Episode 2 | A Mine! | Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy everybody welcome back to icemandela ram defrost meeting here at arcade arcade thanks for joining us uh though a lot of you who are here to watch the game um our ac almost broke today and then we got it fixed and then now it's better now so it's a little warm in here but it's getting better so it's a bit of a juxtaposition of a game today being like you're freezing but actually it's warm but um yeah uh thanks thanks for being here thanks for showing up we appreciate you guys and let's get on to episode two of iceman dale i think that's coming i've never said like the episode title so um last we left off is your mic on there you go guys hello everybody welcome back to dale ryan with the frostman here in our can arcade thanks for joining uh really appreciate you being here our ac bra i'm not doing the whole thing over here i'm pretty sure you guys heard me just yeah it was different background so um anyways last we left off uh on ice and dale um no i've never done the recap before because you haven't been able to no so why don't you recap what happened yes oh finally um so what i do remember as this all meeting together in bryn chandler at the table um i remember us reminiscing also about dugan's home quite a bit yes yeah very important to us no absolutely not that's vivid and in my brain um i know that there was a dwarf lady who came in you know tried to you know hire us on to go to go find out who's been killing these people um we did some traveling yep we uh wound up in a blizzard yeah a yeti tried to attack us but uh we managed to run away tried real hard yeah pretty good we ran very far into the blizzard again before we made our way to targos where we um found the person we were looking for tourmaline oh that's what it meant not what i said of course yeah they're basically we may have originally been going to targos you're like this is a cool city anyways and you like kept on going now you guys are in currently in turn uh we found him my my character immolation was very pro let's not just kill the sketchy dude let's talk to him first so we talked him first turned out he was committing the murders so was he though as far as we could tell he said no all right we'll fight never guess whatever uh he was pretty suspicious when we mentioned the body in their traveling van and he attacked us so no come on yeah it's not like there was a murderer who was going around the 10 pounds with ice daggers and then he also had ice daggers seems like a coincidence this is a weird coincidence yeah i actually think he was innocent and we're now going to be arrested for killing it in his personal how could you but that's okay yeah we we did violently violently we did violently but also valiantly fight um but he attacked first uh yeah almost all of us went down at one point or another um immolation went down to zero and then because i don't know i always want to say kaiser and i'm that's not right kazira also went down um i didn't get touched you're buried lazarus did go down um yeah and then um yeah we they were able to figure out how to how to kill the dew with uh fire and uh that's where we ended yeah um i think the funny part too is that like sefek will can regain hit points so long as he's underneath zero degrees fahrenheit so like you could use fire but you also could have just like made a little worm around him and you'd be like no if we had hugged him yeah just quick the power family drive a car over that's my steel defender yeah so you guys are currently still in tourmaline uh you make your way back over to the um the in you guys are staying at which had uh that was orange was that what it was called maybe that's the other one that we were in i don't remember um quick uh yeah it's called the uh north look is from britain yeah this is something similar to the east side um you guys are at the east side with uh uh the innkeeper her name is martha she's a teenager um who sing a little song and had a ring around her neck and um like a ring on a chain around your neck like somebody was ringing out her neck that'd be oh i was thinking about that thing you're talking about the podcast the good girl one no okay yeah yeah definitely that um you guys go back rest up and um and oh yeah yeah rest up they brought i i know i was unconscious were you also unconscious yeah they drug our unconscious down we took a bodies rest i don't move did we finish our long rest i think we cut in the middle i don't think we are going to do it i described like i remember describing like what my character like was doing to rest and then you were like i will watch and then we end it yeah i don't know if we actually finished it so we will start today's game with you all waking up from your long rest it's about seven a.m um the sun is slowly rising over and by rising i mean the sun doesn't rise at all um the sun is barely cusping over the horizon where tons of cloud cover covers most of the um of the ice windale there's just a few peaks of sunlight that barely push over in the early noon but in the morning it's still very dark until maybe about noon so you wake up and it still seems like it's the middle of the night go ahead and get our lighting going here well not that one no it's nice though there we go i like that one yeah um so uh what are you all doing as you all wake up inside of your your room in the inn um cyril just sit up i was pretty certain i was like outside like in this weird century position so i'm gonna go back inside okay i'll see kazir is up how did i get here we took you dragged you in you dragged your lifeless body well that's not lifeless anymore he woke up i did wake up she'll probably be awake soon too yeah she's still snoring at this point she's like that's a good sign though that's alive yeah luckily your bear was around i don't think we could have dragged both of them very easily back here without putting that there yeah yeah couldn't have put me in like a better position my back [ __ ] hurts oh oh you're probably on the legs yeah i don't sleep like that all right i apologize for not knowing yes it's fine [Music] uh she's probably gonna like startle awake at some point and then she's gonna go and she's gonna like look for kazira because last she heard he was down and she was like oh no we're good we're uh back in the room yeah oh you okay yeah my back hurts you got anything for my back hurting no it's just age unfortunately yeah getting old it's cold outside too doesn't help doesn't help yeah you good over there yeah fine it is cold you want to blink maybe i know i'm good yeah i don't know what to do with that uh lazarus is awfully hungry i think we should uh feed though you guys kill him no he's right here oh yeah yeah sure if you count that as kill no you can't try to dust yeah his version of viscera fire we did get and i'll pull up a little bags there's like clothing it's like scraps of clothing it's about all that was left his uh calvin klein's had his name in it calvin klein it's a brand no it says oh no mine this is a brand new oh i heard that that's actually good stuff though like like north face what because i'm never if we don't feed this bear it will feed itself right it was was you guys didn't scare marta coming up right the inn keeper i'm considering i had a a bear yeah into corpses yeah probably okay we can go check on him yeah we would talk to this person sure you guys head out so yeah the rooms um they're they're separated from like the main uh kind of uh in portion of the room where uh you you like literally go downstairs into like a into like a um like a an underground hallway and then like go upstairs into the main part of the inn where she is you guys head in there she um uh there's nobody in here actually currently as you as you kind of go over and see like the like the desk in the front door there's just there's nobody in here wonderful odd just us so like a little bell or anything to sure there's a little bell the door oh you see her she's she's got like a bunch of cloak like a cloak on she kind of throws it back and looks like she's just like behind us i'm so sorry all right yes food food surf food here you could probably make your way over the blue clam though they've got food you okay there yeah i i was running why i to go attend to my father he needed food wait a minute so you do make food did you just were you just standing in here well we ring the bell i was under the assumption you would feed us for the day but if you're not going no sorry we'll find it no i'm the only one here are you leaving if you're leaving i need the key oh are we leaving we were here for two days though right oh i think he did yeah we'll be back yeah okay all right we gotta find this one some food you don't need anything though i know if anything what i need is do you know that we apologize for any the bumps in the night we may have caused right and there's blood on my sheets i'd like new ones yes it is their blood it is my blood look he like pulls his like shirt up a little bit it's just red holy [ __ ] are you okay he's ripped he's fine no i'm i'm pretty hurt i was hurt before i even went with you guys emotionally and physically yes yeah yeah okay stay in the town there's bad stuff out let's go we should make sure that you are okay and that you know that we're watching out for you okay she actually like runs over towards you guys room and she like goes down the stairs it's not like super blizzard this morning it's sort of just like a bit of snowfall it's gonna step out it's freezing cold um it's very um huddle up in like your clothing and start like kind of moving through the town uh where you guys headed i guess the blue clown blue clam you guys stepped on um uh there is like nobody here at this time there's maybe a couple of people um uh sitting around but you see the um uh the owner from the back kind of uh in the back of the tavern and i look over and just say all right good morning welcome to the blue clam can i get you anything food yeah be wonderful all right we'll do um got that knucklehead trout with soup or whatever uh fortunately we haven't got any knucklehead trout way out here i haven't got any shipments lately um down from targos what do you have uh we've got some um some meats i they're dried but once i cook them up it tastes pretty good what kind of meat um pretty sure it's venison oh perfect i'll take it sometimes it's better not to ask that'll do i need i need about uh but the size of the tank that's what i need like a hog set yeah we've got tons so whatever that is great uh we'll do um after a few moments you guys just pull up a chair sit down um kind of comes over and he says uh and he has like these steaming plates he brings over towards all the like wooden plates with like wooden utensils i mean hands more cheese smells very good you taste it it's just like it's like almost like seasoned to the point where you can't really taste it but it's still really very hearty and very good um a bit gamey um and you guys eat into it he says if you want we also have moose if you want oh yeah yeah yeah you want something i've never had this before when i get it a little more rare than this a little more rare this is dried is it is that dried but you could have it as it is to be honest yeah just like pushing it off the flank well yeah well it's it's kind of dried though so it's already kind of secured so no thanks all right i mean i'll i'll take that how much is that it's the same price just i'm gonna you know i'll take a little bit off of it i'll take this plate and that you got it he comes back out with a big raw moose meat that's been like cured so it's kind of like like like stingy and dry and kind of like it's almost like jerky tear into it but then wait for me is it for you no it's for the bear he gives there you go i don't need to do stencils you can take that and i'll walk out i'll like open a window like toss it out before you like tears in the guy looks out there's a bear in his window you guys are like having to look of like string into the meat like pull it back the bear just like like depowers it instantly it's like she is um and it's gone ah resident hair of course all right well i'm vernon if you need anything just let me know pleasure bites into it i don't think i've ever eaten tougher meat before seems like you're just not accustomed to the realities of life i'm not accustomed to anything here it's okay she's gonna like pat you on the shoulder she'll be like you'll get used to it sorry it appears you aren't either you even said you didn't want it no i i prefer a meat a little rarer than that you watch spurning goes over to another table two people sitting at it looks over and says can i get you anything just looks like he says let me sell that mouse with some revenge on the friend right away see you from the community he goes yeah he goes over his two buddies says really you're really that vindictive and he says yeah it's kind of kind of shitty there's a [ __ ] moose up there and nobody seems to be able to put it down and long is it dying and he says yeah no we should probably just focus on getting this out that's right brings out some vernon goes over gives him some loose and she's like thank you and he like tears him dude i feel like a moose would be easier to kill than a yeti or a human being type thing you know right just uh where's that uh moose at that moose you're talking about is there a bounty on it yeah how much yeah it's a real son of a [ __ ] oh you all look capable lonely one go to london and talk to um speaker there she can um inform you on what's going on do you know the name of this speaker by the chance ah speaker he knows the name jacob doesn't remember what the topic said i love it i don't remember it i know she's a halfling that makes cookies but i can't remember cookies she is old she has kids i don't know why i know that have you uh get out of here and then to um go off of that meta knowledge you got there kazira he says she's a halfling she bakes real good cookies i wonder if we uh take care of this problem she'll make cookies for us yeah i love cookies why i shouldn't do that it seems like a ridiculous thing as a reward to killing such a thing no it's pug pants too yeah cookies are a bonus you can feed them to the bear i was actually thinking that would be a wonderful idea maybe i can buy some kind of jar so you can puzzle a pot might be a music watch at night pretty sure they paint a hundred gold pieces for the mooses what are the cookies how are they gonna get fat they're just painting cookies all right yeah so you should say 100 a piece no 100 gold for the missus oh what the [ __ ] damn 100 gold per cookie hi do we like that yeah let's go up the moment we gotta go gold though right we go you want to go down to bryn chandler and then up to lonelywood where is lonelywood lonelywood is only probably like can we get to it two hours it's like you walk through the woods all right it's like it looks like there's a little trail here jacob might want to make sure this trip yes you can it's two it's a two-hour journey to lonely win oh wait are you guys in tourmaline yes yeah yeah two hours yeah let's do that though okay do we not want to maybe resupply uh should we talk to that traveling merchant before she skips town maybe gather some stuff if we go turn in if we go turn in that bounty we can gather stuff for the next fight it's not like the fight we just had went particularly well we got lucky yeah yeah but my my gold ain't gonna really help me any other way i got nothing that's gonna work better prepared yeah i don't think i'm i don't the general store's gonna have anything that's gonna help me fight ice monsters and i'm not really in the uh rest in peace camera i don't have enough money for anything to heal me either but if we go and turn in how much