These are times of transformation and days of destiny | Sukkot | Rabbi Jason Sobel

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i don't believe in coincidences and when i was talking with pastor i was like pastor did you choose to have this gathering right now this week for any particular reason he's like no just felt led by the lord and i was like that's so god right because we are in one of the most significant seasons on the biblical calendar right we are in as an important season with all these biblical holidays that we're going to talk about tonight and guys every major event in the life of jesus happened on a biblical holiday he died as the passover lamb he rose from the dead on first fruits he poured out his spirit on pentecost right all biblical holidays it's no coincidence that right now on the hebrew calendar this is a season of consecration and celebration we are in the middle of what is known as the high holidays there are three fall holidays we're going to talk about those in a moment and i believe it's important for believers to understand what god is doing at these times and seasons with these biblical holidays one of the names of the biblical holidays is hageem can you say hageem you've got to get the khan there and hagim literally means circle it comes from the word circle why is that important why are these holidays connected to this idea of circles because listen the biblical holidays are not just meant to be past historical remembrances right yes they remember what god did in the past his faithfulness we remember that but listen the biblical holidays are actually meant to be reoccurrences what god did on those days and past times he wants to do again in our day in our times they are reoccurrences and they are meant to be re-activations so as we share with you tonight about these important times we share with you to understand that by tapping into what the lord did in the past at this time in season you can relive it and re-experience it right now in your life in the present moment because the past provides the pattern for the future and it contains a promise for what is to come these are times of transformation and days of destiny amen so i just as as a lead into that i want to say this is that right now on the biblical calendar this is the decade of 57.80 can you say 5780 and this year is 57.82 but the decade is 80. now what you need to understand is hebrew is alpha numeric that means there are no new roman numerals in the bible you write letters with numbers so the the hebre every hebrew letter has a value to it so the letter that equals 80 is the letter pay can you say pay so the letter pay is the letter of literally literally the letter pay which has the value of 80 the decade that we're in literally means mouth say decade of the pay say decade of the mouth this is the decade of the mouth on the biblical calendar it pays to have a big pay if you got a big mouth this is your decade okay so be encouraged all right [Laughter] now i say that to say this okay the pay is also the letter that one of the things it represents is breakthrough the hebrew letter for breakthrough is begins with the letter pay can you say parats means breakthrough and god wants us to break through and he wants to bring us forth out of egypt so you got to understand that everything related to the redemption from egypt is connected to the hebrew letter pay okay who's the bad guy in the story pharaoh begins with the letter pay okay then the word we celebrate the coming forth out of egypt what's the name of it jesus died as the what passover well guess what letter passover begins with the letter pay the word for redemption begins with the letter pay god speaks to moses in the burning bush and how old is moses 80 years old and he tells moses to use his pay which has a numerical value of 80. moses is 80 and moses like i can't go i got a problem with my pay i'm heavy of speech and slow a tongue send somebody else but no eventually moses does go and he brings the children of israel out of egypt there's more to it than that but just understand say this so what you have to understand is that part of coming out of egypt part of experience the breakthrough moses had to go and use his pay because there is power in the pay there is power in our mouth to bring the breakthrough to set people free life and death are in the what god created the world by what speaking the power of the mouth so listen this is a decade where a key part of the breakthrough is speaking it out and making declarations to receive the breakthrough so we're going to do that as we go uh talks this evening so friends this is a decade of breakthrough it's the decade of the pay it's time to come out of egypt egypt is a place of confinement or restriction say i'm coming out of egypt turn to someone say you're coming out of egypt we cannot remain in our egypt any longer but then we come to this season and there are these three biblical holidays that are prophetic in nature and important to understand the first is rosh hashanah or yom chua the feast of trumpets the jewish new year and it's such a significant time because rosh hashanah is a time of new beginnings guys how many of you guys know that according to jewish tradition jewish history sarah conceived isaac on rosh hashanah rachel conceived joseph hannah was conceived samuel on this day and this is a time of new beginnings and it's a time to go from barrenness to birthing you guys ready to go from baroness to birthing turn to someone say you're going from baroness to birthing declare i am going from barrenness to birthing i'm going from barrenness to blessing it's a time to birth new blessing god doesn't want us to be barren he wants us to be fruitful but rosh hashanah this time and season is also a time of freedom and destiny guess what according to jewish history on rosh hashanah joseph was freed from prison to the palace turn us over and say you're going from prison to the palace you guys ready how many guys feel like you've been in egypt a little bit too long friends the sound of the shofar is the sound of freedom the sound of the shofar declares your destiny is about to change that god wants to do a new thing this