Progressing the Main Story Line - Starfield

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foreign [Music] foreign foreign Fox and welcome back to our latest space adventure playing some star Field tonight as we continue on I'm going to try to work on the main quest line tonight about just side questing and stuff we got ourselves a couple of new ships the last one we got is pretty sweet the star Eagle it's got uh tons of storage capacity on it pretty good weapons and stuff it's a very nice upgrade over what I had but uh having done that side quest I kind of want to go on and continue a little bit more with the main quests and get some more of those artifacts that I guess will at some point give us some sort of weird I don't know like sci-fi magic ability or something uh welcome everybody who's here in the chat so far or if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks everyone has clicked on that join button uh the people my channel member really appreciate it and a special thanks to all of our top tier mistakes or made members that were highlighted at the start of the Stream in the star Eagle this is where we left off on board the star eagle and whatever this planet was I don't remember what I don't remember what we were doing here honestly it's only been like a day and I don't remember what I was up to let's check what planet we're even on I'll run Nera which is way better than being on pharah that's right I went there uh okay so we're gonna talk with Sarah huh you should be onboarding my ship here I think Sarah I don't know where she hangs out in here actually I don't really remember where I saw her you should be here somewhere you in the shower no not in the shower because that would have been awkward huh well there's our fan but anyways I think I gotta fly out of here to go talk to Sarah that's sending me back to the cockpit there what's going on narrative we gotta go to towel setting two next but why is it telling me to talk to Sarah maybe that's on a different planet and I'm just seeing it from like forever away back to the Grind Ground Pounder it's not that stuff talk with Sarah it's an activity let's track that where's Sarah there we go she's downstairs it's hiding on me let's get out there and do something hey Sarah Ron Hope was a real piece of work wasn't he oh yeah yeah Ron uh run despair right am I right am I right he was a despicable person actually I felt bad for the guy I haven't given a second thought oh uh I mean I haven't I didn't actually feel bad for the guy he was having people killed but he was granted also helping other people at the same time so I don't know he was Despicable Despicable find a word people with little regard their lives like numbers on a balance sheet it's an absolute disgrace we don't need to heal no status issues that's just my uh my STI don't worry about it could I read more Ron hope had a lot of weight on his shoulders I'm glad it's over what do you mean let's go if I'm glad it's over yes at least the situation has been resolved letting him off the hook would have been a terrible Injustice taking Brian Overlook his crimes would have been a horrible thing to do it's a shame that well-being and livelihoods of hundreds of Hope Tech employees are now in jeopardy honestly it was Ron Hope's fault that Paxton hole took things too far again what I've done I'm frankly surprised that you approve I mean I did slightly murder some people you know if you consider shooting the innocent murder if you don't and I generally don't it was more like just calling the crowd had you taken the money this would have been a very different conversation I'm proud whatever happened to Michael it took a lot of Integrity to say no to that offer I actually just kind of wanted to shoot something I've learned anything from this it's that money isn't everything I can't see that one still wonder if I made a mistake I only hope those folks who are going to lose their jobs at hook time will understand some of them will and some of them won't what happens to them isn't your fault it's Ron hopes well I think I've lectured you enough thanks for taking the time to listen to me yeah thanks for lecturing me okay do I have any other people on my ship I'm supposed to talk to James Newell nope nope nope speak with Trevor oh that Trevor look at all these random activities I picked up okay I don't really need to do these right now let's go to tauzetti 2. Ground Pounder wait I got all these things up here talk to Alvin speak with Chief speak with the Char in jail oh the guy in jail right okay lots of people to talk to but none of them are on my ship so that's fine let's go to Tao City too instead of calls for towels any two oh wait maybe I should uh I'll try to take care of my status issue because you guys are all worried about my status what do we got going on here [Music] uh there we go Lucid injector poisoning cured what's a little poisoning between friends isn't Trevor in traffic uh uh I don't you know what I collected up a bunch of random quests from walking past people and stuff so I'm not entirely sure which are which all the time which which is which um these are all oh I forgot I have Contraband on me it's probably a good thing I looked at that I gotta go sell some contraband so before we go to town city I guess we're gonna go to uh wolf was that seems like the thing to do what system I in this is uh uh the narian system wolf is somewhere around you know Sirius Star wolf that's weird can't go directly there said calls for the Dead Trevor's on cedonia oh I see the engine's on this thing man cruising this is UC space you are cleared to Doc with the den this is UC space have you put enough quarters into the parking meter hey dude the dam is where you go to sell the good stuff yeah but the Dan is in the wolf system but um nice clean dock Captain Contraband is a thing we gotta unload I don't want to go to a system where ah that was the wrong button just for the record it's released let's go I don't want it to be released where's my uh oh crap there we go doc again the people on board the the station would be like what is wrong with this guy like I didn't like that dog it had dirt perfect it's a dirt on it didn't like the dirt got anything you need to offload trade Authority is always bye yes right right what's there somebody certainly all right that's it that was about miscellaneous things right oops ah all the wrong buttons how may the trade Authority yes of course okay Q is the one I wanted there we go Miss cavallanius Mech components wanna buy me some mac components it could be a little bit of money I don't really have a lot of cash I only have 101 000. I feel broke right now I don't like it I don't like it a lot uh okay we can sell off this stuff to them also because I mean I don't need these things with this helmet fine Navigator spells helmet ain't gone too I'm sure some of these things I could get rid of but I don't really know what I need to keep when I don't so that's fine uh does he have any miscellaneous stuff just the stuff I sold them I think wait a minute I saw the mech parts now he's got some different Contraband here baroon heretic writings uh uh saying to the membrane insane in the brain it's mamble over here maybe I was using 777 I use a lot of that stuff um there's also one of them shooting shoot ones you know the ones that go blade blam the ultramag I haven't been using quite as often but I went through a ton of that stuff on that one revolver not the justifier I did use a little bit of that that's 50 caliber though I got quite a bit um here it is here this one here I have 292 around seven and a half millimeter okay we got a gonna snag some of that seven and a half millimeter white hot all seven rounds of it take on an army now I got seven bullets teasing with the docking that's right I was just [ __ ] with the docking that's all inspect your ship for heat leeches every couple Landings they'll cause plenty of Havoc if left unchecked I haven't checked for heat leeches at all is that actually a thing or was he just talking about this is the Beast that I'm flying right now this thing's huge man huge freaking huge I don't even know what to do with it it's got so much cargo cargo capacity is 22.80 maybe 976 in it right now so it's pretty good I don't think I'm gonna modify for this one probably for a little bit but I do wonder what uh ship pieces they have here that may not be somewhere else trouble is I don't know what's elsewhere so I don't know what would be different instead of heat leads in your pants be happy to see us both I did not mean to go down I mean yes I did I'm up for a little Adventure all right now we can go to town city too what was the one in Star Trek Wrath of Khan was that Tau City 3 4 I remember okay we're going to Tell City still haven't found this Andrea person whatever that is yeah God that was City Alpha five oh man okay I did there was a seti in there somewhere I was not even close though what a nice looking Planet it's mostly water harmless bags of mostly water um map we're going to the abandoned mine apparently algor main production Center oh he's a Spartan I don't know what they have there get ourselves some freshly baked towel or something forget me I never played this can you change the color of your ship you can yeah could repaint this one I guess um I got this ship the way that it is and I haven't really modified it at all because it's kind of a good ship Barbie pink traveling to Distant Worlds exploring the Galaxy and learning about each other this and learning oh my God it's learning oh I should be fully healed here that's probably step number one I guess what kind of weapons I got on here again I don't have that shotgun set anywhere I was really enjoying the urban Eagle but now that I've got that scope and the suppression on the Razorback kind of leaning more towards using that although if I could get an upgraded version of the urban Eagle that'd be amazing I've had that thing like since early on and it's just been a beast Benzene here we go there this is star angle storage box you say I like storage boxes I was playing a little bit of uh Apex Legends earlier and now I'm like all messed up on the movements this is a little different it's a little different what a five resources studying look at this planet this is kind of cool looking Planet actually but I don't mean that in the pun kind of a way although that applies also banned mine I think the odds are we got trouble here let's see how it's pretty good odds are very good odds are very good dang it get alerted anybody calibrated star Roamer space helmet it's worth a little bit paxter packs worth more than helmet actually that's funny Razorback the Julie Mal's ship yeah no no no it's the God this thing it's got a little scope on it it's got a silencer pretty well modded out actually kind of a great find the sounds to weapons are awesome because you get like this the this one has also got instigating on it too so when I use it to shoot somebody that when I'm not aggroed does extra damage so it's it's like an awesome little assassin weapon ah crap gotta pay more attention for those I never watch reminds when they all learn probably not this lifetime but did you fix constantly you feel like yeah I kind of made a point of buying them every time I see them now I might be the vendor I always check to see if uh did you picks because uh they do run out so frequently no mine's in here obviously oh there we go mining permanently increased tool grip weapon damage by two percent what's a tool grip weapon that's weird good stick re-engineering outfit don't care [Music] oh look we can get more Kleenex I think we ran out on the ship actually I've been the adoring fan on board has really been a strain on our lotion and Kleenex situation all this game's missing his big fuzzy dice you can hang out in front of you while you're driving that would be awesome actually in like a super cheesy way I'd be down for that show me the mines unknown life signs oh my God there's life signs on this planet come on how did I not see that I've even got that uh maybe we got the scanner out this time I thought for sure there wasn't one there oh god oh I'm on fire don't be such a blamer okay seeing as hell oh that's the only mine over here because there we go helium probably blinked and missed it yeah probably that's probably what it was argon over here almost Benzene right is this I mean it's an argon vent but it's no it's still Benzene here Benzene deposit get some Argon hooray intoxic gas I don't think I even got any control board exotic manufacturing component yoink I have a lot of manufactured components at this point I think oh I didn't go up the tower yet old school Super Chat I see I see a Schwartz it's as big as mine and now let's see how you handle it Lone Star life signs of the Rich and Famous yeah Pizza The Hut Pizza that was awesome also delicious delicious don't see any mines up here I think we're okay but this modified drumby sweet we can start a band now we're just gonna find a modified guitar maybe I shouldn't activate the alarm I almost pulled the lever all right here we go I guess oh I didn't go in the room at the top you're right and there's the lady I was looking for vicious don't you come any closer don't shoot identify yourself my name is gripnik I'm here to save you or I'm not here to hear you I'm a consolation but Vladimir songs let me Define you oh good I suppose I should have guessed it has been too long since I checked in you are the newest member yes do they often send you to check up on other more senior members only when they don't care about the person I'm looking for looks like maybe they had a good reason I'm just doing what I was asked I'm sure they meant well I suppose and yet you are here instead of checking up on Barrett or Noel we should complete our mission and then we can talk oh so okay what's your mission again we have a mission I thought I was just here to loot speaking of a loot I should check my inventory ass 121 out of 195. not the worst but we'll give Theodore going oh you know what a considerably I think I gave this guy some idea I could have cleared all this stuff out when I was at the vendor holy crap I forgot how much stuff I'd given him all right well I'll take my resources at least um you can't have my Digi picks they're mine mine all mine mine mine take these weapons so