I Tried Playing A Dirty Game

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be playing a dirty game called episode i posted a screenshot on instagram and i didn't realize it showed like the apps that you use and then a bunch of people saw the episode thing and were telling me to play it and i'm like what is episode and then i realized i downloaded this a really long time ago and i was gonna play it and i never did so today we're gonna be playing the tenting devil storyline so after years of hiding emma is back in high school again little did she know her childhood bully and school's bad boy will be back in her life as well oh boy it's like my story animated but i get to play it would you like to customize your character's features sure which mouth shape would you like full heart vampire fangs change color okay this is a little too specific to make your hair dark brown i can only have blue eyes okay then i would like to date guys awesome please let me change his appearance omg yes please this dude my dude got rose gold hair now i have to make him decent this is going to take me a while [Music] my dude look like edna and that's as good as it's gonna get is that me she even got the glasses but the blue eyes oh she got the vampire fangs is this an episode of twilight are you crying again emma ah i'm ready for her it's edward cullen you're such a cry baby he's so funny everybody starts laughing and you start crying do a zoom in this stupid laughing face it was a dream wow imagine going to sleep waking up with your hair perfect just a dream everybody called me a crybaby and i started crying and i started laughing and then i woke up cool story bro nightmares like these keep following me year after year no matter how much time has passed i wasn't able to get rid of his face it's haunting me over and over again i had been homeschooled all this time which i was thankful for as my time in school hadn't exactly been the greatest but now i was back and thrilled to be in high school again my mom thought it was a great idea for me to go back to a normal school and make new friends i guess she was worried about me being all by myself every day what is she doing we climbing an invisible rope she wiping the dorito crumbs off her i didn't even mind i liked being alone all that was about to be shattered to pieces but i had a plan i was going to start fresh and fit in i want to be popular and admired by my classmates respect it and find a few great friends that's one to be respected and find a few good friends because that's what you should do in life m's you need to get ready yes mom suddenly we're british i need to choose an outfit for the first day oh that's fancy bro where are we going to a party in the hamptons oh you're going to get dress coded wearing that it's a little too boring um take my chance getting dress coded okay wear this outfit and blow everyone away it's not that serious everybody going to be wearing a plaid skirt from forever 21 lakewood high a dreamer nightmare i didn't know yet who is he these do not look like high schoolers look like the outside of a club [Music] your classmates are impressed with your outfit choice good job oh suddenly i am popular the outfit worked being back in an actual school i realized how more and more difficult this plan of mine would be forgot how scary school was how everyone belonged to a group the popular cheerleaders the jocks panting after them what weirdos the gamers i don't think those are gamers the rebels and i'll follow the dress code and i don't go to class make a good impression who do i want to be friend the gamers okay let's try it out let's try it out we'll see what they say what do they think of me look over there hi i'm emma do we know you emma um this is embarrassing no but it's about time nobody says that no name one game you like you're a gamer you play games name every game ever made bruh what are these games epitaph the episodes epic craft you're gonna do epic craft yeah they give me a timer just in case you don't know any of these games you're not a real gamer oh we don't like that game well i don't like your unicorn hair i guess the gamers are too cool for me put her in her place okay i'm gonna put her in her place so i like it seems like you gotta work on your taste girl oh no they are intimidated oh somebody just fell strawberry shortcake get up the laughter i knew all too well i should help her she doesn't deserve to be treated like that don't laugh and help her don't help her do i have to pay money to help her i mean if i help her she's gonna be my friend but if i help her i have to pay money i gotta pay him diamonds what the frick is this a pay to win oh let's pull the invisible rope together oh thank you of course well that was awkward wait so you mean you're not gonna be my friend the whole point of me paying 29 diamonds and helping you what so we could be friends so i wouldn't be alone anymore but no even strawberry shortcake too good to be my friend my first lesson i took a deep breath and tried to convince myself i could do this that i wasn't my past self any longer and he isn't with me any longer i want to see this guy like come on hurry up and spawn into my classroom already you're the new student right yes ma'am i'm emma take a seat emma so she's not gonna get dress coded oh no you're the last one into the classroom and everybody's already taken all the seats oh a strawberry shortcake what's up sit next to her hi i'm sophia emma thanks again for helping me back there that goes without saying i'm sorry they laughed at you i don't care they're just immature kids let's start the lesson okay is the bad boy going to like walk into this class or our topic is greek mythology on the first day of school where's the syllabus could you tell us three important figures that you know of um do you want me to help you yes please athena aries aphrodite thanks the teacher is just gonna pretend she didn't see that literally whispers the answers right in front of her like if you're gonna do this you just say athena errors are for daddy i just hope they hear you homeschooling had been much different no pressure caused by other students no fear of being laughed at just hours and hours of going through boring material and the only person you have