was were they offering the dwarf woman yes 100 gold each that's a lot of gold it is a lot of foam we could probably buy some stuff to make sure that we don't die to a moose we i really don't want to die to a moose find out what they even have around here well we have to go back to branch under right isn't wham the door slams open to the tavern and marta falls in and lands on the ground and you guys see a dwarven woman step in and she goes them and she goes yes where the [ __ ] is sefek what are you talking about where is he oh this is the lady right yeah yeah i don't know what is the dwarven merchant this is torga she looks up and she says i tracked him back to where he was sleeping followed the blood trail back to you where are you staying she brought me here where is he maybe you should ask the body in your cart maybe you should learn to keep to your [ __ ] self ma'am i have connections i have many many connections out here in the ten towns very easily good luck with that good luck with that have fun making friends that way have we paid our bill yet no well uh sir the bartender's just kind of in the back of the room like how much yeah we have to pay up we got a scuffle out here five copper pieces cool i throw gold that way you throw your strike straw you're gonna need that come on ladies let's go outside do you stand up yeah we all stand up let's go she stands up and she like steps back a bit a bit and she says i'll make sure i'll make sure oh you're gonna make sure right now we're gonna go outside you're gonna talk to lazarus we're gonna sort this i want to figure it out right now [ __ ] you and she turns around [Music] oh okay oh boy oh boy usually we should talk okay okay she did the talking let's go she yeah she did the talking 10 damage max damage 10 damage max damage shoot you hit her in the back and she just she turns around and she looks over and uh she pulls out a scimitar and a dagger out of her other side and she says fine here's your negotiation roll initiative oh lazarus i like it the bear is going to like bust through the wall kool-aid man that's it's gonna give you a gold to pay for your window oh yeah we really gotta get around the street though i don't wanna ruin someone's thing okay we need to get out of here somewhere camera's dead though yeah oh no no it's not i'm on it oh okay we gotta figure that out we really do it lasts like two seconds i think we'll use a different one maybe we get some new batteries i might do it no i guarantee that's not it this is kind of a tavern do you like it yeah oh yeah look at that what's uh no nope this is better yeah that middle one okay okay oh which way are they leaving that way this one uh that's the front door yeah that way we'll get this one put it right there oh that is like there's a glitter immediately where my eyes are gonna go oh yeah there is a couple okay he's there it's like right here no no they went out that way okay where were we i mean i'll probably like right here so if i got up and like oh it's a little tip you go ahead and put her like right kind of near the door like you just yeah she's like right there good good good good wait wait which ones there you go like this no you're probably we're at like a little table which you're probably like right there oh that's the oh no if i all just blasted i'm probably over here yeah easy i gotta get you a little thing sorry a little there you go oh circle table maybe no i don't know uncomfortably close yeah well i don't know what kind of alignments we got this table but i'm digging it i'm digging the the alignment i like how she came in and was like what did you guys do and we all just had a shouting match of [ __ ] you you're next she came in threatening us yeah i kill only murderers yeah i only murder murders oh uh by the way because we forgot to mention this um earlier and jacob's prepping stuff uh thanks to uh travis savoy for the intro music yeah um and you can check out uh his album in the description if you guys are interested in it so and we're sponsored by beetle and graham oh you're wrong how long until we play that joke out if i didn't know any better i'd say that was old man henderson under that mask the opportunity to rip this mask off and go i know it's you yeah is that is that what i think it's a reference to i have no idea are you are you talking about the no no i just said oh you don't know about old man henderson i feel like we're gonna get a all right 25 to 20. oh dang it dirty 20. natural 20 22. yeah lazarus oh my goodness 19 15 and i'm like i guess we're doing this and she's gonna like come over to this woman i guess she's gonna try to grapple her to pull her outside okay go ahead and roll contest athletics okay do i i don't count as a size larger uh no damn you do for like characters so you're going her and she's just like you both are just like in a struggling match she like throws you off that's fine i just was yeah good day your whole heart wasn't into it yeah it was a good day okay all right no lady that that's fine if she doesn't want to do it outside we'll do it in here um i summoned my blade but you know what actually i'm going to add some i'm going to add some npcs into the mix here oh some commoners i know uh is this what this room is right here yeah it's mer yeah um go ahead and put uh this this random noble uh-huh and um this dwarf oh wonderful kinda over here yeah on like a table somewhere where you guys are talking to them that's the only people who are in here okay oh good there you go cool coco no um yeah so i know that looks like a room right there no it's actually a uh bar or something yeah bar or something emma can you also zoom it in um all right uh sorry owen struggle um so i walk over yeah my blade forms in my hand with that uh with that good good ol good old magicky magic and uh i'm gonna go ahead and make this my cursed target i'm gonna make her my target all right sounds good um and then all right go for it every time the car is a target probably now uh 30 20 to hit dirty 20 hits um and yeah dirty you uh go what are you attacking her with uh my uh my capeche so my blade so my blade my blade forms the other way during the dial okay oh it's all the way up do it the other way keep going yeah okay i'll do it in a minute so i almost imagine that the way that it looks is the kapesh like like forms in her hand and as that's forming a mark across the dwarf's body appears and she just follows the mark down with the with the curse cool go go for it um and that'll be uh nine damage nine damage you go over and you slice into her but it doesn't really seem to hurt her like a ton it seems to uh seems to try to just like slice into her side um and go through like her armor but she seems to be still pretty good she's not even bloodied you know it'd be how it be how much was it uh it was nine damage nine and that that'll be my turn all right um kazira um i'm gonna go jump out the window bonus plus two right yeah all right i'm gonna attack her with my short sword for uh dirty 20 dirty 20. uh dirty 20 hits yeah uh seven damage seven damage um cool you uh stabbing um and you like pull it out um it is your turn lazarus uh i'm just gonna go over here to and look at kind of the group and go don't worry we're trained professionals who do this all the time nothing to worry about persuasion check oh yeah absolutely he does not mean to be in any way that way he's a negative one don't worry this is fine and behind you there's yeah um so the only thing you gather is that they look at you with like an immediate concern and they're just kind of like assessing the situation that's about what's intended it's all right lazarus get this lady out of here please and then for him i'm gonna have him try and grapple her and remove her from the building okay um so contested athletes yes we got it all under control a bear walks up puts us pushed his mouth over her head and pulls her out the camera doesn't focus on lazarus who's just like this and in the background the bear just drags her off yeah yeah unfortunately the bear's gonna do very well it's kind of cramped in there so yeah one two three that's an eight uh yeah it like snaps over at her and she just dodges yeah that's all i got okay um it's her turn she um is surrounded and at this point she was pretty confident she's like all right and then she's like oh okay we're actually fighting she was more kind of like trying to be threatening yeah and then didn't expect you guys to just like jump on her so she's no longer like confident she's very clearly afraid and is now like like fighting for her life is like what she's doing so she takes her scimitar she stabs it into you well with um man that's rude a 13. that misses she misses and then she uh he swings again with her scimitar sorry uh that's a uh a dirty 20. that'll hit uh that is four slashing damage okay and then uh she's going to try to uh stab you with a dagger actually she's gonna try to like turn and stab because zero with the dagger um and she rolls into a six well that misses all right um and then actually kind of like turns she's very clearly uh overwhelmed um she kind of like stays there and tries to assess the situation she does turn to the other people and just yells help and that's it uh they they then go the two people from the the the table who are eating the moose they stand up and they go over to immolation and grab her and pull her back awesome i mean like i mean so i assure you anyone that comes to help her will die are you are you resisting um i no she'll she'll just in athletics check the other guy's just helping him it's just one check okay um 19 19 you succeed they go over and they're just like there's like stop and they like grab your arm and you just throw off them and they kind of go backwards they're like oh [ __ ] um and they turn to the the bartender and they're like go get the speaker and he turns and he runs out the back doors five ten fifteen i'm not he's fine he's yeah he's gone um all right emulation it's your turn uh she's gonna she's gonna turn around and she's gonna say i understand that this is alarming situation however she did come to us she did threaten us that we're just trying to have a civil conversation with her you're stabbing her she goes uh because she wouldn't leave the building with us what are you doing oh okay i'll handle it real persuasive i guess they're kind of panicked they're just like yeah we're like trying to grab you and you're just like all right but you see i understand traveling with the murderer and the body she has a dead body in her car absolutely i have a i have a thing i'm going to say if this fails the speaker will pay us i think that's we're not involved to be honest she goes i understand do you would you like to go maybe sit down and continue your food that's the end of your turn she's just like gesturing to the table maybe you should go eat [Laughter] it's it's you oh you didn't say anything i said i said a linstrom yeah i literally didn't hear it um well still my she's still she's still my cursed target um how's she looking by the way um not bloodied not bloody huh all right i'm not good she's also looking pretty panicky as well cool i'm gonna go ahead and throw uh um let me see uh so it's almost as if like paint by numbers like another line appears on her body as part of the hex blades curse basically a target for her for my character to strike and uh she'll just kind of look at her and be like and and her uh her face will kind of darken a little bit and uh she'll be like you dare threaten us for protecting for you your protection of a murderer and i'm going to cast wrathful smite oh [ __ ] and i'm going to attack and uh how's that how's a 19 do 19 hits cool so it's going to be 2d6 um and she needs to make a wisdom saving throw 5 11. she needs to make a wisdom saving throw that's a that's an eight that fails she is uh frightened of me for up to a minute okay you just see this look of just like pure like horror come over her face and she turns and looks at you and she's like she was already pretty spooked and now she's she's frightened to me and took 16 damage some of it's psychic if that matters five psychic nine basic no basic damage that'd be 14 it would have been 11. hey she's bloodied yeah so you just slice into her at this point she's very clearly has a wound she's now bleeding and she's actively looking to escape um kazira i'm not a puncher okay roll attack i don't want to kill her all right i just want to hurt him i'm i'm just like slicing her ribbons and there's like [ __ ] oh okay uh 14 uh 14 will um we'll miss swinging a miss yeah uh lazarus can i can i back up so that or she'll attack me if i back up um i'm gonna back up and she doesn't attack it i'm gonna go over there i assume lazarus moves oh yeah um lazarus i'm gonna walk out here okay sir make sure you grab the speaker and not the town's guard the speaker he'd be kind of around the corner a bit he'd be like he'd be like there whichever well then i will go let me see oh one two three four five there we go make sure you grab the speaker not the talents guard the situation will be handled at this point he's not listening he just don't know [Laughter] we found a convicted murderer oh yeah who convicted them us [Laughter] my own hand i can't remember the name of the movie um but uh yeah you say that and do that uh that's the end of the term i'm gonna have lazarus try and grab her and then pick like just another grapple if i can't yes yeah i'm gonna try another gravel do you want to like shove her prone i mean however that mechanic works with a bear yeah well yeah you can you can grapple which will make her zero you can shove her prone or shove or fight feet uh yeah i'll do that is it's all the same score for me okay i'd rather yeah let's do prone yeah it just could not be an easier thing i think okay she rolled a twelve oh uh he rolled a thirteen she falls to the ground um she isn't pinned she's just knocked down she stands back up she scrambles back up she actually drops her dagger in her scimitar she turns disengages and uses the rest of her 10 feet of movement to try to push past the bear um but she'll just kind of go off to the corner so like uh no she'll go five like next to kazira so here no on the other side that's 15 feet that's fighting you realize that that wasn't yeah five feet back yeah yeah that's as far as she can get she just stands up leaves her sword she's just she's just running um top of the round uh immolation oh and that dude is one uh do you want to restrain her uh i mean you're probably the most likely to be able to do it yeah she goes i i understand she's because she's gonna go this way okay and she's let me see i uh i think that there's been some sort of misunderstanding that we could talk this out but you have to stop running first and then again you say that and she turns oh you're going to grapple here okay right yeah go for it let's roll the 18. why that's like a tiger you try to grab her and she throws off of you and she turns her eyes are like crazy she's like you're crazy [Laughter] she is afraid of me which is a thing i guess isn't it she went from like oh i can't fight all these people i'm a little scared i'm a bit fight-or-flight situation here i need to run to like to like being smited to being like you're going to die today and she's like that's like the deepest fear she's ever felt can you uh can you put me on on the other side of her here yeah cuz i can get there by moving through the bear she's kind of like skids you like run in front of her are we going to talk or is this she turns and looks the other way i'm attacking again go for it it's the easiest way to do it uh 16. i can talk about the corners people don't do it cool and then there are talking corpses uh seven damage she like turns you like slice up her arm she's like ah she like continues running um