I gotta remember that loaded the next time we're at a vendor because he's got lots of stuff to sell space suit s it's kind of cool looking one and once again we are triumphant today oh she goes invisible wait I thought again there we go his gun was invisible I guess it says he was moving so they can go invisible but I can't quite oh he just got wrecked wait there's a bot right there recalibrate get a new friend be sure to carefully read the user mannerable before changing Fender field settings activate units just wants me to roasted music he's like known as me senpai how do you turn on your Flashlight hold down the letter F uh if you're playing on Console I'm not sure because uh I'm playing on PC so oh there's another razor back in there it wasn't as soon as the mods or anything but they're pretty expensive boudica grants increased resistance to damage and fortifies oxygen all right Styles maybe nearby my searches complete there are no enemies in this area well that's pretty hilarious he's an active industrial site it would be impossible to wear a hard hat I heard boys other there no one's off he fell through the door everything's fine pack I will find you and I will kill you oh clear that explosive gun the adoring van has is just sick the number of things he blows up with that is just amazing in a good way he's like notice me I blow things up he's actually killing stuff faster than I can a little bit chicas isn't saying much because I have potato Wayne but you know what I mean there's Loop down there there's some some ammo in this game that I have so much of because I never use the guns but I keep looting it I should probably start selling access ammo that I'm not using it's like carrying around extra money although the biggest problem seems to be like vendors running out of money so I guess there's that nice did you pick bad people bad jokes three that's my biography I had to get the wrong fan to follow you so um you just go talk to him when he's on your ship if you chose him as the one of your quote unquote benefits anyway or traits whatever um I think I'm supposed to go that way so I want to check down here see what loot there is down here before we go that way uh if you're if you're doing another mission like the one where Sam is following you around you got to complete that one before you can get him to follow you but hey just go talk to him on your ship toxic gas mine good workbench yeah so this is a little dead end area let's go all right peeps let's go foreign check out right here ah there we go it's more synthetic feel of constellations most decorate you heard it here first folks he said he's doing oral history of course um since meat multi stores three health might as well eat these things top my health up if I can resource didn't help research projects require a few resources for 10 minutes oh that's that's all right zipper bandages for when you catch something in your zipper that's a painful injury okay [ __ ] Edition give something for chapped lips oh man it'll be softer on my behind if we treat this chapped lips right his lips did feel a little abrasive look at all the loot in here oh my God calibrated Equinox don't care about that ice deposit nice and Spartan don't direct passing thank you for answering my question my pleasure I don't see every comment but when I do I try to reply where I can anyway yeah I try I tried to get him to follow me earlier but I was doing this as a long side quest with Sam Samco what is the fan take them all out this is amazing oh hold up holy crap I got three points didn't know that um ballistic weapons let's put into piloting I want to be able to find out some better ships so let's go with this one we'll do rank two we have a story 15 chips before we can move up to the next rank um security I've got that so we can go down to picking some higher value locks and then how do you get down to the next tier of these things do you have to get like a certain amount of points of something above it huh ballistics I could do more of that I guess 30 more damage with my ballista mix battery healing we don't need no healing we never get hurt best not to leave anything useful behind I'm invincible wait a minute when they say that does that mean I'm overweight no I'm not I'm fine grants ain't worth it in the end what the uh end of game credits is that what you're talking about how does he know I'm up here I'm using a silencer and I'm like way up above him oh okay crap okay hold on what do you want Timber I'm in a firefight buddy I can't I can't play with you right now I think I won't die foreign oh my God it's blowing up so much I can't keep a steady shot okay then we gotta move buddy we're kind of in the way okay okay lay still if you're gonna be there oh come on you can't move my mic stupid cat hey okay you gotta move I'm gonna push my mic around you gotta go on the floor why I didn't read the word answer my comment acting like it was an internet problems uh yeah well it wasn't my internet problems though it was yours it's not my fault it's entirely your fault for the bad internet problems we could jump down there but there's no point I guess right now we'll might as well take the pathway in case there's good loot to be found along here we might find the preciousness this way my God that's a minor I think there sentinel's calibrated deep mining something rather be mining spacesuit legendary all right see what that thing is Sentinels calibrated deep mining spacesuit chameleon resource hauler resource weighs 25 less Sentinel 75 chance to reduce damage by 50 while standing still I mean that could be kind of Handy the physical like the resistance is on the Mantis suit are just so good like it getting that thing early-ish on feels like the rest of it is a waste you sure I want to trust my fan to be invisible fine I don't think he can hurt me yet I don't think I'm at least reasonably certain he doesn't have friendly fire so I think I'm okay with it because he's got the explody boom boom gun you're going down I'm yelling timber we're fine deep mining spacesuit let's put them for a bit safe I hate been maxing every piece of Kit in the game I just go with what works yeah but me too I don't mean Max pretty much or anything in games including my gameplay and I've been Max to that either I probably should but uh well you know me ain't that smart nope that won't work there hmm okay so this one's got a lot of options on the first row there we go bringing the one that would fit this one here actually there we go Boop it was the other one I had yeah now it doesn't fit oh it does fit another three piece this is easy what we got microsecond regulator oh sweet my dating life's gonna improve uh exotic manufacturing component this item can be used as a it doesn't really tell me much about it all right neon gang culture let me get a book that's a breeding material for the long flight home find Space trucker balance pack yeah get a little full-on junk right now let's see what the mannequin in the glass case and the launch basement you can get by peeking through the crack in the door in case it's good stats you already have it actually uh I grabbed it earlier but then I got the Mantis suit and I just like the the effects on them on the other suits so it's like that one definitely has the best stats in terms of like resistances and what have you but it doesn't have any cool effects so I feel like I'm missing out when I don't have the cool effects you know molecular sieve if I can get down there at some point give the adoring fan the book look here here's a book go read it I'm doing an oral history of of course oh yeah well that was in the books are notes right let's uh sort by wait so neon gang culture there you go buddy sort of Damocles whoops didn't mean to do that sort of wait a minute I can go to the star Eagle inventory how's that work I guess I just see it as opposed to like putting stuff in it from here uh all right whatever there we go who's got the book off we go to another adventure the sweat stains or is that your no that's your suit and it's design that way for a second everybody who cares about the mid mags and the weapon feels better to play with wait which one all right so far I'm a I'm a big fan of this crazy pistol I got I gotta say uh I want to drop down there because I'm curious but I don't know where that comes out there the staircase doesn't connect with this wall is there something over there no that was just the Lin down where the stairs are so huh I wonder where you maybe have to keep going down if you go that way come out like over there or something let's try it see what happens that's the shortcut out what going down here or that there worth getting this game uh I don't know it really depends what you like so far I've been really enjoying it um I did get a copy um on Steam so I bought mine about the deluxe edition one but if you have Xbox game pass then it's free to play on that so you know there's that option too but um so far I've really been enjoying it so for me it's definitely been worth it but I know there's other people that had some criticism of the game so I don't know so hold the top of the stairs you can drop down a hole in some hidden stuff in chess with legendary gear and other stuff so that this here is what you're talking about right clunk okay this doesn't ow crap it was already here game fooled me man I gotta rap all the way around again I guess that's what you meant by was the shortcut oh it gets you back to the beginning area easier I didn't real well so the trouble was when I'm looking at multiple different entrance ways and you go that's the shortcut out that's not really explicit enough about which thing I'm looking at but that's okay it's fine we only lost a moment it's okay nobody blames you except everybody it's all right foreign did they have anything of value yeah a couple things inclement weather outfit look at that inclement weather open is that like a long way of saying a rain jacket you have to painfully it's not about being painfully explicit it's about recognizing there's a slight delay between what I'm doing and what you're seeing on stream and then speaking in really vague terms when you're trying to point out something is like not super helpful that's all and if you if you want yours your comment to be acknowledged and have me actually act according to what you're looking for being specific is sure helpful the same not saying just saying what the case tan leather jumpsuit sweet go in a leather jumpsuit what's in here very dark in this hole good Lord [Music] okay that was a bust what do you mean about being specific meaning like when I'm talking about a certain Tamer yeah that what he said they're like look go where I'm pointing like right where I'm pointing know where I'm pointing authorized personal only eh all right let's go this way there it is we found it I don't know if it's worth collecting the Caitlin lane or not but since it might have late game uses it would be a pain in the butt to go back and get it I guess it makes sense to get it now it's funny sometimes when I'm streaming to people that get frustrated when I can't follow their Direction but they're like no go there no turn right no right okay now left but there's like a time delay and plus they're typing and it takes time to type I'm in the means that I'm spinning in circles I'm like what what nervous but I'm pointing at the screen it's right there exactly just like that the thing near the stops with the Drone what is wrong with you we did it take another Spacey trip you are back you did not respond when I called to you after you pulled out the artifact does that mean Barrett's Theory and experience were correct the artifact grants the first person who touches it a vision yeah it's not that I'm able to make sense of them I just can't shut up like he didn't have to do that yourself if I don't want to talk about it yeah yeah the fact that it has happened to both you and Barrett is already more than we had before I think it is important that we discuss what you saw back there man what I had done are you mining the Kayla might cryptococks I can't I don't know I just point at it and shoot I'm using the right trigger and then shooting it it takes quite a long beam to cut to cut it so maybe if you don't hold down the right button you don't get enough power to actually break it I don't know that orders resource I can't seem to buy anywhere yeah it's found anywhere these um the artifact things are so I have a bunch of it I've been collecting up I have no use for it yet but I'm sure a lot of use later on and just figure like rather than trying to go and find some later it'd be easier to collect it along the way uh so here were you right but he deserved it I'm not really comfortable having a conversation about it why do you look so sad you were shooting at him and he was shooting at you and if it's not murder it was just entertainment it was yes I appreciate that you see it that way that's right very practical Outlook not one I find is shared amongst members of constellation may I ask what your background is um I'm the vicious Restaurant Murderer of Hope Station I was a minor Argos extractors I've done all sorts of things it's not really any of your business I was a minor Argos I have heard of this company small Reckless interesting I do not have experience with this profession but I have my own experiences with risk we both seem to be unusual additions to Constellation I don't know if you can classify your activities in college risk of Vladimir the circumstances in which you found me this is not the first time that Varun zelitz have attempted to Corner me if it is known that this has happened again well it has been a while since I was given an assignment on my own I would not want it to be even longer in the future do you understand I wonder why she's trying to be so secretive about it do I believe what she's saying or do I believe she's being manipulative you got him the word I'm not making any promises I feel like I need to say something I've come after you before Varun zealots you are unfamiliar this is a surprise few have not heard of them they are Fanatics having taken the teachings of house maroon and twisted them into a belief that the Galaxy must be wiped clean before the great Serpent's return so in this I would say I have done the Galaxy a favor oh I fought those snakey