Lucifer Blacks EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl it seems like every race and faction in 40K is allowed to have their Uber Elite unit types the Elder have their solitaires or talks and icons the Orcs have their War bosses and the Space Marines have guys that don't wear helmets so what do the Guardsmen get tempesta Scions not bad but not enough to make me quiver in excitement no they get the Lucifer blacks an Elite Force of extremely skilled and over trained agents that represent the peak martial skill and intelligence that a mortal human could ever hope to achieve they were chosen as the secondary Gardens of the Imperial Palace and to this day they Remain the most feared and respected Guardsman regiment in the Imperium and yes they are technically a Guardsman regimen despite barely following any of the conventions of a regiment if I still haven't picked your interest a Lucifer black was able to get past a primark's guard in a melee Jewel and stab him in the chest something that even the best Space Marines can't manage before we get black with Lucifer you know those awesome cosplay calendars that I sold a little while ago well turns out there's a couple spare boxes of the 2022 version in A4 now that does make them quite outdated from a date keeping perspective but still very valid and Powerful for jerk and the gherkin to 12 professionally shot and edited cosplay photos featuring four or five if you include myself sexy models so I thought instead of committing sacrilege and binning these leftover calendars I thought I might as well list them for 60 off their original price tag and try and move them to a better place other than the garbage tip well that kind of discount this isn't about profit it's about preserving the Dignity of those cosplay models so if you missed out on the original calendars or thought they were too pricey then now's your chance I've had nothing but good feedback with a number of people emailing me being like dude I got this calendar but I never ordered it what's going on meaning that you funny cats and kittens have been anonymously sending these to your mates to mess with them I'm so proud sixty percent off guys and gals let's get these bad boys to a good home today I'll go over the Lucifer for blacks their Origins why they're so Elite and what they've been up to for the last 10 000 years or so let's get into it during the dawn of the Imperium many of the original Guardsman regiments were actually conquered armies of The Emperor's enemies that he was so impressed by that he allowed them to maintain their cultural name the Lucifer blacks were not amongst these regiments they had been loyal from the emperor from day one and served as his Elite mortal soldiers his special forces well just like most special forces they suffered very high casualty rates during the unification Wars and by the time Terror was United there was only a handful of them left instead of spending the time effort and resources rebuilding them into a full regiment the emperor had shifted his Focus to transhuman super soldiers like the Estates to most regiments this would have been a massive bummer but the Lucifer blacks were known for their ability to give absolutely zero [ __ ] they have no fear hesitation or hormone issues they are completely immune to transhuman dread that being the feeling of shock and fear normal Mortals get when in conflict with the studies custodies or primarks they will straight up happily charge headphones into a Primark if that is their orders with the Lucifer blacks decimated they moved from an on-field fighting force to a bunch of extremely Elite bodyguards that were to protect Fleet commanders High Lords or anyone important having a Lucifer black bodyguard was considered to be a massive Flex they were incredibly intelligent and perceptive able to sense threats to an almost Supernatural degree when John grammaticus a 1 000 year old Immortal super agent psycha who was geared up and trained by the most powerful Xeno organization in the Galaxy tried to infiltrate an expedition for its high command so that he could gain access to the alpha Legion and deliver a message it wasn't the alpha Legion he struggled with but the Lucifer blacks they were always nipping at his heels one of them even snuck up on him and attacked him while he was spying on a meeting the fight was intense with John Bailey overcoming the extremely resilient and skilled Lucifer Jon got real [ __ ] up from that fight and it almost completely ruined his mission this was just a no-name Lucifer the commander was able to deduce Jon's identity through meditation and and detective work which was an insane feat considering the web of lies and deceit John had spun to cover his own ass so why are the Lucifer so Elite well their War gear is top-notch utilizing black carapace armor over a deep woven mesh of anti-ballistic threads whatever the [ __ ] that means but it sounds impressive they use a combo of shock glaves as well as wildly sharp Sabers like so sharp that they can cut into Primark armor more on that in a bit they also have fully enclosed helmets with mirror advisors so you can't see what their faces are like however their Visage has been described as incredibly intimidating if they are sounding a bit like the custodies that's because they are more or less the human version of them similar skill set gear and Loadout they're just like [ __ ] custodies inferior in every way but then again pretty much everything is inferior to the Golden Banana boys although originally they were in ischian race regiment wherever the [ __ ] that is they are particularly drawn from one world or another more so they are selected from different worlds or even regiments based on their attitudes skills and badassery they are the kind of bodyguards that are present during confidential meetings so they have to be utterly reliable and able to keep a secret although they are kind of sounding like inquisitors inquisitors are a lot more fun open and creative Lucifer blacks on the other hand are like robots like CIA agents also as the inquisitors came after the heresy the Lucifers