The Voice of Dreaming

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shirts will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the world that's listen to open-door Church on the radio hello my friends i bless you in the mighty name of Jesus welcome to the Future it's the first Sunday here in the year 2018 I call you blessed a mighty name of Jesus my goodness when I was a little boy I thought by 2018 I'd have me a Raigarh a ray a ray gun I should say I thought I'd have me at George Jetson hovering device I thought I'd have a robot at my command and you know hillbillies are still here Billy's in the year 2018 I'm shocked at that man I want to welcome you here and I welcome all of our first-time visitors and all of our guests and everybody that's watching live online at open door experience kamar by that's watched on Facebook and I want to remind you that if you have not yet shared our live feed over here over to your page please do so and that'll make you a rock star evangelist in this new year help us reach thousands and thousands of people today well guys I want to be talking about dreaming today I want to be talking about dreaming next Sunday the next Sunday the next Sunday this entire month guys are gonna be talking about supernatural principles of dreaming and what dreaming is all about I'm gonna be talking about today I'm talking about the voice of dreaming next weekend we'll be talking about the vision of dreaming and there's always going to be more material on Sunday that I'm going to be able to preach so I'm just gonna carry it over into Wednesday nights and on Wednesday nights we're actually going to be having dream interpretation through the entire month the entire month guys we're going to be interpreting people's dreams we're going to be talking about signs and symbols and wonders and if that was a dream what would it mean and how to live a life of actually living the dream amen so guys are you guys ready to do this man let's all let's uh let's let's all come before King Jesus and at the end of this guys let's all give Jesus a great big praise are you guys ready all right well father God I love you Lord father God sir bless the message bless the messenger I pray father God sir that your spirit would be on me Lord God in such a big way I pray God that you bless the here today rather there here in this building or watching or listening somewhere else in the world Lord King Jesus sir we tell you God that we love you that you are our God that we are your people and there there's no other and I thank you for it Lord in Jesus name everybody say Amen guys let's give it Lord a great big praise you love you Lord love you Jesus love you Lord and I praise you and thank you we'll just start talking about some of the stuff that's in the Bible and some of the stuff that ain't in the Bible because not only is it really cool what's in the Word of God but it's also really cool what God intentionally leaves out for example the Bible tells us all about church there's a lot to say about Church church Church church Church church Church Church church Church church Church church Church in fact as the word church is in the Bible seventy seven times the term house of God is in the Bible seventy seven times the word refuge which is what the church is supposed to have found and what the church is supposed to be amen the term to forgive is in the Bible seventy seven times the word garden is in the Bible seventy seven times there are 77 generations from Adam all the way to King Jesus and then the church began so church is a big deal amen and you know that wild church is a big deal and I'm not I'm not talking about just people that go to church I'm talk about people that are the church amen well church is such a big deal you would think it's just gathering is such a big deal one of the things that's absolutely incredible is that God does not [Applause] there's that George Jetson thing I was telling you all about you know there'll be about 30 million people driving down the road going what the heck was that can I just ask her by right now to silence your phones go ahead and put your guns on safety - we'd appreciate that [Applause] y'all are hard to do a radio show with I don't know if y'all know that while there are turns our back focus okay focus I just sent my team to go pray over that whole area over there I think they prayed for one side missed the other side is what I think so you know what guys I'm gonna listen man I want you to I want you to pay attention that there is the church is a really big deal yet yet God doesn't tell us how to do Church there's no scriptures in the Bible says and this is this is how thou shalt do thy Church services not in there like wait a minute if church is such a big deal and if we're and if this is where the power of the Lord is poured out if this is where the people gather why doesn't that tell us okay what he's doing by the way all you Joker's that come in here with your official guide on if this is official church service or not they're like well pastor Troy you felt miserably this is not opportunity people do that they do that to me they'll come to the VIP and they'll say I judge you on if this was a true church service and then you didn't I let me tell you I give those people the left-foot a fellowship the reason why they're going around judging everybody else's Church is because there are too big of cards too to start their own amen a man never listened to somebody to tell you how to do