guys before they've come after you before yes it would seem they have not yet learned how much it will cost them but then that is their fundamental problem is it not an inability to see anything other than the path which they have created for themselves all right let's go with uh bums the word this means we are in agreement thank you that is good to know I will finish here and return to new Atlantis when I can you should go now as they will be expecting us Aisha gogas are expecting us what about you that was already mine all right I guess I got all the little deposits in here uh except this iron over here and that iron this water this is Caleb Mike I'm gonna get on the rest of it right those are all clear this is all clear I have my own way back oh okay here I'll try this without without aiming just to see if it is minable okay old school so if you're if you're not holding on the right button to aim then it looks like the beam isn't strong enough um so maybe that's what you're doing I don't know if you hold down the red button aim and then and then hit it it breaks away foreign pistols if you can find one for sale super op -varoon pistols you say op you say what's okay about them I don't know if I found any room pistols before the guys here were Varun right did I pick up any of those Corner modified refined grundle grindel oh I got a razor back here again all right I guess we'll go and took the elevator if I can okay we'll just take the shortcut I guess there we go going up help that was a waste of time go not even ow gravity can stop you Captain oh my God it kind of did stop me though it like dropped me right on the ground if I died 27 times yet no not yet I'm still working on it yeah here we go melts shielded enemies which the uh the varoon pistols does electric and physical damage at the same time oh that is pretty sweet snacking up the multiple damage times hey laughs we made it I probably didn't even need to run back here it probably could have just chosen to set course but I probably gonna need to unload my stuff I guess hello industrial robot Model A I am programmed to prioritize the translation of my tasks Bruins spacesuit these guys don't have the weapons on them though they got one of their suits though she's got a noble blast disruptor when you get a chance does em damage and knocks people out versus killing them why would we want to do that knocking people out if I only knock them out that'll lower my kill count though that's that doesn't seem reasonable somehow yeah that's 417 meters 452 that way I'm gonna go check out the signs of Life Maybe that one's way far oh that's much farther 169 to 195. okay let's go check the um the signs of life if we can there's the directionationing things I thought there were multiple signs of life things I'd noticed let me get a chance to scan more stuff on the surface here too I guess oh look there's stuff up here vanadium just water that's argon which is not scannable for some reason no without a kiss let's just get close enough anger Quest will send you to the brew and Embassy and you can get one there oh yeah I have another maroon quest line yet we did the Lone Star Ranger thing of a bobber well that's where the other one was 793 that way all right well this one's closed so I guess we'll hit this one first what are you the heck is that this is where they keep dessertlings explored biological feature Cyrus Plants release microbes into the ventilated Flora where they ride gusts of wind until they eventually land in a fermentation pile okay whatever that is fermentation vents virus in the tunnel Quark degenerate tissues sounds delish what'd you have to eat today I had some cork degenerate tissues oh alkanes toxic yeah Okay so we've scanned all the elements I need uh flora and fauna still there goes the theory this game had nothing to do with poo yeah those Quark degenerative tissue itself for like 1200 each of the researchers at the launch oh really it's a fair amount I mean they must be useful for something too right as opposed to just selling foreign oh there's a cave over here too she buys all organic resources uh for three times the listed value oh that's fancy oh right that lady I've sold her some stuff like way at the beginning when I wasn't sure what I was doing with anything oh my God I'm not sure what you are trying to hit but I apologize for getting in your way you should what'd you miss uh we just did some things a little Mission thing with some stuff killed some junk now we're exploring on the surface here before we take off and head back to turn in our mission results or whatever foreign fauna haven't been scanned though so I don't know how that works get your ship Lane closer no not really it sort of like lands in a given area but you can fast travel to it afterwards you can't fast travel the points you haven't been to yet but you can fast travel to places that uh they have been that makes any sense so this is just another fermentation event some more hallucinogenics there that's all right okay 407 meters that was the cave but I don't really care about the cave let's go back to the ship that's the cave way over there but there's also this cave here fast travel [Music] the floor fun at the bottom you're in yeah I just haven't had to land on a different place in the Plano get up okay I need to unload so we'll take care of that I got quite a few resources [Music] store all resources weapons resources weigh 25 percent less as lower damage resistance but I kind of like the idea of like the carrying being a little lower damage from Aliens automatic and the incendiary I don't know how powerful the incendiary effect is though I don't know ablative Advanced deepseeker power pack [Music] there's the leather jumpsuit but I still like the uh the Neo City corporator would sell for a lot probably shouldn't pick up the suits okay I have to find the adoring fan and get the stuff out of him give me your crap uh 27 caliber what's he firing this thing randomly deals incendiary damage that's the explosive one so that uses the 44 millimeter so I can take the 27 caliber this can go I can go incendiary suppressed Eon that's cool I think I'm equipped that thing I guess I can um take that dirty Deimos pack minus 15 incoming melee damage then on buddy pretty Navigator spacesuit oh wait I got this recovery thing okay that's fine okay now when we land to the next place when I'm at the vendor again direct access to sell this crap foreign yeah it's fine I'm not I'm not using the explosive ammo anyway so it was quicker just to give him a few and not mess around I'm trying to get it down to this one specifically liftoff initiated cap time to venture into that beautiful sky oh he'll give you more than just his gravel right yeah you gotta dress all fancy for him for that Michael wheat means you need to move your ship to a different part of the planet oh I see I see I see that makes sense uh let's get um some of this going in here and the artifacts to the collection so we're gonna go so of course I found a hacker Placer removed one I've been wearing a cowboy hat thing instead but no I haven't found another trucker hat my poor lost his stolen headwear this city is missing and that's that's a statue of you and treasure thank goodness we were worried why was there a concern that I would not contribute to the mission no of course not we thought you might be hurt oh I then thank you but it was not necessary we succeeded what she really means is I succeeded and she was along with a ride look at you two I'm jealous I tried following up on some leads myself but came back empty-handed they could be anywhere can't they embedded in a rock or in the hands of an unsuspecting novelty Goods Trader is that the hint he was just telling me which leads were you following a couple of scans from the eye but it looks like you got there first shame on me for taking the senior crowd huh yeah pretty much got you beat three artifacts to zero these artifacts really are something else I catch myself just staring at the collection sometimes wondering what it all means maybe that's how our ancestors felt when they were looking up at the stars for the first time they didn't just gawk at the stars Mateo they explored they tested science brought us to space not daydreaming I disagree what's the point of science if not to enable Humanity's dreams and where do those dreams come from not every dream is a pleasant one I agree with Noel the work is what moves us forward you're with me right science or dreams which one is the true Muse of space exploration I don't know I can't really take this guy seriously when he's wearing that hat science with other dreams aren't possible dreams without them science has no meaning oh no I'm gonna take it signs between you two neutrality in a debate I guess your side forfeits uh how can you forfeit if you don't even take a side you're getting rusty with your comebacks Mateo you know what I just realized I completely overtook this whole conversation this should be about you and andresia celebrating a win for the group I do not mind being asked to join in a debate it was good to hear everyone's sights but I do agree that we accomplished something together thank you for your help I think she's flirting with me and to yours I'd be happy to keep traveling with you not sure I trust you yet yeah I have no objections let us see what else we can find out there I'll do that Vladimir he's on his way feel free to help yourself at the bar I don't drink but I feel like if I did now would be a good time for one during fan is no longer following me I guess he lost interest as much as I love uncovering new questions I wouldn't mind a few answers though okay probably good thing I unloaded all this crap then if he's not gonna follow me can you get drunk uh there is alcohol in the game I haven't drank any of it yet so I don't know I guess I wouldn't be surprised the thumbnail ship reminds me of stargate's BC 304 oh man it's been so long since I've watched Stargate at the it's not ringing any recognition bills for me [Music] okay what am I gonna get oops move that Waypoint what did they tell me to go I thought they said I had to go somewhere talk to Vladimir that wasn't what it was because I talked to Mateo already yeah I gotta talk to Vladimir uh Vladimir victim's divisible you should talk to him so where is he if you pass out and end up in someone's quarters and what after you've been drinking too much again I don't know I haven't I haven't tried the whole drinking thing I've been a responsible ships captain as I murder people he's like well as I live and stop people from breathing nope can't jump oh God we're gonna jump there's a red panel on top of that building there and I'm curious what it is I wonder if there's like oh oh that's why you stopped following me she's following me but I just wanted to join my crew I didn't really want to like follow me it's creepy oh let's move that oh it's just a label I thought maybe there was something hidden there but clearly not the case I don't even know if the hams have hidden the veneer all right minds want to know though oh what's this where does this go it was probably just literally goes right down to the street level and I climbed up there the hard way for nothing thanks you're welcome dang it Varun Embassy Lobby oh and and we're back yeah hoping there was something like sneaky hidden there but strike out on that oh there's another door over here though where does this door go Infinity limited HQ locked requires key only maintenance access card can unlock pretty sure I'm wasting my time up here crap okay good let's get up at 1 30 a.m early start tomorrow have a good night all right see you trip drop it in we have a good day tomorrow with that crazy early start oh it's stuck I'm gonna get out of this thing I can lie I really hope there was like some hidden stuff this is some news network I need to have vendor so I can sell some stuff valberg oh hey man what's that down there is that the Outfitters or whatever they might they might have money it's not it's not about the loot but the journey you see distribution they might have money in here buy my crap phone battery not happy have fun Fox sorry Ashley phone batteries suck sell stuff of the well yeah but then we're going back to the central building to do that and is this not gonna load this is the first time I've gotten in the door and it hasn't loaded oh we're in we're good it took a long time though wow please if experience any issues or dealings with the District Welcome to UC distribution welcome to UC distribution I hope we have all right bye my junk first please um I think I have it all unloaded already so not that so from here 5500 they've got money wise huh let me buy some ammo with them you can sell me more there buy more of my junk um they don't have the ammo for that uh the handgun I've been using the revolver or whatever foreign that's fine spacesuits nope nope nope going from My Ship Packs buy those things these things too I'm a lot of the yellow one for now crap oh for a minute there we go what happens n67 smart gun rare heavy gun shattering breaks through even the strongest armor compensator armor-proosing rounds look at that thing that's like something should be like mounted on the side of a helicopter or something armor rapid shot rare shotgun 135 physically I went on this thing rapid plus 25 increase in attack speed long barrel laser sight tactical stock tactical magazine hair trigger and fully automatic a fully automatic shotgun that's disgusting a shoddy effort is pretty good it's no rapid shot rare fully automated shotgun or anything but damage on a c135 compensator giggity doesn't have a compensator on it this does though that's cool thanks for buying some of my junk I've used up all their money but you Cannon yeah M57 smart comes from Aliens they literally just stole the name did they okay where's my quest objective Point here there's ah what the heck I'm running the fountain turns out you're not supposed to take the directory I think our Vox do you like the interface in the game yeah I don't mind it I don't know it's very much like uh pretty much like other games I mean scrolling through and like managing inventory and sometimes it's a bit of a pain but for the most part I haven't had any issues with the internet being in small enclosed spaces with many people I do not know uh that