The US Army’s new optic

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Anyone know what irons those are?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sher1ock 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

This thing really seems like a bad call. A definite improvement over the ACOG but still falls far below other optics in the same category. What do you guys think?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wildbill2107 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you're ACOG ever got shot in combat, saving your life and it still works...go hit that subscribe button

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Accomplished_Bat_893 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you've ever realized that the acog is now a relic of history go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment if you're in the military comment with a story about the acog for my marine sullivan you broke it if you're a civilian reminisce about the fact that this is now becoming history and how odd that is ladies joan the biggest supporter of the channel right now is brownells the hero that we both need and deserve they are bringing back ancient weapons from the grave to haunt us because they can with the ar 180 the ar-10 and others they rock big supporters of the second amendment can't thank them enough go check them out we of course have the dude bag if you want a weird you know little thing to get for a guy that you don't know what to get them do bags kind of a nice little nallagation pretty cool stuff for the most part i like what they have and of course we have acre gold and the sonoran desert institute guys ladies and gentlemen am i often forgotten but most certainly not by me m68 cco's welcome to the channel today we're gonna be talking about uh something that's pretty impactful this is going to be the future of the military this is the future military optic known as the dvo the direct view optic maybe the name will change who knows otherwise known as the sig sauer tango 6t it's been around for a while prior to being adopted as the dvo and this means a lot um for a lot of people me included i qualified in the air force on an m16a2 uh guys now qualified on the m68 or the acog and soon they'll likely qualify on the dvo because whatever the army does the air force typically follows so understand that the army has adopted this socom has adopted a different model and there's another model used on squad designated marksman type rifles now when it comes to the navy i'm not sure what optic they're going to be picking exactly maybe it's already released but we do know that the marine corps has of course picked something different because the marines well they just think a little bit different that is perhaps what makes them so good at what they do say frosty marines so before we get into the review it's important and in fact it it's actually required by law that i tell you what my relationship is with sig especially when i'm about to do a review so to be clear i have done reviews for sick before specifically the mcx and the m18 um no ammunition was provided from them no exchange of money or anything like that they do give me products and then i review that product that is pretty standard in the industry not just in the gun industry but overall this isn't um different from anything that i've done before as far as my reviews are concerned just understand what that relationship is it is important that everyone disclose that so with those things being said let's go ahead and talk about the dvo so the dvo is a low power variable optic the low power variable optic is not a new optic in any way shape performance been around for quite a while many companies have made some really good low power variable optics and the question is how does the dvo stack up to those both combat proven and combat tested optics that have come before it especially like the vortex and night force and others now if you're not familiar with what a low power variable optic is no problem let me explain to you a low power variable optic is an optic that can go anywhere from one pat one power magnification just like a red dot so if when you look through a red dot you simply see the scene as i would see it and that is pretty close to what a low power raveable optics sees it's not quite as good at one power and it goes all the way from one power in the case of the dvo up to six power which is above what the acog did which was at a fixed four power magnification so this optic is both more flexible uh in many ways for different types of pid because you also have more magnification with it now there are of course pluses and minuses that come along with that but overall i think we definitely have a much better optic than what we have the acog with some caveats thrown in there and i know but people are getting pissed about that right now so we'll talk about it but understand that the low power variable optic is a very capable optic system low power variable optics have been used for a very long time in various war zones all over the world by various different entities of the military anywhere from socom to lower um they have just been around now it is definitely surprising that sid came in with a low power variable optic and they got got it selected because sig wasn't really known for making low power variable optics in fact i think most people assumed that it would be either vortex with their e series or the razer series or perhaps night force or leupold with their knight versus their attacker or loophole to the mark six or something like that um we have the vortex right here and then we have the leupold mark six right here