Why Didn't Sauron Use the Balrog Middle Earth Lore 1

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are you a tolken fan if yes then at least once you probably would have thought why didn't Sauron use the Bal roog why didn't Sauron enlist these powerful enemies in his army of evil why did he not build the ultimate dream Squad of villains hey I know you're thinking it we can feel you however we too gave these questions a thought and came up with some theories so if you want to find out if our theories align with yours stay tuned till the end of this video and let's begin during the last phase of the third age Middle Earth was at its most robust stage apart from saurons and pending minice two other prominent Figures were creating waves at the moment these figures are the dragon smog who was relaxing in the comfort of the lumely mountain and the bow Rog who was hiding in moriah's shadowy depths think for a moment if these three powerful players could have never played together did that seem like a ridiculous idea to get the answer to this question question Let's Travel far back in time to the beginning of Middle Earth to unravel this mystery back in the first age everything was set up for a Titanic battle between the forces of good and the ultimate villain melor the war of Wrath was an enormous conflict similar to a cosmic Battle Royal and you know what melor vanished into the vacuum never to be seen again as good Triumph can you recall that a few of Mel cor's goons were able ble to get past the guards those annoying little troublemakers the Orcs found a method to hide and continue wreaking havoc but what about the dragons you think except for one rebellious individual who chose to stay behind they all fled North in a breath and then there is the bow Rog Durance Bane a fiery Lieutenant of melor after evading capture this cunning individual went into hiding to wait for an unknown amount of time while following mcor's humiliation saon the chief antagonist of the first age was able to elude capture Sauron chose to hide rather than face the music with the superiors most likely out of fear of receiving a severe reprimand from them this devious action signaled the beginning of his comeback tour and laid the groundwork for the turmoil that characterized the third age the dragons and the bow Rog were not to be found throughout the second age when Sauron Was preparing his spectacular comeback they were most likely off on their own keeping quiet while everyone else was preoccupied with other matters as the second age ended Sauron suffered a serious blow he was kicked out of his flashy Corporal form and lost his valuable one ring but he would not stay down like a lousy Penny his soul persisted Reviving gradually and steadily although it took him an entire millenum he eventually returned to activity in the third age establishing himself in Dole goldor while being extremely discreet about his presence our fiery friend the bog on the other hand had been hibernating since the first age and had taken sanctuary in the Misty Mountains surprisingly bog was conveniently raised by its former Lord melore the strange nameless things though through some hidden corridors were able to keep the balog hidden from the outside world and send him into a long Slumber however in 1980 during the third age some inquisitive dwarves while conducting some Excavating in the mountains discovered its Hiding Place let's just say that it's not a good idea to wake up a balro from its beauty nap it destroyed the dwarves and seized control of their ancient Kingdom after unleashing its wrath on them the balog is a dangerous threat that lurks in Mariah and Sauron is the main antagonist of the third age was saon aware of this flaming being yes that's pretty plausible let's see what actually happened when bog came into the picture an interesting image is painted by the chronology about a millennium after Sauron spectacular return to power in D gor the balog awoke from its Slumber Sauron was not just sitting about doing anything during that Century instead he was hard at work reassembling his army and capturing Nazgul the easterlings and the Orcs it's likely that he finally learned of the balog's Awakening even if he may not have been aware of it at first ultimately the IR ring neighbor's nasty Awakening could not have escaped the Orcs residing in Mariah the true Puzzler though is how come Sauron didn't try to team up with the balog right now that seems like a legit doubt especially after the white Council unexpectedly turned up to his do goldor party which made him quickly withdraw to Mordor at this critical juncture coalitions may have changed the course of the conflict Sauron may have had a significant Advantage by forming an alliance with the ballog which would have allowed him to trample through locations like loran or reak Havoc at the Lonely Mountain this question is not just all there is more to ponder it begs the question of whether Sauron possessed the necessary skills to manipulate the bow Rog you see they are both Meyers with a lot of power from the same Cosmic Club although Sauron possessed a considerable amount of power the most alarming aspect is that he invested much of it in the One Ring which he did not yet possess could he then subdued the bog that is a question worth considering however without a doubt saon was an expert manipulator what about the bow Rock though it was such a natural force a primordial being fed by both darkness and fire was Sauron able to shape it to suit his needs or would the balog have roasted him for lunch and laughed in his face the question is would Salon have gained any advantage by controlling the bog even if he had been able to do so well the the answer to that is yes it would have been a formidable friend but we must remember that the balog was a wild card a destructive force attempting to control that Beast might have resulted in a spectacular failure for saour on losing the one ring was a serious setback this implied that he could no longer demonstrate his Supremacy over strong entities such as the bog you see he sent his minions to demand the Loyalty of the dwarves when he dealt with them and that was not an option however with the balod without his Priceless ring saon lacked the strength to subdue a beast with the power of