were genuinely the closest thing to inquisitors before the Inquisition was formed we are actually given a look at one of the origins of a Lucifer black Commander he grew up as a Child Soldier on a war-torn world leading his troops before he was even a real teenager with dozens of kills under his belt when the Imperium came they saw this war-hardened veteran child with extreme mental issues and zero empathy and they were like [ __ ] yes just to give an idea of the kind of people that become Lucifers onto their combat prowess any mortal man will always try to avoid conflict with the Lucifer trying to fight one is a death sentence even as studies find them impressive especially due to their resistance to transhuman dread when now fares had to murder an entire Imperial Expedition Fleet to maintain his cover he personally confronted the Lord general of the fleet an entire retinue of Lucifer blacks charged our forest without hesitation and whilst they did Massacre most of them without much drama their leader the Child Soldier I spoke of before was able to dodge parry and even get past how far is guard shoving his Long girthy Black Blade into alfiras's torso which drew blood unfortunately for the Lucifer primarks are kind of resistant to getting shanked so alfaria simply said that's all you get before cutting the Lucifer in half still though that's an insane achievement by the time our Faris started fighting this Lucifer he was the last one left so it wasn't like how fires was distracted and he got in a lucky shot to be fair to how far he is he certainly underestimated the Lucifer combined with the fact that alfaris is the physically weakest Primark as evident by him being the shortest getting killed by Dawn and the Jewel and sharing his Primark Essence with his twin omegon but regardless very good effort by the Lucifer there was a Terran Lord who was so influential that it was able to acquire a Lucifer black for not only himself but his entire family unfortunately for him this Lucifer was actually a sleeper agent for Horus as this Lord was a triple agent I.E he was a spy for Dawn who acted like a spy for Horus the Lucifer's job was to kill the Lord if he showed that he wasn't actually loyal to Horus as soon it was revealed that he was working for Dawn the Lucifer blew up the Lord then proceeded to try and blow up some infrastructure that would have killed a lot of people it took some serious ball breaking effort and a torn ACL from one of the greatest custodies to thwart this one Lucifer once again showing their capabilities now this does beg the question about their loyalty if they betrayed the Lord like this for Horus however it's not shown what occurred for the Lucifer to come into horace's service maybe he was always loyal to Horus got ordered to go to the Imperium as an agent and then watch over the Lord either way the custody had to work his ass off to stop him during the heresy a lot of Lucifers died protecting their various Lords and charges this combined with the overall Decay and Corruption of the Imperium after the last of the loyalist primarks vanished meant that the quality of the Lucifers dropped sharply they were thought of as signs of influence and power but as this period of time was quite peaceful I.E chaos had just gotten curb stomped needs necrons and towels weren't yet a thing and the Elder didn't want to touch Humanity with a 12-inch dildo there wasn't much need for a Lucifer to be intensely trained or given opportunities to get real-life combat experience because of this by the time the war of the Beast occurred they were little more than well-trained and equipped mercenaries that were used as political favors they were Shadows of their former selves despite this they still maintained a code of honor when it became clear that the high lord of the Imperium was a useless [ __ ] and a studies chapter Master declared he would replace him to deal with the orcam Menace the high Lord summoned his Lucifers and ordered them to arrest the chapter Master however that chapter Master had just broken his balls doing super heroic [ __ ] so the Lucifers changed Allegiance and served these studies for the remainder of the war sometime after this the very cheeky Grandmaster of the Imperial assassins decided to take power assassinating the other high Lords and putting puppets in their place in order to extend his influence further he disbanded the Lucifers removing them as the Mortal Guardians of the Imperial Palace and Bodyguards of Imperial Lords as he wanted that role to instead be occupied by assassins loyal to him he cited their inability to stop the harlequins from entering the palace during the war of the Beast which to be fair to the Lucifers those harlequins were killing custodies as well so what the [ __ ] are the Lucifer is going to do about it eventually the Lucifers were refounded and reformed returning to their original role of elite Guardians and not these political pawns or special agents in the current setting they are still around and still The Chosen mortal Guardians of the Imperial Palace their reputation was restored and is legendary throughout the Imperium to this day if you're wondering why these badasses don't have their own novels or aren't featured much after all this is probably the first time a lot of you are hearing about them it's because they have the personalities of quadriplegic vegetables like I said they are basically robots they don't banter joke or laugh they even admit that they have never told older joke in their lives sure this helps with the whole stoic about us intimidating bodyguard Vibe they've got going but it's [ __ ] appalling for entertainment reasons a book from the POV of a Lucifer black would be the most soulless [ __ ] imaginable if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then grab the 2022 calendar 60 off guys and girls let's get these bad boys to a good home hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more black content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 426,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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