that's that's that's my turn um do i remember where in town she was originally she was outside of town on the on the road to targo's house i think she was sleeping in the same man we were yeah um just uh is the way that she's running the way of outside town was the way she's running um so no so actually i think she's just trying to run okay i'll get you a map here right i want to get to her stuff before she does you might as well just put her in the dirt that's kind of how i'm feeling what if we don't kill her no we just you know knock her unconscious um hey emma yeah on the floor of my office and there's the giant box of like the beetle wing rims can you grab that beetle um there is a great in any room basically um there's the frozen dock and the blue clam is kind of at the north part and uh if she like moves down the road and goes like she should have to go all the way across town to get back to her stuff okay she just kind of get out of here i'm just gonna try to knock her out okay again um [Music] you're going [Music] that's real unfortunate for her all right so for for you guys for for the for the crew for the stream for the stream we're all the way up there and she's go all the way down here oh it's impossible yeah we're kind of right away um 21 to hit 21 hits five games you're close enough i punch her how she looks alright you punch her she's looking still bloodied she like turns gets sliced gets turned gets punched um you guys are just like surrounding her and just like just like constantly throwing you know hands you know how it goes and then flap which way would be towards her stuff okay you start running uh lazarus uh okay well i guess i'm going back in sir sir oh i assume these guys would be back at their table eating their movies and brother they don't sit back down they're just gonna stand back and they just kind of wait until the carnage is over come on go it's all right the guy is getting the speaker i can sort this all out why is she not unconscious lazarus put her in the ground i'm never attacked okay no longer lying just push to the ground who cares kill her um [Music] she's mortal you um you say you know like lazarus just get her and he goes goes over she's like no no and the bear like reaches out bites down in her neck and like pulls back and like like you see like flesh get ripped from her neck she pulls over she's holding onto her neck and she's like ah she's like on the ground she's not dead but she's mortal um it's her turn nom um she's just she doesn't do anything she's back she's cornered she just backs in the corner and she's just she just looks up at all of you just desperate desperate eyes um immolation it's your turn let me just go look at it because look i i know we're gonna talk this out and then she's she's gonna take out her corner stuff and she's gonna try to non-lethal her all right we'll attack okay oh you haven't vanished because she's carrying oh thank you oh hi chinese use you say that and you you whack her in the head and she falls to the ground unfortunately she took a bear bite to the neck and she is in death saving throats but she is um she's not dead but she's in i'm giving her death saves so if you guys want to roll a medicine check on one of your tours to try to save her or you know just finish her off it's up to you um straight's your turn give me one good reason we don't just right now you might have information about what uh suffolk yes i'll try to patch her up all right roll medicine i'm going to go get her stuff okay cops are going to be here soon careful with her okay she is stabilized she lies on the ground as you go over you patch up her neck um as she lies there on the ground you run as you run you see maybe five guards not running as you john tilly make your way through the town uh five guardsmen move past you don't seem to be too much of a um i'm i'm also gonna go ahead and uh and i'll kind of drag her back into the into the bar okay and kind of set her up against and i'm gonna tie our hands together i'm not the i'm gonna have lazarus sit outside just walk no sir kind of like they're good over here scritch i guess okay great two guys in the bar like can can we leave absolutely yeah you're safe now we were sure we'll go kill that moose for you to get your friend's revenge he um after a few moments about uh five um will look like soldiers kind of like come out they're like they're like rushing to be like what's going on they just kind of like turn up and look over and they just look at the they look at the um the blue clam and they make their way inside and they look over and uh they see everything they're like what happened here uh i think we found evidence that she's been killing people and uh well he's facilitating that that's what facilitating killing doing it herself i don't know are you saying is she dead no no there's a scuffle yes yeah stay here we wouldn't wait for the speaker maybe not you uh you make it all the way towards her outdoor shop you see two other individuals kind of sitting there sitting down um by buy all of her uh her goods um there's like two um you can't really tell there's people in like a lot of heavy clothing um as you make your way over they look up and say shops closed uh your boss torgo wanted me to tell you to meet at the east side roll deception i was wondering if that's what you're doing hey love to see it love to see it what was that deception deception 16 immolation all right encompassing stand up and they start packing up the shop they start like rolling everything back in and they go pretty pissed off like it was important you might want to matter she's going to be more pissed when you leave while i was out here i can watch it so they go no all right she and then one of them goes i could go no all right yeah you go i don't know it's something about sephik well any kind of church says yeah did you find them i don't know she seemed like she needed help all right i'll go yeah and one of them goes and the other guy stays behind and he's like slowly packing everything up and that guy like turns and like runs hmm you need help uh no i'm good all right i don't know who you are man all right ah name's kazira yeah okay i don't give a [ __ ] just stay away from the wares okay tying a rope packing in uh i see that like that like body looking thing i do have a yeah i do also have a thing i want to say you point at it all right eat get go i i don't know all right now my now my now my job all right i get paid to guard all this stuff all right so why don't you run back back into town you go uh we'll talk to torgo or something right all right don't go too far i'll be back continues packing up this stuff yep said there were five guards that walked in yeah um eliza would uh would speak up and say you need a speaker here to assess evidence right evidence like what we said we believe that she's been facilitating murders and i could take one of you to where it's been happening speaker speaker matthew can talk to all of you about this all right this is no work at all we have evidence that's kind of important in a case like this right yeah and i got a lot of [ __ ] and the evidence can move wouldn't you care if people in your town suddenly wound up dead do you really take your job as a guard that wax we can show you i can take one of you right now tonight can i try this one in a dark alley to just right right outside the town there's a shop no there's a bomb and you can't as eternity and he says i need to keep you here i don't speaker miss you can can work everything out all right i don't know what's happened here all right i can't make a judgment call if you guys just decided to murder somebody okay so stay here if we wanted to murder her she would be dead then if then if you're right then he can work it out i can't have you leave immolation sits down next to the conscious body these people wouldn't survive a single day in the underdark after like a couple of minutes um you watches a couple of guards uh a company um speaker over uh who uh goes by speaker master he uh steps in he's a half work um he's a bit younger looking he's maybe about 20 to 30 years old he's got short sort of black hair and he's got a fine kind of um uh like wool sort of clothing as he steps in um and he and he walks up he's got heavy footsteps as he as he looks in um and he says all right what's going on i i heard there was a bit of a fight good to meet you all my name is orris or is some matthew and um looks like you've uh got tour guide staying with you there yeah she provides a lot of good services here to the challenges we also believe she's facilitating murder and we have really all right well that's quite a hefty claim all right now let me just uh let's clear the air here a little bit you know uh if you're right you know that's um that's that's something i'll have to bring up to the rest of the the uh the speakers at the moot um in which um she can be accused for crimes but um assaulting citizens in the middle of my town isn't gonna fly okay you gotta come to us you know if you want justice done all right you can't just you can't just take they would have been halfway across the ten towns we yeah we there's not very very far for them to go really with their proof i'm sorry it's just how we do things also drew on us first but oh should we understand yes world deception is that a lie it is i i cast it i'll just bless you oh you're right i would have not said you wouldn't say it okay because he's a lie i think we should also join us okay um uh i mean well before lazarus just didn't know that either way i would have said it's not to him but to like to the like oh okay okay um and he just says so look um i've chat with her whenever she wakes up and um we'll sort this whole mess out okay all right so what's what proof do you have that she's uh committing murders what appears to be a body with her wares really yes outside of town yes all right i'll round up a few guards and we'll go and save ourselves but please please stay here all right don't make this harder for yourselves if you leave then you're going to be incriminated all right so just hang around all right also get the paper out the one that we took the lady said we need to find this guy we need to find suffolk yeah would the other guy ever leave um no he like finishes packing up and then he like just sits and waits and then how long do you wake up no i like walk down the road oh oh you walk down the road where are you going i'm just i'm waiting for him to leave no she doesn't want him dead right well you should want him sure for sure right yeah yeah but we let's try to avoid it so the speaker um which also uh the speaker um he stands up um oris and he and he says all right i'll be right back and he leaves he takes two guards with him and he he goes up there's still five here he's has two like what look like like like not like personal guards or anything but they seem to be a bit more beefed up than everybody else when they head out um you wait and you wait kazira and you see two guards and um the speakers start walking up the road towards you i'm just gonna mind my own business you just mind your own business yeah as he walks by he says morning cold out to be standing around it's kind of nice yeah he's had a really big breakfast what are you doing out here minding my own business well deception four four have a good day he walks off i don't know what that meant i want to head back inside though a little less is there something going on yeah anything he's going up the cliff and he doesn't respond he goes over this guy this is basically what you see you see the speaker look at him and then like he's got like his hands on his hips and he likes he like says a few things he can't really hear what they're saying and then like the other guy kind of like stands up any kind of hastily and the other guy kind of looks over okay and then he kind of like he they seem to be in sort of like an argument and he and he kind of holds up his hand and then one of the guards goes over and like grabs them and shoves them to the ground the other guard goes over and starts investigating and like tearing through things you don't really see what happens they kind of stop for a moment just they they take this guy they stand them up they cuff him they start walking over one guard stays there the speaker walks with the other guy who comes over then you see the other dude come up the road the guy that you sent off he looks up he turns and he begins what's that guy running for that's weird the guy works faster speaker points the other guard next to him he's like that one it's the game of thrones terminator he starts running and running and running the guy is yelling at him to stop um i'm gonna roll for them you see them leave you don't know what happened let us start walking up the road back towards them the card is so much faster that's so quick it gets into the ground the speaker comes over towards you um and he says i love that your friends are over back at the top and you want to come with me i guess i might probably reading the newspaper from brent chandra yesterday's paper mile news name's auras by the way good to meet you um brings you back over towards the tavern um at this point torga has woken up um she kind of like looks around and she like she doesn't say anything she's immolation's down next to her like sitting next to her she's gonna like kind of put her arm around her shoulder and say i think you've made some bad life choices if you get out of this remember how easy this was for us last time she goes i think you can choose different life choices now though yeah that's true i think the uh it's been a hard road absolutely life isn't easy up here it's life it's brutal she's going to point to lindstra she's adapted very quickly here brutal doesn't mean you have to be though you want to want to tell me what what's been going on with suffolk uh and the door opens the speaker steps in and says and kazir is with him um he says torga ice vane and he kind of goes over he grabs a chair he like pulls it up um uh uh kind of backwards and sits down in front of her and she looks up at him she says how do you know who i am she says i see you every other week at least i know you're here every other week um me and the other speakers of some reason to suspect that a lot of the um the killings around the different 10 towns have been responsible from you and she says try again it wasn't me all right a lot of witness accounts wasn't me malicious kind of kind of squeeze her arms like like a hug like she's i'm telling the truth it's not me well who is it and orris looks at all of yoon's do you think it's us no you have anything to add here what we saw in the caravan no we're not there yet all right what proof did you have that and tips from sources all right so we have some what other what other sources circumstantial evidence that uh has been saying that bodies have been showing up with ice stuff bodies have been matching the travel of this plate of their she says look look it was it was sephic all right it was him okay he he threatened me okay i i he can i have a quick clarification there is no he's a freak all right he serves the frost maiden or something does her will okay i couldn't couldn't say anything against him but he was willing to help protect my goods okay i'm really not i didn't know him for very long okay i don't know what he did in his free time but i wasn't setting him up to go kill people i have a business to run okay and then he looks down and he says why are we harboring a body with the rest of her stuff she says he was an outlaw came up from luskin had a bounty on his head was going to turn him in for some money you can you can go identify him or whatever you want to do but i haven't done anything wrong okay you harvard a criminal and you knew he was a criminal she