The Fallen Dark Angels EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the Dark Angels were the greatest Legion hands down they had deep rich lore the line is a chef's kiss and they were powerful as hell literally horus's Boogeyman hence why send them across the Galaxy and then sent the night Lords to slow them down rather than attempting to Ambush and kill them at the start of the heresy however for all their Glory victories and power they have a very dark secret a secret that has actually made the modern day Dark Angels quite pathetic that secret been the Fallen Angels close to half of the Dark Angel Legion who betrayed the lion the interesting thing about the Fallen as they are called is that they are not necessarily Trader Marines or have to have interesting chaos most of them are actually still kind of loyal to the emperor and the ideals of the Imperium however with some convoluted law a bit of chaotic influence and the lion having bad social skills the dark angel Legion was fractured putting the lion into a 10 000 year coma and destroying the Dark Angels Homeworld of caliban it's all very messy but quite fun and definitely worth the next 10 minutes or so of your life before we get started yes I've been missing for a week because YouTube banned me for a week the reason was Timmy see Timmy has been gone for a while now but the little [ __ ] keeps haunting me on a four-year-old video I made I went especially hard on little Tim Tim which YouTube considered to be cyber bullying and harassment towards a minor even though Timmy is a 30 year old fictional man who has zero testosterone hence he never appeared to grow up as you can imagine The Purge of Timmy from old videos has begun as no joke is worth losing my entire income job and livelihood over in the meantime if you guys are looking for ways to support the channel then the best bet is the major minis or the patreon today we'll go over the law of the Fallen at detailing why they turned against the lion what they did and where they are now oh let's get into it to uncover the truth of this loyalty Fiesta we've got to go back to the beginning back to caliban which is the only planet that could compete in deadliness level to catachan kaliban was a beautiful and lush world verdant forests clear skies and demonic beasts that would Massacre the populace see caliban had been [ __ ] blasted by warp energy in the past which mutated a decent amount of its fauna into semi-chaotic beasts to combat literal genocide the people of caliban created the nightly orders brave men and women who would ride out and hunt down the beasts or at least protect villagers as they still maintained basic technology like firearms and low-level power armor they were able to hold back the beasts but never really Triumph the reason why I'm mentioning this is because caliben Loki being a chaos corrupted world is important and is directly tied to the creation of the Fallen after Millennia of beasts and the Knights more or less being stalemated Primark Lionel Johnson's capsule crash landed into the forests of caliban forever altering the planet's Destiny now the lion did eat a bit of [ __ ] with these Landing site he was deep in Beast territory so the dude literally grew up punching on with three-headed tigers that shot acid out of their dick holes eventually he was recovered by the legendary Knight Luther who would also go on to become the founder of the Fallen Luther adopted the lion and taught him to be the night he is today first as a father then his brother together they are unstoppable they brought the nightly orders together and purged caliban of the beasts Luther was a legend in his own right shining bright despite the shadow cast by the lion they were inseparable and this trend continued even when the emperor arrived and took the line into the gray Crusade however this is where [ __ ] went to [ __ ] in one of the early campaigns the Dark Angels took on a world that had secretly Fallen to slanesh as a part of their ruse the [ __ ] snuck a nuclear warhead onto the Lion's Flagship which Luther discovered however a deep repressed jealousy within Luther made him hesitate if he left the ship let the nuke go off and kill the lion then he would be the greatest of the Dark Angels the legion would be his and the Lion's Shadow would be forever gone see Luther was a one in a billion guy without the line he still would have changed caliben forever likely achieving a great victory over the beasts and been forever known but the lion is a one and a sextillion to the power of my [ __ ] kind of guy so Luther felt like he had been robbed of his chance of Glory zahariel a dark angel librarian also discovered the nuke at a similar time to when Luther changed his mind and decided to help get rid of it the two Dark Angels ejected the nuke saving the lion and the dark angel High command another lion never knew exactly what happened neither Luther nor zahariel told anyone about Luther's moment of spurginess however the lion is known for his instincts so while he does suck at dealing with people or picking up on social cues his gut usually leads him on the right path you know except for that one time he got tricked into giving pretorubo super weapons that were then used to devastate loyalist forces but yeah nobody's perfect so following his gut the lion banished Luther zahariel and a number of other studies both Terran and calvinite back to caliban under the pretense of training more Dark Angels for the legion this deeply upset Luther and as time went on despite many many new Dark Angels being created and sent off to join the legion Luther became ever more resentful as less and less communication came from the fleet eventually the name Luther stopped being spoken amongst the Dark Angels under the command of the lion and he was more or less forgotten on caliban Luther did what he was ordered to with extreme Effectiveness the Dark Angels became one of the largest Legions however it wasn't sunshine and Rainbows in Paradise caliban's culture and Forest were being torn down to make a room for Imperial settlements and mechanicus Manufacturing the very soul of the world was being cut down tree by tree the lion wasn't a super sentimental guy so he didn't really give a [ __ ] but for Luther this was terrible at a similar time a rebellion from the disgruntled nightly orders of old combined with the cast demon at the heart of the world that was waking up made [ __ ] real cooked Luther fell into a deep depression as chaos began to infect his mind with doubt with everything that was happening Luther decided that the line had abandoned them and didn't give a [ __ ] about them on top of that caliban was getting turbo raped by the imperium's industry and it seemed as