What Did The Lion & The Dark Angels Do During The Horus Heresy? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the Horus heresy is one of the richest Series in terms of law ever created not just within Warhammer but all fictional settings dozens of books hundreds of characters and countless plot lines and epic moments that are all building towards a single final moment that changed the Galaxy forever we all know about it but with there been probably over like three million Warhammer 40K fans with even the best Horus heresy books being lucky to get close to 100 000 copies sold it seems as if 95 of us don't actually know what the [ __ ] happened during this wildly interesting era fortunately I've been crunching Horus heresy books like a depraved heroin addict and have gained a pretty solid understanding of the series they will only continue to increase so I thought the best way to explain the heresy series would be to highlight what each Legion did during it this means you get all the Primark and space ring content without all the filler humany content obviously I'm gonna start with the Dark Angels because they are the first Legion and always get bulk views but I do intend on diving into each and every Legion and boy can I say I'm so happy that the alpha Legion will last because the more I learned about these guys the more confused I get today we'll dive into what the lion and the Dark Angels got up to during the Horus heresy in the process we will uncover the origins of the meme that claims that the dark angel Legion are a bunch of Heretics now let's get into it foreign the Dark Angels start their tail in the far-flung corner of the Galaxy hence if it took them a while to get stuck into massacring Traders and being the galactic Boogeyman for anything with a horn or more than one [ __ ] see when Horace decided to go full jihadist mode and against the emperor he had a few years of pre-planning time he spent redirecting resources away from Loyalists and towards traitor Legions time spent positioning each Legion with where he wanted them this was a big reason why the Traders started off so well they had all the cards the one Legion Horus who didn't want to mess with however was the Dark Angels he knew that no Ambush or treachery no matter how spicy would defeat the Dark Angels they had insane weapons and technology that only they were allowed to use by order of the emperor though also the legion that got sent when something from a lovecraftian Horror Story needed to be put down for example in the Lion's Primark book he took on and overcame a 60 million year old god-like Xeno race and defeated them despite them being powerful enough to not only survive but also Thrive during the war in heaven compare that with fulgrim's Primark book where the empress children's Primark struggled to bring a low-tech human Imperial Wood into compliance and nearly died doing Soju to his own ego and you begin to see just how far above his brothers the lion was so Horus set the first Legion on a mission to the corner of the Galaxy with the hope that they would be slowed down enough for the traders to complete their main objectives so for the opening of the heresy the line was on the sidelines being like what the [ __ ] bro but that isn't quite the start of the dark Angel's heresy law they had two plot lines the first been what the lion and his Fleet were up to the second been what was happening on the Dark Angels Homeworld of caliban see a few decades before the heresy the lion would banish his second in command Luther the man who had found and adopted the line on caliben back home under the guise of boosting recruitment numbers this was because during an early compliance a hostile World smuggled a nuke on board the Lion's Flagship Luther found it and almost let it explode as if the lion died he would take charge of the Legion and no longer have to live in the Lion's Shadow but Common Sense prevail and Luther dispose of the bomb despite saving the Lion's life the lion felt something was off about what happened and he ordered Luther back to caliben Luther fulfilled the role of recruitment boosting with amazing results swelling the dark angel Legion numbers but over time he grew resentful not only at the Lion's abandonment but also because caliban was being slowly destroyed its beautiful forests and culture being torn down to make a room for industry that resentment would make fertile soil for the seeds of heresy to be sown when the lion first got winded the heresy he didn't quite understand the scope of it he thought that horus's ego and narcissism had driven him to foolishness and that he would be easily crushed Paving the way for the lion to become the new war Master it was this ignorance that resulted in the line giving pitarabo a traitor some insane Siege weapons he didn't know perty was a traitor at the time and he seriously regretted what he did but it was just one of many moments highlighting his lack of understanding of the situation the line was loyal to the emperor and the emperor alone and this initially when he heard