Beloved YouTubers Who Died As Legends

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If Heaven was hosting a party for Legends then these 10 YouTubers would all be invited supplying the Vodka would definitely be apor who sadly predicted his own death just days before it happened his final video was titled I am not dead I am 57 today and it followed the same premise as all his other content abator would film himself almost always drinking Spirits before going out to play in extremely cold conditions hid Mo's grass in the middle of a hail storm wash himself in bathtubs filled with ice and wriggle like a worm in the snow but on the subject of his death the most important series had the label on thin ice as the title might suggest abator would ice skate on barely frozen lakes before always falling through to make it entertaining the problem was due to possible intoxication and having ice skates on his feet abator often struggled to escape the freezing water and had no one there to help if things didn't go to plan I'm uh most time alone 99 person on the topic of safety apur stated many regard falling through the ice as life-threatening but if you know what you're doing and have ice claws then it's usually fine he further added with a smile I shouldn't be cocky I could very well die out here someday apor final video confirmed this hadn't happened yet although just 7 Days Later his 25 yearlong partner made a tragic Facebook post Friday 26th November was a normal Friday you went to a lake near kbur and you were looking forward to ice skating you were supposed to film yourself and use it in a video you sent me a message when you arrived with pictures of yourself and the water good conditions you wrote but something went terribly wrong you ended up in the ice water and this time you did not get up again as you have done so many times before in the end you were picked up by divers and sent by air ambulance to hospital they did everything they could to bring you back to life but you had been underwater for too long Johannes and I were with you when the doctors at the hospital Hospital turned off all the machines that had kept your body going thank you for everything that you have been to Johannes and me we have endless good memories and we miss you so indescribably abator will be remembered for living his life to the fullest while Tommy 11 will be remembered for the records that he broke you see Tommy had gotten brain cancer at the age of only 12 but dreamed of becoming a famous YouTuber whilst he was still healthy after 2 months of uploading Tommy had gained amazingly 10 subscribers however the Facebook page for loss a raptor and its 16 million followers were about to change Tommy's life forever they' post a photo of Tommy's Channel with the caption let's fulfill a dream his name is Tommy unfortunately he has brain cancer but he has the hope of being known as a YouTuber it is our time to make a child happy shall we help him here's Tommy's Channel only 3 hours and 40 minutes later a comment showed Tommy had gained 800,000 subscribers grabbing the attention of dros rotzank el rubius OMG or oron play and the Griff who sent their combined 100 million subscribers to help with the young boy's Dream Within only 10 days Tommy had gone from 476 subscribers to 7.2 million which after growing to 10 million later that year also meant he broke the following records the most subscribers gained in an hour the most subscribers gained in a day the most subscribers gained in a week the fastest channel to achieve 1 million subscribers and the youngest Creator to achieve both 1 and 10 million subscribers Tommy was therefore also sent a diamond play button although only his parents were there to see it come Tommy had died just 2 months beforehand at the age of only 12 in the very same year we lost Lau 55,000 Moses McCormick taught himself to speak over 50 languages fluently then talk to random native speakers who are always extremely shocked better yet was when he switched to a second language when he spoke an unusual language that wasn't quite so common you're Germany I'm Hungarian oh Hungarian these videos help Moses to gain a million Subs however in May 2020 lau's brother Mark who often appeared in the videos uploaded his own video titled warning video to Lau family friends and fans Moses is not safe in the video Mark explained that Lau had begun a new relationship with a girl who he believed was acting very Strangely I don't know this girl and she came out of nowhere and she's an ex-federal agent the video was especially concerning after this was also said we have to pray for Moses right now he is not well she actually has been manipulating him and he is not well he's not well and while this could have been dismissed as an overprotective brother Lau died unexpectedly only 9 months later the cause of death was supposedly a heart attack Yet lau's brother didn't buy it for a second and it would be a damn lie to tell the world that he died of a heart attack he upload a new video believing Lau was murdered by his girlfriend in 2020 I shared my concern regarding being associated with that new girl that nobody knew also starting an online fundraiser which read my brother didn't have any chronic illness and never complained to me about heart issues when I seen the condition of his body I immediately knew he was killed yet lau's girlfriend responded to the claims by calling them baseless conspiracy theories so exactly what happened is for your own conclusion but the assassination of Christina Grimmie is much more cut and dry Christina began on YouTube by covering popular songs and only 2 years after starting Selena Gomez hired her Christina's popularity exploded after placing third on the void voice giving her the audience to play live in concert where the unthinkable tragically happened on the 10th of June 2016 Christina posted a tweet reading Orlando come out to the show tonight at the Plaza Live starts at 7:30 also attaching the following video hey guys what's up um we're in Orlando today please come to the show if you live near Orlando Florida and as shown by the concert's footage it went extremely normally you guys are awesome oh my goodness however after the show concluded Christina held a meet and greet where just minutes after taking these fan photos Kevin James luel walked up and fatally shot Christina she's since been remembered as a beautiful person and an amazing singer a beautiful soul with an amazing voice and an incredible talent that won't be forgotten similar to Rich Piana who also inspired Millions the bodybuilding YouTuber had been using PE since a very early age I've been taking steroids since I was 18 I'm 40 three so what is that 20 25 years accepting the side effects by stating I'm total 100% aware that damage is being done to my body in the choices I am making I know for a fact that doing what I'm doing is going to cause damage but I have made a choice and I'm willing to deal with that I'm willing to roll the dice and that's something you have to be willing to do in 2014 at the age of 43 Rich Piana said this I have to say honestly I've had no side effects