if the demon of caliben was actually getting summoned by terran-born Sorcerers Luther convinced himself that if the Imperium ever came back to caliban they would see it as a lost cause and destroy the world so when Horus began the heresy Luther quietly seceded caliban from the Imperium with the support from most of the Dark Angels with him the Dark Angels who he had trained and raised Dark Angels who had never even seen the lion the idea was that he would defend caliban during the heresy and wait to see who would emerges the Victor then he would treat with him but attempt to maintain caliban's Independence now unlike most times people go full [ __ ] and betray the Imperium Luther and his Fallen weren't these blood-crae psychos they arrested Imperial officials and commanders and even showed Mercy to Dark Angels that weren't on board imprisoning them instead I mean you know at least initially it got a bit more [ __ ] up later on they didn't just become a chaos cult and start masturbating with sandpaper or some cooked [ __ ] like that at they also had pretty good justification Luther and zahariel had saved the line from the nuke and the reward was banishment and Exile the Imperium was also stripping caliban bear literally destroying their world it's important to note that Luther also wasn't this evil mastermind he was upset misguided and was being subtly nudged by the corruption within caliban he never really meant things to go this far it's by far my favorite law regarding people turning from the Imperium some of the Fallen were embracing chaos others were loyal to the emperor but not the lion some were just loyal to Luther and caliban there was definitely not a united front which created a lot of cool personal and ideological conflicts eventually [ __ ] does get out of hand as a loyalist chapter returns from the fleet to kaliban and is killed by Luther and his Fallen damaging caliban in the process some Fallen including zahariel actually leave caliban to help the legendary duck and your core Swain and the Loyalists protect terror further compounding the confusions and complexities of the fallen's motives literally only the alpha legion's motives are more convoluted by the time the lion returns to caliber after the end of the siege of Terror Luther is too far gone and fires planetary defense weapons at the Lion's Fleet the lion rages and attacks in turn and Jules Luther who has become a cow's Champion by this point wounding his old Mentor and brother however the line hesitates before the kill allowing Luther to lash out with power and wound the lion but then the same [ __ ] happens Luther cannot bring himself to kill his adoptive son and brother so in a fit of rage the chaos Gods remove the power given to Luther and they create a warp Vortex on caliban sucking thousands of fallen into the warp with the line being taken to the safety of the Rock by the watches in the dark whilst Luther is taken by the loyalist Dark Angels Luther is ashamed of himself his guilt-breaking his sanity he sees the Folly of what he did wounding the lion bringing about the destruction of caliban and dealing with chaos the joke went too far he was then locked within the bowels of the rock meanwhile the thousands of other Fallen that have been sucked into the warp storm will periodically spat out at different times some were spat out decades later others centuries or even Millennium some are yet to appear 10 000 years later as I said the Fallen were not unified under one philosophy some of the Fallen fell to chaos others think chaos is Uber gay so they've just become Renegades or mercenaries others even seek out the Dark Angels to repent their sins and face execution the loyalist Dark Angels see the Fallen as their greatest shame and have directed most of their resources into keeping their existence a secret and hunting them out they feel as if the only way to atone for their sins is to capture every single Fallen have them repent their sins and then execute them this has turned modern day Dark Angels into a bit of a sad meme as they will abandon warzone's mid-battle if they get a whiff of a fallen somewhere else for his part Luther has been sitting in that jail cell for ten thousand years asking for the alliance forgiveness in fits of insanity sometimes he does become lucid and regains his mind for a Time usually when an especially chatty Dark Angels chapter Master is promoted and visits him often however the truth of the Fallen that being life isn't black and white and that they had justifications can be too much for a loyal dark angel with chapter Master mortar and blowing his own brains out in front of Luther after having a manic fit with the opening of The Great Rift a demonic horde invaded the rock which allowed Luther to escape it is said that he is now marshaling the Fallen to him forming a large army but his motives are still unknown my theory is that upon the Lion's imminent Awakening he will unite the loyalist Dark Angels back into a legion which Luther will then confront with his Fallen Army instead of battling however Luther will pledge the service and allegiance of the Fallen to the lion creating the most powerful Army in the entire setting and setting up the lion and his reformed Dark Angel Legion as one of the most powerful forces in the Galaxy I'm sure it won't go super smoothly but I doubt the line is going to awaken just to have Dark Angels vs fallen 2 Electric Boogaloo now a few of you are probably wondering why I haven't mentioned Cipher who after Luther is the most famous of the Fallen well that's because life is law is literally Alpha Legion plus level of confusing especially since there's been like three or four ciphers and half of those have been loyal and the other half have been fallen and we don't even know the current Cipher's real identity is that zahariel is a core Swain is it omegon so I refer you to my dedicated Cipher video where we do a bit more of a deep dive into the character and his relation to the Fallen I just hope to [ __ ] God that GW doesn't go full [ __ ] mode and turn the fallen into another cow's faction ruining all of their carefully crafted nuance and complex motives in the process if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be or there is not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai for only one dollar but also a bunch of live-action nude cosplay shots hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more Fallen content join the score for more memes on Austria on the next one peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 204,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: Bec4vK27d0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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