but against everyone's um what everyone thought would happen the sig sauer got adopted so how does it compare well it's interesting let's talk about the magnification first so the dvo does anywhere from one to six power now there are of course uh optics with higher magnification an optic like the leupold mark vi which is a comparable optic i would say to the dvo does one power to six power we have of course have the night force attacker that does one to eight power and then we have the vortex gen 3 which does one to 10 power so the question is why use a 1 to 6 power instead of going something higher well it comes down to a lot of things the first thing i'll kind of point out is that you have to understand what the dvo is made for so the dvo is made to go on an m4a1 so understand the m4a1 firing m855 which is a type of loading of 556 out of a 14 and a half inch barrel so about this barrel length this is of course a urgi which is a socom rifle but firing from an m4a1 you understand that there's gonna be limitations on range so the one to six actually does make a lot of sense because everything has to be balanced specifically uh the more magnification you get the more weight that you're gonna get the more weight you're gonna get the the more you either have to beef up you know your eyepieces to ensure that they can uh withstand the beatings that you can take from you know military service and all that type of stuff so everything's uh a balance uh there's no free lunch when it comes to low power variable optic and i think that one to six does make sense because it definitely leaves room for being able to beef up the optic and make it more combat capable um and as well it definitely does put the 5.6 to about the range it's capable at now would i want more magnification yes but like i said before um with turn current technology constraints i think that the one to six does make sense now understand if i can have the one to ten that's awesome because although the range of the five five six is only so much the extra magnification from an optic like this which is a one to ten would be great for pid which stands for positive id because there's a lot more to combat than just taking shots there's a lot of identification of who am i seeing what kind of weapon do they have do they have a weapon is this the correct target those are things that are very important and a low parabola will power variable optic makes that much easier to do so there's a lot to be said for low power variable optics so here's some interesting things right here so the gen 3 which is a 1 to 10 weighs 21 and a half ounces the loophole mark six which is a one to six weighs about 17 ounces a very lightweight optic this dvo which is also one to six weighs around 22 ounces so it weighs a lot more than both the 1 to 10 and especially more than the mark 6. so could they have gotten it lighter oh yeah they certainly could have but what it comes down to is when it comes to the weight a lot of things were done to the internals to beef them up for military service i found that interesting because i've known the vortexes to be extremely tough other optics that are beefed up were also like the atacker but the dvl being a one to six is a very heavy optic but that being said from talking to the engineers at sig they did a lot a lot of beefing up of various components to ensure that thing would be able to survive service now sage dynamics did a really good review where he does his typical drop tests on the sig and he didn't notice anything happening to it um i don't specifically do the drop test that's kind of sage dynamics thing and he does a great job with that he has an awesome channel but rather with mine it's just the bumps and scrapes from me dropping the rifle or from it falling off uh you know the little cliffs at my range and that type of thing and it definitely got gouged like any optic would but i didn't notice any loss of zero or anything like that and that comes down to as much the optic as it does the mount so when we talk about the mount this is not the mount that comes with the dvo the mount from the dvo is of course made by sig this is a scalar works and it is the mount i use for most of my reviews simply because it is a incredibly sturdy sturdy mount now talking about the military mount what's interesting about it is with a low power variable optic it sits in scope rings and of course you have to level it my question was always how do you get a us army joe to fuel an optic when the guy can barely tie his own boots just kidding i love you guys but what sig has done is we have this line right here and what that does is on the sig rings they are split at the middle so you simply line up that line with the middle on the split and once you tighten it down you have a level optic so i thought that was pretty forward thinking um it's different from what the marines did marines apparently don't trust their guys and on the trijicon one to eight that they adopted the v cog is already in the mount then there's no leveling that needs to be done that way you don't have to have jarheads you know tightening down did you know those guys would just crank down on those those hex keys and just snap them off i can just see that happening already so maybe a little bit smarter when it comes to the marine corps i'm interested to see how that will go um with the military with guys having to level that if that will be an armor level thing or how that will be handled specifically but in any case that is how the military's handle it with the dvo another thing to talk about is of course the finish i actually really so i really didn't want to like the tango 60 but i really do like the