okay to do it one time all because you felt like well i can get away with it once or twice and once or twice became a habit and i have it became an addiction and addiction almost puts you in the grave because there was no discipline to the nature and so now here we are he's in sodom he and abram have disconnected and i need to park there for a second because some of you can't move forward because of how you interpret disconnection or separation this connection does not mean disassociation disassociation is a severing disconnection is a separating now some of you got to understand you're going to have to disconnect from certain people in order to go where it is that you need to go but when i have to disassociate myself from you that means i really almost hate i ever met you that means i don't really want my name even brought up with your name that simply means you and i do not have a future there was no reason for the two of us even come together and i probably don't even want to see you again some of you hurt so bad when you separate that you define it in your spirit as disassociation and so when you see people you feel a wound automatically because you don't know how to let go but that's not true when you disassociate we will have a wound because when you rip the two of us apart both of us have a scar from where we were once attached but when we disconnect we both are saying it is best for us to walk away from each other so that we can still survive and some of you are going to have to make that decision before 2021 comes some people you are going to have to disconnect from or separate from and then there are some you are going to have to be cut severely from you make that decision abram goes to where he said he's going to go over in canaan and he camps out over in memory and he has a couple of brothers that he's parked with and he lives his life and the last time he sees lot they disconnect and lot chooses the more fertile ground he's in the city doing his thing and as he's doing his thing there's an attack that happens now look at the tension in the text because everybody was doing the thing in sodom the scripture says that sodom was very evil it was very wicked it was a place where everybody allowed their nature to rule in the environment so the environment and the nature look the exact same and we have our guy that is sucked into the middle and now we've got this battle of the nine kings happened at the same time look at how it all merges together that if we have no understanding of what's going on in the world sometimes the world will swallow us up just think about it if we weren't connected to the media find out what was going on with cope 19 and we're still having church just think about that we're not connected and we don't understand what's happening we're not paying any attention to what's going on globally we're not paying attention to what's going on with the elections we're not paying any attention but we're shouting but we're dancing we cannot be that way we must be well informed so because he's not well informed he's in there cooking cleaning having a good time and the whole time that's happening there's an attack the people are partying they're having a good time and the whole time that's happening there's an attack their kids out in the front yard their kids out of the backyard and the whole time that's happening there's an attack they're sitting down at dinner they're talking about what it was like yesterday and today and we're having a wonderful time sweetheart there's an attack somebody's coming home from work talking to their spouse on the phone talking about how much he loves them and how much they miss him and the whole time there's an attack they're not paying attention because they don't know that what they are under the king who is rebellious has caused an allegiance of kings to come up against their city and in the moment when they're least expected there's an attack there's an attack there's an attack there's an attack there's an attack and when he comes upon him the scripture says that they take everything they take the goods they take the people they take all of their goods they take all of the provisions the bible says that they took it who am i talking to right now that's been under attack and things have been taken from you your joy has been taken from you your peace has been taken from you some of your money has been taken from you even some of your spouses have been taken from you some of your children have been taken from you you were under attack it caught you off guard and you lost it they took it they took it he took it it was taken and the bible says they took a lot too they took everything and as they take it they gather everything these kings and they make their way out they took it the bible says and went their way that mean they didn't think twice about it they took it and went their way i don't know who i'm talking to right now but somebody has been taken advantage of they took advantage of you and went their way they had their way with you and went their way hurt your children and went their way tried to rob you and went their way and you were stuck taken have you ever been in a place where even your fight wasn't good enough see i don't believe that they were necessarily taken off guard but what i do believe is that the guard was even taken yeah i'm talking about when you're ready to defend yourself but even your readiness isn't good enough i'm talking about when you know you're powerful enough to defend yourself but you ain't got enough power and you have to make the conscious decision do i fight or do i just try to hold on so i can survive because if i fight they're gonna kill me but if i survive i may be able to come up with a plan i'm talking to somebody right now that is surviving you've been trying to figure it out you stopped swinging you stopped fighting you stopped trying to figure it out you stopped swinging you stopped fighting and you're just hanging there trying to see will anybody come and get me does anybody even see me does anybody know that i'm missing and in your mind you're having to wrestle with i wasn't even supposed to be here i was camped outside of the city and had i stayed where i was i wouldn't be caught up but now i'm too deep into it to get out of it is anybody here come on know what i'm talking about take it pastor you never gave me the topic of the lesson the topic of the lesson is i got a lot on my mind i'm talking to those of you right now you got a lot on your mind you're trying to figure it out i got a lot on my mind abram yeah i feel that turn it up some i feel it i feel it i feel that i feel it i feel the portals open abram is at home and this is the same abram now you got to hear this this is the same abram in a few chapters earlier that has his wife sarah and because of the drought they go down into egypt and when they get to egypt he leans over and tells his wife when we get there you got to tell them that you're my sister because they're going to kill me so when we get there please don't tell them i'm your husband because this won't be well for you and it won't be well