to prove yourself to was one teacher your teacher just so happens to be your mother the next lesson oh i thought we were done for the day hey the teacher is justin timberlake hello i'm emma the new student oh hello emma take a seat with everybody else you're not special this is your first day it is introduce yourself to the class um no thanks i'm good you know what i'm not playing this game let's just say sure we're trying to make friends listen up everybody we got someone new oh everybody's judging you you know if you didn't have social anxiety before you do now make an epic introduction and blow them away or stutter and make a fool out of yourself like there's no in between i'm gonna be running out of gems if i'm gonna like be doing this hi i'm emma i've already seen the stairs but don't be too intimidated by me i don't bite flash's vampire fang only sometimes good job your classmates are impressed with your speech i would have started laughing cringe i am i'm nathan oh hi so why did you change schools i was homeschooled idiot now you're sick of not finding any cute boys wink i thought you were having a stroke you're in my spot oh oh here he is it's him chills ran down my spine that's the guy i made i made him i said you're in my spot that voice it was so different from back then so much deeper but i could still feel who it was i could feel the strong presence behind me bro this is gonna turn into a wattpad story real quick maybe i'm wrong maybe it's someone else of course it's someone else how could it be him of all people that's ridiculous oh shoot i'm sorry carter jogs away carter my ears started ringing as the boy named carter took his seat right next to me bro he's in high school he's all tatted up okay this is definitely turned into twilight let me guess he's a werewolf too the boy i tried running away from all my life the boy who never left me alone i like how the screen flashes red like she literally took damage to be continued no no no no no another episode please god no i was sending silent prayers wishing for this to be over but how was i supposed to know how older carter looked like i mean why go to the same school as him if he's such a scary person maybe my subconscious patched together an image on how i imagined him to look or this wasn't even the carter now i know it's that carter because i made that character that's douchey scared of mr davis how many times do i need to tell you not to come in late mr david did i already tell you carter's last name i didn't well now you know there was no doubt the boy next to me was my childhood bully god i wish the ground would open up and swallow me up bruh is it really that bad bully him back why are you being scared he got an earring yank it out don't do that he changed obviously emma his hair was different his jawline more sharp his shoulders appeared to be a lot wider carter in general looked a lot bigger than last time i saw him he's good-looking yeah make a move we're here to encourage bad behavior he is quite good-looking gotta admit that you know i want to play this game again but like ruin emma's life he always had appeared more grown up it had intimidated me a lot in the past every time we made eye contact it was like he knew exactly how to hurt me how to win against me without even trying strangely it had always been me i was his only target oh that is so obvious he had a crush on you if a guy is gonna bully you and only you he has a big fat crush on you i don't make the rules everybody in class had adored carter even the dudes oh so dreamy okay emma you got this just avoid eye contact under no circumstance are you looking into his eye why you know you assert your dominance by making eye contact you know whenever i'm walking down somewhere sketchy and i see sketchy people i look at them i make long and awkward eye contact with them and then they don't say nothing hacks carter maybe can you help out mrs kingsley with our course material i'm sorry mr brown but i don't like wasting my time educating stupid people emotional damn nothing's changed he's the same same old evil carter really nothing has changed everybody's talking to carter he was evil and popular look the way he looked just taller with wide shoulders and even more hands oh now his hands have doubled in size oh that she's coughing we're about to throw up he's the devil nothing more or less she just walked right past him i know he did her little lookie look up and down she's cute i'd really forgotten how awful teenagers could be i don't think anybody's coming here oh time to read did i already tell you how obsessed i was with astronomy no well there's a reason i didn't like mentioning it too often certain someone had made it the mission to make fun of that hobby of mine called me a nerd for liking it nerd is such a lame insult it's not even an insult well it probably isn't exactly the coolest hobby yeah collecting rocks is actually emma who is this new people are y'all gonna jump me i'm amy and that's rachel is that your book oh they're gonna fight me are they night watch that's not mine i just found it on the ground i don't know what to do throw it in the trash can maybe is that idiot in school reading anyways what you looking at i think you're pretty cool maybe you can hang out sometime oh sure she up to no good that was cool the way you pretended that book wasn't yours so you're a liar and a snake uh deny i never did that sure uh oh she's stuck what the heck are you doing in the water i dropped my phone somewhere in here is this girl just a freaking klutz i saw a cute fish for my blog you post fish pics on your blog only cute fish picks is fish codeword for something oh my goodness she's literally walking in the lake are you stupid someone ain't right up in here are you going to his party duh the carter guy oh okay we going to carter's party she says she's not going to go to carter's party but i know she's going to go to carter's party okay but anyway that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want a part two make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,038,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, episode, game
Id: dw3WskQcmc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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