that gillymen was mustering the loyalist forces to him he saw the ultramarine's Primark as just as big of a threat as Horus it also didn't help that the legion Horus sent to slow down the lion was the night Lords a legion that was barely using cowser had been corrupted hence the lion didn't actually learn about chaos and its involvement until much later on if the word bearers had instead been sent to slow him down he would have seen the corruption in evil sooner thus he would have persecuted the Traders with extreme prejudice rather than just kind of sitting back and following his own agenda while calling both Horus and G-Man a bunch of [ __ ] despite being a vastly superior Legion in terms of combat the Dark Angels really struggled with the night Lords the night Lord's hit and run tactics and complete avoidance of straight-up fights was very frustrating for the lion hence the lion traveled to a world that had a powerful Xeno device on it on that world an eye enhance a death guard forceful mid-battle so he spanked both of them and sent them on their way before claiming the device to himself once again showing his poor understanding of the heresy by trading Loyalists and traitors the same the device was like a psychic warp AI supercomputer that could instantly warp teleport large objects light years away the lion used this device to finally Ambush the night Lords killing a quarter of the Legion and a massive chunk of their Fleet they also managed to capture the night Lord's first Captain savitar as well as kill most of the first company Conrad was also aboard their ship and played an extremely violent game of hide and seek with the Dark Angels so bang the Dark Angels Clap the night Lords leaving them leaderless thus benching them for more or less the rest of the heresy would the Dark Angels free of the nightlords for the most part the lion rendezvous with gilimin and sangunis and Ultramar with the help of a mini astronomicon called the forest device see the word Bears had cut the Galaxy in half with a [ __ ] off massive warp storm called the ruined storm in order to cut these three Elite loyalists off from Terror expecting the worst gillymen created Imperium secundus under the assumption that the emperor was dead and Terra had fallen Imperium secundus was a plan B a stronghold in which the remaining loyalists could uphold the ideals of the Imperium sanguinius was its Emperor the lion its War master and gilliman its tax attorney however Conrad escaped the Lion's ship at a similar time and became a huge pain in the ass becoming a one-man Isis as he terrorized mccrag the lion sanguinius and giliman kept trying to corner and capture him but the demented Batman was too much of a slippery Gypsy almost killing the lion and G-Man in an explosive trap this triggered the [ __ ] out of the lion he was the apex predator the ultimate Hunter and this [ __ ] [ __ ] was constantly evading him and outplaying him so he went for war crimes mode and managed to finally Corner Conrad finally the two primarks were able to fight man to man no hiding no ambushes no distractions and you better ask the lion [ __ ] up Conrad Big Time snapping his spine over his knee Bane style yes the irony of Conrad being Batman in that comparison is not lost on me Conrad is then brought to stand trial and whilst Conrad can't finesse's way out of judgment he could turn the promarks on each other with giliman and sangrinius being disgusted in the lengths the lion went to capture curse hence the lion and the Dark Angels were banished from Imperium secundus while all this had been happening caliban had gone to [ __ ] Luther's paranoia and resentment combined with a bit of a random demon on caliban causing a ruckus resulted in Luther declaring caliban independent imprisoning Terran officials and Loyalists he then declared that his Dark Angels were no longer loyal to the lion or the emperor chaos had also begun infecting Luther's mind driving him to seek more and more power through less Savory means what started off as good intentions to save his Homeworld devolved deeper and deeper into unhinged justifications for shitty actions despite this Luther refused to declare for Horus he truly wanted kaliban to remain independent as such he did not attack the dark angel core Swain when corsuan bumped into Luther but he did help hide some death guard from the Dark Angels however things do get more confusing as each of Luther's Fallen Angel angels as they were called had different motives and beliefs some were loyal to chaos others to caliben some like the emperor but despised the lion and others were just as confused as us as a result of this the Fallen wasn't a very cohesive unit for example when chapter Master ballath arrived on caliban a loyal Dark Angel Luther wanted to treat with him but one of his underlings who was a bit more hardcore engaged the arrivals in battle which resulted in full-on death and tomfoolery so whilst they were now traders to the lion they could not coordinate enough to leave caliban in force or have much impact on the heresy coming back