for me so he lies and they take sarah several cassettes so beautiful and they give him all of this all these cows and these oxen because of how pretty she is and then the bible says that god gave pharaoh a dream he taught he tormented that king and the king woke up and said why didn't you tell me that this was your wife take everything and get out now this shocks me because when we get to the point to where i'm talking about now abram doesn't respond in fear he responded in fear when he went to egypt but when somebody ran from captivity and said there's a war going on in sodom and they took everything and they took lot too and when they said they took lot too something struck him and we don't see him saying i'm afraid the bible says that he wouldn't got his allegiance of brothers and he wouldn't got 300 and trained men and said we're riding out because we've got to go get him and this solves a problem for some of you right now god said i'm sending somebody to get you out of your dilemma somebody to get you out of your circumstance i'm sending somebody that's not afraid i'm sending somebody that's going to behave in courage i'm sending somebody that says i'm on my way [Music] the question is will you come get me if they take me you come get me if they take everything i have oh my god and abraham saddles up we've got three allegiances now we've got the five kings we've got the four kings and now we've got a king named abram who has no title he saddles up and he takes his coalition of brothers with him and the bible says at night glory to god that they begin to divide themselves and this is the same man that was afraid in egypt that has now put strategy to a circumstance and says i'm going to divide myself because i have a lot on my mind and i'm on my way to pick him up i'm on my way to bring him back there is no way you're going to take what god told me to protect and i not fight for it [Music] bible says that he gets there [Music] and not only does he take lot he takes everything oh yeah type that on the line everything if you have enough faith to believe that you can get everything i want you to write it down right now everything i mean everything he's going to give it back everything i feel that thing in my spirit turn that organ up and give him my everything praise god's going to give you back everything god's going to allow you to come get everything everything that you need everything that you lost god sending a warrior that has enough of anointing enough courage enough power enough strategy to say i'm on my way and i'm not just going to leave empty-handed i'm going to leave with you i'm going to leave with your stuff i'm going to leave with everything that you were taken from i'm on my way the bible says he gets it and he brings them back i'm gonna leave you with this i read a study and in the study they were asking is there a difference between the phrase in my mind and on my mind and i thought the study was interesting and when i read the final results it says there's not that much difference but the difference is this when a thing is on your mind it is an obsessive thought it is a thought that preys on your thinking process compared to worry causes you to be afraid to even ask certain questions because what you think is a lot to others you think is probably too little and then there was the phrase in my mind or in mind and they said when you look at the phrase in mind in mind simply means this that it is above thinking it is higher thinking it is planned out thinking it is strategic thinking so it vaccinates between the two and what am i telling you why did i even bring that up because as you live this life you won't live in one or the other you're going to live in both there will be things that are on your mind that keep you from doing what you have in mind and then there are things that you have in mind that you won't do because of what you have on your mind so your job tonight is to learn how to manage the shift from what you have in mind and things that are on your mind i don't want you to spend another night in worry and i don't want you to spend another night trying to figure out if it's going to work it out what i want you to do is learn how to move back and forth how to prepare and how to plan and how to strategize because this is what abram had in mind i'm going to get him i'm going to bring him back had he been worried he wouldn't have been able to divide himself because he was already been in pieces and my job tonight is to pray for your mind i want you to lift your hands where you are [Music] and i want you to begin to say lord touch my mind type it on the line right now lord touch my mind touch my mind touch my mind father i thank you and i give you glory i give you praise i give you honor i bless your name my mind it stayed on you my mind belongs to you my mind is not out of control i will not lose my mind my mind came from you my mind is blessed my mind is wonderfully made my mind is built to last my mind is wonderful my mind is the strategic my mind is strong my mind is yours my mind can make it my mind can take it i am a peaker i'm not a wanderer i'm a planner i'm strategic i have the courage to fight it through no weapon formed against my mind shall prosper i will rise to the standard i will become who you call me to be my mind belongs to god [Music] father i thank you for the transformation of the mind but you said be not conformed to this world but be transformed [Music] by the renewing of our minds and i believe that i'm talking to a renewed mind right now if that's you i want you to lay your hand on your mind and say lord renew my mind that's it come on renew my mind that's it [Music] renew my mind that's it come on yay renew my mind i feel it i feel the renewing come on renew my mind oh come on church renew my mind yay renew my mind and i bless the lord for everything that you had on your mind that you learned how to shift and manage from on and in [Music] i pray that you were blessed tonight if you don't know the lord and you want to be saved tonight call that 1-800 bishop too tell them i want to be saved i want jesus to be my lord and savior and if you just need prayer call them and tell them i need to be prayed there's an attack on my mind i have a lot on my mind and i don't want to deal with this anymore i want to learn how to strategize i want to learn how to come back from it i want to learn how to organize this is your season and this is your time if you're just joining right now i want you to sow a seed and you missed us in our opportunity to give i want you to make sure that you sow you can text wnbs to 28950 and i want you to sow a seed tonight sew it sew it it's time to flourish in your mind wednesday night i love you we will see you sunday morning with bishop jakes [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 74,618
Rating: 4.9050131 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, god renew my mind, a lot on my mind
Id: c3ohW-gB-yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 39sec (2859 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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