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hello friends it's me your favorite youtuber who's had food poisoning twice in the past week I got it for another video can you help Rocco get home there's only one way the maze can go and it's a dead end no he can't get home sorry Rocco you won you're wrong you gonna be a loan car the rest of your life we got this bathroom two urinals right next to each other literally who thought this was a good idea I know girl didn't do this a guy put these two together and then even put like a glass panel so the person next you can't see you but the person right next to you who you're literally bumping elbows with can see and smell and hear everything what's the point of this maybe you can like practice for the Olympics like I don't know I don't know what you guys are up to in the bathroom where did it go did it ever have a part where you actually slide this ain't a slide this a fall I wonder if that poor little girl's mom planned this maybe you see that slide once you go to that room and this will go up and then go slide down and then mom record how just falling on her face life lessons right there don't trust anybody before I even say anything look at this much like if you think that looks like soda or some kind of fancy drink right it's a floor cleaner literally a floor cleaner how you gonna put them in the grocery store like that so yeah a kid grab someone on the way out like mommy I want this it looks pretty it looks like a lemonade and orange juice in the same bottle but little do they know is floor cleaner how y'all gonna confuse the people the world like this how could they do you like this that puzzle piece in a little too good at least if she ever loses her shoe again you just sniff for it which want to use took my shoe oh yes found it okay it's in the Pharrell ah we got the sign for a restaurant that says Jessica's family Wow not the cup pass I don't even think they taste good so the restaurants called Jessica's family restaurant and then they have a big eat sign is this an invitation or a challenge this kindergarten class how's that toilet in the middle of the classroom is this even legal there's no door if you want to go do your business the teacher and all the other students can keep an eye on you I mean there's three walls but what about the fourth wall the one that you need what if you're like I had to go to the bathroom and they don't want kids leaving the class and they're like okay you know what use the one in the back Pikachu meme face I mean no kindergarteners I like small but what if you just had talked about is the whole class gonna have the misfortune of smelling it I can't learn my days of the week like this here we got a solar-powered parking meter in an underground garage okay that's just straight-up stupid well I mean if you figured that out then you don't have to pay for parking of a solar-powered and it's underground it's probably dead man whoever put this here straight-up cool neighborhood Design Center oh my god these fools in yellow text it says neighborhood and in white text it says Design Center okay well they're creative I can tell you that but not in a good way I would never pay for a design service from somebody who makes a sign like this you can't even read the sign they tried to be edgy and failed miserably oh there's got to be no better way to write your phone number then scroll down digit by digit whatever this is ain't signing up for it if I gotta put every single digit why can't you make me spell it out they really want to make sure to get you on their phone mailing list yeah we have the Big Kahuna cerberus of slides there's not one not two but three ways you can go see in theory this sounds like a good idea but you have to keep your body like all straight and whatever you do don't matter what do not separate your legs especially if you're a guy oh no no no no there is like a 90% chance that you might take a big fat move on that slide yeah no I think I'll pass you know what is this clock throw it away instead of having 12369 it has 1 3 4 5 wait it's 3 o'clock what's in between 3 & 4 o'clock and then form 5 o'clock and then there's 4 hours between 5 & 9 mm stone that okay throw the whole thing away I don't like this don't make sense somebody's you are handicapped sign that's obviously never seen a handicapped sign like dang that's the dummy s biggest handicapped man I have ever seen poor grandpa just wanted to throw his paper towels in the trash but they put the dryer right on top of the trash can so that when you throw the paper towels in the drying sensor is tingle and then it blows the paper towels everywhere why would you do that such a bad place to put them okay this is the ugliest elevator I've ever ever ever seen what's the point of this house give me a panic attack she's looking at this okay I don't know why some floors have a button and a sticker and some floors just have a button maybe somebody thought it was ugly and started stealing all the stickers let's say what floor you're going to it's like they're not necessary the freaking button says the number of the floor why do you have to do it twice you're trying to make me mad I will never come to your hotel one star on Yelp there's this tool called stop struggling with the stubborn plastic packages Oh finally I won't have to suffer with these anymore if I just buy this and then you realize that it comes in one of those stubborn plastic packaging why why would you do this you are literally going against everything you believe in this is like the final boss after you buy this device and you manage to get it out you will never have to struggle with one of these ever again but only if you can open this one whoever made this pillow has not looked at her compass in a hot minute I don't know left and right but even I know what a compass is supposed to look like didn't you learn never eat shredded wheat in what universe is North up here and South down here like I get it if you get east and west mixed up but like north here and south here this is what happens when you drop out of school to make pillows let's buy a fence here to block the stairs okay so that no one can enter and no one can leave without a key so you just take two steps around what's the point why even put a fence there you could