case you probably don't want to be on my ship just sand just saying where's the quest marker here oh there it is I do find that statue pleasing I wonder if it matches the original vision of the artist or if they change the design as they worked on it I wonder if you stopped talking at any point because you took a lot oh it's into my ship isn't that funny all right uh we should be able to sell a few more things here hey what can I do you do nothing for me nothing uh helmets accident come on I think we're good hi I'm kind of breaking my concentration here is UI mod for the inventory or for uh the game has a nice inventory oh yeah I don't tend to mod stuff too much uh unless I mean I've used some mods to add some UI things but not like a huge monitor or anything the greatest steamer I've ever seen well Dimitri thank you for only watching my channel and then others that's about the only way that's true but I appreciate the uh the compliment interesting fact the m56 from Aliens is a customized German mg3 on a cameraman's harness that's fancy I love the Practical special effects they have in movies it's easy guys nice and all but the Practical effects are way cooler I've already unloaded the fan we got rid of a bunch of his stuff did that previously orbital insertion done he wants me to do some inserting where was I even going I don't even remember let's check like westlog I'm gonna find Vladimir where's Vladimir set of course for Vladimir you see literally the is he at the lodge the dimension what's going on here I mean I'm in the right oh wait wait wait he's in station uh that's what it is he's at the station right where's the eye commercial District I can't I can't see the eye hold on I go pull back there it is that's what it was God right now working we're here oh it's gonna come in quick I don't know if I don't even have to slow down just plow into a full speed with boosters going too time to cycle the airlock and move yeah ramming speed we successfully docked by burying half the ship into the station captain all right Vladimir now that those artifacts aren't just blips of Hope and the black is sea I found an interesting pattern the grav anomaly generated by one of those artifacts it matches one on another planet a bigger one oh a bigger one how did we not noticed this before this one has been in my list of possible artifact sites for a while but the profile didn't quite match now that we've gotten more artifacts the similarities are as clear as day sure that doesn't make sense the artifacts are roughly similar in size or are they now we're talking put me out of all right let me transfer over the data but I need you wearing cautions boots for this one no telling what this thing is or why it's so large going to send you the more close as I can but I'm having trouble pinpointing the swords you'll need to explore the area on foot put your scanner to work don't know what you'll find keep your eyes open caution I laugh in the face of caution land nearly anomaly use my scanner got it you think something so big would be easy to find so I need to search the whole planet for the thing and from there maybe you catch a smile and uncover the source of it all well who's gonna smile at me I'm very confused uh okay that works I guess oh go to procyon three on three Pro key on three we're going there anyway this place that course get into a stream and just a Family Guy voice for the night I have a feeling that would annoy some people ahead of gas got a load of these eight Stars built like tanks but well past their warranty it's gonna take hours to fix this see if we can get the engine back online at all I'm trying out the repairs but that one's grayed out so I don't know that'll work I'm surprised the ship broke down they almost makes good chips 30 years ago this ship would be a beast maybe more like 50. I got a hot package that's paid for expedited delivery I swear to God emotionally I'm 10. I got a hot package uh give me the circumstances as a parcel means to up the reward let's persuade for a high reward ing you anything extra is a nightmare listen I'm not asking I'm telling should we go work something out I hope so that's what I like to hear there's no reason for us to have a problem failed at a green one that sucks all right send over the package I wondered by crew would get upset with me if I blew up that partial delivery freighter I have a feeling they might okay scanner anomaly this is where we're headed it's like a frozen planet it's the second time you bailed her out right is it the same uh the same person with the delivery thing or Landing struts primed retro is firing was it like FedEx and they've got ships all over the Galaxy again I think [Music] blow them up save and blow them up just to see what happens gonna deliver a hot package excuse me is this your hot package land scanner and look for your distortions of the Field view follow the distortions to the sewers exciting sitting oh I see what they mean there's an anomaly over there an anomaly over there those anomalies aren't ones that make my thing flicker the way the one over here does a big grabbed like razor okay that thing doesn't look friendly it's not a low ground World either hunting The Shield shell oh I killed it one hit that's all that bonus damage from the instigator ability no loots there we go scanned temperament Fearless need to know what's cold out here right you're like whole upper right side is exposed not even in a good way foreign that's a good sign Patrick with a super chat thanks Robert appreciate the generous donation thank you thank you very much let's go over to this building over here or whatever for you hurting grab flying grazers huh for long this one's already dead I guess foreign just wrecked stuff man I love that thing I kind of scan you yeah it's a bit nipply sure hope it gets Hooters soon enough updated what retail those trees are getting on the way oh reload it scans when you unlife them oh does it automatically that's handy I thought I had to end their miserable lives and then scan them afterwards that's cool rocking away free load I think it's supposed to be 50 calibers not really doing a crazy amount of damage what are you oh crit data goes that got scanned too what does your scanner review who's your scattered what does he do does hop up and down mean what I think it does what's this now I'm confused what we have been looking for is this I do not have words it's not not what we're looking for oh look at this thing it's got literally parts of this Tower floating that's nuts unknown structure thanks couldn't have guessed that by the structures over there oh I wonder where the artifact is maybe a door here or something right [Music] Temple e Temple Ada Temple ETA whatever that is there it is oh I thought I had to time that but apparently not whoa floating oh God oh look at this thing press space to float up and left control to float down those Rings uh are they moving they seem to react to us that's what we're making this thing sometimes if you fly into the Rings not much okay well that's cool it's very stargatey so these are the rings that we're building back at our little base of operations kind of thing okay I wonder what it's for oh crap I'm outside again that's not cool weird door okay so we do have to be in here oh wait what's this I did a thing oh there we go two things some reason this makes me think of a Coldplay song oh it's spinning faster you're right it's one of these things we hit looks like it gets a little quicker ly blurring now where does it ends oh that's all good what's up it's a gateway [Music] is it levita Viva La Vida thank you uh where am I now are you all right I was thinking specifically A Sky Full of Stars if that's what you're wondering uh to equate to equip your new power press Tab and open the data menu license pardon data menu powers seven undiscovered temples uh oh wow anti-gravity field generate a localized field of intense low gravity and behold a planet's true power cost 45 power total of 60 power well okay I guess we should favor that that seems favorable we'll put it down here on this thing I've got anti-gravity magic now toggle power names and toggle except to Power Equipment Okay so I did that I guess it's equipped now anti-gravity field Z to use it you know okay so I don't have to have it on that thing I'm gonna go there anyway but I guess I don't need to remember these are really amazing it'd be that amazing you didn't move and it doesn't give me anti-gravity abilities either wait a minute are we on the same Planet but the whole Tower is gone now or is that the tower there and it just popped us out over here that's probably more likely what it is I want to see what some of these anomalies are oh it's 1200 away 600 let's go check out this anomaly here foreign the power I guess when you're in combat you could use it to like lift up enemies that are hiding and when they're floating around on the ceiling then there are easy targets you love your products sold out of congested warehouses what's this now is it another Tower over there oh they don't shoot either that's handy you can seem to be useful let's look at all the scanning done here when we can It's Not Dead oh reload oh reload everything's fine that didn't work very well perhaps it was nothing oh crap what do you mean nothing let me just hit me from behind there we go foreign it's the burger we don't really want them to fight back it takes all the fun out of it should put the old heatly John Andrea hate leech I don't think I have any features I hope wherever you store that this smells okay I just don't think I have any healing just I should probably check my [ __ ] before we board back again see if there are eggs anything on the whole you researched a way to extend the magazine uh I know there's other weapon enhancements and stuff oh that I don't have yet so TVD I guess unexplored geophysical feature multiple gravitational anomalies converters of this location are remained locked with each other so this is not the same as the other Tower but it is anomalous all right that's cool Starship Trooper the only anomalies down here back to the ship exceed skill points to fully upgrade weapons four and weapon foreign special projects I see kind of want to check those other anomalies Pleasant Pleasant me buddy to see you where's my marker oh that one there the magaz this way don't mess with me bug I'm a lawyer oh there's a shoot things thank you service guarantees citizenship want to know more don't forget you have a power no I just don't feel compelled to use it all the time forget about it with great power comes great responsibility yeah I'd buy that for a dollar a little RoboCop oh God dang they came by me God just because I killed their friends geez foreign here I was just busy murdering things thinking nothing of it where have they gone we're Killing Fields over here man another thing though that I killed let's open this flying job he's where'd he go cowards that's right khalids I don't know where the fly oh wait there it is gossamer scavenger thank you so apparently I can't scan oh what's this oh look at this if you're looking for any of that uh fancy Calamine you can find it here it's not even just where the uh that's where the artifacts are get it there too is that for selling later or personal use oh it's for personal use don't ask me no questions I'll tell you nothing gross need a new pair of pants ASAP yeah because those bugs wreck my other ones it's all their fault let's say I ran through toxic gas man oh come on lady he's blue but I can't scan her what questions get us gross answers never mind Greg never mind there's still resource here somewhere that I haven't scanned too I guess fauna I'm only two of town the fauna fish lonely zero wait a minute did I miss scanning that thing over there no what what does it say gravitational Army zero of one scan I already scanned one I guess foreign still tell us most of the time well Joseph there's some things that are best left on the set what can I say this happens to be one of those things what happened oh uh hold on I got you reload reload your way point the other way what's this now well I already I already scanned one of these Tower things maybe you can only get one of the anomalies scanned I don't know check them all out anyway but it seems like you only scan the one of them this is a bug Hunt mission we're not really uh supposed to be hunting the bugs I don't think I was killing them because it's the same as scanning them but it's not really a requirement or anything just discovered okay wait so this one came out blue that it was already scanned but that other one didn't what the heck oh crap another one down they're following us it's only one Temple underneath Planet yeah but the other anomalies were like something I could scan and that gave me something the survey thing there where it's got that picture of the like the crazy floaty things that was from scanning the one Temple but the one anomaly anyway I don't know whatever I suppose it's fine uh uh let's go back to the ship I could check these other things out but I'm not gonna bother but I wasn't really looking for another Temple I just thought um I'd identify the other things on the planet that I could spot but it takes a long time to run around that seems to be like one of the biggest challenges in doing stuff in the games slow moving on PlanetSide the only good bugs in you know what's funny I haven't had anyone come after me in a while from like the whole Bounty thing our merchandise will show up and try to kill you but being cornered gives you an edge when your health is low you do extra damage I got I can't really recall anyone ever attacking me on a planet for this this bounty that I got on my head we've had the bounty hunters in space that blew me out of the sky a couple times but a long time ago now where are you another space particle freighter or is it the same one quick saving time now [Music] oh no they got blown up how did that happen I'm just curious what they have we're gonna reload it because I I don't want to be the scourge of the Galaxy right now I'm supposed to be the nice guy but can't help but wonder what they got here credits lubricant comms relay and ship parts I mean that's actually a pretty decent haul most for being a freestyle Ranger yeah all right I better load that back up oh this game confirmed