the bog so why then didn't he attempt to Ally with the balog yes we have many questions for the series but there are legit answers to them let's start by asking if the balog would ever choose to work with Sauron that's a nice question right well the balrog was officially employed by saon back in the first age when he was a much bigger figure however that was in the past when melor the ultimate villain controlled both of them but but now in Mariah the bog was in charge controlling its flaming territory why then would you give up all that power to work with saour on the problem with bogs is that they are somewhat mysterious bogs appear to be more interested in wreaking havoc for fun than certain other powerful figures such as Saruman who was all about moving up the power ladder they only enjoy causing Mayhem they are not interested in gaining power or fame for themselves therefore there is no assurance that bog would have been interested in a team up even if saon had extended an invitation it would be difficult to invite a tornado to a tea party for example so was the bow Rog something Sauron needed on his side to be honest the fans are not sure what about you do you have an idea although it would have been amazing to have a massive fiery creature on his side saon was no pushover furthermore it is possible that attempting to control a wild card like the Bal raw caused more problems than it was worth ultimately sa had to consider the advantages and disadvantages and determine if it was worthwhile for him to pursue the balog Not only was saon weak and unsure of the balog's reaction but there may have been more to his decision not to approach the bog about allying you see Sauron was no ordinary villain instead he was a crafty tactician an expert manipulator who gained knowledge from none other than his former boss melor thus he could have been hiding something in simple words the bow Rog was already helping sour on out by existing in its comfortable location in Moriah it was a pain in the sight of sauron's foes the elves humans and dwarves regardless of whether it actively helped Sauron or not it commanded a crucial region the worst part is that sauron's Ally the balrog did not instigate Mayhem among these Mutual enemies hey did you remember kazad the large dwarfen stronghold it was indeed taken over by the balog furthermore without it the dwarves were dispersed unable to ammount a strong defense against Sauron schemes so given that Sauron maintained a grudge against the dwarfs since their appearance to assist elron in the Battle of Aron it was a significant event for them but there is more to this story guarding one of their most important passageways through the Misty Mountains Mariah was not just any old castle and Mariah was like the last line of defense against the kadras which were already under orcat with another pass in the unlikely event that someone made it through the perilous Trek through karadas Mori awaited its own set of difficulties including deep snow violent storms and an unfavorable atmosphere now you'll be able to understand that saon and the bog didn't need to be friends whether it realized it or not the bog was already contributing to sauron's agenda ultimately it was probably less hazardous and easier to keep the bow Rog content in its flaming stronghold than to try to force it into an alliance therefore even though the Bal Rog was a powerful Ally there are instances when it's preferable to leave flaming monsters to sleep and take pleasure in the Mayhem they cause however it was difficult to navigate the Misty Mountains armies found it difficult to advance across the dangerous terrain which presented a problem for Sauron and other people who were keeping a watch out for Elrod of rivendell's possible threat particularly through the second age elron had a talent for giving Sauron headaches if Sauron decided to let his armies loose he could not take the chance of elron swooping in to help Gondor that is to say the balog's presence of Moriah effectively sealed off the Misty Mountains pass to go to Elrod for assistance one would have to travel to perilous cadra or encounter saruman's unwelcoming demeanor as he was unwaveringly loyal to team Sauron you might be wondering why Sauron chose to court the bog instead of seeking additional artillery in addition to being a control freak who detested seating control Sauron had a good sense of self-confidence glancing around he saw that aror had finished the dwarves were dispersed the elves were dwindling and Gondor was a ghost of its former self Sauron underestimated his opponent's tenacity and believed he had this entire Conquest thing under control Sauron believed he had the wind secured so why even bother allying with the balrog so here is the true and the most legitimate answer to this doubt it did not fit his Ambitions for dominance to share power the Flaming ancient monster and nobody knows what the balog's goals were later on it may choose to contest sauron's Dominion when the bow Rog was unintentionally helping Sauron by remaining still at Moriah why take the chance of provoking an adversary by upsetting it thus as with Shalom Saron left the balog alone similar to shelob the balog didn't precisely fulfill its role in sauron's elaborate plan leaving fire breathing monsters to sleep is sometimes the wisest course of action so this is what we have understood about the subject let us know what are your views on it share your opinions in the comment section below and if you enjoyed watching today's video don't forget to like share and subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Rings and Realms
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Keywords: lotr, gandalf, lord of the rings lore, middle earth, sauron, morgorth, fellowship of the ring, rings of power, battles, lore videos, moives & lore, youtube, arda, the lord of the rings, the ring of power, balrog of moria, lord of the rings, lord of the rings middle earth, history of Moria, lord of the rings misty mountains, orcs, realms unravelled, lore, nerd of the rings, Witch King, Ringwraiths, Wraiths lord of the rings, lord of the rings news, Treebeard, Morgoth, Melkor, Thor, Balrog
Id: wTCAAiaNX10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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