season it is also a time of change transformation and hope say rosh say hashanah rosh means head and shana means year but the word for year comes from the hebrew word shinui which means the change think about it we all know there's something about when you enter a new year there's something about change how many of you guys have made resolutions that you never kept i'm going to eat differently i'm going to go to the gym i'm going to save them whatever it is right there's something instinctively we know that god wants to do what we have to understand is that the sound of the shofar is the sound of change transformation and hope the sound of the shofar declares things can change and things will change turn to someone say things will change say lord things are changed will change for me if you don't believe things are can change that god has the power to change them then you're living in hopelessness you know what how i like to define hope hope is the belief that your future is going to be better than your past how many of you all believe your future is going to be better than your past declare that with me my future is better than my past friends we have to believe that the future for this church zion city church is better than its past right come on [Applause] [Music] but literally the sound of the shofar is the sound of hope and transformation and change because literally prophetically speaking when the lord returns he's going to return with the sound of the shofar look i tell you a secret not all of us will die first corinthians 15 but we will all be changed it will take but a moment in the blink of an eye at the final shofar at the final ramshorn blast at the final trumpet sound for the shofar with sound and we will be raised to life forever and we too will be changed friends things are changing in our world in our nation very quickly but friends we don't fear the change the change is an opportunity to change lives and to change the world and the sound of the show forward just sounded at the season is a spiritual alarm clock it is meant to wake us up out of our spiritual slumber and sleep how many times when you hear the alarm clock go off do you just hit the snooze button friends if you snooze you lose god wants us to wake up right we don't need lukewarm believers lukewarm churches we need we need believers that carry the presence the power the fire the glory of god to change the world the sound of the shofar begins on the first day of the hebrew month of tishrei because part of the reason it says wake up because 10 days later the holiest day of the year yom kippur is happening and friends i believe that as the trumpet was sounded from zion as the trumpet was sounded from jerusalem to wake up the nation and let them know what god was about to do and the appointed times that were to come this church is a shofar is a trumpet in this city in this region in this nation god is calling you to be an example of what it means to wake up and to raise your voice like a trumpet to raise your voice like a shofar and the shofar said wake up prepare yourself the holiest day of the year yom kippur the day of atonement was coming that was just last week the day that the high priest entered once a year into the holy of holies behind the veil the ark of the covenant the sprinkling of the blood to make atonement for the people atonement and forgiveness meant to bring forgiveness between god's people and himself because we all sin and and and to make atonement the life is in the blood but we know that but there's another aspect which is god wants us because he has forgiven us through the blood of his son messiah yeshua jesus he calls us to imitate him and forgive others as well so there's this two aspects listen when yeshua jesus died on that cross the ultimate fulfillment of yom kippur right there's these two loves there's love of god and there's love your neighbor love of god is the vertical love your neighbor is the horizontal it's the cross he died at the intersection of the two great commandments with his head held to heaven and his hands all and those two loves leads to two great forgivenesses spiritual forgiveness with god and reconciliation and with our neighbors listen i had a dream that changed my life in this stream i was in the airport and i go up to the ticket counter and they give me my ticket to get on the plane they call me back a few minutes later and they take my ticket they rip it up they give me a new ticket and it's a free upgrade to first class and i'm like thank you god and if you've ever been on a long international flight it's a big difference i'm like thank you and i'm like all happy praise and then i realized that a gift that was given to me by my family my toomey roller briefcase was missing nowhere to be found i was like lord thank you for the upgrade but did you have to take my toomey roller briefcase here's what the lord said to me he said jason you can't hold on to the baggage of the past season and get the upgrade of the new season you can't hold on to your past hurts to your past disappointments to to to the to the to the unforgiveness that you have to other people because listen if you hold on to that you can't hold on to your passive step into the promise of the future friends some of you all have some luggage you need to leave here tonight some of you have been draft you you've been you've been not fully able to step into the new because you haven't been willing to let go of the old you know i'll never forget like i had some spiritual fathers who i thought was working with them thought it was my dream job and they wound up firing me it was a really tough situation and i felt really wronged and at this season you're to ask for forgiveness and seek reconciliation with people and the lord said to me jason you need to go ask them for forgiveness i said i need to go ask them for forgiveness i almost lost my house i moved halfway across the country right i mean they didn't treat me fairly right i mean after everything i did you want me to go ask them for forgiveness and the lord said do you want to he said to me very clearly he said jason you can either be self-righteous or you can do the right thing because the