they pushed the big red button yeah the lubricants were worth it it blew up pretty quick though that was effective okay into the unknown return to the lodge 650 colonists bounty maybe this game can give you the ATV slash motorcycle that Icarus promised us yeah so much for the uh ATV or dirt bike or whatever that was supposed to be in a cruise instead they gave us animals to ride around on because we're technologically advanced and that requires riding on non-technologically Advanced animals it does not quite feel like home but yeah look at you if you don't mind I'm gonna start doing some scans like right now we were right about the anomaly weren't we tape our ears on the tail this building like a temple vladder gave me powers whatever beings made the artifact sure love their puzzles an entire building generating a signature just like the artifact um start with my lower half look at these readings cardiovascular and neurological levels aren't in the normal range I think we're going to need a little demonstration mind putting the pieces to it he's like well as long as you're doing the scanning make sure you check out my artifact everyone saw that right like a literal gift from the heavens and also the most practical consequence of our little venture thus far yeah got no old shipwise for this one going to just call weird weird yeah it's pretty weird I'm gonna use this everywhere well I suppose we can't stop you but I'm joining the deny everything to the public club for a while there are several reasons to restrain yourself oh no it's but one perhaps not the most important can we find more of them already picked one up from the scans matches another one of the artifacts we found in theory there might be one Temple for each but sifting through all these signs to identify a match is tricky impossible if we don't have the right artifact to compare and even then you takes time what's that supposed to mean off of the other uh the other anomaly you found hopefully it's another Temple can't just find all the temples of the artifacts we already have other planets might have gravitational anomalies could I just search for all of them there's one Temple reach artifact don't think it's just fortunes left that these temples responded to you yeah the Visions this power you've gotten all seems to be the same song somehow plenty to think about anyway catch a smile out there I'll work on finding Planet anomalies that match the other artifacts we have if you have a moment I have something I'd like to discuss we could be all Wingardium Leviosa oh give another point power for Beyond acquire the power of washaki there I've got some more shaki for you Dr Walter Stroud all right so we got another uh another skill point we can spend to fly only killed 45 enemies there so that's not doable uh make five grab jumps do that boosting we could do more of that piloting nope nope did you kind of want to project the science thing but I gotta do some more research crap five oh you got to craft some things crap five unique food drinks drugs weapons mods or equipment maybe I'll hold on to the point we'll put some more into research methods so those get cheaper uh or we can do more commercey things stink attacks heads of stealth meter you're 25 more difficult to detect when sneaking suppressed damage uh suppressed weapons do an additional five percent sneak attack damage in it Chris and I have my ridiculously large and totally unnecessary Farm well I mean most of the building in that game is really kind of unnecessary you kind of just need enough to get the uh basic stuff going I want to I want to do more of the Outpost type stuff and two more points in science to unlock Advanced skills oh I can buy these now payloads chips top speed increase by 10 percent energy ship weapons of 10 increased damage unlock your ship is 20 increase Shield capacity and that would be kind of nice those are locked still heavy weapons incapacitation unlock em weapons do five percent more damage rifles rifles do 10 more damage negotiation isolation do 10 more weapon damage again 15 damages for each spacesuit and helmet equipped when you don't have a compliance winning crew or companion for mini crew now access to bribery and speech challenges Force Target NPC or at or below your level of our free limited time foreign ships 10 stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands enemy Contraband scans are 10 less effective anyone and you have anticipation environmental conditions 10 resist the Airborne environmentals unlock the ability to combat slide take 15 less fall damage how do you combat slide that's cool pain tolerance wow now I got too many choices I don't know what to pick I might go I might put a rifle certification Maybe or maybe I'll hold off because I do want to go I want to get down into one of the Outpost stuff so I should probably hold some points I must admit surprised me I thought you were going to take off as soon as you'd gotten something from us but I was wrong I want you for a little Soiree I'm planning is this Herbert Chris Chris come see me Chris it's Herbert I'm interested let's hear it you should uh you can say you need my help Soiree what are you up to a business meeting at least he's gonna take me for a Suave you say you need my help I'm interested let's hear it it's about an artifact and our goal is simple we're going to purchase it our seller is a freelance operative in the city of neon which means the artifact is almost certainly stolen from someone I just need a little more presence in the negotiation to show we're serious and I think you'd be perfect well Mr Stroud I'd love to see your soil right uh man I'm an Explorer not some muscle for a shady meeting Place neon is it dangerous oh exceedingly comparison full effect anything goes as long as you have the money we'll be taking advantage of that get scanning of doing Opals you know where to build well I have one small Outpost built already I just haven't really expanded upon it yet trash game I love how people pop into a live stream chat of a game that they don't like just to say trash game and the other 440 of you were wrong this game's trash uh all right I've been that settles it then we just need to make a few stops when we get to the city and then the drinks will be on me as long as the drinking comes after the negotiation or whatever this is going to entail it'll be easy I promise oops I'll ride passenger on your ship until we get to Neon just let me know when you're ready to set off well Patrick screw off and go watch a different stream then I don't know what your issue is but eh trash people gotta be trashy I guess I'm ready let's go to the volai star system then gamer Bros be any social yeah what Anonymous idiot on the internet has bad things to say no that's a first it was slow as hell man let me out let me out there we go yeah you know the rules Fox one person doesn't like the game you have to shut it down that's right sorry all 440 some odd others of you we've heard from two people that don't like the game so clearly we can't continue playing it until next time until next time you're supposed to be leading me the way are you I guess we're going this way Ricky with a 31 member message trashiest game would be garbage man simulator oh yeah I think they're gonna simulation game for dirty jobs that was supposed to come out you know that show with like micro where he was like doing all the crappy work I think they were actually gonna go with a simulation game for that dude I know what makes Goods games good IR Pro bro you know what makes a game good we can avoid entering when people just enjoy playing it because not every game is going to appeal to every person I've had a lot of fun with the game it's not Flawless by any stretch of the imagination but it's definitely a Bethesda game it's pretty much in keeping with everything that Bethesda makes you bro find out the hard way if this water is unsafe Dirty Jobs that's right do not shave your scrotum Isis pardon we gotta go find all the fortnite streams with fortnite for a while after it came out but when people got like super sweaty with the building and stuff it just lost a lot of its fun for me because I'm a dirty casual I was never gonna be good enough to compete on any level with fortnite the kids miss you but it was fun for a while a little insane how uh popular gotha I'll take you on Battlefield if you want though oh God ah classic gamer yo your opinion differs from mine I'll challenge you on uh on a shooter game uh I'll prove that I'm right by playing a game against you bro oh Lord you keep me and you it's very funny I don't even left the cell I think we sold all this stuff right oh crap wrong button that's good I mean you got to be proud of who you are because nobody else will be breaking my concentration here hello enjoy your trash game little Brew to stream winesweeper again oh yeah now there is a classic there's a classic game well I really only busted up Minesweeper when that stuff wasn't loading but it's not really something uh I think we'll see too many streams of uh all that money can buy is we're gonna go to Neon for this Quest let's go do that I think there's supposed to be a a quest chain that neon I haven't done right Minesweeper the wind somebody actually left a comment on that stream that was something to the effect of like I didn't realize how much I needed a Minesweeper stream until now oh God I'll put you down anywhere you want real life included oh wow you're super tough bro oh wow dude on the Internet is saying bad words to me oh God I'm so it's so my life is so ruined now okay come on don't be a dink you just look like an idiot come on all right Walter shroud What's your deal construction incense industrial chemicals of every kind but they still can't get rid of the odor of Chasm Bass but he's not actively following me around right now I've got uh that little lady following me whatever her name is Chasm bass a native species of fish I often wonder what would have happened if they'd never found out about the psychotropic effects I mean on paper a rich protein source is far more practical value than a recreational drug but Theory loses out once again to practice here here Patrick let's make it we'll make it really really really really easy year for you so that um so you don't really have any more issues there you go now you don't have to worry about the trash game that I'm playing and and how you're gonna you're gonna take me anytime anywhere bro oh he'll piss off and watch somebody else people are getting high off fish something to do with Chasm bass's natural oils apparently if you're curious the name is Aurora all right let's get going we need to stop by the Stroud eklin offices a certain authorization procedures when large funds are being transferred even for something he's got to get back to his PlayStation five the effort to make this place livable is astounding there's no end what can be accomplished when there are credits to be made all right I guess we gotta go there I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying I was supposed to do I caught some of the dialogue but I was too busy laughing um All About A Goodbye check in at Stroud Eckland HQ okay oops oh don't do that the way he accomplished wasting 10 minutes of all our evening yeah I mean there is that that's that's the the ultimate troll uh thing right security I got people not liking games because like not everyone's gonna like everything there are definitely people who are going to hate this game same as little people who hate some first person shooters or whatever what I don't get is like showing up to complain about it like what are you hoping to accomplish from that just go watch something else is your time not worth more than that somehow I know my time's worth more than that I don't show up into other people's streams we're like oh this game sucks bro good God it's probably like other like living in his mom's basement or unemployed or something and so his time's not really worth anything um clearly the intent is to get us into the astral Lounge than anything enhance my calm John Spartan astronomically oh wow I didn't realize how many options were in this elevator Sky Sweet restricted oh I want to go there ends no the sky sweet man Walter is very proud of his business you always complain about me playing them are very high quality oh I'm gonna sit here and wait we have an appointment but uh right as usual they're giving us a waiting chat with my counterpart is she in today yes allow me to bust you in sir darn right buzzes in Walter Issa shall we continue from last time the luxury Cruise Line Market is completely outside of our core competencies investing into it is a mistake wait a minute a mistake our ship designers are the best and here I have something for you they design personal crafts it's about time accommodation yes well it seemed like a good idea she just interrupted the story you might like it here I am and you're just standing right here Issa Eklund the hyphenated Eklund in our glorious company's branding two conversations I don't even know what's happening now we're here at constellation business Charmed Miss Eckland I envy you and your partner success I mean Walter's wife probably shouldn't say that uh uh I feel like I shouldn't say I envy them though you have to ask your Walter's wife co-ceo heir to the Eckland fortune and somewhere down there I'm his wife yes didn't know our marriage was such a low priority yes you did jumps up the list at the right moments I've been formed by streamer buddy that the reason he has low viewers he's not playing a good game but it didn't make a big deal out of it and did and he did ask me for input well that's different that's that's like a buddy of yours asking something or whatever where you're providing feedback to a buddy but like for a random person to show up in someone else's stream and be like this game's trash yo bro why are you playing this game's trash uh we're here on consolation business oh yes the daring explorers my partner is so infatuated with you should hear him reciting that speech there's no need to go into that oh my heart give us a beat when he does it really it does such passion if you talk to the board that way I wouldn't need to blanket them I'm 100 behind embarrassing Walter Moore there's not only here to your uh your intimate details really what's