although only 3 years after claiming that he' had zero side effects the following video surfice showing his poor state of health baby this is not normal I know I've seen stuff like this before I'm [Music] afid bab what's up hey bab don't get upset baby baby baby everything's going to be fine everything's fine was getting a haircut later that year Rich Piana unexpectedly collapsed before falling into a coma and dying 2 weeks later his autopsy showed his heart and liver weighed twice the average size with the following comments summarizing his legacy perfectly I respected that guy he at least didn't hide nothing about what he used showed folks how not to do it rip Mr Piana although sadly CLA wand's state of health was a little less voluntary in fact CLA weinland began on YouTube by talking about her health I have something called cystic fibrosis which is a genetic disease meaning you're born with it as you get older it gets worse I've nearly died six times and despite being born with cystic fibrosis it became substantially worse from the second she started uploading over the past 6 months or so my health has declined dramatically just took a freaking plummet 2 months later Claire explained that things had gotten worse again you know like I couldn't work I've never felt more embarrassed in my entire life and while a viral GoFundMe had made a massive difference that we got to $200,000 with $10 donations is just it's just mindboggling to me I don't even this turned out to be her final video alive just 3 weeks after receiving her donations CLA was given a lung transplant that caused her to suffer a stroke she died in September 2018 at the age of 21 I'm hoping we get past 21 like I just want to I just want to go clubbing once at the same time eteka was also trying to wear a smile he' built a cult fan base called the joyon boys however after 10 years of content creation they began to notice that eica was acting a whole lot stranger senzu Bean dragon balls all those things exist every dead person that died they'll come back and they'll realize they're God and they'll feel like they're Goku as a result edica was placed in a mental hospital and despite confirming his release by posting I am free he had more problems just around the corner police returned to eta's house after some more concerning tweets which he live streamed to the public for roughly 40 minutes if you break into my apartment you will be breaking the law officer do not step foot into my apartment you do not have permission now leave the premises before I call my lawyer and have him sue you 2 months later he post a new video titled I'm sorry I'm sorry I betrayed your trust I'm sorry I pushed you all away I'm sorry I made a clown of myself after which his phone and bag were found abandoned on the ground police then found Ed's body roughly 5 days later but at least Bernard Albertson's life had a much more wholesome ending Bernard didn't begin on YouTube until the age of 72 but had lived such a jam-packed life his stories were instantly welcomed on the 8th of November 2013 he post the incredibly viral an old man's advice video inspiring his audience with a couple words of wisdom you can do anything that you want to do don't say the world is just against me that's not true fun fact no one searched for this but we all needed it therefore post another installment with the opposite philosophy to most Boomers young people without you this world is nothing you are the backbone of this world before uploading a series of Bible teachings one of which from April 2019 discussing Armageddon and the end times well as the top comment read may you rest in peace it turns out this video was the end for burnard himself who died in October 2019 just before his 81st birthday the channel remains active with content posted by his son while more tragically technoblade's channel is still active with content posted by his dad technoblade was gaining roughly 20 million views per video when after a 3month break he'd make an unexpected announcement so in the last few days of July I noticed that my right arm was starting to hurt a decent amount headed over to the doctor to see what was wrong and the reason my arm hurts is because I have cancer techno spent the video joking like it wasn't all that serious of all the phone calls I've made nobody took the news wor wor than my health insurance provider they've been inconsolable for weeks they were like you got what having full confidence that things would turn out fine I just want to clarify that the doctors I have are like insanely good bro I'm going to be getting some of the finest healthc care in the world so don't worry about me too much it had seemingly gotten more serious with the upload I almost became an ampute yet techno actually explained in the video that he was almost back to normal I now have 99.9% less cancer than I used to which is pretty great a world of difference between that at 100% but so far everything is going according to plan it seemed his condition was only getting better so my arm it's gotten a lot better I can raise my elbow up to like my chin and my arm up to my forehead however only 3 months afterwards it was confirmed by his dad that technoblade had passed despite talking about the cancer in his arm techno didn't mention that it spread across his lungs taking his life and devastating a fan base like the death of Joe Linda he was often referred to as the legendary Joe athetics initially going viral for a muscle movement known as alien gains however Joe explained that it came from Rippling muscle disease and it was actually difficult to live with by the way it hurts so much bro it hurts like crazy further adding on Bradley Martin's podcast it affected his vital organs but there's nothing bad to the disease now let's be honest the muscle is also the heart is also a muscle and that's my biggest concern always what if I have such a bad cramp that my heart gets a cramp I don't know it's called a heart attack the conversation then flowed toward bodybuilding deaths the fitness industry in general a lot of people are kind of you know going out yet neither Brad or Joe could have ever guessed that only 23 days later Joe would meet a similar fate his girlfriend announced his death via Instagram the cause of which being a brain aneurysm remembering her partner with a pretty accurate description an amazing and incredible person in this world
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 1,313,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital Media, Internet, Tech, caleb leblanc, celebrities who died too soon, celebrity, celebs, celebs who died, celebs who died too soon, christina grimmie, colin wyckoff, death, died, dylan hart, edd gould, etika, grant thompson, influencer, john bain, list, mojo, monty oum, passed away, technoblade, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, youtube, youtubers, youtubers who died, youtubers who died too soon, youtubers that died, 10 youtubers who died too soon, YouTubers that died recently
Id: M7NRlcI9ge0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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