finish quite a bit um they definitely match the coyote better with the components that you're simply seeing on newer rifles such as the urgr right here or the buttstock from b5 or lmt so they did a really good job it's a very attractive color compare that to the color that you're getting from vortex nothing against you guys i love your optics but it's a little bit more kind of pinkish and hue and i definitely kind of like the way that the sig tango looks a little bit more now it should also be noted that the finish is extremely durable and tough and this was a big question that i had because the acog had also had a very very good finish and that thing still wore off like crazy because the military is just horrible horrible two weapon components but we'll see how this ends up doing because unfortunately this is a newer optic and it is just beginning to get fielded but from everything that i've seen they've been holding up fairly well kind of going from end to the butt right here at the front of our optic right here it is internally threaded this isn't new many optics have this both the vortex and many others and what this allows is for either attaching a sun shade or for a kill flash or something like that um again they're just doing what's pretty much industry standard at this point it is a 30 millimeter tube with a 24 millimeter exit objective it is a 30 millimeter tube um and they did this to kind of save on weight as opposed to a 34 of course um there are some good things with the 34 but everything is a balance so like the leupold right here is a 34 and has better light transmission but of course to beef it up you'd likely look at more weight so the question is how much weight do you want and how much does the military want to spend the answer to how much they want to spend is not much at all so right here we have the elevation windage so i do like them quite a bit but 0.2 em rod clicks per click and there is of course a zero stop right there as well um i do like that they're capped i think that makes the most sense um i think did sig did some good things with that um on the side right here we do have the illumination dials so with the illumination dial all that you're going to do is it locks in place much like the vortex it's a it's a good system again sig is adopting a lot of things that other companies have done nothing wrong with that that's pretty pretty much standard so you pop it out and you can put it to the brightness setting that you want and then between each brightness setting is a offsetting so that does make a lot of sense now what comes into play with the brightness is going to be the fact that it is a first focal plane optic very odd that the military decided to adopt a first focal plane on a one to six as opposed to a second focal plane first focal plane is good for larger magnification levels but for a one to six it's a little it's a little odd for sure so with the first focal plane when you pull magnification on it you essentially are zooming in on the reticle along with the scene compared to a second focal plane where the reticle is constant throughout so of course a good thing about a first focal plane is as you zoom in all the zeros you made at the high magnification are the same because they just correspond as opposed with the second focal plane it's pretty much wherever use whatever magnification level you zeroed at that's what you were zeroed at and if you're not on that magnification level you're not going to be zero so perhaps they did it for that but the problem with the first focal plane is for the directview optic you know kind of a shorter range weapon you can't get the reticle that bright um and so that's just a problem with first focal plane optics so although it is plenty bright when it comes to being a first focal plane as far as the overall brightness level compared to second focal plane optics like the vortex or even the tango that is a second focal plane optic that is being used by socom it's just not quite as good now it is bright enough to pick up in in bright in daylight and that type of thing um again we are in washington so probably extremely bright desert is going to wash that thing out pretty quickly but it just is odd i think a second focal plane probably would have made a lot more sense um but i understand that not everybody uses these rifles as shooters so the first focal plane is perhaps a little bit easier to use now when it comes to changing the magnification level um originally these didn't ship with a throw lever so as far as putting a throw lever on there is good and bad with it the good about it is it's very easy to pull from one to six but the problem with it is that especially when you have this rifle slung especially like a right-handed person like well if you shoot right i am left-handed but that lays against your gear and it has a tendency to hit that throw lever and then push the magnification level so when you go to bring your weapon up even when you think you're going to be on 1x you end up being on like 1.5 or 2 you're going to have a little bit of loss of ability to see the entire scene so if you take it off if you look right here on the inside of where it's at 1x there are two fiber optic strands right there that allows you to quickly see what magnification level you're at if you don't have a throw lever on there so i think that's quite smart and of course we go all the way from the nine o'clock to about three o'clock from one to six so this is a fairly simple and a fairly standard setup for what you see with other optics as well i did i do think that they did a really good job of throw switch if you choose to put it on there and again it's all