kind of like drops her head a bit and she says i had no other choice she said and he says well i found enough conclusive evidence here to establish that but my friends i prefer next time won't you come to us yes of course i i can't let this go unpunished though all right i don't want my citizens as ruth and as awful as they are attacked in my tavern you have to understand they were going to leave and might have just gotten away with i understand murder literally i understand all right now you can come stay uh in my uh in a holding cell for a little while or you can cough up 15 gold pieces each what about we clear out your mind problem clear out the mind problem yeah it's cobalt it's not rock slides i'm from a place where they're from i know cobalts they're [ __ ] it's combo we stop the rock slides and take the 15 gold out of our pay all right i agree but you're taking her with you she goes what she goes you have a bounty as well and you're all going to pay it off i want whatever's down in that mine's dealt with so all of you together she says they're going to kill me down there no we have no reason to kill you now that you're not going to she is she immolation kind of passes run with murder you've made better life choices since you've woken up also if we wanted to kill you you'd already be dead this is insane what about my stuff what about all my sword that's getting confiscated she goes i have powerful friends and and he looks down he says i'm sure you do now do you ever mind it clear all right give back what's this guy's name again boris he looks over towards all of you and he says um for the time being my guards will accompany you on the way to the mine until the task is clear i've been told that there's some monster down there a sort of horrifying creature i don't think it's a kobold something more well what information do you have on it that's it only fine how much do i know about uh cobalt's jacob do i know that they typically are too dumb to orchestrate this type of stuff themselves um or do i not because if i don't then that's fine a tough question because it's not all yes and all no it's like maybe but unlikely okay um what oris tells you is that uh he um that this is that there's some sort of creature down there it's it's been killing a lot of people the kobolds showed up and uh seemed to have angered it they came from kelvin's cairn and uh they scared off everybody in there so um either just go deal with them slash marks teeth marks yeah wing marks no how do i know what the holes down there that go directly into the under dark can i am the creature seems to um once they're done with their victims toss them down into the holes so nothing left awesome at least that's what some of my miners tell me cameras are the miners have seen something nature well yeah they can get a good look at it yeah counter nature um sure cool um 17 17. give me one second i do like this idea we're wanting to do it anyway to be honest the mines kind of sound like a terrible idea and we're real [ __ ] boring going underneath that thing that's right but this lady's coming it's just her right like not her goons i know they've been arrested oh good oh good that's funny she says she says those were an investment i wanted gold i want gold for them and uh and and aura says the best you'll get is you know a day in a holding cell all right if that is who that victim in the back of your card is she says oh it is um what did you roll sorry seventeen seventeen new world nature yep okay so what you gather from your nature roll is that whatever monster creature that is in here that has connections to the underdark is something that isn't super natural to the um to the outside world um you as a blood hunter i'll go ahead and let you roll a uh check to see if you can know what this thing is what oh i'm sorry you're fine yeah people already figured it out yeah that wasn't the point though uh that's true what do i need to roll i'm getting it this is the most this is like the most jrpg thing ever this person you beat half to death they join you in your party yeah yeah oh dargo roller connor i i don't even remember no it's all right oh i was glad that he only saw us do i get involved in charging for the bear too um yes you do get advantage how could the bear just sit in my stead in the prison this is also lazarus take the bear with you please yeah sh you sure i'll say i'm not stabling your bear you want a bear it's a bear it's not a horse it's not a dog it's a bear it's kind of between the two things you know what a bear is i mean yeah i travel with one last what's coming how does it listen to you watching he kind of like steps back what'd you get roll over 11. no does he roll over yeah underdark creatures you're not super familiar with um whatever this thing is it's probably dangerous yucky meanwhile a bear is just as you gather more um uh information about what this thing could possibly be i'll let you make more rules if that's all right yeah all right so do we go now do we have to go now you have to go now all right come on let's go and the guards kind of start ushering do you think take her that hurt you think she could take like maybe an hour to rest her thing i think she could think she could maybe take an hour to rest her wounds i'm gonna take an hour to get there right well when you get to the mine you guys can set up a little camper perfect lazarus help this lady out you do realize that the hour walk there we could attract things that'll just kill us before we get there sorry she's bleeding a lot yeah you think i don't want to i don't want to attract a yeti while we're walking down the road it happened on the way here uh you'll be fine yeah let's bring her over to city to town hall we'll get her patched up all right all right guys walk over to town hall somebody goes over and um you guys can try to go for it yes i needed it i use my uh my headphones okay i hate that that takes a short that's a short rest um you guys head off um over along the road after short resting um she gets patched up a bit and um you guys make your way over towards uh uh the uh so if you guys look at the little map where is it right yeah yeah um uh you see where it says right right there to the gem line you bet you guys basically go from here to town hall and then up towards the gem mine followed by a bunch of guards um okay and uh you guys uh make your way up kind of over the snowy hills through through the forests over towards uh the gem mine and that's where we're gonna go and go and break so we'll be back in about 15 minutes um with more game but first i want to give big shout out to beetle and grims who is sponsoring this uh this campaign um you can go check them out the link down below they have these really cool packs of stuff that you can add to your dnd games um one of which includes uh i think they have some for uh van richton still which is pretty cool um so it's pretty awesome let me give a shout out to our uh patrons as well over on patreon there's also a link to that in description if you want me to read your really dumb name then go be a patron and throw money at us in a circle um so big shout out to dub mill digged in noah barton big buff soft mile ma i keep mispronouncing this name i'm sorry miel whitetail a cyber reptar 13 melody olivera michael redstorm arthur souza sixth salmon in a salmon cask duncan york pimpin the hood will possibly related to chris pratt zav creator of d d waifus micah god of puns jaren addison henning the psychic pineapple fluffy the barbarian teutonic knight penguin culture formaldehyde adam howard death the fire angry bird god mama love and papa joy mimi h laurent come forth imagine.tory sees amazingly awesome protected top full of semen jessica m reno kdl autism a nice icy wind of a nice icy wind a breeze of sorts roran verlaine a cobalt buried in the snow don't worry i'm fine uh cow the god grant goad alex rogers ryan eisenberg tom michael muriel stahl and laird olive thank everybody so much appreciate it okay we'll be back there's also uh well there's also there's also travis savoy and oh yeah go check out travis white in the description donations over on twitch yes okay [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and welcome back everybody um sorry for waiting for so long we actually turned off the card like 10 minutes ago and then um forgot to turn my mic on hey everybody welcome back uh thanks for waiting damn actually turned on turned off the break card like 10 minutes ago played for like 10 minutes and then forgot so that didn't you know that was all right because we all died and then we decided to restart yeah or you do so um um yeah how does she speak greg uh so like we're here and this guy was murdering people i stagger so we killed him that sucks that sucks that sucks that's really just like a sucky situation it is yeah that's not pogba at all [ __ ] hella bad yeah all right so um no no pogs were happening [Applause] um so you guys uh we're in the town of tourmaline you committed murder and then um just kidding you uh you know you were sentenced to you attacked us and uh you guys have been accompanied by a bunch of guards towards the mine um and uh five of them kind of follow you up now actually you're only accompanied by like three of them along along the journey there and as you guys begin to make your way over towards the mayan um walking along um as uh the speaker masty just kind of waves as you guys head off um you begin to move your way through the icy tundra of uh the icewinddale and as you begin to kind of clomp through the snow um there's like forests on either side of you as well and you begin to kind of like slowly ascend upwards long hills uh towards the towards the mine a mind you are um followed behind you by uh by two guards and one ahead of you who kind of leads you there and torga at one point goes over towards you and she kind of leans in um she's still got like a wound around her neck um and her arm in it like a casket black behind that like breaks and she kind of like goes over and she says we can take him i really like you now answer me really hard to leave you in that line now what i don't really build connections with each other with people speaker's going to think that you killed me i told him beforehand he's you're going to get a longer sentence i was trying to tell him that y'all's going to leave you there anyway but i'm but now i'm conflicted and i really want to bring you out get out of this together these three we could take them so easily i mean lazarus could take those two by himself look at you you're kind of a little broken i'm starting this i i'm i put the idea in your head wanna take him what hang on what did you just say what did you say just now everything good over there lazarus i i don't i don't know what'd you say i was just talking about we could we could take these guards we could you know we could totally you know we don't know them don't talk to me she kind of like stops and like looks at the ground and the shooter is like keep moving all right and she's like keeps going she goes over towards you elynstra she says hey what's wrong with him let's put ideas i don't know there's nothing wrong with every single one of us i was just saying we could totally take these cards not gonna happen why not what loyalty do you have towards them you clearly aren't from the ten times no loyalty but they'll be better friends than you will what that's ridiculous i have a lot of friends cause you're like walking ahead of her she says a lot okay she like keeps going um and eventually you guys make it towards uh the mine um the guards kind of point up towards the hill and they kind of stop and they go it's up there you're not coming in nope you're scared i don't think it was their job to come in yeah it's not our job to go all right we'll give you that one sp speaker masti would be would be missing three guards all right and our job is to make sure that you do your job of course right here one of them kind of steps over and says yeah are you saying you can't handle it are you gonna hang out out here you are you gonna hang out out here no i'm gonna go in and do your job it's not it's not our job it's your job it's your job actually isn't your job to protect this town yes and what is happening this is outside of town it's outside the jurisdiction oh wait we're outside we're trying to keep you from oh i'm trying to keep you from outside of the jurisdiction right now well not currently because we're fine no because we're here we're we we represent tourmaline proudly okay so the jurisdiction and then expand into the mind you also end no because we're outside of it right but you see only a few inches i understand are you going to be out here when we're done i think that's the question yes we are all right all right well make sure you get the job that monster comes out well we're not around we will you'll kill it for us we will deal with it are you confident in your ability to kill a monster of course we are oh guys we're asking these people what what are they what do these guards look like i understand they are wearing because we like kill them i'm not wearing hide armor and they have um they don't even have helmets really they just have like high-end there's like and they haven't they they all have a list they all have a space i'm just questioning what i've done in my dnd career for when i asked jacob what do they look like he immediately told me stats about them what what do they look like like like like oh what are they yeah i mean it is what they look like right but like faces right there are three humans it's all one of them has a broken nose one of them has really big eyebrows um the other one another one is a little bit shorter than the rest of them they all have different furs and hides that they're wearing not really like good armor they look like they know how to their way around a spear so um they're they're they uh they they hold that spear confidently as they watch you eventually go over towards the mind yeah because you're like let's do it you go yeah get in there yeah sure we'll do it get out here we will you want to get monster yep all right i'm gonna walk in i'll see if i do know that is they go yeah you better walk in yeah walk in yeah you better walk in there you better stay out here and one of the other guards just shut the [ __ ] up so wait are we an [ __ ] that's where no but just let them go do it and go all right are we now that okay good luck and he like hit someone he's like no longer the jurisdiction now that we're on the mic top of the mind like you're going down are we are we now not in the jurisdiction we should do it let's just do the job get it done the other guy goes over the other guard and like holds over his mouth it would be really good if we could make the leader of a town our friend yeah oh he is no but they listen he's cool too he like oh yeah they were under him i can i can see in the dark i i can also see in the dark what i can also sorry dark well i see what talking to me where you at what did you do what did you say someone's saying anything i just your friend clearly has a torch has brain problems i don't like my torch mental problems i don't think he should be talking like that way about people he clearly does i'm sorry he forgot what i said as we were walking up to this mine what did you just what was the last thing you said before he figured i don't know something about uh some about uh uh uh the mine about the mine not going into it yeah that's all right i'm gonna inside that okay we're all inside you can see now okay yeah i got i got this thing 14. it's very clearly lying is your bear going to be okay oh that's the wrong thing i got this don't make me summon the sword again on you can you kill me here i'm not going in if you're going to kill him and don't lie i've been threatened