lord made the first move towards us and so he caused us to make the first move towards others he says if you've gotten right to sermon amount if you've got an issue with your brother and you're on the way to the temple to sacrifice and you recognize put down the sacrifice go get right and then offer it how do we offer the sacrifice of praise when we're holding grudges bitterness unforgiveness towards other people now i understand it's not easy to forgive and i actually believe that forgiveness is actually one of the greatest acts of faith and the thing is is that forgiveness is not based upon the other person deserving it because forgiveness isn't just about them it's about you if you don't forgive you stay chained to that person to the past and you remain a victim forgiveness is the key that opens the chains that sets you free [Music] there was a jewish guy who said when he was coming to america he survived the holocaust he said to someone i have to say to his family i have to forget i had to forgive hitler before i came to the america they said how can you forgive hitler he says if i didn't forgive hitler i'd take him with me to my new life some of you have a new life but you're still stuck in the old because we have to release it right but then something significant but i mean of course the atonement is significant and everything that happened on this day was important but there's something that many people don't know that happened on this day and that was and we talk a lot about it in mysteries of the messiah we have a whole chapter but one of the things is that you guys know the story of moses he goes up and gets the ten commandments he comes down and he sees the people doing what worshiping the golden calf right party right revelry and what does he do with those tablets he smashes them he asks god for forgiveness he winds up going on the mountain and he comes down 40 days later in what is the day that he comes down he comes down with the second set of tablets on the day of atonement yom kippur last week the second set of tablets is a reminder that god is the god of second chances god is the god of second chances but there's something deeper here that i want us to catch because i really believe it's life changing listen the first set of tablets were written by the finger of god you don't throw away something that was written by the finger of god given from heaven right so what did they do with those tablets according to the jewish tradition they took the broken tablets and they put it in the ark of the covenant right along with the whole tablets why is that important because it teaches us that our wholeness comes out of our brokenness your wholeness comes out of your brokenness every time the ark would move they'd hear the rumbling of the broken tablets friends there's nothing as whole as a broken heart and what's amazing there is that those two set of tablets represent the two comings of the messiah at his first coming messiah was broken on that cross for our sins but at his second coming represents the wholeness of the kingdom of god and the healing that's coming forth in the world we become we start out broken but in him we are made whole friends you don't have to be ashamed of your brokenness because god wants to bring beauty out of your brokenness say lord bring beauty out of my brokenness bring blessing out of my brokenness some of you have been ashamed by your brokenness but god says listen you don't have to be ashamed any more i always like to say don't trust a leader that doesn't walk with a limp listen god has to break us before it can make us and some of you have been in that breaking season but the breaking season is the key to the making season say lord break me to make me to become that new creation in him but friends then we come to today tonight is the second night of the most elaborate and joyous of all the biblical holidays known as the feast of tabernacles or can you say sukkot feast the tabernacles friends this conference by no coincidence is happening during the feast of tabernacles right come on and at the feast of tabernacles it was one of the big three three pilgrimage holidays known as the shalosh regalim it was the last of the three of which all god's people were called to appear before him at this time and season and the word sukkot means booths can you say booths or it means tabernacles so sukkot means tabernacles in the plural say sukkah that means tabernacle in the singular but the and so at this time jewish people build these booths or these temporary structures called sukkas tabernacles and we eat in them and a lot of people sleep in them at this time but what is it meant to remind us of leviticus 23 it says you shall dwell in sukkot booth seven days so the generations shall know that i cause the children of israel to dwell in tabernacles when i brought them out of the land of egypt but what do these temporary structures represent they represent one the temporary booths are lived our ancestors lived in when we went out of egypt but more importantly in jewish thought they and biblically they represent the clouds of glory that god used to form a tabernacle over the people during their 40 years in the wilderness so listen to what isaiah 4 5 and 6 says and god will create over all mount zion a cloud shall serve as a sukkah a tabernacle for shade from heat by day and for shelter and protection against the storm and rain so god will create over mount zion a cloud that will serve as a tabernacle for shade and heat a protection from the storm and the rain so listen we said hebrew is alphanumeric right the numerical value of zion it says because this is the one that says on mount zion god is going to do this right the numerical value of zion in hebrew say 153 and guess what the numerical value of tent of meaning is 153 friends i believe what this what what the lord was saying to me about this is that zion city church god is calling to be a tabernacle in this city where the glory of god is going to be made manifest that people are going to come here and encounter him it's going to be a refuge a place of protection just like god tabernacled with the people and his clouds protected them from the heat of