this about a speech oh was it again Walter the founder of constellation Sebastian Banks his final address before he disappeared I was I probably got the gift it finally went through again 550 credits for it I guess I can oh I'm so sorry I'm sorry um it's gonna make me do it again we're gonna constellation business there's no need to go um okay what about the speech was it again Walter Sebastian Banks his final address before he disappeared his final address or his final address because they're kind of different things well I need to hear the speech Walter were you a fan I merely found a group of like-minded individuals just like all of us I have not been part of constellation as long as some but from what I have seen I would not call that an inaccurate description can we move on I'm 100 behind embarrassing Walter Moore I know it's my favorite hobby now why are you here my dear the board meeting isn't for a while and our vacations aren't coming up either it's the discretionary fondisha I need all of it this wouldn't have anything to do with that meeting you've set up at the Astro Lounge would it I never said that did you have an agent hack into my files again only after you had one hack into mine tell me can Mutual distrust lead to a point where it's actually the same as neutral Trust so everything's at the astral Lounge I also send my love with freelance operatives is this how YouTube work sniping to each other just some light sparring I mean they are married Walters actually very attentive oh my god when it's just the two of us oh my God it makes business and family you learn to compartmentalize Walter's old I don't really need to know about how it tend to be is a remarkably insecure location for a clandestine meeting that was the point neutral territory in the open with no leverage oh you must let me help it's been too long I have this all taken care of some investigation into the seller was motivating them then some preliminary casing of the astral Lounge for security flaws give you the advantage if things go wrong bribe a few bouncers alter the codes on the doors yes exactly well they're really doing a lot to set this up investigate the seller Casey Astro Lounge got it so I'm off to do all that work while you two stay here I hate being selfish we need to go through the fund authorizations anyway James Newell is the broker who knows our seller he'll be able to help you find out more about them and it shouldn't be hard to find the astral Lounge here let me at least give you some operation Fun Since I won't be joining you meet me back here yeah I'm going to be present for the negotiation I'm not leaving you to the neon sharks I promise why don't I believe him could we ask about security investigate the seller who doesn't think we could steal up here kill for a cup of coffee right about now yeah they're gonna start smooching any second now what what I'm working here there's a magazine here to be a part of this trial deck Latina no magazines you didn't hear this from me no time to chat this is a surprisingly small we have a safe but it's unlocked that's weird someone who could be with you at every meeting this is a remarkably small office they literally have like two offices my partner than need them less complicated don't make my job any harder no consolation seems to take up so much of my time can't grab on that thing ever stop thinking of you wondering what maneuvering you're doing to take over the company all right whatever let's go down and see what the deal is let's go to Skyrim stickers guys we floor axis oh I thought maybe they just have guards up there that would kick me out but they won't even let me go up there it's one of those things you gotta have like the swipe card in the elevator to make it work glare or bad trade tower eh welcome to the trade tower the pride of bayu Peraza fighting in this place sucks ever wonder how the Crimson Fleet seems to be everywhere I don't like the look of you well hopefully this music's not copyrighted in here I have things I wish to discuss with you oh there's a mission board in here self service if you have a value with anyone in the settled systems don't worry for a small convenience speed we can clear that up but Richard can say you're not wanted by any Factor not what about the mission board what do they got in here deliver hygiene products to purima too destroy the Crimson Fleet now these are more of the uh hey what faction is this for Lounge special grilled meat for master land's most concerning customers 15 Health seven percent O2 crap definitely has a boost bag hey there [Music] here as long as I'm here I'll look for the magazines they give you like the snap boost or whatever what are they wearing it's party time get zoomed and have fun how drunk do you think they have to be to put that on [Music] what's up hey can I get you something to drink oh Boone yeah you're new here aren't you name's Boone Morgan your new best friend on Neo that's my Halloween costume listen to the music I've got you covered but if you're here for something a little more exciting we have plenty of Aurora for sale another one of these idiots what is with you people Jesus go watch something else if you don't like it nobody's making it be here good Lord I don't do cams I prefer alcohol I'm definitely here to try the Aurora wait so Aurora is Aurora legal or not not at the astral Lounge my friend in fact this is the only place authorized to sell Aurora by order of administrator Bayou himself and once you buy it you can use it anywhere sorry Robin I'll accept the Spaceport of course I prefer alcohol definitely here to try the Aurora oh we have plenty of that but why not try something different new planet new city new experiences it's what life's all about here and take a look at the menu now I'm not going to lie the Aurora is a bit expensive but let's face it can you really put a price on Pleasure I don't remember why I'm talking to this guy I have a meeting here later worried about security like some details on purchasing a penthouse I do the menu anything of the menu you recommend who created the music for this place what can you tell me about administrator Bayou oh Ben and I are good friends he personally gave me the job here at the astral Lounge oh he's a good man cares a lot about the citizens of neon making sure they're all employed and well taken care of a real humanitarian yeah making sure they're well stoned who created the music for this place pretty amazing isn't it that's Borealis only 19 years old and yet she produces some of the most heart-pounding trippiest electronic music you've ever heard I don't know where she gets her inspiration but betting all that Free Aurora she gets has something to do with it I don't know it sounds pretty generic to me uh I'd like some details on purchasing a pendants excellent choice the sky Suite offers luxury and sophistication you won't find anywhere else in the settled systems and since you'll be living in the same Tower as the Astro Lounge all of its pleasures and pageantry are only an elevator away a thousand credits to buy it wow tell me about the panels which feature what features does it offer of course the sky Suite features an open design with an emphasis on luxury whether you prefer the morning sky or a neon Sunrise the high ceilings and wall-sized windows will give you a full view of the city's splendor yeah no how unfortunate but I will be all right I have a meeting later worried about security the Astro Lounge is one of the safest places in all of Neon security is hand-picked from the finest officers in the city there's something about bribing people and getting access right I know see I needed security to be on my side of a fight bro code see I need to control the doors prevent someone from walking out what exactly would a secure meeting take place private meetings are usually held in the floor above just to use the elevators any of the to control the doors prevent someone from walking out I'm afraid that would be a serious fire hazard and I think it's only fair to warn you that the network security on our doors is state of the art see I need a security by my side of a fight I wouldn't say you'd be interested in the Astro Lounge VIP package for a reasonable fee our security can be your security or a thousand credits that seemed a little high we do strive for setting the most reasonable rate three turns four points uh surely a business like Stroud Eklund already has VIP status not currently I'm afraid oh crap you lower the fee I'll be sure to stop at the astrology every chance I get lost later I make you pay less now in the hopes you'll pay more over time hmm well I think we can certainly offer a discounted rate for you score if you were still interested now it's only a thousand well 25 percent nice all right let me just apply that discount we discussed and done we do hope your meeting goes to your satisfaction all right we're gonna check the door controls now read about it now what about the uh astral drugs whoops door control oh they're there come on the other way or not before I revealed that persuade and the price increased I think yeah that would be I have succeeded more often than not though wait what do you want so what's that objective over there that's that must be the door controls over there investigate the seller [Music] I think God must not be offensive like I really hate the game benefit but I really just want to see Fox suffer playing it right just like that is this no that's not taking me to the door controls where is that or is it is there like a security thing we're over at kelp Corp it's too good for neon sounds like she's trying to help someone on something honestly I kind of teamed around talk to Clover where's this taking me is this this goes all the way back to the ship right is fully Stockton ready to sell welcome to newol's if you're looking for any specific Goods Rosa and I guarantee we'll beat siegart's lousy selection every time let's say you have a problem with secrets please well I'm just gonna be a competition going on here healthy competition is one cornerstones of owning a business who's Rosa Rosa Newell is my wife we own this place together at least he's honest about your wishing for your suffering yeah yeah I mean there's a lot of things that goes around sea guards what's that cigarch Outfitters oh come on you don't have to pretend you haven't been to his poor excuse for a store off of Bayou Plaza I didn't even see that comment before you hit it rabbit that's too funny [Laughter] oh God healthy competition is one of the cornerstones of owning a business I understand that but when you're dealing with a snake-like secret normal Commerce practices go right out the window that man has absolutely no respect for the business community on Neon he skips Merchant meetings and refuses to participate in any of our group buys worst of all he pays off Neon security to keep his place safe what are you trying to like sabotage or something you can't even play safe sounds like a smart business to me yeah sure if all you care about is yourself every payment secret makes validates neon Securities corruption no he's setting a bad precedent that many Merchants are forced to follow anyway sorry I know I can get a little intense about these things if you'll forgive the outburst and have a look around I'm sure you'll find something you might want to buy right uh you said a meeting with Walter Stroud recently maybe I did maybe I didn't let's say you did information isn't usually free don't dug my questions out of the seller came to you easy friend not looking for trouble man's gonna be having Walter Stroud I'm sure you can pay you rather be paid now oh crap you already got paid for connected uh I don't usually package pieces of Intel but maybe I could okay I don't know much but I did have one of my Freelancers tail the seller back to his place sleep crate one let me write down the unit for you sleep great ones there's the sellers sleep great I gotta go check the door controls I guess that's the elevator I'm supposed to take in that club there the administrator oh yeah his majesty decided to come down from his throne and walk amongst us peasants don't need the door crackle this one these doors open I wanted to personally thank us for our cup so it's terrible terrible solutions to the city and hopes for our continued support we're on top of the trolls like they were an ancestors chat well that was the difference that man ancestors were something else though that was fun though it was a big stream but I'm definitely a few trolls there you don't need to wear okay I'm gonna take the elevator here because I suspect that's supposed to take me to the elevator controls or the uh the controls I was supposed to look at should have done it while I was in here but I'm not in the mood you called me a peasant oh my God I would like a chance to talk to you if you are able no why do you need me no you need a moment to talk about what happened to you at that place that Temple I am not sure what to call it in all my time amongst the Stars I have never heard of such a thing probably bad Acid Trip whole thing made me uncomfortable for the jump shouldn't look like any culture I've ever seen or heard of if you're looking for answers you're this in the wrong person it was beautiful I've never imagined such a place and it seems fitting that you were the one to discover it certainly it is too soon to speculate about who built it but can we not after what you experienced do you have any insights I'm not a pleasant I'm a deplorable there's no way humans are responsible for that I'm putting my credit on Magic Pixies didn't see a visitor center or bigger brochure or pick up a brochure if that's what you're asking maybe there are people there we just never met shouldn't take mild guesses I don't know I suppose it is possible but I cannot imagine anyone who could build such a thing I am sorry after what you have been through I should be asking about you are you all right have you felt any side effects uh do you know where I can offload Contraband yeah I've been selling mine at the Den space station in the the wolf system if you go to Wolf you'll see it orbiting one of the planets there you can sell it there I feel great better than ever I haven't thought about it but I think I'll be worried I mean besides the Fantastic new powers I have now no I'm