just walk right around it unless you're playing the floor is lava and the grass is actually lava cuz they won't work kids adults real anti abduction everyone what does that spell karate what they couldn't think of what the T stood for so they just put a kickin man ain't even doing a T pose you could have put like training or something this is a horrible add makes me never wanna learn karate the poo professor the poop professor your swimming pool software hold on swimming pool no matter how I look at it there's a guy squatting and it's called the poo professor but that supposed to be it Aled supposed to be the pool professor okay you can't call yourself a professor when you can't even separate the L from the P they try to save space and make it the pool professor but ended up being the poo professor okay what the heck is a swimming pool software let me install some software so that my PC can learn how to swim and throw it into the pool why is my PC not swimming we want to make our bathroom fancy so we're gonna put mirrors on the ceiling that's fancy right mirrors on the ceiling literally on top of the toilet so everybody who is standing outside of the toilet waiting can see what you're really doing in there when you take a long time I ain't using this bathroom nope I can hold it till we get home or y'all ever lock the main door of a bathroom once when I was a kid I was like I want this bathroom all to myself and it was like a multi stall bathroom but I locked the main door it was at school nobody came in but I just felt so powerful in that moment over here we have the stairs and the wheelchair escape route Wow so if you want a wheelchair to get down these stairs you got to do a 360 kickflip or something to successfully land who's got to be the staircase down like the Olympics office or something cuz this can only end one way badly so this is at the airport nobody absolutely No buddy is allowed in you know what we're gonna put a door and then a mini door just to make sure nobody can go back in but when the frickin door opens a mini door opens cuz it's like oh the door is opening even though there's nobody there then the mini door opens y'all put the doors too close to each other you know those cutouts where you could put your face through them they had one of a panda but can you even tell is a panda okay this is just not a good idea app and I got the eyes up here the nose down here but not we should gonna make a cutout right here congratulations your pandas now how that bamboo smell just did not work okay this is Bo that says no safety smoking first supposed to say no smoking safety first but like why do I have to put on either side and then separate it with a big logo in the middle now it look like it's saying no safety go take a picture right under that no safety on this boat allowed you know this is actually gross one side is a plunger and one side is a cleaner you know Walmart Polly thought this was a good idea until you think about like both of the sides they're gonna get like jumped into the toilet and then you just have a very small surface area that won't be dirty now Who am I kidding this whole thing is dirty it's like a one-time-use thing then throw it away after you know that's what Evan got everytime he's used the plunger he throws it away after he's like I'm cleaning this in this hotel they have this carpet this very unusual plaid looking carpet and then when you look directly down at it it looks flat these are trippy it's like I know there's stairs but if you look at it like just the fabric and look down it's like these all look like stairs how many people have tripped on these stairs I need numbers Marriott I like how they have that little section at the bottom of the stairs before you do the second floor so it's like if you slip and fall you have a nice little wall in a little moment where you can collect yourself and mentally prepare to fall down another set of stairs so these doors are the push doors there's no handle you can't pull but it says pull this is a Jedi entrance something I gotta use the Force to like suck it open what how you ball open this maybe there's only exiting no entering once you're in there you're stuck this is the true mind test how do you open this comment below animal and us animal any Asst animal whoa no that's not what it's supposed to say I don't say anything smash like if you get it here we have a trash can and here we have donations don't get it twisted why make them literally the exact same container and put them right next to each other does somebody just look at this and be like oh what a perfect place to put a donation box next to the trash what so when people are done with their big gulp don't donate it this is dumb even the opening it's like what can you even fit in there big gulp so this dude went to a game and paid $25 for this seat oh why even put a seat there why put a pole there somebody's supposed to sit there not even a child could fit there this is literally the kind of chair that you put a purse on my dog can't even fit there yeah I'm gonna need a refund don't you just love when you're looking for an outlet and then you find this literally behind a glass wall how are you even supposed to reach that there was three other side of the pillar that they could have put an outlet on they're like no we're just gonna put on the backside good luck this is like trying to find an outlet in an airport it's like everybody needs them but ain't nobody got them oh my god this is agonizing looking at this like you just trying to take a bath and all the water hits the bathtub before it goes into the back who did this and like the worst part they just didn't they'll touch the side like didn't even bother changing it these people need to be fired anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did we should hit that like button the notifications link click and subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 17,921,724
Rating: 4.8569484 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, design, fails, ever, funniest design fails, design fails, epic design fails, funny design fails, funny fails, worst design fails, funny pictures, funny photos, bathroom
Id: 0zx_Bb9xxCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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