fairly standard what's cool about it too is how smooth it feels so on some optics like the voodoo or some of the old older vortexes when you tried to turn that thing dude you had to use both hands and just really crank on it but with the sig it's a very smooth ring they did a really good job with it so i have to commend them on that now going back to the diaper adjustment on the optics so the adapters make sure that it's working for your eye um i did find it odd that there was no locking ring on there to ensure that the diaper couldn't move it's fairly stiff which is good and they stated that they wanted it to be able to be you know moved on the fly but i much prefer a lock-in adjustment like you have on the leupold mark six or many of the loophole low variable optics or on say the nightforce attacker so i would have preferred that on a combat type optic they chose not to for perhaps a variety of reasons but uh that is what they did on the sig dvo so it is what it is kind of a knock for me i wish it would have been locking to be honest so let's talk about actually looking through it now so when it comes to looking through it um when it comes to field of view first off the field of view is more narrow when compared to both older or newer optics so compared to like the leupold mark 6 right here it has a more narrow field of view so specifically at 100 yards at one power you're looking at about 105 feet across um that that is more narrow than what it should be and from talking to the engineers what they stated was that in beefing up the optic and making it more durable they lost some of that field of view it is what it is it's definitely low for a one to six and kind of an optic of this class and caliber um and that's just what it is and that goes for both at uh one power and at six power at about 100 yards you're seeing about 17.7 feet still also pretty low compared to other optics which typically see anywhere from 117 feet at one power all the way to a good deal larger than what you see from the sig at six power so you definitely have that narrow field of view which kind of lowers your situational awareness of what's going around on around the target and that type of thing i wish it would be would have been a little bit larger but that's what sig engineers were able to come up with that's what we have so the eye relief is pretty good so when we talk about eye relief what we're talking about is how far back from the back of the optic can my eye be and still get a good sight picture so all the way from about back here all the way to about right here i'm getting a fairly good sight picture they say it's about a little over four inches and i definitely agree with that it is very forgiving now the ibox itself so speaking of how far off access can i get from the center of that reticle and still see through it is pretty narrow especially when i compare it to other optics like the leupold mark 6 is very forgiving on looking through it as well as the vortex 1 to 10 is fairly forgiving when i'm off access compared to the sig dvo and i've heard some people say that that is a good thing because it ensures that you're getting a good sight picture but you know you might not always get a good sight picture looking around a wall or peeking over a bit of cover so i wish i do wish it would have been a little bit more forgiving when it comes to that i suppose with what they had to do as far as bulking it up and cutting weight in certain areas made them have to sacrifice that the eye box i will say the eye relief is really good it's just another complaint that i kind of have against dvo so speaking of color and clarity and sharpness and those types of things so looking through this optic at one power it is a fairly attractive optic to look through it looks good um at one power and i thought it was actually wider i'm sorry the field of view is concerned due to the clarity that i've seen now once you start to pull up on your magnification level and get towards three and over that towards six you start to see some problems with the optics specifically you begin to see separation of colors um and loss of clarity especially when compared to other optics like the leupold the nightforce attacker and the vortex and that might be a bit of an unfair comparison given that those optics do cost more than what the sig costs six sits at around 13 to 1400 and loopholed closer to 17 and then night forcing is of course closer to three grand but at the same time being that they're all used to some extent or another in the military sphere um i do find this on the lower end when it comes to that but again that is of course a question of how much does the military want to spend so when you compare this to something like the acog which was known for having a just insanely clear clean accurate depiction in fact maybe even hyper realistic in many ways it was a little bit disappointing to pull this thing up to six power and see some of those problems but it's still a usable it's still a good optic it's just not going to be my first choice for a low power available optic when it comes to any type of gun now when it comes to the reticle i actually do like the reticle quite a bit so with a first focal plane it can be very difficult to have a good balance of being able to see the reticle at one power and then have a good reticle all the way at your max magnification level in this case six power but compared to like the night force is very busy with its reticle um i think sig did a really good job of balancing everything the lines are just thick enough to be able to see fairly well at one power and then all the way at six power when i'm looking through it and we'll pop