good you think there'll be side effects How can any of us know what will happen this is the definition of unprecedented is it not and I feel great better than ever a cynical person might suggest that in itself could be a side effect but for now we will just assume you have been very fortunate the artifacts that Temple this new ability you have acquired clearly they are all connected so much bigger than we realized exactly what constellations for and I'm thrilled to be part of it this is over here we're all going to be rich beyond our dreams I've only gotten this far by working together yes you are right and if we continue to work together perhaps we can start to explain some of this now we have even greater reason to press forward to learn more about what is at work here so when I used my power before it didn't work on the NPCs that were like part of the story but wouldn't this club be a lot more lively if the Aurora let them dance on the ceiling eyes better much better oh she's shooting them oh my God yeah it's each of a lesson oh God oh God I don't have any uh okay well he used to have a problem nobody gets away ballistics kill enemies With Grenades Urban lipstick weapons rather [Music] laughs get the dancers foreign I feel like Security in this place isn't very good well Trisha's unhappy with me I don't know why where do they keep coming from will not be a part of this Mickey caviar this guy's got a name hold still I want to see what loot you got [Music] crap it's not loaded yeah that's Mickey got it's just The Voice okay he can't be killed apparently what who name of the law what where this guy won't die [Music] really gonna be that way yeah [Music] assistant works Belle that was fun let's just reload there I think we better load that up [Music] uh so if I use my powers on random people it tells the NPCs that it's time to attack them apparently I thought I would just make them float around and they would fall on the ground and then you know everyone would have a good laugh it wasn't really expecting her to start attacking them I guess it's considered an attack but oh and get yourself a drink it's time what are you gonna do I guess last load corrupted wouldn't that be great I mean attack them with my Powers Yeah I just figured it was like a fancy special effect kind of thing seems they took it personally I don't know why Astor allowance special sangria I'm gonna go for some main sangria it's checking for magazines here before we go and try and find those controls staff only that was the DJ booth up here it's cool this lighting is hard to look at now you can talk to the NBC you couldn't kill yeah oh God what what it's a very dramatic reaction for her like then to not say anything to me magazines here somewhere or a magazine anyway oh maybe in here uh let's see well that one matches I hope you can succeed at that before we are discovered what she said something to me but I don't know what it was why was this locked there's not even anything in here melon caviar I wonder why this room was locked maybe use a digipick for nothing man not those magazines listen I never said what type of magazines I was looking for all right there we go found it okay uh let's go there hmm we're in how to improve pain for dummies yeah about door control oh add a new use of the road door control override approved hand signal will allow uh used to lock door to VIP lounge a total of one times scheduling trip has been booked by redacted please see Boone Morgan for scheduling conflicts redacted interesting okay so I guess that means I can now use my hand to lock the door it's just a swipe of my mighty hand oh Benjamin Bayou yes yes what is it Well you aren't assume there's a reason that you're disturbing me uh since you're babes I mean the only entire city I wouldn't normally bother with idle chatter but that's such a ridiculous question I'm going to gift you with a response I don't own neon neon is the property of xenofresh Fisheries of which I just happen to be the CEO and the major majority stakeholder now if you care to take a moment to dissect that statement in your tiny little mind I'm confident you'll discover the answer to your question was that a yes so you're in Jordan yet not that it's any of your business but yes I'm the administrator of Neon actually there are a lot of perks that come with the job but you want to know my favorite one snap of my finger and people who ask too many questions get thrown off of the upper platform I love that one I got a backpack thing that lets me fly don't bother me unless it's important if I silently assassinate him do you think the guards would know not a very nice guy you'll still be going on another Killing Spree I don't know what you're talking about never killed anybody [Music] places all right we're gonna go investigate this guy's like sleeping pod or whatever it is he's supposed to have [Music] one of our Advanced teller machines say first I already did save I want to see if he actually throws you off the platform it only let me ask two questions so I couldn't really let him okay can you believe xenofresh charges as a licensing fee to fish near me I'd be making a fortune if they'd let us fish for cats this is a real dump man [Music] how quickly can you get that done red light district not a computer personal correspondence one two musk Grove you might not be aware but there's a certain item that your employer has that others have taken an interest in I know you're gainfully employed but what's the harm in a little chat besides I have some information about your career that well I would want to know if I were you a friend you must Groove I'm not joking friend expect the term that termination notice to arrive soon you need to think about your future and the precious few days you have left before the deactivate your security clearance your friend to muscro for our discussion you need to move that item as quickly as possible soon we're being watched it's only a matter of time before they come for you your friend please be advised your current pay cycle will once again leave you with near zero balance in your account so clearly he was a little stretched for cash there's the termination notice due to changing priorities within the organization Your Role within the state uh Slayton Aerospace has been made redundant please clean out any personal items and inform anyone who needs to know about your a minute departure by the end of the day thank you for over a decade of service and trust that our long-standing relationship will keep this transaction free of unpleasant incident only businesses firing people could be that douchey I love that he uses the computer while sitting on the toilet took the futuristic version of the cell phone set up on a moon away from everyone you don't say all right let's see what happens when this meeting goes down all right we gotta talk to Walter again wait his wife's wearing the club already it's putting me over this way now or Sprint ain't no fun no no he's upstairs in the office all right went to shroud Eklund it's like the Sleep pause at airports in Japan aren't they normally like smaller than that though and more like tube pod like that was like a small prison cell with like a metal toilet and everything kind of weird hello Walter you're done smooching it up with your wife there it's done let's go to the meeting the founder of the cellar is pretty desperate it should give us an edge natural Lounge we're ready excellent good work let's head to the astral Lounge goodbye my dear see you at the next board meeting oh I'll be keeping an eye on this little operation just in case good luck all of you all right off to the Astro Lounge who will we have to shoot today I wonder all my guns are loaded here first which I have too many and disappeared okay off to the VIP [Music] all right we're here now I don't know what the seller looks like but they'll have a security briefcase with them larger than normal big enough to hold the artifact we should split up the code phrase to identify yourself as the buyer is Ramsey and Travers what a weird code phrase Ramsay and Travers is scientist who discovered Neon gas I don't know what the seller looks like it's not like people who trade in stolen goods are eager to share personally identifying information if you say so use the code phrase to end up by the seller got it are they code phrases under different circumstances Walter I think you might have made an adequate Smuggler remember Ramsay and Travers will meet back near the elevator I guess it kind of makes sense since the whole this whole place is called neon so uh are you joking how many people of this freaking briefcase thing hello citizen nice good great night you look suspicious there yeah everybody goes to the club carrying a suitcase these days it's the latest trend can you believe this place hey enjoy yourself yeah some of those other ones are more like a duffel bag as opposed to a briefcase hey you want to dance the music is amazing hi having fun huh maybe this one's a big double bag people oh hell yeah this is awesome get some Aurora and let loose I swear the citizen was holding a briefcase a moment ago larger than normal being the key phrase well yeah but there's like these weird duffel bag people and then there's this Aurora stuff oh the shopping bag this is amazing oh man I'm fine right now leave it up you good I'm not good where's this briefcase dude he's in the bathroom are you in the toilet at last drink was stronger than I thought that's what she said two drinks ago maybe you should slow down yeah I don't wanna I don't think I want to know what they're doing in there hey there howdy oh hello yeah it does sort of stand out a little bit doesn't it hello can't you see I'm busy drinking I'm with Ramsay and Trappers oh really I heard you all have a meeting in a few minutes don't you in one of those fancy VIP lounges speaking of which I gotta get going myself excuse me yeah you just need to have a drink he's like I'm busy drinking yes what Dr Walter Stroud hey you wanna dance could you he was still standing against the wall over there you owe me all the money when this is over it seems cagey to me even angry all right one step closer before we head in there let me go over the ground rules shoot first asking questions later twice what we agreed on that's normal he'll probably try to walk out that's normal too don't worry about the amount we actually settle on the Stroud Declan discretionary fund is just a chip to you and me our goal is to get him to accept that ship in exchange for the artifact anything goes as long as it's in our hands and we're not dead how does that sound like I should shoot him in the back of the head without negotiating keep my hand close to my weapon for this what if things get messy that's why you're here hopefully our combined continents will be enough but grabbing the artifact and running is an option uh just do me a favor and treat it as a last resort I have a reputation sure I'm going this way move along conveniently the room we were in there inspecting the computer in I guess wow these guys are fast man you Stroud you look different in person our public relations always insists on doing some touch-ups for the official photos embarrassing really your security here going to stand or sit for this little meeting making me nervous uh I'll set no sense I'm standing deal with it anyone used to remember yeah I tried to I tried to turn to close the door but I don't know like I guess I couldn't understand the muscles already huh fine I can't like I can't move I'm anchored with the floor now says our item of Interest yeah here it is well look at that one of a kind and I know you want it I have the amount we agreed on things have changed I want double now how am I supposed to do that I don't know but your security here seems to have some fancy gear why don't they chip in I'm gonna chip in by shooting with a face remote trigger the door to close uh be reasonable can't just come up with double out of nowhere stop bluffing you know you need to sell quickly hmm what the security signal Neon security the security team and I have an understanding they won't interfere as you can see we're in control take advantage of our generosity take the money all right okay it's all yours hope I never see any of you people ever again hooray we did a thing artifact new added some high pressure tactics but we got what we were after to go home shall we we have it this couldn't have gotten better yeah all right we don't even have to shoot anybody kind of stop right there I was wrong you're in possession of slate narrow space property what ah Slayton must have been the original owner we don't need to do this All is fair on neon am I right hand over Mr slayton's property now don't do this don't die just to get a rock back security we're being harassed let's try to persuade first it's my employer's property that's all I need to know you're gonna make me shoot you I really rather you didn't no one has to get hurt here I'm gonna get hurt here is you doesn't have to be me though let's go for the Hail Mary yeah that failed to do that again my trigger finger is getting itchy uh even if I get the top one here it's not gonna work I'm ready when you are that crap that's it we're done oh crap security getting out of here ah come on you ran in front of my gun oh crap now Security's on me Walter Stroud is dead Walter get up he's only bleeding a little bit he's fine hey 99 what's that all right Walter you should probably get up that's this is this is an awkward looking I probably should have signaled security I guess yeah tell him to walk it off he's fine Slayton is a man of considerable resource goodbye bye I guess we just gotta get out of here now we got the artifact so because we can bail failed oh crap the citizens are all shooting at me but uh this is because like okay hold on let me uh let me save scum I think I accidentally shot that guy in the face as he ran across in front of me confirm yeah but it wasn't my fault he ran in front of my shots like who would run between the you and the guy you're shooting at when you're spraying bullets crap you show them here sheriff badge yeah I thought I could persuade the guy and then if it failed I would get an opportunity to call security I didn't think it would like like slide straight into the combat but all right we're here our public