to the lion now as he was about to leave Ultramar he began to have a bit of self-reflection over the past few years some regrets his mistakes in giving perty The Siege weapons due to his own ambition to become War Master how he went about banishing Luther his fit of rage that had seen him kill one of his favorite dark Angel's Sons even the way he viewed the heresy as a petty easy conflict rather than the galactic sundering Good vs Evil event it actually was during this reflection the lion realized that the emperor was actually as if Conrad foresaw that the emperor would send an assassin to kill him then the emperor had to be alive to do so the lion rushed back to mccrack and halted the execution explaining his reasoning to sanguinis and giliman who were like oh [ __ ] you mean we could have spent this time getting to Terror and saving the day rather than just jerking off here well [ __ ] the Three Brothers quickly dissolved Imperium secundus and begun bum rushing to Terror with Conrad as their prisoner after killing an absolute fuckload of demons the three loyalists were able to find a path through the warp storm blocking them however Horus had left a huge Fleet to block it hence the lion and gilliamman distracted the fleet and allowed singleness to punch through to Terror this is why the blood angels were one of the three loyalist Legions on terror however as a result of this the Dark Angels were split off and unable to get through the storm so after uniting with the Space Wolves and Raven guard they decided to vent some frustration by destroying nearly every single Trader Primark Homeworld the line Justified this by saying that they could pull traitor forces away from Terror if the enemy thought their words were under threat but in reality the lion just wanted to make his [ __ ] Brothers pay for everything they had done sadly this too was a big mistake as the time the lion spent destroying these worlds could have been spent on trying to break through and get to tear potentially altering the course of The Siege and stopping the emperor from being mortally wounded Lehman Ross and the lion both shared a lot of guilt from choosing Vengeance over Duty as they were as they were wandering through the ashes of Humanity's birth World there were actually some Dark Angels on terror during The Siege notably core Swain and some of Luther's Fallen they were fighting for the empress forces securing small but key objectives once again compounding the confusion regarding the fallen's true loyalties the lion let his sons and pursued the fleeing trait of forces massacring them whenever they went the Traders no longer had their homeworlds or strongholds to fall back to so most of the beeline to the eye of Terror when the lion felt he had done enough he went back to caliban for the first time in decades only to find the planets are ruined from the Civil Wars that had taken place to the Lion's shock caliban then fired upon his Fleet at this point Luther was now firmly under the influence of chaos even if most of his Fallen Angels weren't the lion arrived on the planet and jeweled Luther they fought with neither truly wanting to kill the other in a fit of rage seeing that their Pawn Luther would not kill the lion the chaos God's turbo raped caliban with a massive warp storm tearing the planet apart as the Fallen Angels were dragged into the warp Luther was captured by the loyalist Dark Angels whilst the lion was taken by the Watchers in the dark little cosmica Jawa looking [ __ ] to be put into a coma in the very deepest parts of the dark Angel's new flagship The Rock there he remained for ten thousand years recently waking up as we have all seen Luther would also remain in the bows of the rock regretful of his actions and eager to once again serve the lion he was recently freed by a demonic attack the Fallen Angels have been getting periodically spat out of the warp across time and space most go into hiding as the loyal Dark Angels chapter hunt them without mercy so where does the mean regarding the dark Angel's loyalties come from well firstly it's from caliban going full Trader mode but also the Lion's initial attitude at the start of the heresy his loyalty was only to the emperor he didn't give a [ __ ] about anyone else whilst primarks like sanguiness and giliman were very clearly loyalist the Lion's initial policy of sit back and watch what was happening definitely came across as a bit weird but rest assured the line was 110 loyalist and didn't even consider betraying the emperor even for a moment if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where there is not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live action nude cosplay photos hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more Horus heresy content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] all right
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 222,531
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: HhvdEW7Zkh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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