three times don't lie to me i told i asked him if he wanted to take on the guards and then he forgot all right all right i'm gonna i'm gonna stay as very close as i can to lazarus because he cannot see in the dark either poor bear wait what no he could smell him of course yeah um i'm not going to see you start looking around for tracks of some sort okay oh could i say hi um yeah you so you guys see like the entrance to this mine very clearly um uh kind of opens up and as you guys look down you want to look for tracks go ahead and roll survival um you can help with the survival so you give you advantage um i do have hunter's bane so oh yeah um can i take like a a good long whiff and see if i can uh smell anything that would be like yeah um can i look uh i'll wait i might wait to get a video but i don't know oh okay okay um hunter spain only applies no actually sorry um is that an ability you have or is it just something you're asking to do that's disability i have to sniff yeah you smell you smell you smell a good amount of of uh not okay not a good amount like uncomfortable whatever it was a bit of a tinge of of undeath coming from somewhere and it's huh and it's very clearly in the air somewhere around you great not coming from the cave she's gonna like start checking like her boots look no no not for me this is weird oh [ __ ] it's definitely not a linstrut definitely not torga she smells like a dwarf she's uh she wanted to be a little on guard trying to figure out what are you looking at i should drop him i think you're sniffing that yeah what do you smell are you sniffing for i smell something that that's a little undead well what was your goliath no smell what i'm dead things i mean i'm gonna find it all right the entrance to this gem mine is an open tunnel in a hillside empty carts are parked near the entrance next to which a crude wooden sign has been propped up written on the sign in charcoal are the words kobolds only in common it says it on the mind and i have lost all hope in these people well they think it's rock slides and it says coldwell's only on the side i think it's very nice that they thought they could just talk away so for hunter's bane it specifically says i have an advantage to track uh fae fiends or undead so you do not have advantage we have advantage because lazarus is giving you advantages i don't get much of a uh people that'll be a dirty 20. you look down and you see um you identify reptilian footprints mingled with human tracks um okay as well as a set of tracks that look like they belong to a pair of giant rodents what oh so well civilization right big rats yeah humans and kobolds separately they're not like oh it looks like maybe the humans and cobalts are does it look like they're walking together the humans and kobolds it's just the entrance so they kind of overlap a lot i don't really know is it like the cobalt's there and then paylor is also there like the beach reference and then like when you walk there's someone yeah someone there oh i understand now no i don't i'm not sure probably just going in and out around the same time oh my god are you i still don't know it's only one parent you know how like uh i i i've been walking by myself for so long and jesus says but i was with you and you're like there's only one set of footprints he's like i carried you yeah oh no i mean jesus has stuff i forgot that was a thing yeah he went next to you and he said payload set of tracks he was walking on the water yeah um this real quick can you guys go ahead and remove um your things here yeah of course and uh go ahead and place yourself at the little entrance which is right here come here and mark the wrong oh that's cool it's kind of down oh and then zoom in um go ahead and place your minis over there if you guys are at the entrance i don't want to go first yeah so you can see that oh i don't want to go uh well here oh there you go and then zoom out a little bit put her in the front out there you go and then a little bit over a little bit a little bit a little bit this way there you go you're good it just kind of tosses all out of the camera um a little more one more um so you guys are kind of at the entrance there are you guys heading in yeah i send a tour guide first she goes i'm not going first you're not brave i know what to look for no not in the company of you i'm not going to kill you i'm the one who wanted you to leave i have been threatened many times i am staying here when did i threaten you you're a allied with them you would not argue can somebody else go first yesterday all right all right all right all right i'll go first okay if i die i don't know what you should do if i die okay go home all right i like it i like it a lot um can we kind of file in there maybe get everyone on the map ruffian steps to send 60 feet into this mine 60 feet yeah but there's only like 10 to 15 feet of step that's that's racks holding dicks and hammers are nailed to the walls of this small cavern the floor is covered with rock rock dust and tracks and as you guys enter the mine they have diamonds somewhere down here oh mine lighting there's no diamonds down here we dug too deep cause we're into deep the big rodent ones uh lead to your um left ones go that way then to the other ones um the reptilian ones uh fan out between all the others okay but the road they don't go down the road in power no do the human ones do the same thing that's uh the rota one's the reptilian ones do actually go that way um the rodent ones just specifically go that way and the um the human ones um are mingled with the reptilian ones i see if uh if we go the way the cobalts are i might know what type of traps to look for all right well i think that the giant rodent is probably what we're here to kill if it's eating things and then throwing them around pits i don't think kobolds are strong enough to do that no but if the cobalts are causing rock slides we might be able to reason with cold walls no we may be able to kill cobalts kill yes reason with their little maniacs they'll more likely kill us they'll more likely kill us and take our stuff and use it incorrectly then it's a lot talk to us though i i actually could speak to them where you found them all right so left so exactly that's where i think we should go let's go left i'm all about it all right so this area kind of opens up a bit um and who steps in um i will can i investigate just to make sure there's not like any see if there's any tracks or creatures no like traps traps yeah role investigation that's a dirty 20 dirty 20. um the only thing you notice that that is that in the walls of this next room you can see gym deposits that's interesting the floor in the east end of this dusty cave is five feet higher than the west end so it like it goes up so you're in like a divot with a rocky ridge separating the two areas except for slopes on either side picks and shovels lean against the ridge and you notice that small gem deposits in the ridge of the walls on the walls of the cave gleam seductively and they're sort of a green and um and like uh they're you see like um gleamings of like green and sort of like a reddish pink i like these colors those are like tools shown about right uh there there are tools uh there are tools in the previous room oh i see i'm surprised that these kobolds didn't try and triangle these things out of the wall well i guess we can move further on nowhere to go but through i agree that way okay so you guys are just kind of going around yeah all right that opens up like this and connects that still left still left still left do the tracks end in this room uh no they continue down like that way uh yeah towards the left okay we'll go that way we talked about me being kind of i don't think she should be at the end but no who me what's in this little room no her oh on that little alcove okay okay so if this is the way you guys are going yeah um you guys kind of look over and step in and you see what looks like um hey emma can you come over and turn the dial down a little bit and zoom it in um oh this is probably just more challenging you can hear rushing water as you step into this room an underground river flows through the far side of this cavern which is supported by a natural stone pillar near the water's edge so actually i'm going to do this put that that pillar is um so one more time the pillar right here there's a pillar right there perfect between you and the river are two halfling sized gray rodents with long tails and beady eyes they kind of turn and rush and attack you as soon as you notice them so go ahead and roll initiative oh boy i hope i'm faster than a rodent me too i want to find out i don't know about that but yeah i'm over myself um yes on both sides of the pillars there kind of show them like this actually use these these are actually much more accurately sized oh they're smaller well they're giant i mean they're rats the size of dogs oh so oh they're the ferrets or little wolves what are you laughing about literally nothing okay actually nothing all right then i will take it now uh let's go ahead get some rolls in here sorry got a billy lettuce card over here where's all my cards there they are all right um 25 to 20. nobody maybe torga nope uh 15 to 10. uh 15. did you did you get 20 to 15. yeah 19. 19. all right i was like wait did you skip 15 to 19 15 ten fifteen ten to five oh i'm sorry i'm thirteen you're thirteen no i'm also fourteen apologizing come on guys freaking count cheese i heard fifteen and then the door um all right so um top of the round uh lindstra you're first congratulating hello hello it's me um i pm to you uh while i'm prepping my turn so you can understand some some some some of my life decisions also how the hell am i getting into this fight sorry uh lazarus thick big boy yeah dick two season okay oh it's that uh needed that back for the the k because it's too thick to fall over where is this being exactly because you're right now in the middle of three squares oh i'm sorry probably one of them yeah this being yeah that's not that's fair i think this is technically in this like that's cool can you put me in the little in between i'll bring up my uh my um the kapesh huh yeah curvy sword actually no no i'm not gonna do that okay um i'm gonna go ahead and use kona shadows on the two of them okay so uh so um as i'm running up um i still summon the kapesh um but as i summon it the magic from it some of it starts to drain out and it goes up up to my mouth and i just breathe out this like dark shadowy uh all right they need to make uh uh 15 foot cone what i would i just write the dc and i didn't write it's a constitution statement constitution savings yeah um two and five they both fail um they both take 2d6 necrotic damage okay should be four plus six so they both take ten necrotic damage and their speed is halved for a minute um well the speed is zero as they're both that oh you go forward and the clone shatters covers the room and the two of them are just turned into like like crispy black husks and they just crumble into each other and are dead skeever [Laughter] you guys are out of combat cheese wheels i'm at full health now are the rats dead yeah yeah okay we were concerned about rats what were you concerned about rats i mean yeah i was i heard him sounded gross i should kind of move everything ew they look really gross now they do perfect lazarus yes you can go over here okay all right so [Laughter] what are you doing are those little gems right there uh gems like what's this right here it looks like jesus i am kind of curious oh yeah no there's like there's like gems in the wall damn i'm not you can try to mine them out if you want if you have a mining pick kind of kind of um kind of gems you can't really tell you can't check what that'd be um it's just an intelligence check oh a check to to to mine yeah no it wouldn't be a check you just need a just need a pic um these never come out we just come miners we do the problem but we did prospect the whole in the whole tunnel yeah they look like transition gemstones that come in different colors including pale green blue pink red brown and black yeah i can't exactly imagine that those were the things that have killed no i thought they'd be bigger okay shane so backstab then kobolds can i can i look over like over here and like look where that goes yeah uh you just want to like try to peer in i guess i i'll like go and i can actually step in the water i guess um the water is rushing pretty quickly you want to do how deep is it you can't tell i'm gonna kind of instead lead down and put my hand in it you put your hand in it and your hand almost like goes downwards it's like oh it's very quick if you step in that you're going to get rushed down can i then like just look just look yeah um you look down um and as you kind of peer down it like curves and winds and um you just see darkness at the end okay uh yeah that makes a lot of sense um just as a heads up jacob in case this matters i do have a superior dark vision so the 120 feet of dark vision are you going to appear in sure why not it peers over and it continues over to like a wall but you can barely see it continues to a wall you can see it like it goes out and then it like it like ends and falls into like a large open room but you can barely see anything in the room it leads to somewhere but you take quite a fall to go through i think yeah water's fast i'm sure we'll find where it leads backtrack probably the kobold rail probably i can take the lead with you on that one yeah you can go first you might guess well you you see the tracks i'll go i can also see further than you can yeah go ahead uh she should yeah yeah who you go first owen struck sure why not i'll go first um and i'm keeping an eye out for him what would be uh goblin uh goblin uh sorry kobold um shenanigans traps and the like uh all right you know good old kobold shenanigans you uh go over you can see a a little uh rocky ledge also i'm going ahead i'm just keeping the kapesh summoned sounds good it takes a bonus action to do that i'm just thinking benches there's a seven foot sort of like cliff that goes upwards um it's a ledge basically but benches and tables are set up as a works uh as work spaces where miners would clean gemstones that they find gravel and pebbles are strewn on the ground scattered across the floor are a few hammers picks and broken lanterns it's empty in here but that's all that's loose gems about any loose gems um you find uh two yeah as you kind of go around you look around you do on the ground see two uh pebble-sized gems we're just strip mining this place while we're clearing it out we could just mine come back and go does this gem pay 15 gold um yeah i don't know about you you also find a small figurine i don't either sorry you don't find two uh you actually the only thing you find in here on the ground is a small figurine oh it's a small figuring of a dog that is carved out of rock and in its eyes are two pebble-sized gems oh wow and they're very clearly tourmalines is that why the this town is called tourmaline i don't see the connection no no the tourmaline has an ou oh yeah it's tourmaline very different obviously can i get it in the package can i put like a pick onto lazarus just put it like a little satchel on his back yep you have a pick now just in case continue then um is there any any anything so it's just like tools at this point yeah we're going to continue down oh my god okay once i get to this bridge i'm uh i'm taking uh i walk and i just look i'm like well we found where the waterfall is it's really good that we didn't go in it hamma can you move the camera for me thanks uh i'm having a bear stay in that room we were just at the bear tries to go across the wooden top you toss him in there he's gonna hang out right there and then we come back