relations Mr security here going this it's gonna make all the same uh the same decisions muscles already am I to assume yeah here it is well look at one of a kind you know people don't like that for some reason what the sick security team and I have an understanding they won't interfere as you can see all right okay we got the artifact well John some high pressure tactics but we got what we were after go home shall we time to go home stop right there ah Slayton must have let's write the security option this time instead we don't need to do hand over misters security we're being harassed is there a problem here yes his arm Thug was trying to steal our belongings I'm going to need you to back away from our VIPs now fine but you can't stay in the Astro Lounge forever Stroud Nicholas slayton's already got your number we should get out of here before Slayton tightens his grip must be serious about getting the artifact back we better get off the planet quickly I love the guys in there with the with a machine gun or whatever and security doesn't really see a problem with that oh he's waiting at the door oh that's the wife something's gone wrong let's talk to eseklund Slayton has put a bounty on your heads that could squeeze a few poems your ship's been impounded at the Spaceport what there goes our way out we need to get slating off her back so much for this being easy Walter they know it was us the same way everything works on neon money it's terrible at keeping secrets who's this Nicholas Slayton anyway CEO of Slayton Aerospace they're a systems manufacturer engines thrusters we need to get slight enough our backs we'll talk with the man himself Slayton Aerospace has Offices here in the trade tower if Nicholas is moving this quickly he must be there or close by let's head to their Lobby shall we see if we can make an appointment all right I already have an appointment though it's at the end of my gun foreign that guy's trouble for the status quo if you know what I mean we just got another Quest by walking by it's almost as if things go smoothly when you pay people off well like I said I was expecting to be able to uh oh I thought I could try the persuasion and then if it failed I would get a different choice I could make but I it went straight to combat I was up here we go cyber Runners Cipher laser weapons do permanent five percent more critical damage nice welcome to Slayton warehouse space can I help you need to make an appointment to see Nicholas Slayton attack you and Pat on my ship you're all dead I'm afraid Mr Slayton is a very busy man oh I'm sure he is but he'll want to see me have an exciting business opportunity to discuss with Mr Slade maybe I can see if he has just a moment oh I think we can make an exception in your case Mr Slayton will see you as the elevator excellent executive level access code very nice oh you're still here but she stopped following me for some reason you have a question you can chat with the receptionist all you want after the executive level this clearly isn't the executive level then break into my office a bold move that's one easily counted oh we're trapped hello Walton here are you there sa took longer than I'd like but I managed to pay off one of slayden's Security Consultants they've patched me in all right we've got her out once the doors open just follow her instructions okay uh uh right he says control of the building for the moment Slayton will be scrambling his own security teams once he gets wind that were no longer at his Mercy our time is limited all right follow our instructions understood I'm aware of the irony of me continuing to say it'll be easy go to the next floor okay you'll want to use the fence system to slip around unnoticed there's a cover just to the right of the elevator you came in on oh here we go this strange vent system drop down and follow the conduit all the way to the end because the fork thank you let me have a year calibrated a deep mining space helmet part making conductors well we'll take those sure no one will mind what's little stolen goods between friends seriously you walk right into it you can see what I was doing you dummy ah wasn't Walter following me the security is on full alert Ed well crap try it got it they're scrambling the protocols should have trained more foreign hopefully they amount to something victory Luther did I you're not walking out of here jeez we're going this way I took a lot of shots area that was a little a little squishy thank you [Applause] you're already dead another didn't do their job we're going full on murder mode now what's this just top Fishbowl on them security guard uniform wait a minute if I put that on can I just go into disguise you cannot beat me no one expects the Spanish Inquisition as long as we're here I feel like we should be stealing things otherwise this is all a waste you know I'm gonna get the pose that is ours now yes it is what if I get busted for him oh he froze dead now I love how she has an issue that I'm stealing things from like the boxes but not from the dead people I just murdered those are fine [Music] it should take you outside you expect us to climb up the trade tower there's a series of catwalks that lead directly up once more to the executive level well I guess after you oh research lab just hanging out right here look at that I got here notepad some impact stuff all right let's run out of here there's just red dots in your head yeah yeah there's a lot of security guards running around in there I climbed the Train Tower so if our ship is impounded though like how's this gonna help us nope security oh crap you're nothing you're nothing all right where's it tell me to go here I'm not gonna go up there okay there's got to be more security over here already dead what if Walter can get like knocked down and stop from going where he's supposed to if I run away and leave him behind is that a bad thing foreign [Laughter] all right I guess he's fine dude totally just teleported in I feel at least a little bad murdering all these guys one of the YouTube thought the heartburn was a good idea right it gets in the way the dialogue at the bottom of the chat I sometimes can't tell what people have written because that heart icon's in the way you're coming in just behind the executive elevators I'll call the one on the far end and you can walk right over the top I'm going to find you if you are ah come on oh what the you're finished again I got another give up already you know it's moments like this it really makes neon the best place to do business why is that exactly oh security cameras look at that turrets or whatever all right he's up top side I want to get some looting done while we're here too though it's important I never liked him anyway what am I supposed to kill him or talk to him up there we could probably just nuke him from down here but [Music] berserker's Explorer Take Your Best Shot I really hope somebody doesn't like take all my stolen goods away I've got a lot on me now God oh he burned to death takes all this difference is it not feel like a bad guy now we were doing all those good things and then now we're a bad guy all right we have Contraband on ourselves or a ship no I I already sold the Contraband I just have stolen goods on me all right what's the quest to all it is to do now go to the ship well that makes that easy I guess oh demand if I do breach 135 that was a good shotgun guys did you pick there I'm out of here so you decided to fight your way out of yet another situation that didn't acquire it I don't know what he's talking about they attacked me first or something crap we got known oh there's a window there sorry rally oh my God I'm killing so many people this is definitely not the good way to complete this Mission I'm guessing come on you're dead all right Security's dead let's get out of here the lobby whatever the security outside the building will be on me too for all the killing I just did [Music] is that spontaneous combustion I've got enough uh an ability on my armor that um enemies that are close to me have a chance to catch fire yeah word is the Borealis you know the DJ well she's mopping around because she lost something also you're using uh but the Beowulf and the Grendel are both using 777 which do you prefer as far as handling I like the Beowulf for the longer shots for sure let's pull out of those so like Spring's a little funny but with it at a long distance but I don't know I gotta alternate between the two of them depending on what I'm trying to do it I find this one's this one even though it's got the zoom it's uh it's better for like a little bit closer combat whereas this one yeah actually it's the same zoom on it I guess I don't know I prefer this one I don't know why right I thought about the um have I tried the drum beat no I did get one of the drum beads but I haven't tried it yet it wasn't uh there wasn't anything special about it so I didn't hold on to it I just sold it not interested me neither [ __ ] thinks he's hot that's right that's why people catch fire with them too close to me there are two I'm too hot okay oh I can't take off I gotta talk to Walter murder was a line I really think we did the right thing back there there was no other way you really how about this are you the CEO of a mega Corp oh man I definitely did the wrong thing we got the artifact that's all that matters can't argue with that where is it used to cost it's only being measured in money whenever I can help it well I may not agree with every outcome but you did everything to accomplish our goals and more I don't often get a chance to work in the field so thank you oh I got a rare item I've got a rifle well you were supposed to do that without fighting because like there was a point where we got through the duct work and then when we came out the guys were just like right there already shooting at us I thought unless did I pull the trigger first it might have been me I didn't think it was but it might have been berserker's Beowulf let's put all these things away it's the breed shotgun I got [Music] this assembler modified Auto Riveter 139 damage ammo is a rivet for this thing plus 20 damage against robots laser sighted shielded tool grip and a hair trigger weird weapon okay fiscal quarter this is the rifle I just got uh breaks through even the strongest armor short scope compensator tactical grip armor-piercing rounds and hair trigger that's pretty cool looking incendiary assassins refined Grendel Beacon short scope suppressor and burst fire that's pretty sweet hey tremendous Soul how you doing okay I'm gonna put away all my stolen goods and my ill-gotten gains from the proceeds of my murders all right Let's Get Off This Rock I think I should have shot first with his gaming for the elevator maybe but they I thought they were all maybe they wouldn't maybe wouldn't have attacked me I don't know I thought they were already all aggregate on me and maybe that was a bad assumption because he was not happy about the fact we killed all those people next time they don't open lock both the doors the play would not have happened oh my I will offer you one chance to hand over the artifact and turn away uh that's not any type of ship I recognize yeah what is that about yourselves tell us please what are the artifacts what are they for did you make them what gives you more right to them than Humanity answering your question allow abandon your thirst for knowledge hmm at least tell us more about who you are they're from the future I'm not liking what I'm seeing on the scans energy output from that ship is far above the normal range if we spin up the grab drive now we have a chance full of amazing Maneuvers let's get out of here I'm not uh I'm gonna adjust to the artifact if they can have it and blast them to space test let's get out of here steal their ship I don't know there might be a lot tougher than me I don't have the I haven't saved recently I'm gonna go full evasive maneuvers and try to get down here hold on oh [Music] crap oh crap all right my missile too late there we go [Music] they've lost all propulsion how do I follow them indefinitely how do I garbage oh wait Target lost no there goes I didn't mean to blow them up speculation I'm trying to board them I blew it up the data off the ship's sensors one's going to want to weigh in on this well that didn't work with a darn yeah crap man everything's going wrong though don't ever be on the corner of the nope nope grabs up to anywhere talk to Noel Mr father encounter with a starborn uh we need to head back to the lodge and tell everyone what happened all right it's like a horse yeah dang I didn't mean to blow them up I was trying to like just knock them down enough I could bored but it wasn't letting me hit the board interface I don't think you get bored on first playthrough oh okay security here is so yeah there's no doc on those things okay uncomfortable most people anyway following me around a little weird sometimes amuses me to think about what goes on here right under the United Colonies Collective notes another artifact it's slowly building up uh okay it's uh already quarter to one in the morning my time I have to get up for work in the morning so I'm gonna have to crash for tonight but um we'll continue on with this Quest afterwards I think we did enough murder for this evening as it is completely screwed up that mission apparently and I don't know how these people still like me after all the people I've slaughtered but you know whatever uh but thanks so much everyone I really appreciate it thank you also for the super chats this evening as well uh tomorrow night we're gonna be playing some Bigfoot uh with my buddy Nate that'll be 9pm eastern time and then we'll play some more star field on Friday uh but thanks so much everyone I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all you next time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 31,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, starfield, starfield gameplay, lets play starfield, starfield first look, starfield live stream, starfield ep 1, starfield part 1, space rpg, starfield ship building, starfield PC, starfield base building, starfield outpost
Id: xRh02PLO4BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 49sec (13249 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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