up a photo right here um it looks really good it's not too busy it's precisely what i need in many ways it reminds me a lot of the primary arms acss it's not a primary arms acss i kind of wish it was but we'll kind of talk about it as many things are quite similar to the acss reticle now when you're looking through it we're gonna go ahead and pop a picture right now of the reticle so we can talk about it so when you're looking through it you're gonna see that horseshoe just in the center there all right so of course these measurements are all in mrads but on the ends those little arrows pointing in we have movers so for running targets at your point blank range that's a great indicator if we go down and step down the reticle we of course have our bdc so that's for 300 400 500 and those hash marks are going across it are used to measure a chest so if that chest approximately 18 inches across fits in there they're probably at that range it's it's just a simple quick way of arranging a target and it works fairly well because of course human beings for the most part are about the same size i found it to be fairly accurate in my shooting that i've done so far now that christmas tree coming off those first dots on the outside correspond to wind holds so the first dots are five mile per hour holds and the outside dots are 10 mile per hour holds and it is really accurate i've had very good luck using this um optic all the way out to about 500 and it's worked fairly well i do like that reticle quite a bit i really do think that sig did a good job through it now we're going to go ahead and turn on the brightness level again just so you can see it um just not great compared to some of the other optics that we have out here and how you know bright their optics are now a quick note on brightness as well some people were noted that there is a night vision setting on the optic and they're like oh great if you're having a tall mountain you can uh look through with night vision tube so uh that really isn't the point um what it was made for was looking through like a pbs 24 or 27 or any type of mounted night vision device that goes in front of the optic that way you can look through both of them and use a low power variable optic typically you're not looking through a power variable optic with night vision just as a quick note so what does it all come down to at the end this is kind of harder to sum up because this is a newer optic essentially the military had some requirements that had to be met whether it be from first focal plane or the type of reticle they wanted but the military got what they wanted perhaps not the best low power variable optic but i think a very solid optic overall some weird design choices like the first focal plane and a couple others but i think it has an excellent reticle i think that it is good enough i think it will serve quite well it's not going to be my first choice of an optic and i think if you want to get one that you look through it and you kind of compare it to the other optics out there now it does seem to be a very tough and a very ruggedized optic so i can definitely say that for it the battery life is on par with everything that we've seen from other low power variable optics around 100 showers at usable levels um so there's nothing really new about this optic that does anything i'm more amazing than anything else but again it will serve the military well certainly not my first choice on low power variable optics but we have what we have the military's adopted it and that is going to be the dvo so as okay as the optic is with a really good shooter you're still going to crush with it it is certainly good enough to perform to a very high level i have no qualms about it is a rugged ice optic and it will likely perform very well but here's the thing if you don't train you're still going to suck with it make sure that you get training ladies and gentlemen pat mcnamara travis haley cogworks spare solutions all great guys willing to train you because you must have a tool that works and these tools definitely work but if you don't train your mind is a weapon make sure that you train your mind and get better ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching appreciate you guys i got nothing else for you final thing for you guys physical fitness if you are not physically fit i would highly recommend it especially if you're young there are a few times in your life where it's going to be as easy depending for most people as it is to get physically fit at that moment there's nothing like when you're young being able to see how fit you can get how strong you can get that is something that you have and that's something that you will not always have you have a small margin of time to where you can just be at a very high level of fitness and after that that level of fitness will directly impact um your quality of life for pretty much the rest of your life so i'd highly recommend that you get fit and that you stay fit and you live a healthy lifestyle that way you can enjoy all the things that you want to enjoy throughout the entirety of your life ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching appreciate you guys and a final shout out to my patreon people thank you for making this channel amazing i've got nothing else for you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 839,950
Rating: 4.9477148 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, Army’s new optic, new military optic, ARMY SCOPE, new army scope, new army red dot, Army lpvo, sig tango 6, sig 1-6
Id: pdFe9fWvJGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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