and he's on his hind legs with a pickaxe and he's mining for um descend 60 feet before ending just north of this chamber nope just kidding that was a different room wooden planks and struts from a walkway along the wall um a seemingly bottomless vertical shaft you look down even with your superior dark vision you can't see the bottom strap that's a really deep uh really deep a narrow waterfall cascades down the northeast wall and the sound of rushing water is loud in the confined space just to let you guys know you cannot hear each other unless you're yelling because the waterfall is so loud that's the probably the hole to the underdark okay i'll yell back towards them did you eat this at the pit yeah basically um let's be careful crossing this okay um i don't exactly want to return home as a paste cool you can you can stop that now i don't exactly want to return home as paste so why don't you let me go first sure i'm probably lighter uh i'm gonna i'm gonna look look out really quick i don't see any any cobalt shenanigans do i roll perception i want kind of like making sure the bridge is stable uh perception yeah nine what's your passive nine oh yeah this looks clear to me okay um i think i will take a step onto this tiny little bridge and take a step onto the bridge and as it kind of creaks down hold your weight oh okay i'm gonna creep across it okay i'm gonna walk across as you start almost the entire length of my movement as you start crossing elinstra realizes that you were like i'll go first i probably weigh less than you she's like wait a minute can you roll a um perception checkpoint absolutely i can wait no you shouldn't have oh no you can't see in the dark it's torch i'm a torch oh that doesn't help me too much okay seven um all right you make it to the other side um and what you see is a wooden pulley system that has been constructed around a large hole on the floor uh a bucket big enough to hold a humanoid is held up by thick rope three alcoves to the to the uh next to the lift contain wooden boards and mining equipment this is very intricate in the whole thing we should be fine if you want to head over all right i'll go ahead and make sure you heal up lazarus stay behind okay i can stay back here too you know just to keep what if somebody ambushes you no no why not no we're making better life choices remember yeah i know i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and cross jacob okay you cross you kind of walk over um the boards are a little like they kind of like as you go across but that you make it and you see the next room as well it's like a pulley system that goes deeper further down into the mine oh god goes deeper wow i'll i'll make room for the rest of the group i'll go okay well perception check is there me yes alrighty i'll use this one 18 there's movement under as you begin to go over you can see like through some of the holes in the boards not like holes but like where the boards like don't connect there's movement underneath this thing and there's like really loud waterfalls so you can't like hear what the movement is oh what does it look like you can't tell you just see like you just see like shifting i'm gonna back up a little bit okay you back up a little bit uh there's something over here moving under the boards i don't know if they hear me or not is there he'll point to it you look you don't see anything really maybe you can't get a good look at it from here i'm gonna um let me think inside i know what i'm doing i just need to think about exactly what i'm saying okay um um she'll kinda take a breath and uh almost in in a voice that i i almost imagine that that draconic comes out almost as it's not even your voice because it's drakkana it's like kind of almost like a a deep and like guttural like like you know a very harsh way of speaking yeah and uh and she would just um all even did i not take that spell i'm stupid i'm definitely thinking i can't trip next time i get a chance to catch it um i'll yell out uh kobolds get out here and draconic trying to try to attract them using using uh that language if they if they are cults um you yell that out nothing happens yell at me like deafened by the by the waterfall as you just continuously like see the the movement down you notice the movement's very repetitive his ears going to light his torch okay drop it he watches it falls and he watches it continues and it goes downwards and downwards and downwards into the darkness into the darkness no it's obscured not by darkness but by the planks [Music] but you watch as the torch goes down really really really far continuing tiny little light and then eventually just goes out all right hang on you don't even hear it hit the ground can you be on the boards i'm going to do like a little like a slight push up and just kind of peer over peer over underneath the board and you have to appear underneath and your head is basically upside down as you look down you see um underneath they're like kind of in the back there are two cobalts sitting on planks of support beams that are holding it up and each one of them has a saw and they're going z and they're just kind of like they're kind of like this you're like pushing her oh yeah absolutely these two balls get out on that side kill them wait how are we getting back they're like you guys have maybe a minute or so until they completely cut this off are you gonna do anything can i you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna go over here okay i'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing that he did you look down this is just kona shadows oh you watched the two of them are knocked off the railing they fall into the darkness cool i'm sorry i don't trust myself with the climbers kit i'd rather keep the bridge [Laughter] and we should go down yeah into the bucket all right who goes in the bucket first it's she gonna find the bucket yeah i'm like well you can fit in the bucket all right you're like you're like standing on it the bear's gonna hang out right there the bear the bear might fall at once it tries to cross the wooden bridge i don't want it to it's just gonna hang out right there stay right there go suntan or something i don't know go sleep suntan there's no sun i like how you don't question the concept of a bear sun tanning bears like who goes down the bucket first uh you'll go you go in the bucket you step in the bucket who wheels them down you go down slowly you appea you are over here lazarus oh bucket oh i can reach um this you that's you hey emma is this your boy i think your mind's in the bathroom it's your boy big boy lazarus here um all right you are in a little just a boy and his bear he's a boy what about this wow so you look off in the distance um you see more different ways to go uh i think there's a little flavor text for this give me one moment here the mechanism creaks as the bucket lift descends to the floor of a small cave where two dusty tunnels lead in opposite directions okay i want to make room for people okay um whoever wants to go down the bucket lift can go into that room get in the bucket can uh can she be the one to [Laughter] do you have no faith in me ellen strut from the underdog sure this is the only time you haven't been in a bucket oh no yeah it's quite sturdy i'm sure yes yeah i i imagine i don't think she has faith in my strength she's like twice twice or twice your size right get in the [ __ ] bucket am i right you're right do you [ __ ] with her at all or no no no no i don't okay i'm gonna make you the bottom line it's so heavy right and we're having a really hard time bringing you down i can't hear you as far now go ahead and get in the bus you see uh um uh or let's no longer she's like this right yeah get in the bucket dropper i really think i should just stay up here i don't think that's an option give me a good reason well i don't think i am going to be much used to you down there i don't know you're pretty good in a fight tell the baby or more cobalts more it's not like i can leave the bear is guarding the way i don't know you seem pretty slippery let's get you get some bucket thank you you'll blow her down all right you lower down how am i gonna get that yeah uh having that same thought it's 15 feet down by the way oh it's only 15 feet we can catch we could hear you just leave the bucket at the bottom and climb down the road yeah yeah easy enough all right do you want to choose if you would like yeah wait a minute absolutely for our people it was a sport like ore and we just got in this ore bucket are there tracks down there well survival put on my night vision goggles i'll also look for cobalt that'd be a really great thing to have actually night vision yeah i might i might try some with that yeah they're called goggles at night yeah i thought you said never mind you went down too yeah i went down i'm sorry do you did you also go down are you helping or uh jacob is it cool if i just climb down the rope if i leave it at the bottom cool yeah i'll help you out you want to go sure well we're with edibash house of antarctica inventory 12 12. you look down and you see a lot of kobold foot traffic that uh leads to and comes from the west north is this way uh so you're right yes okay a lot of cobalt traffic that way that way there is a single set of cobalt footprints that lead to the east oh are they bigger no i wonder why they go that way you want to check out first like a speaker of some sort like house probably this way this is the east wing yeah yeah wait yeah yeah yeah yeah cat salvation yeah [Music] um can tag team it oh that's not what he meant but we'll go that way jacob yes this side are you going the other way that's right are you i thought you were going the way that the single set of cobalt tracks are going yeah you told us you said the east this is north well you know what it's kind of east [Laughter] i will go in here to the uh the neast the knees all right you make your way in a hole in the west side of this chamber opens into the central shaft letting down the sound of waterfall sorry the floor in the north end of the cave is five feet higher than the south end the rocky ridge separating them and a slope on either side leading into the top of the ridge what did i just say nothing i walk over here i'm looking the walls above the ridge gleam with gym deposits it's a long shaft yeah it's sure gonna be never mind it's roth all of you it's a shaft yeah pretty normal everyone has a shaft that's not accurate i don't think what do you mean don't worry every cave has its shaft yeah you all know about that like two pieces that kind of go together yep all right is this [ __ ] is this shaft or this one yeah no i assume it's these are like on top of one another right okay uh why the [ __ ] are these cobalt tracks the ones that connect cobalt tracks go in here and you notice that there's like they like step all over the place and then they don't go anywhere i wonder if they oh are there these is there like a way that they yeah around the area no there isn't oh how do they get that have they just sitting there they just kill eternal cobalt yeah all right uh can i like investigate the room if there's like any like weird trapped doors or nothing where are you investigating like the walls like in this area it's probably just the walls there's like any like any rock that's like been broken or yeah you look around the room balls and you look up and down and then you look at the ceiling and as you look up at the ceiling no there is something in the corner it looks like a rock outside and then it turns down all right it's a brain and then a bunch of tendrils dropped from the bottom and then float its way over down towards you i'm sorry what it looks like i'm like yeah i know it's a cold bulb that's worse that's a brain i mean uh let me show you probably that's foul you know what i love about playing in person jacob not being able to jump scare me in uh roll 20. your own hand dude cut the cupping hand will always exist now oh all of us have our d and d meme and that will be yours what a legacy what the hell is much bigger than i remember it being that's what it looks like gross i don't think i've ever seen one of these before and it's going down towards you lazarus so um everybody go ahead and roll initiative fun fact i checked something just to be curious um our stream is exactly four seconds behind what we're doing oh how interesting i'm watching it on my computer no that means we have four seconds to turn it off if something goes wrong but who can pull um unfortunately i don't have a very good like mini for this creature so we'll just not like the cave fisher um no it's just medium so we'll just use this guy right here what this seems cool yeah it's a uh what are those called yeah they fought them in critical role this is very cool looking yeah he's handsome well that's not what it is um it is like about yeah it's about there descending down on top of you oh phenomenal that hate it man i need to buy a crossbow um do you guys want another picture of it yeah sure yeah okay don't take it it's like is it like hawaii yeah yeah we'll befriend it it can be here you have four seconds [Laughter] i don't like this thing no i hate it it's not what i thought it was um yeah i don't know what this is i've never seen one of these like the kingfisher thing sorry i was i was checking something really quick yeah i just realized is that actually the mini of it it's not is it yeah it's closer though i swear i had a mini of this but it apparently didn't the kobolds like the variant ones okay 25 to 20. thank you nobody got 25 to 20. uh 25 20. oh no i keep waiting because i'm like looking up and he's like [Laughter] brother oh camaro wonderful phenomenal i love them why'd you put me at the front um i'm sorry um definitely not at the front is that accurate 15 to 12 or 17. 