ministry if they don't do Minister he never ever ever pay attention to somebody that their ministry is to tell you about other people's ministries amen I don't pay well they didn't start off with official prayer can I tell you how baloney that is well it didn't happen on this day of the week well it didn't do that what's real is the Bible doesn't say any of that and what the Bible does say is it says stuff like this it says well don't put rich people before poor people gather often and then that's it like what the heck why is that okay the reason why God leaves that out is because of this you know what the logistics of how we gather when we gather in what we do vary from region to region from time to time from generation to generation from situation to situation because it's supposed to be relational it's supposed to be real and what's real is there could be ten churches on one Street and they be doing Church completely different and it's totally legitimate amen listen guys we don't do Church in prison the same way that we do Church you know in in this house like why because it's a different setting and that's a different group of people and if you're going to be real about serving people you do things differently also too you know what how those guys express Jesus might not be the same way that you express Jesus like walk to what I don't like I don't like that when you go to a black church or a white church or Hispanic Church I don't like all that because can I just say something the Lord likes that the Bible says that before the throne is every nation and every kindred in every tongue the Bible says everybody doesn't even speak the same language in heaven every tongue whoa what listen the word tongue doesn't just mean it doesn't just mean language it actually means accent so I'm sorry all my friends from the Atlantic Northeast you gonna have to live with me forever amen forever and ever and ever and you know what we're not supposed to be mad at diversity we're not supposed to be well I'm not sure you're not thinking I'm cool if you think they're cool daddy is ridiculous amen we're not supposed to be threatened with diversity it's okay so so God literally leaves it out of how to do Church and he's like okay you guys gather together and boom it's one of the things I'm constantly telling the band constantly where we have musicians come in here and they're really good it's sounding like Australia like what do you Sarah like they don't know they've never tried to sound like themselves and they've never cared about playing with the band that you can come up with a unique sound because they want to sound like Los Angeles so they want to sell right in New York or they wanted that that doesn't fly with me I'm like get away from me go play with them iPod this is with a group of people amen and when a group of people are together and when it's real there's something magical that can only happen through that one group of people and that's the way it is friends from house to house to house to house somebody say amen to that the Bible also tells us all about Jesus you know mouth has a few things say about Jesus as a matter of fact guys the whole Word of God is all about King Jesus and Jesus himself said the Scriptures do testify of me amen but the Scriptures do testify of me now depending upon which hate camp you're from if you're from the hate camp of King James fanatics they say well in the King James Bible there's thirty 1171 verses there's another hate group out of the King James bunch that says that there's thirty 1102 in one of my books I say thirty 1171 in another one I say thirty one thousand one hundred two just because I think that's funny because I don't really know I have never sat down and said okay my job of the day is to count every verse this brother is never going to do that okay there's some 50 pound head out there that I'm counting on to count those verses but that ain't me amen so I put them both in there like you contradict yourself no I'm just quoting you and I'm also quoting you how to look like well what is your point the point is all this talk about Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and never tells us what it give doesn't give us one physical description of him you think man if it's all about Jesus it tell us what Jesus looks like why not what it's all about Jesus but we're but you're not gonna tell us what he looks like the Bible says he looks like bread it's my body I'm put that hello does that not seem weird to y'all because that has always seemed weird to me until I figured it out why because what Jesus looks like to you it's not what Jesus looks like to me and it's not supposed to amen there's a revelation of how the fathers are veiled through Jesus to you that I don't have that revelation and besides that God Almighty knows he knows he knows he knows that if there was one verse in the Bible that said and the Lord stood a six-foot-two having long blackish hair which is the nature of the Jews and olive skin we would have the Church of olive skin all over the world because we were people in desperate need of a savior amen there's something else - man the Bible contains the written word of God and is all about the Word of God it's all about Jesus Christ it's all about very real relationships with God in the words that God Almighty speaks yet it never tells us how he speaks now it tells us how he speaks to this person in that person but it doesn't I say when you hear God this is how God will speak