The Rock Is Losing Thousands Of Fans Per Hour. Why?

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The Rock just made wrestlemania's most disliked video ever and through some terrible podcast appearances a completely out of touch fundraiser and his reputation as a walking talking advertisement the world's fakest celebrity has for the first time ever seen a fall in Instagram followers but the biggest contributor might be his endless list of lies on everything from his movie earnings to fast food consumption for example back in 2017 The Rock posted this photo to his Instagram claiming I've never been to In-N-Out before which didn't seem all that serious until roughly 5 years later when in August 20122 he' post the following video this is the very first time that I have ever tried an In-N-Out burger or In-N-Out Prize or anything from In-N-Out for that matter he therefore claimed for a second time it was my first ever time eating In-N-Out yet he might not have been guilty given had also said this now I picked up some In-N-Out Burger before for some buddies of mine I've never never tried it so this is a first that would be until December 2023 when The Rock claimed for a third time he'd had my first In-N-Out Burger experience also pretending like he'd never even tried fast food before I didn't know the lingo didn't know who to pay where to pay didn't know [ __ ] before adding some self- congratulatory comments about leaving a massive tier this led to mainstream media articles and a 6 million view penguin zero video this is the third time he's done it he keeps pretending that he's trying in and out for the first first time every couple of years the other two videos are still on your Instagram page forcing The Rock to change his description by adding my first ever In-N-Out Burger experience again thanks to the fans who reminded me that I went to In-N-Out years ago and totally forgot about it but there was another lie that did way more damage black adom was released in December 2022 where yet after its theater run ended Insider published an article reading box office bust Black Adam faces theatrical losses the article explained that the film needed to earn around 600 million worldwide to break even yet box office experts believe Black Adam will stall out with less than 400 million globally now the movie stands to lose 50 million to 100 million in its theatrical run although only 3 Days Later The Rock was saying the opposite waited to confirm with financiers before I shared this excellent black adom news our film will profit between 52 and 72 million fact also attaching a deadline article which stated there's some snarking going on out there that Black Adam is poised to lose 50 m to 100 m and that is simply just not true the movie is bound to break even and be in the black well it turns out this article was written with false information that The Rock had personally leaked to the journalist to make his film seem profitable after 25 years we finally found out what The Rock is cooking the books but the thing that's really cooking his reputation is perhaps the cooking itself as The Rock's longest running and most off-putting lies are on the topic of diet and exercise for example The Rock claimed to be eating a suspicious amount of food anywhere between 6 to well I would say Poss almost 8,000 calories a day which was quickly shut down by Greg duet there is no way the rock Burns off enough calories to average 68,000 calories a day and look like this if he actually ate those kind of calories 6 to 8,000 a day he would be 100 lb overweight who went through the RO entire daily diet before adding this he described about 3,000 calories maybe but where do we get the 6 to8 total thousand calories the rock also uploaded a raw uncut leg workout which he called intense and unlike anything I've ever done which Greg went on to criticize but look at the grimaces on his face notice how hard he seems to be pushing this is two plates on each side a man of the rock stature size and strength I would believe that this would be a cakewalk many bikini competitors could lift this much weight and I'm not trying to strength shame him here but I believe that you're lying when you say that this kicked your ass there is no way that this was difficult for you highlighting The Rock's most notable lie of all there's not a [ __ ] chance in hell he's clean no not a chance in hell as big as the rock is at 50 on the topic of steroids Johnson has said he hasn't touched them since he was 18 when he tried them before College sure you get a lot of people out there who will suspect and say [ __ ] they want to negate the hard work you put in although it's strange to see him only getting bigger despite now being into his 50s Eddie Hall gave his voice on what Dwayne might be using I would believe that the rock would be on trt which is testosterone replacement therapy a very good thing to do it's actually very good for you very healthy for you while Joe Rogan theorized he was probably using more you can't even get there with HRT that's not HRT which was again echoed by Greg duet not only do I not think he's natural I don't think he's on HRT I think he's on the the kitchen sink whatever he can take I think he's on all of it and then some you don't get big like that into your ' 50s compared to your 40s and 30s like you see some photos of him in his 30s he's way bigger than leaner now this has helped him to earn the following title The Rock is the fakest celebrity in Hollywood and nothing solidified this harder than the Rock's rent Joe Rogan episode I was very hyped for this podcast but it was honestly quite boring Rock unironically has some serious politician traits with how he takes the Middle Road and nods his way through