TRICKS Advertisers use to make Food look delicious

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hello friends it's me what's the one thing that's always there for you hey mom that you love and thought you could trust food wrong food is full of lives especially ads for food hmm that's nasty yep kind of just use like a cotton ball cotton swab y'all have to use a feminine hygiene product for your food commercial nothin says mmm delicious hot steamy food like something you put up your burgers the most common but the most tedious the biggest catfish yet they gotta have so much work done we got a hair dryer melting each piece of cheese I'm surprised y'all use real cheese fine lookin burger oh gotta put a sponge in a syringe of ketchup fake versus normal I mean baby I like you either way normal is more realistic to eat I don't care what a burger looks like it's probably gonna taste delicious so you got some gonna eat it I'm gonna smoosh the bun ain't nobody got a mouth big enough to yeah trust me it's not gonna work here you have a pizza we're gonna drill a nail into the pizza you know just cover it up with the pepperoni and put a mix glue and mozzarella so that's how they make it so cheesy make it cheesier okay who you are a pizza hot Papa John's Domino's I'm suing for deception I got daddy on speed dial I never ever had a pizza that cheesy I can't believe y'all actually do me like that I can't believe it I just thought my specific pizza sucks the ones in commercials just have like extra cheese assignment all cheese it's a balloon would you use glue to make slime slime cheese's long-lost brother who knew understandable I don't like this I don't like this they're putting superglue on raw meat and to make it look pretty you know it's kind of like that trend where you glue your lips to your upper lip area and create the illusion that you have I heard of people who in their eyelid by supergluing a raw chicken to make it look more natural oh come up with this stuff superglue that bad boy like it's a critic nail make it look good for the camera but at what cost you know those Thanksgiving advert the turkey is looking extra thick and juicy the nice crispy outer layer ain't it ain't even cooked takes hours to cook a turkey six hours I got ten minutes okay put some fake tan on that bad boy that's how all the Instagram models do it y'all you'll see on spending six hours in an oven just pecan so it on and there you go foolish mortals will never know the difference the ice cream commercial nothing but lies corn syrup shortening food coloring mix it all up oh look like play-doh it's good like play-doh too Oh ice cream but it doesn't melt real ice cream melts and nobody got time for it to be melting we got to take these pictures you know I heard of them using mashed potato for ice cream but I was like no way you could scoop up mashed potato slap it on a cone and be like no one will know the difference but this this is the legit professional way to do it like look at that mmm I would give it a spank test you some nutty corn starch look delicious like some Baskin Robbins bubblegum guys are actually taking a bite belissa roll in a spray bottle spray the outside of a glass you know nothing says a refreshing drink like wet glass you know it when I look at them side by side the commercial with the glycerol sprayed on the outside it does look better what I want to touch that one probably not those honestly look like the bartender's are spinning it because I didn't leave a tip like a big fat all over my lime soda oh this is the classic the good old five-dollar footlong everybody measured this dang sandwich and it always comes out to 11 inches some dudes really be like this go round to the nearest inch $5 11 inch does not sound good I mean y'all could've gave everybody another inch of bread y'all gonna gave the people another half an inch but no I wanna know how they're gonna advertise this sandwich and then give this like no does not look like that like Instagram versus real-life sandwich edition but it looks so dry why the sandwich will crustier than my lips in winter you know I've never actually had a sandwich from Subway they don't cater to us gluten-free folk okay dry ice whoa that looks like rice with hot water oh that's how they make the steam come out of the baked potato in the Wendy's commercial so it's not actually hot and steamy foods cold and dry just like you made my heart and you know it's like the little subtle things they do like you look at that and be like mmm and ready for my fork hot it's lukewarm room ten you know once I was on set and they were taking professional photos of food and I was like hey can I eat and they were like no no you don't want to eat that and I did not understand until now like the amount of manipulation they do to this food on set to make it look pretty like may forget Photoshop forget facetune forget makeup food the real catfish how do you make those pancakes look extra thick ooh the deception I'm here for it cardboard in between each hand cake like a push-up bra for your breakfast okay now I see the truth now I don't feel so bad when I make pancakes at home and they looking a little flat it's funny how they say flat as a board when you are actually using a board in between the pain okay to make them look today her don't forget the syrup syrup with syrup we got some motor oil it's the same color except it doesn't absorb into the pancakes yeah somebody should really do an experiment how much syrup can pancakes really absorb you could pour the whole entire on Jemima and they would just give it the good old suck I used to go pour some more I don't get it here's the pancakes in action oh I like out that oil work yeah you know what it look good the producer like oh yeah thought of it it's pretty good just nobody eat it don't even smell it met all these chicken lies I'm being fed and I'm still hungry they stopped the rotisserie with toilet paper come on that she can suffered enough and to have the rotisserie stuff with toilet paper like this is the line says where you are okay but for real doughnut Costco they don't stuff it with paper towels they stuffing it was probably a lot worse thing oh just a reason like this big cuz this bigger than my head what are you feeding these chickens is America's biggest secret like they some big chickens Danka venom extra protein I'll probably Fenian chickens are their chickens deodorant makes fruit shiny that's what the deodorant like makes it white is there clear deodorant I bet they smell good too okay but double standards imagine using a strawberry to deodorize yourself or perhaps an orange that would be more realistic like orange peel pits that might actually works let me try it on let me know oh my god whoa bonus extra juicy GMOs courtesy of deodorant spray how they do fry dry they're getting exposed we gonna put a sponge put some toothpicks in it oh it's like a flower arrangement with you know those little green squishy things that you love to destroy at the craft store tuck it in yes so perfect so that's what you get in real life this is the I mean I want whatever has more fries and clearly if it's the messy one that's fine ain't nobody gonna look at their fries and be like the ugly it doesn't look like the commercial I don't want it literally nobody's much like if you just care about how it tastes like you could be the ugliest cookie in the box I'm still gonna eat you because you're a cookie that's what I'm saying you could be the ugliest person on earth I don't date you because you're a person this is how you make a super phony drink you put in dish so Wow so those bubbles ain't real no yes yeah that's so they put dish so to make it all bubbly I know it looks pretty good you can hear your lies and drink them too but cereal and glue not milk cereal loves glue so it sits on top and it doesn't sink in and become soggy then nobody likes soggy cereal yeah we trying to do a five-hour photo shoot with my frosted mini-wheats we ain't got the time or the budget for cereal to be soggy in the ice cubes that using commercials are not real ice cubes they're not even ice they're just plastic I did not know this and they even cold can you even freeze them or is it just merely moist glass cubes that look like ice cubes whoa but an upside-down bow inside of a bow and then you got a thick juicy bowl of soup yeah then the tomato wouldn't have like floated on top oh I never realize that it just has a bowl inside it so the garnish can sit up top when you legitimate huh with no funny business I'm here for it mmm a delicious bowl of noodles whoa glucose syrup it makes the noodles look fresh makes the noodles look greasy well I mean look at those no glucose they look dry oh they ain't nobody want to eat that look at some glucose month they look fresh and juicy straight off the noodle farm I can't believe it's not in glucose anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope you stay woke about all the food lies around you if you guys enjoyed make sure that like my number Chickie's turns out notifications today click and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,917,687
Rating: 4.9086571 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, advertising, do it yourself, food, food photography, tricks, 5 minute crafts, ads, food advertising tricks, diy, delicious
Id: GyilgS-yD_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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