to you like why if God wants us to hear him but it's not gonna tell us how to how did how to hear him no it does tell you how to hear him it just says to tell you what the voice is gonna sound like why is that and the reason why that is is because the way God talks to you is not going to be the same way that he talks to me and see that's the difference between the voice of God and the Word of God and you and I need to know the difference between because guys there is a great big difference between the Word of God and the voice of God everybody say the Word of God and the voice of God there is a great great great big difference in in all of that there's a big difference and the Word of God what's real is there is one word now when we say that there's one word that doesn't mean that there's not different expressions of the word because to the Jews they don't even put whenever it comes to like the Torah like the original ones what's real is there's not even breaks between the words and they don't do this they do that well actually to you they do this they go from right to left whereas we read from we read from left to right well why is that because everything east of Jerusalem reads from right to left everything west of Jerusalem reads from left to right so that every language in the world is pointing to Jerusalem that's pretty cool stuff in that oh yeah all this and it's everywhere it's everywhere God is speaking through everything around us he really truly is okay so here's what's cool is is that would take the like well if you were to open up one of the old tourists it's one word all the way through it there's no breaks in the word you got to be smart enough to figure out the breaks in the word so that it is in fact one word because they were fanatics about that and thank God that they were so that we have something that is accurate today amen but that's not to say he's saying the same thing in one chapter as he is another chapter and one thing in another so you have to understand the difference between the voice of God and a big difference between between the Word of God now when it comes to the voice of God we're talking about how God expresses himself so the Word of God is who he is but the voice of God is how he lets you know who he is how it is that he communicates to you now listen I'm a daddy and I have four biological children and I have six grandchildren hallelujah and if I'd have known how cool grandchildren was I would have just spit I would have never had kids and I was just going straight to grandkids I love I love my kids and my kids love me and I praise God for that but I want to tell you something man Greinke grandkids that's a game changer and my kids don't even recognize me around my grandkids they're like dad you would have killed me for that I know yeah I'm not that guy anymore and I'm not that guy to this kid that's your job now enjoy that and please call me and tell me when you're having trouble because I love I love hear that from you dad got kids I'm like what tell me about that big Toby I just sit there okay all right here's what's great when Ben was a little boy Ben followed me around everywhere we hung out together and he was such a fun little boy to hang out with I want to say Ben was a really cool little guy and you know he just he just turned 27 by the way happy birthday Ben and I want to tell ya happy birthday Ben he's a guy heads up on my radio show but I want to tell you we don't even bother to celebrate his birthday because his firstborn son which is my firstborn grandson was born on his birthday so that brother doesn't even get to hip side what did you get me he's like I'm never gonna have a birthday for the rest of my life ever no that is so funny to me I can't tell you how funny that is to me that is so hilarious well whatever whenever Ben was a little boy he was a little boy he was just beautiful he really was and and he was he didn't even look real he looked like a cartoon he had a giant head in this little bitty body and I love this big shot beautiful head I just thought it was so funny I remember what he first tried to set up in his head would be like he would like go set up and his head would still be on the floor I'd be like look you have a higher triple-a to get his you know get this thing working so we get the brother and he would be he would always sit in my life he'd come he crawled up in my lap and he would just say daddy and I'd say yes sir he'd say tell me tell me you love me I'd say okay not say and he has these giant cheeks I mean huge it's got like this little face and these giant cheeks that surrounded this face like like an orangutan y'all know how to and I grabbed his sheets and I'd say your daddy loved you and he was just like yeah he loved it okay I use 27 now you know he's a 6-footer you know he weighs about 300 pounds and when I do that now it just doesn't work okay well it's not that I don't tell him I love him I still use the same words but I have to change my voice and if you don't change your voice instead of communicating you love him if you have I don't change my voice I'm just communicating I'm an idiot which I'm affected with that as well but that's the power of changing the voice and understanding man that you don't you know if if you get up and talk like Steven Hawkins you know through every every single thing that you do you're only going to be uh you're only going to be effective at at communicating facts amen and that's not what you want to do man you want