anything potentially controversial Joe would say as mentioned the rock tiptoed through the entire episode you could tell the rock just did not want to give his opinion on anything and he's walking on eggshells you know he's definitely worried about saying anything controversial or getting cancelled Additionally the rock avoided controversy by controlling every topic leading to other comments such as rock has asked Joe about a 100 questions so far and I don't think Joe has asked Rock a single one Joey is doing all the talking about the same old [ __ ] and I'm about to fall asleep the whole episode just felt kind of weird not only because of Joe previously calling the rock a steroid user but because the rock had also called Joe Rogan out himself I thought the rock disowned Joe during the whole nword incident back in 2022 when Joe posted this iconic video The Rock stood firmly behind him by writing great stuff here brother perfectly articulated looking forward to coming on one day and breaking out the tequila with you although his support was met with backlash dear The Rock you're a hero to many people and using your platform to defend Joe Rogan a guy that used and laughed about using the n-word dozens of times is a terrible use of your power have you actually listened to this man's many racist statements about black people causing the rock to fold instantly dear Don Winslow thank you so much for this I hear you as well as everyone here 100% I was not aware of his n-word use prior to my comments but now I've become educated to his complete narrative learning moment for me showing hi K from the smallest bit of criticism ISM The Rock was the most sanitized nuded safe person I've ever heard audio of not one real opinion he was like the breathing version of chat jpt in 10 years the rock might be physically strong but clearly has no public backbone and nothing showed this more comically than his recent Maui controversy after the island was burnt by fires The Rock and Oprah launched the people's fund of Maui contributing $5 million each before asking the public to donate so we appreciate any support you can give what do I do what do I do this is what you do the people's fund of Maui the comments have since been turned off completely yet they once Echo the sentiment math ain't mathing with this one you guys literally have so much money you can donate it and make it back within a year now the rock didn't need to respond his $5 million donation was already extremely generous yet once again he couldn't handle the backlash and uploaded a video claiming he' done the wrong thing when we first launched the fund there was some backlash and I want to address and acknowledge that backlash right now and here's what I have to say about that I get it and I completely understand and I could have been better and next time I will be better the rock doesn't even feel like a real person anymore he's basically just a walking business with the whole walking billboard mentality becoming increasingly obvious to everyone he only has one mode and that's sales mode for example he simply had to celebrate his soldout wrestling match with the massive Swig of tequila and what about the drink of choice for his first time trying In-N-Out well again two straight shots of his own brand of alcohol not exactly believable but what about this wholesome video where he pulls up to a tour bus you guessed it it's actually an ad we're building our second Distillery and we are the largest employer of everybody in Jesus Maria I love Jesus Maria thank you brother did you try the tequila by scrolling to any part of his Instagram you can see that around 75% of his posters sponsored and the nickname Dwayne the ad Johnson is therefore perfectly fitting this combined with everything else has severely wounded his image however his recent actions with the WWE have dealt the final blow on the 23rd of January 2024 The Rock became a WWE board member and a voice for what takes place in the show The Rock ensured the audience at my core I'm a builder who builds for and serves the people although so far he hasn't served anyone besides himself how much you ask well you'll need a bit of backstory Roman Reigns was WWE Champion for roughly three whole years although it was hinted that the widely adored Cody rhods would be next to take the title the two had a long running Feud so their matchup seemed perfect and Cody had just won the Royal Rumble the winner of which normally goes on to face the champ well after all the hype it built Cody roads unexpectedly told Roman he didn't want to face him randomly subbing himself out for the rock who had no place in the story suspiciously this was only 10 days after Dwayne became a board member with many believing the rock had simply written himself into their Feud the Highlight therefore gained over 700,000 dislikes being given the title of the most hated WWE move ever since the Highlight is now the WWE's most disliked video the backlash was so severe that the story was totally changed with Cody successfully beating Roman in April after which The Rock announced he was leading leaving the story LED some fans to State I swear I haven't watched this much wrestling in years although The Rock's personal following hasn't been so healthy only 12 months ago The Rock was gaining 5 million followers per month although through everything discussed in this video The Rock is now losing fans for the very first time ever
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 3,107,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, Black Adam, The Rock President, Hobbs and Shaw, Fast and Furious
Id: Yb21XdDQ9TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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