19. sorry 15 10. what did you guys get the whole seven five seven five one twenty roll yeah twerk what'd you get oh shoot oh my that's like god worst time for that to happen all right um you wanna talk around as a creature you know what that's the exact words i didn't wanna hear yeah this thing is a bulbous floating brain with white sharp beak with 10 long tentacles made of hundreds of ring-shaped muscles sheathed through tough fibrous hide there are barbs at the end that tip each tentacle and as they move down they kind of like slowly move down and kind of like try to um hit you so uh two of them uh uh one of them tries to uh to to get you um absolutely lazarus that's a crit oh [ __ ] i swear i rolled it i'm not just trying to make it seem like it's real cool yeah just goodbye goodbye oh that's what fell on the floor here's my card well whatever i need it i'll find one rule um a constitution saving through absolutely maybe you'll need it right now uh that will be a natural 20. you take um 21 piercing damage oh my god it goes over and you watch as one of the tentacles just skewer through lazarus and you watch and then just it like pulls itself out and falls to the ground and then it turns its beak and then it takes the one the tendril that it stabbed it with wraps it around lazarus's body and picks him up in the air and then it takes its beak and um uh uh kind of looks down towards everybody kind of like waiting um lazarus uh roll a death saving i have a vantage you do have a uh it didn't pop up for me it was so there you go thank you i gotta open that but i'll find it i'm gonna show you two top right okay um how's that jacob that's a zoomed in perfect um a lynch strut's your turn you just watched it just skewer um uh lazarus and then wrap it up wrap him up in his tent is this a little path we can walk up uh no okay because that's how it goes together no that's the cliff okay it like it goes up to that all right well i'm gonna go 510 i still have my thing up so i'm gonna go ahead and mark this boy as my uh my hex blade's curse okay um and i'm going to specifically attack for the tendril that it has lazarus in to try to cut them out um okay go for it uh 22 to hit 22. um yeah that hits real damage cool i could be really afraid if it didn't yes you'd be like time to go um so that would actually be four run to the shaft 10 damage no 10 damage yeah well some under dark adventures you go over and you slice you don't cut the tendril off but you you hear it kind of go like and it like uh it unravels um a uh lazarus and he falls onto the ground i freedom and i got as it looks like what i got all right um just like uh tour guide looks over and she's like oh [ __ ] she takes a dagger and throws it [ __ ] [ __ ] get in the fight i can't blame her good for her she did seven damage good job she throws a dagger and she lands on the side of in it and then um i think she can do it twice yep she throws another dagger uh and she misses it just hits the side of the wall um kazira uh i'm going to use um i'm not gonna do that actually it only attacked once right okay let's hope it stays that way i'm gonna i'm gonna attack it all right roll attack i'm not planking am i wiggling uh no but you cannot flank it oh it doesn't have eyes sad what a weird or a weird sentence his blind side it doesn't have eyes how do we kill somebody doesn't have eyes i have no eyes yet i must see 13 13 hits roll damage it does sweet uh it's bloodied you go over and slice it because here it can give me one second okay and all of its tendrils that were like kind of like flat and kind of like moving they sort of like twins upwards and curl moves i hate it yeah it's not good to be honest it's not the tendrils or the brain it's the beak that'll be my turn okay um immolation um i guess i'm gonna go over can i can i reach it from the top of this clip like with my quarter chef can i just whack it or do it check i don't know how big that is um i believe yeah it's like seven feet tall so um how tall are you seven what do you what do you use quarter stuff yeah sure like a pinata stop that okay let me roll to hit my torch come on that's a 19. [Applause] yeah a successful role awesome they do exist so yeah who knew eight so eleven eleven damage holy crap nice that's good kill that it's like no it's not okay stop smacking it um top of the round the creature goes kind of and it looks down and it um takes uh one of its tendrils and it skewers kazira uh with a a uh 15. that'll hit you can you roll a constitution saving through i can uh 18 18. um you succeed it goes over towards you takes its uh tendril skewers you for 11 damage okay i'm still conscious all right and then it uh it wraps its tendril around you and picks you up you're now grappled and restrained as you're like being held by it and you feel like numbness come over your body and you just resist it um and then it takes its beak and bites you damn it i should have done my stupid thing um it gets a 19. yeah i'm unconscious all right um you guys watch this because here is like struggling and then the creature just takes its brain and and the and the uh and the in the beak and it just bites into kazira real quickly just snaps down and just goes unconscious um attack it okay i'm just trying to kill it that one okay uh wait i crit you cry oh my god i cried on 1920s if it's my curse dude nice all right roll that big damage so i'm to go ahead and pick up these dice because it's 4d6 this time that's good damage what is that roll 18 23 plus 6. 29 damage how do you kill it i i want you know i rolled six six six five healthy amount uh i uh i almost imagine it it's this type of thing where where it turns around to strike kazira and as it turns around uh she just she she kind of grips the kapesh and and forms that the smite along the along the curved blade yeah and the smite um the smite kind of kind of uh shines out in this um in this purplish energy and as it does it gives me the the like uh the slice across the body of the of the sometimes you like hook it yeah yeah well it gives me like a like a point appears with that magic and she just kind of takes it and just brings it in and slide it out it like it like it moves back like and all of its uh tendrils are like squirming all over the place as it like vibrates in the air and then eventually it just gives and falls onto the ground as it continues like writhing on the ground until eventually just slowly stops and dies because i forgot since it was my cursed creature i get five temporary hp nice warlock level plus uh plus uh charisma mod um torga yells is it dead yeah uh i think is anybody else dead uh i hope not um she she walks over and she looks over she sees lazarus and kazira both down and she says uh what a tragedy are they gone no no they need help yes sticks on my ribs she uh goes over to kazira and she looks down she says i hope that we can continue this friendship she pulls out a health potion and she pours it in because there's man that's better life choices yeah that's what i'm saying that's nice you heal seven hitpoints oh sorry wait that's cure wounds hang on you might heal more the exact same no i rolled a one and a four um all right uh because it's your turn um can i roll medicine on lazarus to stabilize him yes okay not the best at this but i will try 14. you stay uh that would be um a success no no you stabilize him so you go over to you go over to him you patch his wounds and he's good so you're just unconscious i think they're okay all right um well that's definitely what was causing the issues disgusting what the hell is that i don't know i don't know we're gonna tell in our car check if you want to know what this is while she's rolling no you don't well because he was rolling the arcana check i'm gonna take my uh kapesh and i'm gonna try to like slice down where the beak is do you say that as i go to don't don't do that don't do that yet 14. 14. as you get a look at it you know what this thing is this is a grill a grill yep that was a growl i will um send you a bunch of info spencer do we want to take the entire body then while they're doing that i'm going to reach out my hand and it kind of faintly glows and i'm going to give lazarus a little bit of health okay how much health are you getting there's just one you just wake up a little resuscitated oh there's a lot of true thank you [Music] it what i look like oh god it's horrible yeah it almost it almost got your heart oh is that close well it's all right right now did he just i mean i because i was heartbroken i did now if the dutchman must always have a captain what i read in a book once i used to do this thing to one of my friends who used to make a lot of references and i would deal with psychic damage every time i only got one blood i read a book once [ __ ] pass away hope that happens let's see just one sorry i'm having trouble uh registering anything right now process whatever you got to process i'm going to sit here and yeah i think aliens nothing's an alien i'm sorry what yeah not from here so do we want one story [Music] i mean yeah if you bundle up all the tendrils cool now we just cut a cup no you just don't turn it yeah let's take it as is all right roll a dexterity check a dexterity check and what are you talking about that wasn't in my notes just flat decks nothing else okay uh 15. okay you go over and bundle it and throw it in there and bundle it all together all right it's in a bucket now let's get out of here before kobolds show up oh yeah just be clear i'm a little i'm a little a little dazed uh-huh we were just sent here to kill this thing this is what's killing their people oh no they're called anything else the cobbles are just being menaces we said we'd handle the mines i just want to make sure and then we're like rock slides and stuff right this almost killed me kobolds are going to throw rocks in my head and i don't want to go green right now i think i think they might consider this dealt with and if we wanted to handle the rest of it we can maybe talk to them about giving you a school absolutely health potential cut a deal yeah get out of before you're just starting to understand i try i try and i'm going to look at touring and go better life choices i'm really proud of you i apologize for punching you in the face i've had a very rough month you've had a rough month yes everybody's held a rough month yeah why what happened uh well i showed you how [ __ ] beat up i am that happened about a week ago my wife's missing um sorry it's all right is she dead i hope not that'd be terrible a couple weeks ago my only drinking buddy got burned at the stake that is terrible i'm sorry was it one of the lottery things yep yeah i didn't know about that when i moved up here um suffolk told me that he was enacting divine retribution by the frost maiden her people who were crossing their name out pulling themselves out of that lottery making it unfair for everybody else yeah people who had money he was hunting them down while i didn't agree with it i i didn't hate him either well you know what [ __ ] that entire lottery business stupid people should serve a being because they want to not because they're afraid to sometimes we don't have a choice when your number's up your numbers up people are given choices sometime sooner or later trust me not always not always my kind was given a choice i hear what i'm looking for they should get a choice too varun demands it yes let's get out of here yeah i'll climb up the rope okay climb up the rope you guys make your way back over oh no i've ruined everything oh no some kind of arcane sigil hdmi one what does this mean these cobalts you just drop hd tvs you guys see an enormous on the wall as everything changes you just see darkness and you see strange symbols appear triangles circles x's and then pop up behind you you see oral the frost main say sorry i'm turning on my ps5 would you like to buy them double the price i'm scalping the absolute [ __ ] out of those videos i wasn't different before you and i had to go how much how much do you sell those four my kid really wants one you guys make your way out of the tunnel go over back towards lazarus and um and i assume leave the toe yeah yeah all right you make your way out and back out towards the thingy yeah you wrap that [ __ ] up um and make your way back outside um as you do um the sunlight hits uh well i'm sorry it's the ice windell keep forgetting there is no sunlight you kind of make your way out and it's just like that's a little brighter um there's a bit of like light like like almost like very bright moonlight but that's about it as you make your way out the guards are down they're clearly playing cards and they look up and they go oh they're out one of them stands up dragging the thing out by bucket you uh find out what was down there yeah you want to take a look at it yep one of them walks over i'll drop the like cloth that he wrapped it in the snow open it oh oh it's disgusting the other ones look over and they're like oh what the hell is this thing i like too cause we look took a zero what in the hell's is this thing you don't know it's called a growl it's an alien it's not from here get rid of the kobolds no some of them some of them yeah uh that thing almost killed uh me and lazarus here so we're gonna take a break and talk to your boss take a break you're just you can take a break here stay here until the cobalts are cleared out i won't be doing that i believe that uh the speaker said to take care of the the mines in which there was a monster that was killing things like cold walls are basically not the cold war they're people like kobolds are going to attack anybody we send back in there to go mine the rest of them and i'll deal with that tomorrow that's the honest day's work we've done an honest day's work yeah we deserve a bed you're down there for 10 minutes i have no complaints about being 10 feet under the air sorry you guys were down there for like an hour sorry good i don't know if i remember anymore he said you don't have any complaints about being down there i have no complaints about being buried six feet in the earth but you might lazarus i'm gonna have him like stamp on all fours or on his two haunches and kind of just all right go back to tourmaline sounds good thanks well we'll be back here tomorrow to clear out the cobalt are welcome to chaperone us yeah escort us back to town to the speaker and then you know kobolds tomorrow kind of stop and they say i mean did you see any more cobalts down there yeah we killed two of them that we saw that we saw all right you guys make your way back down the trail back over to tourmaline oh it's the daytime now i'm gonna have uh lazarus carry me i'll just fall on his back and i'll just trot it along i'll go ahead and i'll walk this time guys make your way over and um back towards the town back inside you see all the buildings covered in snow make your way over to um the speaker's house guards knock on the door um speaker master opens the door and he looks down he says it oh hello uh you dragged that all the way here that's disgusting yeah is that the source of the problems there all right so it's clear but the cobalts are still there maybe this thing almost killed the two of us so we're gonna take a break the quote unquote fine monster a day a day preferably tomorrow morning we go back out i think that this is worth our uh punishment if not i'll spend the night in jail and i'll deal with your kobold thing tomorrow i'm old and i'm tired if you want the kobold thing done it'll get done tomorrow how was torga was she helpful yes she was you she was pretentious [ __ ] she was very helpful she helped kill it yeah and she was there for a party when we needed her i didn't expect that thing to be down there it's disgusting it's awful should've been alone they don't i'm glad you've killed it and i appreciate it consider it done the rest of my guards can clear out the way or whatever cobalts are down there oh just so you know there's a little bridge system they were trying to saw it in half or off of its support well thank you for the heads up they may still try to do it if there's more people i'd pay you but um i'll work it off of your bounty you're free to go all of you looks over to torga says what about my stuff she says the rest of your stuff is outside of town although the corpse has been removed she's like she like clenches her fist fine she looks the right stevia and she says it's been fun wait you wouldn't happen to be going to lonelywood would you no you wanna no because where are you going though i'm probably gonna take my stuff back over to bryn shander hello no wait where are my other guards she says uh they're free to go with you as well which is good you can go back and turn in let's do that she says what are you paying them what am i paying up in your garden you want to be my guards no you want to guard my store you can he's got a bear she says look it's been great it also has been awful and sooner i can put the distance between the four of us the better i have business to conduct so um it's been fun yeah but um all that all this stuff we're even we're even sure whatever oh great she turns she walks away and then the speaker steps and he says one more thing where is sephic killed him he's dead well he attacked us we were we were talking to him asked him about the body and he stabbed we were sent to get more information i mentioned the body well let's hope those murders stop then let's hope now we know where to look of course well um the sooner you move on from tourmaline the better of course of course great yeah one more night and then it is good doing business with someone that i understand she's bloody again kind of turns he's going up and he says don't expect the same kindness from the rest of the speakers i'm newer to this and um i'm a bit more