to communicate your heart hallelujah all right well here's what the Bible says about all the different voices of God the Bible says that the voice of the Lord is upon the waters the god of glory thunders that's God speaking and the Lord is over the many waters so what that means is while there is only one word there's no end to the voices of God or there's no end to the ways that God Almighty will actually communicate his word to you amen tell the person next to you tell him say tell us say God is speaking to you yes man he's talking to you now sometimes one of the ways that you know that God is speaking to you is you can't get away from the subject you ever had a subject chase you down run on like okay this subject shows up in this area then it shows up in this area I'm talking some eye wow that's weird I was just talking those people who watch TV man the episode is on that what the heck you're driving down the road there it is again like oh my gosh right like what is that that's the voice of the Lord upon the many waters okay now whenever John in the book of Revelation at the beginning of the book of Revelation the Bible said he turned to see the voice now that's a prophetic statement because you don't see the voice you hear the voice but prophetically there is a posture that you can turn to see the voice are you willing to turn okay and this is what he said he said this that he heard the voice of God as if it was the sound of many rushing waters what does that mean it means this God's giving him his word but it's coming through 10 million different ways all at the same time God's talking to him through how his kids are acting God's talking to him through the timing of things God's talking to him through Bible verses God is talking to him through the preacher they listens to God is talking to him through life situations God is talking to him through whispers God is talking to him through thunders God is talking to him through dreams all at the same time I heard the voice of God and it sound like the voice of many rushing waters just whoa right and I want to just encourage you just tell you man you find Jesus in that place where he's walking among the seven golden candlesticks you find him sitting on the throne man you know what what's real make his he'll make his word so real to you because it comes at you in so many different ways that's why guys we need to give every single part of our life to King Jesus listen if the only part of your life that you've given the King Jesus is your church life what a little bitty trickle you have going into your life that's a man you need to give God every single part every single part of your life you need to be looking to the Lord in those things okay how am i doing everybody's still good okay well the voice of the Lord is upon the waters voice the Lord is upon many waters God can speak lots of different ways number one God can speak through circumstances I want to just list some cool ways that God likes to speak God can't speak through circumstances that's the Book of Jonah God can speak through wise counsel guys I have to show y'all this verse because this is a big deal okay I want you guys to check out this verse proverbs 20 18 everybody say 20 18 because that's this year any guys this is a prophetic word for you this year and it's this plans are established by counsel by wise counsel wage war not by last level counsel not by your knucklehead friends that you just grew up right on not by you know you know not by not not not through your favorite television show I got a good friend of mine and he is a knucklehead he's one of my favorite people on the face of planet I've loved him since we were little kids and I actually have lots of friends that are like that because I grew up in Joshua right you know me and Billie Jean's know you talked you thought I was starting out knucklehead part right now I'm talking about that I've known since I was little but they're all knuckleheads as it turns out Billy Jenkins as a matter of fact you know he's here you know we've known each other since we were little bitty bitty kids right I go around me and lucky right we went to we went to kitten we went to preschool together preschool before we went to school get I've been trying to get away from him for 51 years that's not true I can go around the whole room and just talk about people I've known my whole life and that's the privilege of growing up in a small town in it that's a really neat thing but I also wanted a friend of mine that he decided he was going to be rich at a very early age and I want to tell you man he had the audacity to do it he did it and that brother pulled it off anyone cuz anybody gave him anything he fought and he learned and he went after it he made a bunch of mistakes but he finally made his money he made his money and after a couple years into it man he made a couple of successful investments and then boom he made a bad investment and he lost everything now I want to tell you that the way it works with people who tend to tap into the power to gain wealth by the way it's God who gives you the power to gain wealth God doesn't give anybody wealth he gives people the power to gain wealth that's a whole other sermon amen by the way I want to speak that on you cannot do that everybody everybody lifts your hands everybody left up your hands father I pray God in the name of Jesus God that you would trust us Lord with the power to gain wealth and I declare that God I know God that you