the day from the cold of night from the scorpions from the elements so this is what god is going to do for you mount zion is meant to be a tent of meeting a tabernacle in this city where people are going to encounter god amen come on 153 the numerical value of the lord is with you guess what it equals 153. so god is with you all here in this place and in the same way the lord is calling this place to be a tabernacle god is calling each one of you and preparing you to be his tabernacle to carry his glory wherever it is that you go and i want you to think about this right remember yeshua jesus on the mount of transfigurations he is with his inner disciples there's moses and elijah and what happens he yeshua reveals his glory and moses and elijah fade away in light of the glory of yeshua and then what happens the disciples come and they say lord can we build you what can we build you tabernacles what all of a sudden they see moses and elijah in the glory of god and they want to go camping listen juice cat for 40 years in the wilderness we had enough camping right what we have to understand is when they saw the two witnesses and they saw the glory they thought the kingdom had come right yeshua's body listen in jewish tradition the glory of god wasn't in the second temple why because it wasn't going to be in a house made by human hands it was going to be in the living temple god's son and so just like the glory was behind the veil you couldn't see it jesus's body was the veil and when he opened the veil the glory of god was revealed for them to be able to see and this and so they said listen what's the symbol in the bible of the kingdom of god it's the feast of tabernacles this is the kingdom holiday so they said let's build the sign of the kingdom which is tabernacles god tabernacling with us forever that is the kingdom the glory that was in yeshua through his spirit dwells in you turn to someone say you're a tabernacle say you carry his glory we are carriers of the glory so sukkot is his glory this is this place is meant to be his tabernacle sukkot celebrates god's presence but it also celebrates god's provision of water in the wilderness of the bread from heaven of the clothes not wearing out so listen it's so significant because as we said so many important events in the life of yeshua happen on a biblical holiday on this biblical holiday we read john 7 30 7 on the last and greatest day of the feast yeshua jesus stood up and cried loudly if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink whoever believes in me as scripture says out of his innermost being will flow livers rivers of living water now he said this about the ruach the spirit who those who trusted in him were going to receive for the spirit had not yet been given since yeshua had not been glorified friends we got to understand what's going on in this passage every day during the feast of tabernacles and the day the temple stood in jerusalem they would the priests would march down with the golden vessel from the temple mount to the pool of siloam would draw water they'd be singing and dancing and rejoicing as they went down singing dancing and rejoicing as they went back up to the mountain when they came to the altar they'd pour out the water on the altar asking god to pour out his reign for the crops asking god to pour out the holy spirit asking god to pour out salvation upon the people as he had promised in the prophets that's what's going on in this passage but what's amazing is this it's reminder of the well and sorry my mic it's a remember of the well in the wilderness okay of the of the water in the wilderness which you have to understand there was a jewish tradition that where did the jewish people get water from in the wilderness it came from the what from the rock right and so the elders would sing to this rock according to jewish tradition and water would come forth to give millions of people water in the wilderness well guess what this was no ordinary it's not a rock it's the rock because in first corinthians paul says the rock that followed them in the wilderness was messiah when yeshua gets up on this day acts in john 7 the day that they march not one time around the altar but seven times around and he cries out if anyone who was thirsty come to me and drink rivers of living water will flow from your innermost being what he's saying is the water your ancestors drank in the wilderness the water that you've been praying for the water that you've been believing for i'm offering it to you today wells of living water to flow from the innermost being to the holy spirit who dwells in you friends there is a well in you that will not run dry there is a reservoir within you the spirit of god and people are thirsty and we have to invite them to come and drink of the wells say lord pour out your salvation pour out your spirit say pour out revival pour out your blessing in the name of yeshua so friends i believe i hope this doesn't seem heresy jesus wasn't born on december 25th he was born on the feast of tabernacles i won't go into all the reasons why i'll let pastor michael but one theological reason is the word became flesh and tabernacled among us zechariah 14 all the nations of the world will go up to jerusalem at the feast of tabernacles to celebrate at this time in season they're going up to celebrate yeshua's birthday i want to pray this blessing over you friends it's a decade of breakthrough and it's a year of shalom and wholeness and i want to pray this the priestly blessing the aaronic benediction from the book of numbers is is [Music] shalom the lord bless you and keep you the lord cause his face to shine upon you the lord lift up his countenance to you and give you shalom nothing missing nothing broken in the name of yeshua you
Channel: Rabbi Jason Sobel
Views: 2,973
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Messianic, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Torah, 5780, breakthrough, sukkot, Christian, Bible Studies, Scripture Study, High Holidays, Zion City, Sermon, Biblical Calendar, 5782, Yeshua, Jesus
Id: yx4rTCIv0eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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