forgiving the rest of the speakers in 10 towns are ruthless they've been here a long time they fought bitter cold and seen a lot of death they won't give a rat's ass about you thank you for the free advice he nods and he heads into his house wait do we still have this thing he's still on the i take i take the bucket and i turn to the guards here showing this [ __ ] mailbox do you have a trash can no i'm not taking that that's disgus that's just leave it there that's your problem i might want that all right the body lashes he picks it up in his mouth and then he falls on the ground paralyzed how long will he be like that i'm not sure damn maybe a minute yeah gets back up all right don't do that again back up all right wrap it back up okay let's head back to uh as yeah as we start walking lancer will actually kind of sidle up to kazira eastside could could we make could we make paralyzing poison out of that maybe might be good in combat i think we could always just throw it at people yeah you could that's a little bit like i'm a deuces head carry it around throw the head at them take it you guys head back to the end um go back over and run the whip out of one of the tentacles oh my god come off you're thinking like a drow um yeah um you guys make your way back um over towards your your uh room in the end spend the rest of the day is there like a relaxing place i can bathe um because i'm that actually sounds fantastic you go and you go into the uh what is the name of this place uh the east side you go in and you see uh marta's there and she kind of looks up can i get like uh some hot water and a bucket what was all that about uh a misunderstanding yeah sorry you got wrapped up in that did she bother you too much you okay you wanna talk about it hey what happened she was really mean i'm sorry did you guys kill somebody they did you guys are murderers self-defense and he did try to stab me first you guys talking about the ice cold killer we are we killed that guy whoa this is way cooler than i thought yeah don't tell anyone though all right yeah we have a bath yeah can i is that extra do anything just one no you have beth all right multiple you know charisma check sure oh oh god this is not what i wanted natural one she goes yeah there's a bath go figure it out do you uh zero after you have multiples get more cause you're more like a zero hey do you have more than one or just the one i just have one yeah you got needle tell me i'd say you could share i don't want you want to share a bath with a stinky old gross looking man like that guy over there i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm i'm you smell like blood i i'm covered in she's just being defensive she's just she's had a long day she's not used to this life i know i know she's gotta learn okay yeah but not today all right count a key to the room please you know what a lynx elincer will get here and then she'll kind of go in and is there like a counter so kind of just sit at the counter and and she's kind of just it's just a counter and she's like why are you on my channel i get to lean up and then i'm going to wait and see what these two do and then you guys go back to the room or what you got like a needle and thread needle and thread yeah my my clothes got run through oh yeah yeah i think my dad has some oh i'll go check she runs out okay dad live down the street she comes back in she goes here thank you i'll take get my robotic hands nice i'll be like oh hang on i'm to go check my shoulder it's nice perfect and you guys go back to the room and do that or is that it okay you go take a bath yeah i go take a hot bath your girl right now in the tub uh i like arthur morgan better you're like 25 cents she's like all right apparently i'm two no and he's really weird about you he's like fine whether we're having them yeah all right sorry that's all we can talk about is the weather it's so awkward isn't it nice here in the ice wind dale arthur morgan deadass just looks up and goes you like my feet is that an actual wine [Laughter] you know i i think i think i'm actually gonna i think i'm gonna skip out on this now because i the moment has passed and my head is forgotten okay so i'll just follow them to the right all right you follow them back over the room you have it the bath is actually outside but it you go and you warm it from the inside with like hot coals and you go and you take the water and go out there so it's nice like cold but warm and you're like and um it's pretty nice yeah and then i'll probably do the same as lazarus and fix my clothes cool cool um yeah you guys head back um to your room and um take a rest for them i'll take the key you guys basically just chill out for the rest of the day i assume because chill out um do you guys do anything else throughout the day uh i think she she just you know read another letter or finish the one she started of course last night sounds good yep um and yeah in that moment um you guys uh rest up and uh you guys can also level up level two what level how warm is it in the rooms um it's about uh it gets it i mean they have like fire in there so you can get pretty warm in there 780 degrees cool um what are you using when uh when elena come comes out from the bath she's probably in like like a short sleeve shirt and like cropped like like all right like down to like calf and she's like i hate and she's carrying this bundle of clothes she's like all of this you're in the wrong place sets it down you also notice your sheets are yeah i i didn't exactly intend on being here your sheets are clean what uh i desperately need your help because i was asked a question i don't and i forgot my book again so i all my notes about actually should be fine leveling up because i'm level one what was the name of the place that i was before i'm not going to say that now they asked where i was and i was going to tell them oh where were you yeah but i don't remember i remember the basic idea got it but i don't remember her it's called oh that's a 9. dugan's hole [Laughter] a fortress by the name of sun blight fortress oh my god cool i was uh traveling above ground um which i'm not apt to do normally so i know we're keeping kind of our levels a little secret so um do you guys want to continue doing that wow because i was an [ __ ] and [ __ ] spoiled it earlier so that's all right now uh yeah you know uh solidarity i'll go my second level ranger oh awesome very quick at level warlock everyone already knew what it was and then you know second level awesome oh yeah [Applause] yeah that's really good some health yeah yeah would you roll craig let me find out oh oh i just want to say i appreciate how extra curly your mustache is today very [Laughter] so oh you've destroyed him [Laughter] oh [ __ ] well not so frail should it be for now would you roll on your uh oh how did i mess this up again eight whoa nice cool well thank you everybody for joining us for episode two okay are we done sorry i was gonna do character stuff oh i literally asked about why where i was from and you said wait and i don't know we wanted to do our thing and then you guys started yeah go for it i didn't know sorry all right could you yeah uh sure you'll go um it doesn't seem like you're accustomed to this sort of that's right that's what we were saying and then was it was like i'm not i'm not usually above ground um it's not common for me i'm usually down the pit because what made you decide to venture forth and experience the wonders of the above world my family saw fit that i needed to prove myself as all drow do and so they sent me up here and uh i got caught up in a duragar raid not in the tin towns down just down the down the way south south of here and they put me in a place called sun blight this one bite i think i've ever heard of that it's a it's a durgar fortress right jacob okay the only reason i'm still here is because they're up to something i don't know exactly why the duragar yeah apparently it's it's it's it's dangerous and so is all of this cross-maiden sacrificing [ __ ] and uh though i'm not the biggest fan of him um my god saw fit since i'm the i'm the only person here my family my family's it's your problem now it's my problem now that's why i can do all this stuff though i summon the the kapesh um he saw fit to at least give me a chance you uh you say that you worship a god no no i see i get power from a god that's fair who uh who do you serve i guess uh his name is beirut no haven't heard of him no not surprised have you heard of the wolf yes yes heard of that one her son i think so oh he thinks uh he thinks she's she's a bit of an [ __ ] so uh we've only heard bad things we live we live not menso branson it's been a whole blood feud between the two of them for a long time what about you me yeah where are you from well i've made my home in baldur's gate for 30 years baldur's gate yeah and then i was i was raised here though in the north but rather be back at boulder's gate right now as you can imagine i would definitely rather be home as well yeah do you consider baldur's gate home or here she's gonna take a moment she's gonna she was i i left a lot of my life behind here intentionally i uh found a new path a new family in baldur's gate i didn't think i'd ever come back so sure i think we froze for a second so do i which is weird because it's not saying that we're not getting any it's not saying that we're not getting anything it's just just give it a second just give it a second we'll come back pretty good on twitch hi twitch hi twitter i think we're good i'm just good on twitch maybe i don't know it could be oh this is definitely in the vaude so this is definitely watching it you know what you right there you yep brian love you thanks for watching you know how crazy would be somebody's name brian he'll be like what you should do i think we might be back it's running on my computer okay we're back sorry uh what did you what can you just repeat the last thing you said yeah uh sure she uh i left a lot of things behind here intentionally so and i discovered i found a new home in boulder skate there isn't much here except ice and regret i think uh she's at this point i'm gonna take another deep smell and try to sense of theirs oh yeah yeah definitely it's not like extremely strong to the point of like it's definitely here it's almost like it's distant it's like almost like like stale like you can't really find it like where where where it comes from where where it's permeating but it's somewhere around you um and it's just barely there as you breathe in yeah um elance will probably say yeah you uh you didn't seem like you were very well liked by the locals and uh prince gender hey any time you have a strong stance against oriole it's gonna come back to bite you especially up here so you also don't agree with uh the bernie people alive yeah no yeah you know can't say hi that's that's why we left lol like walt everybody died wolf felt like she owned us and varun felt like we should all be equal and if there's one thing i agree with him on it's that we should all be equal as a base obviously some people are better in some ways than others with some things but right for example kitty outside has her strengths and she has her weaknesses like calling you a uh gross old man in front of your face it's all right i'm probably a gross old man you're not gross it makes you feel any better oh thank you i am an old man though by most people's standards standards i'm starting to feel it too yeah past few years it's like a quick decline and then a steady steady backup i think i know we probably all have our secrets to a certain extent and i don't expect us to bear our souls to one another in a night but do any of you have some strange detail you want to let on right now like or one of you may be undead are you not dead i don't i don't know i think it's life's not as simple as we all like to think it is maybe like a fourth they're more than dead okay there are things that parents tell their children how am i fourth end it yeah how does that happen exactly no it doesn't matter it's not as easy as dead or alive anymore the stories used to tell the children there are things monsters in the night that walk upright yeah are here in the sun dead are among you whether or not you want it to be or not i will say i was killed and then yeah no i that that's that's completely fine i just you know um i'm used to this was 35 years ago 30 years ago and you've been alive but also well i i'm not dead okay and i'm not undead but i so it's the path is hazy sometimes yeah i don't really know what i am yeah but i was killed by a vampire like 30 years ago i was killed by a fall by a fall we did smack into the air i did yeah and i woke up underground and dug my way out scared the [ __ ] out of some locals of course yeah i'm very i was actually saved by the locals yeah i think in the end i was too i ended up marrying one of them a lovely life maybe you can go back to the house yeah hunters up north now they just gave me these guys well all this jumping around town to town maybe you'll find her yeah i have a feeling that we're doing the same thing just not at the same time yeah i've been told sometimes it's better if you stay still right yeah get too anxious oh have some do something we have uh we have some some gold to make back in prince gender yeah yeah yeah just i i just i don't discriminate i think that's wonderful that you guys are on this new path um that you are exploring what what life now means to you and i i apologize if i ever eat people in front of you she goes no i'm just i'm just trying to be able to filter out all right any undone green i do not need it to survive okay it just tastes good do you ever feel a desire to like 30 years ago yes takes like 30 years ago yeah not anymore i sometimes i feel like i'll explode if i go into someone's house but that's just a little quirk about it yeah garlic terrible you can't eat it not a thing for you no it's too bad right well i loved it my in my uh it's bread with cheese yeah i wasn't i wasn't elf before so i still have little points yeah yeah all right well um elenstra would summon her uh her kapesh and kind of go go up to one of the beds and just sit again sit on the foot of it okay grab the pillow place the pillow she was sitting cross-legged set the pillow across set the capture across then i bid you good night's rest and she'll just close her eyes and i'm gonna start trancing all right that's the only thing i miss the transit transit it's so quick and efficient it is very nice yes now i have to unfortunately mine requires getting comfortable you want to see something gross yeah if they ever ask you that to say no okay keep that in mind you look fine thank you worry about it sometimes nah you shouldn't okay all right you guys uh prepare for rest and um go to sleep with that haunting image in your mind yeah [Laughter] and that's where we'll pick up next game uh thanks everybody for joining us for episode two livestream dale round the frostman where jacob tried to cut off important role play that should have happened i had a full oh wait wait no wait before we go oh i wanna do a backflip oh oh world dexterity quick quick backflip oh how do you do that it's incredible it must be those metal legs i also took a jump so amazing cool we'll see you guys next time here on our camera arcade next week we'll have a new episode of avnia and the next week almost have a new episode of fallout zero so see you guys next time here in our can arcade that is the end of the stream goodbye you
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 136,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uD9TxwyPaV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 37sec (12817 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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