have given me that and such as I have I give unto them in Jesus name everybody here say together amen louia hallelujah okay so so so here's the deal here's the deal pickle my friend he went dirt-poor and then he got after it again and he made him another couple million dollars and then he made some great investments then he made a really bad investment and they lost everything and then he went there about a five-year period where he was broke and he was working hard trying to make it happen again then boom it happen again it happened on a third time and he was getting ready to make all his investments again I said friend hey man before you do this man I don't just want to make sure that you're not using the same financial counsel that you were using with the last two times that you lost your millions of dollars and he looked at me and he goes well what are you talking about I said I'm talking about the people that you counsel on all of your investments he said oh I watched Fox and Friends dude if your financial counsel is Barney and company okay you and your invested millions of dollars you probably need some next-level counsel within your life right on okay here's the deal my friends you are going to wage war this year why because the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence since the days of John the Baptist and the violent take it by force which means this if you're just you're going to take anything it's gonna be through waging war you need some next-level counsel within your life amen you need some next-level counsel and I would encourage you to go after that this year in 2018 because God Almighty's gonna bless that here's the next one number three God can speak through peace this is a big huge thing with me Colossians chapter 3 verse 15 says let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace and be thankful if you're going to if you're going to be a person of peace and if you're going to be led by your peace you have to lead in thankfulness now now there's a whole bunch of different principles in this one verse and we can spend the rest of the afternoon talking about this one single verse but let me just say this to you one of the things that I can tell you is I'm always in over my head always and if you're not in over your head would you please get out of the Old Testament and start living life in the New Testament amen would you please quit living like your job is to protect yourself and to make sure that you make it Jesus assured that for you at the cross of Jesus Christ now go and He will follow you and he will bless every place that you put your feet on but man if you sit on your blessed assurance and you don't get up and go after nothing you don't get nothing this is how it works in the New Testament amen and the New Testament Jesus is all way up sorry the Old Testament Jesus is always before you and you have a red light until God gives you a green line in the New Testament Jesus is always behind you and you have a green light until God gives you a red light till the person next to you tell and say tell us that you have a green light tell them that you got a green light but there are times and mister Bob my green lights because I want to tell you this brother here I'm a hammer down kind of guy go go go go go go and all of a sudden I won't have peace about something nobody like will answer and pastor Jerry knows this all my staff knows this man we make quick decisions and we run with it as far as we can and we're like hey let's do this but a lot of times I'll tell pastor Jerry you know what man I don't have any peace about that and I want to tell you that shuts all of us down if I tell my staff I don't have peace about that do you guys got peace about that and everybody's like no then let's stop one of the ways that God speaks to me it's through peace what do I have peace about and what they are not have peace about now here's what I got to be real man I spent the first forty five years of my life not being a man of peace and I didn't even know how to have peace I was so full of anxiety I couldn't be led by peace amen and man about six years ago I dealt with a bunch of stuff in my life that needed to be dealt with and once it was dealt with I was like okay now that these things are taken care of I need to live according to peace what do I have peace about what do I not have peace about if the only piece that you can have is to drink if the only piece that you can have is to be on Prozac and I'm not making fun of you I was on Prozac I'm only if the only kind of peace that you can have it's something that isn't the Holy Spirit then you're not going to know what it is I'm talking about I'm telling you one of the greatest detectors of if you should move forward or if you should slow down or if you should stop is what do you have peace about God will speak to you through your peace amen but you need to know if your pieces of God or is your piece man-made and you're gonna have to be committed in to live in that kind of life God can speak through people God's God can speak through the Bible God can speak through obviously I want to tell you this you will start hearing God speak if you'll start reading that Bible and you will and if you just start getting committed like well I don't know what to read read the red letters get your red letter Bible and just start reading the red letters start off the book of John and just see what happens amen just go God can speak through a whisper and I'll tell you about the whisper that's in 2nd Kings chapter 19 it's described the whisper is described as a still small voice but you have to be still and you have to be small to qualify for that still and small it's not just a description of the voice it is a description of the heart that is able to receive a still small voice that's why so many people get saved in prison because they have to get steel and I had to get small hey guys can I just tell you something man if you have a friend if you have a friend or a family member or somebody that's in prison and they're walking the walk you can I can I just say you don't be suspicious of that you don't go well we'll just see how they do you know whenever whenever they get out of jail well we'll see how you do when you get out Church amen [Applause] and I want to just encourage you listen guys that are in prison ordained that they do and dang that they don't if they get Satan in prison man you know the critics among us say well that's just jailhouse religious all that is if they don't get saved in prison the critics say well nothing works with those people you can't do anything with them man somebody gives their heart to King Jesus men you bless that and you encourage them in that and you you knew you'd say man dude I'm proud of you man dude you got this this is perfect for you amen amen amen I'll tell you what the the body of Christ has been so responsible for killing people in the midst of friendly fire King Jesus mm-hmm well God can also speak through natural manifestations and he can speak through supernatural manifestations the natural manifestations is Romans chapter one and when it comes to Romans chapter one what I can tell you about Romans chapter one is it says that the invisible things of him even his eternal power and Godhead we're talking about the the secret coolest parts of God even the parts about how he rules and reigns the top parts are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made that God Almighty is speaking to you deep spiritual truth through the things that's going on around you so God shows up to Jeremiah he says hey Jeremiah I got a word for you he's like okay what is it he said well what do you see he's like well really Jeremiah what are you looking at I'm looking at a nama tree now see as well because a nama tree in the Bible number one is is it's a shadow and it's a type for ministry authority you know Aaron had a rod that budded and turned into a nama tree right and he was the guy that was an authority but also to the word for an almond tree is the same is the same word in Hebrew for hurry up okay so what does it mean he says you've seen well now we'll hasten my word to perform it okay an almond is a symbol for accelerated timeframes then that make you I want to go eat some almonds ah declara you now honey I mean almonds God speeding things up okay weirdo oh so that's a prophetic act baby stop give me some almonds hey whatever works for you man go out to Jesus because an almond actually does represent accelerated timeframes but there's something else in but even before that he's like hey man what do you see what do you what's it what do you see a lot of times man if we're like God I want you to stop God talked to me okay give your moment to King Jesus and say Lord this is what I'm looking at I spy with my little eye that's what Jeremiah said okay he said Jeremiah what do you see and he said I see a bucket that's boiling with water and he's like look a little bit deeper cowboy and he goes well couldn't help but notice his bubbling from the north to the south like they'll see us well because just exactly like that I'm gonna cause an army to come bubbling in from the north and spill over into Jerusalem Wow here's what I'm telling you is this if you'll start partnering with God in every single part of your life and start giving him the things that you see acknowledging him in all your ways he will direct your steps amen sometimes man we just needed to stop and say Lord I'm just seeing so many things I don't know what's of you and I don't know what to think about it just partner with him partner with him friends and give him that how to live well guys God can speak through our thoughts and it's time for me to close I want to tell you Amos chapter 4 verse 13 Amos chapter 4 verse 13 says that God speaks to us and will direct us through our thoughts and then and then it says something amazing I want to tell you Matthew chapter 1:20 it's one of those really cool 120 scriptures you guys in a band y'all can come on up here if you want to I love the number 120 120 is a really big deal to me 120 is all about when God shows up and changes everything okay you know there's how many got how many people were in an upper room guys just act like you know it because I'm talking about 120 alright so here we go you guys right how many how many guys how many people were in an upper room guys how many years did it take to build Noah's Ark how old was know whenever God showed up went tada it's when God shows up and goes tada that's 120 up Aroon the rain I love when God shows up it goes tada I'm changing everything now hallelujah the wait is over amen okay this is Matthew 120 this way it says it says but while Joseph thought about these things behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream I want to just tell you this if you're going to get committed and if you're going to ask God to commit to you to speak to you in dreams and in visions you have to get committed to your thought life because it's not just about the condition of the person that's going to sleep it's about your condition and your commitment once you wake up because God Almighty will speak to you as he says in job 33 he would speak to you and he will speak deep deep deep truth you guys do a homework assignment and read job 33 and go through there but here's the deal you're gonna have to contemplate it you're gonna have to think about it you're gonna have to go after it the first key that I want to give you two prophetic dreaming and hearing God's speak is this you have to consecrate your mind to the Lord and say I will live a life of holy contemplation if you're taking notes I want you to write down that term holy contemplation man that you're not gonna think the same way as the rest of the world that you're gonna think differently that you're gonna give God something to work with between your ears that he can do wonders in and if you're not going to be committed to that then then he doesn't have anything to work with I'm telling you I promise you a huge huge huge key to having god almighty increase your dream life is getting committed to God in your thought life because when you wake up for one thing if god almighty shows you let's just say let's say let's say you have a dream and you see a coffin and you walk over to the coffin and you see a face in it if you're not committed to thinking about that all you'll be committed is to how you feel about that and you have the wrong interpretation like what does it mean know what okay I don't know what means it means such-and-such is gonna die no it doesn't no it doesn't and if you don't know what that means like wait a minute I saw somebody in a casket in a dream so that means that they're dead no no no no you you have to see it to search out the matter it is a glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of Kings is to search out the matter and you have to think about it listen the Bible says that the dreamer Joseph God Almighty gave him a dream and the dream was man these cheese fell towards him and then the dream was he was walking in the heavens and the Sun of the Moon and stars fell down before him and you know what he did with that he wasn't dedicated he was too immature he didn't have he wasn't dedicated he wasn't dedicated in holy contemplation and so he went straight to his family and he blabbed it and here's the deal was the dream given to Joseph yes was it of God yes was it real yes was it for the rest of his family no and because he didn't do correctly with it whenever he woke up God quit giving him dreams and he doesn't dream anymore after that so what does he do he goes into prison he gets still and he gets small and he begins to process with God learning how to process with God is everything that's called the ways of God the Bible says that Moses knew the ways of God he didn't just see the miracles of God he knew the ways of God okay Jesus is the way the truth and the life early Christians were committed to contemplating the ways of God as a matter of fact they didn't call it Christianity they called themselves people of the way you can find that in the Bible Acts chapter 9 verses 1 through 2 it says then saw still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord he went to the high priest and he asked letters from him to the synagogue so that if he found any who were of the whether men or women that he might bring them bound to Jerusalem Christians were called people of the way and that was their evangelical tool of course they were all Jews and they would walk up to somebody and they would say hey have you heard about the way and they're like what way and say well the way is actually a person his name is Jesus he's away the truth and a life man listen walking with Jesus in the way means being committed to the process of changing your walk from there - OH - here and then to there and then to there and then to there and then to there this is the way you used to think about it but this is the way that you think about it now you were never open to God that way but now you're open to God this way you would never consider taking that path but now this is the path that you live on it's the way the truth in the life everybody say the way the truth and the life the way the truth and the life we're all about the live part and we're all about the truth part but it doesn't happen until we're committed to the way part which is processing hey if you're not gonna be willing to contemplate things once God gives him to you he's not gonna mess with you he's not gonna do that dreams are for maturity dreams are for people who are willing to pull their big-boy pants up that's why it says in Acts chapter 2 that in the last days whenever God pours out his Holy Spirit he'll pour out and upon up the sons and daughters of prophesy that's that's hobbits sons and daughters all right your young men shall have visions but your old men shall dream dream old men means a level of maturity dreaming is not for immature people dreaming is for people that are going after God in deep things in church I want to bless you with the green light to go after your dream in the year 2018 in Jesus name hallelujah [Music] Oh God's good no one asked you guys stand up [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 9,926
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: doKuC4I4ldw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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